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R ESTO R E oV0^ H ^ LT H. ^ THANKS TO PE-RU-NA Friends Were Alarmed? Advised Change of Climate. r Miss Mildred Keller, 718 13th street, N. "W., Washington, 1). C., writes: "I can safely recommend I'erunn for catarrh. I had it for years and it would respond to n<> kind of treatment, or i/ it did it was only temporary, and on the slightest provocation the trouble would cofhe back. "1 was in suc/t n state that ttty friends were alarmed about me, and J irai advised to leave thin ell male Then. I tried J'ernna, and to my great Joy ft/und ft helped me from the first dose I took, ana a fete bottles cured me, "It built up niv constitution, I regained my appotite, und I feel that 1 nin perfectly well and strong.''?Mildred Keller. We have on tile many thousand testimonials like the above. We can give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast srrnv of unsolicited endorsements Dr. Hartinan is receiving. BiiBaiato To better advertise the 8ontl?'s I.?adln| Business College, four scholarships are offered young persons of this county at less than cost. WRITE TODAY. GA-ALA, BUSINESS COLLEGE. Macon, 8a. Nothing beats a good wife?except a bad husband. So. 21. FITS permanently cured. NofHsnr nervousness after first day's uno of Dr. Kline'" fireat >Nerv?Ilestorer,?''.2triaU>ott\o and treatise free Dr.R.II.Klin*.Ltd.,1)31 Arch Ht..l'blln., lhu Tn India threshing is done by hand or by 'the I reading of bullock*. A*l( Your Dealer For Allen'* Fnot-Fm*. A powder. It rosts tho foot. Cures Corn*, Bunions.Hwollon,Sorn,Hot. Callous,\chln : Hwenttug Foot and Ingrowing Nulls, Allen'.* Foot-Easo niukea now or tight shoes o.ihv. A* nil Druggists and Shoo stores, 2ft c.ents. Aoeept no suhstltuto. Suraplo mailed Fane, Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Laltoy, N. Y. The Hygienic Institute of l'reslau is making war on mosquitoes. Mrs. Wlnalow's SoothingSyrup for children teething,soften tho gum", reduces tnnninmatlon, allays pain, cores wind oolto.'Jfle.nbottle. ITCHING SCALP HUMOR I.aily Ruflered Tortures I'ntll Cured by Cut Intra?Nrralrhed Day and Night. "My scalp was covered with little pimples and 1 suffered tortures from tho itching. I was scratching all day and night, , and I could got no rest. 1 washed nty head with hot water and Cutiourn Soap and then applied tho Cutieuru Ointment /as a dressing. One box of tho ointment and one cake of Cutieuru Soap cured me. Now my head is entirely clear and my hair is growing splendidly. 1 have used Cutieuru Soap ever since, and shall never be without it. (Signed) Ada C. Smith, 300 Grand St., Jersey City, N. .1." limine** < annul lie Cured bylooal applications as they cannot roach the diseased portion of tho car. Thuro Is only ouo way to euro doafuetus, ami that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by aa Inflamed condition ol tho mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When tin." tult.t is Inflamed you tune a rumbllnirsoon.t ,?r in..?. loot hearing, and when it is entirely 'closed Deafness Isthe result, and unless the inflammation oau be tuken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Nino cases out of toa aroeausedbyoatarrh,which is nothlngbutu i inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars forauy case of Deafness (caused l>y catarrh >tliat cannot beoured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Send to. circulars free. F. J. Cheney A. Co., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 75c. 'l'ake liall's Family Pills for constipation. Swallow'Dying Oul. ' The swallow is being annihilated. As the birds cross France and Italy going to Africa In the fall and returning in the spring they are mercilessly slauglitered for the table and the plume l trade. Their numbers are visibly Ue- I creasing. | another life saved. ' Mrn Q. W. Fooks. of Pn'isbury. Mil., J wife-of O. \V. I ..... , sheriff of Wleomico County, limbs Were badtj -vn-i'lliMi. Om> doctor told bp It would tlmilVy turn to Brljtlit's disease. I was laid lip at one time for throe weeks. I bad not taken Doan's Kidney Pills raoro than throe days when th^ distressing aching aeross ray back disappeared, and I vras soon entirely cured." For aalc by all dealers. Price, ISO c?at?. Foater-MilburuOo.,Buffalo, N.Y. Kflll \ RUSSIAN WAR BODY j Establishment of a Permanent Council of Direction ; CZAR TAKES IMPORTANT STEP I Existing Counsel of War Has Proved j Unsatisfactory and Will B? Sump. seded by a New Body, with Grand Duke Nicholas Alphabetovitch at its Head. St. Petersburg, By Cable.?The first step towards the institution of tho long contemplated council of national defense, to co-ordinate the activities of the military and naval administrations, has been taken in an imperial manifesto creating a special preliminary commission under the presidency of Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholaiovitch. The manifesto is preceded by a rescript which Emperor Nicholas has addressed to the Grand Duke, in which his majesty says: "In order to insure the development of the empire's fighting force in a manner corresponding to the needs and resources of the State, and uniformity in the duties of the Supreme naval and military administration, and also to harmonize them with those of other government institutions in questions affecting the safety of the state, I have deemed it necessary to establish a permanent State Defense Council. 1 charge the special commission, consisting of members appointed by me under the presidency of your imperial highness, to draw up according to my direct suggestion a law relating to this institution." The rescript conoludos with the expression of the conviction that the commission will c*ury out the task confided to it without delay, and with the care and undivided attention which the high importance of the new institution demands. The formation of tho council and the assumption by it of control of the war is expected to ensue shortly, as tho main details have already been worked out. The dispatch of Grand Duke Nicholas Nicholaievltch, who is designated as the president of the permanent. State Defense Council, to Manchuria, to assume direct command of the imperial forces there, has boon several times seriously considered, and ho has served repeatedly of late as representative of the Emperor on commissions dealing with vital questions of the war. ' The existing council of war, which lias proved unsatisfactory, will be superseded by the new body. The step is an extremely important one, for which the events of the war in the Far East have shown the necessity, the two departments failing to work together to the best advantage, even when actuated by the most harmonious feelings, and friction has often been manifested. Many opportunities for helpful co-operation between tho two arms of the service are constantly arising, and if Admiral Rojestvensky succeeds in reaching Vladivostock and shaking the Japanese mastery of the^ sea, the council will play a very' weighty role. At tho same time the council is created, not for the present war, but as a permanent organization of the state, subordinating tho War and Navy Departments, ami even overshadowing tho other ministries. It is understood the formation of the new council means the definite ; abandonment of the plan of sending I flrand Duke Nicholas Nicholaievitch to the Far East to assume supreme command on land and sea. General i-iiiwucn iiiiu vire .\nnnrai itircllclT will be left unhampered except as to the grand outlines of strategy. \ Four Killed. San Diego, Cal., Special.?W. P. Robinson. a house-cleaner, ran amuck Monday, killing four persons, wounding two others and then killing himself. The dead are William Stewart, Mrs. ICmma Stewart, H. W. Chase, Harry Doddridge, W. Robinson. Wounded: Mrs. W. H. Doddridge. W. H. Doddridge was injured by falling out j a window. At first Robinson was said ' to be crazed by liquor, but later it was said that he had threatened Doddridge for an alleged attempt to have Robinson shanghaied when he was a sailor. [ It is said also that he expressed a dislike for tho Stewarts. Six Bankers Indicted. Dallas, Tex., Special.?Tho special Federal grand jury which was called nt the request of United States Attorney Win. II. Atwell, adjourned to v after returning six indictments j against prominent West Texas bankers. The indictments were turned ov- j er to the United States Attorney, who refused to give the names for publication. Arrested In New York. New York, Special.?Central office ; detectives, on the request of the White Plains chief of police, arrested Klch aid Young. 32 years of age, a negro engineer, who is charged with murder by ttie chief of police of Greenhay, ! Va.. where he ia alleged to have killed Andrew Paiges, of that place. The authorities of Greenhay traced him to White Plains and the police of the latter place to New York. lt*ltro*Ai and Fr?|tHlt Tn his testimony before the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce at "Washington on May 4, Professor Hugo It. Meyer> of Chicago Universltyj an expert on railroad management! tnadd this statement! "Let us look at what might havp happened If we had heeded the protests of (lie fanners of New \*ork and Ohio and Pennsylvania tin fhe seventies when grain from the West began pouring to the Atlantic nenbonrdi and acted upon the doctrine which the Interstate Commerce Commission has enunciated I time nuil again, thnt uo man tuny bo deprived of tho advantages accruing to liim l?y virtue of his geographical position. We could not brtvC west of the Mississippi a population of millions of people who nre prosperous and are frent consumers. We never should have seen the years when We built 10.000 and 12.000 miles of railway, for there would have been no farmers west of tile Mississippi It Ivor who coulii have used the land that would have been opened up by the building of those railways. Autfc If we had not seen the years when we could build lo.ikm) and 12,000 miles of railway n year, we should not nave to-day, east of the Mississippi, a sto.'l and iron producing centre which is at once the marvel and the despair of Europe, because v e could not linve built up u steel and Iron industry if there had been no market for Its product. "We could not have In New Englnnd n great boot and shoe industry; we could not have in New England a great cotton milling Industry; wo could not have spread throughout New York and Pennsylvania and Ohio manufacturing Industries of the most diversified kinds, because those industries ^oubl linve i*> market among the farmers west of the Mississippi River. "And, while the progress of this country, whin* the development of the agricultural West of this country, did mean the Impairment of the agricultural value east of the Mississippi Itiver that ran up iuto hundreds of millions of dollars, it meant, incidentally, the building up of great manufacturing industries that irtlded to the value of this laud by thousands of millions of dollar*. And, gentlemen, those things were not foreseen in the seventies. The statesmen and the public uien of this country did not see what part the agricultural development of the West was going to play in the industrial development of tho East. And, you may read the decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commission, from the llrst to the last, and what is one of the greatest characteristics of thoso decisknsV The continued inability to see the question in this large way. "The Interstate Commerce Commission never can see anything more than tlint llle fii-m liii<.1 r>f Is decreasing In value, or, tlint some muu, who has a ilour mill with a produel ion of fifty laurels a day, is being crowded out. It never eau see that the destruction or impairment of furtu values in this place means the building up of farm values in that place, and that that sni fling of values Is a necessary incident to the industrial and manufaeluriug development of this country. And. if we shall give to the Interstate Commerce Commission power to regulate rates, we shall no longer haw our rates regulated ou the statesmanlike basis on which iliey have been regal lied in the past by the railway i men, who really hare eeeu great statesmen; who really have been great builders of empires; who have had an imagination that rivals the imagination of the greatest poet and of the greatest inventor, nr.d who have operated with a courage and daring that rivals the courage and daring of the greatest military general. But we shii'l have our rates regulated by n body of civil servants, bureaucrats, whose besetting sin the world over, is that they can never grasp a situation in a lnrge way and with the grasp of the statesman; that they never ran see the fact that they are confronted with a small evil; tnat that evil is relatively small, and that it cannot he corrected except by the creation of evils and nbuM-3 which nre Inftniielv itch*, r ti..,.. one (lint is to lie eorrcch d." Tlie I.Ulli- 11 iirklehcrry that grows alongside our hills and monn- : tains contains an active principle that ha?' a happy effect on the bowels. It enters i largely in Dr. Diggers' Huckleberry Cordial, | the great stomach and bowel remedy, for I Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Sold by ail Druggists, 25 and 50c. bottle. Ps?$ [ LIVING TOO HASTILY AMERICAN WOMENBREAKDOWN Irregularities and Female Derange, meats Besult ? Cured by Lydie H. Pin them's Vegetable Compound. Owing' to our mode and manner of living, and the nervous haste of every woman to accomplish just so much each day, it is said that there is not on? woman in twenty-five but wlm< suffers with some derangement of the female organism, end this is the secret of so many unhappy homes. No woman can ho amiable, light* hearted and happy, a joy to her husband and children, and perform the duties incumbent upon her, when she is suffering with backache. he|4ache, nervousness, sleeplessncs^_ Jppuring. down pains, displacement o^fce womb, spinal weakness or ovarian {iambics. Irritability and snappy retorts tako the place of pleasantness, an.l nil sunshine is driven out of the home, and lives are wrecked by woman's great enemy?wotnb trouble. Read this letter; Door Mrs. Pinkhiun:? " I was troubled for eight years with Irregularities which broke down my health and brought on extreme nervousness and despondency. Lydiu K. f''ii Vegetable C ompound proved to ho the only medicine which helped mo. Paybv day I improved in health while taking it until 1 was entirely cured. 1 can attend to my wvial and household duties and thoroughly enjoy life one* more, as I.villa E. Fin .hism'-. Vegetable Compound hasrnndo mo a well woman, without nn ache or a pain." ?Mrs. Cheater Curry, Saratoga Street, East Boston, Mass. At the first indication of 111 health, painful or irregular menstruation, Euin in the side, headache, backache, earing-down painn, nervousness or " the blues." secure at once a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound and begin its use. Tolcio is a hundred years older than St. Petersburg. Flso's Cu re for Tonsil:npt Ion is an infallible medi-duo for roughs and colds.?N. \V. Samuel, Ocean Grove, N. J., Feb. 17. 1900. Scotch fishermen have introduced flailing bouts driven by motors. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wonlfnnl'a Sanitary Lotion. Never ' nil*' SoM bv nil ?1. M.iil orders promptly tilled by Dr. K. Detclion. Cr.iwfordsville, (nil. Japan has very few biill'iniinu-ca and practically 110 liuilti-millionairca. | Conviction I "When buyinpr loose coffee o L to liftvo in his bin, how do I getting ? Some queer stories could bo told, if the people w speak out. ' Could any amount of men fe liousokeopera to use S Lion | the leader of all packs of a century, if they had not form > Purity, Strength, Fla f Tills popular success o! LION f 1 can l>c due only So tnlicreat merit. [ Is no stronger proo. ol merit t'.u I tinned and lncrclining popularity. I! the verdict of MILUOf |j HOUSEKEEPERS docs not con | you oi the merits ol LION CO 4- ft costs you but a trifle to 1 | package. Et Is the easiest v*. I oonvlncc yourself, and to | you a PERMANENT PURCIIAS R I.ION COFFKB la eolil only tn 1 lb. reilt-d p I and reaches you aa pure and clean as when it E factory. I Lion-hend on every package. | Save these I.ion-headr for valuable premiumi SOLD BY GROCER EVERYWHERE Good Luck Premiums of every can of Good Luck Baking Bo und a coupon. Cut them out and save valuable. In every can there is a prei ells how to pet useful articles free. )ffer is made to more thnrm icy M.r ' GOOD LI Baking Poi> tough it already enjovs the largest sale of any orld. Good I.uclt leaking Powder is positiv trpassed leavening qualities. It makes del teps them longer and better. Its unexcelled it tremendous demand for it?carloads and lipped to all sections of the country. This rn i offer so good an article at the moderate pri< >und can. Ask your dealer for " Good Luck' i if he can't supply you. THE SOUTHERN MFG. CO. Richmond, Va. ^ lamw'siM.yiHuw tj* - * r ' -mmmmd Union fco errk CHHrC Fo1' Made $J.3U OllUE/d Men. JV. I>. Doiitlnn makes mid noils more Ploti's *;!..'><) shoes than any other "13hw'ltjcMirer lo tlio \\<>rM. Ifin.oOO REWARD Stay ir? *h? t?a 41?yroTi thU tuunent TV. Li Dmiirlns ftS.SO shoes ?M the froatest sellers In the HotM heeauNe of liolr excellent stylo, oast ftltlnc nnd superior n earing iinalities. Thor are Jnst as yunil as those that cost ftmn "> 00 to 87.00. The only difference (I the price. TV. I.. Douglas tM.M) shoos cost more to ttinko, nold tholr shape hotter, tretlr longer, am! are of greater xnlue than any other 83.60 shoe on the market to-day. TV. Dnnilns guarunties their vnluo hy stamping his nnnie anil price 011 the hottoin Of tnt-h shoe, l.eoh for It. Take no substitute, TV. L. ItouglM ttn.ftO shoos are solal tllimiirli hid mm rntull stores In lli?r?.-l?_ cltml cities, and by rbnc dealers everywhere. No matter where you live. W. 1.. Jouxliu shoes .iro within your reach. equal ? shoes. ** l hare iroru W. /.. Coo gins {3 AO short for years, and consider thrri egual In any {6jTV shoe note on the market. They hare Given entire Satisfaction." ? H'm. //. Anderson, Real Estate Agent, Kansas City, Mo. Boys wear W. I.. Douglas $2.NO and $2.00 shoes because they tit better, hold their shape and wear longer than other makes. If. A. Douglas uses Corona CoUtkin in hit {3.30 short. Corolta Colt i? conceded to he the Jtnesl jiatrnt leather produced. Fast Color Eyelets will not tt-rar Brassy. W. I.. Douglas has tlin Innrost shoe ttiftll Order business in tlio worhl. No trouble to act A lit l>> mall. A rents extra prima va delivery. If you desire further Information, itrite for Illustrate.! Catalogue of .Spring .Styles. VT. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mas*. Cfc Dropsy II L^?., Removes all swelling in 8 to ao / day*; effects u permanent cure /V in jolo Codur*. TriRltrcainieut /oSl T. sSfo\ nivenfrce. Noiltini'catt befaire* \f??3sN4ySw Write Dr. H. II. Green's Son*. ' SorUalisfs. U?x B Atlanta, flu 1 I GUARANTEED CURE for alt bowel trouble I blood, wind on the rtornacb. bloated nowslfi, i I pains after eating, liver trouble, aallov/ skin ar I reRularly you ru e ale':. Coostipation Villa moi H etarta chronic ailmenta and lon^t years of auffe h C ASCARETS today, for you will never get w h tKjht Take our advice, start with Csscmrrt: n money refunded. The jjrnclno tablet ttsmpi '031?ws Trial 1 r anything your grocer happens r you know what you are R . .. 1 l .. IV .. it. i r_ -1 1 S? v. II. In i itwuii niiivii Mini. is suiu in uuik, ho handle it (grocers), cared to i 3 talk have persuaded millions of I Coffee, I tgc coffees for over ft quarter 1 d it superior to all other brands in & ivor and Uniformity? :OFFFE [ Tlicre niurn hook that I his premium JCK I vdcF B baking powder in the f&B eiy purr and has un- ffijf icions takings and Jfy writ jusi developed . jC * ~ r_l7^7^-- Hmwuj $50 POSITION PAY TUITION AFTER POSITION IS SECURED First 10 who clip this sotioo aa0 sand to DRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS 00UEBE RaW|Ii. Colombia, AHmIl Vim, VI. Worth onr Nuktill*. Twin. may. wlfhctrt ftvfn* noieV. pay EVERT CENT of tullTon out of s&nry after aood Doaltlon In Krcurtd 1A mH secured no pay required. COURSE BY MAIL FREE 1t ftot ready to enter you may tak? lesson? by mail FREE until ready, which WcHffd save time, living expenses^ etc., or complete at home and get diploma. I>. P. n. C. Co.. has $3u0.000.0# capital. 17 bankers on Hoard of Directors. nnd TWENTY Colleges In THIRTEEN states to back every claim it make*. Estnbllshed SIXTEEN year?. Clip and send this notice to-day. ["* Potash is necessary for cotton to produce high yields and good fibre. Write for our valuable books on fertilization; they contain information that nieans dollars to the farmers* Sent free on request. Write now while you think of it to the I OGRMAN KALI WORKS Nfivl.-k- ___ Atbnia, ^a.? CANDY ^ CATH&RTSQ ?, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad oul inouth, headache. Indigestion, pimples, td disrines*. When your bowels don't move re people than all other diseases together. It ring. No matter what aila you, start taking ell and stay well until you get your bowels i today under absolute guarantee to cure or sd C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and ' ny. Chicaeo or New York. S??? Concentrated Crab Orchard WATER Nature's Great Remedy FOR DYSPEPSIA SICK HEADACHE nnwcTiDATinw Stimulates the Liver, regulates tho Bowels an<l keeps the entire system In a healthy condition. A. Natural Product with a rC*eor;l of a Century. If afflicted try It. SOLD BY ALL DRUOOISTS. Cm ORCHARD WATER CO., LOUIS VILLAS, KV. You want only tho best Cotton Gin Machinery Ask any experienced Dinner about r> r? a r? ? prau, cagie, amHh Winship, Munger Wo would like to show you what thousands of life lone customers say. Write for catalog arid testimonial booklet. Continental Gin Co Charlotte, N. C.t Atlanta. On. RlrmlnKhnni, Ala. Mcmtilih, Tenn., Italia*, Tex. I I I ft lITm Addiw of (1) rertona of 1 I I U II I r 11"" V*rt Indian Wood who are 111"'" ' not IIvIiik wltli any tribe, |H| (1)ofmen who wore drafted in Konturky, III (3) of toother* of noldler* who have beea Ull den'ed pon*l<>n on account of their r? marriage. <t)ol men who nerved In thered eral army, or (h) ?h? nearest kin of eucjj soldier* or sailor*, now deceased. NATHAN fllCKFOItn. Attorney, \\ UMhin?ton, I). C. SO. 21. GUI I i