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g-,, lmm , mi - - i s J On 10(1 | 2,5< I ; 50<] j Foi $ | Tin if a,! ? 1 Frt <? (Jet 1 T] C3 i ~~~ <S???????@???( >> JI EMS of LOCAL INTEREST J Vestoi'd.iv's ^ume: Waxliaw, ."5; Fort Mill, \i. r.iisH Au>elia Vance, of Laurens, is v'sihn^ Miss .Mublt lyirkprlrick. ,of t!i!s glace. M'V.. -J. W. Hamilton arid (lau<^lit.'i mj.'B Norn, returned to I nion \ McrJay aflpr n visit to mis. . Jim her near Fort Mill. Miss Carrie Sinythe, of Forest k.i;y, N. C., is visiting lier parents, i Mr. niul Mrs. Ira li. Smythe, ol this place. Mr. Ernest Armstrong and friend Mr. Joe M oh teller, of Charlotte, si:" v I Sunday at the former's home to ;r this place. Mrs. Jus. Grier and daughter. Miss Dura, returned Saturday from a ten days' visit to relatives in ('uncord, N. C. Porn Monday, the 17th inst. to . am' M:s. Edward Ileeves, of > urfreeaboro, IViin., a son. Moth, r and child are getting along j nicely. Mrs. Reeves' mother. Mrs. T. I?. Meacham, of this jdace, is: ?*ith her. Fort Mill's crack baseball bat- j ery gave another demonst rat ion f their excellent work Saturday, hen Parks and Hoover assisted ' 10 11 lntersviIle (N. C.) nine in lefeajting a team from Concord, i . .ie score was h to 5. The annual meeting of I he farm-1 rs of the '"Fork" section will takej lare to iijuriinv in the move near .ift Home of AJ.t\ F, Nims. As usual. all tlit* farmers of that Heel ion, i ith their families, will attend, j nil a pleasant, time in assured. The Kuqujrer says that the numcr ( f dogs in York county which lave been returned for taxation i* i r the new law providing that tell canine pay 50 cents to the1 chooiH, is 2,08). Tiie number re. urued from Fort Mill township .vah 2d0. The attention of the reporter as been called to the fact that .->orge Owens, the white man who in I nioii county jail charged ith causing the wreck of the j aboard trains at Catawba dune- j jii last fall, is well known in this iwnship, having worked on the! plantation of ^lr. C, L\ Blaukeuiiip, of (told Hill, Several months' he first of In*? year. It is stated 4 >w 1I-* arrest was due to ac- ! i i.sations made against him by his w 5(g)?? . i fORTH f Free let PECS ALS: o dozen "New Haven" > Pairs of Boys' Knee 1 00 Yards of 3-5 Sheeth > Yards of "Barker" B1 ir Kandv Kisses for Oj / rnip Seeds of all variet Summer Clothing gre ksh Jot of Crackers, Bui b our prices on Bu ggies "JL" "Ft- 3E5E3JL he Old Re] 3?0? ??= Best cotton was quoted 10 L-lJ c 'lite on this inin kot yesterday. Mr. D. M. <'uI]> is spending the j week at Clevelaud ?>priu"8, N C. Mrs. It. If. Mills, of this place, j is visiting her son. Mr. T. Mel. LI uuli es, of Lancaster. Mr. W. B. Meachani spent Sun- ! day and Monday with his biolher, ; Mr. Thos. B. Mcacham, of (.ireenwood. Miss .Lillian Flowers, of Itock j Hill, was the truest of Miss Fran j cea Harris several days of the past week. The York Baptist Association will meet with tin* Fort Mill Baptist church next Friday. Program of the meeting will Lie found in another o> lunm. Peter (Harrison, one of the oldest and most highly esteemed citizens of York county, died Monda\ at liis homo near .Newport, aged about 85. J)r. J. Thornwell of this place was one of the speakers Saturday | at a big picnic at Filbert, 5 111 ilea north af Yorkville. Iljwas eatima ted that 1,500 people were in at tendance. Tin1 petition asking for an election on the dispensary question now aggregates more than 1,200 namea. Just how many names are re<piired to call the election can-, not h lie definitely stated; but j there ia no question of the fact t hat 1,000 ate easily sutlicient, says , the Yorkville Enquirer. Sabbath ? veiling Rev. -las Russell said the words which made Mr. Earnest Sims and Miss Magtrip I )pnt(in 1 'I - . ..>?< uin, iiir UllUU IS H daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fcbun Deaton, who conduct the Dcaton hoarding house at the SSpringstein. Chester Lantern. Mr. \V. F. Johnston, of this place, went to Charlotte on the ISth inst. and liad the famous Hut ler fnad stone applied to a doy bite which he received near his home the day before. Dr. F. M. Winchester applied the stone, which stuck to the wound only a a short time. Mr. Johnston took his do^. a bloodhound, out for ex ercise, and before he returned the dotf hail several tits. Ho went to his home for some lard and while inserting it in the clod's mouth, received a slight abrrsion on one of his finders. He at once had the W?>und cauterized and went to Charlotte for the application of of the mad stone. \ j ??0?( BELK'S STORE XE tEADINC > Water. Watches, 98 cts each. ?ants, 25 to 75 cent s, lg at 4 cents the yard, caching at 8 1 -I> cents, no cent, ies. at 1\ reduced in price, iscils, etc., just receive* 5, Wagons and Ilarnes jE?.? Prop., liable Stor 1 "" Jt - 1 : , QQQ& The watermelon season is at its height. Mr. Guy Alexander, a young man of the upper mill village is dangerously ill of typhoid lever. Mr. Sam F. Massey is assisting his brother, Mr. I?. Henry M issey at t lie local post olliee. Miss Mary Young is at home from Savannah, Gu., nil a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young. Mr. \V. T. Massey, who niovi d fiom this county several yeais a?/o to Tampa, Fla , and later to Louisiana, is here on a visit to his mother, Mrs X. C. Massey. Mr. Massey holds an important posi lion with a l>ig lumber coneoi o in Sonitii'fii r.oniwi...... Hon. \V. II. Stewait, of Hock Hill, spent Friday in this township taking tin-* linal returns limn the; pinners of the<otton ginned from I lit* crop of 1 IK) I - Do. Ihese reports are forwarded to the census j department at Washington, and when the returns are complete aj bulletin will he issued by tint de- 1 partnient ^ivino statistics of the j crop in all sections. Tho annual reunion of the ('nip family of this section will take place the second Thursday in Aujj ust, the 10th, at the home of Miss Alice WlMte, 2 miles south of Fort Mill, The reunion this year yives promise of beino the most pleasant yet held li is deailcd that the entire family and all connections join in the pleasures of the occa sion. A business meeting of the Fort A1 : 11 I : i ? t e . ' .win ijigui inruiiiry, v o. i\ . wis held in tin* armory las! evening and all nrrangements were completed f..r thi* State encampment hi Columbia early in August. It iA expected that about fifty members of the company will attend.: Tlie next drill of the company win take place Saturday, next, at I .'?<> oclock in the afternoon and each member is nrtjed to attend. Owing to the inahility of a nuin her ot prominent fanneis to la* in town last Saturday, the meeting of the Kurt Mill hrnnch of the Southern Cotton Akso. iation, which was to have been held on that day. was postponed until next Satin day afternoon at -1 ;8U o'clock. All; the farmers of the township are re- ' quested to be present, whether they are members of the association or not. .Business of special ' importance will be transacted at lUit, meeting. \\>\ n J J.' J ji ' iji J I | I ] ! I ([l 1 X CQ 9 , i 8 ? .v i i < ? ! | i <? ' 'P I si ^ II ? I 1 J 0 o 0 CO ?0 ?@?300330 M iss Alioo A rd ivy. i>t I *r??vi deiiee, spent several days of the jiihi wci'k willi he.r sister, Mia. ?l. [j. Spruit, of t his plan*. Mrs. J, A. lioyd mill little sons, of l'inevillo, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. S. J,. Meachuin in this place. Thomas Snipes, ii while nuiti who is wanted at Ijniieaster on the charge of rape, was ane.-li i! \\ ed nesilay at Greensboro, N. I'. I lie little oirl on whom Snipes e< nimil ted the assault was only tlnr teen years old. The heinous offem e wao committed Tuesday, ami the ofleilder of the law left J.aliens tei Tuesday ni^ht. (Other loeal ilelilH on paoe 2) Mr. J T. J. Harris Dead. After a painful and serious illness of a hoot ten days, Mr -I. T.J, Hurt's dud at his residence on Forest street Wedm d iy afternoon hot woo: i 2 and J o'clock. I'oncost ion of the lun^s was the iinniediatdo cause of death. For soino days I) f>re li s death all hope of his recovery was nban d< a i ed. Kinim-nt physicians used every ll'orl to save Ihh IiI e, hut t<> no purpose. ( p to al.oilt two weeks before his death Mr. Harris was about his accustomed duties and though he had not la-en in his usual health for some time, no one s lis pec ted that his e-mdiiion was ( l it leal. Mr. Harris was the eldest Bon of lie* late Sol. Harris, of Pleasant \ alley, aud spent prartieally all of los life in this section. He moved to this place some years' ho<> and enj4ao"d hi uiendiiiudisine and later conducted the City Mark et. II was prominent in municipal alkalis, has in" several times i i *. i > .. . U "I'll ? u rn (I it MlflUDfl OI 1IIC toWII council. lie with .>1 years of ajre Mr. Harris whs a loving husband and I'm11??*r and was held in hi?_fh esteem l>y all who knew him. I lis wife, who [iioceded him to the virave by several yoarfl, was a Miss i'olts, also of I'ieasant \ alb*y. Resides three daughters, Mis A. M. Riichanaii and Missi s W :??n and Mary Harris, all ??i" tiiis plate. 8 vera I hroi hers and a number of otlinr relatives in this st ction survive. The fan ral service was hold from tlit? residence Tinu? lay at 1 1 o't look and was condii toil by llev. Dr. J. 11. Thorn well, after which the burial was made ?l the town cemetery, 4 SPEC Men's $3.00 Shoos at! Ladies' 81.50 to 3,00 1 Ladies' white Pique si Ladies' fi()c to SI wais Davis sewing mac Men's $1.00 shirts at ? Men s f)Oc Shirts at 2?" Mod's 25c drop-stitch All summer goods, I ^hoos, l1 rookery, Fur TKTb.oles One (yI our huihliu rented, and must be c possible. ('o!!)c see 1 he bargai Hj. cr- js/E^ To M 111! It is i?iily a few weeks now unti iiatkcts to lay in our fall ancl winte hapo to send tlii*in off all our suu rill do, as our stock is down to sucl 11:if v ' will make the prices move 1 \ AL. LNSKMTloX?We have aces i > ma! ;i, worth o, >, 7, and iSc i:uik*d it at "J and cents. This is his iuser!ion. Ki !!IH>NS The amount, of K ev. lot j n-1 in, in all colors, 10 tun LAWNS and < >K(! ANDIES .1 y .is. :. iikI L' ? Or^andi l?i{( )\\ N HAT rit'lt. was 1 oc OXl'OKUS ai ?! SUITERS MEAGHAll $ Lot us soil 1 ciot: f. 3 C4,2: | S ii c * V f. ^ V\ <; llilVC jlist ? military men v> ill p J$ cent, less 1 hail ot 1 Stale would have g we can do the sail r A ^ ^ & Itfc&fisiaiiy |JOB PRIN miatly l.\ |i mi-timi:s ("HJ 1 ( | f. rh(':nl.-?,Noi?(h?'a(lr?, ^1 ( irculars. Knvrloiws. JCcr.. at thi> I . I 1 .uij fc'iMirl us your and \v lea Tt |tfi gl 5] "Si pungTifiiSJ s> (gigi glj fl 20 YfARO' EXPERIENCZ.^^nr r.MAHC#.:, AKt 1 1 "l I >CO ar-'i SOLD, f>' " TRADE-MARKS, PIN- A ,J 5!3VU anil COPYRIGHTS ., ii. 1. y ? bt/iiiu-a. I Oppooito U. S. P.itent Offlco, ^ V ^ ?"* C; ck, Bp aHr '. Jb ^^ '''OcBMSKJfiS / ' - .. 'y-'1 ^fjP^Vv' ? ???? ????? ??iQ. *j. WSSj I^X_,S 95 cts. flats at 50 cts. nits, were 2.50, at 90cts, now 10 cents, hi no, drop head, 13.505 >0 cents. > cents. Socks at 10 cents, den's Hats, Summer niture and Stoves at ale C>ost. has already been mptied as quickly as us. ^SSET ?? 1 . . . . tie Season. 1 our buyers will leave for the r stock. Wo want to get in fine oner stock cleaned up. This we 1 a small quantity of summer goods lie rest. 200 or -tOO yards that we have no . Wo have made two lots of it and nut onc-lmlf the price of some of ibbon wo sell would surprise you. 1 l.j cents. At a big reduction. 12 1-2 and 15c os at 15c , now cents -at a big reduction 1 8 EPPS [ you your 2| ><x s )es. 1 equipped several % \ suits at 20 per ? ler concern in the 3 done. Of course, g le for you. S Parks Co-1 J 1 'I I - M TING I ECUTED AT M OFFICE. A ? 1? <, MitTCllMMltS, Hamlbllls, TORtCrH ffHJ lowest prices consistent with good jgi 0 will please you. 3 ic Times, jp iM.EfSSiS? 1 When in the Market FOR (jIOOI) WHISKIES, I WINES, I BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OK WHITE .JohnMoyle, V. <>. Box 9/ , SALISBURY, - N. C. i i