University of South Carolina Libraries
THE OLD FOl Are Never. Without 1 For Catarrh ^SS^t,7 l! Jit. Under date of .lununry 10, )S97, l)r. 'Hnrtnian received the following letter: "My wife has been a sufferer from a com| iieatKin of diseases for the past twenitv-live years. Iler case has bathed the dciii of some of the most noted physicians. One of her worst troubles was chronic ^constipation ol" several years' standing. 'She was also passing through that most >cntical period in the life of a woman? change of life. "In Jane, 1895, 1 wrote to you aliout her case. \ ou advised a course of Perunn >*nd Maualin, which we at once com'menoed, and have to say it completely Cured her. 1 "About the same time 1 wrote you about my own ease of catarrh, which had l>cen of twontv-iivo vears' standing. At times 1 was almost past going. 2 commenced to use I'rruna arcorti? ino f?> pour tnntructions and ttiiiirii its use for about a year, onrl j lit ha s completely curat ine.''?dnhn >. Atkinson. In a letter dated January 1. 1900, Mr. | x r uc ^Bar?flin To tetter advertise tin* South'! I???'.dlnB Buitn. on Colh'Ke, ftnir 8chi>UrihtpH uro oftercil young |>ert?>?ns of tlihcounty atiess than cost " WRITE TOP AY. GA-ALA. BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, Ga. f*Potash ^ is necessary for cotton to produce high yields and good fibre. Write for our valuable books on fertiliz.yion; tlicy contain information that means dollars to the farmers. Sent free on request. Write now while you think of it I to the OERMAN KALI WORKS j New York - A' 11ni^i, V^Y^fSOA^ ,////'/ WHEN Mf^^rf/SH BRlS? CLOTMINCl^AJSi^rZ/ //1/ I dLACnotrtu-O* ?IIU KEEPTOU DOT . <// INTNE WARDM7 STORK! LOOK FOR ABOVE TRADE MAM. DWfAtEOf IMITATION* CATtLOOUCi KArt Brfnvl-NR run I.INC or oakmcnti and hats. I # < COWER CO. AO&TON. IAASS., U.S.A. | ro/rA CANADIAN CU , iTO.. fOBCINTO. CANADA. / National Oats^S Oim&u??t OAt^of t|M? oonoiry^ yy*' 11)/ Yo? oin bo?l ib?t record In 130k \ijli f* *fn for 10c and this notice | j / I wf mall jrou ffo lott of fnrtu ???Hl fflQ H A I umiilin auj our blR rnUlos. In I. m S SO In I 'n* *" lk,>0|i' thu out ironiinr Aud W/jZjSk H A? I tbouAAntlsof olbor notnla. yZ/rji' H hi ^WHN A. SALZER SEEDC l''or Svcciflr OnhtlialMP'^q|yJ inia. Moon lllliidnoss \ /and other SOKE EYES, v ry B*mv co.,u^" 2?/yvwyvy HAVE A SURE CURE. So. 1>. Dropsy s f Rem'vrr* oil nweUlnjf in Stooo I dtyj; (flcclt r p<rni?n(nt curt >V in jo to 60 day*. Trial treotmefU |tvmfrtr. NolliliiRCtnlxfuilt) RXfeWRH ay Write Ur. H. H. Croon's Sono, ? foeclolitto. Box Atlanta. Qa V KS AT HOME Je=ru=na in the Borne I lal Diseases. "MRond MR??. I ISi^ ^C ANDT* ! Atkinson says, nftcr five years' experience I with Pcruna: "I a III ever ronHnitc to speak a l/ootl word /or IVrtuia. 1 am still curcil of catarrh.''?John O. Atkinson, I mlcpcndcnce, Mo., llox 27'J. Mrs. Alfa Schwatnlt, Sanborn, Minn., writes: " I have been troubled with rheumatism ami catarrh for twen ty-flve years. Could not sleep tlap or nlaht. After having usctl I'eruna lean sleep i ami nothiny bothers me note. If I erer ant affected with any kind of sickness. I'eruna trill he the rliif I shall iisc. Mi/ unn iras rinrii , or catarrh of the larynx by I'cruna. " --Met*. Alia 3c.'i*sanut. When old age comes, catarrhal disease? come also. Systemic catarrh is almost universal in old people. Address Dr. 8. 11. Hartman, President of The Hartmnn Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio, who will be pleased to give you the henclit of his medical advice gratis. Colombian "Rain Tree." 1 A novelty In the vegetable kingdom I has recently been reported as native to the United States of Colombia In the woods adjacent to the city of Moyobamba grows a tree which the natives call "tain tree." It is about fifty feet high when It reaches maturity and about three feet In diameter at its base, and has the property of I absorbing an Immense quantity of humidity from the atmosphere. This is concentrates and subsequently pours forth from its leaves and branches in a shower nnd in such abundance that in many cases the ground '.n Its neighborhood is converted into veritable bog. It possesses this curious property in the greatest degree in the summer, when the rivers are at the lowest point and water Is scarce. It has been suggested that this tree be planted in the more arid parts of Peru for the benefit of the farmers. Cravats of Wood Pulp. A syndicate of English capitalists Is engaged in an endeavor to promote a market In this country for tie silks made cliicl'v from wood pulp. This product is principally obtained in South America. Paraguay furnishing a large supply. The vegetable silk has Its origin in trees; and is readily adaptable to native looms. The woven threads arc supercalendered, which process presents a silky finish rescr.. bling mercerized goods. For several years past this glossy material lias been sold in piece lengths to the upholstery trade, by which it is utilized for filling purposes. The selling test of artificial silk for cravats is anxiously uwaited by local manufacturers. Collecting Bird Statistics. The bird club at Bellows Falls, Vt. had been divided into two sides with lite object before them of seeing which side should see and name th< largest number of birds during the season of 1904. One side saw 8D dlf ferent varieties and the other 83. Six varieties not seen by the winning side but seen by the others makes the tota> number of birds named by the club U5. COULDN'T LIFT TEN POUNDS. 1 Donn'it KWtury Pitta Ilrnuclit Sli*np(h unit Health to the Snffirrr, Making liiiii Keel TwhuIj-VIt* Y?iur? Younger ?- J '? C'orton. farmer and luin7</l bcrinan, of l)ep!}lfji,f& A I"\ N. <\. says: "I suffered for years with my iwifim \v\\V back. It was so \ > fV *mm mni 1 (viniii fi'jA not walk any dls' m^ In nee nor even ///J rich4 in easy bugS^\r*W?n+////' Kips- 1 <i? not lielieve I ron I?1 j. ii. cor.Toy. liave raised ton pounds of weight from tho ground, the pain was so severe. This was iny condition when I began using I loan's Kidney rills. They quickly relieved me, and now I am never troubled as I was. My back is strong and I cau wnlk or ride n long distance and feel just as strong as I did twenty-ttve years ago. I think so much of Donn's Kidney Tills that I have given a supply of the remedy to some of my neighbors, and they have also found good results. It you can sift anything from this rambling note that will be of any service to you, or to any one suffering from kidney trouble you are at liberty to do so." A TRIAL FREE ? Address Foster! Mllburn Co., BuITalo, N. Y. For sale by all dee lers. Price r?0 cents. \ - ' PALMETTO AFFAIRSj i ______ Many Newsy Items Gathered From all Sections. General Cotton Market. February 7.2007.23 March 7.2307.26 April 7.2407.26 May 7.2607.27 June 7.2807.29 July 7.31 August 7.3307.35 September 7.3607.38 October 7.3807.41 November 7.4107.43 December 7.4307.45 FuFtures closed steady; middling 7 1-2; spots steady, unchanged; sales 2,800; arrive 500; F. O. B. 100. Charlotte Cotton Market. Good middling 7.80 Strict middling t o a Middling 7 1-2 Tinges and stains 6 & 7 1-4 Steady. POLK ODOM ACQUI'l TED OF HEMBREE'S MURDER. Trial Lasted Nearly Whole Day and Verdict Was Reached in About Two Hours. Spartanburg. Special.?The trial of j Polk Odom for the murder of H. H. I llembree resulted in the acquittal of the defendant, and occupied almost the entire day of court. The jury in the case was empaneled Friday afternoon, and at the convening of court this morning the case was promptly begun. The state submitted four witnesses and the defense five. An important point brought out in the state's testimony was the fact that the load of shot that inflicted the death wound of H. H. llembree came from a cut shell. A portion of the shell was taken out of the wound in the thigh of the dead man. along with the bullets. The defendant, a young man of about SO years, was a calm, expressionless, but interested spectator of all the proceedings today. He is of medium build, witji a sparse moustache, black hair and eyes, and dressed as the ordinary countryman of the northwesternn section of the country. By his side during the day sat his father, a man of solid, substantial appearance, with long. wavy black whiskers anil coal-black hair and eyes. Directly behind the prisoner sat his aged mother, neatly but unpretentiously dressed, and beside her. with an infant crooning and crowing on her knees, was the young wife of Thomas Hembree, for whom the deceased and his sons were hunting when the tragedy occurred. To Return Confederate Flags. Great interest has been manifested among Southerners in the Senate's action in adopting a resolution for the return of all the Confederate flags to the States to which they belong. Here are the South Carolina flags to be returned: Flag, number of regiment unknown, by Thirty-Ninth New York, at Antietam. Flag, number of regiment unknown, by Eighty-Second Pennsylvania, at Malvern Hill. Eleventh South Carolina, inscribed "Port Royal. Cedar Creek, Swift Creek. Petersburg, June 24, Weldon lailroad." Sixteenth South Carolina, by One Hundredth and Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania. at Five Forks. Twenty-Seventh South Carolina, by Eighteenth Massachusetts. Eighth South Carolina, captured by General Sheridan's forces. South Carolina State flag, history unknown. Flag of Sumter's Flying artillery, by Custer cavalry at Appomatox. Sumter Heavy artillery, by First New York Uncoln Volunteer cavalry, at Sailor's Creek. Arrested at Cheraw. Choraw. Special.?A man believed to bo Gtis Do Ford, the escaped federal prisoner, was arrested in Cheraw Friday night at the instance of postofllce department officials. He is the same man who was in Florence Wednesday : and asked for work at the Times office, i Tie walked into Cheraw Wednesday : about I o'clock. He applied for work ; at the office of the Carolina Citizen. | hp hart a union card with him and I said he wan from Wavcross. Oa. He was given work at the Citizen office. He pives his name as Val Bvans and is about 30 years old; weight 130; height 5 feet 6 inches; dark brown hair; dark brown eyes; florid complexion; large nose and prominent cheek hones; clean shaven, with two days' beard; two upper right front teeth are missing and upper front teeth are fill- 1 ed with gold. The fellow is well dressed; dark suit, black overcoat, black derby hat; size 6 shoes. South Carolina Items. Gov. Hevward in in receipt o' a letter from ex-Senator A. H. Dean of , Greenville, in which is made an urgent ! appeal for executive clemency in the | case of Alexander Dowers, who was 1 convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to three years' servitude. Dowers is said to have labored under great i provocation, having killed a man who had insulted his wife. Mr. Dean writes earnestly in regard to the matter, say- j ing that Dowers has already served two years of his term and has made j a trustworthy man on the county chain- j gang, and that the judge, solicitor and I some of the Jurors have recommend- I ed a commutation of sentence. Camden, Special.?The South Carolina lumbermen's Association met here ! last week at the Hotel Kirkwood. There were 23 members present and quite a lot of business was transacted. The j meeting adjourned early in tho afternoon In order to enable certain members from the southern part of the state to set away o.i the afternoon train. A great many members remained over night to attend the. polo game In tho afternoon. -j J ' I I I Longest Pastorate on Record. To thffl Pnu I -1 *? **- * ..V . uauau AiuBWuna must in all probability be given credit for holding the longest pastorate, over one church and people that ever was known?seventy-six and a half years. He was born July 15, 1757, In the little town of Woodstock, Connecticut, says a writer in Every Where. When just "of age," he was graduated at Dartmouth college?then the reigning educational institution of America. A year later he was glvon a license to preach. His first ehargo was at Spencerport, N. Y., and iu 1871 he went to JafTrey, N. H., where he commenced a pastorato that for length and continued, steady effort, has never been paralleled in the world. CIiriito For m Reformer. Viomn day a groat reformer, in whose aspirations sense is duly blended with enthusiasm, will make and win a great flglit for i>ockets in women's street clothes. Why woman does not have more and better pockets in her clothes llcrlin's population by the now census lacks 7KJ of reaching a round '2,OOO.UOO. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousnessafter Ilrst day's uso of l>r. Kline's Great Nervoltostorer.^'itrial bottleand treatise free Dr. Ii. H< Kumt, Ltd., v.'; 1 Arch Ht., Phi la., Pa* English women universally condemn the American short-skirt habit. All sain that costs character is an immeasurable hiss. To Cure n Colli In One I>?r Take Laxative Jfromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists retiind money it it fails to cure. K. XV. Grove's signature is on box. 23c. The Kin'; of Italy spends much of his time hunting. 31 rs. XVinslow's Soothing Syrunfor children teething.soften the gums, reduces intlamm.-vtion,allays pain, oure-i wind roll *,23c.abottl? Some people think the road to Heav- I en is a switch-hack where they need the descent into sin to give the impetus for the rise into glory. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Slullen is Nature's great remedy Cures Coughs. Colds. Croup and Consumption,and all throat and lung troubles. At druggists, 23?'.., 30c. and *1.00 per bottle. It would he hard if we hail nothing at the heavenly feast hut the things we have given at donation parties. J do not boiiovwPiso's Curs for Cottsunvntlonims unequal for coughs and cobls..?J on* P.JioYini,Trinity Springs. Ind.. Fell. 13,.l'JOO. Some men are cynics because they arc naabic to make u living ;u any tiling else. A. Uuoriuilonil Corn t'ur l'ttns. Itching. Diiud, iileesting or Protruding J Piles. Druggists will retuud money it Pazo | Ointment tails to cure in ) to 14 days. 50c. j Rear-Admiral Uojestvenoky is hity-nx | years o. age. . ?Itch cured in 39 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never Fails. Sold b\ all I $1. M ul orders nr.vnptlv tilled i by l)r K. Detchon, ( rawlo:u.sviHe, ind. Justice ("ark, of N'ctv York. has decided that a sandwich is not a meal. Millions of VecolaMfs. When I he Fid it or read 10.01)0 plants for ! K5c. ho could hardly believe it. but upon | s>, onu reading nuns mat rtic .?<>nn A. Falser Seed Co., La Cr??.se. Wis., than whom there are -?o more reliable and extensive seed probers in t)w wruld. makes this offer which is made to get you to test Salzer'a Warranted Vegetable Seeds. They will send you their uig plant and seed catalog, together with enough seoi to grow 1,000 fine, solid Cabbages, 2,000 rich, juicy Turnips, 2,000 blanching, nuity Celery, 2,000 rich, buttery Lettuce, 1,000 splendid Onions, 1,000 rare, luscious Radishes, 1,000 gloriously brilliant Flowers, ULL FUR RUT 16c POSTAGE, providing you will return this notice, and if vou will send them 20c in postage, they will add to the above a package of fa- i moui llerlincr Cauhtlowcr, [A. 0. L.j ' * s. , one in me mysteries or civilization.? Harper's Weekly. rmmot tin r?r?r1 bv local applications as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. 'l'hore is only ono vruy to euro deafness, and tliat is by eonstitutional remedies. Deafuess is caused by an inilunied condition ot the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is iullamed you have a rumblingsouiul or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Dnufuess is tnu result, mid unless the inllaminatiou can bo taken out nnd this tube restosod to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forovor. Nine cases out of ton nrecausnd by catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Doafness (^caused by catarrh)that ?jnnnotbecuredby Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F.J. Chksky.V Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take liall's Family Pills for constipation. World's Largest Hairpin Factory. The largest hairpin factory in the tvorld is at Painswick, n village in the Stroud valley. England. Strangely enough, this factory employs only 3fi ! persons, the machinery used being au- I tomatic and reauirinc but little ntton. ! tlon as it grinds miles of wire into tons of hairpins. SALT RHEUM ON HANDS KulTVred Aconj and Had to Wr*r Iliim'.ugca All tlm Tium?Another Cure by Cuticura, , , . I Another cure by Cuticura is told of by Mrs. Caroline Cable, of Waupoca. Wis., * in the following grateful letter: "My husband suffered agony with salt rheum on i ( his hands, and 1 had to keep them band- | , aged all the time. We tried everything we j could get, but nothing helped hint until he ! used Cutieura. One set of Cuticura Soap, I Ointment and l'ills cured him entirely, and his hands have been as smooth as pas* | sible ever since. 1 hope this letter will be ! the means of helping other sulfcrcrs." Cleveland's three electrie suburban linos carried 8,500,000 passengers in 1902, us against 1110,204 carried by the competing steam roads. A HEALTHY PIP AGE OFTENTHE BEST FART OF LIFE Help tor Women Peeeing Through Change of Life Providence has allotted na each at least seventy years in which to fulfill our mission in life. ?nH ?? -?11? .o our own fault if wo die prematurely. Nervous exhaustion invites disease. This statement i? the positive truth. When everything becomes a burden and you cannot walk a few blocks without excessive fatigue, and you break out into perspiration easily, and your i face flushes, and you grow excited and shaky at the least provocation, and you cannot bear to be crossed in anything. you are in danger; your nerves have given out ; you need building up at once ! To build up woman's nervous system and during the period of change of life we know of no better medicine than Lydia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Compound. Here is an I illustration. Mrs. Mary L. Koehne, 371 Garfield Avenue, Chicago, 111., writes: | i uaveusea A.ytua it rinklwm's Vegetable Compound for years in ray family and it never disappoint* : so when I felt tfiat. I was nearing'thoehnnge of life I commenced treatment with it. I took in all about six little* and it did me a great deal of good. It stooped my dizzy s]>ells, pains in ray back anil the headaches with which I had w.fTorod for months beforo taking tha Compound. I fool that if it had not lioen for this great medicine for women that 1 should not nave been alive to-dav. It is splendid for women, old or young, anil will surely cure all female disorders."1 Mrs. Pinkliam. of Lynn, Mass.. invites all sick ami ailing women to write her for advice. Her great experience is at their service, free of cost. Arrn nnnil Gfl (hi> hut. onf pouwl Am?r VCCU liunn, Iran ij-iron 23c |x>?liial*l. i hti w (' rn hi* tnailc l*> liuahe ? i>cr m-rr W rltr *iulck for catalogue. It. P. l?A>.TO.\r DuOUi. V?\. fO. I?. COiMCtiOO I "When buying loose coffee o to linvo in his bin, how do getting ? Some queer stories could bo told, if the people \v speak out, .Could any amount of more Ihousekoepors to use ? f/Ttn i mttfilH ' I the Header all packa I of a century, if they had not fount *3 Purity, Strength, Fla 0 This popular success of LION C ^ enn be clue only to Inherent merit. f1 Is no (stronger prcul ol merit thai IC tlnued and increasing populxrity. If the verdict of MILLIOA' ft HOUSEKEEPERS docs not con ?1 you of the merits of LION COl Bj It costs you but a trifle to & ft package. Et is the easiest w ^ convince yourself, ami to 1 ij you a PERMANENT PURCHAS1 1 LION COKFKR Is sold.only, in 1 lh. sealed pa ^ and reaches you as pum and cliuuiaa wtum it W factory. M Lion-hoad on every package. H Save these Lion-heads for vainnhln premftims. I SOLD BY GROCER! I EVERYWHERE WOOLHON SPICE CO., Toledo, fff<1 miCTBTrmn BEST FOR ( blood, wind on the htonjacb, bloated oowels, ft I pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin an I regularly you nre sic!*. Constipation kills mnr I starts chronic ailrronts And Jong years of suffer J C ASCARETS today, for you will never get ive I right. Take our advice, start with Cascarets money refunded. The genuine tablet stampe. I booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Compi laiaiiass mmi nasi m ' s?sa |W. L~ DOUC IS ?3.?S&$3?2SH ? W . la. :%? ?* (lib tfrisit I world hormiMMir thfir exr(*ll?*iit Nlyl?%<*il?v I rl?r iv<Mrliu{ qiiulitii'i. 'I'licy uro |uM ;? ? tx< ?L rn?t from (u K J.OO. rhe only D W. I?. DoiiuliU alloc* coat nmre to i ! other ?0 ?hoc <> th< murk el IimIh) . XV. anlri>< Ihrlr mlNn tiy umuni( hU immi Wolloui ot'nirh ?!i?r. I.ook On ll. Takr no i Doiaclu* * t..^O ?h*?? hit mn\A I hnntn'i hi* ??%i (he |irlii4>t|>nl ?!'( <* ??n?l ??v no? dtMilorsovrr trr wheiv jro? IIVi?,W?L. Outitfltuthoft are \% TETTER Tti Ay OTHER HAKES AT .1 %% F r ".r rt<t thr'r v *<tr? / hur* rn If*. I> /<)'.n f > V on/y <M n >f*H. hot brffrr thitn ?/io* that / ? re* ha-l. r* ChuM. /.. Farrrtt% Aaf. Cashier Tht i'crpital Xatwntil flit Boys woar W. L. Dsarlas $2.50 and $2.00 shx or-ltsr. hold thsir shape, and w.-ar longer th: W.L.DOUGLAS $4.00 SHOES CANNOT BE EQUAL! W. /- IhtHOlat Miff i'nron ' Culfihn in An fl.M i Colt it eontiaerfil to /? thf Unfit patrol Iftir 1 I'AST COIiOR K\ KI.KTS W I I.I. SOT \\ W. 1- Donr1*Ji hs? th* Iniiri-M ?lu?e mail order t?i A Jlo trouble to yd n 01 t>r ninil, ettrt nrr|'t?< lift further InforiiMtton. itritf far UluttraP'l Calalofn | W.L.DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MAS! . ? i . I concentrated Crab Orchard WATER ?-A ErXCIJTIC FOR? I DysDeosia I 3] Sick Headache 3 I Constipation... The Three'Ilia" That Make l.tfe & Burden. Nature's Great Remedy In Vie to- Alnoi.t a Century. SOLD B* ALL DKUUOIHTS. CRAB ORCIARD WATER CO., LOIIHVILLK, K V. r [ " You only the best Cot io n Gin M aw ch inery AbIc n^* experienced Gj^yier about Pratt,Bjigle,Smith Winsht, Munger Wo wit ri. Illce to show you wP fc thousands of life lodqiuvtomcra s:iy. Write it-catalog and testing iai hoot; lot. Continental Gin Co Charlotte _ . O., Atlanta. tiu. liiriUiKilum. Ala. Metnphl*. nun., 1>u11<ih, Ton. ?!BEE,;3!EES^nE5^a cents W Irtt Ml tut FAILS. *24 St (Xmicd H. up. Itaaa jixxl. U*o f*3 In lime. TOld'hr f*5 ?Hows Trial J r anything jctr- grocer happens y you knowwhat you are I about coffeo hat is sold in bulk, H ho handle it (grocers), cared to H i talk have prHuaded. millions of I Coffee, I ge coffee, fbrovrr a quarter j? l1 it superior 1> all other brands xn I vor and Jnilorioifiy? g Oil-EE There ^ n con- 5: THE . CA^S? jf W CAYML'.UTiSQ ^0* i. appendicitis, >ul' mouth, hramrhf, indigestion, pimples, d dizziness. W'fB your bowelo don't.movo e people than another diseases together. It i ?g. No matte' what nils you, start taking I aral etav we' until you get your '.towels ! today undo} at olute guarantee to sure or i C C C. Nave aitd in bulk. Sample and inv. Chicago or New York. 50a ?Wi 'twF Tmrw*c?? -wJ . "1 V / >L C.t 1 . 1