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^oti 2>\iU gfaujs. DEMOCRATIC PVPUSHKD KYRJIY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. f^rm? <>r Subscription: One year $1.00 ! Six months ..V.. 50 t ThVte months u'.< Correspondence on current subjects is Invited, hilt no responsibility I? assumed for the views of corresiWu^etotB. Anonymous comiqiinlqallonv will not i |>e published In these columns. On npplli at'on to the publisher, nd- j vertlslnK rntvR are innde known to those Interested. I -L- ' .1ULY 1U, isior. The boll weevil is an amateur: roiu pared to the "graft weevil" in ttbili y to reduce the cotton crop. Mr. Roosevelt will take notice that the "protection hogs" 8iii! have both feet in the trocgli. It will taUe a court decision to , determine whether the employers ' or }abor leaders are worse in <Chi- j .cngo. If the cy/ir is really anxious to I save the throne for his sou, lje is J going about it iu a left handed v;ny. The contention that the Indians are becoming civilix'-d. finds refu t a lion in the announcement that [ the {Sioux are buying automobiles. , j Russia will be iu a s id plight . unless her peace envoy diplomats ? are much more successful than her soldiers and sailors have be<-n It seems to be the business of i ui. I, i. y uv/or urni hi capr i i o iu i ji in r (i yj t\ jist pf ?**i possible things and mcK vipe us to do them, "%s%> It is astonishing bow much more fluently congressmen talk about increasing taxt-s than they do about cutting down expanses. If tlmt Oregon jury that convicted Senator Mitchell should g**t hold of Paul Morton, they would piake the whitewash chips fly. LiAWbon failed to make as much pf a sensation as he had expo.'ted in Kansas, but Kansas has seen cyclones before and Lpwson looks j like HO cents by the side ot some | of them. Standard oil magnates will find j but lit t le consolation in the report, that Tom Lawspti's throat lias ; failed him. His never tailing typewriter is still in fine working j order. Jt is figured out that John L {Suiliven won only $.'>1)7.000 in the pri'/e ring in fifteen years. He pould have done better by getting ! into the bureau of crop statistical in the agricultural department und i running a "leak bureau." According to bis schedule of! !>ay,'Togo received less than $10 | or destroying the Russian fleet, >ut }ie would have done it for half t|ipt price lather than miss if. %/*. President Roosevelt is not nenrlv KO I )Mt wl#?r< ill ^ flu t'uf urn 'P.. i* Jilit probably lie Iihh enough weight to hold down tin? lid while the secretary in on tho three months junket around the world at "j^ov- ; eminent expense." The War. ^he fighting in the Far East i during the past week has nppar- j fMitly t?"en confined to the Island ! of Sakhalin, the Japru ese heing engaged in driving the Russian 1 soldiers from point to point, with ; a view, apparently, r taking the j pntire island. The occupancy of ; thin inland in considered of im- i porta nee, as being the only Russian territory that Japan has not I taken. News from the Japanese army in Manchuria is to the effect tlint (t Mieral liinevilch's repeated jnten i hi to attack Oyama's forces lifts apparently been abandoned,' and that tii*-; Russian commander is not strictly on the defensive. There are reports of epidemics find contusions di sea was anions the ^iusHiitn troops, but these are not rupfirnied. The rainy season in i\intichuriH is expected to put tbe j rpadu in such condition that active operation^ will he next to impossible, so that even though an nrqiiatice is not agreed upon, no extensive operaliouH arc likely in the near future. The peace envoys, or most of 1 them, are now en route to Wash* j iitgtou. It has been settled that I1 ihey will hold their sessions at ^orUutonth, N. II.?Charlotte Oh -**rver, Monday. "* ' Marion to Vote On Dispensary, 1 Reports sent out from Marion | say that the anti dispensary pco. I, plo of that county have focussed , * tlieir effviits ftoainst the State in Mitulioii of liquor selling, and the j jp*mittee which hu# charge f ' ? - - ?? the anaUer fins present eci a peti. ! tion to Supervisor Stackhonse, j u jio, in turn, hue promised to order mi election to be held Septem- ' leinber 8th, in accord/nice with the i petitioners" request. Mr. Louis Bristow, chairman <?i the committee, Hpokes man and stated to the supervisor ; that the reason the petitioners) asked for the date to be ho tar advanced was to g?ve full notice and ample opportunity to both sides, that those who do not hold rse-g. j trntliiii cfri i lii'ti i I'd miirlit I tik'mi on sn let day in Augjust; us the law. requires the books to he dosed at least 80 days before nny regulat or special election. The petitioners have between 1,500 and 2,000 names on their petitions and a member of the board or supervisors ot registration ; t,ed today that he believed there were only ahtMTt. 8.U00 voters now qualified in the county. - ? Great Work by Power Company. Tlie Southern Power Company, which has absorbed the Catawba Power Company, means business. , 'Che const ruction work hus already begun at (Jf-at Falls, and the country round about there is full of engineers and workmen, A tenmile railroad will be built from either Fort Lawn or Basoomville, on the Lancaster A Cheater Hail- | rood, to the falls, and the erection j of shacks and houses bet,'in at ; once. The survey ot the p ud is being run now and as soon as the , line is located many hands will be put to woik grading the bed and placing the track. More than fioo la I Ki re is will be set to work at once. The job of building a dam is to lie pushed with all p -ssible force, and it is expected that the j plant will by putting power int.?i Charlotte ?t the end of IS mouths. ' Something like 80,000 horse power ; will he developed at (Treat Falls. Air. \V. A. Leland, who will get his mail at Heath's, wi'l have dimge of the construction work.? Charlotte < Miserver. -?*k- ?. Th? Circuit Court. The circuit court <>f York conn ty convened on Alotrday of last week with Judge Gage presiding. Anions the first mutters presented wiis the ivtum of Supervisor l?o yd | to the rule issued against iiim to show :-nuse why tho jail hud not i been improved in ucoordanee with the recommendation* of .he grand jury. Air. lioyd's return was lield sufficient and I lie rule discharged this officer having shown that he lias no funds on hand to make j these improvements. The case of the State vs. I..-onnie ; Good, accused of burglary and j larceny, was the first case tried and was given to the jury at o.lo ; p. in. The jury returned a ver- ; diet of not guilty. The case of Willinrd O. Bailee, j of Fort Mill, with several oilier eases, have been continued until J the November term. Only a few eases of minor importance hnvt been disposed of. but there is an arson case and a case to be din- | posed wf later in the week. The criminal business was concluded yesterday morning, the fol lowing cases being uisp- sod <-f: Charlie Strait, colored, murder, j guilty of manslaughter ami sen- j, teneed to six years ou the rliaiilU?"g. j , Ashe, colored, indicted of : ftison. Not guilty." Ill til A filUi' ?> t* the Kill to vc Knt?i Sibley, et al., oharg? <1 with tram- ; bling. the judge this morning gave the defendants a new trial upon motion of their attorneys. One of the grounds for a new trial was j that one of the jurors had been talked to about the the ease b% Const.itbio ). II 13. Jenkins, the 1 roaouuting witness. Mr. \V. W. Aulen the juror, and Mr. Jenkins were ruled by the r-ourt. t" show , en use why they should not he pun- ( ished for contempt Mr. Jenkins ( made the point thai the judge had ( no jinisdiciion ami in this In was sustained, but was severely reproymnded by the court. Judge Gage1 In-ld that Mr. An leu had been guilty of no wrong. The judge addressing his remarks to Mr. Jenkins saul In- had ! tieen guilty of a vei > grave otfeiise I hjTJTThhI pmiTTe justice, anatttm) while he had to diamisd t!i ? case 1 on le^al (.'rounds, if he could 'ry I il lie would punish him very ln-ftv ily. Friday's New Eru. The Hilit of his. i!. Sutton vs I he (.'atawha Power Couipnny, askiiikC f<?r $10,0<KJ damages on ac i oount of an overflow of Cntuwbn j k river on the lands of Mr. Sutton ? rlurinc the freshet of' 1901, ooen ; < pied llie ? ? n! t for several days.1, rilia ease was tried two yenrn ii^o. \ resulting in u verdict of ?;>00 lor ? the plaintiff, and the powei com- ? pauy appealed to the tjuprcine \ jonrt and the cnae was Rem back 1 >. for trial. Thia trial ended Satur !tay in r verdict of $1,0<K) in favor ! \ >f the plaintiff, Mr. Sutton. The power company throygh! its attorney, W., 11. Wilson. Sr.,1., o'O t uo ice ol" fiU Ippe d. iV '- J ^' - - . jj!b The News of Qolit tlSII. We Gold IlilliteK nre stepping high in the watermelon pat.>h these days. The melons are not extra large. but have a dbvor pleasing to one's palate. The farmers are rushing things to a finish since the good ranis, and it won't he long till there'll be 'nothing doing'' again. Then com. s our picnic season. The young people of this community were delightfully entertained by Misses Corrinne and Bess* Faris last Wednesday evening. Those who l)?*iivod the unfavorable weather wore "strictly in it,?s when von sneak of the eninv I - ?J J ment of llu1 occasion. The following were pn sent: Aliases Grfli'O Crook, Afaye C(>llliarp, Sue, Anuieand Beulnh Paris. Alattie flmnlilon, T -mm. linilt'H and Juha Keutlrick, of Rock Hill: Messrs. Elmore and Tot Cr ?ok. D. V. and (Trover Kpps, Charlton, doe and Lloyd Smith, I>luu:er Owen, Edward Guriison, Ralph Moan, Jack Hamilton, Crook Fhlip, James Epps and Columbus Kitubrell. Music for I lie ooc,._siou whs for malied by Aiis? May Collharp, who display** wonderful talent ia her excellent touch of the piano. Miss Bessie Wolfe, of Pleasant Valley, apent Saturday night with Aliases Maud and Una Windle Mr, ()sear Faiis, c Pleasant Valley, apent Saturday night- ?,t Air S. L, Colthurp's Mirs Julia Kendriek returned to her home in Hock Hill Friday, after a short stay with Miss Cruet ('took Aliss Annie Crook, who has been on the aiek list, ia reported b Iter. Mrs. W K Cm others and daugh. ter. M'ss Mnytnie' of Kurt AC!!, spent Sunday nfternoou in section ...Mrs. H. i,. Ami. and sister, Aliss Sue Pari i. Saturday night with Airs. 1 c: (hi Coltharp Tiie infant of Mr and Airs. V I*. Blanket.ihi ?>, which lire; been dangerously ill, is reported improved somewhat. Owing to the 1) 'ginning of the revival meeting at Oak Crove Baptist church, Monday July 17, the Children's Day service at Flint liill lias been postponed until August : 2th. The pastor, Rev. J. 1). Hoggins, will he assisted in this protracted n?CcLug by Rev. K. (i. Kendriek. M. I P 11 ? xr i im. ii, i .. j uiiioy, < >< 1 OT"K v : 11;*, has Ix ? :\ elected principal <>1' Gold H'.il Academy for lit" coming nesrtion. He will be assisted by Mia* Corrimie Paris.* Prof. .Inckson Hamilton and sister Miss Mattie returned ti? their home near Marsh viile, 2\, (),. Thursday. Prof. Hamilton will leave in about two weeks for Ins new field in West Virginia. Pleacart Valley Naws. The picnic and Farmers' Institu-e for the 2Tst bids fair to be n great success. Pleasant Valley is noted far and wide for her .good picnics, and since our good women are very much interested :n tins one, it goes without saying that there is a good time in stoiv for eyeryone who attends. There is situated o i ; he p . M'n'inris a bold, gushing spring of line chniy. 1 eate water, rofreslun -nts v. .1 i>e served, and everything possible will he done for the enjoyment of all who attend. Music .vill be fur nished by the Harrison string bund, and "everybody will iia\e a good lime." The farmer is coming on top, now, and thrift and success is reaching all who adopt up-to-date methods, ('very community can well a'.ford, in fact, they can n<?t -pontt m day inor.' profitably thnn coming out to out' these institutes and t)rin<;insz their families and baekots. prepared to have a feast >f luimi and body, and go home uiCou:aged to take up and eairy ?n, the light foi better and m nv liversilud farming in our g-und >1(1 State of South Carolina. The protracted meeting at the Pleasant Valley lV? ; hnr. h will begin no :i. Sunday, ton 23rd, lid continue lIlToUgh the Week. Our two popular attorneys, D. ). Potts ttud \V. 15. Duster, paid a professional visit *0 Y( ikvtllc last week.....!. O. Hall and T, VV 'nip made a buainesH trip to Rock Hill Saturday.... Mr. and M r*. .T. ] M. Harris spt-nl Saturday in Chut ?>t t??. Mm Nnru y I'm1 Me:.son h?d h do tlUtf 11 family reunion on ..he 18lh nat v.-!ii. ii was the Hi i mtnivo >nry *>f her birth. She has -lil ihildren end thirty-olio ?nnjui hildren, and all w ?<* present e\ rpt I WO or three. fiesulra the-r vt re a lari*e conuourH^ of mtl frit nda, all of whom partook >f tin* sumptuous banket dinner vhioh wan Kt i-vi d in the beautiful rove at her home. :'OH SAT.K?A iii<*e I it <it PIGs*, seven olu T H. liARBKK. U. )<\ n. N?? 2, V.-rt Mil!. S. C. AH) A HUNDHWD?Old payor-*, at The Time* Oltico- t> < ' Farmers' Institute Friday. . ' ! A. largo majority of the fnrruetii f and public iu goneiul of this st?c, tion will rtttonti the Farm is' i/i- i stitute at Pleasant V alley uii nrXt j Friday. Tli6*Bvenl will b- in the ! nature of a big picnic, iu.?i will j bo held in a big groye near thej home of .Mr. J. Z l>?il<-s. The j people will all take liiuuer ami j make an entire clay of it. The following are the speakerJ ami their subject's: Prof. VV. L. Morrison, "Industrial Education. . Col. !. S. Newman, ''Agriculture:" i Col. M H. Harden. "fcVrtifi/.ors; I Prof. C. C. Newman, "Hi itieiil* | lure." The Harrison Baud will furnish music. ? ?South Carolina's Rural Routes. The report of the je . to'li.-c de; partui'^nt giving i'ikh! ddi j statistics Cor ?be past / ' ir "ins -u-f , been issued aud is ver\ m te er ii^ ' n* an indication of iI ?- way in v. i routes nt'" beii . slab; shod all over t:i ? I nitcd States. In South (croon.i the 1 tnl number of potii'an.- :e err. i to tliH department were l.C 0. and of this number 47u wire adversely reported. July 1, 1W4. ?i re were in South (Jftroljiru d'll ' it - in < ; eretion"and ?? this time there ate; lib, a gain of 1 i">. Phot uv n >v. j pending beiore I lie depavtinmit t *?s petition?! fro r. South t n.uihiu e-< ing f- r "t'" routes. OC 11.: i mini tier it e prob'bh* that some wdi| | be. c .tuted mid the whole number I j tor tlie year v !! then he t : dt r- i i ab!v augmented. Tins rapid increase in the nam ' her of new routes in the country t a ; plendid index to what tin I '>ijo; e iin> doing. In some localities. wnere a few years ago tit. people received few papers a?id seldom exchanged letters, mails I are now delivered once, and some, j times twice a day. giving tin turnl I I man as good chance to keep with the World as >ts cit\ ' friend. isloSiSi iaBBSBSKia IffSKroSJB' Aunui.Jlv. ?o tlic new prsoiorvi . 'iiedliy . Bailrotil and Telegraph Crmpauic*. V* v.:' , YOCKQ MEN na;l LAD1K ' cf privi .. . ) ra. to LEftRM ?EL?Gfi?Pfi i AND R R ACCOUNTS. j?j WefonushTA ecu: o: .. ^ c I 3taMu:i Amenta 01 A * .:ca. 0?: six sjhool, I ;t? th9^i* ?a#i?::oin -oT* errr-.pj? ?:! tc n 1 the wtrld. fiitablisboi 20 year* and 01> ? it 1 by all ftaiiv ay Wl' e.VOCUtO I I .Ml. 1 'Wl> Ml dontto furnish hin ?>r her a isi. 'ii- ? j paying from * ?> ?>.? >0n month m ? enstoftho Ricky mountains. i' mi! j ..; ? to 4Un? a moot I hi htm s w<->t i;o I hickk s, iiiiit> is: : < iy ujk?!i Mad'. :11??i?. ; | Stndt u!?- nun enter a: any tiin. ( {Vacation*. ! '<>v full puvi icnl. - i ,t 1 wig any of oiu school- v? i t ?>;;> executive oitice m (Jim wo nti v>; . Catalogue free, Mttr^e ui' s?<? iir*?pi:* Cincinnati Ohio. Bn'Mlo, ,N v., .> i lama, % I .i r< sso. \ Tcviu '. aii i. T rv. H n iVauehau. * j BANK STATEMENT. St ( nit nt of i lit- Sit viu^s Hunk of 1 irt . Mill, S. C., t>?r th" ijuaricr t ailing i Jaae ilOth, lUOn. ASSETS. Loam sir, i.;s 70 I' '.". c and Supplies 1 -Si) iC j Due from hunks .. I fil I Cash 111 vault . .. 1 ." > '> $ . I, I'.M 'i 1 U ABILITIES. 1 On pi tftl Steele . . -ts Undivided Profits . :> n> i Uivklond No :I, payable July 1 7 i"n , Personal Deposits "s $?<? IIW 1 I. \V. 11. M ouohnm ".ishinr of fchu 'a1 ova nto.attl bulk, d v? leu;n*-v,- : . 1 hat t "t, nbo' o sn vimm - trie ' > lv Ll- , <?? ' ... W. i5. Mi \? Tr w. On <r .Subsorihed mid HWnrn '<> bufoiv thil Uth d:iy (>:' Jii.y ?i~ t, \\ LicLi'ii Wi ^ t ' * isi.Vf.t(j. j Attest: ' oi v J. B. Bua< i ? I'OK KKN'l ? A small trout rum, u| I 8Cair> ovrr Ardrey s 'iruy ry Ap; r, :<? J. W. At iivy. F >B SAI K XT H \ I.K PRIOR IH fldbnlarshtp It* rliu Ocor^ia- Alabama Business 0?llrji?, of Mui mi 1 >u. Tho POUT M! 1.1j VIA riS. So. loo. llavloir dccidod to I.^iin < - 1 tiit pmr i c.r of in ft .inn , 1 w i b> p! r.i ;rr? tort rvn von. XI! 'ills nuivwrud tli ?uo \ i. ? ?. * ... M r. l.t 11 .\ ;*?. M. D. |jp ^wgyjw^'gwK! yfe&ii ^ . C..U ..? ',?. '"If V "I ' .* . ?or ; fifirv "i-ivion j? * H?. k VtoQv%ih \ ,A. nnd Fore .'.a:tr? ki ?. frid* M?pV>,' U I y\V??LE Fur- ?* ..? < ; to in t itorft.O' FAtterr uwunti o? ysa.?8* pjactic^ A 5? 2P opo potent* pRtiCjrrr thpojgh TIK M, t* It) All ?*?!.. H CHHI .V. .&u HilVT1l ? I ' U* ' yf jjJ^Tflru Mml ?-lo c*?ac%t if" i ?*? C. A. SirlOW & CO.; I P?TtNT L*.VVCHS, J' Opp. U. S. fettnt Ofiii', WAWWOrnil. G. f.Jjj Cooper's Cholera Cure lor ( hiekens, A corff!ivi cviro for 11?i. = prevailing vii. . '-i: an !' has a!so 1 I- i! -tuecos-fuily -isi'-l i;? chftes of Hoop. Sor- hentl ami other diseases, unci ? ^euprul '01ii' ami < .c ; ?>f?' ?-r. t'teie is 11 r > 1 i? : i_i_r * >*? II..* ???'.* ! s* t_,_* I * * .. V ^ ? 4 ? . . ? 4 I I A IV'JI I \J Clj'l'H It. jSo Food but al! 3fcdic:nc. This. remedy is guaranteed nlid if it u t ~ . vl cure, you call get your u'.ouej bttek ut tuis store, >\ . 15, Ardrey & Comp'y. d J to GASTON & HALL For your FHFSH MEATS, suet; (7 III FF, J'< 'Kit, SA I'sagj:, FISH, Fte v\ t'~?>ir:' i art " a ! r ? of I ieavy out F ;a *v i >' Catm-?i Liootls. T??bi eoe^.it 5 : *>' ' T' " ' protu j)t ttltju' I'd! X L. uui letu-fa TV J GASTON & HALL. IJOB PRIM :ui II 1VHATLV l.X 1 iii. Ti.ULS \& Loireriiou i< N ide-ids. IJilliead J^" t ovulai i "v ! Etc., at tlie ixe v-'..?k. . ntl m your orders and v\ |! "Z?2: y11J ! SfMTiSns f^r^ivSf m i g[i SINGLES ; S HIN < 1 .V * .;.ir i, l?CS ( :ir" o? > '). ? c!u v T. B. SfcLK' ? ? \J? > ?< V " !*?\. > ' \ ? ' *K,-> * V* k V.*.*.*%.V - vXVVWSV '? <>* VI 9 T 5 \ <: t j j K % i, i/\ ? n * -A i'l r t ;! PWnUt p- ! 1 ? '' #' ' >;. t j V>, * ? ts?. *i I t t>m* Jh \ - J [ AA. bA. v ! < ? / ' < ' ,V"-'V M ;: / ' <"> n- h ;Pi j>; ;| ^ ^ '?, i ? *X v ntfcrtakiug in ; . ' Uc ' v.''po.i*. Pino ( . i Si?uc Laskct. Kobe i - ' ml gentlemen, w*}< and 11 ' r,;'.4 V\ Agon. H 'J S> I'AUIK M ) > t \r ?' **? * ti.%v > .' tASW* '.' ' ? v>.1. -, s < v i C > ' '' is './// ' '' .' ^ '. t?w ': v. < . r< r:?, .. v? v ? K.j JI ^ ' * L> ' if. n ru " ^ \ ? i * frJ i 11 < * . M?u Kiev t ours# v^.'v# *i ^4i? ?. sou. R.a.!! f. -.:. it'Oill ruin K. . ?fi 1.\ C' .r.!?.ttc * | " " t>7 " ..? : ' .. ? ? ?. .. , . t ' ? ff/ ?V i " ?. Vu* ? N. ' Lv < "i; ^*n: < , . v " I til ! V | . '> . ,, i ,, ;.<? . ' ' ' ?' TO (H U F1UEXDS! We are now located nt 124 15. ' Council street, Salisbury, N. C\, I ntid solicit yonr trade. We have i on lumd h complete line of the ! h Hi Whiskies, Winea, Brandies, 1'itcv, r>m! can supply your wan'a ;.v ..... i;.... ii ii un ? 11 in .; in \.mm m nr. Wlir i Mr. . A. Toeter, formerly of j Charlotte, has perpannl supervision lot' our bliippiuu deportment unci . all mnil orders receive prompt ami careful attention at his hands. Ask for price list and order blank with your order. I \V. II. IIOOVEK '& CO., 'SALISBURY. N. 0. Phone 248. If MODEL ' 1 ' ; Stoam Lauiuliy. !; CHARLOTTE, ? ? N. C. PRICE LIST. Shirts ...,10c i Shirts, new, 12.Hj? Collars ...,2c CtilTs, jk'V pair 4c ! Undershirts fcc I ! Drawers So , ' 1 t- 1;? per pair,..' 3c i ' 5 Par .'.kerchiefs, linen So I Dai akerchiefs, silk v 5c 1 rants c: to i5c ? ('ears 25c to 75c 1 : Ij \'ests 25c S ft .'V":i-?ts 1;> up i . T't ai e s . . 10c up ^ Hlanki ts, tnrle, 15ci double. \J"c ' lOo f 'J'al ' rHot it- lOe ; I I ^aii^lRKS col jj Agents, I FORT MILL. ? ? ? S. C. |i ?: 1 fVJ & fftLi & ffHl SS fri IT IN G I KCCTKl) AT fe Ol-FICE. A pr @1 s, Statements, Handbills. Poster* li)\v? ;i prircx i-oiiaistent with fjootl ^ e will plejise you. pi ie 'I^iixies. ? iCSMl :?PJ Fr^JE VtfV?S V**5<.'?N*V?V?V?\?* -s4? * I r? rci * Ot L, C ^ * J ; M ? r; I rr c; f * j A f k?tvjl f ft t i'liu Shingles. ft > c '. i p i i v- ^ lilll^lcS. - Fort Mill, S C | + a *wA v^Nr**. v V^S^.S^Ns^v^Vr:*: >. < ' *,%Vn,\VV\V\V*W\\'N\: NEii COMET I // . . ,'v^ ? * * r .* % :? 1 ?{ r.-:> {" ' r'W ,ViO > 5^ mm y .$ y - $$. [RECTOR, . ! *v ^ I ss A ill its branches from '.nfi'iu to the finest ? 1'or children, ladies i r^e >, etc. Hearse ' < ' i>i?es 12 &r 34. ?? iR & COMPANY. f2 v?rv?r,'?N<r\*Nwf r.v J 3?i3,OOo / , , f / it \ U ,*i ' N NO KINOSANCt i j A * O c s V I ; VwJ.V TJ n v '\ j }: ' iir;. M ? con Ga. iCIIliiivjjLeJS. i .: Mill p. Ar Ohenrer 8 :5o p .. Lola. 10.15 a .. " " i. ?>.-> p s.n r.. " " 11.3.1 a .">!' VT) - ? } t | Ar ('har' '?f> p <!!>, . # ., I..K- p . ... ., .. !>.f?Oa p. ' " 10.05 p