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,m:? f - ? ? HEMS of LOCAL INTEREST |j "Mr. S. R. Hnrria of lower Fort j^ijl, spent Friday in Lancaster. Mr. \V. K- Whitesell, spent Thursday in Charlotte on hu?i- ; n,ess. Mr. F. O. Whitlock. of Union, whs a visitor 4o Fort Mill yeater- j day. The friends of Mr. T. M. Parks, who was so critically ill a short time ayo, are tflad to ace him out a^ra in. , Dr. A. M. Buchanan has rented I an office upstairs iu the Ardrey j .uiluing, adjoining that of The Times. Attention is called to the street i tax notice in another column the ! ?eoks wil be open on Saturday ! next. Mr. and Mrs. T. IV Meaoham tad children, of Greenwood, are ; isiting at the home of I>r 1?. IV j Meacham, in this place. Horn, April 2S. 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. T. M?T. Hughes, a daugher.?Lancaster Enterprise. Mr. Frpd. Harris and several *oung gentlemen of Waxliaw spent u inlay at the former's home in his place. Mr. Henry McGiaw nnd family vbo have been living here for s'vernl months, have moved to .Cock Hill. Tlie Times acknowledges receipt ' an an invitation to the ninth annual commencement exercises ?f the graduating class of the icmsojt Agricultural College, iiich will take place on June 4 <5 , Mr Henry Hammond, a farmer i \vh > lives one mile west of town, j had the misfortune last Saturday | o ose two tine cows. The cows 1 it is thought, ate too much grass, causing colic from which they died. As staled in our issue of Inst ' Vednesday, the closing exercises 1 t the Pleasant Valley high school ; will take place on next Friday. An aftractive program has been nr-I aged and the day will doubtless i >> vtrv nlpiiHiintlv bkpiiI I - - J I' "*J w j-rx-? V VllViO' v.ho attend. The annual May njeeting at the f' ?rt Mill Presbyterian chur? h ii begin Tlipivday evening at 8In. iid will continue through to Sunday night. Communion service, it which all members are request.1 to be preseut, will be held on J Sunday morning at ll o'clock. It becomes our sad duty this >oek to chronicle the death of the ittle son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. IcNeely, which occurred Monday morning. The little fpllow was <?! months of age and had been sick ?ly a few days. The remains v ere taken to Rock Hill yesterday morning for burial. Mrs. Willinm Calvin Chilton, a Southern reader and monoiogist \ ho is said by many to excel Polk |] : iller, is to be at. the town hall lis (Wednesday) evening. The doors open at 8 o'clock and the ad;ii ssion will he 25 and do cents. The proceeds will be divided with { :>! Fort Mill Light Infantry. As stated in our last issue, Me orial day exerercises will beheld' at the Presbyterian church this looming at 10 o'clock. The crowd will march from the church to the ct" metory, where the graves will he ecorated and then to Confederate Park, where other features of the xercises will take plaoa. The lerchauts have consented to close heir stores during the exercises. Postmaster Mnssey has roceiv* 1 information, thnncrh not nHFioinl iliata representative of the post' office department, will visit Fort Mill in the near futuie and ma e a survey for the purpose of establishing two new rural delivery routes to go out from this place. It is not known which way the new routes wtll run, but it is understood that changes will be made in the present routes, whereby more families will be served with daily mail and which will make room for the establishment of the newout es. John Lindsey. colored, was be>re magistrate McKlhnney Thurs-J day upon a warrant sporn out by ' Mr. W. L. Hall, for Haston and Hall, upon the charge of issuing ' bogus checks. It seems thnt Lind- ! ey, who conducts a small store south of town, has for some time [ given checks on tlie Savings Bank or goods bought from merchants >f this place. Mr. Hall presented liia /.Iw./.L- Tlini-adnv unrl it ivuu learned that Lindsey had no money in the hank, and had not carried a deposit there for some time. Lindsey was accordingly arrested and brought before Ma^is- ! trate McElhaney, but was release ' ed upon payment of the account and costs of the court. It is understood that others in town hold checks issued hy Lindsey during the past few months, and that further trouble is in store for the eolord merchant is not unexpected. - C? i. The Affray on'Catawba. In our last issue brief mention wan ni:ule of tho tutting affray at Joaes' ferry, on Catawba river Tuesday afternoon between Mr. Rosser Wolfe, of Sharon anti Mr. Mark L. Skid more, of this place. Owing to the late hour at which the fiijht took pluce it was imnossi bit1 to learn the pailiculars or to give nil account of the affair. The facts, us situ*? learned uro that a party consisting of Messrs. Rosser Wolfe, J). P. Lt-e, Ren Wolfe, Wat. Cooper and others drove down from Sh iron for a day'H tieh on Catawba. During the day the party was joined by Mr. M. L. 8kidmore, of this place. All went well for a time, until the conversation drilled into political channels. Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Skidmore engag-d iu an argument, when the | latter called Mr. Wolfe "a damned Democrat." Mr. Wolfe become j angered at this, but seeing that 1 Mr. Skidmore had been drinkimr, I passed the matter by and it was j t!.ought no trouble would result. Skidmore and others went up the river and remained a short while and upon his return offered apologies to Wolfe for what lie had said, at the same time pulling a flask, from which he and Wolfe took a (11ink. Skidmore then said that he could throw Wolfe down, which In* did. Lie next grabbed old Mr. I Lee and threw him, and, it is said was handling him in a manner which angered Wolfe, who drew liis knife nnd went for Skidmore. The men were parted by othor members of the party, but not un ; til Skidmore had been fearfully j slashed about the neck and head. Wolfe set out immediately for I l'ineville, where he surrendered to Officer Culp, and was later turned over to the sheriff of Mecklenburg. ' Skidmore was brought to his home in this place anchwas well-nigh ex- : hausted from hiss of blood when medical assistance reached him. Two physicians were k?M)t busv i until "early Wednesday morning ! dressing the wounds, more than 80 , stitches being required for thh. It was at one time thought that tin chances were few for Skidinoro's recovery, hut3ie is doing nicely at present and will doubtless h?> able to he out in a short time. The preliminary tiinl will he held as soon us Mr." Skidmoro is able to attend. Mr. Wolfe is a half brother of Capt. M. M. Wolfe, of this place, The Meanest Man. There is probably no place on earth better than a country newspaper office to learn how many kinds of people there are. Some i ? L? . i . IIIIII y II U SinieillClll lfl geilt, others will not pay until they reeeive n statement. * Some will pny without a statement and others won't pny whether a statement is sent or not. Some thought they owed more and some thought they didn't owe so much. Some say they couldn't get along without the paper, and others say it don't amount to much. Hut the meanest, scrubbiest in the list is the man who takes it until he is shut of! for non payment and then spends all his time explaining how he used to "take the thing, but stopped 'cause it wev'u't no count. -?*. / } / ? > Cri.!.' * .. >>!*?. TERRIFIC RACE WITH DEATH. I "Doakh was fast approaching" writes , Ralph F. Fernande?, of Tampa, Fla., 1 describing his fearful race with death, j "as a result of liver trouble aud heart disease, which hud robbed me of sleep I aud of all interest in life. I had tried many different, doctors aud several medr iclnes. but pot no relief until I bepau to use Electric bitters. wonderful was their effect, that in three days I felt like a new man, and today 1 am curod of all my troubles." Guaranteed at Ar- | Hrov'o flrntr etA*o nwiAA ? - ?V ^ ^ V0 ow#U| pi ?\ 0 ( Go to GASTON & HALL For your FRESH MEATS, such as BEEF, PORK, saps age, FISH, Etc. We also carry a line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries,! Canned Goods, Tobacoos. etc. 'Phone orders receive prompt attention. Call No. 20 and let us serve you. GASTON & HALL. Colgate's Violet Talc Powder, 2.r?o. Menon's ,, ? ? 20c ? Borated ? ,. Our Special Violet Talcum 15c Allan's Talcum Powder 10c And others LANGE'S FOOT COMFORT. They are all comfort briugers in hot weather. Colgate's Dental Power. Allan's Tooth Powder. Euthytnol Tooth Paste. Ivorene Tooth Cream. Allan's Tooth Wash. They all bring you comfort, health and pleasure. AUDREY'S DRUG STORE. J TUB <)l,l> UK! I Impor Stop . Monic We want lias just 1 c< of New (!1< Shoes, l)re; Special short lengt nants. One hui and boys' II We w 300 hip 300 cm \ Yours ft : T. B. j THE OLD UK % _ * ' , " Work Well Do^fl o Have you Table Cloths, Counte^^B paines, Dailies, Window Curtains. ^ Blankets, etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, | ^ of Charlotte, N, C, 11 Prices for laundering llje above articles cheerfully furnished. Suits pr eased suits dry- | ;i i*l oh nod and pressed, fide; units washed nnd pressed, Too; coat or pants pressed, L.V; olei.nod and ' I pressed, 25c; skirts pressed, 25c; cleaned and pressed, 5()o. Our shipments are made Thurs C day mornings and returned Saturdays. McElhaneyvParks Co. ^ The Clothing and Shor- Myn ^ Dr. W. H. Wakefield, * i of Charlotte, is now limiting iiis work to EVE DISEASES and FITTING GLASSES. He, having ceased his regular visits to oth??r towns, run he consulted at all i times in his office '20:1 N. Tryon St. Fees ; I for consultation $2.Oh and up according j to tlu? difficulty of the case, (.lasses ! i'2..">o and up according to lenses and j frames. 1 -18-Ihn ^ . AH *111. I illuntfjitr.i 140 |>aj?c STl-.VIr.NS 1UH >K. I Ids in.iuuai of ready yrfcren- r ' < 5 the u.- -.t Lctn^lck au>l * *z?c*l , line of single shot Rifles Pistols Shotnuns etc., the output of one mnnufa?'"irer. I r. u> tl'P !>, KVK!C.-Ma)B*i<t, )t. riilr ol ihc Soy?h~?. . . _ t tl?l? - *?l tlw * I? ;.n?np| q ?k*. ti?c identical high standard otf excellence is ft?'<)ly maintain *1. ? STE.VHNS F1RLAK.MS irr SoM by all c|*?ctin,' *od hAr'.warc dealers. Ask tlictii C* *'ur make?Insist on tftttin*: It. Don t Ik: ^ | :. mm Ing "Justas good "? rho bet that ^tcv.-ns Am'S air liUAItANTHKI) F? >K QUAL1 nf . uriUl 4>c* ?j ym to be sure to specify this tiiuchouoitxl brand. v-nd two oc. stamps fat Stevens Book %im! Rifle Puerto. J. STEVENS ARMS 6 TOOL CO. P. O. Bo* 4091 Chlcopee Falls. V?ass., U. S. A. VIABLE STORK 1 tant! ' Just a int. i | ' ; i to say He lk : :cm veil a line >thing, Hats, ss Goods, iV:c. bargains in hs and remldred mens' lats at 15c. ant diels of peas, pty sacks. >r business, Belk. I LIABLE STORE ' 4 11 c 11 c h i Id r e "Peerless" ree/e in t 11 cad at $17.50. "New Home" Sewing Machines, $27.50. We t'fer a new New Home in exchange for one that vorn out. We can safely make this offer, for ve know that you cannot live long enough to vear out a New Home Machine, All Men's Clothing at co . to close out, >X. MASSEY WWV &&X &K& SVX&+ | Summer Time and Summer Goods. | S "WASH (i')OJ")S -A full line of Lawns, Buttice, Or^an- yl ^ tlu-a, t-ti*. at I Of, 12 1 -2c. 15c, 25c. and 35c. ^ ^ Sl'I'X'l ALS?This week wo offer 40 inch colored Lnwti, JK liiee (i1111 shear, at JOc. Nice lijjht weight P. K, 3 pat- (P| terns, 10c. White mercerized wAisting, worth 25c at 20o. 0 U SI LK KOI" LAUD- 111 inches, only two biiits left, in Uk ^ irrey and hi own, worth 30c, at. JOc. I ;\r I 1M M. Ml.iV '.it 111 Cil III WllC, black Hlld gar- ^ ^ nett, special, 4 yards for wa:sl, 33 1-3c. 3(5 inch black jJk Tatfctor, iln> very lu st dye, $1. 27 inch black Chiffon ^ Tatfeter, tin* very best dye, 90c. jV ^ IjA I)) KS" Y IvSTS.?At 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c. Pants, & H<nee length, 25e. A splendid line of Mousliti Gowns and 40 Skirts at 17c, 75c, 08c $1,25, SI 50 and $1.75. S ^ II HNS' I'NDKHWKAH.? Shirts in white, cream, bine S ^ inid black, at 2- c. 50c, and >1.00, Kinetic seam Drawers, mb genuine 15 pperals, blenched, worth 60c. If you say you fifc ^ saw them advertised you may have them at 45c. ^8 ^ OX FORDS ?This is an Oxford season and we have ^ pfc them lor women and children, in black and tan, at 50c 2ft 2 75c, $!-UO, l,5u, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50 and 3.00. & | Meacham 8 Epps. | BOYS' CLOTHING. We are in a position to offer some rare bargains in Boys' (nothing* We overbought and we are not the old "hold-out-lbr-proiit'5 kind These goods Must Go At Once. Tell your neighbors that we will sell them 11 Boys' Suit, ages (j to 15 years at 50 cents to 84.00. M v:\u on ATT-Poelrci fin J-fJ-UUXi-LO/iiO ? "J. at VJU, Cheapest store in town. .Ml J IglJMt nuunninnnntuutiunun H Your SSiJtxoe Work:. 8 ^ For the pa?t 1~> years 1 have conducted an old Shoe'"Hoaif pital," and during tlieso yphis thousands of much-worn and ff i* H,) pnrently worthless subjects have received treatment and ## been discharged from my "sanitorium" in healthy condi- J |jj | H tion. 1 guarantee a cure of all hIioo nilmenta, and my prices ar>- as low as one can afford to execute tfood work. ^ Send me your atlicted Shoes, Harness, or other leather ff ootids for prompt treatment and permanent cure. ' 1 Z ?J- F. Billue. S ituuutuntnnmuuuuum .iL.jiaiTt< |JOB PRINTING I till n.* 1 < k. t<? ? r * -v 11/w rm w-v a nr (ml g TIID TIMES OFFICE. X . ? - , ? ^ Lotto:hoads.Nnteheads, Billheads, Statements, Handbills, Posters S] $ Circulars, Envelopes. Etc., at tbo lowest prices consistent with good gjgl work. Send us your orders and we will please you. jjffi | Ttte Times. | ftUargJIi >p!Tf mt