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' ' -V 7- < "* . j."". . v i l i iui?i.i.i]j? 4. -. . . FQBT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC J>UBI4$HKi} EVEKY WEDNESDAY B. W. BRADFORD. " "* fPerms of Subscription: /One year Jl .oo Six months 1 r.o Threo months 25 Correspondence on current subjects is Invited, but no responsibility Is assumed for lite views of correspondents. 1 Anonymous jt-oinmunicutions will not be published in these columns. On Hpplicntion to the publisher, nd- ! vertlsluK rates are made known to t those Interested. j - - r. MAY 10. 1?05. J. 1 1 1 - 1 *~ True patriots are scarce. Th* 1 late Filxhu^lj l^ee was uue of them. Possibly Mr. Roosevelt wants to fret btyeli before the habit of president becomes chronic with becre. | tary Taft. Milwaukee niffy concede tlint j Mr. Bigelow has brought. lier md- | tert'M'y b'lt fllre attributes lier fame to another hour< e. It is reported that Russian < misers aie h11iI lying in the vicinity of Kainranli bay, but it in possible that correspondents, not cruisers, are really meant. 4 * A Georgia contemporary says:1 "Nobody can corner all the wheat i in the world,*' but you can fret near ! enough to give the bikers an excuse for raising the price of bread. *%> You never can tell what Carnegie might have said about a coach ipan, marrying a millionaire's piece, ;f his opinion had been asked before it wus too late. Secretary Shaw would like first rate to open the Lewis ami Clark exposition, but he realy doesn't like to admit, that there are any States in the union west of Iowa. -%% Mr. Cortleyou lias declined the | presidency of the big life insurance | company. Naturally ho does not j feci like taking uu any outside work, as there are seyerfil cabinet positions that lie has not yet held. According to a Georgia con tern v,..~ f. ,i i [i'M ruy j j. i linn iwi^iiu | iti way into the South. i)0u ' pie of'(Georgia mui North Candida J propose lo pitch in and knock tlie { Var out of the turpentine octopus. *%> A Kansas man just, returned from the isthmus, says (lie Panama Canal will not be completed for two hundred years. 11 is pessimism . should be discounted liberally, as , Jie failed to gel the job he went after. The Dispensary Investigation. Although the dispensurj* inves fixation committee has been at work for some time, it is not ex- j peeled that the committee will be ready to make a report for several 1 weeks. The duties of the board as outlined in the resolution passed by i the two bouses and upon which i each member is assigned are as \ followsA? Whether or not it is a fact that some of the whiskey houses' are represented by men who arp I relatives of employes of the disj pn-mry? It? Have members of the board I been agents of bouses? C?Is it a fact that some of the ' orders have been given middlemen,*1 thus making the State pay a corn- 1 mission? D ? Was it necessary to purchase the large quantities of liquor ordered in December, It KM? K?Are tho heavy purchases made necessary for the best inter of the di-spensnry ? F?What is the financial standing of the difcpensnry and ih it run ail the principles originally intend ed for its conduct? (i?Is it a fact that the dispell- ' 8ary is violating the oonatituiiou of tlie State in soiling liquor in lere tjian |ia|f pints? ?ts it a fact that the State is ' celling 5'h (case goods) to eon* ' HiimeiH and charging for quarts? I?Do certain agents travel ?>v. r the State and jmsh certain brands? 1 ?T ? Hits the whiskey recently purchased been ordered out fioin the dealer or is it held in reserve for future delivery? K?What is the indebtedness of the dispensary for recent orders? SAVED BY DYNAMITE. Sometime^ a flaming city is saverl by dynamiting a space that rho fire can't cross. Sometimes, a congh hangs on so long von fool as if nothing bnt d.uamite would cure it. 7,. T. Gray, of Cul* ? honn, Gn writer: "My wife had a very aggravated o.ugh which kept her a wake nights. Two physicians conld not help J?er; so she took Dr King's New pis- j 't*?vcry for Consurifptiou, Coughs and : Colds, which eased her cough, gave her sleep and finally cured her." Strictly Ificicutific cure for bronchitis and l.a Grippe. At Ardroy's drugstore, price 50c * The War. The news an to the whereahonts of Rojcgtvensky's squadron is yet vague and rather uncertain, and ns for Togo, he might as well be at the bottom of the sea so far as locating him ie concerned. There arc not even any rumors as to his position. The Russian admiralty profess now to belie ye that the .laniinese cannot nievont the iniio tine of NebogHtoff and Rojestr vensky. and consequently tlie officials in St. lVtosburg are hopeful of a favorable outcome in the conteat f<ir the mastery* of the sea. The Russian vessels, according to the home officials, are destined for Vladivostok, where, in oonu -c i ig with the ships there, Kojestveiisliy is supposed to be able to beat Togo off, take command of the seu and leave the Japanese army in Manchuria because of laol; of provisions. Shoul 1 all this be carried out, ? f course the war would likely take a turn against Japan, for some time to come, ut least. However, the destruction of Togo's fleet is something yet to be accomplished, and apparently Rojestvensky is desirous of anything else than a clash wit h the Japanese. Four Russian torpedo boats ventured out of Vladivostok Friday and destroyed a small Japanese sailing bout. The boats then retained toward Vladjvostock. The object of this raid is unexplained. A dispatch from Manchuria says that field Marshal Gyanja is apparently getting his troops in position for another general engagement. This seems to indicate that the field marshal is led to believe that the clash between the fleets is immiuQut and that lie will follow it up with an important land em gagment. -Chariotu Observer, Stli. ? -? ?- ?? Country Editors. Although country editors are nearly always p jor, tin-re are many people who believe that half the paragraphs in a country newspapnper are paid for with enormous bribes. There uro always two sides to every question, and which ever side nn editor happens to fall on, the partisans of the other accuse him of being "bought.' It is little wonder, therefore, that the editor is seldom a popular man; 1 neyer know one who was. and I never knew one who was not often accused unjustly. Probably the people believe in bribes to editors because it is a very rate editor who does not accuse his opponents of being bribe takers, creating a prejudice against themselves and their calling. Lazy and incompetent editors nearly always explain the success of their more vigorous opponents by declaring that they canyon a system of black-man. 1 oncp visited a large city, the newspapers of which J had long admired almost witli reverence, and I was surprised to hear a citizen say that what the city really needed was belter papers; they would bring "eastern capital." Every citizen of a country town wants his 1< entity "boomed," to the end that he may sell his fifty dob lar lot for five hundred; ho can appreciate that a really good paper might aid him in this, and liecause his lot does not advance in value as h" thinks it should, he has grievance against the editor. He longs for an editor with some "snap'' in him. 1 don't know what "snap" means, hut I know this is the quality usually thought to he ti - - A uric III I- Hint" gll'Ml m?Mi in every country town than really exist in the nation, and if they are not recognized as such, the local papers are of no account. I was once hotle-red a good deal hy a man who stid he could clean more chickens in an hour than any other chicken-cleaner in tho world, and he wanted the fact ment i 'iied. Men who are never suspected of greatness hy other people rccuso themselves < f it to editors, ami when they refuse to mention this greatness they are told that their eoluuins contain a great ileal of slulT not half so in teresting. It has occurred to me that when a citizen of a country town gels drunk, the first thing he does ia to hunt up the editor and t *11 him what is the matter with tlm community. ? Exchange. -WW*- ? letter to * l.t/Mam %r*r * r * ?? rt ivivj iUiuTljAVYYBK, FORT MILL, S. 0. Dear Sir: Want would bo the result of sc 1 tins l"*.ir paint with this guarantoo? "If yon have any fault to find with this paint, either now in putting it on. or heron ft or in the wear, toll your dealer about it. "We authorize him to dq what is right at our expense," * That means pay damages, don't it? Hero's anot her guarantee. "If your State atyunisttiiidg t his paint ndultniuiod, we w ill pay his bill, and send you $l.(K)ti." We stnud by both of these gnarautoes; as wo are the maker, ami know all about it. Yours truly * . FW Devok Si Co. 59 P. S. W B Ardrey A Co., sell# qur paint. ijp# fij X < Si ' v/ 1 ?1 ? _ ? JL'lj?L1,fj*..!!1?'1' "' 3*7 | A Heart It Heart Talk With Oar De m Charity at Home. It was some time ago thnl a epntlenmu from one of the mouniniuouh sections of North Carolina drove into Fort Mlil lute in tin? uftonioon mid decided to "hiy oyer" for the night. One of our citizens who desired to learn of the stranger's country and trip sir >lled over to the camp and tackled him in sort of an olf-hund way. The conversation gradually wound around until the desired subject was reached, when, to the astonishment of our citizen, it was learned that the stra tiger had never been to the county seat, of the county in which he was reared, although it wus otdy 15 miles from his home. He also did not know I who were the county officials. He was asked about a celebrated military institute located in that town several years ago, to which he said lie had heard of such a school being there, hut did not i know of his own personal ob^ervaI tioti that it was so. Is it not a wonder that a man 1 would strike out with a wtmoii and ten 111 ami get bo far from home who knows and has seen so little of his own county? His action must have been prompted by the sunn* ; motive that caused the moun; taineer to visit the city of Atlanta : during the Exposition held in that city a few years ayo, who was heard by a news paper man to tell a crowd that he knew nothing cf size or shape of the world, hut if it is us big the other way as it was the way lie come, '4 1 tell you she's a whopper,'' as he had come sixty miles and hail seen enough to sat isfy any one as to the size and what is to be seen in traveling over the wot Id. We only wonder if our friend on returning to his home had as many wild and wierd scenes to relate to his neighbors of what he saw during his trip and slay in thisjieotiou I as the Atlantu fellow did while in that city? Why should we continue to send missionaries to China, Japan and other heathen and bvnighted lands when we have so many rei mote ami benight* d corners in our own country, if we acknowledge the fact that eliaiity should begin at home, HtfW the Oodrnilcs Fndrd. Our renders doubtless heard little of the Ogdeti pirty after the wreck of the special trniu nenr Greenville, and, it' thoy had known how the tour was to end, would | liavo been less interested, except for the railroad inen who were kill i ed or injured in the collision. The Abbeville Medium learns that Ogden and his ptrty went from Greenville to Hampton, a negro college in Virginia, where Qgden was a guest of the institution during the commencement exercises. Hooker T. Washington, of Roosevelt-Washington fame, was the anniversary orator. Mr. Ogden is president of the hoard of j directors of the institution Tin* Medium quoting from the Manufacturers' Record, says, it will be I recnlled that the visit of the Oudenites to Hampton, f?>!!??winj* the Hichmorid Confer.enee in lQOtj, v?s i characterized as the dessert of that conference, and that said dessert was garnished by the statement of one of tho Ogdenites, in the presence of a mixture of whites and ! negroes, that Jesus Christ was j ''dusky-skinned." Theregnlaj annual end of the Ogden movement i is either Hampton Institute or | Tuskegee Instiiuto, or both, with I or without dangerously suggestive ; garnishments. I - # ? m k ' * JJ Dw?IIIn^*With CoRteats Burped, Many of our citizens noticed b bright light, in the western sky Saturday night about 10:30 o'clock and it wag thought to haye been a tire in York vine, but this proven to be untrue, as it was learned Sunday morning that the home of Mr. T. M. Gar others, near the Catawba dam, was the ktene of the conflagration. All of the family except Mr. Carol hers were attend? STvices at Ebenezer church at the time of the tire, and when discovered. it had gained sin-h headway that it wub impossible to save Itlie building. The tire started in thp kitchen and is thought to have been caused by a spark from the [Hue. The dwelling, together with the kitchen, dairy and smokehouse, burned and but little of the house furnishings were saved. The dwelling was insured for a small amount. Agent fer the Cafawbss. On the recoimnendalion of the count}' delegation Governor Heyward ha- appointed Mr. J. D. Leslie, of Leslie's station, agent for the Catawba Indians, and Mr. \V. S Neil, of Yorkville, game warden for York county. The appointment of Mr Lesue is the outcome of cousideiahle trouble that has existed at the reservation for some time, growing out of the rival claims for loudership of two men of the tribe. Not long ago a delegation of Indians visited the governor, and it was expected that ho would act as lie has done. ... The Arizopa Kickcr. When we find a man within MO njiles of this town who is not a 1 Kuhscrihpr to The Kicker we feel that there is something wrong somewhere and we proceed to interview him. When a subscriber lets go of the paper without what we eon-idm a reasonable excuse? ! such as death or removal to Alaska we interview him some more. Last week the copy sent to Col. .Jim Kelso, whose postoffice is Hitter Creek, was returned to us marked. '"Refused, and bo durned Ito.youJ" We telephoned over for . the colonel *o come in, and he told us over the wire to go to. We 1 then wrote him f< ran explanation, and ho returned our letter un| opened. Saturday morning we tli-n? . <1.. ?t-'o -...J 1 | ? v.i.rv unj o Muiviiin nilU :j[o0 cartridges to our middle, i mounted our regulnr canvassing i mule, and Ret off to lit id out what I was the matter with Col. Kelso. ! The colonel in no spring chicken. He knew what would follow his action and was expecting us. He laid in 200 cartridges, a week's rai tions. and a barrel of w iter and j whm barricaded in his abode. We sheltered our tnnle in a ravine and ; opened lire We bombarded the colonel from every uoint of the coinpuas up to 1) oelock in the aveiiitirc, and then went into camp. We were after him again at day; light, and k> pi it up till noon. Then the wind catno around tight and we prepared to set tire to a hay stuck on the north side of the ; house and burn linn out. The colonel called our hand and surrendered. He had refused out pnpei, lie explained, because we devoted : too much space to politics and so little to accounts of murders and executions. It didn't take us tiw | minutes to demolish his argument and make him come across with \ three yeacs' subscription, in ad1 vuuee, and he took it as a great favor that we allowed him to aeeom' pany us part of the way home. We have several other cases oil our books and ahull attend thpin in regular older us soon as possible. ^ Wedoffonr lints to the CharI lotte Observer and Textile Kxetdsn?r, both of which in referring to I electric power along the Catawba. i have recently hiiuI that tho On! tnwlm Power Co is now operating n larfje electric plant "near Fort Mill." We have all nlon't; ci ntend Jed that it was improper to say iliat the hijy power plant was "near", i>r | "at"', Kock Hill, and we are glad 'that onr in i^hhoi a across tho line have at la^t eiih-tvrihvd to our way ! of thinking. Ah a -wot' fiet, the big po?\er plant tk* wo miles to 'one nearer Fort mill 1111 any city 1 or town in this section. ?, ? I . STREET TAX NOi'ICiV Fee. 1. He it orriuiued t>v tho Jnteii* lant and W ardens of tho t<?wu of i?< i t Mill, S. C., in council assembled. Tlmt all jhm'soiis subject to street duty under ^ Iv ,? U'? .... m? ?? n wi (fUl il v illUUIlUi rU^IIIIIIK 111 said town, .-hill between theM3th day of May, 11H) >, mid tho luth day of June, 1U06, pay to tho treasurer of said town a commutation fax of t\yo ($2) or perfo.'iu 5days' wo k ou streets of said town under tho (iireetiou of tho propfr ; authorities. I -fetor. 2. That after tho* 10th day of Juno, 1D0R, all delinquents under this , ordiiuwoo shall bo subject to a lino of 50 cents or jterform cue days' additional work on tho sfroots. Rati tied this May 3th. 1905, W. B. MEACHAM, J Attest: J iiteiidant. I S, W- PAHKS, Sec. and Trcus. sb*' jsjh- 1 " 1? It ip estimated that the cotton acreage reduction in York county is 19 2-9 per cont and the reduction in fertilizer is placed ut 19Ti-'j pov cent. The estimates are based on partial reports, and it is belioved that when complete reports pro in the reduction will show nearer 25 per cent. A CREKPINQ DEATH. Blood poison creeps up towards the heart, causing death. J E. Stearns, of Belle Plpine, Minn., writes that a frond dreadfully injured his hand, which swelled up like blood poisoning. Buck* I li>n'? Arnica Sn 1 vn <lr,?vv onr. ll.i, iwacnn. i healed the wound, and saved his lifo. I Rest in tl?o world f?>r burnr ami sores. | 25c at Ardruy'g druK store. A special term of court for York I coupty, with .Judge Gage presieipg, j convened 011 Monday and will last two ! weeks. Damage suits against corporj at ions will he the principal business beI fore the o.ouvt. CLEARED FOR ACTION. When the body is cleared for action, i hy Dr. King's new Life Pills, you can I tell it by the bloom of health on the i ehocks; the brightness of the eyes; the | tyrmuess of the flesh and muscles, the 1 buoyancy of t lie mind. Try them At Ardroy's drug store, 25c. Ctill at A. (5 .Tones' and g"t your I fresh Graham .Flour and Home-Ground ! j Meal. The farmers in this section ar becoming anxious about, the glass taking possession of the crops. i ! If you need a Bahy Carriage or GoCait, se.i Mills ?N: Voting. I The governor has rcnppoint'd ,f W. Thompson and John A. MeMuekin t<> ! the eon lit v board of education for York j county. The superintendent of edueaj tion is also a mom her of the board. ICE?A car load just in at A. O. Jones.' Will furnish any quantity dej sired. fjeforo adjournment Satnrdav. the I board of missions for the M. K. Church j I South, in session at Nashville, Tenn., | made appropriations for mission conferences South Carolina's apportionj mcut was $i!i,2tt8. I When in need of a Piano, Organ or j Sowing Machine, don't fail to .see Mills <Sc Young. ! Cupt. Richard 1\ Iluhson, of Mommac fame, will be married the 2oth of ' this month to Mis* Gri'/.ehJa Houston i Hull, ot Tuxedo Park, is'. V. If you nood anything to furnish your ; house, sen Mill* & Young They have it. I W. W. Hoyoe. of Rock Hill, has sent lu lus resignation as major of the 1st regiment of State militia. V Farmer* fio need Cotton Hoes, Shovels. l'oiks, Plows, ete . would do well | to see Mills & Young. j ; E. II Aull, ol Newberry, has been : sl>oken of as a probable candidate for j governor in the next election. i Fresh Hiker's Bread every Saturday' at A. O. Jonos'. , i 1 he ladies and business 111 on oft reen\\o,xt will form a ;ivic improvement ^ aesocijif ion. Try a pair of Star Hrund Shoes. They are guaranteed by Mills Young. Andersen's lir.n city directory has been compiled. It shows a population i or tun. L, ?,.? I Fresh Poik. He. f and Sausage always j on hand at 'A. (). .Tones.' 1 ; | Til-1 rot ton seed oil mills of the StnteI arir I' the establishment of a relir.ery for tl^JMiishiu^ of their prod- i Fresh Florida Cabbage. Beans, and! Potatoes at Mills & Young's Cablm^r Plants Sea Cnhlmgp Plants for sale, and now ready and "Charleston harfre Type \\ ukeliold" head in rotatu n us named, "Suefiessiou.' Flat I hit eli," the 3 best flat bend varietie Single thousand, ij.Ooo and over >51. Terms: Lash with order; or. jjood* *>nt C on money. Our plant hods occupy !>."> acre j understand >jrowiii? them in the oihuj ait ' vere cold without injury. Plants erafed I j vm htive -jH-c.ial lo\i rates f a transport)}: j "cut ra.e" plants shippeti from mv farm, 'o type ;.ii<l name, and jtrown from hiith most reliable seed house, in the l r'lifed r 1 any dissatisfied rnstnner at etui of Heusoi Our Cotton Seed: hint of oor J oiij? Sta this year in Charleston on Dec. "J, at Mo. 10 bushels and over $1 j?er hu. My specialty: P'mipr Shipment, True * have been in t! plant business for tlurn \v 4 ' f I \ "TheCp.bbaee Pirn' >> . C. llCIV I > , j ?sttN&'i,.l,.?n,pi, SOX; . R H1LWA1 SOUTHI Traiii No. 2f> J,v Charlotte 6.00 p. Ar " " 27 " " 6.O.. a. ? I ? -20 ? ,, 0.60 p. ? ,, 33 8.13 a. NORTHI , Tfrain No. 26 Lv Chester 1. h? p At ? ? 2S Cola. 3.1o p. 3o ? ,, a. " ,, 31 ,, " T.00 p. " Note?Fort Mill is a regular stopping . No*. 20. 33 aud 31, which a'.op <?u Hag. * i a . * S lumaxsMmma k ~ f'* > II If If ' I ! I TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The regular spring examination of applicants for Teachers' Certificates will he held in the Court House on Friday, May Hub. Trustees are forbidden by law to make contracts with teachers who cannot. prodnco np up-to-date certificate, and there will be no other opportunity to got one until next October. Tljis rO: qmremenc win im r'giaiy ?murcoa. In addition to th?-usual bruuchoR, 11 pplionu18 will be examiu-?d oil''Hugbag Mistakes in Tencliiug" wljich cau be had at this office. Price 4t) ceutg; by mail 45 cents. JOHN E. CARROLL County Supt. of Education. 4-2(!-3t When in the Market FOR GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CAJjL on or write J" oh.n Is/.I oyle, P. O. Box 97, SALISBURY, - N. C, Paint Your Buooy fok 75c. to $1 00 with Dovoe's Gloss Cnrriugo Paint It weighs 3 to 8 om. niqre to the pint than others wears longer and gives a-gloss equal to new work. Sold by \y* ft ArdruV A Co TO OUR FUIESjDS! We are now loent (1 at 121 E. Council street, Salisbury, N. C., mid solicit your trade. We have ?.ii hand n complete line pf tjie > kc \\ hiskies, \\ ineo, Brandies, Etc , and can supply yoijr wait's with anything in our line. Our Mr. M. A. Teeter, formerly pf Charlotte, has personal supervision of our shipping department and all mail orders receive prompt aut| careful attention at his hands. Ask for price list uiid order blank with your order, \V. IE. HOOVI-H & CO,, SALISBI UY. N. C. Plione 218. ? i-U. . 1 ^ promptly procured, OP ROTEE. S. o4mndrl. tkptch.W .J. r | li'ito It.r Iroe -oitortu. pau.ntabllitlr. IP. .W "Unp >$ A/ t.- v ibiu.u l-'.S. and F^rvi^n l'i?wtU:<fti< iTru'i? <1 u tk I ' vv J/ I ItKF NMI Irrmn trir o*f?lM i to i ., \ ?II , ?r?Wt) ? 0 PATENT LAWYERS OF SB YEARS PRACTICE.? j) 20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. ? I; All I"., . jattneiitlal. SmmM aiiptc*. Fmllhful? V) > >rvti e. eliarpaa. t ? rrc. a. snow %co.| ' ' T?ATCNf t-^WYERE, ^ Y Opp.iS Patent Office, WASHINGTON, a C.? IK! LI. T?r CCUCH AND CURE THE LUNC81 mmDr. King's New Discovery ron /Consumption Price S;0rt I OUGIlS and 50c&$1.00H | ^^OLOS Free Trial, |j 1 Surest and duiCkeKt Cure ftorallT| 3 THROAT ard LUNG TROUB- 9 I LES, 01 MONEY BACK. 9 ;J 10 viA*V rTFES'ENCC^Uv- CHARCES ARE 9 I iNhB!*JfrUr*lT niil?j ,V..l > ?' -"?? H If courts. l utfn'.H obaUntsl tin- u.rh u*. ADVKR* E fl,... TRADE-MARKS, PIN. B q SIONS in,I COPYRIGHTS junk IJ obtained. Island Cotton Seed. for delivery. "Elnrly Jorsoy Wakefield" , two earliest sharphead varieties and ' "Augusta Trucker" and "Short Stem sand head in rotation as named. Prices: 2'i per lotto; lo.tHH) and over $1 per 1UOO. . < ) 1> , part lr.ihMi (Living return charges son >"uth Cardiim Sea Coast, And we ". t"Ugh and hardy; they will stand soft - .hipnie it w< 'gh 20 lbs. ,ki* loOO and ion I?v Southern Express Co. No cheap ! giui ran tee those that I ship to be true grade seeds purchased from two of the Statej. I v ill rofiuid pnrehuso price to i. pie variety of Eea Island Cotton sold per pound Seed $1.25 jier l>u.; lots of Varieties and Satisfiiod Customers. I r-tiive >ears. "Sko Voting's Island, S. C. V SCHEDULE. 30UND. Fort Mill t>.50 p. Ar Chester ft 30 p .. O ld a. ? Cola. 10.15 a .. .. Hl.21 p. " " 1.25 p 8.11 a. " " 11.33 a [30U.VC. l'"cvr Mill 2. lv? p. Ar Charlotte K.H5 p C..1H p. ,, 7.00 p " O.l'.i a. l?.6o u " .. 0.U0 p. " " 10.05 p r point for all tho above train*, escop Is oh i'j aud V. do nut run Sundays. I