University of South Carolina Libraries
FORT M11 ! Tl M KS DEMOCRATIC |V PUBjjsijEjj i: vrki:y w eonesday fc.' W. BKADFCKD. J Terms of Kulmcrtp*hot: ' Oiip y?wir ? 1,0?? MF4,/ fix months Three months..........:...... f - Gfor respondent on tints r?t subjerts Is Invited, but no rrjjp ir.Hil.lilt> is :ir lltTiel for the Views of <s?rr<'S.t >n? I -rs t r . * Anonymous <-ninuuinit-.-i lions will n?>t bo published In these niliimns. On nppljmlion to tin- publisher. ;ul\<r veiWsinic 4-fitos are made known to v - those ' lbtf rested. JUNE li. !!><?", The War. .? <, ' The war hotwt <n IT s.<j'i and Japan, in many r< npe'cls the most notable in history, 11?<!-? practically boiue to nn end. There is 1.11 i?* likelihood tlint any mote tKrlit i?iii of ii serious nature wi I 11.k? pi and if the armies in M .in huri t are nware oflheatatilB of affairs ns Hhey doubtless at e it in likely that 11.ey will refrain from attacking each other until a formal nrmistiei is declared. Timt will prolmhiy lie within a few days. At the instance of President lioosevelt, the warring nationa have signified their willingness to appoint ploui poteritinrieH with a view toanuug ing pence terms, the Russian govW eminent going so far as to . \| w its willingness to have tin im-eling U Manrhunn, Washington or Patis. The latter eity, however, is prefer e<l by the Czar, and will prohahly 1>o the seeiie of at least tin* preliminary meeting. There has be-n no idieation of what .lapan will inline jih the peace terms. Ivtis-in thinkR she can not afford to set tie* price too high, as hucIi act ion would endanger the fipur . Japan, however, has won an almost complete victory, and the vietms will douht ) tiuu tin Mia loi'ina 4 I * ? 4 *? . I I a * nil iimiir ?* i inn I ii'i I u III ? ? Ml \ 1 11 t "t " tliH Russian uoviMinn-Mil that she linH been in a li.-tlit null ton the Worst of it. The war, which be??nn Febninry fl, l'.MM. with I In* attack of Togo's fleet upon the ships at I'ort Arthur, has been full of surprises for the whole worhl. which has watched the triumphal march of the .lap 11 ho with n.stoiiiHhmout. Winn the V conflict opened noho ly save the f Japanese tliomsolv-H . \po-^ > I a herfous doubt that Russia would in tinte wear out the Yankees < I the Orient and crush them, and i< is doubtful if the .lips, themselves lmd any idea of such a victory as they have won. Aside from beimr one'of the irreatest wars in history 111 the matter of men and tlectH employed, the success of the .1 ]> tineae in every ciigii^riiiGut makes it notable. A ulinice over the his lory of the atruj^vjle will show not ? sinule victory for the Russians in any contest worthy the name ol battle.? Chut lotto < Hlsei wr. ?? ?? A Model Town. The Charlotte Chronicle, one of the best afternoon papers in the Southland, pays the following tribute to the town ol Fort Mill and its excellent ladies: Fort Mill, S. C., is a town that is I 1 l < ?: < ot nutirtii <i 111 i ><| 11 :tM lilt' ll'illlf I >1 Capt. S. E. White, hut it is deserving of fame in other wn\s. ' i is in all respects a mode] town. It's people take a pride in km ping it in order and p-rmit nothing that Would oH'enil the eyes of the vis ifoi*. It has tlie luuidsonu at group .of monuments of any town in tinsmith. 1t's eti cots are now lighted by electricity and tlic i drst move is theorganization of a "Village improvement Society." which startsout with a memher.-diip ot IN, idl women. The object is to improve t he healt lifulnc-H and lieauty of the town hy keeping the streets ond ditches clean and otherwise improving general conditions. The good that can !> aci'oinplished by such a society i- hard to realize Every town needs siieli an organi station. All praise to the women of Fort Mill. Tiie above from the Chronicle has a decidedly different ring to an article upon the mime stil?j>-f which Appeared recently in one of our ^Yrliiihn?>i uvui- I I... . .. .... ?' ..,...nxw v? i vi MIV nrrgrlfll III %' HI It Fort Mill innu. -J- -4 ? It Really Picks the Cott >11. After eiuhtet-u months of exper imputation, alteration mid invest i Ration, Messrs. .1. C. -bunion mul S. L. IV?)d. of Charleston, havi perfected mid patented a cotton picker \Vliich, they b.dieve, will make tlio picking of eolton by J (mud n tliitiL? of the past, says the ' News and Courier. The machine has pist recent'y been completed, ind after seeurintr the patent pifier* from the Government odiees the picker has b< cu exhibited to a number of friend*, most of whom believe that Mea-ns. Jaudon and i^ond have a good thim*. Xhe mnehine is a one man af fait. One laborer, not nee .?,smiiI\ A very intelligent Inlcs. i eith-i Can operate the machine. Tmo no couipliuuti d co^i, ut lic-do 1 mechanism, or liny ImIIh am; wheels to snap at the first Juhivj : strain- in I id, the reninrkat>h simplicity of eonptnict ion nml ensr I of operation are two of the most striking font urns of 1 lie pinker. In appearance it remiti'ls om 4 strongly of a rapid Hre gun Tin aimplicity of the tiling str lies om > at a first glance. The picker h | mounted oil three wheels, like i trieix le. ifinl the two larger wheel* Hit* c| Hi' together K" that they ont ! easiiy I>e pushed between rows <> cotton witli?>111 i'liuiy ' > tic ut'ow ! int; | Between the t\v? who.-In is suspended a sick, am oyer tlio mouth . f the sack oprm 1 a lomr hollow cylinder. At tlio .*u< of this cylinder Hif t wo short cylin tiers, titled with tooth, autl as on. . turns a ?*iank. those Uv > < \ I:nrl.-ri ( revolve, rftlchiiio tlio tibre of tie cotton am) deposits it in tlio loin ' cylinder, whence it is carried t? the sack on a mi now belt. Tin I npo'/ation of the crank runs tin two picking cylinders and tiu.'cu i i veyinj^ bolt. Rural Mail Boxes. The attention of nliic.iuls of tin the post ollicc depart inont liaslnei ! called to a practice iudulued in t< I a coiisidctable eNtont ilir-mud >n t In* eoinil i y throiiuli which no nt of some n.-wspap-is anil pit aii i caU appeal lo prospective pdroii 'of rural fr> o delivery routes io j subscript ions. The iii;ents. in at tempt.11 l? to secure snhscrib -rs not only make promises i<> funds! rural mail boxes gratis, but n many cases represent that tin boxes can only Iobtained i bron^l hiiiis. rip! i-iiis oi ihc publication: they represent. Olln-iu'.s of t he depart ment sai that the representations referiei to are at least in isle id. i nir. ill vie" i of the fact that there are npwan of |ti() i ural mail boxes on tin market which have icc.ived tin oilii'ial endorsement and approva of the depart incut. and that sucl I boxes arc iiiauuf icl tiled in varum pints of the country and can la secured at prices ranjjiiu; from ('?. ; Cents to v.i,50. The b >\. s can la purchased by patrons t hcuiselve: or ordered tlirouifh poslmaslerH o distributing olliei s of rural routes ; win* are supplied with lists of tin various types. Postmasters, Iiowev er, arc not permitted to act a icenlr. tiir aiiv i ?m rf i. 11 In ! I ii i v ?. In receive compcusatiou fur order ill" them. Hunting More Power. Thet'ntawlm I'nwt'v Ci'inp'iiij i> looking uhout Iiic another w '11?*i power, smjs I he C* I in i'l t * t* < >b-erv ti. The demand is irieliter toni | the supply. 'I'ii p resell I plant m j t lie Cat u\\ ha will soon I>?' taxed ttie* limit it hual ness increases. It is ii fact that engineers, Utah r tin leadership of Mr. \\ . A. Leland art' now at work sniveyint* on flu Watei pc river, near Camden, S (' with the hope of hientiiilT a snita hie place to devt lop a p over plant The (.treat l ulls piopcity, loe.atei : thirty miles h low the preseii plant, on the ('atawIm, is bein^ con sulercil alst). It is not km wis whttl ' Dr. Wylie is <^oiiit; to do, hot In is idlei more p over. At this lino i lie is furnishing power for K<ui I I ill. I*'t ?rt M ill, I' i 11 e V lllc Mill Charlotte, with routin-Ms for (Mo ver and \mkville. The plant if capable of furnishing hut 10,001. Iiofse (never. The Thomwcll Orphonagc. The MO h annual eummoneeinen of the I'iioruwell College tor Or plums will hi? In Id at (Million !)? niiiniuur Inn*' lSlli. Tin* harm Iiiiii oate 8?'i nion will lit* prcanlin I?V Uov. \\ , Ij. Liti^lr, of liocl jiiii. Moll lav r\ Mill!'. .1 Mill' lM!h wil ! iir hold llu- *>xliiI>itii>ii ot tin* 10u pliradian Horirty. M'nrsday, .1 iiiii* liOtli, ill i? p in tin* board of visitors will holt I liei r an ii Hid in out i 11 v. and I ho s nn i'Vi'Iiiiitr at ^ " Mr. .1 M. Ivijiin, ol Ml.iiiia will d< livoi' tlu> r unmetier in*-) 11, \v 11 i i -11 wdl In* fol lowod by t In* i*'rad oat i in; ox wrists Till' nil immHtoiii* of ( b'orwjia rot I aye wilj bo laid MMiuinday morn ino and llir snrtio Hume evening tin* annual rxlnbition of tin- ()i plumage schools will ha held. Tilt* annual trripiion aill b. Iirld M uin- 22ml, lit S p. in. HUGK TAMv. It was a lnijjt* task to tiadri'taki* tin rail- nt Mtirli -i li.iii .a' i.-ia>. i. ( ilsc. us lh:?l of U. K. Collier, <>t' ( hero ke?, In , hut l?lectric Hitters did ir. 11< writes: "My kidneys were -s> far jinnc that I eduld not sit ?.u a ehalr without a cushion, ami .(iifl'snwl from dr? adful Imokuuhe, headache ami depression. In Kleotri.' Hitters, however, i found it euro, ami hy tliem was restored to perfect health. I recommend this uveal ton io medic inn to all with weak kid aeys, liver or stomach. (tuara Heed l>? W. li. Ardrcy. drufrfTHC price .Ate. . A X'trl li ('arolina editor declares thai (lie man who will rem] a news papyr three <>r four yearn without piyitto tur it will pasture his yont ott the uriive of ina uiundfutUcr. ( . . . \ f I Standing of the Bascbali Clubs. Jnno lStli, )905. YJRCJVIA-CAROLINA LEjAGUE. 1 i W. L. P.O. D nvilln 14 7 .(MR Obiuiotte 11 111 .500 ' >ali.-burv Sj?;ii?.M,r 11 ; 14 .-140 > Urt-iisbin) II 115 S< W.'TIl ATLANTIC LEAGUE. W.I L. P.C. 4 Jacksonville 5(? | 10 .('?! i i ^*1 v;inn;ili 2(5 / 17 .6>)4 | M.- mii 22 f 19 .5-5(1 A u..ii.- * i 89 21 .5*1 < lin l. 10 I 2* .S?il | ColuiiiHu ......14' 27 .341 Plessnr.l Valley News. '|W- ). Another of our old Infnd-uiarkt; isL.' ?iio. Mr. Momi (Jarii.son, one 4 <>t mil oldest and l;< e* l'.tVi-cl citi1 yens. is no more. He j died on ' M -ikIm v. .1 lino oi!i, ut tIk'|advanced ' sil. <>i i\j \>miv. una mat remains " were inii'i red the next < ??>* lit Rii* , c s r>? 1 Flint. Hill cemetery. He had been in ill lio.'iltIi For several months. hut lhe immediate cause t' his (h-Mtli was lieajt disease. II" is survived I ?y three brut tiers, a wit'", and sevenil chihlien. He had la ? ii a devout member uf the IM> asaut \ alley baptist church t for "it years, and indd the otf^ce of deacon for many years i lie was Is'i a rrallant (.'onfederate solde r. 1' i;> ; one of six brothers who went tliromrn tin* entire war wiilioiit receiving a \\ omul. Our tanners, aftt*r a valiant struirrrle with that wary old chieftain, "(ten. (1 reeiihave at last sure *oded in overpowering him. Some of our eolleuo boys and i:' r!: have returned home for the summer vacnl ion, and the rest will i have r< turned in a few days. The elect ion on May iiu to determine \v!n*lher tlie Pleasant Yal, l? y hi.,di school should have a special three mill tax. resulted in an almost unanimous vote in favor of I the lax. 2 "HS rs, (). Harher and S. H. 1\. i! have purchased the plantation of Mr. .). S. .Miller, who in ve;I to Pitieville Ja.-t year. .Mr (liven (b'irison, son of'the lato Monroe Harrison, was married . on tl.o !-t inst. to Miss lOti.el Hamilton, of Mint illill, N. ('. Tin* inailiaee took place at the "home of the bride's parents. Mrs. d. >' liailes lias tieen suffering fioni nil attack of broiinlii ' lis. t>itt is now convalescent.... Misses Anni?' Aldei tion and Kva ; (*n ;? ar<* attending J111 - summer hi-In ail at Yorkville.. . Mrs. .J no. !. Spinks, of Westinins cr, S. is . visiting lelntives anil friends in r this community .Mr. S. L. I>ntt i r-* >il, who lias Inn! severe rase >.f ? rv lipnlas, is ah a to la* out , again.... County S ipoi visor M ('. I iarduer was in 'ieasant \ all ley iast week on l)Us ness Coll lieu t, eii with tiis oliice. I . v Yorkvillc Wants the College. A determined etVort is being i made by ?11? people of "Yorkville I t?i have the 1 'rest>yteiiilli College | removed from Clinton to that place The hoard of trustees of the the college hold a meeting at Clintoii a l< w days ago and were met by a delegation from Yorkville. v.nii pr sentell the following propusitioii: " The citizens of Yorkville will donate the old "(iarrison' property, j with a eotnmodious hntlding and nine acres of land having a front nge of olK) I. el, will turn over to trustees options on 'J.~> acres of adjoining property which may be l pnrehas d i.t a reasonable figure . within two years; will contribute . chemical lalioratoiy. valued at ?'.100; slat?' in recitation rooms, valued at ?T?i)U, and opera chairs in i I auditorium, valued at frlioO. The real ?*r-t ?t? ami equipment are vnl| iit-ti at $JI>,001), tur tlm iinimprovt (1 property was purchased for $'21..>00 hetore the property values had inereas-'d. j "In addition to this there is I halted t'o.UtJiJ in subscription, rei . det inaitle hi tuititxi. That is to say, ?1 .(XH) will bd paid each yi<ar toi tive years and tor eneh sueh subset'iption the donor will he allowed a refund in proportion for one student matriculated/' After hearing the proposition and arioiuients of the Yorkvilie delete it loll, the trustees passed a ,ji.s lotion that tin* matter he referred to a committee of live to i-t port to the hoard at a meeting to be held not latei than {Sept. llM). The "(iarrison" properly is the Kines Mountain Military Aeudf my built beluro tin* war, lately reiu<xlcli il unci lined as a bdiool building until a year tii;o. NO SKCHKT ABOUT It. It is no secret, that, fur Cuts. Burns, I ii'i rs. loom' Sol'es, Sore Kycs, Boils, ; me., mailing is so effoci ivens Bneklen's r i Arnica Salvo. "If. tlirlu t take loin; to fcure a had sore 1 had. and it is*nllO. K. ( for s ire eyes," writes 1) I,. Gregory, of , , Hope,- Tex, y.V. at Ardrey's drug store. \\ ANTED A copy of The Times i of May lOllt. I'.KJo I TUE TIMES. A1 M ~ The News of Gold Hill. Throe weeks ago we were very j uneasy shout tlie crops becnuso of , ruin unci grass; now, we nr?j very uneasy because of want of rain. 1 Very much more such weather as j last week will out the corn crop . eonsidei aldy. The cotton is not i suiFering so badly in ihjs respect. ! What it is lacking mostly, is the ! fei tilizei of wnich the grass has tie , prived it. Gardens a.c suffering I badly also, and it looks like we will i have to ,subsist mostly on apple j i>i?* ami poaches 01 peach pie and , apples. Mrs. P?. M. Faris ret "rued Wed- J nes lav from a visit to Virginia. ! iWr. Ij I 'd inner ' twen shns returnI ?m 1 from Rnmberg, S. (.! , wh re lie 11 tib hoi-ii nil eliding the Co-ed uch- j tionnl I nstitute. Mies 1'ieiilnli Kitnbrell is visit114 fi i? nds ami relatives in Pleasant \ alley. .Miss Maud Wind'e sp'-nt Saturday night with Misses Hamilton, and Maud Smith of the ljlack lacks. Mis. Rev. John J. Spmks, a former resident of this section, but now of Walhalla, S. C.. visited relatives and friends in/'Southern (i old 11 ill"' last week. Mr Kltnore Crook is quite sick at tins writing. Miss l.essie ICppa entertained a numlier of friends last Thursday evening, in recognition of her fourteenth birthday. Refreshments i were served. All report a pleasant time. M isse.s (?rare and Annie Crook returned Thursday from a short visit to Rock Hill, where they had gone to attend Winthrop's commencement. While there, they 'were guosts of Miss Arabelle ' Creiiriiton. Mr. S. il. Kpps, Sr., left Sunday afternoon for Louisville, Ky. where lie will attend I he Confedei ate ve.erans' reunion. (iold Hill has been over-stocke I for the past week with what we term "Gypsies" or horse traders ! They disown the former name but we have our own secret beliefs . about it. Miss Coiinne Frris will attend the summer school in Yorkville. DYING OF FAMINE is. in its torments, 'ike dying of consumption. The progress of consumption. from the beginning to the very j eml, is n long torture, both to victim and friends. "When I had c.onsump sumption in its lirst stage." writes Win Myers, of L'earfoss, Mil., "after trying difiereut medicines ami a good doctor, in vain, 1 at last took Dr. King's New Discovery, which quickly and jierfectly cured me." Prompt relief and sure cure for coughs, cohls, sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Positively prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed at Ardrey's drug .-uoiv, price oUc and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottle free. The ngricultunl department at Washington has issued a report showing that the bugs destroy an 1 I r . i - nuaiiy mr uio croppe 8 of the I i country $785,100,000 worth of prodiiftH. What would ht* more! intercRtiii? would ho h report aato j how much the people lo?e annually I?y the "hum Im^."' Put the Blame Where it Belongs. Von wnnt full value for your ; 1 money. Vou don't always it. Too often you hhimo it on the! men hunt. (Iccasiunally you don't when you ouuht to. When you yive up youp dollar for uhottleof medicine you hIiouIc! yet tjoods of full value. You likely don't net it when you buy from a fly-speck; ed stock often linn s in the corner of a country grocery store that has ' probably been on the shelves f<n months And the result is you unjustly condemn the medicine, ('an you expect a small dealer who sells only a bottle or so a month to keep fresh yoods? The best of medicine is none too yfood and a 11 of it is expensive. And in fact poor mcdii ine is tlio most expensive tiling in the world, for you pay your money, which is very precious to you. You pay your time which is the same as money and what is far dearer yon pay your I 11i'ii111) mid may Id your life fot it. Then wherein does il profit to attendee nny of those for h mere nintter of t'onvi iiieiii i'V The telephone and the rural delivery has brought 1 us mII together. We know what to buy and how to | buy. We charge no more for good goods than you pay f>>r bad goods. We know and are told that we have j a larger stock and a better class of | goods than are eariied in most towns considerably larger than Fort Mill. We know it is to your advantage to do business with us. We want to know how to inake yon realize it. W. IS. AKDKKY & CO. Xoticc. Notice is hereby given that the ' t time for tlie pay men t of street tax (without penalty) f<>r tlie year 1I05, is j1 nerony extended until and including Juno l ho 24th.. By order of the council tnis 12th day of J uue, 11X15. " I S. \V PARKS, Clerk. I tT;?? v./-v ?.? ? s V %\NVVJ\\V\^\\\\\WAVSNN > % t. i). faulk f ' h funeral | Qp cT.vJ?^ !a . ? 1W5.SK. /? ! ?t' A* /Tl^s *t .y * fH w 8 H Bi m 4 ^ I ndcrtii I.* inn i ?i * r r *, i?%iw i i . i i ? > the cheapest line State Casket. Robe and gentlemen, Sii ^ and Hearse \Va!?on. JC T. 1). FAULKN1 4<* \%W\*V\XN\\\V ?s@???3?ecsuG ^ \vi: SKL.C j| BaledE S Backed ^ Cotton i @ Special prices on g or over LJ, A. IIA Kill.S I SHINGLEO S SHi sM < I c: / V,., ? (]ar of No. I. !;?. x (air of No. 2, chc | T. B. BELK, > /// ? / ' J LIMITED MVAN.- >3 T O ALL CUn O.OOO CRADUAi k. n r.\n?. i:<? inn at H* no. n V _ A I A I-; Kreu ('diu ki',. VJ A. I SOU. RAIL1 SOUTH! Train No. 2."> T.v Chariot:*' <' .< " j> \ " " 27 " " !.()'? a. ,, ? 8t? ?..v> i>. ,, ? 88 S.I8 a. .. NORTH! Train No. 2'> T#v Chfstc-r 1> ? .\i ,, ? 2S " Cola. 8,10 p. " ,, ,, Ho ,, .lo a. " ,, 8? ,, " 7.0 p. " Oo to i GASTON & HALL For your F-KKS1I MEATS, Kllcll 118 REEF, l'OHK, S.U'SANH, FISH, Eir. Wo also can y 'i Isti?? of Heavy and Funoy < J Canned (Linda, Yolmeo* s. <1 . I 'JL'lione on.!-is rrtrna pron pl attention. ('ail No. and I* i servo you. GASTON & HALL. Work Well Done. Have yon Table ( loihs. Counl r paines, Doilies, Window I' . lilankets, etc., laundered by tin* Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C. Prices for laundering tin* abovi articles clieerful'y furnished. Suits pressed 5i.~?e; suits divcleaned and pressed, ,*?0e; t otwashed and pressed. Toe; e.-at i r pants pressed, I V; < !< aned and pressed, 25c; skirls pressed, 25 ; cleaned and pressed, 5()o. Our shipments are made ilny mornings and returned S.iUu days. McElhaneyvParks Co, The Clctl.hj, an* Sho: \':0 I * r \ ? v V>\v \9s kV V-w NEK -COMPT; | f0$k. iSPiF I <m?k u i-.i'*;. ' asmi- " ti ,1 U' ' i ! v n' r vV ! i v[RECTOR 4 i 1 p. ! I j?/ *> ill its branches from ? loflin Id the finest ss . . ** s for children, ladies ppcr:-, etc. Hearse V\ 'Phone f2. ?2 :R & COMPANY. Y+ > " ?v > m) \<*N l\ ec :> C u.ll 3 ? lolls. |2 . H'alls, h Seed 2u?<3<a.l ? vW lots of 500 pounds Q i I / - / %t l\ 4 T r C\ V v Oi i .\ -"S . f:~-' m-f." ^ iCa?o. 'h - :... c - y**\&&K*rG/xjr& V W , A . V .?_ *><?% < . $ ? i $ **r B y A** f? * -. r I * iHINGlESI f l Pi n'.j Shingles. ap Pine Shingles. | Fort Mil], S C \ , . -v v l?t3,OGvj /,,V//// /y/ y vn-< ?i-wr CATION r "> HINDRANCE. Ci." a I WORK. WiCi l l. . ' * ' . \ . I'M US. COLLEGE, Alacon Ga. Vr~ V", I^ . i . U * . .. ... JF Jtuf - -- a .( 'I N IV l\irt Mill p. Ar Cluster S.:iO p ,, > 1 t. .. Cola. 1>> 1 ."> a .. i -1 p. " " l p *> .1 u. *' '' 11.33 a iorxa(' M . 5 ? u. Ar Charlotte .1.11.1 p <. I ' p. ?.(?< p lt. .. .. a " .. ! .:'(> " " 10.Oo p TOTTT U Tu i K:S i >ST W < ] H it (I at 121 E. . S -hi rv. N . ( t mi i a ! \\*? Imvt* n ' :?i I a .n 1 line of llio St V. a. .. -. " in s, llra:i(Si?'s, I . : 1 y 'III' Willi s i .1 u n>.' hi our l;iu*. Our . A 1 < tor. t .vim rlv ivf s : . 'ins J iuial f api rvisiuu . I < u ; iiij ; i lt i! ; t: 11?-r?t mill ill imii! < rcIr- ive jm nipt and ru; -I'll it i. nit' i al iiantls. A si; i - } i ii-t and older liliink wish m; o!i. V. . KOOs } R Jc CO., S \ I 1 '! V . ' . (V I Mione *2iS. ;N'i ;i .;?>;? ?*<>u tx;] : . I ,.\r . ' >NI? KXTKANVK I.A .MIN \Tl< >N. T ! com ii. it- i.i f v ills award of mi.-, m i i'.u . >s mi W iiohrop I id!' e m: d ! ?r tl.i .iiliiii m :i ,s sin?leiil> II t :i -Id al the foamy Court Ilo > i I 'i. : v, ;1 i;y t li. mt n n. m. A ? i t Ueaiits nm-i me. be less than fifteen ye.11' ill" i< . Wmi - li i .irs'n ; . are \ai 1' ilat.ei .1 ily 7, tli. v will be uwarded K? ih makiiiu th- hijrhesf liver. ,\> ih - examination provided tin y meet tli i i x i . iM-fini lie award. Ap; !i. .mis tor s 'lolnr-hips should wrib I't. sdeiit Johnson I. lire lii .-.I iin i' siii 1' ?r scholarship sipplic it ion I latiks. rcli dai iii . sir. w e.'th s| ..'land free tail i n 'I .. i * - i >n will open .'e, ember I''., l-'or furtheriufor;i.atii .i and <m : .v.. ae i.ddr 1 ell - i\ II. ..bilN-'Oy, lliMuHJla! | r" *. . ' ?;OfEn. p' I.T. rknrrl ^ *. .? . k --II. k*i .! "' M?rh?."W r ' 1 11"' 1 ?/.ri:VT . ? ' ?F 2* t US' PRACTICE. v? | "KS.n.,1 jvY: C. . MOW a co.f PAT I-NT LAVbVCaS, ' & V'^-.p. I S " ce. V'S?IH;3TCM, a C.& r. . .<-'-'- ^-- 5^1