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. FORT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC FUBLfSHEJ} EVERY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. ^ of Subscription: (C?ne year 51.i Six mouth* i" Three months 2 Correspondence on current subjects i Invited, but no responsibility is as Buinctl tor the vffcws of correspondents Anonymous /coininunications will no Ike published in these columns. On application to the publisher, nd vertlsltiR rates are made known t those Interested. iii" - ? :?i \ i iu, 1HU5. True patriots are scarce. Tl? Lmrs. minnie McAllister. \ %%%%%%%%%%# Mr*. Carrie King, Durlington, Mo., writes: "I have suffered for years with biliousness, and kidney and liver trouble. *' If I cauuht a Utile cold, the jxiltts ircrc increased and backache and headache wore of /reqnont occurrence. "However, Peruna cured tne?twelve bottle* made inc a healthy woman." V 1 I I lITrn Address of (I) persons of I | I M Hi J- I I ? ? purl I lidlmi li!o< d who ?re I I I nil I U.W not lt\u?r wllli sny trll?. III <]) of ii.en who were drafted In Kentucky, ICQ I (I) ii( outliers of soldiers who lisve ts-en If KB denied I'c lislon mi recount of their re m in'irrisae. It) "f Mien who *er>eil 111 the KedS S i-rs! sriuy, or (6) the nenrest kin of such -oldlers I r siilhwr. now deeessed. NATIIAN IIII KHIItl), Attorney, t\ ll"llltl|(f Oil. l>. <'. AU ft Im Best Couilh Byrop. Taste* .hssl. Can |Tl r?-l In time. Bold by drinntUt* f*l Her Laglcal Reasoning. In his "Comic School Tales" H. J. Barker gives some amusing answers by children technically known in longland as "howlers." Hero are some of mem: a leacner in a school at Stepney, Enst London, was giving her class an examination on the Scriptural work of the previous three months. Among other questions the lady asked: "With what weapon did Samson slay tho thousand Philistines?" And one girl, jumbling her old and new testament knowledge, stood up and replied: "With the ax of the apostles." A woman teacher had been ex- j plaining the story of tho casting adrift ! of the infant Moses. "Now, why was j it, do you think, that tho good mother i daubed the little ark boat so carefully with slime and pitch?" "Oh, ma'am," said one little 5-year-old girl, "to mako | tho baby stick inside." Describe the devil accurately anil J you're sure to have a libel suit on your ! hands. "IT SAVED MY LIFE" PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS MEDICINE Mrs. Willadson Tells How Shs Tried Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Just in Time. Mrs. T. C. Willodsen, of Manning, Iowa, writes to Mrs. l'inlcham: Doer Mm. Pinkhain :? 441 onn truly say that you have saved my life, 1111.1 I i-uauot express my gratitude to jou in wor<b ^ ! 41 Before I wrote to you, telling you how I i fait., 1 hnd doctored for over two year* steady nil spent lots of money on medicines besides, but it all failed to help me. My monthly periods had ceased and I suffered much pain, with fainting spells, headache, hu-kach.i and bearing-down jiains, and I was so weak I ?ould nnrdly koop around. As a Inst resort I decided to write yon and try LTdin E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and 1 am so thankful that I did, for after following vonr ' instructions, which you sent mo free*of all charge, ray monthly periods started ; I ain regular and in perfect hnnlth Kod It n*# been for you I would bo in ray grave to-doy. " I sincerely trust, that this letter nrmy h ad very suffering woman in tho country to write you for help as I did." When women arc troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weak- ! uess, leueorrhflca. displacement or ulceration of tho womb, that bearing- | down feeling, Inflammat ion of the ovnries. backache, flatulence. ~?-neral de"bility, indigestion and nervous proRtrn- : tion. they should remember there is 1 one tried and true remedy. I.v.iia B, Pinkhain s Vegetnblet'ompouud at once removes such troubles. HT *% ' - % * * jiitiuiiirr icmaie nnuncinc :n t he world has received such widespread and unqualified endorse incut. Refuse all substitutes. Mrs. rinkham invites all sick women to writ" her for advice. Sh e hasjfuided thoiisauds to health. Address, Lynn, ; HI ass. \ . 1 ~ -- ' 1 ...urn mi ' 11 ? } The War. The n^ws as to the whereahouti V of Koj-e'vensky'a squadron is ye j vague hiid rather uncertain, anc na for Togo, he might aa well )r io at the bottom of the sea $o furA 1? locating him is concerned. Tf i are not even any minora aa V * position. The Russian ikJt ; profess now to heli?. t Japanese cannot prevep&t, Minn<A tuie of Nebogatoff ^ster? write# -; vensky. and cons^ ?,th a pain ? cwiU in St. I Ixnh fittd vtyht - vi j tt??t for tll^thdf i irou/</ 6<jcnrrdf The lXnssil^medicine didnotaectn = . . -- - , i ivii it?iiniciy a mcmner oi our tJrcler advised mo to try Peruna and gnve it such high nraise that [ decided to try it. Although I started in with little faith, I felt so much better in a week that I felt enI'ouroged. "1 took it faithfully for seven weeks and am happy indeed to be able to say that 1 am entirely cured. "Hon/* fail to cjrprcHH nip gratiInilr. I'rr/'rct health once more Ih the brut thing I < oul l icinh Jor, and tluinlcH to Peruna, Icrtjop that nou\" Pain in the back, or on the right side. How often a physician bears this complaint! Over and over we hear women say: "I have a pain in the small of my back. I have a pain in my right side, just below the ribs." These symptoms indicate pelvic or abdominal catarrh. They indicate that the bowels are not acting projierly?that the liver is out of order?that the pelvic organs are conges ted. Pelvic catarrh?that is the name for it. Peruna mreipflrfc ratarrh, ir/utt all afthese symptoms disappear. The catarrh may be all in the ubdom inal organs, when it would be properly called abdominal catarrh. At any rate, it is one of those cases of internal eaturrn which can be reached only by a course of treatment with Peruna. We have on lile thousands of testimonials similar to the above. It is impossible here to give our readers more than one or two specimens of the number of Rmteful and commendatop' lettcrx I)r. artman is constantly receiving in liehalf of his famoue catarrh remedy, Peruna. LAZY JOHNNY. Tommy Tucker?You don't like Johnny Jones, 1 guess! Willie Wickham?No, he's so lazy that he'd rather light than run, an] time.?Boston Transcript. Can I.otiKinsu ? Martinet l'alnt. Don't pay $1150 a gallon for linseed oil, whieb you do in ready-for-usc naint. buy oil fresh from "the barrel at 60 cents per gallon, and mix it with Lougman & Martinez L. & M. Paint. It makes paint cost about $1.20 per gallon. James S. Ilurrort. President Manchester Cotton Mills, ltock Ilill, S. writes: "In 1883 1 nnintcd ray residence with L. & M. it loous better than a grent mauy house's painted three years ago. ' Sold everywhere and by Longman & Martinez, New York. Paint Makers for Fifty Years. Twelve million hats arc made uuuually in the United Kingdom. FITS permanently onred. Xofltsor nnrvonsDtMahcr llrst day's use of I)r. Kline's Great Nervo Restorer,Fit rlfdbottle and treatise free Dr. It. U. Klins, Ltd.,931 Arch St., Phlla., Pa. The food issued to the Japanese soldiers hi-s lately undergone a great change. L*dlo? Can W??r Sh??? One sire smaller after using Allen's Foo*Easo, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching feet. Ingrowing nails, obrna and bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 36c. Don'l accept any substitute. Trial package Fnr.e by mall. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LoRoy, S.Y Large oil wells have been discovered in the northern part of Roumania. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething,soften the gums, reduoos Inflammation,allays pulu,euros wind colic,35c.abottle. A Hugh Penant. When the* American cruiser New Orleans came Into San Francisco liny on January 27, on her way from Guam to Mare Island to be paid off and go out of commission, she sported a homeward-bound pennant .">r>0 feet long. Private Citr Line*. The railroads seem very willing to have the private car lines brought under the Jurisdiction of tlio lujerstute Commerce Commission. A railroad President is authority for the statement that lines are paid mileage, without discrimination, and the question of excessive charges is n matter for the shipper to settle with the ear lines, so long as there is no law to govern their rates. Car mileage paying has been decided to be as legal as the payment of rental for property. St. Peter's, nt Rome, is in the form of a cross 630 feet long and 430 feet wide. J do not bollov.? ?Uo'a Curo for Consumn. tlonh&s unequal for coughs and colds.?Joni F.LIoykb,Trinity S;>rlni;s, Ind., Feb. 13, 1DOJ. There arc over a million goats in Montenegro. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford't Sanitary Lotion. Never Fails. Sold bv all druggists, $1. Mail orders promptly filled by L)r. E. Detchon, Crairfordsville. Ind. No one can look more solemn than Satan. A IMtlful Sight Is to see the little one sq dear to us graduully sinking tiny by <luy by the drainage upon its system from the effects of teething. The wise mother giv< s I?r. Itlggers" Huckleberry Cordial. It n. vcr falls to cure Choi ?-rii .uurniis ii:ni uysentery, riux. etc. Sold by all Druggists, 'ii and 50t\ bottlo. Nothing boats a good wife?oxcept a bad husband. So. 11). ECZEMA FOR TWO YEARS I.lttlo (iirl'a Awful Suffering XVIthTorrlblo Skin Humor?Sleepless Nlslit* For Mother? Np 'inly t:?ir.* l?y Gulicnra. "My little girl l< u? been suffering for two year* train ccacma, and during that time 1 could not get a night's sleep, ns her nilincnt was very severe. I had tried so many remedies, deriving no benefit, 1 had given up all hope. Hut a* a last resort 1 was persuaded to try Cuticur*, and one box of the Ointment, and two bottles of the Resolvent, together with the Soap, effected a permanent cure. Mrs. I. R. Jones., Addington, lnd. X." k " 'I .o* * J ; / ; / / ii HWIMI / |*H?^ | yiDER THREADS THE BEST. 1 Vr Use in Telescopes Nothing Has 1 ' Been Found So Good. The astronomer after the experience many years has found that the spider furnishes the only thread which 3an be successfully used in carrying jii ins worn, wrues Ambrose swazey, in the Scientific American. The spider lines mostly used aro from one-flfth to one-seventh of a thousandth of an Inch in diameter and, In addition to their strength and elasticity, they have the peculiar property of withstanding great changes of temperature; and often when measuring the sun 6pots, although the heat is so intenso as to crack the lonses of the micrometer, eyepiece, yet the spider lines are not in the least injured. The threads of the silkworm, although of great value as a commer. cial product, are so coarse and rough compared with the silk of the spider that they cannot be used in such instruments. Spider lines, although but a fraction of a thousandth of an Inch in diameter are made up of several thousands of microscopic streams of fluid, which unite and form a single line, and it is because of this that they remain true and round under the highest magnifying power. An instance of the durability of the spider lines is found at the Allegheny observatory, where the same set of lines in the micrometer of the transit instrument has been in use since 1859. Kept P.cccrd c' r.!f. A Pittsfleld man who makes hl3 diary his hobby notes that not a drop of rain fell on the 31st day of any of the months last year. On every other day of the month some time during the year there was a precipitation. The record for the year shows that the total fall for the year was 36.66 inches. This is about 10 inches under the average. ....ui uir l ai-Kfrn. Very general Interest has been manifested In the Government Investigation now in progress into the uiode of conducting business by the large packers located in Chicago and elsewhere. Much lir.s been written upon the alleged illegal and improper modes of business procedure connected with the packing industry; hut it seems that so far no definite charge of any kind lias been sustained and no proof of illegal or inequitable methods lias been disclosed to the public. While a wave of severe criticism of tins great industrial interest is now passing over the country it might lie well to remember that the packers have had as yet 110 opportunity to make specific denial, tlie many indefinite charges of wrong-doing having never been formulated so that a categorical answer <*>uld be made. The recent report of Commissioner Garfield, which embodied the results of an official investigation uiide-taken by the Department of Commerce and Labor of the United States, was a vindication of tlie Western packers, hut this result having been unexpected attempts in many quarters to discredit it were made. In view of the situation as It now stands, however, attention may properly lie called to a few facts that owing to popnlar clamor are now being apparently overlooked. Fair treatment in this country has heretofore been accorded to all citizens whose affairs assume prominence in the public eye and some of the facts that hear upon the relation of the packers to the commerce of the country may at this time he briefly alluded to. It would lie difficult to estimate the benefits gained by the farmers of the country resulting from the energetic enterprise of the packers, for whatever is of benefit to tlie farmer is a gain to the entire commerce of the country. And connected With I lioir i-millniione - sive work no feature perhaps has been nioro Important than their efforts in seeking outlets all over the world for the surplus products of the farmer. Our total exports of agricultural prodnets have gained hut little in the past twenty years, ami leaving out corn, the total of all other farm products was far less in 11)08 than In 1801. Hut in packing house products there was considerable gain during this period, because an organized and powerful force has been behind them seeking new and broader markets. Besides the l>enetlts reaped by farmers on account of the enterprise and energy exercised by the packers in attaining commercial results by foreign trade, the great development in the manufacture of packing house by-products lias added enormously to the value of ail live stock raised in the United States. The waste material of twenty years ago, then an expense to tho packer, is now converted into articles of great value and, as an economic fact, this must correspondingly increase the value to the farmer of every head of cattle marketed at the numerous stock yards of the country. these fncts he remembered while now It Is so popular to regard the great packing industry as deserving of condemnation. At least it must he ad ml t tod that, so far, there is no adequate reason for the almost uuanlnious bowl thut may be beard everywhere In the faeo of tbo Garfield report above alluded to which practically exonerates the packers from the obscure and indefinite charges tlint have been for some time pnst made the subject of pppular comment. $foRAm>5V ^WATEBPBOOP 1 DiLED CLOTHIKSl RECEIVED THE <IGKF:5T POSSIBLE; AWARD 8 At THE ST.LOUIS WORLD'S PAIR, g I Send us the names of dealers in ? w your town who do not sell our C ^oods. and we will .send you o. M fi collection of pictures, in colors, df |fl i famous towers of the world, sra? 0 ? A. J. TOWER CO, ESTAE4.ISHS0 IC36. ? BOSTON N1W YOKR CHICAGO. H & TOWCB CANADIAN CO. TOBCHTQ CAW C * I ?L "" ?v S * / Pjc? is offered for labels. Besides of wearing apparel and quickly?and > illustrated above. Pc jfly Luck Premium Book I GOG make it the most widely > MM have been sold (many ord for a single factory in the 1 plan?to furnish the best Good Luck is the best be est, whitest, sweetest of leavening force, to tin It is the most econo ^^^k any other baking Luck let us km THE SO 1 fr~ A LLi^1 >w cw-rimi out coueoS I SoWCirlM^GOOOUJD^^ I In OOOD FOR VALUABLC ARTI I H EACH CAN. Addr***: Thi On PUTNAM <'??lor inor* irnod* hriirlitar and fit*tcr colon* tlinn ai I* 1 ? - h ?1o- !?- OF w? "Will t?ns* nsM nt I Pi* n r ((^^u/e^UicA]gig Bargain To better a.lvertine the South'* L?kdln| Ituilnrx CollfRo, four acholarahlpa am offered young persona of this county at lea* than coat. WRITE TODAY. GA-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, Ga. 1 The Secret c S Even tho best housekoept coffee without good material. 1 blendod coffee Buck as unscri f oounters won't do. But tuko t LION COFFEE, u* i the coffee that for over a qv welcomed in millions of home? for a king in this way: HOW TO MAK Um LION COPPER, beranno to |^t be Grind jronr LION COPPER mtlicr Aim extra for tho pot." Plrat mix it with a lltth add white of an egg (If egg In to be used ax i let WITH BOILING WATER. THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add a ' m la art ca to nettle. Serve prompt) 2d. WITH COLD WATER. A bring It to a bolL Then set aaldt minutes Ifa ready to aerve. 3 (Don't boll It too long. ; -< Don't let It stand mor# DONTS (.Don't use water that TWO WAYS T Irt. With Egos. Uae port of the wh CO! KKE before! toiling. ad. With CoM Water Instead of egg* a*1d* for eight or ten tninutas, then i-orvo tt Insist on getting a pac prepare tt according to thl LION COFFEE In future. ( Linn-hea<l (Savo those Lion-hei blood, wind on the stomach, floated bow, pains after eating, liver trouble, aallow ski regularly you are sick. Constipation kills ... **?*? ?hronlc ailments and long years of tuff CASCARETS today, for you will never get ? "ffhfc lake onr advice, start with Caacars money refunded. T^he genuine tablet itami booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Com aasHaanHBHHHBBi W. L. DOU( S! S3J?&$3.2SSS j \\. It. lloiifflHii shoo* iin* the grri woriil Imtiiiui* ?t I h? Ir rxccllnit stvlf. f?i !rlnr wrurinu qunlitU^. Thrv mrv |i??t u? r<i%( IV'iui lo '^I.OO. 'i'lu1 only aliirr \\ . I*. l?iMltfl:i? ^ '??? ? < ??? ( HM?r?b III kliu|H- In*I irr, wrir l????a?*rv ami ari' of gi-t-u olhcrlll 'iOnlioi* on flic miirkcl lo.itiiy. V iiiiii*i*% fIii-Ii* iiilm* i?> ( im^iliiff hi* nimn Imttont of'?*i*<*h lamli lor ll. Tukc 11 hImmm Jil l- mill (liroiigh hi* * t In* |?i?i??l>il rille*. ?m I l?\ fhnc ila-itl i*t*? rv? lt-r %vhi-ri- on I * ?*,IV.I*. Iiouglai ?lioi-?Hrc ntrrTr.R ru.i.v or///;/: w.iars at %k F>*r thr /#j%fh$ v .rrJ / A<ir- >r >rn II*. /? only an- /./ */ K-*hvf'?n <?/#?/ ?'#" M-if / ' ' '? ' . /.. /*ir/\ I'% .\*<r. I'm hi, r /*' *' #/>'' i/ .? if? mi/ /i Boys wear W. L. Drains $'2.50 and $2.00 sh bettor. hold their shape, and wear longer t W.L.DOUGLAS $1.00 SHOES CANNOT CE EQUA H. /.. itnH'H i< ?/?'< Coronn Coif tint i?? /<?* *.7.1 <*?/( it con ,frr< I to It thr pit rut /. i' \st i oi.or. r.Tr.Lrm u i 1.1. \ot W. I? !).? ' j\a* I.. > ih.? 1 ?i m mail ni?l??r | V liuhh- to y. i ;? nt l v in a :. i'". . xtra nrrpay* tilitJi.-f information, vritr for Hhnfr iti I t'tfi W.L.DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MA | ^ II I'HIMIMWI I !! IMWITi * ? ,-/ 1 : 9 r\ ? . r 'k Your Choice of 5 Valuable Artich the freight-car coupons on Good Luck Baki beautiful pieces of jewelry, the list includes i I and handsome things for the house. You < ou'll be surprised at their value. Five c >r full description and pictures of the whole in each can. The positive purity, the pe >D LUCP chosen of all leavening agents. During 1 ers coming in for car-load shipments), wli vorld. This is only the inevitable result c baking powder in the world at the lowest :cause it is purest, because it produces the lij baking. These results are due to its unequ. e fact that it contains no adulteration wliate mical because it takes less to do the work t [ powder. If your dealer doesn't sell G aw, and we'll see that you are supplied at 01 UTHERN MFG. CO., Richmond, Va rouow Van uk ?rat, (he MNG^POWmgQBT) ? Coupon found , , <" ? ?*? ^ CLtS.SU LIST IN B| W ??BTXINT Sro>?OfM UHB mTj^lELJL ny other dye One 1<>?- package color* *Hk. wool and oot '?oka?re Write (or fri-e honklet- How to Dve. Bleaoh at gS DropsyH J Removes all swelling in 8 to 30 f?""~ / day* ; effects n permanent cure yV in 30 to 60 (lava, "rial treatment -rJffSJlv given free. Nothtngcan be fairef Write Dr. H. H. Green's Sons, _ Sneclalltta. Box B Atlanta, fift if Good Coffee | ;p~ mnVfi <1 rrriO'1 I I I fring. No matter w. > veil and stay well ur < ta today under absoki.. guarantee to .uio or I >ed C C C. Never sold In bulk. Sample and r pany. Chlcueo or Nfu/V^rV > ^LAsbr^i -toss z. wL^, m dollor^ln th?' p |5(?j B hnn other innk""*. j ILLEQ ATANY PP.131 ! \V i: \ R BRASSV ' ^rr r - - . si .' \ * ' - * J*? v ' rf I ajgjn >f the premiums are list see the littlr Good rfect trholesomeness of r Baking W ^ Powder this year 16,145,114 pound* MB iich is the largest business >f the original Good Luck price?10 cents a pound. ?% Jf SS DYES ton <M|iiHlly well null Is mixrnnteed to irtve j>erf?<"t roid Mix Color*. MONItOK DHl'O CO, OtilonvUfo* Mo. DYSPEPSIA SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION PROMPTLY AND PERMANENTLY CURED WITH Crab Orchard Water." A Century's Experience, With Successful Results, is the Brat Testimonial. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Crab Orchard Water Co., Louisville, Ky. So. ID. Potash as Necessary as Rain The quality and quantity of the crops depend on a sufficiency of Potash in the soil. Fertilizers which are low in Potash will never produce satisfactory results. :? I' ( .rn<or ih/uild Ka famllitf witV? (Ka proper proportions of ingrnlicnli that ko to make the best fertilizers for every kind of crop. We have published a sertes of hook*, contairinK the latest researches on this allimportant subject, which we will send free if you ask. write now while yor think of it to the , OKKM AN K \ 1.1 WOBkS >0w York?1>B Nsuau Street, or Atlanta. Ol.?SS's South ilroad Street. I I ' i ^ You want only tho best Cotton Gin Machinery Ask any experienced winner aoout Pratt, Eagle, Smith Whiship, Munger We would like to show you what thousands of j life lonjj customers say. Write for catalog and testimonial booklet. I Continental Gin Co Charlotte, N. C-, Atlanta. <ia. ICirmliiKh'km, Ala. Mi'iiiitlilw, Teiiiii, Italia*, Tex. I