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BISHOP OWES AND LIF (Ministers of All Denominatio Join in Recommending Pe-ru-na to the People. PuftUr Hpcalcinii caftcclnUy r.rpni the thr?at nod branchial iiibi-H catarrhal ajJ'ccManr. Breathing tlit? nir of crowded assi blies. and tin: necessary exposure to ill) nir whirl: many preachers must fa makes catarrh especially prevalent ami their class. 1'erunu lni* become justly popular anic tlicni. > The Bishop's Strr J Ti. II. Hnlscy, Bishop C. M. K. C * "I liave found Perttna to be a gi t \ritb this terrible tllm>'inr for mm X been using l'erunn, which linn relieve ? "I have tried many remedies am J for them, I'ut I J'ounil not bum ho * ffieat medicine, f'/riinu. ? "1 /eel hure thai I'crttna Is u * but it Ih alrio a blesslm/ to ho rf ert t "Every individual who suffers w * a magnificent and sovereign remedy.' * !>?-. <i-.. ^ * m uim la niv IIIH31 prompt nnil SU rcineiiy for catarrh that can he taken. Afaiii/ a }>reii(;/(?r / ?.< been able *>i ??( / U i s en;/(if/< men f* #?nI}/ been nmc J keeps on hand a battle of I'erun eeady to meet any enter ye nop tin win y arlMS. iO^OOOPiants for I6c.^ Mori' (rardem and farina are planted U> rd ^^^^^.Salrrr'a Uei-da than any other In MJj Amoi Ira. There la reaaon fur tin*, tl Cl wi own over 5,000 MTM for tho pr<?v < Hr'ailn^hin of >"ir wnrrnnled arrdi. m Wknin I : li-r to Induce you to try them. >.o m mako )olMha following Ulipio For1B Oente Pomtpmld A -f'YV \lOOOFsrly. Bp<1lu?an.l LstSlal>l>S||?** Uk I I l\ I'JOOO Kino J a ley Turnips, WM I f|/ttooo HitMkUi CoUrj. v iiyi eiMHi iiuh Naur uiibm, Jm M pil 1OO0 SplrndM OnlooOj I [) 1O00 Rir* LimIabi Mod! )? *, 12A" f 1000 <.lurlou?lj Urllllaot Kloooro. Q A I A Ivor o novn packagr* contain uffl- ^ I BL sclent need to ?row 10.000 plants, fur- W\ B Ka InUhlnff buahfilt of Urllllmit m% |H I flower* and lota ami lot* of choice /w |H H I vegetables, together with our great [U H| I catalog, telling all about Flower*, iH BB I l:. . Small Fruits, etc., all for jgi fjl 1 Uo In BtsmpB nnd thli notice. K Ulg 110-pago catalog alone, 4c. M Vml\\x\ iOHH A. 8ALZER 8EED CO, * IIIII IJ 1t.o.L. La Crosse, Wist '< LAZY LIVE! "I And Caaoareta ?o ?or><1 tha? I would nn? without thi'Ui, 1 wua troubled a grout ileal w torpid liver and headache. Now atuco takl Cu..arvta Candy Cathartic 1 feel vory niurh belt I aliall et-rluiuly recommend them to my frlot aa the heat modlelno 1 have over aren." Anna llatlnot, Oaboru Mill No. 2. Fall lilvor, Ma U The Bowels ^ CAN OY C ATMA/mC ^ Pleaannt. Palatnhle, Potent. Taate flood. Po flni Never riloken. Weaken or(frlj?', 10c. ?< MV. Not Bold in hulk The |<?nnlnn tablet atnmpod C! C Uuaruntnvd to euro or your money hack. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 6 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXE corn fields !$) ARE QOLD FIELDS jg ?r to the farmer who underSi stands how to feed his 1 ' crops. Fertilizers for Corn must contain at least 7 U ^ Ph per cent, actual V | I Potash| wa Send for our books?they \/| (FJ tell why Potash is as necessary Vj 5 to plant life as sun and rain; n sent free, if you ask. Write n Zm ' OERMAN KALI WORKS f New York?93 Nassau Street, or ^ CUJL Atlanta, Ga.?ia>, South RruaU St. GDcoA Thompson's Eye Wai Field Seeds Country merchant* nnd fanners can -n\f to |?et ?-oiu t>y writing the Nmhvllle 1" .>'1 Ci>.. s?ali>tllo.*Tenn., for *;*>< i a I ca-lt i>M< The only wtrietly cash field aced house in Mouth Write today NASHVILLE PRODUCE C< J. J. ODll., M;tiui|;or. mm 5 HEALTH E TO PE-RU-NA IftAfiS The Ft .ends of Pe-ru-na. Despite tlie prejudice* of tlie tnedicn profession against proprietary medicines 3 the clergy have always maintained i strong confidence and friendship for l'o nina. They have discovered by personal ex perienee that l'eruna does all that ii claimed for it. i ng Tribute to Pe-ru-na. ] hurch, Atlanta, Gn., writes: < eat remedy for catarrh. 1 have nttjj'crctl\ rr tintti ttrcnlfi pears, until since 1 have] d me of the trouble. i il spent a great deal of hard-earned money ] effectual It i the cmt' of catarrh as the j <>t otilita triumph of mall cat science, 1 tt<i h it ntn till tf. ] ith respiratory diseases will find LVruna ] L. 11. lialsey, lip. V. M. K. Church. ! ire We have on file many letters of recom mendation like the one given above. W to can give our readers only a slight glim|>s< '?e of the vast number of grateful letter a. Dr. Hartnian is constantly receiving, n at praise of his famous catarrh remedy, I'c I runa. It ,aaa ,a^av a.?a .a >-n *- ,-*-<.a,.a 5 WHAT'S THE USE OF -f SAYING "GIVE ME A i 5-CENT CIGAR," WHEN 3 BY ASKING FOR A : s f'CREMO" YOU GET THE BEST 3j A.rv.vr r-rriAit iv I j ~ AMERICA ^ "The World's Largest Seller" | ____ ^ >ii't#,?^fVt,>T,'tVvVVvTvT' V >Tt"Tv'Vv'v Gantt's Planters and Distributor WE GUARANTEE THEM. ^ BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. iS | Wrltr for and Catalo^u*. y ' GANTT riHQ. CO., Hacon, Q* OI S ? It is understood that the protoc ! between the United States and San Domingo will be submitted to the Se ate for ratification. So. G. AN OLD MAN'S TRIBUTE. An Ohio Prntt llnlMtr, 7S Vw?r? Old, Curt of a Terrllilr Caar Afte.' Ton Yeara i Hufftrlng. Sidney Justus, fruit denier, of Me tor, Ohio, Rays: "I was cured by Doun Kidney Pills of a severe enso of ki ney troutdc, SIDNItT JCTBTrS. often 1 COIl hardly straighte* my hack. Theachii was hn<l in the daytime, but just i bad at nipht, and 1 was always Inn in the morning. 1 was bothered wl rheumatic pains ami dropsical awe Inp of the feet. The urinary pnssap , were painful, and the secretions we _ discolored and so fr?H? that often 1 hi ^ j to rise at nlirht. 1 felt tired all dn I Half a box served to relieve ine, ai J,,!;1 ' three boxes effected a permane I cure." lll,; A TRIAL FREE- Address Fost< j Mllhurn Co., Huffalo, N. V. For sr *' by all dealers. I'rice oO cts. V OUR NATIONAL LAWMAKERS The Senate and Houee Regularly at a Work?What They are Doing. The agricultural appropriation bill was considered in the House, but the debate turned principally on the topic of restricting the railroads in the matter of freight rates. As if impatient to deal with the subject, the Hepburn bill, although not before the House, and which probably will not be for several days, formed the basis of the discus-, ion. A feature of the debate was the statement by Mr. Williams, of Mississippi, who Bald that on the subject of revision of rates the Democratic party was committed without addition or subtraction to the recommendations of President Roosevelt in his recent message. The Democrats, ho said, were j glad to have the President's views,' bcl cause it was Democratic doctrine." it ought, he said, to be Amerirnn doctrine, and he said he was only too glad that the President was more of an American than a Republican or Demo?rat. "We will, tocmark his tracks on this subject." declared Mr. Williams, amid great applause, "and," ho continued, facing the Republican side, "wo will call on you as American citizens to help us tocmark them." AtV IVIIll.m. Int... " ? * ' ..a., m uiiuuio tuivt iioan icu it U9 Hid belief that railroad influences were felt In the Senate at the same time the so-called Cullom bill, establishing the inter-State commerce commission, was substituted by the Senate conferees for the so-called Reagan bill. The latter bill, he declared, would have fulfilled the requirements. Mr. Hell, of California, asserted that the Hepburn bill was so worded as to ' b?- indefinite as to what constituted a easonable rate. Consideration of the agricultural bill ! had not been concluded when the I ' House adjourned. | Agricultural Bill Parses House. The House Friday pascd the agricultural appropriation bill without material amendment. During its considera* tion the usual discussion of the provision for free seed u.stribution was inJ lulged in. Mr. Lilly, of Connecticut, ? characterizing it as petty larceny. Mr. i'ou, of Nortli Carolina, wanted the appropriation increased to $400,000 [ and offered an amendment to that J sffeet at the same time remarking that it would cost more than that to in lugurate President Roosevelt. The intendment was rejected. J The present system of the AgriculJ tural Department in publishing cotton ? reports was denounced by Mr. Livingt ston, of Georgia, as damnable and ' shameful, and he pleaded for some one to submit an amendment requiring e that the reports shall he published b every two weeks, in order to stop ? gambling in cotton. He would, he 1 said, have offered surh an amendment himself had he not been "thrown down and turned out of doors" when he f brought in a resolution of the same V character some time ago. ? Eulogies upon the character of the \ late Senator George F. Hoar, of Mas\ sachusetts, practically engrossed the time of the Senate. There were lf? ? speeches by as many Senators, includ\ ing Senator Hoar's colleague, Mr. V Lodge, and his successor. Mr. Crane. After the conclusion of the memorial ? services, the Senate adjourned out of i. respect to the dead Senator's memory, i- Among the speakers were Messrs. Dan? lei. Bacon and Cock roll. ? Mr. Pettus took aecaslon to speak especially of Senator Hoar's fairness to the South in the period succeeding ? the war, saying: "He was throughout * ii <111 a man 01 innnite compassion, of V comprehensive sympathies, of nohle V and unselfish impulses. He was a par{ tisan without rancor, an antagonist * without bitterness, a friend without reservations and conditions, a coni querer without vengeance, a loser without resentment." Charge Against Catholics. Sensational disclosures in relation to the alleged use of Indian trust funds for the support of sectarian schools were made by Senator Bard, in a statement to the Senate committee on Indian affairs. Senator Bard addressed the committee after the statements had been made by S. M. Bros!us, agent for S the Indian Bights' Association, and Francis E. Lupp, commissioner of Indian affairs. Senator Bard addressed be had been visited by Dr. E. L. Seharf, an agent for a Roman Catholic Mission 1. Society, and asked to use his intluence ? with Republican members of Congress . looking to forwarding the interest of 1 Catholics in getting a diversion of Indian trust funds for the support of Catholic schools on the reservations. ? He quoted Dr. Seharf as saying that if the Republicans would agree to bring ? about the desired legislation, the Catholics would see that twenty congressto ional districts in which the Ropublln. cans were weak were carried for the party. Dr. Seharf was said to have given the names of the districts, together with the number of Catholic voters in each, and names of the priests mi who would look after the agreement 0r and deliver the necessary votes to carry the districts, u- Senator Teller said that if It was B proven that the statement of I)r. Scharf was made in earnest, then there was more cause to complain of the interference of the Catholic Church than the Mormon Church in political affairs of the country. ie Gen. Miles and President Davis, k- The treatment by General Nelson A. er Miles of Jefferson Davis, President of e- the Confederacy, during tho time he (j. was a prisoner at Fortress Monroe. Vn., ro was recalled in the House when Mr. Williams, of Mississippi, the minority rt> leader, tried to secure the adoption of the Senato amendment to the House id provision regarding retired officers Id serving with tho State militia. Messrs. Hull, of Iowa, and Hay, of Virginia. iltl both members of the military affairs lVe committee, endorsed the Houso pro- I vision, making it retroactive. The latter declared it was Democratic doctrine to save money and for ihat reason exiled 08 upon the Democrats to stand by the r<* committee. Mr. Williams' motion to ul agree to the Senate amendment, which y. does not mane the law concerning relid tired officers retroactive, was lost?71 nt to 171. Tho 1>111 then was sent to conference. The postoffice appropriation bill was <r" debated for an hour, but its consideral'e tlon had not been concluded when thQ House adjuorned. 4 '* * FTTfl nerrannentlr oar?<l. No lit* or norroBSnessafter first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great NerreRestorer.t2trlal bottleand treatise free Dr. R. H Kmxk. Ltd.. 831 Arch St.. Ptdln., Pa There are 12,520 boy* and 4059 girls ia the industrial schools of Great Britain. To Care Cold In One Dae Take Laxative Urotno tjuinine Tablets. All druggists refitnd money if it fails to cure. E. \\. Grove's signature is on box. 25c. Ante are ihc most brainy of all creatures in proportion to size. Mr?. WInslow's Soothing Syrup foreblldren ' teething, soften tho sums, reilncos inflammation, nlluys pain, cures wind colic,25e.abottlo The town of Charlottenburg, near Berlin, has an open-air school. Plso's Cure for Consumption is an infallible medicine for coughs and colds.?N. \V. Samuel.. Ocean Grove, N. J., Fel>. 17, 1900. The sale of automobiles in Busaia is growing rapidly. A Guaranteed Cure I'm- filet. Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding I'iles. Druggists will reiutid money it Pazo Ointment tails to cure in ti to 14 days. ."illc. A niece ot lancewood an inch square will stand a strain of.2000 pounds. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Won!ford's Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by all druggists, $1. Mail orders promptly iihed by l)r. K. Deletion. Criuvfordsville, lt;d. There are 44,900 hotels in the United I States. GRATEFUL TO CUTICURA Ifor instant Krlii-f ami S|icpily Curp of Haw and Scaly Humor, Helling i>ay and N iglit? Suffered For Mouths. "I wish you would publish this letter so that others stlffering as 1 have may be helped. For months awful sores covered my taee and irvk, scabs forming, itching terribly day and night, breaking open, and running blood and matter. 1 had tried many remedies, but was growing worse, when I started with t'uticura. The tirst application gave ine instant rebel, and when I had used two cakes of L'ulicttra Soap and three boxes of t'uticura Ointment, 1 was completely cured. (Signed) Miss .Nellie Yander Wie!c, Lakeside,N .1'," Mnenront Wlirnt, fnlger's strain of this Wheat is the kind which laughs at droughts and the elements and positively mocks lllack llust, that terrible scorch! It's sure of yielding SO bushels of finest Wheat the sun shines on per acre on good 111., la.. Mich., Wis.. <)., l*a? Mo Neb. lands and 40 to tit) bushels on arid lands! No rust, no insects, 110 failure. Catalog tells all about it. Jl'ST SF.ND ASt) THIS NOT1CK to the .John A. Falser Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., and they will send you free a sample of this Wheat and other farm seeds, together with their great catalog, worth $100.00 to any wide-awake farmer. [A. (J. L. 1' Seven of the greatest mountains have never been climbed. There Is nor" ' '.i' arrh in this section of th? country that: all <>.lev diseases put together, and until tie* las. i -w years was supposed to heiiicural'le. Foe a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and pri'serilied local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science Inn proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured bv F. .4. Cheney ?V Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure ou the market. It is taken Internally In doses front lOdrops toateaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surftt'-es of the system. They olTer one hundred dollars for any ease it fails t > euro. Send f-?r circular* and testimonials. Address x. J Cuuxtv Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7.">J. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation Tlioro^ are 29* mi'.cs of railway in t lie Conso Frte State. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweat Cum and Mullen Is Nature's great remedy Cures Coughs. Colds. Croup and Consumption.and all throat ami lung troubles. At druggists, 25*u, 50c.-&ud $1.00 per bottle. Luck Premium Book B B |H mate it the most widely i have been sold (many ord for a single factory in the i yBI plan?to furnish the best wHR Good Luck is the best Ik Wfk est, whitest, sweetest of leavening force, to tli It is the most econo any other baking Luck let us km THE SO H ~** HUT 'r^SclxfCarload GOOD LUCK'BA gpj cut out tmis car and sa rfl qood for valuable art) ?*d each can. Addrens- Th? De ^ 1 '' P U T N AM J * olor more t?rl wit * <r nuil t.-.-'rr color* 11.tin .1 | vulta. A ?k denier or wo will : Mid ;nl ; ??d u: Uc a I Women in C Appalling Increase in tt Performed Eacti T Avoid Them. fllsilf CJcing through the hospitals in oui large cities one is surprised to find sue! a large proportion of the patients lying on those snow-white bods womer and girls, who are either awaiting or recovering from serious opera tions. Why should this be the case? Sira ply because they have neglected them selves. Ovarian and womb trouble: are certainly on the increase anion) the wtfmen of this country?they ereo| upon them unawares, but every one o those patients iu the hospital beds ha< plenty of warning iu that bearing down feeling, pain at left or right o the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain ii the small of the baolt, leucorrhoea. diz zincss, flatulency, displacements of th< womb or irregularities. All of tliesi symptoms arc indications of an un healthy condition of the ovaries o womb, and if not heeded the penalty has to be paid by a dangerous operation When these,symptoms manifest them selves, do not drag along until you art obliged to go to the hospital and sub mit to an operation ? but remembc that Lydia K. l'iakham's Veget&bli Compound has saved thousands o women from surgical operation;) When women are troub'ed with ir regular, suppressed or painful metistrn at ion. weakness, leucorrlnsa. displace mentor ulceration of the womb, tlia boaring-down feeling, inflammation o the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flat uleucy). general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration, or are bese with such symptoms as dizziness, lossi tmle, e.xeitabiUty, irritability, nervous Lydia E. PLikham's Vegetable Co: wA' %T YW aX lTf3 ?WfT?~ f r l I lake-Down Don't spend from $ much less money j sy/M uown repeating b! 1 outlast the highe: besides being as i ttlvlf dealer can show you t FSEEt ?" 'Wy, WINCHESTER REPEA RIPAKSTAnrT.ES atb the hart ftrptia imtlicln? rvor made a hundml milllo.tsof ihetn ).avot?cen bo*'* inailDc|?ycAr. CouiliMtloD, hoort* r >V yS/ burn, rick h-ddache, uixzinoss. bad wBS^^oUV-y^ ,n ruh.poro Ihto. t and avrry lllnc?A nrialntr from a disordered M- inuch an< relieved or cured l?v ltipons Tabill**. tino will k'-nerndy k?vo relief within t'vnnty minute. Tha live rent pockat;*) is enough for uu ordinary orcatlon. All <lmK-u'i?th soli thornso.?. ^bunPrei Yoisir CEjoIcc ol ? Valuable ArMcl the freight-car coupons on Good Luck Ra1 beautiful pieces of jewelry, tlic list include 1 and handsome things for the houso. Y01 rou'U he surprised at their value. Five >r full description and pictures of the who! in each can. The positive purity, the ID LUCI chosen of n'.l leavening agents. Dnrinj era coming in for car-load shipments), t vorld. Thi< i9 only the inevitable result baking powder in the world at the lowe cause it is purest, because it produces the ' baking. These results urc due to its unec e fact that it contai;.^ 110 adulteration wlia tnical because it takes l,ess to do the worl ? powder. If your dealer doesn't sell ow, and we'll sec that you are supplied at UTIIERN MFG. CO., Richmond, 1 3 Tbt. ta tlie KING POWDERf^ijJ^ J coup on iVC IT. THEY ARC Jfl . S M?Ch can. CLES.SEE LIST IN BW I PARTMtNTSTOM Org? 4. I 851 ftCHHmo V.v tlJi A WCj %tmJ SJgSsgy ?'jjT FADELB iy orln-r <l> i? Oil" |i r |>aok'i 'f u lorn ?llk wool u<l < acV.u.v Wr.te Jul tr .vi '.-.vl-l'i 1*. jm l>ji\ 151 Jut Hospitals i? Number of Operations Tear?How Women May r ness, sleeplessness, melancholy. "nlli gope^and "want-to-be-left-alone" feelf ings, they should remember there is one i tried and true remedy. T The following letters cannot fail to - bring hope to despairing women. Mrs. Fred Seydel, 412 N. 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Fa , writes: i Dear Mrs. Ptnkham:? ' j * I was in a very serious condition when I f ' wrote to you for advice. I had a serious womb P I and ovarian trotiHl.. at?<t I sml.l >wit furrv a f child to maturity, and wru? udvis.-d that an 1 operation vtiw my <mlv hope of recovery. I - j could not Ih-at to think of going to the hospif tal, so wrote you for advice. 1 <li?l at; you lust ruct?*l me "and took Lrdia 13. Pinkham's 1 'i'cjrctahle Coir.jxiuiul; and I am not. only a * weU woman to-day, but have a beautiful bahy 3 girl six months old. I advise nil sick and u suffering women to write you for advice, na . you lmvo done so uutch for mo.'' r Miss Ruby Mushrcsli, of East ^ Chicago^, Iml., writes: . Dear Mrs. Pinkham:? "I have bmm a great sufferer with irregular menstruation and ovarian trouble, and about three nionthsagiv the doctor, after using the r X-R&y on ma, said L ho>l -w uln-oss on the e ovaries and wouitl have to have an ojx*ration, f My mother wanted me to trv I.ydia K. Piukhatn's Vegetable Compound as a last resort, and it not only saved me from an vibration but made mo entirely wvlL " Lydia E. P'nkham's Vegetable Comt pound at once removes, such troubles, f Refuse to buy any otlxcr medicine, for you need the best, i, Mrs. Pinkham invites all siek women t to write iter for advice Her ad vice and i- medicine have restored thousands to i- i health. Address, Lynn, Mass. rapound Succeeds Where Others Fail. WESTER Repeating Shotguns SO to $200 for a pun, when for so toucan buy a Winchester Takehotgun, which will outshoot and st-priced double-barreled Run, ?afe, reliable and handy. Your one. They are sold everywhere. r ItO-Pxje Illustrated Catalogue. TING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN.CONN. i ohn ___ _. ... m SSjjtl Iting Powder can 's attractive articles a can get them easily tLi:\ of the premiums are ?BRl le list see the littlr flood pcxiect wbolesotneness of ? Baking M ^ Powder |g ; this year 16,145,114 pound* which is the largest business I^N of the original Good Luck flV (St price?10 cents a pound. KSK i than Hr :ss DYES *t ?t ton H|UH]jy wrll hii 1 ! y->Ar:ilktt?c<l to *iv*? pcrfwt to* hud Mli Color*. Mo.NUu, lUU'U CO Uui u^iilp, Mo?