University of South Carolina Libraries
$????%? <% % $ ffHMS <4 inOCAJL JjNXgRBBT Next Tuesday, tbe Ji4th, ia S Valentine's day Qffiwr T. A. Anderson apen V^ctiftr/I a ? lam V <>?L "ill IU ,1 UltYHir, Dr. J. B. Mack spent seven days of the past week with Cap S. E. White, in Lancaster. Mr. jfra G. i^mythe jhaa pui chased the market business of Mj J. T. JT. Harris on Mniu street. DepntyJSheriflF Quinn and M Wade Pursley, of Ycrkville, wer here during the past week ou bui iness. Mr. B. F. Massey, of this towr ehip, returned Saturday from visit to relatives in Florida. Mr. J. A. Witlisjri came dow Sunday from Worthville, N. C raid spent until Monday at hi home in this place. Suppose the ground hog ha been laying pretty close in sine Thursday. Miss Lillian Flowers, of Roc Hill, $pent Sunday on<? Monds with Miss Frances Harris, of thi p^ce. ^|r. Ward Pegram left yesterda for Colombia to enter a btisinee I * college of that oity. Mr, A. A. Bradford, Sr., ha been awarded a contract to remod el and add several rooms to th Drakeford dwelling, on Confedei ate street, which was recently sol to Mr. W. B. Ardrey. The annual reu nion of the Con federate veterans will be held i Louisville this year. Gen. i$teph en D. Lee. who succeeded the lat t i .. ii n i J uen. OUI1I1 JL>. Uuiuuu rao ^GulmSnC er-in-chief, has fixed the date fo the reunion at June 14, 15 and It The town was on its good be havior Saturday and Sunday am as a result there was little doini in the mayor's court Monda> Only one case was heard, that c a colored man charged with beini drunk and disorderly, and a finec $5 (?as imposed. During the past week the hou? of representatives killed the coir pulsory education bill, passed th ten circuit bill and gave favorabl consideration to a number of loci measures. About 15 "pet1' meai urea were killed and a great man others were carried over until nej year by their respective authors. This section during the pat few daj-s experienced the severet leather of the winter. Snow b< gnn fulling Friday $t noon an continued! nto the night, the fa being about two inches. This wa followed by a very cold win Saturday and on Sunday aleet fe throughout Wa? Dnla* > 0--rfT-r ?% people braved the stofm to atten service at tlie churches Sundaj Several new cases of auiallpo h?d developed ^t the ^orae of Mi O. E. Bass, eeaf the mill villagt since our last issue. The vietim are three children of Mr- and Mri Bass and Mrs. Bayne, an old lad who resides with the family. Th disease among the children is of mild nature, bat Mrs. Bayne i dangerously ill and her recover; is doubtful. Mrs. Base, who ha ^>een ill of the disease. Is up agaic ? Thr. News of Pintville. f Qoite a large crowd attends the grand musicals At the academ Friday night given by Mrs. Ann Lee Huffman and her ransic clast The entertainment consisted prio cipally of duets and reoitatious. Miss Louise Henigan, of Cor enrd. is visiting her grandfatbei Mr- Frank Harris. Mr. E. P. Misle and J. E. Mc dure have bought the stock c goods of Coltharp Bros, and ar doing a thriving business with Mi McClure and, 1$. M. Coltharp i charge. The Pineville debating societ; will have a public debate at Pine vilie academy in the near futur on the subject, Resolved, "that th farmers should hold their cottoi for 10 cents." The affirmative wil be represented by M. M. Colt hart of Pineville, and Prof. Riohard son, of Flint Hill, while the nega tive will he argued by L. R. Mc Alpine, of this place, and Prof. W L- Williamson, of Concord. Per haps some of the the Gold Hil farmers could give a few pointer on the subject. Miss Claire Harris has been il for. the past teu days, but he friends will be glad learn tba she is out again.' M. c. J Vtoomntpds V??fl#?flon. < * *" A carc issnecr Wonday ~hy a local jpoard of HeajLtb reads: i, . the of Fork Mill township: As Bmall pox, in * t vere form, lias broken out just side the town limits, and for t] of another/epidemic of .the die I we earnestly request Kcpral ' cinatipii at once". r. It is prstty safe to say that r less the citizens of the town the above request the council r put in force a compulsory vaci e tion ordinance. } Census Cotton Figures. fl?e census bureau report is a Wednesday shows 695 countie ported 9,717,693 bales ginne Q January 10th this year, coin round bales as half bales, g pared with y,168,381 in the i counties last year. H Four hundred and seventy-s e pinners refused reports and quantities previously rendere k theni were brought forward y this report without add:tiou. 18 total amount thus brought ward is 134,111 bales. * Military Inspaotiaas. Adjutant and Inspector Gei is J. D. Frost h/*3 prepared the I- eraries for the inspection o e militia of the St&te. There r. be three rontes, arranged in c< d cutive dates. The (jrst inspei will be the company at Port M i- March 6th, and the work will n be completed until April 23th i- last company to be inspected e ing that of Cornwall. The !- Mil! company will be inRnartt ?r Wednesday, April 26th. J Qardtnlnf d It is high time for gardenei g be preparing to plant spring tables. Jf a good coat of s if manure was plowed in durini ^ vember or December ae we ad >f you ^Ye only to lay off ypur put down yoar commercial ie lizer and plant. A garden fe i- tit should be rich in potash, e good ooat of unbleached wooc e will supply this, and a few il of high grade eottou or tol i- fertilizer will furnish the otlie y emente needed. If you want :t yery finest vegetables use nt qne ton of fertilizer to the it It does not pay to econouiiz it fertilizera in the garden. Jt is ?- time to plant Irish potatoes, i d ach, onions, mustard, turnips II a^nd by February 10th, green is beets, lettuce and cabbage el d be sown. Some of these ma 11 killed but the expense of seed w Rowing is email and the rel d from q.n extra early garde ir. great. Tomatoes may be pit x in a box but must be kept r. warm place day and night. ?, Break your garden deep bi a ing a ehovel-plow and run 3. twice in each furrow. Your 1 y tables will stand wet and e weather better if yon do this, a Always use well-rotted mn s in your garden unless you p y in by December. Fresh mo o malr ao 4l* a a?31 i - ? ? ? ,o iiiuhto mc null (UU UpfU it 11(1 I. plants are apt to "fire" in weather. Then fresh inauu in your way in working your 1 d tables.?rEx. y ? a The new Keainol Art Cale 5i for 1905 is one of the most be fui calendars ever issued, sheets of heavy enameled j i. contain ou one side six beat f) color designs of babies and dren, while on the reverse are drawings depicting child ,( with spaces fur the notntio ^ baby's "sayings and doings." r a work of art that will delig u mother's heart. Sent postpa the Resinol Chemical Co., of y tmiore, Md., for two wrappers Resinol Soap, or one wrapper e 15 cents; or for 40 cents a calf e and a cake of Resinol Soap wi n sent. >, The blizzard of the past I- days swept the whole cou l" Drifts of snow paralyzed ral ' traffic in many parts of the < try. It is conceded to have II the coldest weather the c.oi has had since February 1880. II FOR SALE OR RENT?One 6 Dwelling on Forest street, kno> the "Fulp" house. Good wi t water in yard;good garden. Ap Mr*. T. E. barber. 1 # . rrrr?. T* TT pg ;1''"TTi : SHOES! ease, : SHOES! heed will We h^ye just received anoth ?nPd er shipment of the celebrate s "Star Brand' Bame ' *; ' *' eyen Shoes. This is the shoe tha the d by gives perfect satisfaction, i for reasonable in price and pei feet in fit and workmanship nemt Every pair guaranteed to gi\ itinf the satisfaction or we give vou ar will 0 " ?tion other pair free of charge. Tr [otte. not a pair of *'St$r Brand" Shoe 1, the be. anij your name to the \u Fort 44 ' 4 J ?d 011 .. 01 our many, many satisrje customers. :::::: TB tOvegef ^ 5 Mills & Young >rtilibut R '* I ashbags DBCCO j | I, | , xu -- - - VI. II' ' 1 ii---. r elt the f ?" " ?? ] THPJ OLD RELIABLE STO More. * e on i now ; :a SACRIFICE iou)d 4 SALE. n 18 in ted in a 7 na To, make room for ning i ] vene. our new goods, we dry . .. will offer for a short ""h fime all winter goods ;rr including dry| 1 SHOES. ru in * ve*e HATS, CLOTHING ndsr "l"x at a BIG SAC IIIJjKi FIC E. aides J A big lot of Hats life, nT <?f at only 25c each. It 18 ^ J This is actually tho fr"m biggest bargain you ndar | have eyer had offered ill he you. : ,en . ..01.1, ntrv. : lours f or business, X TV B. Bclk. - .I..11.1-room mmm?mmmv+0 ?j> 3 I THE OLD RELIABLE STO ply to i 1-2-4-t I Ml I " .1 ' "-St N ^ _-j 1 _ _ - , ,L L ?.. ? ?? -" "L" . IV.' V 'rU.' ** "*T ' "'"" * February BJ^MSi^ u?n . ha v2$ Ladi.*^ and Children**' lids, worth from $1.59 to jl 00. Tate P your choice for 50 cents. ".' 100 JJciis* aud Indies' Graved, vrortii 25 tn Vl.v plmiivi At ?-? J | tJOO jatxis Hamburg and Swiss Embroidery, worth frcwji 7 1-2 *' 4 20e, choice for vc a yard. I ..' v."1 - ? > ^ | ,J,(kW yard6 Applique and fancy Press T^iniajiu^B, choice 1 2 price. \ All lOe Outiug, 7 A-2e. lr All oc Outitic: at 4 cents. * 3G0 jvtirs of Suoes at Wholesale G(.st. (1 Cooking Stoves, $5.00 up. -v v ' Ladies* ami Children*' Clonks. half price. 0 New Prop-Head Sewing Machines from $l'2oft up. Buy the famous New Sewing Machine and live sowing ma cliiueuestioji & for life, for you drift live long enough to ? wear one out. We split pr ce in half ou ail Sewing Machines. Lots of other bargains?coaio an d ?ae, xj. o". massby j 111 1 .!< J. i * m . .'i-..'. ^ h x&x | Muslin Underwear! "y 1 Sale. | ^ February ia (l;e dullest mouth of the year fox dry goods Ok kg ^ but we are detentuned t?> make it liyelv in a business way; ^ K soon Friday. Februany 3rd, we will place on said for otto ^ week a nice line of Mosliti I'ntlerwear, in downs. Skirts, Jw .1? jf, ^ Gorget Covers, and ChiidivtiH* Dresses, at following prices: A? ? . Corbet Covers. 5. 10. 15. 20 at d ?5c. J5' Gowns, 4iS, 50, t?5 and tlh'e, a) V Skirts. .'i4*, 50. 05, 9Kc and $1.25 and $1,05. \ A Kuit Corset Covers, worth 25c at 15c. 40) ya Childrens" White Press Goods?Elegantly made and ^ t rimmed in Val. Laces, ages & mouths to 5 years, at -US, ' W JV 6S, 75 and Wit cents. ^ New Spring Goods?In this white goods'sale we have Va ^ kkl**lltu fif Si 111* 1 Iter {T. I ?r) li O i.... I.1> ?/* ? * J ,.K v?"Vi??r. HI Miimur.iilO, J . Ik.., )VKWU?, UilU JV Embroidery Lftc.ce ?<i imitation and real Torchon. ^ Madras? You remember that liuc of fine j^oodR in short, lengthy we had lust epinyc that were worth 2 >0 the yard jK I any wlieiv? Well, w.* have cucoeeded in irfttiuu several ^ hundred yardn ami place it on sale at 15c, while it lasts. I M each am 8 Epps. | +&&X &&X &XX XMX X&XX&WV* iHats That Please. I Our Spring stork of Hals is here in all 1 * i i colors anil styles ami we can suit any bead, both in looks and price. If you j i want a Hat that will please you, buy a ^Stetson" or "Howard." They're ".it". We have both of these reliable brands and will appreciate a look from all. -. jMcEJhaney-Parks Co. SOU. RAILWAY SCHEDULE. .-SOUTHBOUND. * Train Nc 2i* Lv C?s?r!olIt 6.00 p. At Fort Mill 0.5!) p. Ar Chefit&r ft. 80 p ii' ,, ,. 27- ,, ,, A <V~? x. ? ,, ,, 0.40 a. n 0>la. 10 15 a ? 2S? ? S.50 1? >. ? 10.21 p. " " 1.25 p M ,, ft.13 a. ? ? ? 8.44 a. " " U.33 a NORTHBOUND. Traia N?. Sfi Lf ^wt?r 1.00 i. Ar Fort Mill 2.40 p. Ar Charlotte 3.85 n ? :*? ,. Oef*,. 8.10 p. " " ? 0.19 p. ,, 7.0G p ; " .... *0 ,. ,1 *?.*? " " .. 9.18 a. ., 9.50 11 1 .... ,. .. 7.0Q fx " " ? 9.W p. " ? 10.05 p Note?Fort Mill i? a. re.Kulir stopping point for ?li the ahove traius, excep Nos. 29. ?S:? and 34, which stop cmj liug. Nok. 25 and 20 da not ran Simday?. I I^incmesteRjI 5 Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells.; * M* ! ! 5 "Leal^er" and "Repeater*' loaded with Smokeless J .. ! ; ; I j powder and "New Rival" loaded with Black powder. ? > 5 Superior to all other brands for S rt t VNIFORfUTY, RELIABILITY AND ; $ STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES. X Winchester Shells are for sale by all dealers. Insist upon " ' * * having them when you buy and you will get the best. * kbmI