University of South Carolina Libraries
S n EMS ol LOCAL INTEREST t j See advertisement of L, A.. Har- 1 ris & Co., elsewhere. Mrs. L. J. Massey returned Monday from a Visit to tier parents at Mor^anton, N.C. Mr. W. Washington, a rural route inspector of Washington, D. ' O., spent {Sunday in Fott MjJ<k Dr. C-. B, {Stephenson was down ' from Charlotte for a short whita j .Monday. Mr. Rtid Mrs. J, B. Oulp, of Charlotte, are spending llie week with relatives ill this section. Mr. and Mrs. W. B Ardrey and children returned M<xtday evening from a visit to relatives in Cliarlotte. Rev. W, E, Thayer, pastor of ' the Rock HiJJ Baptist church, haa < accepted * call to the First Baptist cl)MO?h of Winchester, Ky. 1 Rev. J- D. Huggins was pleas- ;' ??3tly surprised Thursday by receviug a large load of fodder which ' was sent gratis by the members of the Flint Hill church. \ The town council has awarded | the contrct for placing a number of 32 candle power incandescent lights on Main street between the depot and MoElhstiey's stables. < An infant daughter of Mr. and ] Mrs. W. B. Meucham died Friday i evening and was buried Saturday. The child was about 4 days old. < Mr. Joe Baker and Miss Lijtzie ] Fiucher, young people of Marvin, ! N. C., were married Sunday afternoon by 'Squire J. W. MeElhaney, 1 at the latter'a home in this place. The Fort Mill ball team ban ?r. ranged to play a game of ball Thursday afternoon with Sock ' Hill. Tin1 game will be played at ' Rock Hill. Mra. Patrick Graham, of Sha- , ron, N. C., visited during the past week at the iiumr of tier father, : Mr. A. H. Merritt, of Gold Hill. ( Ed Williams, colored, was before i Magistrate MeEllianey Saturday upon the charge assault, and upon conviction paid a fine of $15. 1 It is understood that the annual ' picnic at the Indian Ferry over on the Catawbx river will be held this year about the usual time? ? that is in the early part of July. The friends in this section of ! Mr. J. J. Hull, of Roc k Hill, will 1 ferret to learn that there has been little, if any, improvement in Ui6 1 condition since his return from Baltimore about tendays*ugo. Alore paint has heeu used in Port Mill during the past three months than has ever heen used in that length of time before; cou saqucntly, the town presents a brighter uppearance than usual. j Attention of all concerned is | called to adveriistuent of Win- \ turop scholarships nna entrance examinations. These afford opportunities and facilities for girls seeking education in tnis well equipped institution. Air. Charles Bennett, of this township, who has been at work on the Yadkin river dam, near Salisbury, N. C., was arrested in Charlotte Saturday for carrying concealed weapons and wrs bound over to court in the sum of $25. tlohu Snipes and Paul Chisolm, white men who said they were f-oni Chester, were lined 15 each by Mayor Meaefiam yesterday for drunkenness and disorderly conduct. In making the arrest Of Snipes, the town marshal found it pect-seary to club tiie man into submission. On last Sunday t}jp Fort Mill Baptist church, in conference, passed a resolution invjMu^ the churches in the Yoflf association to send delegates to a union meeting to be held in the Baptist church here, begining on Friday night before the fifth Sunday in t i u u i y. The case of Waverly Fajrwan against the Seaboard Railroad was taken up in the York court on Tuesday of the past week #nd concluded Saturday with a verdict for the plaintiff of $5,00Q, Fairman was a postal clerk on the Seaboard train that fell through a trestle pear Catawba Junction last September. He claimed to have been seriously ruptured 1? the result of of the fnll. Cards are out announcing tlje marriage, on Saturday, June the 3rd at 8 o'clock p. in., of Mias Sarah Sophie, eldest daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Huggins, to Mr. John Kolb Breed in, the mar riage to take place at the home of the young lady's parents in this place. Mr. Breedin is of Manning. He will take a diploma in law frotn the South Carolina College at the approaching commencement, and ex|)Octs to locate in Yorkville for the practice of his profession. Call at A. O. Jonon' and got your franh Graham Klour and Humo-Ground Ileal. ) [ Mr. A. O. Jones has recentl( made some decided improvement to his meat market. Besides in stalling a large cooler, other im prove me nts have been made wtiicl enables Mr. more satis factorily serve his patrons duriuj the hot suininer montha. M rs. Catherine Warren, relic of the late Robert S. Warren died Tuesday, May 9th, at he lioine 3 miles north of Fort Mill after an illness of about eigh weeks. The burial to >k place, th following day in the cemetery a Flint Hill Baptist cluirch, o which the deceased was a tueuibet Mrs. Warren was the mother o Messrs, W. R. and Lee Warren, o upper Fort Mill. Will McCullough, colored, win wrs suspected of being oue Chai McCornhs, h oo'ored man wuntei Catawba Junction upon th charge of burglary and larceny was arrested Saturday on the plan tation of Mr. L. M. Chance nortl of Fort Mill by Constable T. A Mills. The negro was held unti the arrival SSuuday morning o Mr. Tom Sparks, whose store wa burglarized, when it was ascertain ed that McCullongh was not th man wanted and he was released The Hews of Pleasant Valley. Editor Times?I will try to giv your readers the news of Plensan Valley this week. As I have seen nothing in yon excellent sheet of the closing cxer Discs of the Plens int Valley Higl School, I will give some account o it. It was an ideal day and th sun shone bright. The exercise wore opened with prayer by lte\ T. C. Chandler of your town, am the exercises were very good in :leed. Miss Wair Wolfe, who re idled "The Ride of Jenuie Mc Neal," won the gold n.edal in th reciters contest. It was presentei in a very striking manner by Di J. li. Mack. The pupils under th UlIMUlll li taiui tig of Prof. M . Hu'iii *nd his assistant, acouitted them selves very nicely. Now that din ner! The table was heaped U] with good things to eat and thos< fellows who came 3 to 8 miles fo that purt of it were filled to 111 last notch, The good women a I ways do their part it*, preparin] j;.. i) e mi _ * linnet, i roi. jl uoinpson, or Win throp, made an eicelleut addrea in the afternoon; also our count Biipt. of education, Mr. W. M Moore. Tho patrons of the Float ant Valley high school wpre si highly pleased with Prof. Hoke1 work as principal that he was unati imously elected to till the place fo the next session. The clouds ros about five o'clpck p. m. and til wind blew the large crowd iu ever direction home. The moon cam out about 8:30 p. m. and the yoipi, people gathered ftt tha c Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harris utv chatted away until 11 oYlocl That closed the exercises for th day. My. what will we do? Ourgooi doctor has gone to the hospital i Charlotte. We all may yet bn sick before he gets back. Howevei we are glad to know he is gettin ''very nicely" as the doctor culls i No other serious sickness e.i cept. the old indigestion fellowi Mrs. O. P. Heath and son, Hai old, of Charlotte, are spending few days with relatives in Pieaear Valley. Mrs. Lavinin Culp and Mrs. 1 H. Barber spent the day ip Chai lotte Friday. By the way, one of our youn men stopped his plow Snturda n t ' - ' * imriuuuii iu yo iu Bee i)is nesi gir You know he menus busiuet wiien he stops his plow this kin of weather. Pleasant Vnlley school diptrie No. 2 will hold an election for h Additional 3 mill tax for schoc purposes on May 3Qth which w hope wi|l carry. Now wp will jump op the wen'fc er, or the weather on us. All th forecasters and prognoalicato! have missed it a little. The rai is coming dowp while I am writin and it has hoejx raining thre weeks. The grass and cotton ar are having a tight race. One fc lo\? says if it rains tomorrow, goo bye cotton, It is impossible t work it out for it will take fou hands all day to hoe one acr< It appma iliat ilia nn/i/l I n?l ' 1 V* ? going to cut thp Acreage At iaat. J. M. H. _ Memorial Day war generally oh sprved throughout South Carolim At liaurens, Newberry, Batesbur and blocks burg the song M Ton I ing on the old camp ground" w? sung. Nothing could bo more in Appropriate foi >t wpp written b a Notnern man who had to b drafted into tho arujy before h would fight fqr his own side. 1 was published by Oliver Dietisto and Company but not until Ia( in 1S64 and wo do not believe ws ever sung by a Confederate Sol dier.?Abbeville Medium. Fresh Pork. Baef and Fansage at way ou baud at A. 0. Junes.' y TERRIFIC RACE WITH DEATH, o "Dwi'h was fast approaching" writes Ralph F. Fernando*. of Tampa, Fla., describing his fearful race with death, ' "as a result of liver trouble aud heart It disease, which had robbed tne of sleep k And of all iuteeast in life. I had tried j r many different doctors and several mod- j * icines, but got no relief uutil I began to ! use Electric bitters. t?o wonderful was t their effect, that in throe days I felt like a now man. aud today 1 am cured ' of all my trouble*." Guaranteed at Arr droy's drug store; price 50c. * Go to | GASTON & HALL j For your f FRESH MEATS. such as 0 BEEF. A PORK. * SAUSAGE, : FISH, Etc. It We alao carry a line of j Heavy and Fancy Groceries, f Canned Goods, TobacoeH, etc. s 'Phone orders receive prompt attention. Call No. 20 and let uh ? I. serve yon. GASTON & HALL. t r 1 f Colgate's Violet Talc Powder, 25o. 0 Menon's ,, ? ? 20c. s it Borated ,, ,. ,, 1 Our Special Violet Talcum Allan's Talcum Powder 10c And others. " LANGE'S FOOT COMFORT. A \ They are all comfort briugcrs in ^ Iiot weathers M Colgate's Dental Power p Allnn'B Tooth Powder. b Euthvmol Tonth I'noi.i e Ivorene Tooth Cream. Alluu's Tooth Wash. K i* They all brin^ you comfort, J y health and pleasure. [- ARDREY'S DRUG STORE. r> a i* r e 1 I [TM OLD KEI I rf ; Impo ii d C I = J. a Feed y< It : i cows, hogf try on Pra g > ; and if nee i. [J them Pra t W e fie n jl Horse <& C e (lers in pac a 15c to 75c ii K ? e ? Pratt's Poultry Food |j Pratt's Worn] Powd Q Pratt's Mcayc Cure ir Pratt's Distemper Ci ^ i j Pratt's PiijH Eya Cut Pratt's Lice Killer irj Pratt's Coljc Cure in >. Also ? * i Pratt's Harness Soai K ty I Yours fo T- B. 8 - THE OLD RE I Work Well Done. o Have you Table Cloths, Counterpaines, Doilies, Window Curtains, Blankets, etc., lauudered by the Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C. Prices for laundering the above articles cheerfully furnished. Suits pressed 85c; suits drycleatied and pressed, 50c; suits washed and pressed, 75c; coat or pants pressed, 15c; cleaned and pressed, 25c; skirts pressed, 25c; cleaned atul pressed, 50c. Our shipments are made Thursday mornings and returned Saturdays. McElhaneyvParks Co, The Clothing an<J Shop Man Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Charlotte, is now limiting his work to EYE DiSEASES and FITTING GLASSES. He, having conned his regular visits to other towns, can bo consulted at all times in his office 20d N. Tryou St.. Foes for consultation $2.00 and up according to the difficulty of the case. Glasses #2.50 and up according to lenses and frames. 1-18-Sm A GOOD GUIDE. Fob tub mtr mask of a fiphabm i*retcteboemrely lllus'mtrd i?o (N.?e STF.VF.NS TlOOfc.. ThW irairoet oi H-O'ly iriorair i!certll?s the rooat complete bo 1 reeled line c4 single ibu Rifles Pistols Sbotsuas rtr., the -.Bit] s.t of nnreMSBtMInn i. rr ihe STHvtNS Mavoord, Jt. rifle rttlxt bopekore?t. lu Iim !.< !>, boi.)ililcituuipcii!ta oi ' umriw ?l?aw. t)?s leetol high etaeeleedcf oetelleace ? rightly maintained. STtVtNS f1RLAKU3 are mM be ell nwHot (mb end berime dealer,. Ask I Seen W .ex meke^tuaist ne |iWta| It. IVsaat be jisit ntl with r earthing J u?t a, prod "\ The (eel that Moras Aral are OUAK AMT1ID roe QDUITT ilmM Mnespt jre to be atxe to ^eclif cMe Here hoenM bemad. Send two ec. smeere * F*ee* Set* esd RISe feeem. J. STEVENS ARMS O TOOL CO. P. O. Box 4091 Chicopee Foils, Mtss.,U. S. A. iIAliLE STORE rtant! Mir horses, * o ml n/\nl_ tt's Foo?lif leasary give tt's Cures, 11 Pratt's battle Powt >kages from t I in |0c packageer in 50c packagesin 50c pack age*, ire in 50c packages. e if) 50c packages. 25c packages. > JOc packages. ) in 15c packages. r business, Belk. jIABLE store ^ * T v 1. ll' I J I III p HI I.I. H^IIIPjMPl.lL J ni NEW ARRIVALS. i !*S "Crossett" Shoes and Oxfords, tans and ! blacks, the best Sboes on the market to-day for men. "Harrisburg" Shoes and Slippers for ladies and children. The kind that alwavs nlease vnn ? K ~ "Peerless" Ice Cream Freezers, the kind that Freeze in three minutes. "Davis'" Drop Head, Ball Bearing Sewing Ma? : chines at $17.50. "New Home" Sewing Machines, $27.50. We offer a new New Home in exchange for one that worn out. We can safely make this offer, for we know that you cannot live long enough to. wear out a New Home Machine. All Men's Clothing at cost to close out. Hi. Or. MASSEY -*? . L1 - ' ! I IJ- ? i -J I -I! HIM. ! | k Big lite Goods Seam 1 5 More white goods will be used this season than for flt U several years. Our stock is full in many different lines. I g WHITE LINEN?36 inch all linen, 26c. 36 inch g ^ all linen, finer, 40c. 90 inch all linen for skirts and (0^ ^ cutis, i'uu. so men mien nni-ui, a nig Roller, loo. QC C P. K?10 inch, worth 15c, at lOo. 30 inch Galatier C a) Cloth, elegant for mils, lor. 2d yk MERCERIZED WAISTING?30 inch, five patterns u ^ very uvat, worth 25o, for 20c. 30 inch laoe striped Uk Cotton Voil at 25c. flV INDIA LINEN?All grades, oc, 7 1-2c, 10c, 15c, 20c, A ^ special number at 10c. jP m PERSIAN LAWN?35 inch, very fine and shear, 25c. a 5 ORGAN DIES ?32 inch at I5c. 70 inch at 25c. ^ DOTTED SWISS?Large and small dots, 10, 15, 20o. W at White Cotton Voil makes a beautiful suit, 25c. Cheaper a g K EMBROIDERY SALE. g On Saturday, the 27th, we plaoe on sale 1,500 yards in ?K V Mouslin at 5 and 10c, both are specials. 17 inoh wide W 6 for cornet covers, the biggest bargain we ever had at 25c. S I Meacham & Epps. | KEITH CONQUEROR J Without a doubt they are one of the best mens' shoes on earth. We have been trying to get this line of shoes since we have been in business. If you want your money's worth try a pair of them. Price, $3.50. * ...j A swell line of low cut shoes in all the I styles for men at $2.40. Everybody gays j A ^ 4*t? ' ^ V ? \ine.y are $3.UU sftoesMcElhaney-Parks Co; Cheapest store in town. uttuuuiututuuuuuutuu ? Your Shoe WorhL^ ] j ^ For tli* jMHt 15 years I have conducted nn old Shoe '*Uoa^ ^ ^ pitnl,"' aud during these years thousands of mucb*wom and <>(>, dd apparently worthless subjects have received treat moot aud < M Tj| been discharged from my unaitoriumn in healthy coadi* {. . tion. I guarantee a cure of all shoe Ailments, and my (it #P prices are as low aoone can afford to execute good work. <><> y. Send me your afficted Shoes, Harness, or other leather {jj | goods for prompt treatment and permanent cure, (i,> JJ J. P. Blllue. ]\ tnuuuuunuuuuumtmv: L. I JOB PRINTING 1 p NEATLY EXECUTED AT B |j THE TIMES OFFICE. ? Ietta-heada.Notehotds, Billheads, Btatementa, Handbill*. Pogtori (ft-. Si Circulars, Envalopos. Etc., al the lowest prices consistent with gftod n, wqtK. Send us your ordors and wo will please you. I Tlae Times. fe