University of South Carolina Libraries
" r ' 7hA Henry Fine. Under the El kins law any railroad company which pays rebates in any foriu, or any shipper who accepts them, 3s liable to a line of from $1000 to $20,000 upon conviction. It also prohibits the carrying of freight at less than the published tariffs. Th^. Interstate Commerce Commission is empowered to detect and prosecute violators of this statute. President Knnpp, of the commission, states that since this law was passed rebate paying has been as rare as forgery. When you get to thinking that love is n lottery you arc likely to prove it by * / drawing a blank. / 1 Dyspepsia of Women ABSOLUTELY NEEDLESS AGOSY C.iussd hy Uterine DisoihiVre and Curst! by fl.yoia E. Pickiurt's Vcgeia&la CQBip A pre at many women suffer wi'Ih a form of ind'gesiion or dyspepsia which does not kccui 1 v. yield to ordinary treatment. While tho symptoms seem to be similar to those of ordinary indigestion, yet the medtcin \s universally prescribed ilo not seem to re&torQ tho paticntV. normal condition. .A V ^ il| %f ffefl ' [!' . i i . j! ft!} . A ^::A : I !sV [j Jy*rs. A'l. l/P'righ>/ ; Mrs. Pin'.cham claims that there is a hind of dvsuepsia that is caused hy a thw.tugonieni of the female organism, ami \vni< n, while it causes a disturbance similar to ordinary indigestion, cannot be relieved without a medicine which nui w..!y acts as a stomach tonic, hut has peculiar uterine-tonic effects also. _ t II I.. il - ... .... j/iuwi ui mcory we call attention to t'u! ease of Mrs. Mairpio Wrlpht, llrookly n, N. Y., who was completely cured by I.vdin E. Pinkham's Vi-jretsihle' ompound after everything ^Ise hud failed. She writes: " two years ! .u.Ycrvd with dyspepsia which so dr^mirntted my entire system that I v.-.i- unable to attend to my daily duties. I fc'.r, weak and tv rvuus. undnuthiiifT that 1 ato l;: e.l ,i .1 aud it i raised a i:l-t urbanco iu my stomach. I tri".I hiTim-nt dyspepsia eurcs, : hut nothing :1 ' :uitl <? help liio. 1 was nd- j \ :-eil t?> ;;ivo I.vdia K. 1'inkhaul's Vogetnhlo | t Dte.| -mnd a trial, nud was happily surprised | Ui r.ud that it acted like a tonic, and in a : low da} hII'.' ;uu.t > enjoy and properly digest | ny food. My recovnry was rapid, and in Itvo weeks I wan a well woman. 1 have recorouvuiled it to many au'Verir.jf women." h" o other medicine in the world has r oi'vd sneh wide spread and unquahjl ' endorse incut.or has.such a record of cures of female troubles, as has Lydia 1-. i.'iukham's Vege table Compound. \ THE RSH BRAND SUCKER A VALUED FRIEND C{A pocd may years ago I bought a ' FISH hit AS;) Slicker, and it has proven | a vriacd .j for many a stormy day, but nc.v it is getting old and I must have another. Please send mc a price-list." (Thf name of t'.sU cbliRml to l>* out In all j its of wrmhtT. u!J l??* piven ? n application.) IjgSTAjV Uii)Vtrii:i,n'SFV,R,i904, / R CO. -rfUVPD^ I Dos;oo, U. 0. A. J^V,*" "**5 ^ I iTOWnit CANADIAN COM CAN".', Limited ' .jr> ', Cauada ? Wot V/cn'trClothlnp, Salts, and Hsts for I t'l lands cf wet wo.-k or sport ' a-? i utvBAKir T? VCrrrsr.. nrrw wr-r-vaag mm m i ???mm???? I tnrlto tc ?ft To?i kn??T hnw ! rtpprecU^ vonr Cat cat I crmmonreri tr.ktnc them Inst Kavrin* V *r i\ad took !>v t*?j , o;?t I r ;o? and \>n?? rd a tapeI c.'RUiieiKfii taking them -rain find W# ' i <* ' v. lib. I }?:\ne? d anotliir \t ih'i'i -> *i. a ?I ?>%*, u t mm. at id imill ? i rcvmr. ro my taking i'mn nivt* 1 didn't I l-.iio v* 1 he?I ?v i at^H' b ??n?i a final! I mprW *ji. F. Brawn. ISA rranklln St.. Brooklyn, U. Y. | &est For p'r CANTY CATrtA$TT:C rir*n-\nt, Palatable, Potent. Ta?t-> Good . Do Good, V-ivfr : tektn. W.-akon or Grl|>?. JO. IV. SO.-. Xuter ?u!<l In I. ilk. Tlx "omilno Mi.rr.1 L CJ C. Uuatui tc?d to euro or your tnoniy bask. Stsr'ing Rrr.trdy Co., Chicttjo or N.V. rod fliaa&LSJiig, TEH ksluqh ESQ So. Hi. BetterFruits?Better Profits 1 Better ncnehrs. anntp. ??"" ?J ' ' berries are produced when Potash ! is liberally applied to the soil. To insure a full crop, of choicest quality, I use a fertilizer containing not less than to per cent, actual Potash f\ Senl for fir rn?"cal boelca of infonn.itloti; | l;'\ llioy -v not .vlv.iiUiiig |>.implilcU, hoominff I ' , f l"*(''' n< h'1 oc authoritative ? | Kyi/ ufSMAN KALI WORKS ? 1 '^ Nassas St.,or .'jj ' I f *; ' ! . t 1 ^ "The Tombfciosed by a Stone.*9 We know that tlic door of the Lord's tomb was elosed by ji stone rolled before the opening, t^nch a stone was lately found. v In a garden about d mile north of the city there was seen a little hollow. A spade was used to deepen this hollow, and a tomb was found, into which the earth had been falling. The Htone of this door was rounded ou the edges so that It would roll, and on the nearly at front of it was something written. This writing Is what Is called Culie, but on one hns been able to read it. The tomb was cut out of the rock, and we must go down a few steps to enter. So Peter and John nnd Mary are all said to have "stooped down and looked into the sepulcher." The floor was so cut that there was a seat left on the side, and In the middle a table was left about six feet by tlir.-o leet, and rising two feet above the lloor. On this the body would be laid, rolled in linen with fragrant herbs, nnd on tlie seat the friends would sit when they made dally visits. After a time the body would be placed in a cavity, and then the cavity would he closed with masonry. Somewhat like this must have been the tomb of Joseph in his garden, and on some such table the body of the Lord was laid. The stone was then put in place, and was sealed by a ccrd fastened with wax to the stone nnd the wall. Then all was still until the Divine saying fulfilled: "After two days will lie revive us; In the third day lie will raise us up, and we shall live in 11 is sight." This was the victory of life over death, of go?*d over evil. So did our Lord show that He is "the resurrection and the life."?Youth's Companion. 1?5 Jingle*. I. I've hunted all around about Among the garden rows; And looked in every corner, Hut what do you suppose? Though I've asked everybody, Not anvbodv knows i.. .t 1 an mi |m11 in tut* Kurcieii The Easter egg plant grows. II. tie lien, speckled hen, Eastertide has come again; l)o me a favor now. [ beg. Liy me a pretty Easter egg. III. The little white rabbits, so they say, l.ay bright-colored eggs on Easter Day; (Jreen and purple and red and blue, I've seen the eggs, so I know 'tis true! At Knstrr-Tl?le. Music and crowds, and day a ]>erfect flower A-blossom from its calyx, night; And we two, captives of the witching hour, Lulled iu its leash of song and light. Ik fore the altar, like the morn's white soul, The lilies breathe their fragrant prayer; And all the air is quick with dreams they toll From April's fancy-haunted lair. Dim hopes and thrills, too vague for word of tongue, And strange insistent moods of gloom. As if some strain that Persian Omar sun M ere prisoned in their sweet perfume. Or were our souls at some far Eastertide, Of which to-dnv is still a part. He fore the altar folded side t?v side Within one lily's golden heart? ?John Dalil Whito. I.oril ?f 1,1 fe. Most glorious Lord of Life! that on this day Didst make Thy triumph over death and sin, And. having harrowed hell, didst bring away f'antivitv thence captive, us to win; Phis joyous day, dear Lord, with joy begin; \r.d that we, for whom Thou didst sin, May live forever in felicity! Vn'd that Thy love. we. weighing worthily. May likewise love Thee for the same again; And for Thy sake, that all like dear didst buy, With love may one .another entertain. So let us love, dear love, like as we ought: Love is the lesson which the Lord us taught. ? r.umuna rspenacr. Thnie K-rnlvr lie lies. Those Faster belles, those Faster belles, Full half of them are wicked sells That never hear, nor heed the chime Of church bells?save at Easter time. Those howling swells, those howling swells, Now turning out, in swift pell mells, j Are hastening, bent on nothing else, Hut flirting with those Easter belles. Those Faster belles, those Faster belles, Now many a lie the poet tells Who hist reluctant muse compels To sing your praises Faster belles! ? Madeline Bridges, in Life. EASTER BONNETS. 1 went to walk on Faster Day, In my new Faster bonnet. And every Daffy by the way llad one like mine upon it, EVERY DAFFY HAD ONE, TOO ! \\ ith big wide frills and rib^onR gay! Nurse said 'twas very silly 'Cause I was 'fruid they all would say I copied Daffy IVill! ?J2. S. T., in Little Folk*. - / " * rx ALL BROKEN DOWN. Mo Bleep?Mo Appetite?Just m Continual Bockorht, Joseph McCauley, of 144 Sholto street, Chicago, Sachem of Tecumseh Lodge, says: "Two years ago my health was eompleteXgfig&, ly broken down. My SjjHfifcU] back ached and was lame that at times ^gjyra&fw ^ 1 was hardly able to > ?K 4r dress myself. I lost i?.V appetite and was liable to sleep. Tliere P|Jseemed to be no relief Ir?r- Kidney IMlis. Four boxes of this remedy effected n complete and permanent cure. If suffering humanity knew the value of Bonn's Kidney Pills they would use nothing else, as it is the only positive cure I know." For sale by all dealers. Price .r?0 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,Buffalo, N. Y. Frcncli rrlutlujc 'Iratio l\x 111 til I loci. Following British precedent of 100-1, an International exhibition of printing, papermaklng, journalism, engraving and all graphic arts Is to be held in Paris In 190G. It is to tie the largest show of the kind ever held. Pnpiumanufacturing and wood pulp mukiitf; Will, it is stated, be shown in operation. NO TONGUE CAN TELL How I Suifcrnit With ltrhiiHt *ntl lHee<lln~ Kczonu Until Cured by Cuticura. "No tongue can te'.l how I suffered for five years with u terribly painful, itching and bleeding eczema, my body and face being covered with sores. Never in uiy life did I experience such awful suffering, and I longed for death, which 1 felt was near. 1 had tried doctors and medicines without success, but my mother insisted that I try Cuticura. 1 felt better after the first bath with Cuticura Soap, and one application of Cuticura Ointment, and was soon entirely well. (Signed) Mrs. A. Ktson, Bcllevue, Mich." i sign that everybody in the street v.*ill get a chance to see it. tiow'i Tills? WaofierOne Hundred Dollars Howard tor any case of Outarr.i tsu cannot bo curodby Uall'sOatatra Cure. F. J. Cu?-NFf & Co., Toledo, O, We, Ibo undorslpLcd, have known F.J. Cheney lor tho last it years, and bellovebliu perfectly honorable In'ull business transactions and tluauciftily able to carry out any obligations made L?y tlioir ilriu. WitsT & Tuoax, \V Uolesalo Druggists, 'Toledo, O, Wal,dinu, iixxix ?Y Mahvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Ball's Catarrn Cure is tniton internally, a s> Jagdlrectiy upon tau olooiand mucoussurlaces of tho systoji. Testimonials sent free. | Price,73c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. * Take Hall'.s.Faruily Pillvlpr.equstlpatlo a. - _ | A Few Instances. "Has it over happened in your professional experience thnt an Innocent man was sent to prison?" was askeJ uf a Boston criminal lawyer. "It has," was the prompt reply. "1 wtis just figuring oil that yesterday Of the 400 criminal cases I have de fended about fifty of my clients were convicted and sent up. "And they were innocent?" "They must have been. When 1 have appealed a case to the last court wept while addressing the jury, tailed of the man's dear old mother and a? good as proved an alibi In his ca-o the jury must have rendered a verdicl of guilty simply through ignorance o: stupidity." Had a Derelict In Tow. Admiral Evans one day noticed two sailors in earnest confab. One of them was imparting information to his companion of a very agreeable nature. Judging from his beaming countenance. The admiral, in relating the incident. says the manner of the speaker amused him very much. As ho passed by the mate raised his voice, with the unmistakable intention of being overheard, saying to his companion: "I mean, to g'.vo up this seafaring life when my time is out. I am going to marry a rich widow woman, the derelict of a butcher." ?9 HONEST CONCESSION. A Uoctnr'il Tullt on Food. There are no fnirer set of men on earth than the doe tots, and when they liml they have boon in error they are usually apt to make honest and tuaniy confession of the fact. A ease in point is that of an eminent practitioner, one of the .stood old school, who lives in Texas. His plain, unvarnished tale needs no dressing up: "I had always had an intense prejudice. which 1 ran now was unwarrantable and unreasonable, against all inuehly advertised foods. Ilenoe, I never read a line of the many 'ads.* of Crape-Nuts, nor tested the food till last winter. "While in Corpus Christ! for my health, and visiting my youngest son, who has four of the ruddiest, healthiest littie hoys I ever saw, I atefiny first disli of Crape-Nuts food for supper with my little grandsons. I liecame exceedingly fond of it and have eaten a package of it every week since, and find it a delicious, refreshing and strengthening food, leaving no ill ef it'cis wii:iifver, causing no eructations (with which I was formerly much troubled), no sense of fullness, nausea, nor distress of stomach In any way. "There is no other food that agrees with me so well, or sits as lightly or pleasantly upon my stomach as this does. I am stronger and more active since I began the use of Grnpe-Nuts than I have been for ten years, and am no longer troubled with nausea and indigestion." Name given by i'oatum Co.. Rattle Creek. Mich. There's a reason. Look in en eh pke. for the famous little book, -The Hoad to Wellville." W'1'? W*jr "! Pointed Paragraphs. Book-keepers are merely flgurehead3 in the business. The motto of some men is, "Give mt liberty or give mo debt." A man's most distant relatives are those who have the most money. Most women would rather patch up a quarrel than darn their stockings. Many a good name has been given the tar and feather degree by idle gossip. If a man is unable to keep his word he can find plenty more in the* dictionary. nru? ? >?uoii money laiK.s to the most of us it is the other end of a long-distance 'phone. When a married man laughs in his sleep his wife imagines he Is dreaming that he is a bachelor. There are a few rising young men in this world, but the majority keep their seats in a crowded car. Owing to the high price of wool, the wolf finds it rather expensive masquerading in sheep's clothing. There is mighty little poetry in raising a family of ten. A man is so unreasonable he would father pay doctor's bills than milliners' bills. Twins are like having pneumonia when you expected to go to a baseball game. , The devil could get a very big salary if he would come up and live in New I York. You can generally tell when a girl has been kissed before by the way she pretends she hasn't. Heaven has no interests in the ' church that has no interest in human| Ity.. You can make a man so mad he j can't "ec by toiling him how every; body admires the ability of one ef his j friends. I*' you would knock a stubborn man j down instead of stepping to argue with I him you would save a lot of wind and j much valuable time. When a woman has a birthday after ! she has counted the presents she ; uasn't time to count the years. A man hardly ever knows enough to pretend to think his wife knows more than she does. Praise comes to the man who waits for it?under six foot of earth. It isn't the rent a man pays that keeps him moving. Some people live in the shadow because they don't approve of the spots cn the sun. FITS permanent lv en rod. Xollts or nervousness after first day's use of Dr. Klino's Great Nerveliestoror.i'itrlalhottle and treatise freo Dr. Ltd.,931 ArohSt..Phila.,Pa. There are no less than MO agricultural societies scattered over Servia. Mrs. Wins-low's Soothing Syrup for children teething,?oftoa the gums, reduces inflammation,allays pain,cures wind colic.25c.abottle. It's a poor grace that doesn't make a man gracious. Vsc l.OTizwnti A: Marline* Point. Don't pay $1.50 a gallon for lir.secd oil, which you do i:i ready-for-use naint. Buy nil fresh from the barrel at (10 cents per gallon, and mix it with Longman ?fc Martinez L. & M. l'aint. It makes paint cost about $1.-0 per gallon. Tames S. Barron, President Manchester ( otiou Mills, Hock Hill. S. C., writes: "In 1SS3 1 painted my residence with h. & M. It loom; hrtlcr than ? great many houses painted three years ago. Sold c very where and by Longman ?V MartiiuX'ew York. Paint Makers tor Fifty Years. Bulgaria ts placing iminenee orders lor war niateriai in Kuropc. CtiililriMi I>yt:i(j. At this season of the y> ar, when warm days followed by eo d nights and the eating < : it uit and v< getaM- s effecting the stoniaelt, Imwein, ?t'1., ?o heor of so many ohil<iren living, tiive them Dr. Bigyem" llueklelierry Cordial, th" great speeifle for all bowel tronbier. and children teething. Sold by ait Druggiets, 2.'> ami 5Ue. liottlo. Asparagus is said to bo the oldest plnnt Used for food. T'ieo's Cure for Consumption is an infalliida medicino for coughs and eold?.?X. TV. Samcki., Ocean Drove, K. J., Feb. 17, 1903. Immigration into Canada is increasing rapidly. Itch cured in .'P minutes bv Wooiford's Sanitary Lotion Never '.tils! Sold by all druggists, yi. M.?i| orders promptly tilled by Dr. K. Dctchon. Crawfordsville, lnd. Ir ru< n caved t:? ki p out or debt the way tb?y h we t > pet out this would be a world ?>f millionaire:?. To further intn mm premiums free to R&f Cut out these coupor ffl* the many articles and Kj you yet a superior bakir GO1 possesses e E?P rmrnia therefore .ldna?i < ? j^==*3S3 CkBak boo z'tz P ( SPOONjJtjp QUEEN OF AC1 1 PRAI! ? B B-ta B* - 5 % mm H < : ' :: ' / ! '' .* '.> ' < :'; m J* .* >: j .. /? | %.. J" MISS JULl , llo.ttrlihf Approves of AV.W.V.VoV.W.VgV.V.V.'.V IN a rccont letter t ? The lVruna M >hcine Co., Mb .I alia Marlowe, of New York City, writes the following: "I tim ijlutl In iprtle mi/ fti- | tlort*cm-rnl oj' the j/triif ccnicit 1/, . IVruim, uh n nrri't* Ionic. I tin no Itctirlil .httia Mm? i loirc. I Nervousness is very common ninom women. This condition is due to uncum nerve centres. 'Die nerve centres are tin reservoirs of nervous vitality. These <cu tres become bloodless for want of propel nutrition. This is especially true in the sprite season. Every spring u hc:;t of invalid. rTTSSUS ! That you want JJOX boing a square man, will I tiling clso. You limy tic What Afcou! the Ua?2* of liottBokooperH who lu lor over a quarter Ig there any stronger j lap**af uc A I'iV-' : VC'vV Cir f v-? I rv^tYV\-iW.Vfe>v? <Vv cm i li'ti ) ?^ 1 ni e^w-^'uo?ou in 1 Lion-head on Sr-vo theso Lion-heads SOLD EY GXOCE1 ! > y; A bey cots to school ro as to have a I lot to unlearn v.hrn he conies out. ^ K'^^cmp^EyeW^ei Free Premiums )duce Good Luck Baking Powder, wc a i all users. On the label of every can v is and save them. The little gift hook tells how to get them JFCC. Besides ig powder and it costs you hut 10c per p OD LUCK xcellent leavening qualities. It is powerful in f makes exceedingly light bakings, lis positive >od baking results. Through these superior q ing powder has reached the largest sale of any b rid. Carloads and trainloads are shipped to : ry. This tremendous saic makes it possible ttle price of 10c per pound can. Insist upon ing Powder and get a superior article at a m< THE SOUTHERN MFC. CO. A Richmond, Va. Presses'? 5es FE-ru na. A MAHLOW " I" I'rrmiu For the Srrvc*. ? waw.v.v.v.v.'.v.v.v.w/a' | ?>; (> produced a.* the tliri ct result of weak [ nerves. ' This can lie easily obviate,1 by using , j Peruna. Peruna strikes at the root of | lie (lillieultv by the digestiou. Ingestion furnishes nuiritioii for tin.* I nerve rentns. Properly digested food . furnishes these reservoirs of life with vitality which leads to strong, steady nerves and thus nourishes life. j Perurut i-- in great favor among women, ?j espeeially those who have voeations that are trying to the nerves. J Hoi/it buttle ?/' I'cruil'l to-lt'll/. . I //' i/nii (ion 'f recrternll the beiicJj /its t nun I'vrumt lh it j/nu exjirctj e.-l, trrl'e tn Hr. S. It. Hit rtman, | Cut ir infills. (Ihm. BHa3Zr2B53ESE3H(Ei3 > Your Grocer COFFEE always, and ho, ' not try io Hill you any t cava for our opinion, but ^ cd Judgment o! Millions ^ ivo used LION COFFEE !i o? a century ? tj )roof of merit, than tho $ Confidence of the People ?! fl ever increasing popularity? Oj >lvi COFFEE ?s earciully sc;*cd at the plantation, skipped ? cot to cur various factories, "j icre I? is skil'iuUy rossJed and I reMly peeked la sccied pack- | cs?swlil:e Icose coSIee, which | exposed to nerms, dust, in- | :ts, etc. I.SCTV COFFEE reaches | a cs pure and clean as when c nil the factory. Sold only in i pac2<ucco. I every package. p for valuable premiums. i 33 EVERYWHERE i VOOLSOti SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. ^ WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET "HOW TO PREPARE A ({TICK, SFltE AMI FRF.SU llOHDE VI X." i HE P. I ST KNOWN IT M;i< II?K FOR Fruits, Vc^eliililfs and l'oliitnen AMERICAN HOM'UXLI URAL MS i RiBTG CO. MARTIM5BURG. W. VA. MnnnliK-liirvrii ul? Asi'lciilturul ClirnilcHld | ? ?. 1(1. trc offering valuable fill he found a coupon. inside each can illustrates thesa valuable premiums, ound can. IB Baking M n.v n ruwiitl' gS .cneratiiiR ?as, . ' * L."" 11 purity assures fcdjlZ!!.. ' P\' "J. ualities Ciooil .-jrp-y.T"^, ajing powder '