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! ? ITEMS of LOCAL ^TEREST 5 Attor>it\yJno!?Inrt, of ioiKvHlo, paid Fort Mt^l a professional visit p,;,u? ?V* ?J The .painters are putting: the | finishing touches on the Southern's ,?ew creek bridge, two miles north of Fort Mill. * The only observance of Washington's birthday heie was at the batik and postotfiee, both these institutions being closed Weduea;day. Mr. Monroe Meriitt, of the Point section was a visitor hete Monday. Mrs. J. C. Hughe* is visiting Mrs. J. F. Muir, of Greensboro, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Diukins left Monday night for an extended visit to their dnughtei, Mrs. Cald- j well Fleury. of St. Petersburg, Fin. : Mr. B. E. Buchanan, of Char- | lotte, spent Monday yght with his ! brother, Dr. A. M. fnoliapan, of | this place. Copt. .T. *W. Wilson of Morgan j ton, N. 0., spent several days of the past week at the' louie of his daughter, Mrs. L. J. Massey of .this place. - ? w"i|; Presiding Elder W. % Mendors of the Hock HdJ Distrii returned to liis home Monday a^?r spending Saturday and Si/day with Rev. J. C. Chandler, ofshis place. Rev. Meadors preach'M at the MethodiBt church S.nnc^y. Report front the honi^of Mr. O. E. Bnea, which Iihb ben under quarantine for some on account of smallpox theref, is to the effect that the patients a e rapidly recovering and it is exjtcted that the quarantine will be rlsed with- . in a few days. His many friends t roughout > the State will be pleaseo to know that the Rev. pr. J. H. Fhornwell is again able to be oi. Many i pleasant greetings wer. accorded the doctor Sunday whe for the first time in several wee. i he tilled his appointment at the Presbyterian church. All wish or him a speedy restorct ion to lealth, Annie Ueirl, u daughter of Ellen m i _ 11 _ i i ? xrueeuen, pojorea, oi tns place,, wbh found dead on thq railroad tracka in the suburbs of Charlotte Saturday night. The wody was discovered after it had b^n struck , and horribly mangled b^ a shifting engine. Lusclosui^s at the inquest Monday led to .he belief I that the woman had Leen mur- I deied and placed in froit of the the train to hide tracts of the ' crime. Will Springs, the mgro boy who on the evening of January 1st shot and killed Officer Cblea near J Charlotte, and for whose capture a reward of $300 w^s paid, way tried > in Mecklenburg superior court during the past week. The jury rendered a verdict of rpanslaughter and Springs was sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. It will b? remembered that Sptinga was cnpl nred near Port Mill by Const a j bio r, A Mills nnd Bless - j.\ j "VVjUu" ,u,d 11. Blankcnship. | . i I The farmers are aeginning to get their plow stocks, shears, etc , ! in shape for the "redictton" move , .wheu the ground driei sufficiently. ; Our correspondeiitsseem to have J forgotten us this wei. This is , very much regrettol, as their letters tire always wepomed. Dr. J. E, Massey nut sister, Miss Janie, and Miss Lillh ? Massey, of Hock Hill, visited natives here Sunday. Fiom March 1st > loth the County Treasurer wil put an additional 5 per cent pe alty on all unpaid tr.xes. j Misses Addie and iovie Harris are now occupying th'ir new resi .denre on Ardrey Hill, having moved there from the cou try during the past week. Several persons frouthis section | are contemplating a to Washington tc attend t'>" imngural of President Roosevelt oFMarch 4th. The round trip railroad fare from Fort Mill is $12.85. The continued cr?! weather with so much snow hat nade some .of the roads leading Into town almost impossible to tavel. We should have better roa i. The recent severe bold snap ? has been responsible >r a great many severe colds, vertfew cases of pneumonia have bet reported this winter. Rov. S. J. Pptterso who for several years has preac ed at Central Steel Creek churchynnounced to his congregation, S iday that he would leave them sCtt nnd go to Pottsville, Ark., wl'ro ho had accepted a call. ^ Quite h number of e ployees of the Phoonix Bridge Cl ipnny who have been at work o Catawba bridge, huve left Fort i ill during the past ten days for o ler points where the Pbeonix Company has flimilnr wnrlt irnim* nn' - ^ I i HONOR ROLL \ a -s* \y*: lfe| f Qj the #6ft Mill Graded School fcr M Advanced class?Violet Gulp, John Garria. Elmore Miskelley. A class?Clarence Link, Heath Belk. Eli -Bailee. Willie ltodireie. I B class?Hoy Stnlts, Jim Gasj ton, Annie Kitnbrell. KRrnvn iiiaiiP Dnvid Gaston, Joe Belk, William Bulk, JJri< o Culp, Carey Patterson. THIJID GRADE. Ike Yarborough, Polly G arris, Maggie SkidjDore. Stacy McKibben. Ynshti Yarborough, Sarah j Quip, Willie Gordon. FOURTH GRADE. Esther McMurrny. James Parks, | rdlu Hull, Mary Epps, Willie Worrele, K?v>a Onlp, Bert Patterson, Hoy Patterson, Cuilis Kimi brejl. FIFTH GRADE. Mamie Carothers, George Flail. George Culp. Jesse Harris, Carl Stutts, Aileen Barber. SIXTH GRADE. Rob Grier, Carey Epps, Alex Young. SEVENTH GRADE. Earl Kirnbroll, Herbert Harris, Suuie Elms, Frank Massey, Clarence McMurray, Ella Rodgers, J uanita Gordon. EIGHTH GRADE. Harold Chandler, Dora Grier. -NINTH GRADE, i Joe MeMurray, Manly Young, | Mnry Harris, Ethel Pegram, Frances Tliornwell, Beulah lloagI land. "8o*sy Hamilton" Coming. j A rare 4rent to tbe lovers of literary art. dramatic iuterpivtaj tions and delineations of bnrk| woods life, will be the visit to Fort | Mill of Mrs. M V. Moore, of Ala| batna, best known by her pen 1 name as "Betsy Hamilton." Tins ! distinguished author-reader will I entertain our people the evening of March 1J at the town hall. The ! proceeds of the entertainment are | to be used in home mission and .school library work. Of the many complimentary uotices of t!:o ic | niarkable work of this gifted Southern woman, the following is : from the pen of I'residen Hartzug of Clemson College: 44 'Betsy Hamilton* gnvo us the most delightful entertainment of the year. 1 cordially invite her to return und repeat her recitals." Mr. Robt. Swann, one of the I oldest residents of lower Steel j Creek, died Monday morning, after a weeks' illness of pneumonia. :Mr. Swann was hi years of age j and unmarried. He had been a ; life.long resident of Steel Creek, ! dying at the exact spot where he ! was born. The burial took place 1 yesterday at Steel Creek church. The severe wont her wh ich we have experienced during February, : and which has extended far down ; in Florida, is going to make a conI sitlerable shortage in enrl v green | vegetables, and on this account ! our markets will be very bare of 1 green vegetables until late in the j season. Indications are that die j earliest crops of green vegetables will sell at good prices, both in j homo markets and in the large | cities North. The opportunity I presented to our Southern truckers and gardener* to make money out of peas and other early truck crops is ouo that they should net fail to take advantage of. Early peas are one of the tirst crops to come 1 ; r. ~ I. - I 111 iii, mm umu UV BUH iy f. JillllfCl Hfi soon fit; the ground can be gotten ready. FOR SALE?Twenty thousand gf>orl > Pine Shingles. Apply toS. It. Harris 1 or Mills & Young. j FOR RALE OR RENT?Ono ft room Dwelling on Forest street, known as the "Fulp" house. Good wall of water in yard;good garden. Apply to Mrs. T. E. Karber. 1-2-4-t ! Town EE all Monday Night, M'ch 13. ! Belay Hamilton, the grent Soul It ern elocutionist, will give a recital in the town hull March lit for the j benefit of the home mission and , tho graded school library. This : great work work will meet the an- ! provttl of the charitable and intel- j lectual community. All are re- i quested to attend. Doors open at 8 o'clock. Admission twenty-five cents. Monday Night, M'ch 13, Town Hall. 1 No Gj.oss Cakkiagb Paint M adk v. ill a M,- ,?.s 1< 'is Devoo's. No others ?r?- . heavy Uxti-irt, bt'c&uao Devoe'n i v/tiigli i> to b ounctn 111 ore to the pint., Sold by W. It. Ardrey & Co. I t , V ' ' iMf p rT iO '*'" '* ' v .TOI bf^S^tsi.' Binf'l V ?\A V :S H fi F f"?? f SHOES! . "We have just received another shipment of the celebrated "Star Brand" I Shoes, This is the shoe that I t**1 VOSi norfopf ic ^ ? . w JL\J w UlflMUJUV I'lV 1 i<| 1?3 reasonable in price and per* feet in lit and workmanship. i Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction or we give von an.r> otlier pair free of charge. Try a nail* of "Star Brand" Shoos -* I and add your name to the list * . of our many, many satisfied I I customers. ::::::: OHUZKHBEHmiJKHEnHBSKSEEnaCUnttCSSLMHOKnnBlKJBBUH^ Mills & Young, i | j ; l THE OLD ItELIABLE STOKE j j ~~ T i ci rnirarr i I ^Awiuri^E [ il I SALE. To make room for 1 our now goods, wo will offer for a short 1 time all winter goods ]: including SHOES, j ; | HATS, | | CLOTHING 1 - - ;. ' . - at a P> I G SAC 11 I - \ FICE. A big lot of Hats at only 25c each. This is actually the biggest bargain yon have ever had offered \ VOll. * I Yours for business, 1. B. Beik. !i I THE OLD RELIABLE STORE j Kfifij ui m Si If you need a new COOKING STOVE, why take chances on some unknown make, when you can get a Plta.r* X .osi i 1 ' and ho sure you have the very best stove thai-.' "WfiS ever, blade; ' JjMt Y r v- -v They do not burn out; to you have no repairjaijls.' They hake better and tuke less wood than other stoves. Wo have been selling them f?>r ten yearH and have never had a call for any kind of repairs. We buy in ear lots and get the jobber's discount and save freight aM(' breakage, which means that we can sell at 15 per cent less than dealers that buy in smaller quantities. Dont take chances when you can save money and havo no trouble. Call and see onr line of Star Leaders. X->. J. MASSEY +XXX 11 Have You a Ml Fit ?1 A If ho. we Lave 2o or .'>0 pairs of nice shoes in lace '*&> yk ami hut tun?>aize? i .1-2 to 4, worth $1.50 to Sd.dU ^ U --that we will Hell you ut about half price. Wo Uk ^ mean to rleau up the lot; ho if you want a pair of ^ nice shoes cheap, call at once. We also huve a 0% ^ few pairs in small sizes on 13. and C. lasts and if ^ ^ you can wear them, you can have your choice 4R rk for To ceuts. gSTOC IE?- I3VGS. It Remoinber our STOl.'KlNCi SAIiE is still going S# on. Wo haw cortainly sold a pile of them in ^ ^ three days, but have plenty left; ho call and get a ^ ?T- 15 cent blocking for 10 eente. j^Meachsnra&Epps- | Embroideries and Inser_ a beautiful asssortiueut of ??,_ liOOS each at ?C Cresm nf flrnn PJp>tarfi= x-c a. \_y ? JL> fi ^ GJ&. 1 A [ This popular line we seli o i D I ing you k the yard, - -81-J ! i A line of Men's Madras , ; C In i **4^ come ir. assorted ? 501115 colors and go at - - Zt)C ! McElhaney-r arksOo 'SOU. RAILWAY SCHEDULE, SOUTHBOUND. Train No. 25 Lv Charlotte 0.00 p. Ar Fort Mill 0.50 p. Ar Chester 8.80 p ! ? ? 27 ? .. 0.05 a. ? ? ,, 6.40 a. ? Cola, 10.15 u O ft O .. ,.. ,, ,, ...... !?. ,, ,, ,, ivt.xi p. " 1.35 w ,, ? 33 ,, ,, K.JH A 8.41 a. " " 11.83 ? NOHTHHOUND. Train No. 2?> Lv flu ster 1.00 p. Ar Fort Mill 2.10 p. Ar Charlotte 8.85 p ? 2S ? Cola. 8.10 p. " " 9.19 p. ? 7.00 p .. 80 ? ,, 0.10 a. " " ? 0.13 a. .. 9,60* ,, 81 ,, ,, 7.00 p. " " ? 9.80 p. " ? 10.06 y Note Fort Mill is a regular stopping i>oint for all tho above trains, axcop i Nos. 21). 33 and 84, whieh s op en ting. N(.s. 26 mid 28 do not ran Snudaye. ?? ' i i . e . ? Calrfmgc Plants & Son Island Cotton Seed. Cabbage 1 Man's for sale, and now ready for doli very. "Early .Torsoy Wakefield' and "Charleston I.arge Typo Wakefield", two earliest sharphead varieties an ; head in rotation as named. ''Succession," "Angnsta Trucker" and "Short Sfce ' Flat Dutch," the 3 best tlat head varieties and head in rotation as named. Price ; Single thousand, ?1.60; 5,00.1 anil over ?1.25 per 1009; 10,000 and over ?1 per 10* ' Terms: Cash with ardor; or. goods s<-ut G. () 1) , purchaser paying return chart | on money. <>nr plant beds occupy 35 acres on South Carolina Sea Coast, and understand growing tliein in the o|hmi air; tough and hardy; they will stand vere eold without injury Plants crated for shipment weigh 20 lbs. per 1000 a we h:ivi> low f. " ' 1 - " .... , ..^...-,7... uuiuu u.v oOuniwrn r.xpross Uo, .No eh "nut rate" plants shipi>ed from iny farm. 1 guarantee those that I ship to be t to tyjio and name, and grown from high grade seeds purchased from two of most reliable seed houses in the United btutes. I will rofund purchase pric< any dissatisfied customer at end of season. Our Cotton Seed: Lint of our Staple variety of fea Island Cotton i t this year in I hurlesfon on Dec. 2, at 22o. per pouud. Seed $1.25 per bu.; lot. In bushels and over $1 per hn. My specialty: Prompt Shipment, True Varieties and Satistiiod Customers L have lx-en in the plant business for thirty-flive years. \V. C. Gcraty, Young's Island, <= . I... . iifl