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'? Vis Health Was Wrecked, Pe-ru-na Gave New Life. BflSaaV y ^ ^ HON. JO^N TIOHE. AHHctnhlymati Tlghe'n letter should ke retail by every brain worker lead*m0a utrenuouH life. Hon. .John Tighc, No. 98 Remncn St., Ooh<M,s, N. Y., Member of Assembly from Uw Fourth District, Albany County, N. Y., write* as follows: 'Peruna has my hearty indorsement as a restorative tonic of superior merit. At ttmes when I have been completely broken down from excess of work, so that my faculties seemed actually at a standstill. Pet una has acted as a healing restorer, I starting the machinery of mind and body afresh with new life and energy. "I recommend it to a man tired in mind and body as a tonic superior to anything I know of and well worthy serious consideration."?.1. Tighe. Kxeess of work, so common in our country. causes impaired nerves, leading to catarrh and catarrhal nervousness?a disease that is responsible for half of all nervous troubles. Peruna cures this trouble because it cures catarrh wherever located. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartinan. giving a full statement of your case, and he will be Fpcmwrd to give you his valuable advice irrat is. Address Dr. Hartman. President of The Jlartinan Sanitarium, Columbus, O. A woman's idea of a good figure is -one that her dressmaker can make so different her own husband doesn't recognize it. THREE YEARS AFTER. Kupene K. I,nrlo, of 751 Twentieth avenue, ticket seller in the Union snt 1*4?11, Denver, Col., says: "You are at liberty to repeat what I a first stated through ottr Denver papers about loan's Kidney Pills in the summer of 1SP<). for I have aEfjHwiftk bad no reason In the In- WnrtjAgOv ierim to clianpe my opinion of the remedy. 1 was mibject to severe attacks fflragSp of backache. always np- BHbh jfravated if I sat loop at Bp a desk. I loan's Kidney ^H| Pills absolutely stopped iny backache. I have Run never had a pain or a jfts twinge since." "SJ Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all drnppists. Price 50 ?^uits per bos. What a beautiful world this would be if natural (lowers would only grow to resemble their pictures in the seed catalogues. "Mr father had been it anfferer from nick headache *?r tho ia?t twenty-five years ami never found any ^ Uef until tie began Inking yot'r Cairareta. Sine* kt Lai lirimn taking t'nscnrotn he ha* never bud ?*e headache. Tliey have entliely cured hint. Cas.-aretj do tvhnt you recommend them to do. 1 will give you the privilege of lining h'n" * M Incknon. tlfO lioslnor St., lV.ludiaQai>->U(, Ind. f\?% r? jw ?r vy v i ?-?5oi |W OS xL r-'V The bowels ^ iSSXM&IWto CANDY CATHARTIC Firjiaarf. Pal?t<0>l?, Ta.ito 0ot?<5. Do Oootl, "Rucrfi.-len. Weaken or <4rl|m. 10a. !'? , 5bc. Knnr .n l.uiK. ' in toMuhio tablet simtipeti CUC. <U&*rauti eti U> Cu. < or your monoy back. Strrlip'' Reinetly Co., Chicago or N.Y. 598 akhu.asrv^trti fw.u03 boxes THE DAISY R br TOa. IUUUI II M)XI Kit, l?U Drfctlb At*., Bruoltjn, i. V. So. 'J4. ?EE n3fa MJ CtKIS WHIM All lUl t AIU. X*fl Jhm l!<vt Coiurh S) ruii. Taste* Leo F*J In (lino. Soul (>y di-?;rfl <!. ?. y ~ cal tost, Checkers is to contain any Alcohol 01 Gpimu, Cocaine, or any other perfectlyhnrmkss ami only co Orange Wine and imported 1 properties of the formulary Coa Liver Oil (which it con! weakest stomach. Checkersci Blood Diseases, Catarrh, liro Rheumatism, La Grippe, Ilea and Fever, Nervousness and (4 and is a good medicine for all largo dollar bottles to-day, disease will obtain more swaj Checkers Medlolis fcr ' '"'I ' * : Hfot. m s mar 9 ACCOUNTED FOR THE DOLLAR. Beggar's Windfall Due to Somewhat Remarkable Circumstance. Representative Branch of Morgan county, the "military man" of the house, has bad some unusual expert ences. The fact that he is a chairman of the committee on military affairs very often causes his colleagues to ask him for stories. "It was while attending a military school a good many years ago that I formed the habit of taking long walks before breakfast," said Branch to a group of friends. "One morning I h?nnnnaH k. ? ??rr w uv ouvitiug kuiwugu the town near which the school was located, when I was 'touched* by an old fellow, whose tale of hard luck would have melted a stone. 'But, my good fellow,' 1 said, 'I haven't a cent with me this morning. 1 spent my last penny last night, and my check from home won't reach me until to-morrow.' "The old man wasn't satisfied. " 'Look through your pockets,' he begged, 'maybe you'll find something.' " 'Well, If I've got any money In these clothes you can have every cent of It,' I said to him, and I began turning my pockets Inside out Just to show him that I was 'strapped.' "Well, would you believe It, a sliver dollar dropped out of one of my pockets and rolled on the sidewalk. Delighted, the old man quickly grabbed It up and said, 'Thanks.' "He was much bigger than I and I paid, 'Certainly; I am glad I can help you, but, really I didn't know It was there.' "All the way back to pchool 1 wondered how that dollar came to be In my trousers." "And did you ever find out?" asked another legislator. "Oh, yes; when I got back to my room my roommate told me that I was wearing his pants."?Indianapolis Star. Pointed Paragraphs. It takes a man of wisdom to utMlze half he knows. It is easier to stay out of the snare than it is to struggle out. Forbearence with the wrong is not the same as its forgiveness. A K?nni r> I'hynlrlan. J. T. Porter, DeKitlh county, writes: Am remote fr?>in niedleul uid, but I have a physician ever with me to check sudden attacks of the bowels in keeping Dr. Diggers' Huckleberry Cordial. Simply beats them all. Hold by ull Druggists, J5 aiul 50 \ bottle. Fortunate is the girl who knows more than to look pretty. Cure* Rricinit, Itching llmnnm. Especially for old, chronic cases take Botanic Blood Balm. It gives a healthy blood supply to the affected parts, heals all the sores, eruption scabs, scales; stops the awful itching and burning of eczema, swellings, suppurating, watery sores, etc. Druggists ?1 per largo bottle, 3 bottles ir'J.50, 6 bottles 55.00, express prepaid, t-am pie fret and prepaid by writing Blood llalm Co., Atlanta, On. Describe trouble and free medical advice si ut iu sealed letter. The greatness of a man is not evidenced by his finding faults, but by hit fixing them. Ho. 24. FITS n?rni-\nnnt|r en red. No fits or nervous. n???after lr-0 dnv'* u*e o' Dr. Kline'* irev Nervoll6*toror, rialbottle and treatlso^rsa Dr. I'. I. v'mvk. V-l.. ?tt (rah1t?PiillilPi, The latest 1'aris edict is that women mu.*t be thin. rm *Vm(bin ?|7i? s nailer after using Alien'* Foo"'Fase, a nowdnr. It make* tight or new snov easv. Cure* swollen, hot, sweating, acliln ; ]? ?', in-;- > .via ; n lila, corn* and bunion*. A* rll druggist* and shoe stores, 'lie. Don't a1i-cit anv *ub*tltute, I'ri-tl unckage Frkf. bv trai1. Address, Allen Olmsted. Lelloy, N.Y. Tokio i> about fourteen 1 inrs ahead oi New York. Mr*. Window'* -foot iln;Syruo lorchlldron leetblnr,soften tiio .;uin*, reduce* tnllamiualion,allay ain.cure* wind colic, Joe.ubottle. The bayonet's importance is lecogni/ec ail ever the world to-day do not believe t'isu's Cure for Consumelit-nha .me pt.;l je- coughs and cold*.--Jons F.i.oykk, I'rielt . Seriugs, Ind., Feb. 15, 1JJJ. The microbe now flourishes niightiiy it: the altcnticii oi the world. MILK CRUST ON BABY I.-tii! All III* llulr?>rrntrlift Till Klooil 11:111?(I i n l?> I ul AC lit licr Tells of II is Cure li t Cut Intra Fur 7Sc. "When our hahv hoy was three month) old lie had the milk crust very badly or Iks hcnrl. so all the hair came out, ami i' itched so had he would scratch until the l>lo > 1 ran. T got a cake of Cuticura Soai and a box of Cuticura Ointment. I appliec the ( uticiira and put a thin cap on his head, and before 1 had used half of tlu I box it was entirely cured, his hair com le.cnced to stow out nicely again, and he hat h*?d no return of the trouble. (Signed] Mrs. M. P. Holmes, Ashland, Or." All things come to him who waitexcept the expected remittance. EH I\EWARD llll ?>! IP IIII IIIIIW? IIUM?I found tho minutest jmrtiele of Morphine, dangerous narcotic drug. Checkers is a tains sufficient concentrated California Ojiorto Port to preserve tho medicinal and render the scientifically prepared tains.) palatable and agreeable to tho iresStomach, Liver, Kidney, Nerve and nchitis. Concha and Colds, Neuralgia, rt Dise ase, Indigestion, Malaria, Chill* eneral Debility. It chocks Consumption Female Complaints. Get one of tho , you may forget it to-morrow, and tho j by delay. Sample free?if you write. r? Crv, Winston-Sal em, X. O. RAM'S HORN BLASTS HE pursuit of men- ' I ey Is painful, but its possession Is often J9 "Jore so. ' It doesn't take a ' very large intellect r frjuioi *? hold a good deal of conceit. i wBvA It is rlways safer t ^1 P to say "No" to your- NfcwJ \\4 sel* than to God. | . He who has never fought himself has * ^laV* conquered no other The preacher's practice is the real < proration of his sermon. i When the door is opened on selfish- < ness love dies on the threshold. i ?o long as truth lives it will grow ? and outgrow all the clothes we make t for it. t The fruitful lives are the ones that 1 sow seeds of gratitude in the furrows i of affliction. Preaching dogmas is fighting the t devil with the scabbard instead of with i the sword. t There may be more spirituality in a < bowl of soup than in a sermon. f The infidel howls at the 1311 e mira- t cles, but he aims at tis morals. t There's no power in the piety that t seems to give a man perfect pain. . When the church is frozen with formalism it needs more than fires of elo- j quence. , No man ever suffered much for his t opinions until they got down below his collar. No matter how hurried you may be, j no time is ever wasted that is spent in , gratitude. The devil is exceedingly solicitous . lest the church acquire a reputation for undue activity. Many people see their children grow up while they are planning on begin ning to train them. 8 The models of fashion here cannot ' even be certain of passing muster as ' door-mats in Heaven. 1 Men who couldn't organize a peanut ' stand know just how the pastor should ! i run the church. l It takes as much grace to make r 1 saint out of a Pharisee as it does to 1 make one out of a publican. t The modern idolitor falls down before < the work of his own imagination in- 1 stead of that of his hands. 1 SPOltTlSC BKEVITIES. < William 13. l.ecd- and Andrew Millet frill dissolve tieir racing partnership. tloveriior lliggins. of New York, lias Vetoed llle Krajwley boxing h'tl. 1 St. Bart liolonjiew *s Athletic Club won the point trool y at the games at Celtic Park. , , College athletes won the majority of the games at ilie Irish allil lie carnival in Celti Park] 1 Mr. Kliell l> .11 kl'il :l 11 iviiii Mm rlhlwuis ..i tin' lMliliulHi.liin Horse ! Show ;i11?I Mr. Allied C. Yniulorliilt . i nni. ' Itryn M;nvr. 011 it- own Hi Id. defeated , tlu> Country C!ut> l>y .7 jroals to ?.?. in , tlie opening mateli of tin- Philadelphia polo season. 1 ( A. I'. Itailey ran Itaif a mlie in 'Jin. ' In I hs. at West Side (New York Cityl V M. C. A. y tines, and beat the former In st mark. II. II. lla. U-it and I. IXi eaeh < won two inatelies in tin- open singles j in the law n iei.nis tournament of the . New Y >* k i. T. '. C. S. Piins won the senior setill iaee . in the Harlem Uiver K'.uatta. and I. I'. Hiti-kl-y. of Portland. Me., the vet- 1 era lis' sinpl-' sr nit. Tli" Country Chili of M'est.hester poio team won the Meadow itrook Cup liy defeating in the thtal .onnd tSrrat Neek liy a seore of Jo to PJ. IMtrinn a steefderliuse .it P.elmont Park P. Aaitifose Clark, the million- : 1 aire gent eaiau * ioekey was thrown troin hi- luirse and narrow'lj esrapeil i injury. < Clarenee Ilohart. of Ann rien. and I'. K. Yerkerk. of Holland. were defeated i I hy T. >f Pell and !l Torreiiee in donhles at the New York l.awu Tenuis t "Inli. Mrs. K. I'. Fellows, of Ihtglewood. N. .1., with a net seore of St.. won the Itandieati in the women's metronoiitaii 1 gulf tournament ;ii tin* I'luintieid Country ('iul>. If the wishes of the Am rican people had prevailed. Kitzhiigli would have he n buried in the Campo Santo ;it At line.'.; n. an i a stately shaft wou'd have risen there to his memory. Hut his own desir has i>rev;tiled. very rightfully, thinks the Hartford Courttnt. Years ago, tts we now learn, hi tohl his family lie wanted to lie buried in *ln' Hollywood Cemetery tit Richmond when the time came and on one occasion at least lie pointed out the very spot?near Jefferson Davis's grave?where he wished his grave to be made. Several Atlantic liners arrived in New York harbor within a single day. bringing to our shores 12,000 immigrants. The New York newspapers say the v w arrivals are a sturdy lot. and that few or none of them will be sent hack. The steamship companies clofci ly scrutinize applicants r ,1...' 1-1,1.1 .,,,,1 f..,? i 1UI uu I ill" will* i oi?n . uiiu n n ' deportations, therefore, become necessary. I The construction of a navy. Mho J any other experiment in the application of modern science and in wa'lon in any other department of the public service, was an experiment which involved great risk as well as great boldness in design and conception, and as| history shows that Mr. Whitney wis the first officer of compeien* authority to inaugurate the system of constrnctlon and armament which has placed! our navy upon a plane of effi ctencjj, proportioned to the number of Itsjvesseis. with the advanced nations.! it seems but just that he shoull be accorded due credit for his work! the Louisville Courivr-Jcunal decltwes, M GAS AND WATER. S ONE AS NECESSARY AS THE OTHER? Cltlsens of I.arce Cities Say It Is* New York, June 13.?In the recent igitatlon here about the price of gas, he demand for lower rates 'was sup>orted by the argument that every resilent is as dependent upon a suppiy of ;as as upon a supply of good water. It has come to pass that the day lajorer uses gas us his only fuel for booking, because of economy, and the ieh man uses gus on account of its wnvenlcnce. Gas for lighting, with nodern improvements in burners, is ;heaper, better and more satisfactory han any other kind of light. Gas tells at $1.00 per thousand cubic feet n large cities, and from thnt to as high ts $3.00 in smaller towns. The consumer of gus in the country ises Acetylene (pronounced a-set-aene). and each U6cr makes his own gas ind is independent of Gas and Electric Companies. Acetylene is a more per'ect illuminant than the gas sold by he big gas companies in the cities, and he cost to the smallest user is about he equivalent of city gas at 85 cents per thousand. Acetylene is the modern artificial lght, the latest addition to the many nventions that have become dally neressities. The light from an acetylene flame is soft, steady and brilliant, and in qualty is only rivaled by the sun's rays, [f water and a solid material known as Calcium Carbide are brought into contact, the immediate result is the makng of this wonderful gr.s. The generaJon of acetylene is so simple thnt experience or even apparatus is not necessary to make it. If it is desired to make it for practical lighting, and to ieep it for immediate use. then a small machine called an "Acetylene Generator" is employed. There are many responsible concerns making acetylene yenera-tors. In practice this gas is distributed in small pipes throughout buildings, grounds or entire cities and towns in the same lununer as ordinary :lty gas. Acetylene is the only satisfactory means of lighting isolated buildings located in the country or suburbs at a distance from city gas or electric plants. Odd Nicknames for Vessels. British sailors have odd nicknames 'or their vessels Some of them are: Vlajestlc, Jew's Stick; Magnificent, Waggle; Princo George, P. O.; Sans Parel, Sampan; Amphitrite, Ham an' Tripe; Hermione. Mv Own: Prince of Wales, Itching Dean; Narcissus, Little ^Iss; Jupiter, Jupes; Queen. Alex; Hermes, Wallflower; Bacchante, Back Shunt; SutleJ, Subtle J; Niobe, Nobbier; Hogue, Hog; Warspitc, Waraash; Royal Oak. Acorn; Undaunted, Unpainted; Empress of India, Ileairen's Light; Pomone, Pom One; Nile, rhe Jew; Victorious, V. C.; Bellerophon, Billy Rufllan; Foudroyant, Food and Drink. Tree's Strange Crop. There Is a curious sight in the fork of an umbrella tree on Washington street, between Fourth and Fifth avenues. It is a fine growth of wheat almost ready to come out into head. The stocks are nearly two feet long and the blades broad and healthy looking. It was at first thought that this growth consisted of shoots from the tree, but on closer examination it uas found to be wheat. It has no foundation of earth, or if there*is any It is so hidden by the growth as to be Invisible. The wheat grains in some way found lodgment in the crevices of the bark and have probably had no other earthy bed than that formed by dust which during the dust storms 01' the summer was blown there.?Arizona Republican. FEED YOUNG CIRLS. Munt lluvo l'.l^lit Kooil XVhlle Growing Great care should be taken at 1 lie M'ltlcnl liiTlfiil trlwiii 11,., !.? .lust merging into womanhood that the diet shall contain all that is upbuilding, and nothing harmful. At that age the structure is being formed and if formed of a healthy, sturdy character, health and happiness will follow; on the other hand unhealthy cells may be built in and a sick condition slowly supervene which, if not cheeked, may ripen into a chronic disease and cause life-long suffering. A young lady says: "Coffee began to have such an effect on my stomach a few years ago, that I was compelled to quit using it. It brought on headaches, pains in my muscles, and nervousness. "I tried to use ten in its stead, but found its effects even worse than those I suffered from coffee. Then for a long time I drank milk alone at my meals, but it never helped me physically, and at last it palled on me. A friend came to the rescue with tiie suggestion that 1 try l'ost tint Coffee. "1 did so, only to lind at first, that I didn't fancy it. But t hail heard of so many persons who liail been benefited l?y its use that I persevered, ntul when I hail it brewed right found it grateful in flavor and soothing ami strengthening to my stomach. I can find no words to express my feeling of what I owe to Postnin Food Coffee! "In every respect it lias worked a wonderful Improvement ? the headaches, nervousness, the pains in my side anil back, ail the distressing symptoms yielded to the magic power of Postum. My brain seems also to share in the betterinefit of tny physical condition; it seems keener, more alert and brighter. I am, in short, in better health now than 1 ever was la-fore, and I am sure I owe it to the use of your Postum Food Coffee." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek. Mich. There's a reason. Killaajr Rat* Latlalatlaa. At the biennial convention of the Order of Railway Conductors, recently held at Portland. Oregon, resolutions were uuanlmously adopted voicing their sentiments as to tde effect of pro* posed railway rate legislation on the 1,300,000 railroad employes, whom they In part represented. These resolutions "Indorse the attitude of President Roosevelt lu condemning secret rebates and other illegalities, and commend the attitude of the heads of American railways, who, with practical unanimity, have Joined with the President on this questiou." They then respectfully point out to Congress the "inadvlsubiiitv of legislation vesting In the hands v? u vvujuiicioiuii |/unt*l U*it lUIUVtl j rates, now lower by far in the United States than lu uuy other country," because such regulation would "result in litigation and confusion and inevitably tend to an enforced reduction in rates, irrespective of the question of the ability of the railroads to staud the reduction, especially in view of the increased cost of their supplies and materials," They further protested ngnlnst spch power being given to the present Interstate Commission because "the proposed legislation Is not in harmony with our idea of American Jurisprudence, inasmuch as it contemplates that a single body shall have the right to investigate. Indict, try, condemn and then enforce its decisions at the cost of the carriers, pending appeal, which is manifestly inequitable." The conductors base their demand for only such legislation. If any, as would "secure and Insure Justice and equity aud preserve equal rights to all parties concerned" on the ground that the low cost of transportation "is the result* of the efficiency of American railway management and operation which have built up the country through constant improvement and development of territory, while at the same time recognition lias been given to the value of intelligence among employes in contrast to foreign methods, where high freight rates and lowest wages to employes obtain." In pressing their claim against legislation adverse to their iuterests, they point out tlie fact that "the freight rates of this country average only two per cent, of the cost of articles to the consumer, thus making the freight rate so insignificant a factor in the selling price tliut numerous standard articles are sold at the same price in all parts of the country." Some men who water their milk every day cannot understand why the prayer-meetings seem so thin. > Flavor I FoodProd ! 3 Tha appetizing flf\vor and e'lti^frina quality of | V dut to Ilia aklii of too L?bli) ch?f? and to the i j I Llbby's For BrookfeLSt. D } Corned Beef He.sK Brisk \ Veal Loaf Soup l They ara ready tolj?r%>i ) Llbby. McNeill ^SiaaEHmBSssBassB^jBBHgaLani | Lei Common Do you honestly believe, tliut Thl* mndc LION COFFEI * ; Millions of American Horn p'; There is n*> stronger proof of ft ing popularity. "Quality sur w (SoUlonlyin 1 lh. packap?i ; ] ^Save your Lion-lien '& SOLD BY GROC! 'WfNCh CSBH REPEATII No matter how big the bird, t \ you can bring it to i ! V Si \U Winchester Repeating Shotgu I v| YKBi give the best results in field te?ch of everybody's pockct'oo FREE: SenJ t arc an J ailJrtts l I \ TWO OPENJ.ETTERS IMPORTANT TO MARRIED WOMEN Mrs. Mtry Dlmmick of Washington tells How Lydla B. Plnkhsm's Vegetable Compound Mads Her Well. It is with great pleasure we publish the following' letters, as they convincingly prove the claim we have so many times made in our columns that Mrs* - - A^Xv^*ViiiwsL;--*^1 a?j*jt*. .?" \?,''J Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., is fully quail* fled to give helpful advice to sick women. Read Mrs. Dimmlck's letters. Her first letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :? " I have been a sufferer for the past eight Tears with a trouble which first originated from painful menstruation?the pains were excruciating, with inflammation and ulcers* tion of the womb. The doctor says I must have an operation or I cannot live. I do not want to submit to an operation if I can possibly avoid it. Please help me."?Mrs. Mary Dimmick, Washington, D. C. Her second letter; I Dear Mrs. Pinkham :? "You will remember my condition when I last wrote you, and that the doctor said I must hnve an operation or I could not live. I received your kind letter and followed your advice very carefully and aiu now entirely well. As my ease was so serious it seems a miracle that I am cured. 1 know that I owe not only my health but my life to Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable < 'ompound and to your advice. I can walk miles without an ache or a |>ain, and I wish every suffering woman would read this letter and realize what you can do for them."?Mrs. Mary Dimmick, 59th and East Capitol Streets, Washington, D. C. How easy it was for Mrs. Diramick to write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., and how little it eoat her?a two-cent stamp. Yet how valuable was the reply t As Mrs. Dimmick says?itsaved her life. Mrs. Pinkham has on tile thousands of just such letters as the above, and offers ailing women helpful advice. Ho. 1*4. HrS Thompson's Eye Water ? LTBBT*8 POTTBD A*D PimLED MEATS is ( >urtlj an*l tr?n*lh of lha inured :uai? u?*tl. f Food Products / 1 nnor cvrvd Supper. t ot Doof Bone4es<7 Chicken / 9 Vienna. Sa.usa.go J I?iloar Grocer haj them v 6l Llbby, Chicago ^ i Seiise Decide 1 coffee sold loose (in bulk), exposed o dust., germs and inserts, passing gl hrough many hands (some of H hem not over-clean), "blended," Bj i'ou don't know bow or by whom, * h fit for your uso? Of course you H lout. But LION COFFEE | Is another story. The flrccn I berries, selected by keen a judges at the plantation, are raj skillfully roasted at our lac- I< lories, where precautions you 1 would not dream of are taken 1 to secure perlect cleanliness, | flavor,strength and unllorinlty. K From the time the coffee leaves H the factory no ham/ touches it till K it is opened in your kitchen. j ^ H the LEADER OF ALL !'. CM AGE COFFEES. j/! ps welcome LION COFFEE daily. Rfl merit than continued and increas- Rl vivea ti.Il opposition." ! s. Lion-head on every packago.) \-"f ila for valuable premiums.) jS ERS EVERYWHERE S| WOOLSON SPICK CO., Toknlo, Ohio. ? ?ST?ffl MG SHOTGUNS 10 matter how heavy its plumage or swift It^H with a long, strong, straight shoottn^H n. Results arc what count. They alway^H , fowl or trap shooting, and arc sold withi^^H i cn a postal card for our largj iHustrat. J cjtalogn^^m( ftS REPEATING ARMS C > ? NKW HA'.SN. CON