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^^00000?8?80 * 1 ^ s On i 10(1 2,5( ,500 Foi | I Tm i ah s Fre S Get I T] &?QQ?Q??S:???{ # I I EMS of LOCAL INTEREST 51 Mrs. 8. W. Parks unci Mrs. \V. II. Parks returned Friday from a vi$it to relatives in Wilmington, N.C. ' Mrs. B. O'Connell, one of the oldest lady lesidents of the town, has been seriously ill for some days. He condition, we are glad \j s^te, wo,s reported as slightly improved yesterday. Mr. T. M. Hughes, of Lancaster, was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday. Wojk on the new Stewart b.uilding on Main street has progressed favorably during the past week. The walls are almost u.i> to their full hcighth and the roof and glass front will be DUt in. it is thomrhi during the coming weok. The 6tore loom is to he completed and ready for occupancy by the first of September. Mr. Osmond Barber, a very prosperous fanner of the Efarrigon community, who recently built for himself a beautiful home on the old Barber place just across, the line in South Carolina, is now building a large up-to-date country store.?Charlotte Observer. The Times is requested to onll a meeting of the stockholders of the local cotton warehouse association for tomorrow (Thursday) afterat 4 o'clock. The meeting will be held in the town hall and all are requested to be present. A case in which considrable interest was niftr.i ested was that on Monday of the town vs. S. II. Coon, chargod with soliciting laborers hole for u liock Hill cotton mill. Several witnesses were introduced by each side, but the evidence brought out wae considered . insufficient to a conviction and Coon was acquitted. Tl;e defendant. was represented by Attorney minlnn R??lf Hill T.: ^...rr.|y( A%wvn AX All, ?> II uo All" tendant Meachaui conducted the prosecution. Annouuoement, is made of the marriage of Mis^ Iliith Wright of this place anc} Mr. Walter H. Andrews, of Willingtcn, S. C., which happy event is to take place at the home of the bride-to he, 2 miles south of town, on next Wednesday, " August 23rd, at 8.30 p. in. The marriage will be a quiet affair, only a few relatives and friends witnessing the ceremony. Miss Wright is a daughter of Mr. uud J . . ?5??? , . ,,u , I, .zzzz JORTH I Free Ic? PEGIALS: ! b dozen "New Haven" > Pairs of Boys' Knee 1 >0 Yards of 3-5 Sheetii > Yards of "Barker" B1 ir Kandy Kisses for C)i nip Seeds of all variet Summer Clothing gre sh lot of Crackers, Bui ; our prices 011 Buggies T. B. BEX lie Old Rel 5??0 Mrs. J. A. Wright and is one of J he most lovely and accomplished young ladies of the township. Mr, Andrews ia a popular young business nma of Wellington, at which place he and his hride will reside in the future. The Village Improvement Society meets at Mrs. \V. B. A rd ivy's Thqisday afternoon, at t> o'clock, and ail members are earnestly re- j quested to attend,. The ladies have ] succeeded in haviiiir il>n - *-> OV. v t in | clennerl and, in fact, the entire town beai'M evidence of the work of the society. They hope to do oven greater things when the ordi- i nance prohibiting the throwing of : paper and trash on the streets can be enforced. The ladies wish to call the attenton of the citizens to the fact that there is an ordinance against allowing cows to walk on tiie pavements and of throwing melon lhipda on the streets. There > is also a law againpt allowing dray 1 vagons to stand in front of the stores whei) idlp, the violation of M which is particularly objectionable |, around the public well. They i would also invite the attention of the authorities to the fact that the street from the Bank building to the overhead bridge is daily used as a hitching place and is at times so blocked with vehicles that < ladies and children tie afraid to pass. The ladies have appealed to i the council to enforce these ordi- 1 nances, and it is safe to say that ihey will give the desired help. With Co K. at Camp Fuller. The Fort Mill Light Infantry returned Monday evening, after i eight, davs otcamn lifn ??t Ifiiliro I wood Park, Columbia. The boys were all in.a jolly mood and expressed themselves as highly pleas- | ed with t'^e encampment, and it is beleiyed that, if another call to duty was sounded each member would readily shoulder his gun < and "fall in." There were 53 men in the company, which is by several the largest, number that has attended an encampment since its organization. Mauy compliments were paid the boys, for their excellent conduct, soldierly bearing and regular attendance a,t drill. Another fact by way of compliineut, that is worthy of notice was the few arrests of members of the company; in fact, being leey than one-fifth the number of arrests as on former encainpuients. Tuere was little iilnes among the boys during the " z ?rr. . '. ~ ?@?<S ' * . 1 a BELK'S STOKE M IEALIN( 5 Water, Watches, 98 cts each. Pants, 25 to 75 cents, ug at 4 cents the vard. P %> caching at 8 l-o cents, ne cent. ies. atly reduced in price, iscits, etc., just receive s, Wagons and llarnej jK, Prop., liable Stoi - ?0Q > weoK, and those who were stricken ill were promptly given medical attention, and all were well wlieii the t iuje arrived fi.r breaking camp, i Several drills were railed oiV on ar j count of the rain, which, to use tinexpression of one of tho hoys, f?-ll sixteen inches at night, ten inches each day and a few inches helwccn. The sham battle battle took place Saturday afternoon at Slmudon, the 1st and drd battalions being arrayed in battle against the 2nd. Tho lighting was fast and fm ions, and while the local company was on tho losing side, many are of tinbelief that the result would have been ditTcrent had the battle been j real. Private F. K. Ardrey who' was chosen as one to fall "dead' upon the field, of battle, wan. highly complimented for th*;> spectacular manner in which he pet formed this duty. In fact, it is said that 30 real was the fall, one of the lit Id officers became much excited, vowing that someone had fired a loaded cartridge and really caused the young man's, death. To Sergt. I). V. Epps of the local company is due the honor of the heat marksman in the regiment. Other members of the company did fairly irood shout 1 in' lift ^..nri l< 111-.^ ./ r-? - -.1 -- - 1 H ' ' ri'? proved his superiori 1 y by .-coring ! 58 out of a possible .5, which was by several points abend of anyone in the regiment. "Sambo-1 tincompany's colored mascot,noon became acquainted with camp life and furnished much amusement for the regiment. As a whole tbe encampment was enjoyed, by the local company, and at the bugler's lirst call in the encampment of liHJb, even a larger' number of Fort Mill boys will' doubtless be on hand to take up the duties of soldier lib . A roticliinp Story is the saving from death, of the ha by t girl of ( Jeo A Kyler, Cumberland, Md, [ lie writes "At the ag-- <f It months, | cur little Lfirl was ill declininir health with serious Throat Trouble and two 1 physicians gave her up. Wo wore almost in despair, when we resolved t: try I)r. i King's v. di .covt ry f<>r Ikiusuinptiou I Coughs and ('olds. The ll'-st bottle gave relief; a'tor taking four boitl -s she was ! > ured, and i.; now in perfect health." KaVor fails t( relieve and cure a eougli ] or cold. At Ardrqy's drug store; flOe and ; $1.00 guaranteed. Trial bottle free Fiendish Suffering is often caused by son ulcers and cancers, that eat away your skin. Win. I5e dell, of Flat Rock, Mieli., says: "I have usfd Bncklen's Arnica Salve, for 1 leers, j Sores and Cancers. It is the best heal- ! ing dressing I ever found." hoot lies and ' heals cuts, burns and scalds. :?3c at Ar- ; drey's drug store; guaranteed .V" ~ ; , ^ I I 11 I I . I I J II I I i 11 ? 1 if 53 *s- ? ? ? 0 'D O U. ? 1 -?1 e m i )?9 ?8???Q?J>S) l). Swift A' Co., pulvnt attorneys of \\ itshin^ioi;, I). C? Iinvo a Htittidintr otfor of $T0O fur each person sending tli '111 nnitior. of in volitions. Look mound uiul you will easily liiuI one or iu?.i\ . ?????? - ? Oco. W. ti Hart. Joh.i K. Evcodtu. IIART \ I5Ui:i:i>IX, Attorneys at Law, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. OIVico over Kock It'll trupjilv Co. ( io to GASTON & HALL For your FRESH MEATS, eucli us BEEF, r< k, SA CSAG E, FISII, Etc. We also cariv a lino of J " ----- " Heavy and Fancy Groceries, 1 Canned Goods, Tortacoes, etc. I'hone orders reveivo prompt attention. Call No, 2t/ and lotus serve you. GASTON & HALL. 5000 sse^SS^SB NEEDED Annually, to fill the now positions croated by Railroad and Telegraph Comoruucs. W?- want YOUNG MEN and LADIES ot good habits to LEARN TELEGK&PMY AND ? R ACCOUNTING ? Wo furnish 7* per cent. of th^ Operators and Station A'oiits in America. Oi:r six schools are tho largest exclusive Telegraph School.-, in .he world Established 20 years and crdor&cd k,i i.? J; t?_ i \tj utt lutuun^ xvttiiwuy We. execute u $:jr>0 "><<ii(l io every stu dent to i'urniW him or her a ixisition paying from $10 to ?M0 a mouth in states east of tin Rocky mountains, or from $?."? to $100a month mi states west of the Hookies, immediately lijx.ii graduation. Students can rntei ;U any tiiue. No vacations. h'or full part icnlars rc^ardinji aJiy of ear schools wiitu direct to our executive oftico at Ciuuincaii, Ohio. CataW ;gno frei, i>lor>t* School of Telegraphy. Cincinnati, Ohio. Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. l.a' rosso. Wis. , Tuxarkaua,Tex. San Francisco,.(Jul. \ . If you ever exp< Cooking Ston Furnifu Sewing^ It will pay you to bu rented one of our stores of the above goods as and oiler them at wl Factory 1 Don t in iss these ban c J la O Our Ar August Cleat Kvorylhirij tl> A I Ioiilts to hot w Lawns ut IIALI*' l'UlCL. LADIES V 1") cent Vi-.'-ita for 10 cent \ fsts for CUll.DKEN'S LA\ SI 00 Lawn Dre-sos ut 7~?, Lawi Presses at o0?- L iv n l)i.-s* s at FANCY PAR/ lxoonla;- j)i uc $l.7.">. take your eh< srnvn ?*? i a Wore 50c, now Wo have a few shapes lofl worth hnvo yo>?r olioi- o for Also a few Hid you can take choiee for $1.00. ^ &&& xwx % $ Let us sell > | Clotl 5 6 ail ? S 1? o $ ft ^ Wo have just e r-?* . , g military men witn t ft ^ cent, less than othei $ State would have do gj we ean do 1 he same | McEihany-F & 4rX&x-<a '.v'S^Var vi>s>\^-wrv AWNWVAWWNWNS' g T. 1). FAULKN % 4/ ;? Funeral * j? ' * M % -^ y- ' W' ''it 4./ t* a.A. tK v> f ;/-y> s ...... ^ X jkSMLXJ u ffyM l\ v )/S)er >i " * A/ *? I nclcrtakiiii; in all the cheapest l*inc (k> fy? State Casket. Robes t > and i>entlciHen, Slipp and Hearse Wagon. ' U T.D.FAULKNER 4/ SS"A\%V\> > \\\N% Vv\?^ ^ ^ Bet to ueed a ve, Suit of ire or Machine y it now. We have and must dispose quickly as possible lolesale Prices. j jpiins. gr***<-**? "fTi 1 JlLa * - -_j isiual "agues Sale. L'ulher must go. Orguudies and i:sts. 10o 5o vn dresses. (>0c 4So dOC vsols. lien for $1.25 )rsets. 25c :hv. 7 \ L?1 OA * ! ?< iaiu mm oi.ii."). lou m?y tiitiiined Untb, worth up to $3/?0 8 EPPS. ? . ,j rou your ^ iing| ci i ?3 ?E> _ <\nipped several suits at fc20 per ? [ concern in the 3 J ine. Of course, g J for you. 5 8 *arks Go. i I ? ^ ?- ? BfceiiFFf I '. #* | I ECWR- ? If p 11 11 I its branches from I l'fin to the finest J or children, ladies if I /> I er:s, etc. Hearse J Fhones 12 8r34. / ^COMPANY. II! " J