University of South Carolina Libraries
m h ?-? ,|?ni iH ill Sjuus. DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. AUOTST iff. '""jt"js a Itfjifjg t'>>r H<x<ii *>.-? ii.:'.. ?i._. 1.?. i .1:.. liityl Him in ipti ngg Ml lopg oia- ; fappp telephoneH. ^lijB pottcjn business if? so cpmpletbly 'si(ttfpntfd 'with taint that fcve ha^e nbbnt'decidcd to kepp "oh ^freaking si I ft. ' i ?f?i J J wil) probaol^ ^>e found that | three woeKsis n'mple time for the i rebate to puin*h any form of rail- ! way rafej&iM full of holed. \ " Next tiling, we' may hear is that the agricultural deptfrfcrti flit's crop tvporls were'made ^p from the alinaiiiicB ami dream books. ... *%/%, Whatever else, for gondnesB Bnko <loti"t laugh 'in the marriage service.' It "re no laughing inuttor powHdays. xMJ a girl hna to know in this worlf} ih how to manage a man, nud ?hf? (jocan't have to Irani that; it cornea natural to her. Japan repoata that bIip does not not want the Philippines. Put will Japan kindly give us the name of anyone who does want I them. A friend of ours wonders why it J iB that men succeed who attend only their own business. It is because there ia so little competition iu that line. *%.^r If Russia should profit by 1 lie pVJUMtMIII'P. kUH lUlS U'lllllOvl I during ilie past year, $1,000,000,O00 will not he an acoessive price to pay for it, as experience cornea high, you know. Mr. Carnegie haa founded n library in Philadelphia to the negroes. Dream hooka and Inula on poultry raising should have a prominent place on the shelves; alao a few on watermilyoua might (jc added. <%% ? In the midst 6f the torrid summer?with yellow fever seizing the country, and the thermometer dancing around the hundred mark ?Peary's excursion to the north pole doca not appear to be Bitch a foolish venture after all. ~ < ?. ' The War. All interest in the differences between Russia and Japan have been transferred from the plains of Manchuria and the shores of {Siberia to the navy yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire., where toe envoys of the two waning conn trios have been holding their sessions in t\n effort to reach an agreement tliat will bring about peace, says the Charlotte Observer. Japan has submitted to the Russian plenipotentiaries her terms, the principal items of which . \ included reimbursement of war, expenses nnd the cession of the i Island of Sakhalin. In reply Jtns- j W1H, Hill led, I ItIII no let t noi y would beeedod and no indemnity paid, L and the situation seemy gloomy ho ^ f?r Hi peace is concerned. There II iij h somewhat prevalent belief,; ^owever, that Russia's defiance ^fl^kvne in reality n blutT and that she come down olT her "hifjh and consider Japan'* terms ihc Other hand, renst the a i t o KH9nH||^EHU^B^^io be the The AntbDispensary (?) Meeting. Editor Times: Please allow nte space in the columns of your paper to make a few comments on the anti-dispensary conference recently held in Yorkvilie. Frojn {reports. thjs conference received jt?o|t pitp a "cpimiiittep of the wholjpi to ptptqe and yillify j li. K. Tjllman, reminding one. it is qhki, very nincli of the bitter campaign through which we passed-w height* Independents undertook tiJPdefeni > the Democratic party by Bpp^nIir?^c to the negroes. Tile' honent prohibitionists of York county, nniny of whop? hre friends to the se'tijof senator but do not agree with him on the whiskey question, are no doubt disgusted at this display of bad temper. Are the politicians who dominated this meeting honest, or have tliey a deep layecj plot to defeat the senator for re-election next year? It looks the latter way from our view point. Who called this con* fereneeY It is dollars to dnughnuts that ipr.pty per cent of the men whose names were signed to the call were Tillman haters, and have always opposed him. We will wager that a large majority of those present at the conference as doh'gates are Tillman-haters, and have always been. We will also wager that ninety percent of those who solicited signatures in the several townships of the county asking for an election to deride whether or not tho dispensary shall be removed from Yorkville are Tillman-haters, and have always been. l)o these fellows invite a return to factionalismV A few more siu-h meetings as that held in Yorkville will bring it around nil right. Keep nn eye on tlie^o |)olitieiitiiB ami spe if our surmises are not correct Reformer. ( Tf the above is a true report of the meeting, we are thankful, and are glad to announce the fact, that Fort Mill township was not represented in the list of delegates who attended ?Ed. Times, j ? Why We Dropped an Issue. Among the reports given by the Columbia State of the militia encampment in that city the past week wo ibid the following: "A line example of company pride was exhibited in the notion of Sergt. R. W. Bradford, proprietor of the Fort Mill Times, who closed his office and suspended publication of his paper for one week that he and his two assist ants might come with their company to the encampment. With such a membership as this it is no wonder that Unpt. Spratt brought '.12 per cent, of his total maximum enrollment." Playing Ball on Paper. The Times agrees with the Waxhaw Enterprise that if the Rock Hill hall team "could play ball half as well on the diamond as she ' an on p.sper, she would be a daisy." and yet to watoh the re- ! ports of the team's work as they j appear in the newspapers of that; town one is naturally led to he- j lieve that they ure simply invincible. For some time ]w?st the fane here have Injan nmuse.l at the manner in which the Rock Mill papers''boost*' their team and id- 1 most ignore the opposing team when the former is victorious; also the brief mention of the panic when the home team is defeated, j I'he writer's attention has been i called to t,he fact that not the, slightest mention was made bv the Hock Mill piipers of. tjhe game be-I tw?-en the Fori Mill teum and "excellent" team of that city played July 3. in which the Fort Mill boys were victorious by a score of lint h-?w about The Her-j ^^A^eporl of the recent Rock i ^^svillc game? It iua us Hill tuan , i.'it 'I J til'['.'J'li; "flM j it has performed its mission well, j d i even if its Hold is limited and there i it ' are no liair-liftin^ episodes to 1 li write up each week?simply the I. chit-chat of eveiyday life of those il I many of us have known all our h j lives. ]V We fail to see why the fact that i it Bill Hmitlf has recently shin^Jed I V I his root mav not ha worth nriiitinc I t ; in the country paper as well a?td having the stupendous fact . ! heralded broadcast in A ci'y paper ' f ja two column ' article that" a phg ' I ; d<ig of a fatuous actress recently p i died on a steamer, together with it ! several illustrations of snitl dog a and ith sentimental owjier. d Th4 city papers that publish a such stuff then will try to poke ^ fun at its humble country contem- f ! portry because it has an article p ; upon a big cabbage somebody lias C presented to tbe editor. d The Eagle. p Dr. J. II. Thorn well in bis ^ speech before tbe Knights of Py < thias on Tuesday night of last j week, says an Abbeville paper,I made a pret y reference to the eagle which bad been wounded by () an arrow. The bird, upon exami- rj nation of tbe instrument of {h'ath, ^ found that one of its own feathers H had been used to keep the arrow v straight in its course. ^ On the subject *>f wounded eagles, another has said: Tin said, the eaglo when some wound I Has pierced him in a vital part, 11 J Stoops not to ?lic upon t he ground, fi ! Hut hides the life consuming smart. o | Scorning to lpt iho hunter see II i Due out lino of his agony, fc Rushes?all blending?to tlio skies, e< i Tlton faints?and furls his wings and j d dies. The Dispensary Condemned. ^ An interesting review of dispell- j I snry conditions in the State is i ! presented by tbe Npws and (Joiitiei j | in a group of letters from corres- ^ pondents in practically every j st county in South Carolina. Ac V ('(Iff 1 i 111 r til Till. \'.IWU unit t ,niii-i..i''j C ^ - ""h m ^ j summary tjf the reports, four conn- ' I ties are now without dispensaries, ; m I Marlboro and Greenwood never fr I having had any and Cherokee and | Pic-kens having voted out t!.e sys- I ii; teni under the provisions of thejc; Brice act; in eighteen counties' ? agitation has been started for the ! voting out of the dispensary, elec- | tions having been ordered in some, i S' petitions for elections being in ! circulation in others and move- j ment toward circulating petitions j ^ being under way in the rest ; Fourteen of these, it is said, will ] at almost certainly abolish the dis- t pensary and c\ecTee prohibition, i while the result in the other four j is uncertain. Tiiree other counties f. which have yet thrown no organ w i/.ed movement toward getting rid of the system, are believed to be ^ nn'i-dispensary in sentiment. ui i Twelve of the remaining sixteen ri I counties givo evidence of a prefer- f,r encq for the dispensary over prohibilion. Five of these, including w Charleston ayd Kichlaud are dis- tl pensary only in contradistinction to pioli ibit ion, but would probably a't vote, out the dispensary at once if Hi they should have the option of or 'substituting a high license system sa f?r it- . . 12 Of the thirty-seven counties, h canvassed, therefore, it appears i si that but seven are really sntislied j with the dispensary and in these J the revenue fen urea of the system ?t is its chief strength with the peo- | ?? pie. The review is very illuminat-j ?f Hit;. JI would seem llnd the dis- ! ^ pengnry hns been ttied unci found i |? wanting nml is to be condemned j cu ns n RyHtem for restriction of the 1,1 traffic in liquor. Tiie moral phase Julias f)ccn a delusion.. The revenue feature appeals to Rome people strongly and it is somethino to be I* considered very carefully. It would seem that, after thirteen years of Horrowtul experience the people of the Slate are coming to a sano J consideration of the liquor tralli problem, without political prejudice or hysterical sentimentality. el ' . Pleasant Valley News. : w The many friends of Mrs S. II. hi Jyel! were irreatly shocked on Man ^^^*duly i>l, to learn that she had y ^^^^fe^Vom time to eternity. She |^^^^^^^iuiiter of Mr Mrs. r hiiHlund whom an piiRtor, iPIPPP'" aughter, Mie? Helen, are visiting j i Pleasant Valley.... Mae, the ttle daughter of Mr. and Nlrs. .1 j. Pectus, haw been dangerously I from an attack of appendicitis, ut is now convalescent... .Miss Iannie Wolfe, of Fort Mill is vising in Pleaeaut Valley ..Mrs ?T Y. M pi I is at pr. Priors sanitnjutn at Chester, where she is unergoing treatment for her eyes. ... Miss Bessie Wolfe visited it^ Jijarlotte hist week lion. G W. \>tts. who has been in the hosital at Charlotte for two weeks, i greatly improved at this writing nil will return home in a few ays.... Mi set a Eunice Felts and nd Minnie Bickett are visiting liss Mvrtle liiokett Mr < )k inrber hits b*en quite nick for the mat week.... Mr. and Mr?. ?I. <v>. 'ouKiirt of Fort Mill spent Sunay in Pleasnut Valley Mr. I'. J. Potts lia? bepn elm-ted prineial of the high ucliool at Parksille, S. C., ami will leave for his ew field of labor about the 1st of eptember .... President D. O. 'otts of the local biselrdl assoeiuion has arranged a very interestug series of ^aines to be play?d n the Pleasant Valley diamond, 'he last game played was on last lati.nlay between Pleasant Valley nil "Bull linn." and resulted in a ictory for the lnttt r by a score ot 3 to 32. - ?"* *? Peculiar Disappearance. J D. Kenyan, of Butlervillo, O , laid lie peculiar disuppr nance of his pain lil symptoms, of indigestion aiid t iliiisucss to Pr King's Jsow l,ife I'llI[e says; "They are a porfect remociy, >1 dizziness, sour stomach, heads' h \ iiHtipation, etc " ( niuraateed at .V rcy's drug store, price Uoo. An agitation Iras hoeu began in tli tale to raise the ugu limit ot the emit' ibor law. Public is Aroused The public ih aroused to a knowlodg f the curative merits of that great nied dual tonic, Electric Hitters, t'or sa-k oinach. liver and kidneys. Mary H Walters, of ?K'? t-t Claire Ave, t'nlnm us, ()., writes; "For sevesul mouths I as given up to die. load fever and St;o. my nerves were wrecked; 1 could i>t sloop, and my stomach was so weal 0111 useless doctors' drugs, that 1 could at eat r'oon after ln-giiming to taki lectric Bitters, I obtained relief, and 1 a short time I was entirely eiuvd." uarauteed at Ardroy 'sdrug store, vie CLERKSSilt. r.vti-. ok South Carolina, County of Y'juk, Town ok Four Mn.i,. Alice Harris as Exx., of the last will Eli/.a Fa 11 wood, dee'd. IMaiiuitT, vu. dalaido Ryan, ot al.. Defendants. Pursuant, to an order of Court in the >ove stated < 'use, dated Jum thi. I'.'.sfi, win expose to fiuuic stilt' nt tlif rund Stund, in Confederate park, iii 10 town of Fort Mill, between tin* gal h >nrs of sale, on August v 111 tin Mowing described real property, to it: a. All that piece of parcel of land tnate nml lying in the town of For: ill front ii *. 01 Booth at ruet, I "gin lug at .1 stake, on ilin said street att I inning with said street 81 leei t ?. aku, thence baelc from saitl i . i 1';, feet ton stake, I hence with S. E. 'hi to line til feet to a stake, then < ith Alice Bradford line 201', 1 c t<> ie beginning on Booth street . b. On brick house and lot in tin >wn of Fort Mill, State and Comer oresitid, said lot be ng situated i ootli street, haling 30 feet front ia< ,v les.~, iinil running back 200 feet front ,id street with Mrs. Fnllwt ad's line S. 11 White line. tUeuco 80 f? < ! ore or less with said land to W. F arris lot, t-henue 200 feet to Booth reel. embracing lhar lot of land 1 tree11 Mrs. Fullwood's lot and \V. i arris's lot. whatever may appear. c. All that lot of land in the town Fort Mill. State and County a ' >r. id. situated in th" north.western part the lands of B. 1). Springs (lamb now vned by J. W. Ardrey), and facing jring streer oji th. southeast, and tutidcd as follows: On the north and st hy the lands of B. D. Spring-; 'now nils of J. W. Ardrey), on thy s 'h r Spring street, on the west by lot of F. WJtite. eotitaintng onol.ali actv, ore or less. Terms of Sale?Cash, Purchaser to iv for all papers. J. A. TATE, 8-3-3t C. C. C. Pis teflect On It. When you go 1>> your grocer for loose your lirst tputdiou is; "la fresh?'' (If if it is tt ham yon otnier how long they have bo. it i slock. Your ehihlp'it go for mdy. Tn.'V win! frcHh candy, on want llioin lo have it. Sow About Your lodicino? I tell you. Von take it on faith, it (h?ca you no uoud joij lnen.c 10 medicine. Von d. n'l blame ih genera! merolinnt for pultini; f worthless floods on you. We linit there nr.- some medicines as lod old us new and some few bet r. hut t-an you disci iur.iinte hereon tliemV Can your dealer do j ^iur i^'ot (Is are almost direct from ^^^auufaetnrer to you. There! or three stops of mouths < ach. We merely at few >u * ar fio^iucAi j i You will never get well j py, hearty and free from pai I' constitution with a nerve i tc>nicf |ike IWfJSLiiK/Su* ~ H It Makes Pale ft is a pure, harmless, medici Ingredients, which relieve female pa backache, bowel ache, dizziness, cl aticn, dragging down pains, etc. It is a building, strength-makir medicine that is certain Lo do you 5 Gold by every druggest in $1.0 WRITE US A LETTER freely and frankly, in strictest confid- 1 cnce, telling us ail your symptoms and , < troubles. We will send tree advice (in plain sealed envelope), how ton cure them. Address: Ladies' Advisory 1 Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., I Chattanooga, Tenn. Is Tout Family 1 Who is taking ibc l is you are not carrying an Policy? Your family, of you to take policy, don take it--I shall have to r til i am able." Your fa and voir* .v d v/iik. wis money-making ability to run the risk of living on an insurance policy--lc the risk of your d\ ing ai and iter sustenance whic Vcs, she can do %.: hunt 1 anee policy now, muyh b Without your money^car Prospective policy I matter, and don't let yoi even your estate take sin j by a sniail c/illay as: are 1 am a home man an So cap at my office and ! en* ion for the host Old w or ad John J. Bi Iiiniest tMip Col *-p <iaff ne POINTS OF EXCBLdEN< K: I , In.<t tn'tioii. ITiiivevfjiry iVt-'rhoils. Pino eol!t it >1 ji iiur'n . iSeut.titul S-iti- v" j tern. P; 'i j itrr i-y :vi -i,title. Mi icnl fiu 1 \. \i ' i : i . ! i, . a > il i ! - Sniiti it-, .t ' 4 ,;e 1.101. i > A \ LIMITED MEANS OH F OG. ALL COH o.OOO GRAOOAT It. U P 1III V VI I*. no ,K.t tT >K ?io. <"? A *- A I A R BOO i'rt-o VJ' * ** * ? ' to on: fhipnds:: \Vt? nr?* now lorat- t! nt llM K j Coniifil hlrni'l, Salisbury. N. ( ami Holieii your trade. We liuve ' ... . i t .1 ii 11 it 11 \ i .1 I 'm] 11' i 1 I I II I' III 1 III' 5l Ml \\ Ili.-liitV, \\ 311!:'. I I'M 3 id I i Kir., ii ml run supply y ?i: r \vmi> \*il!i atiyiluritf in cmir l;n?\ < >ui Mr M. A iriftr. I . rl\ of j ('liarlot11'. ! !! jn . <nii 1 u pri vision f'f on." siii;jj>i-i1(li-pjii t in. ill and nil :i ;ii! oid - ir ri\t pmi;:pl mid <*hr* f"111 attri.iion at liia Iwind-i. \(or ;i"ict? lint and urdet bluti ; w it ii y? mile.. w. it. noovr.u \ <;o,1 &ALINBUHY, N. 0. Phone 24 ' L-^:. iV Pru.nutly nWfijiti!, ?r cr. RCl uANCr. * f* *t? VtARS- kHPHHNCC. Kill On/iKGLS ->Pt r* H THt ICMWfST.S. . I I M trhfaf jt fi| r\ i . I: m <1 I -. . 11 'irt . J i t . i * i T INr'RiNCi'ritNT mil* rum I i u.l H Coiir 1 . ' u . . l\v '!: A\%'f fl? ' tV TISCH .n 'iOLo r *fvH' . 5*| ftlONU id Gl ' M iTS . . ? J Oppoc^to U. 8. latent OKI on? ' '|v '' FOR FATE VT TTAT.F PRICK -Or. ' Kfliolnrship in th?> ^ .i liusiiu's* Co1k?<to, <>t Mni' .n,'' 'tin b'OlLT i.llLL TI.MLOS. 1 1 5wOMEN I and strong, bright, hap- ?g n, until you build up your |K refreshing, blood-making P! Cheeks Fink . B nal tcnic, made from vegetable ^>1 : j J. x. i i _ fv. a in iiiia uiiiress, iuun as neaaacae, hills, scanty or profuse nienstruig medicine for women, the only j^j "YOU ARE FRIENDS )f mint'," writes Mrs. F. L. Jones, of .J Jaliatin, Tenn.: e?3 '' For since taking Carduf I have r^vgained 35 lbs.,.and am in better health g;'jj Llian for the past 9 years. I tell my husband that Cardui is worth its Mjjl weight in gold to all suffering ladies.' * 'fig IIM? a ;k, you or your fami?; , if Old Line Life Insurance course. So, when I ask *t say '? am not able i > un I lie risk of dying n;; mily is taking tlie risk o is depending on yrur >r a livelihood. willinyy $2n or $30--the price of ss each year than run ui be witiicut both you h \ ou are able to make, the cost of a life iiu 0.*etter than she could do nin? ability. bolder, think over t> is ir >\ife, your family or eh a risk, when you c iu, their future happiues-. d will treat you ri;C . let ir.c take your -*.pv Line Insurance i : I e A o?i. Aj-i-.C J JL..X w '-J ? for Woman, v, SC. fiiiMi.uii. Able !' i 1 y. '1 'inivu .'li I'ljuij i . :>t. ? hI library I usi.rj>asst . Hi .il! hi\i!:u i loti'ir jv.-iami Artiiif < ourst-*. ! jmv.-i >' i.. >rv. Ni'tl t tu oj? ::s -i . It- "? ;is I.OIXIK. A. M . I'll. lb, 1 r. s;.'.-. . 1 IW A SC^.OOJ r /V y / // /"/-/ ?;*> ? i>i imimt < r r /c ' r r r [' .... . .. ...... :/.IION IVO HiN'jRANCC tti AT WOR1 U III JK Tt HAY : o US. COLS COL, IVaeon a. j MODEL I 1 Stcnni Lauaui-v. / ? * i - ?? a J CilARUnm ? ' 3 r I i?*- ? mw ? w ? ? r- * 1'l.lCK LifcT. 4 | Sliirt* J !Y a : huTs, 11.w, i . { Collars '? ' ntt's, ]i<>r juiir r ^ U i Irrfrthirta 1 Dm wow ' 4 >?> vs ]? r pur, i f ' (. .id.!; -i-Mei'*, linen * il.m(l t fflliv!.*. silk I! ; | Run* -jr.c to [* * ' us to V * g Vesta ?c * ?' J-hirt-Waists l.'r ;i]i y ji t 'nrtaii - .. . ... ?>e .? h I Btaukets, singlet I5cj do iblt, 2 o $ Jf (tonnterpanes i to J J Table Cloths i ) \ mEuurnuiisTs: Agents, | I'ORT MILL, ? ? - S. C I'oK \ small front ?? ?m. -11.s iirs over Artlivy's ilrufc . u-ry A;n v lo J W Aruuy i i