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p. . * FOltT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY \V. BRADFORD. Terins of Subscription: One yesr Jl.^O Six months oO j Three months 25 j Correspondence tn current subjects is ' Invited. but no responsibility is ns- j suti:ed for tlie views of correspondents, j Anonymous rommoiilcfttlons will not be published in those columns. On untihcntion to the nubliehor. nd- > vertlnlnK ante* aru made known to those Interestad. Fort Mill 'Phono (with lonu distance connections) No. 2?J. APRIL 19,1905. The popular sp'iug styles with the Indies are expressed thus: $ $ Chicago now proposes to fit rl out whether the street railways belong to the city or the city belongs to the street railways. "iyv Mr Carnegie's statement that he never said he desired to die poor shows that he is not so different from the rest of hp, after all. The creation of vast private for tunes out of monopolization of I In.* public uldities will soon he ended. The public is becoming "wiso." The talk about it being impossible to keep saloons closed on Sunday must be ignored hereafter. It been done at Kansas City. The .Taps are said to ho small because they use no chairs. The haven't been letting the llussiaiis ; rise any either, for some tune pant, i ! The beef trust -has pushed the price of meat up again. It proba- ' hly needs the money to replace, those trunks and books confiscated by the grand jury. About 400 indictments have beet: returned against the Stand- ! mmI Oil Company at Frank fort,1 Ky., thus putting the oil trust in the Geo. \V. lloaveis class. Washington has the advantage | over most oi ttio cities. After congress mid tlio legislature adjourn it is not pestered by u row i in the city council. * It must he n cpioer method <*?f' reasoning which loads some of the church workers to insist llint a bad : man like Mr. Rockefeller shall not be uilowed to do good. -%% Lalin-America i republics that are a little out of sorts are invited to s ep up and take a dose of the "Monroe Doctrine"- the urea test I spring tonic on the market. Mr. Rn isev.dt, ol course, lost no time in wiring warm congratolations to the newly eleeted mayor of Chicago, who is a I >emocrat and n socialist, but the father of thirteen children. The Congregational ists lmvede- | cirled to h? l I on to Mr. Rockefol- ; let's $100.01)0 gift of * tainted" | money. We are not quite sure it was on the ground that they needed it. or that all money is "filthy lucre." A Kansas City get rich-quick concern failed, but thoughtfully posted this sign on their closed | doom, "Good bye. Suckers, Goodbye." It is a great pity the ''Muckers" didn't know what they were earlier in the game. \VA I Low wrMiliI cb\o ..V % I * J M'MMll j reeding in the Cliiim St*a lon^ j enough t<? explain liow a man with HUril II p.OUoUOC ihlo llllllltl IIH "J'jII(juist" happened to not eomninud of a Russian fleet. It. should have at least boeu Kmpiistivib h, or the like. ? -? ?- ? Tha Trespass Law. Following is the law as to tres- i passiny eiinetcd hy tlio last h-^is lal utv: Section 1. Ih* if cnnctcd hy the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina. That from ami af- ! ter the approval of this Act, any person or persons entering upon the lands of another, for tin* pur-j pose of limiting, lishintr, trapping, netting, gatherum fruit, straw or Binf, vegetables, herbs or cutting, timber on sai,ie, without llio eon- | sent of the owner or manager olw.ll Ivo. .1- I -?it.- t ?ii in ??, nun 11 i;ti uvrmrvj m i i i i y (>l h niiadeinentior, and upon conviction #t hereof shall pay a lino of not more thnn twenty (20) dollars, or j )>e imprisoned at hard labor not moio than thirty (30) days, fori fdcli ami every offense. Seo. 2. All Acta or pirts of Acta inconsistent with this Act arc hereby r^peal 'd. Approved 22d February, 1002. ? ?- ? Messrs.. dames Pulp and Lin Mnssey were at home Sunday and Monday from the Pit'8by crinn ; college at Clinton, The War. Tlie opposing squadrons of Rusrin and Japan are at ill in the China Sea, but bo far as known no pi.gageiuent lias yet taken place. Admiral Roje.-stveriHky is apparently staking all that Russia posseBHe* on the present venture, and if he should win. Japan would be shorn of inhch of her ureal advantage, if she did not in fact lose it all. The squadron under Admiral Togo is short one or two battleships by comparison** with the force of Rojestvetisky, and there is that clement of uncertainty' uhout the result of an enLTHirenient when it I drn-B come that ia -calculated to make the friends t?f the dnpsn little nnensv. If Japan's fleet should be destroyed and she lose comtumid of the soh. it is lilcvly that her army won hi bo forced out of Manchuria and the tide hinted in Russia's favor. This is bierely n a possibility, and what race-track habitues would term a "lone shot." hiit it is perhaps all that Russia can do, and she is apparently playing thn last hand with desperation. It is hardly conceivable t hat Admiral Togo wortld permit his ships to be destroyed when they are so greatly needed, and the situation uiay not be as serious as it. appears, but I when the engagement occurs, as'it seems likely that it will in a short time, it will doubtless be to the finish. The reports from Vladivoslock are to the effect that the Russians Hre preparing for a prolonged seige, arid the Japanese are said to be determined to place an army of a million men in the field in Manchuria by no>:t fall. There is a continuation of desultory fighting in Manchuria, but it is of apparently little consequence, the armies seemingly awaiting the result of the naval operations. The matter of bringing about peace has received but little attention during the past week, all parties doubtless awaiting developments in the China Sea. As hearing on the latter situation it is interesting to note t lint French naval cvitics think Kojestvonsky will lose. Their sympathies are naturally with him, but they do believe ho can win.?Charlotte Observer, Monday. -? - -4 ? - Tho P fAiim >?' i iiw VIHIIWII UI VVTCI Jl r itf'JlJU .V There is n groat deal of interest being taken in the pledges al1 in 1 < 11 fo by President Smiih that are being tiled to reduce cotton acreage and fertilizers as a result of the work of the of the Southern Cotton Association. The South Carolina association states that it already has over GO,000 pledges tiled in which the signers agree I > reduce their cotton acreage and fertiliser* 25 per cent. The pledge that is being used and signed is as follows: "We, the undersigned, farmers, touanis or land owners, living at preeiint. county of , State of South Carolina, hereby pledge ourselves to the South Carolina division of the Southern Cotton Association to reduce the acreage planted by us in cot ion for the year I'. 105 from thai planted in 100-1, 25 per cent. "Also, we pledge ourselves to reduce the amount of fertid/or used during the y? ar 11)05, 25 per cent. "Also, we pledge ourselves to report for the benefit of the Southern Cotton Association, the names of all persons living within our ......... i ?. ii<i 4i iuoh id mgn or carry out terms of this |?K*c! "lit unity shall be strength." hi? The Queen's Contest. The following, with the exception of a number who hnvv less than tell votes, is the vote to date in the Queen's contest: Miss Addle Wolfe IV71 ,, Totiitnie Culp 205 liuth Wright 157 ,, Anita Harris ill ,, Minnie (bitrison til ,, Trances Harris 55 ? Hart ha Massoy 51 ? Mary Harris 50 ,, Kllie l'arks Hi ,, Kstelle Massey 15 LKTTKR TO A. A. CIt/ DFOIvD, JR. FORT MILL, S. C. Dear i-'ir: Yon w:\at a cheap j ib of paint i >r n cheap house, don't you'/ It's Devon. It's the regular thing in Dovoe; there's nothing, in all paint, as cheap ar Devoe. Oh, yes, you can paint with mnd; but that isn't. paint; you want it to look about rigle for a month or two. Paint Dcvoa;. Cuu't do it for loss: I IK TO M IK II lllllg s" < neap, S.IV II >t llillg or wear, there's nothing so cheap aa Devon. It gons far, saves gallons, 110 mat tor about the price, save gallons, A gallon of juint, put-on, costs $4 or save gallons. Devon is your paint, savo gallons, Devon is your paint. i'ouis trolv F YV Dkvok & Co. GO L'.S. W B Ardrey <S? Co., soils our paint. . ? lir. C. 13. Stephenson, of Charlotte, with a visitor t> Fort Mill Monday. -V" r " . ~ | W. Q. BaHes Shoots Kit Cousin. A Fort Mill special of the 141 h to Tlie State gives the following account of a shooting affray which j took place in this township Tues- i I day of last week: "W. O. Jiailes, lho ex-notary i public whose marriage luirenu in ' the northern part of this township | received considerable notice ift the j : press some months ago and whose | I commission was snbseooently ro-| I I. i I r\ : : i i"* i,l I \ukuu uy uovernor neywuru on ' 11)6 complaint of citizens here, was j yesteiday arrested at his home itiid ! brotight before Magistrate J. AV. I McEllianey on the charge of i*?{ Biiult nnd bottory with intent to ' kill on' the pet sou of his cousin. Edward Bailor, 25 yours old hiuI n j >.>11 of J. \V. Bailee, W. (). Bailee J waived preliminary nnd wns bound I over to the court of general ses! hfociR. the amount of his bond be, ing lixed nt $509, which was given. 'Tito difficulty seotns to ,have arised over the charge that W. O. 1 Bailee luul mistreated tho woman ! to w hom he is said to have been i ' mnrried by Notary Public .lohn ; Elms of this place some mouths ! ago. The woman is the sister of Edward B.;i!es and the daughter j of ?J. W. Bailes. A few days ago the brother and father of the wo- | 1 man went to the homo of W. O. ! Bailee to expostulate with him over the alleged mistreatment of the sister and daughter. A difficulty arose over the mat lor which resulted in \V. O. Bailee shooting Ed Bailes in the stomach with a 1 revolver. The wound is not considered serious and tho young man will probably bo about as usual in a few days. At present ho is con i lined to his room at the home of hi3 father, live miles from town. ' There seems to be nno her side , 'to thip family row which will doubtless bo thoroughly von lib'ted j when the case is called for trial. The woman to whom \V. O. Bailes was secretly married by Notary Elms about a your ago is the wife I of James Llollomaii, whom she cle- ! sorted in Charlotte several months | ago and returned to this township, making her home at tho house of I her cousin, AV. (). Bailes, where ! she had since lived. Thero is tu> record of the woman Ifaving been divorced from her husband, who, it is understood, cull lives in Charlotte." * Gold Hill's Alphabet. A is for Annie with face bright and fair, B is for liesnie with black curly hair. i C is for concert which soon will he j neve, D is for "dumplings"' wo like to j have near. E is foy Elmore our handsome ! young dtulo, E is for tun that we like more than food. G is for (iruda a short name %f or Dave, 1 II is for "Hoggin" that the good church gave. | I is for Inez who surely can play, .1 is for Jackson uur "bard" old and : I gray. I\ is for kicking we girls seldom j do, L is for "Lovin'" some call '*ilug- ; gin" too. M is for Maudie who's dear to us i X is for "nigger ' who never can fall. I O is for oysters we all like to oat. L' is our people so famed of big feet. Q is for questions the school teacher asks. R is for recess they give after tasks. S is for So! in tor whose 'phone is such Inn T, our cute Tommy, sang "D" in the sun. I" is for I gly (we're sure wo are not)? V is the virtue wo admire a whole lot. \V is for Willie, who likes to i throw rocks, X forms the ending of every good I) IX. Y is for Yankees, we halo worse I * than sin, Z is for zigzag, which means ont and in. Now, this iH the whole?I have not ont a limit; So good-bye to you?you may just tali ine? "Jim." rni . * - it . ? i i i iiio nrsi couon wiiioiioiiho to lie { l)iiiIt in 'his State under the plans I of the Sou I hern Cotton Grower**' Association will ho erected in Marlboro county, a company hav- I iny heen organized for that pur- ' pose with a capital of $11,000. FRIGKTFUI - BUFFERING IiE- ! LIEVKD. Suffering frightfully from tho viru. lout poisons of undigested food, C. (v. i i Grayson, of hula, Miss., took Dr.King's j New Life Pills, "with tho result," ho i writes, "that 1 was cured." All stomach and bowel disorders give way to their touie, laxative properties. 2oc at Ar- i drey's drugstore, guaranteed, Mr. C. 13. Branson went to Rock Hill Friday on business. . t . N - . : , ' i ' / ? I The Ar | FORT MIL % An Amy ? of K | ? Clean, Moral, ft @ bais (53 Clean, Wholesc (?! CrOnd^^XT** jj| COME || Fort Mill oxt ? '&5??OQ Ste g) Gr^r?d |j* Benefit of the 0 ?@?0?3? 302 A. (). .Join'8 i.*nn ios a lull line of ! unto.dii i. I riwuii'im I ? I t-.? i? i ?? ?? Cllll. The man who wnnla to jm fit by wroncdoin^ in never at a loss for an excuse. Always brine your Kcirs. Mutter anil otlur ceunrry Product? to A. O. JoncB. The crosses that wo inako for ourselves are not the ones that win us crowns. Freeh Pork, Heof and Sausage always on hand at )ones'. A n?an may he content with his lot without beiti}4 satisfied with' his position. Cull at .Toneo' and cet your fresh Graham Fn ir and Home-Li round meal. The man who doi s his level best I cot a credit for doinjj; all on the] book of life. CHEATED TO DEATH. Kiilney trouble often ends fatally, bat I by choosing the riprht medicine, 15. H. I Wolfe, of I ear (Jvove, la., eheateildeath. I Ho says: "Two years uk<> ! had Kidney Trouble, which caused me ir>-. :.t. min. sulToring and anxiety, but 1 took Klcc.tric Hitlers, which olieotod a complete euro. I li.uc also found them Of great benefit, in general debility and n rve trouble, and keep them constantly on hand, since, as I Hurt they have no! equal." \Y. H. Anlrcy, druggist, guar-, unices them at 50o. Sonio of our early gardeners nr? now eating rndisluis, etc., of. thei i own production. LAST IIOPK VANISHED. When leading physicians said th: ' \V. M. Smithurt, of Hekin, la., had tr 1 euruble consumption, his last hope vn - 1 ished; but Dr. King s New Discover* ] for Con sum pi'.on, Conghs and Colo, kept him out of his grave, lie sa**: 1 "This great sjieciti coin plainly curd 1 me and saved my life. Since then. I ' have used for over 10 years, and consler it'n marvelous throat and lung cur" ' Striiitlv Sfiilillf i fif ? *? . f*>?r 1 'nnifht: S.-|? ' 'I hronts or Colds; sure prevoncivo *' t'neuinouia, Guuranteod, 5()o and $1 u bottles Hi Ardrey's Drug st^ro. T 1 1 buttlo fioe. There '? very little sick hops /?? 1 this section just now, the j ' biciaiifl tire having fin easy tiuu,j 1 A DAK ED EVIL RIDE often ends in a sad accident. To ' ?1 accidental injuries, use Enoklon'^ -rnica tr'alvc. "A deep wound in inyj '1 from au accident," writes Tlnji'ire Bchnelo, of Colnnfhos, ()., "ennsef -tne groat pain. I hysicians were b9' but Bucklen's Arnica Salve qiJ By healed it" Soothes and heals I |'"s i like magic. 2Cc at Ardrey's drugs! 6. 2 f I ' I I J 3K: ? * J J * v- v rvvVTfc'"tycvTyc* -0;,0 J-* <v? '' V ; - -:: >?. neriean Carnival C< if, S. a APRIL 24 isement Ente leal Worth ar Marvelous Free Ac icritorioss Attract ions. r v* , v -vr- "17 r = *r ? v ^ ?r :-/t ^ t> v i l Jtwr' ?L/ .V dC Ij/.v.r.v- i. -i X2> ^ 2 Six Glorious Days an )inc Fun'for Everybody. mrj.u Sldanj.anoih 7ei AND BpNG YOUU I Ri wills tj' you a*IIospitir am IYjer-x'^-Sw-c-I:^ocx; IFrso HexII321 ilscc: < ^ Fort Mil! Linlil hifa; * J? 3 "3@ 3? S? S@S>? UMAiMV-rrxt r*?f ,c.' wrra.t.'Trxwrwi 4 Wlii 11 in tiio Market l-OR GO )1) WHISKIES, I WINES, j BEAN I) IKS. KTC., JALI. ON Oil WHITE -Jolm IvJ 037"!?, ;; P. O. Uox <17, S^ISlil'KV, - M. <:. (j\\:xt Yoi'it'Eru .\ row T"i to f^O'i \vi;h 1/ . >e (JIos, I'arrinjre Pai^n J' Wcij'is < to s o/s. move t > 1 iie pin'1 Mian otli -vs wears louder ami ijives a j; -k*s e ;,ial to new work, fold l?v \Y. 1 B ,-rdrey <fc t o T7-) Ol it K!M ENDS! r 'Ye nre now Ioe;?te<| nt 1:2* K. Ouneil street. .Salisbury, N. lltd Holi "il \o;;i ti.nle. We linve <i hit lit 1 11 eoni pl.'te line of ilte 1st Wilif-ki. . Wilier., I ?S;t:i<iieM. I j11* , unci ean hiij piy ?ur wan ^ \itli r.nytliiiiLr in mir line. Our' '(r. Al A. Teeter, formerly of ^1 1 . . * i i linn ; if, 11as* personal supervision r <?ur shipping c!? j.mi tin tit and I mail orders receive prompt and j'iiffa', i;llent . i i.t i ! . hands f, Ask 'or priOf ii-t and order olatik wil li your . : der. W. H. HOOVER & CO., SALISUriiV. N. c. l'lioiif IMS.' i'lants Cc Hon Cu1>1m;.." I'lan's i ?r. a . inn1 a -.\v roudj iijtl >:i 1 -irs*' Tyiv \' ala lu ld' [lead in rura'i >11 ;i.?m,ii:ii,.I 'sueee ion, Klaf I m . "li," the :* 1 i? a ; ii -'in^le l-ami !? . ' * ?' and o. ,-r $1 fVriiis: I 'ash * > i l h order; or. is >da sent t. in mom y. < )ur plant i oicuj y 35 ftoit iiiuit'Vs and \ n;.' then in th npenui ?oro c M" h Ida f era Oil ive iia\i in. o\v rate-. for i inns;* ?rta? "ctu ran ) ;nn:s s'.i <;?e ! from my farm o type ami linnif. . "'I pcvonti from hi;;h lust m'.iatiii 1 i.i tlie Uni:> d ; my dissaii./ I i ? : iiuv a( omi of sohsoi Oar Col tun S'crit: 1.t;:t ?>! our I.010.C m:i his year nil i. rl? stun o:i 1) . 2, nr. 1! Jilt) bushels ami .i 1 per ha. iiy specialty: Prompt Shipment. Truo ave Li n in ilia plant >as i ? - i,. ucrary,:.;:;^^ SOXJ. F4&i'LaWil: h'OUTIIJ rp iu No. 2"i I,v Charlotte <>.00 p. Ar " " 37 " " <' <>-, ?i 20 ,, !? ",;? p. ,, M 80 t? b. 13 u. ,, NOI1THI >11111 No. 2<1! fiV Clvster 1.00 p. Ar ,, ,, OK " Cola. ">.10 p. " .. 00 ,, |i> a. " ? .. 34 ,4 " 7.00 p. " N )te?For. Mill is a regular .stopping sos. 21). 23 a.ul 31, v. lii h s o;> 11:.,;. J ! Iljjj I TO 29, '05. I I rprise ? id ? j.1 &EX*Y. || cl Joyful Nigiue. <g *573s MFiicc!?*- (? ENDS. || ! bios Welcome. Jg> s?.siori Baily- ?) M Promptly or rZE RCTUKNKD. j? u/l 70 V tAlir- iXftdltKCt. ..'lir OM*RCt* Jtitt Kg W THE LOttiST. Scikl model, photo or iikctcti for K 1 expert mir'i luul fn? roi?rt on iMlraUblilty. v' I'CWIRCrvETlT m-.itH roruluvtcl ?>.?f.iro *11 E jy] coarta rusnit obliiiiril il:r. njti ua. ADVtR- H ,tj Tiato<uiisoLO,tr.-. ntiar m .-,1 SiONS aid corrwinsrs < inn-til}- otxatiMnL C ij^ Oppjoltc U. s. Patent Ortco? ^ i kim. .couch! Baud CURE THE LUKCSI j /,;H 0r,pngY | irnn /^oksuhption Prico " f I R run i 01'GHSc.r.d 50c &J1.0U g ^j^0t.0S Free Tri/Jt. H Suiwt p.n'i Q-ui- Jteat Cure for ii!l | i THREAT and L.UIJQ TB0U3- 1 i J I/ES. or MOUSY BACK. & jflBiXt - -- v^.zxvr.nraEat'!sracr pTrjnt?!f prt? 'jrrtl OTt NOTTS. Bond kx>M. iVf ch.w ?or ?'!r? A.r fr? r? ? rt on ?r?tt i\tobi)it?. Book **Um V .c.r y. * tr<r < ? > o*l ! . Inventor#.W ^pviw? iAV/ft'e t i" i* >v.\rr tkaoticz.CO ir* rAi.n; pnuwnr'j maajGiiTOt:*. ) A; nfi' nii<l. ;..a..a iu.?. r.itSfulir) ;X>*. . ? ?... Moii r.u ehn ?<. Of S"S-?i. A. &3HOCT 2c CO.* PATXKT LAWYEnS, * oj Opn. U. S. Psc-t Cffic*. ^ *ASHIKBTWI, D. C. ^ """f ^ ". ~ ?~ > - fHTf I land Cotton Seed. f. >; il-livery, "*aiviy y Wakelloli-' fw i earliest slmrj.hrail varieties mat " "A -.ijitiia i'nielvi i ' .Hid "thortSteiu . !v:i'i iv t as named. l'rirra: p 10 l.'.l ' > it11' 1 over $1 HXO. AO [? , pnv-'hasir paying lvtnrn charges es on Mmlli t arolina Ma Coast, and 're r: t>> ami harilv; ;U y will stand ior . Vptn 11 weigh -.ill.-; par lOOtfniA n> i v to t'l>: prt ..s Co. Mil ciltitp . 1 'r irant'i those that 1 ship to be tj tie g:a . * : d p iridvas'd from two of the ;latr>. I v.i.l i< fund purchase i>rk:o to a. \ art !y of ifa Island Cotton s?>1 cl p c ; i- fc'oo 1 J!.-.''? jier ba.; lots of V. ri.'tio.. ami t'ntisliccl Custonura, I k' tiivc y. .ws. r |' Young's Island, S. C. >/ ?? IT H. E5 DIX L12 . U ll'ND. Vnri Mill C>.f?r> p. Ar Chester # 30 p ,, 0.40 a. Coin. U .15 a ,, 10.21 p. " " 1.25 p 8.U a. " " :L.83 a !<|?UND, . Mill 1 ) p. Ar Charlotte *>."? p 0.1. p. ,, .. 7.0C p o n a. .. 0.59 n ,. o.:it> p. " " lo.or. p :n >in for all tho above txiuiis, <xo#p l ,i. uiul do not run trundnfc's. 1