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? II .11 ? I Bl 1 LADIES! i:1 With each i give you F1 We will api Will also gi Shoes will I is exhausted Two thousa: A few nice . k Fruit Jars? I GENTLE ? < We have ju 0 received a b imrl ^SHS??3??@<5?3 %%'%% # 11 EMS of LOCAL INTEREST 4 + 4 *%* Beet cotton wns/juoted at 10 8-fc Chills on this market yesterday. Mr. B. M. Lee, of Wellton, .Ariz., is here on a visit to Wis pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Lee. Mrs. L. J. Maeaey and littli (daughter spent Thursday witli relatives in Charlotte. Mrs. Lizzie Sturgis, of May field. I\y., is visiting relatives in tli township. Mr. J. T. J. Harris lias been confined to his home on Forest street for son.o days by illness. Dr. A. M. Buchanan was t< have left, last evening for Washington, I). C. on business, Mr. E S. Parks went to Lancaster Saturday, where during the day lie played with that town in a game of hall with Hock Hill. The game resulted in a victory lor lloi k Hill by a score of 5 to d. rue Spratt Machine Cunipnny lias recently disposed of several pieces of its wood-working ma chinery, which lias been idle for several years in the old construction shop, west of the railroad. M iss Daisy Culp, of Pincville, has for several days been the guost of Miss Alice White, near town. President -1. W. Ardrey of the local farmers'' association requests The Times to call a meeting of the association to be held next Satur day, July 22, at A p. m. All members and others interested are requested to attend. Good rains have fallen throughout this section during the past ten days and all crops and vegetation has been much improved by the good seasons. The good work of cleaning the streets still goes on. The Council will keep a force of hands on the streets until all the thoroughfare* of the town have been gone over and the weeds and gratia thorough ly cleaned off. Some much need ed ditching is also being done. The second hall team of thi* place engaged the second team of Rock Hill Saturday on the latter's diamond, and after nine innings of hard playing defeated the llock Hill youngsters to the tune of 7 to (*. Mrs. ?T. E. Rruce and children, of Winnsboro, are visiting at the home of Mr. A. Young in this pjace, m JMsti ikfei 10000 i11. ,m iLK'S I Ej ICE "W I I 15 cent bottle ofColgat tEE one nice "Souveni rreciate a call, even if \ ve a Plate free with ea< >e included. This offer l. nd five hundred yards < Hammocks cheap. Half gallon size, 90c; o MENl st opened lip several so ii? shinmmit nf | - ? v a r m i v. \ m p Yours for T. B. BELBC, !E^ ? X i sl @38? ~ zrr^z: ^ Miss Klhel Perjram. of (thsIo- , ) nia, is the uuest of Miss Willie > Hoke, in Spraltvillc. > Mr. I>. M. Lee, who arrived ; from Wellton, Ariz., some days moo to visit his parents near this place, left Monday for Panama, j where he has a povernment posi-| lion as superintendent of a construction depar.inent on the canal. Mr. J. C. McKllianey left Sun- , day morniiirt for Jamestown, N. C where he has a position in the I commissary department of Stew ' ait A: J<tiles, railroad contractors. Mr. H. C. Coin of I )nriinm v 1 C , f-p nt Sunday with relatives in this place. Some of the weather prophets j say it rained on the tirst dog day and that we may expect K) days rain. Opinions ditl'er so widely as to when dog (lays begin, it if Intrd to know when they come in. July 15, 1-1 and are given by dif- ( ferent authorities us the beginning of dog days. Country raised watermelons and catitelonpes are being brought t?? town daily and sell readily at good prices. Thanks to some of our suhscrib era for Bottling up in the dull days of summer. May their tribe increase and others do likewise. Thursday morning while a negro laborer at the dam was in the ! act of carrying a long iron pipe ' from the power house one end of the pipe came in contact wjth a live wire and the shock given the > negro came near ending his career, lie was thrown violently to the j ground and -emaiued unconscious for several minutes. Clean up your premises. It not only looks better to have every- , thing neat and clean, tint it i healthier. Don't wait until the summer hum causes the vegetation } to decay and makeB the air foul; ; hut d6 it now. The case of John Carter for firing a pistol allot at Miss Grnoie j Denton, of the Springstoin nulls, Saturday nitflit, mentioned m i Tuesday's Lantern, came m> hell fore the mayor Wednesday inorn| iiiU. Mr. A. L. Gaston appeared 'iin Carter's behalf. A tine of $25.00 1 was paid, and tin* case before the town authorities was disposed of By giving bond in the amount of $.300 before Jud^e .1. J. McLure for Ilia appearance at the next J term of court, Carter thus waived ija preliminary, and was released j froui custody.^-Lantern \ ? r . ijj ,, S??? B1?.LK> LATES ^ ? % rr m r h ; i e's Lemon or Vanilla 1 r Plate." These plate on don't buy. eli pair of Ladies' Shoo holds good until our s r>f 3-4 Sheeting ar 4 cot no-fourth gallon size, 7 ts of new Buggy ITarn nick mower repairs, business. Proprietor, lo 1 3 St ?? ?? ?G?2> (>n account of the small attend ance at the hall (ramus in Sails bury, the Sidishnry-Speiieor l?ai i of tlie \ iruinia-Cnroliua league litis l>eei? transferred to \\ insi-.ii. and the team will hereafter play in that town. I Mr. Paul C? McPorkle, who warso badly injured some weeks ai?o in ti runaway at Chester, has itturned home after under^oin^ ' treatment at Johns Hopkins II.?spiial, haltimore. While hi Dalitmore one of .Ml". IV1 <*i 'ol kle's eyes was removed Htid it was found tin.I the otiier eye was so haoly injured that he can never regain his eye sijilit. Otherwise it is believed lie will recover. x\h stated in our last issue, a meeting of the Village Iinproveinent Soeiety will be lielil tomor row (Thursday) afternoon at I o'clock at the residence of Mrs \Y. 15. Ardrey. It is desired that ever), lady of the town become a niemb r of the society, and all members and t In He Wishing to j -in ate leipieKted to attend the meeting tomorrow afternoon. Catawba river was on a rant pace Thursday and Friday an.l u-> a ie suit the corn and other erops alone .... ?H ir Klv'u|iy "Mllinu'f* I unci in placet* totally destroyed. 1 Friday morning the rise in the ' river at the power company's dam was said to have been 20 feet, and t at the county hi idge an Is foot i ise was recorded. This is considered high water, hut the liver was not as high Friday bv several feet as it was in .May, 101)1, when 1 a rise of 27 1 -2 feet was recorded. Mr. J. II. Sutton, whose plants- j ti*.ii lies along the east side < f ihe rive below the power plant, reports that a portion of his bottom land was completely stripped of all! crops, bushes and other vegetation Friday, and that several deep Sloughs Here eiit through the place. Mr. Sutton contends that the damage to his laud is due to the big dam. by which, he says, the waters are diverted fr-un the 1 main channel, and iH at present suing the power company foi dam ages. -4 ? Waxhaw 6, Fort Mill 5. The Wnxhaw l\nb rprise of the 13th Iiiih the following to ?3??y of a i uarne of ball played th12th mi the Waxhaw uroimds between the I teaiiiH of that place ami lAut Mill: < "I. lie Waxhaw ami Fort Mill' bill tea ma pi a v <1 11t e?.n ' <..! C - i 'k\ e f{ (>, -v?>v . mafmmmjfOB ,_ _ _ &-*? s?3i < ^ "SOi . muKi -ini^f 'ict,^ ?- - ' ? >K.*J wsv? When \ mi see > our ntj PJWlfspi|p - y- < ,y, :& (\~A . STOKL Miffs, 0 IT 1 w 9 > '0 ALL ? 6 ?' Extracts wo will ' >? arc beauties. H' If f l (i s; also ehildrons \\) upolv of IMates ;|i III its. l!! h| *>r. c: >v ______ V? ? T' ess. .ITave also g I 03 Q ? fy;t u 0 r* ?. | <b inoiul Tuesday The name whs by lar the rlosesl mid most ililei 111i Olie ever vV i 1 Hi 'Ssn I ill! ill" !..i tic iii>>111(>im 1. It requited leu iniHim.s tit (ifl'ldr* till* rOlllest US till' Seol ' stood live ti> live im thr !hli. I.nili t nnis pi o il ( U ball. tin .*? is tieino if\v. Supp. for Wntli ih, pitehed mi excellent ie<n.e. yielding only six iiits to thy visit- r? r*ncl K-tuiiur nine nirnut (lie plat* 1 louver, for I ?rt Mill, also pitohe 1 n ootul ^iiiic. all- -v. iiio six lilts ami striking out six men. The Waxiiaw if on came very near lusitio ino^urne in the iirst innino by a costly error, out by pnilino t,?cftlter won tin* hard* st onnic tliey liave ever played Foil Mill has won one onine, so another will be in order to deride the series. I>at tori's for \\ axiiaw. Snppaiid 11 iv in; tor Fort Mill, lioovei ami I'a i Us. \\ know of no better time or .. ..I...- *?.. ?i. - < - I vw !'.< nil 1111/ -uutr til,II nt IMeutsani \ nlli'V ii"\' I" ri?Ivy afternoon, afte lli- exerciseH of lie Karnn rs" institute ha\o been 0,011 eluded. Fort Mill Megro Shoots his Wife. The l?oi k I! ill Hern!'.! of Saturilny says tlint Oscar Mi It or, col ui oil, \v IiO iI is claimed p isseei mi ih-r several assumed mines, sled rinil prolmbly fatally wounded liis Wile, lilli'V Sillier, ill J o'clock i'liiiisiliis morniiiLC 111 the lioin ol Nut linn < niiwi-ll on Mr. )>olpli Neelv M plnntniion in-ar Newport. Miller escaped at ler llie sleoiino mid line not been apprehended at ni 1 liis wi ilinf*. The negroes lived near lo't M ill and it appears ilmt the woman had h it Miller in at least h ,1 I II Inane a lew days n<ni. and it is al leoed thai Miller came down troni Kort Mill in search of her. He f<>unil her at the (' rnweJl holist where a < I'owd of negroes were sd tiej.^ up at a wake, and leading h r into the yard, tired upon Inn twice Hid lite.. One bllllel took effect i>i tlie stomach run! ilic olln'i in llie arm. Tim woman was still without, medical or surgical alien lion at n<"iii Thursday and Ium rondition win <|iiitc hciious. Mii:;1st rate ( ' leu n lii'ik 11 r i ' i: iuoii \ riuiisdny morning and i sijeu a warrant Lor Mi ler in making til effort to find I ill). Later Miller was an-' ' d Sunlay in Lexington, X k.. s d.-r i warrant issued I?v M * i 1 bought from us for 50c tli; pritt a r "re* *'roir somew iget l4l.ot u u or the, '?!*.?r, ing ami getting some of tt U s aw mi hoi weathci lor your jijopcv artd then vou boy jirsi Jor flu -r ke < -are money w bile you art ;et okl > ua'i! :iteu it. "A c st<Ii have a few mci ; bout ?;f pair .k >.00 men's men's hats at cost, some \ Shoes, Dress Goods, Furni ^tn es ( Ju l arts, Baby yU hi * jars. cts., SO el ~ one St>,> organ I e. . stoves $ '2.5 white oak chairs o7 1-2 c Gone unci see the ban j? vJ S?n%pn ty\yk (; IM lljJ uu Lnixl lu 1^ n i Fi vi' liumlrt'il f -u I !. ;i.)i \ T L ?ur " IVinri'ly *"?i <1. HOW II t Ci'tlts It IS tliO h.'ht Sill >i! i:. : i Iniiits 'tis tor tin' t>:ui til Sl-I'ct. f I i in. J ji -ytz J'-'x i.xi v. t i.m w v. 1:..! 11; is sill it IS. ] It . \W t? II 'h lit . i ,ts. \\\ f r? mi nil: Sp. in^ F . i - ? il v jr ni, \\ i I Still 1> .it 1 I I i.iv of . " I Under' We ii vs it full ine in lilllf. lila:' nu 1 $! ?>'> I'rteli, in Shirts ntul Dsuwei l li'xihli' S on Dmwi'ia -A m?r li'irant 1 \ inii'li*. yiiii p>iy ,~>U iifiits t "A t Si'il i 11?* 111 lit ; ") Oi UtS. ME AGM AM . *;>. v^r.: &X&3S&&; ! | i i * I 1 \: "v., wva*mixnzfri t 113*^ * ,VYi **..? 4 V. 4 ! L V,'c hav? s~' 1 f- Mens' I'ani .r .. A.I tly r> ?) * . i .\ \ 4 ^ e\ vvllil i ?^F?w. vj % i & 1 $ CK^^s*; -*v <&*? ssaaas; * 9S--V <*. r- -ft -.a ;**, ?>, h -<i. -5? -r, ^ ':- r; n- >?, *<> ?> w v i\ <i fe fti. * + "Y'O'Lir feSJCLC <?< I ' 1 In- [ :!.') mi.- 1 liave c (P'? . | i'jil, iikI il .nriu: flu'HC j'i'nih I n | ;. ?i; il! !y \\ 11 .1; ss mihjprt* !i .*1 I)i ( 11 <I; 11?i. _rt .! i..>iii my "m?ui vf* . . fA ti<?n. ! ufimr?int?'?' a curn of fit 1)1 ic> S ill'i* MS loxv MS one (')IH ntl ^N ;i \ > i ' liicl it Siiucw, ' r f'j, tor pi'?i!ipl 11 "fit inoiif mid - J?.. t?, ? -> f. ^ *>-* ?. v *', u fv v* i v v v'-2. vv-Ok.-^.^yvn gEKsq^'^fliacrT'qp f I ?#Al if ?| .1 i S&JfJ i 13 1-.,.nn'!y i FEE RETURNED. S . rj JO v ear liri'tKl.r .. . CMARC.r s/.'?. B K TDK lOl'fs .?T. i ji? ' -t. i, h B , ' '< S 15} > l t i,.'? AO</KK> E K T ED :? .-. '..tlij VpftDC -MARKS. PEN- H K S.CE - i.' C;.f RlCMTfc . <i\ I'KuilOd. sft? u. S. patent Office, B $ yVAiJNJNQTOM, O. O. M <* -.'' r , r -;T >?: ..: %Jr. (*% r t & X . 1 * */ xi - ? trfil T '"> " ' . ' .11, * * ?? . \?ta' jighbor with ait article pay big prices for what I rs suits at half price, 1 Oxford's at $1.50, all talf price. All summer I tare. Sewing Machines, Carriages all at cost. I half gallon fruit jars K42.Sr>, cooking stoves 0, stove pipe 10 cts., Is., rockers 50 cts. gains. LssiETST ?1 pi rnT Hnl 1Uaa4'1%?? m nut mmi \ i?: in* >f ihe I,est makoh for Mi l. thai w? Hiv having u big sale imhiJo for the money. Plenty ?*-, < ti&. Twenty.five patterns -ci" Shirts. is ilie best Dollar Shirt you can haw of th 18 aarne ahirt left over > n of J t l -'Js and His tliat we BR'<] a Brand1' Shirt at 75c wear. k. white and cream at 25c, 50c mine Pepperalls Bleached Drill, or not an good a Drawer, and i a epps, %>s&x tiL if*** ? Ij.IS S We mean f| ttumanmn p? 'WoarlsL. 8 <mhInet ed tin old Shoe ''HosIiouhhiuIb of mnull-worn and u,a uvc received treatment and ## itoriuin"1 in healthy condi it r*iioo ailments, and my ord to execute good work. Harness, or other leather fx ! permanent cure. - 2 . Billxi?. g f ft rfijf . . i When in tlie Market pool) WHISKIES, |'8 BRANDIES, ETC., 1 To Iri n. 1VT oyle, ?