University of South Carolina Libraries
? ITSMS oI INTEREST g Miss Mary^^H spent Friday afternoon wi'l^^^r parents at Fineville. %* M rs. J. W. McElhaney returned Friday from a visit to felutiyes I near Grillith, N. C. Mr. and vMrs. T, E. Merritt spent Sunday wr{h relatives in Rue it Hill. Mrs. J. H. Tliornwell and daughter, Miss Fraiuos, weje, anions the Fort Mill visitors to Koik Hill Saturday. The young people of the town j held a very pleasant dnne? Thursday evening in the town hall. Cnpt. W, E. Ardrey, of Piovi- j /dence, who lm6 been seriously ill ' f?>r several weeks, is reported to he improving. Mr. D. N. Gaston went over to j Rock Hill Saturday on business j for the Charlotte Brick Company, j Mrs J. E. Patterson and Mrs. | W. H. Parks spoilt Thurday in Rock Hill. Mrs. T. B. Meach&m and daugh- j ter, Mrs. S. L Meachaui, returned Thursday evening from a short visit to Rock Hill. Miss Emma Little, of Forsyth. ! Ga., went to Charlotte Friday, ! after visiting Misses Mason anil Frances Harris, of this place. Mr. E. S. Parks left Monday for 1 Columbia, where he will try for the position of catcher for the j Columbia team of the South Atlantic League. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Glenn, of the Point section of the county, were visitors Wednesday at the home of the hitter's brother, Dr. D. G. Thompson, in this Major J. W. Wilson and daughter, Miss Beulah, of Morganton, N C., left Friday f?>r Charlotte, j after a month's visit to relatives in this place. The Fort Mill Light Infantry j has had a number of electric lights erected on the vacant Davidson lot. on Main street, where practice drills are held twice a wat-k. The next drill will he held Friday eveping. Quite a large crowd of people i from this place mid surrounding country were out to hear Polk Miller and his colored quartette; at the town hall Wednesday evening. All were well pleased with the entertainuien|j^j Mr. S. L. Meacht ^ *\ose tele phono lines now react) appoint 5 4..:i it. .r 1.1..1 * r n ? iniii'M uurui ui r on ;uui, will in a few days carry the lines into the {Steel Creek section, where he 1ms contracts for a number of telephones. Mr. W. M. Phillips, a former resident of this place, will or. the ! 1st of April, resign his position with tlie York Fnrniture Co., to ; accept a similar position in Char 1 lotte. Mrs. Phillips and children have returned to Jtiock Hill, where they will reside in the future. M iss Margaret Warlick arrived Monday from Charlotte and will have charge of the millinery de- i partment at the store of Meacham A Epps the coming season. Miss "Warlick is boarding at the home 1 of Dr. T. H. Meachaui, on Coufed crate street. The Times acknowledges receipt | of an invitation to the closing ot- ; ercises of the Flint Hill school, , which will take place Friday, i iMarch 31. The features of the day will ho declainiers' and reciters' J contests for gold medals, a big picnic dinner, und a literary address by Hon. Plainer Stewart, of Char- ! lotte. The public iH invited to at- j tend the exercises. ' Take the Funny Side" is the subject of u lecture to be given in the towp hail Thursday evening byFrank Allen Peake, who bears the reputation of an entertainer of won- j derful and nleHsimr vnrsntilit - ^ J !-> The lecture is to be given uner the autpices of t lie graded school library association, and, as the proceeds are to go to the lihrary, a large crowd of our people will doubtless go out to hear Mr. Peake. Admission will be 23 and 30 cents. The salaries of the various county officers of York county, as fixed by the legislature, are now as follows: Auditor and treasurer, *1,300 each; sheriff, $1,350; clerk of the court, $300; supervisor, $700: > Hupeintendent of education $750; Coroner, $200; county commissioners, $150 each; clerk of the board of county commissioners $100. The body of Ale^. Cnmpbell, colored, who was drowned at Catawba river bridge the 13,th of January, last, was found Friday afternoon by fishermen at a point ; near Ivy's mill, about 9 mile# south of where the man met his death. It will be remembered that Campbell was drowned by the c apsizing of a boat while at work on the new Southern railroad fridge over Catawba river. I . m re. \V. R, Carothers is serious!; )11 at her home on Booth street. Tlie town eouucil will meet il regular montly session Frida; evening. Miss Daisy Young returned ti her home at Lancaster Thursday after a visit to relatives here. Mr, J. D. Witliers has been con fined to his home south of For Mill for several (lays by illness. airs. A. A Young is spending i f..?. w: i .. .. vi.ijn in it 111 iiMutiro, i lie gues of her (laughter, Mrs. .J. E. Bruce M. J. A. W it hers, of Worthville N. C.. whs here yesterday ou i visit to his mother, Mrs. J. A W i 11: e is. Mr. Frank Kimbreli. of Char lotte, was a visitor Sunday at tin homo of his parents, near For Mil!. We are pleased to report tha M rs. D. G. KitubieH is stendil; improving from a recent sever ill ness. Miss Eunice FTal! returned Sun day from a visit to her sister, Mrs Hull, who is ill at tlio Chester hos pital. .Miss Carrie MoElhnney, af For Mill, arrived Wednesday to b trained for a nurse in the Magda lene hospital.?Chester Lantern The movement of eommercia fertilizers began in Fort Mill las week in earnest, and much w(i hauled frow the warehouses to tin tields. Vegetation is coming forwnri fnst. Plants are coming up ii the garden, buds are swelling oi tin* forest trees and some of tin poeah trees are in full bloom. The receipts of whiskey at tin local express office Saturday wer estimated by those who met tin the trains to have been from fort; to fifty gallons. The Times is in receipt of ni interesting communication frou our friend, "Ipse I>ixit." of lowe Fort Mill, but, for lack of space are compelled to omit its publica tion this week. M f tin U'Bnn Pi-nnni- >4 : ~ ? - , X i(i|i|?r> (tuu iM I > Beulah Webb, two young poopli of this place, were happily nmr lied Sunday evening by tlie Rev J. C. Chandler. Mrs. Hunter, wife of Mr. Join Hunter, died Sunday morning n her home in the Millfort mill vil Inge, after n several months' ill ness of consumption. The buria look place Monday at Zonr church 5 miles north of Fort Mill. Dr. J. D. Muggins hns resigner his in the Santee asscia tion. The field is composed o four churches, with the parsonagt at Faxville, and is one of the bea in the S ate. Bro. Huggins Imi lieen called to the field occupier Bro. M. W. Gordon, in York asso ciation.?Baptist Courier. Mr. Andy Ij. Thomas, n well known and highly esteemed farm er of the Steel Creek section, diet early Monday morning of paialy sis, by which he was stricken sev era! weeks ago. Mr. Thomas wai 5S years of age and is survived h] a wife and several sons and dnugh ters. The funeral ,.>ei vice Mon day afternoon was, conducted Iv Rev. J. C. Chnndl/.V burial beinj msiflt-t ul Vltnf \\\\J /..i .? %v ?. uut *x\r i qi ii'wiri y. A number of Anr ?S;tizcns wlu are interested y the cotton move ment have rec'^ved and are wear i??^ emblems ?7t the Southern cot ton association. The emblem con sists of n button which iH worn ot tho lapel of a coat. On the button is an exact reproduction wf a cot ton bale. Above the topof the bah there is the statement, "In I'nitj There Shall He Strength.1' In tin centre of the bale are the letters "S. C. A." Under that is the state ment, "Twenty-five per cent, re duction,'' and just under that ii red letters, "We will do do it." In the matter of those who art exempt front poll tax, the attorney general says that the law does no exempt anyone from the paymen of the tax merely because he ii maimed, but only I hose are exemp who are incapable of earing a sup port by reason of their being niHim cd. Or front HtlV nlliftr i"?iib? rIM,. material fact to be determined ii each case is whether the persoi claiming the exemption in incapa hie of earning a support or not If capable of earning a support and between the ages of 21 and 60 with the exception of those spec ially exempted by law, as Confed erate veterans, all male citizeiw must pay the tax. Cemetery Lots. All persons desiring lots in the nev cemetery can secure same by applyittf to the undersigned. Those who have purchased lots ii either now or old cemetery, and havi not paid for them, are requested to com* forward at oncc^and make HCttlemeui and socuro titlflk same. 1 ;v ord? i' .?! fl.n W. PARKS, Clerk. w Y j : Now is the Time to Preo noro f -ffio uui V 1U1 Uiv JL91 1^111 " Spring and Sumer Days * i . * We liave ail unusualt 1 ly attractive line of ; y 7 e Spring and Summer Dress Goods, White t Goods, Silks, Laces, J Embroideries, etc. : ; 8 a rni "TT-fc w < -r w '?> - , x ne KiiXH-'j.' goods at ii l tlio CORRECT prices e and can be of service v i to you in selecting r something for Spring ? and Summer wear. : p * I .MILLS &Y0UNG-. 9 I 1 , _ ' J f TITU l\I 1\ I>1^rT4 1>I 171 Lir.wv mi * ti x iiii v /1ii/ lujijiiDLn i VMih j ' APRIL 1 I NEWS v! i 11 : AT : | BELK'S. ! To ill ft Taflios: ! r l ' " ' Don't forgot to call at Hoik's nod see our new spring guoils. 1 To the Men: i! f\ Our line of Clothing, lints I t ! and Shots is up-to-date in t 1 I in qunlity and style and the j ! ' prices are way down. . I : I 1 ? To the Boys: i ; i i I Look at our new Suits and 1 knee PantB. They'l please you. ! rr* a l r a i lotneuiris: <; w e Ht'll three K saes for one I cent ?candy. i Yours for business, ' T. B. Beik. ;! i! i ?! * * THE OLD RELIABLE STORE . . ? C03VCEJ, SIEJE3 I 1 oxzi? new , I SPRING GOODS. 1 ; ' v prices are I I DOWN. I i_j? jr. ]vc^slsE"5e" \ n ,11 JM. ftvW * A Great Kiish 1 U) is mi ut Mi'iiclmtn A Epps, reeeivinfl, new ^noda. All Sn triiins, both freight :iml express are lanqj,,,^ them. Every- ] yjt tiling that is new in color and weave we have it?the name fronds you see in the big retail st n-es 0f Baltimore Ub ^ and New \ ml. at the same prices and ac tilings cheaper. ^ W e are determined that L'ort JMill stores shall be a credit to her unmet hint; lier neonle kIl ..i.i i- ?- ? * i ?ii m i n i uc prouu 01? where you can get what you want at he mti ,UIJ know that 'p you are buying the latest that is to he unci. (4r ^ Watch tii -i space from now on for Hpecials. tk g IvUllirxerjhjr. a. ? We have with us this season Miss Margaret "Warlick, V yk who liars had three years experi? uce in business. She Uh i has spent three weeks this Beason in Yaltimo'e and New ?? York studying the styles. Miss W? rliok comes to us ^ ^ highly reeoinmendecl as a lady and triminer. Site is now JB busily engaged in getting ready for oiH- opening, the date Ir ^ of which will he announced later. ? !L/i?3?a.cjti elxxx Sc ZEJtptpss. $ It's Up To Yop! India Linens, S 1-2, 10c, and 12 l-2c. 1 orty inch White lawn, ioc. Pretty pieces oi Mercer [zed Madras at 10ct 12 1 -'2c and ! sc. (Calicoes at i and 5c tin yard. Y ard wide Percale, sjiort lengths, at 9c the vard. I One piece Skirt Linen Left, to go at 121-2c You certainly miss a til at if you don't get I some of the above goods at the prices named. Our stock is not large, but our prices arc ' the cheapest on earth. IIVlcEihaney-Parks Go. i: - ? y JL ^ CLX W oI*i3L? ** For hie pa*1 l;"> years i have conducted an old Shoe '"Hob^ pital,m and during these yeais thousands of much-worn and iu i ++ apjwirently worthless subjects have received treatment and <><> tj been discharged from my "sanitoriuin" in healthy condition. 1 guarantee a cure of all hIioo ailments, and my ft prices arc iih low as one can afford to execute f^ood work. Send me your allictcd Shoes, Harness, or other leather ft koods for prompt treatment and permanent cure. s it ?T. Sillue, S ? oa , 1^! I r\ BT-* r^k I ? ? at |j O VJ>E5 ^ K I l>J II rM H Jl NEATLY EXECUTED AT SI [| THE TIMES OFFICE. A ? ; tsi |S| To Iotte-heads. Not etuwln, Billheads, Statements, Handbills, Posters (Si gj Circulars, Envelopes. Etc., at the lowest prices consistent with good Ijg] -jjj work. Send us your orders and we will please you. Sj| . g The Times. P