University of South Carolina Libraries
FORT MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC fyBLISFED EVKJIY WEDNESDAY B. W. BBADFORD. Wrtns of Bubpcrlptloi^: One year |1 .Oo Six mouth* ......... | i?0 Three months 111.... 1. .2ft Correspondence on current subjects Is Invited, "but no responsibility is us puincd for the views of correspondents, j Anonyrnau' communications will not be published In these columns. On application to the publisher. n?l- ' yertisjiiK rates are lpade known to | those Interested. if Ofi ivani t-'none iwun ionc uisiance connections) No. 26. MARCH 29,1906 The various powers are hetrilining to look over their gpriug stpck oC ulti|iiata. Gjoripns besutifnlspring is here. bs you cau readily see if you look it up ip the almanac. Perhaps n >wie will become a citizen of Mexico and tlieu olVer to pay jiis flpbts in Mexican inpney. For a tin.e. at least. Colorado is going to try to get along with one governor. It will be a novel experience. Abput the highest compliment j you ran pay to a man these days in i to remark that he keeps Ins dutes }i ke a Jap. Knropatkin doubtless will appreciate anything his successor, Linevitph, can do in the way of being captured. If Castro seriously contemplates an invasion of this country he should write to our enterprising railrpajs for excursion rates. Japan will not demand nil the "rights and privileges" which it Illicit exm*t in Manchuria, as lhere tire a number of tliem that she doesn't >vant. If any bird is to assume supremacy in the scheme of creation, as Piof. Williston thinks, there will ]>e no doubt that it will be the I American hen. The telegraph editors ought to get together and insist that the "peace compact" shall contain a provision simplifying all those Munc|iurian names. Judging from the coldness with which its borrowing schemes are 1 regarded, Russia doey not think , t hat "Hnam o" is half so frenzied as it lias beeu painted, As the price or coal is scheduled 1 to fall Apiil 1st. tlie ice triii-1 pi oh- ' ably has 'hat date carefully jotted a-A the time to proceed ^ against the consumer in earnest. Those Beef trust employees who took vacati- ns to Kurope are vei \ inconsiderate in g ing almai I time wheu their tesi ii'u- \ Heeded to prove that the tru.-u i.losnig niouey in the public interest. - ? To Enforeo Compulsory Vaccination- : ?? * | The State board of health in pre- j paring a vigorous campaign to enforce the compulsory vaccination' law. At a meeting of the board last \> ednewlay resniutions which moot th? requirements of the art were passed and the attorney general wan instructed to draw up a skeleton ordinance, which will be I pent to all towns and cities requiring oompnlpory vaccination. The board Una so far pushed its rampaien for cnpipulsory vaccination HiroiK liout the Sta e that over ibOO has been spent this year in \accinatirig tiie p o pie. The board wd. app >int agqnts in / f ac.h county who shall see that persons |iving in unincorporated villages are vaccinated and there is a heavy penalty attached t<> those who refuse to comply with the law. A commission of live cents is given the agent and a nominal charge of 10 cents is uuide \i\ each cnep. Will Build City HallThe city of Rook Hill is con 1 t 'IT: 1) In t i 11 if llie t'rei'f ii in in lli.i i -? I ?-V - "?-m > ?* ??? ??l ; f U 111 re of ? more handsome and commodious building for its tire I department and municipal pnr1 poses, It proposes to have a threeI story structure about <>d f(n*t wide K and 80. feet deep. The that floor front will be hho 1 l\y the tire deB partmeot while at tie- rear will be B the ei,ty's otli vs, pplice court, etc. B On the second flour wiil be a luri>? town hall and adequate seating ^B Capacity. N''gotiations are p< ndiiiK with the P.ythians with a view ^^B to having them lease tho third floor | as a permanent home for that I ^^B body. It ie expected tnat bids on ^^B the building will be advertised for The War. ! The end of the week in the Far j Fagt pitna^ioij brin^ an almpat; tan^fblp nsppot qf \ pare, and ftt thp : prpeept \yriti11^ thpge prospects are j inverting iiiienuou nom 1119 mentiH <?f vfur, says Monday's pl?fli\Inlte Observer. Within the past fow dnys press dispa ches have been of u tenor to indicate that the war party at St. Petersburg in j knowing in disfavor, ho much so, 1 ir. fact, that there has been some talk of deposing War Minister Sakharoff. France is responsible in a great measure, backed by Germany. for the turn affairs are taking, and Paris bankers, through i whom Russia seeks to negotiate a loan, are about to force the issue through the French minister, by holding up the loan until the dogs of war arc railed otf. As a strong factor in aid of the peace-makers, a succession of disasters to his army and navy and the seeqiing hopelessness of accomplishing any thing by force of arms, loojps up before tlie Czar. Nothing definite j in the way of terms lias been presented to or by eitlier country us 1 yet. It is hinted that Russjs will he inplaeabie on two points?ces- . sion of territory and indemnity? j but grounds on which peacp might ( be arranged are put forwarcj. Run* 1 ein, it is said, might agree to turn , over to Japan proceeds of t lip sale of all rights and property of the Port Arthur \ Dalny anc| tlje Chitiese Kastefn Railways, would libally jiay for the maintenance of Russian prisoners, and might grant certain rights to fisheries at Sakhalin. <r even relinquish all! claim to the valuable seal lisiieries ; on Commander Islands. Sh" might further agree to reduce Russian naval strength in Eastern waters i\'i a period of years. Japan is in the altitude of waiting to be approached, and until the overt ures are made to her, speculation amounts to little. At the front the situation has not materially changed in the past j wee k. The Russians con finite their j retreat toward Harbin, in notably ; good order, 1^, is now believed! that Linevitch will not make a stand until his army reaches Tsit onn :i 4. ..c 11. mum, inri &ki\j llllK'a wvrii <u II MI - | bin. It in said that 2Q0.0UU Kus- ! siau re-enforcements will be neees- ! eiiry t von then for Limvitch to! meet the pursuing army on any- j tiling like equal terina. ami the chance of securing the^e re-enforcements ia hazardous, for the line of retreat Ilea along fl'e railtoad, ami there ia danger that LinevitelTs aole base of supplies 1 may be out oft". ? <? ? Committed Wants Evldenoe. Th" dispensary investigation committee mot in in Columbia last week and issm il the following on 11 to the people <?t" the Slate: "All persons in this oi any other State are requested to send any information in tlmir possession re- , lating to the aff its of the South ' .i lien S i dispensary which ia the can any cotuplaini. I i i t .eqn sted t-> state fully any la t-t that lln-y have as to irregularities, mismanagement or i corruption theieiu, or of any one j connected there with, with sngges- j lions as to how the truth of the same may be properly ascertained, i "No communication wijl be con- j si do red unless signed by the par- j tics sending it, but the name of i the sender will not be given to the , public if such be desired. "Communicationsshould be sent to either 'of the undersigned. | J. T. Hay, Camden :C. L. HI ease, ' New berry; Niels Christeiiseu, Jr.. | Beaufort; A. h. Gaston, Chester;' T. H. Frnser. Sumter; D. A. Spivey, Conway; J. Fraser Lyon, Abbeville " * For a Cotton Warehouse. At the meeting of the local farmer*' nssocintion Saturday af-I ternoon the waichouse committee made a report of its work in aolicitintr subseriptions, showing that had thus far been subscribed. Most of these subscribers were business im-n.aud farrnerH in and near town. The eoimnitte, to was added Messrs. J. W. Ardrey I and \ . it. Blnnkenship, will eon- | linne to take subscriptions until i; antlieieut atnoiiut is in hand to i i reet a suitable warehouse. T ie next idbi tiiii/o' theassoein lion will be livid tSutunlay afternoon at 4 o'clock. ~ - Maybe They're Blind Tigers. It i* diflfi Milt, and almost impoasil)U*, for Home of the people in (IntTney to not. IihiicIh to work in their Hardens, or do odd jobs around the houHe,, no!withstanding the large number of stout, able-bodied lieyroee al way a to be seen loafing on i the streets. with apparently liotlilo do.- QafTney Ledger. For all kind a of woll work, whitewashing, oalsoraining, etc., see fc.H; R<)UDtY. All work guaranteed. t I li. -- I ill - I ii ~ i .'I ill Fort Mill Farmers' Association. Following is a lint of the members pf t)je lopnl fnjrnieig' gasi-ity; tion jylip hpye stirped thp 2iij per petit red pet ion pledge, and those who have paid tpe fee: J VV Ardrev. C P Blankenship, V It Blankpnship, S H Blai|keii: ship, S I* Biankenship, W F Boyd, Tlieo. Boyd, Phdlip Bennett, 0 T Crook. VV H Crook, VV II Coltharp. VV J Coltharp, J L Coltharp. J J Coltharp, Torn Darnell, Tour Davis S H Epps. Sr., S H Epps, Jr., J P lipps, VV P Ep; h, B M Paris. S C Paris, (3 II Giuliani, VV E Griffin, \V h1 ffniriu ,T l\ Mnil^ I) (4 lv'itti I?r*-Fl. J L Kimbrell, T S Kirkpatrick.J II Mr Murray, J W McElhaney. W 8 McCyimid, F Nims, \V .1 Stewart, .1 H Sutton. J Q Smith, .1 M Spratt, T B Spratt, Zack Spratt, Miss Alice White, Sam'l E White. S P Wilson, L G Wilson. W li Windle, J 1) Wither-. T B Belk, B \\v Bradford. .1 J La les. W K Carol here. S A Epps, J M (irier, L A a arris, Jackson Hamilton, \ O Jones, E W liunbrell, J B Mills, T A Mills, T B M ear ha ill, W B Merchant, S L Merchant. S W Parks, K Shannon, Ira G Sjpythe, I) (j Thump? *on, A A Young, Lee Armstrong, 13 F Benuetl. Jiob't H Harrig. Edgar Jones. \y E Kimbrpll, J W Koonoe, I) A L'-e. T II Merritt, James Miller, B F Massey, J J Orinand. No Hope of Killing Boll Weevil. The department of agriculture has tesued a report on tlie results of recent investigations by Sj ocial Agent Hunter of the bureau of entomology, giving recommendations looking to averting damage by the boll weevil. The report says that the work of the bureau of entomology for several years has indicated that there is not even a remote probability that the boll weevil ever will be exterminated and that as a matter of fact no injurious insect ever has been exterminated. It says, however, that although the very large yields of cotton of former titpes no longer may tie possible in 1he region now infested by the boll weevil, it is entirely feasible to produce cot iuu hi a margin ot proni mat will compare favorably with that resulting from the production of most of ilo- Mtaple crops of the United States by following what is known as the cultural uiethod. This consists of changes and modifications of the system of cotton raising, including the destruction of the plants in the fall, early planting, thorough cultivation of fields, planting the rows as far apart as f'-Hnable, thinning the plants in the rows and using certain fertilizers. The Valuo of Birds. An ornithologist recently assorted that except for the destruction of bird life in Texas, there would have been no cotton boll weevil plague. This may or may not lie corre. t; et it is coming to be geneially recognized that the farmer has no belter friends than the birds llying about his acres destroying insects and the seeds of noxious weeds. And there is to be noted a movement, in several of the States to the end of protecting the biids?game and tinti game? been use of their g?>od offices to the farmer. It is the nature of birds to feed on insects and seeds. The investigation of the stomachs of doves, partridges, sparrows and larks.has shown that tiieir food consists almost wholly of bugs, worms and seeds of weeds. In the ^0...... .1. ...... .1 i nv??inn\ n t'?ir- uwvr, f ahiij i ii trii ity t\ scientist, there were found approximately 2,500 seeds of weed; and this wiih one days feeding. In the stomachs of Hevend partridges more than 90 per cent of the food was found to he buga and worms destructive to vegetable life. Should not those facta be sufficient to commend doves and partridges to the moat distinguished consideration of the farm era and law.-makers? One little sparrow that was kdled in a cotton field had forty army worms in its stomach. Wasn't, that<niough to make the cotton farmer the friend of the sparrow? ? LETTER TOT H. BARBER. FORT MILL. S. 0. Pear Sir: Here's a i?iiiu that's being sold to bur gain hunters: 10 percent lead 50 " " zinc 20 " " barytes 20 ' " whiting Rarytes and whiting are saud and whitewash. not paint. Some people must like gold bricks. The name of that paint is pure lead-uiid zinc." The dealer who soils it says it's as good as Devon. Yours truly F \V Devoe & Co. ;>s P. S. W P Ardrey <S>Co , sells onr paint. ?. Mr. J. R. Wijlls has sold his rPHtnuniut near the depot to Mr. Henry McGtaw, who will continue the bu inesa. A. O. Jones carries a full linn of up-to-cia.e Groceries. Give hiui n wM: ' ' ' ' Thp "Whilp i\|an'e Pmintry" is the name of a monthly paper to be ; started in Americns, Ga., i.i a fow days. It will advocate white supre1 mncy, deportation of the netrro ' race and a division of the school , tax fund accordinir to the amount 1 paid by each race. Always brinn y> ur Earns, Better j and other counriy Produce to A. O. .Jout'S There is a movement on foot to 1 liaye tne farme a use col ton ban- I ning instead of jule in packing j cplton. The South Carolina branch j of the Southern Wholesale Grocers ; Association is at the head of the ; j movement. The use of cotton Inn- j ninn is urged because cotton is a product of the Southern States ! while burlap is imported from : 1 pdia. Fresh Pork, Beef and Saugaye I always on hand at .lories1. In an altercation Monday about ! n store account, \V. E, Perry, an [operative of the Wjlie mills at | Chester, shot and instantly killed | Jj. Ij. Boozer, mummer of the com; pany store, Perry made his escape, j Call at .Tones' and net your fresh i Graham Flour and Home-Ground meal. ?? Dr. J. D. Hunnina, of Paxvilie. I who has chnrne of aeveral churches | in the n.mtee association, has been ! called to the pastorate of the Foi t Mill and Flint Hill Baptist churches made vacant by tin* resinuatiou j of ltev. M. \V. Gordon. Dr. Hon nine lias resin"' d his chain*' wt , Paxville. wilh the view of accept j inn the call to York County, it is . supposed. ? Hock Hill Kecoul. STRIKES HIDDEN ROCKS. When your ship of health strikes the j hidden rooks of Consumption, l'ncu! niynia, etc., you are lost, if you don't i net help from I)r, Kiny's New Discovery. for Consumption. J. VV. McKiiuion, of I Talladega Springs, Ala., writes; 1 had I been very ill with Pneumonia, under , the care of two doctors, but was yet t ing . no better when I beirati to take Dr. 1 | King's New Discovery. Tin* first dose gave relief, ami one bottle cured inc.! Sure cure for sore throat, bronchitis,] coughs and colds. Guaranteed at i A*drey's drug sto.e, price f>Ue and $1.00 Trial bottle free. The Liar is a new monthly mag- j nziiie published at Traverse City, Mich., Wilber G. Campbell, the j editor, believes that there are ; enough liars in the country to war- j 1 rant having a magazine all their own. and is confident that his pub- j ligation will eventually attain a circulation of 8,000,000. Sample copies are now being mailed to the | circulation manager of every news- , paper in the United States.?Priu- j I ters Ink. 1 NOR EDIBLE BRUT A LITY. ' It would have been incredible brutali ity if tiias. F. Leinberger, of Syracuse. ] N. Y., hud not done the best he could j for his suffering sou. 'My boy," he says, j cut a fearful gush over his eye, so 1 i applied Buck leu's Arnica 8afvo, which ! quickly healed it and saved his eye " i Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 2f>e at Ardreys drug store. The Secretary of the Treasury Shaw received ?12,000 in i urreiicy from an unknown conscience- ! ; stricken person, who wrote that ! years ago he dcfrtt'ided the government and was following the teach- j I itlrr of fl<winture in restiiriinr four. fold. The money was deposited to the credit of tho "conscience fund." ^ STARTLING MORTALITY. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. To j prevent and cure these awful diseases, there is just one reliable remedy. Or. Kings New Life Pills. M. Flnuiicry, of 11 Custom House Place, Chicago, says: i "Thay have no equal for Constipation and Rillionsness " 25c by all druggists. The late congress passed a joint resolution authorizing and directing the bureau of the census in Washington to make reports of the cotton ginned, twice a month ini stead of once a month. It also! authorized and directed the same bureau to collect statistics from the cotton mills and from export points, relating to the cotisnmp t i/ m i if < , it I! >n THE COLONEL'S WATERLOO. I Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met his Waterloo, from Liver a ad Kidney trouble. Jna recent letter, he says: "I was nearly dead, of t heso complaints, and. alt hough I tried my family (Joctor, he did mo no good: ho 1 got a 50c bottle ??t* your great Electric Bitters, which cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, { and thank God who gave you the knowledge to make them." Sold and guaran- ! teedtocure, Dyspepsia, Billiousncs?aiid ! Kidney Disease, by all druggists, at 50c i a bottle. "r? Paint Your Buoov for 75c. to $1.00 with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paiut. It weighs :i to 8 ozs. lnort to the pint than others wears longer and gives a gloss equal to new work. Sold by W. ' : ii A rdroy & Co | I i =BOM>T OORN PI Until Yoti Have S'2on IT BEATS See Planter at Polk's or IR,. : SO a. RAII.WA southi Train No. Qn Lv Charlotti 0.0:1 p. Ar " 27 " " ?.0.? a. ? ? ,, 2d ? ,, W. AO p ,, .. ,, 33 ? ? 8.13 ip NORTH! Train No. 2'! Lv Chester 1.00 p. Ar ,, ,, 2t> " Cola. 3.10 p. .. 30 ,, 0.10 a. " t i. :{4 ,, ," 7.0U p " Noto?Fort Mill is a r^arnlar stopping Noq. 29. 33 ami 34, which sop on flatf. Cabbage Plants & Sea ('ahbutfo Flan's forsah . .J. 1 nowrendv ami "Charleston Large Typo Wakefield" head iu rotation as named 'Succession,' Flat Dutch," tip* 3 hc>t Mat head varie'ic Siuulo thousand. $l.nO; ft.o n) and ovei .il Terms: Cash with order: or. goods sent U on money. Our plant 1,? <i eupy "">acri understand grow iug them ii the open an verc co.ld without injivy I'lants crated 1 we have "pociul low rates tor transport ut '.nit rate" plants shipped t r im uiv farm, to type and name, ami grown from hi. 1. most reliable seed houses in the United t any dissatisfied customer at tinl of seasoj Our Uotton Seed: 1 .iut of en Sta this year in f harlesti.a en 1 * 2, a% 32c lo bushels ;pid o\ei M p,-r ? ,i. My specialty: Frompt Shiptnent, True hive been in the plant business for thirty AV (icr'it v "XhiCaboaBro Plant I,CI *,l> < T'ost At Telegraph Colgate's (Jooris. Col^llteV Soiips ? lVriutuos ? Dental r jwder ,, \ iolt't Tiilruui ,, Cosmetiijne Evo^yone n premier in1 its line. You have to know mighty1 little to know what the word "Colgate" 11,1 goo'ls eta tide for. I We have a big assortment. Ard roy's I) r ugstorc. \ Work Well Done, ?? I TTave yon Tahh (Jo ha,'. onnter- j painea. Doilies, Wildow Curtains, i Blankets, etc., lauldered hy tin j Model Steam Laundry, of Cliariotb N. C. l'riees for Iftundt ing the above hi tides i heei fully uriiished. Suits pressed ?e: suits drv-i i*loaned ami pressed, ntie; suits ; washed and pivssejl, 75c; coat <>r ! pants pr? s-,oJ, 17*!; cleaned ami j pressed, 25c; ^huts pressed, 25c; cleaned and pressed, 7>Ui\ Our shipments /ire made Thurs- j 1 day mornings ami returned Sutur-1 days. McElhaney^Parks Co, The Clothing and Shor- M<>n Dr, W. H. Wakefield, of Ciiarioitc, is now limiting his work to EYE DiS! ASI and FITTING <51. 'iSSKS. I ie, nilYillK (M'ilStHl IIS lav VI- l.-i to other towns, run cnn??nlN'(l at all tinu's in hisoOleo >o N. Tryon > t. l'Vcs for consul tat ion ijT.'.OO ami un act- '(lin^ to the ilititaulij of i tin case. ( lasses i'J.aO and up iipcirdiiijr to lr-wcs ami frames, 1 in 3nt TOO 111 ! '!{ IH.NOS! I Wo are now locat? d at 11?I K. Council street, Salisbury, N. (\, and silit it your trade. W e linve on iiimd a complete, line of the 1> si Whiskies, Wines, Prundies, Ktc, tintl can supply your wants with anything in <tir hue. Our' Mr. M. A. Toeter, formerly of Olnjrlotle, Ims personal snpervision of }>ur shipping department and nil mail orders receive prompt and can'ful attention at his hands. ,\?k for price li-t ttnd order blink with your order. VT. H. HOOVER & CO., j bALISliUHy. N. C. Phone 243.! \ / : .. , I * BUY a i ?jy1 LiANTER My Recent Inventipu. MEM ALL. Mills & Young's {Stunts HOOD. V SCHETinT.r! iOUND. r Fort Mill 0.50 p. Ar Chester 8 !:0 j> ? ,, <>.40 a. ,, Cola. in ?. 10.21 p. '* 1.25 p 8.14 a. " " u HOUND. F rt Mill 2.40 p. Ar Charlotte fc 55 r I. 8.1J p. ? 1.00 p " 9.18 a. 9 W k., 9.30 p. " " 10.05 p r i>oiur for all the abo.vo trains, exxp. Nos. 25 unci 20 tlo nut run Stpntyys. i _ i . -i. T-r*? Island Cotton Seed. for delivery. "Karly Jersey Wnketiil .?'' , two earl lost sharphead varieties aud ' " Augusta Trucker" and "short Stem sand head in rotation as named. Prices: 2*. per liino; I(i.ooil tpul over $1 per 10<vj. . O D , purchaser paying return charges on S>uih Carolina Sea <'oast, and "we ; tou^li an?l hardy; t hoy will stated soCor -.hipment woi^h 20 lbs per 1000 and ion bv Suuihirn Kxj.ress Co. No cheap l guarantee those that I .ship to, l*e tree grade seeds purchased from two of the hates. I will refund purchase prit g to pie variety of Sen Island Cotton acid per pound. Seed $1.25 per b.u.; lets cf V irietios ttpd Satisliicd Cut*toiu,OL?. 5 r-liive. years. Young's Island, 8. C. South Carolina College Olfers Spring Cpurso for Teachers? Session from April 7 to May 19, i9v>' Apply to president for further iuf mi., tiou. t ' When in the Market FOR GOOD W HISKIES MINES, 15KANDIES, ETC. CALL ON OR \V$IT$ -J oh.n Mbyle, 1>. O. Box 97, SALISBURY, - N. < j I?" x a ITr.l) t w !i -n using r,TEVE> i? ! Aui.U- utii" ; !' Ii';-l vcs nnd bringi; ; J | <' u -out iu: .' II t ii' ?c f:re-irm vli j"J ^ . ?... ?ii J t mr iam jus line * -J I M PliT.'.i " ::iOTGUNS. How c.'-. s3 I .1 .nc tilt ll.... : wtien thootirg r. jij J T II V L N 3 ? ? 1 it . i !:i- | :>atl 4 < en;? Postage ' . 4 . . , j. jo, i;c Pl.Uiiai'i 1 i ' S I L VENS book; c.w ,3 -.rv.'.t ? -in i..c s.ri ,.?i eV.iro output, a ?\ s , ,.f ? < "*, on ??* t j'* 5 . vr. art; at unit! ?n. * " * 1 r ' :ri ult* i.^ndaoino cover uoa j' t ; . . A II I Tj?;t. j J -s . i ? i.s . ? '.atnovan i jUatmuo j) J ?*it. Try j ar . i.c .* e\-eiUA|i. It'ifr n. ) a J. iTEVJii A iM J m TOdLOoT St; 5 p. o. pox tooi b CHiCOFEc FALLS, MAES. U. 8. A. ? H rromt>tly oliiainoil, or FEE KfTURNID. ? { f VC6MS-EXPERIENCE. our CHARGES AM f f TMC LCV/C5T. ' mul uiotfrl. j.l.oto or ?k?teh for I. H fvi? rt -on rli iinij froe re|>ort on ;MAntaMluy. Kris INFRINGEMENT ( litM conduc-trd b*for? *11 Fj H court*. I'tlcn: obtained through u*. AOVER- L M TIMD Kl SOLO, r ? > TRADE MARKS, PER- fc V SION > uml cor'VRlCHTS tiuickly ol.uinad. V ft Opposite U. 8. Patent Office, r U V/ASHINCTOW, D. O. r [citfwii?i m ! ia??a??L. SIILLthe couch f and CU7E THE LUNC8 Will! Ill* If I 1)1 a IlIHg 5 | NewDiscovery f /consumption price 3 Fun I OUGHSand 50c&$1.00. g V^0LDS Fr?? T''*1- ; 1 Surest and (luickeet Cure for all I THROAT and LUNG TROTJB- . I LES, or MONEY BACK. I No * ?i tss ('akki ioe I 'a int Made will wear n - loiuf a? Devoe's. No other* are as heavy U*li?ul, because Devoe's weigh to is ouuccs more to the piut. Siold by \V. Li. Ardroy & Uo t