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OOL BECK "I Take Plaaaara ia u 'C'i<is$pr Wi COL. PAUL E m <%%?%*??%??%?????%%???%???%??%??% ' Colonel Paul E. Beckwith, Lt. Col. ? from 1503 Vermont avenue, N. W., V J 44From the unqualified cndomni % pleasure In commending j/our ? f'auf E. Ueck with. * ??%?%%?????%%????* ????%%%?%??>??%' IN FIELD 0E BARRACKS PE-RU-NA IS EFFICACIOUS / _____ i The constant exposure to the elementi experienced in cui outdoor life is not m apt to cam>e coughs and colds as aedentan habits. iThobC who are brought face to face wit! Che ueathcr every day in active life an mucli less liable to catarrhul diseases thai' rihose who are boused up in illy ventilatec rooms. And yet botl I< * * pt i QCPQ I ITlPflO 1*!B88CH RT( AOC CIIB tCTTTfkl m?re ?r le88 8UbJeCl ARB SUBJECT TOI to catarrh and en CATARRH. J tarrlial diseases. The aoldier as well as the civilian (in<U? it frequently necessary to use IVruna on account of coughs and colds. No one is exempt. l'lie strong and healthy are less liable than the weak and *11, but none entirely escape. JO?r v K AAA BANK DEPOSIT VL^vJaVrVr V Railroad Fare Paid. 600 7 FHER Courses Offend. ' IMBBmi Board at Cost. Write Quick OEORaiA-AUtBAM* PHSlWESSCOUEGE.llacea.Ga. /SSAHIM! For Specific Oplithalmln, Moon Bllndnawi Y Wyand other SOKE EYES. Vl/ bamy co., u;^ci. HAVE A SURE CURE. Concentrated Crab Orchard WATER Nature's Great Remedy FOR? DYSPEPSIA SICK HEADACHE CONSTIPATION -fttimulatt'F tho Liver, regulates tho Dowels and keeps the entire ayatem in a healthy condition. JL Natural Product with a record of a Convtury. If afflicted try It. HOLD BY ALL DRUOQI8T8. CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., IOCIBV1U.E, KY. National Oats^j| fSftf nob"*'" Vv,!un'a l[7'.N."l>alujta ||| _ f *1/ -V-V.U UUHVIIIAV iwirU 111 l'AO, |\U r'Hi Fop 10c and this notice I|| I \ wt matI yon free lota of farm ?m) MJ& x \ ?ua?t)loa mill onr hlg catnlx. tell- w/tk H A I Inn all tbnut Ui 11 <wl wnndM kod W/tmk &M wM I thousand* of other imlt, y/jjM ? fl| SAUER SEE Field Seeds Country merchant* and farmer* e?n save 10 U? per cent by writing the Naahville Produce Co_ Nashville. Tenn.. for special ca?!t prices. The only atrletly rath Held seed hou-'C in the Mouth Write today NASHVILLE PRODUCE CO., ______ J. J. ODIL., Mrtimger. t Dropsy! Removes all swelling in 8 to JO day*; effects n permanent cure in jo to 60 days. Trial treatment given free. Nothinecan be fairr* Write Or. M. H. Groan'* Sona, toaolalUta. Bo* B Atlanta, an all" u?rfus.1 Ka Beat ('x>uah Syrup. Taatea Jood. L'ae Fi jjJt3l^3C2EiEiiBE3GsSciA3K5w '^v WITH SAYS: I Commending Pa-ra-aa > i and Colds." ^ PF ' >: i. BECKWITH. n( s fn , retired, 1st Reg. Minute Men, in a letter > V'ushiugton, I). C., write*: i EC nent of many of my friend*, I take J ic remedies for coughs and colds.''? J jn # k??? WWWWWWWWWWl????***">?%i* | Peruna ha* always been a great favorite | U< I with the military men, both in the army P< and navy. (j( The strongest kind of testimonials are , received fronj officers of high rank con, cerning the virtues of Peruna for all ca- rc r tarrhal ailments. Only a small per cent, of these can bo c , used for publication for want of space. as Mr. Harrison L. Deani. Burnside Post . . , No. 8, Department of the Potomac, Colonel I Encampment No. 09. Union Veterans' I>e- re tfion, Colonel Crcen Clay Smith Regiment dl , No. 17, U. V. U.. Department of the Poto- tc mac. Military Order Loyal Legion. De- m I nartment of Columbia. Major ."Uth Indiana , Veteran Volunteer Infantry, writes: ..j, "There is no longer any question ju > asto the cut ativequalities of I'cruna ... In all catarrhal t^oubles. Its snc1 cessful use by many of my friends I entitles it to confidence and endorsement. " 1 ~ Ki Park man'* heo?f of !iiitlce. A met FrancLs rarkman walklng along tho street holding two street I boys by their coat eollnrs. In reply to | rlf Ills friend's request for an explanation ha Parkman saltl: "I found this boy bad go enteii sin apple without dividing with his little brother. Now I'm going to buy one for the little boy and make the big one look on while he eats It."? at St. Nic holas. ar pa Sharps and Flats. qr Silk neta originated and were onco made almost wholly In Nottingham. Now that branch is practically ex- 1)11 tlnet. It lias gone chiefly to Lyons, nt France, where those nets are mnde on machines from Nottingham. The ex- "e planatlon is the difference in wages, a the rate In Nottingham demanded by an the union being three times that in en Lyons. All things work for good to those .)0 who work for God. So. f>. 10 WOMEN'S NEGLECT S ou SUFFERIN6THE SURE PENALTY ta8 fr< Health Thus Lost Is Restored by Lydla w( K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. pa Ha How many women do you know who are perfectly well and strong ? Wo ha hear every day the same story over and Pe over again. " I do not feel well; 1 am sa so tired all the time I" .! < More than likely yon spcnk the same words yourself, and no doubt you feel far from well. The cuuse may be easily pn traced to some derangement of the fe? th? male organs which manifests itself in of depression of spirits, reluctance to go co anywhere or do anything1, backache, tei bearing-down pains, flatulency, ncrv- rei ousness, sleeplessness, leucorrhcea. 10. These symptoms are but warnings ( that there is danger ahead, and unless j.a heeded a life of suffering or a serious operation is the inevitable result. The never-failing remedy for all these symptoms is Lydia E. Piukhum's Veg- j etable Compound. . Miss Knte McDonald,of Woodbridge, .!! N J..writes: to{ Door Mrs. Pinkham : hl< " I think that a woman naturally dislikes to make hpr trouble* known to tbo public, Imfc matured health ha* meant so much to me that I cannot heln from telling mine for the soke of other suffering women. " For a long time T suffered untold agony J? with a uterine trouble and irregularities, th' which made me a physical wreck, and no one en thought I would recover, but Lvdia E. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound bu entirely cured me, and made mo woll and strong, and I feel It. my duty to tell other suffering women m< what a splendid medicine it is." toi If yon are ill, don't hesitate to pet a ur bottle of Lydta' E. Pinkham's Vegota- v< ble Compound at once, and write to l,> Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn. Mass., for special ''h advice?it is free and always heipfuL C. tUSSIANS " HOPEFUL1 ettcr News Proa the Seit of War Simplifies Matters at Home RACES THE RUSSIAN AUTHORITIES sn. Kuropatkin's Repulse of the Japanese Advance is Expected to Have the effect of at Least Partially Distracting ..Attention From the Strike Situation?No Longer Any Doubt That the Strike i3 Practically Broken at St. Petersburg?V/orkmen Returning Unconditionally. St. Petersburg. Special.?The news General Kuropatkin's successful rGilsp of the Japanese advance comes oat oppoituacly. The belief exists re that Field Marshal Oyania sought take advantage cf any depression ovniling in the Russian ranks as the. r.uit cf the news from St. Petersburg launch an attack against General uropatkin's right, but the Russian unmander-in-chief seems to hav ceiy turned the tables, inflicting conderable loss upon the Japanese on liursday, and taking several positions cstward along the plain of the Hun ver. The authorities arc receiving the ;w3 from the front with great satisction, being convinced that it will rve to at least partially distraet atntlon from the strike situation and tcrnal affairs generally. At the same Urne, the strike situain generally laJpaprovlng. In St. slcrshurg. thcie is no longer any >ubt that the strlko is practically. ' Fourteen establishments ala, havo resumed, and an entire arting up of factories seems to be cured for next Monday. A rcmarka e feat.ure is that tho men who are turning to work are not asking contions of employers. They have enungly turned their jacks upon polica! agitators and accepted the govnmont's promises in the matter of lorter hours and an equitable adstmenl of their grievances at their ce value^ Kuropatkin Takes Offensive. St. Petersburg, By Cable.?General iropatkin has telegraphed as fold's to Emperor Nicholas: The auvuuco has commenced of our ;ht flank against the enemy. We vo occupied Khailastosa and Kheiutaya." Genera! Kuropatkin adds: "No dells have been received of the losses Khailatosa and Knelyoutaya, which o seven versts southwest of Sandea. We occupied Khailatosa without ing, the Japanese being bayoneted, lelgoutaya was bravely defended, t we finally occupied it at 10 o'clock night. Our cavalry pursued two giments of Japanese dragoons, which d southeastward. On our left flank detachment repulsed the Japanese d occupied a defile between Khnmiisan and Expansan." Supplementing the foregoing Generkuropatkin says: "From later rerts, it appears that in capturing ese positions, we made prisoners of 0 Japanese. We also occupied the llage of Welieitaits, on the Hun rer, losing 50 men. On January 20,r troops continued tho offensive ainst Sanilepas. The Japanese atcked our position near the village >111 Mil. cnlltll nnrl cn-llhnnat 1.... >re repulsed. Our cavalry particited, maneouvering against the left nk. and attacked the Japanese In e rear. Our force then attacked nderpas, and at 7 p. m., after a desrate light, with the assistance of ppers, we surrounded the strong en nchments and occupied the large lage. "The same day our troops occupied b enemy's entrenchments at Sliakhe d repulsed Japanese attempts to reke them." Fall River Cloth Market. Fall River, Mass., Special.?Snles r the week In the print cloth market 11 reach a total of 7T>,000 pieces, ading in the local market has been a very light chaiacter for all classof goods. Wide and narrow do not ow any change from Inst week's ices, remaining at a basis of 2 3-4 nts for regulars. Bidding for goods s not been as brisk as reported a ok ijgo, out manufacturers are still tlisposml to offer any concessions. McCue Must Hang. Richmond. Va.. Special.?The supine court of appeals has denied ? supplementary appeal in the case ex-i.iayor McCue oi Charlottesville, nvlcted of wife murder. Hewas seniced to be hanged Jan. 20 and was pited by Oov. Montague until Feb. Charlottesville, Va., Special.? J. muel McCue was informed in his II today by the Associated Press rrespondent that the court of appeals Virginia had refused a rehearing his case. He took the news calmly a few minutes, and then saying, will get justice above," burst Into irs. He gave way to uncontrolla> griief for live minutes. Ashevilie Gets Convention. New Orleans. Special.?President rdan presided over a meeting of o executive committee of the Southn Cotton Association. Most of the ambers of the committee remained er to attend. John M. Parker, forsr president of the New Orleans Cot11 Exchange, who was elected treaser of the association by the eonntlon, was present. Tho committee tided to hold the first annual meetg of the association at Ashevillc, N. , on August 15lh. BROUGHT BACK OLD DAYS. Kissing Under Difficulties Reminds! Professor of Something. ./'Speaking: of the resourcefulness ot somen in the matter ot meeting an! jrercoming obstacles," said the Street Corner Philosopher, "I Just sew ai llmtration of it, when two girls, wear ng those tremendous wide brimme! itraw hats, met and kissed right ir :he public street?aye, and huggec iirh nthor ji-*.?vi DMf?Mi OiiimI b? Cferxl hloalapplications as they cannot nwh tb# UNNd portion of the Mr. There la only o&e ) way to cure deafness, and that 1? by const!- I tutiohal remediej. Deafness la caused by an Inflamed ooadttlon ot the muooui lining of tloMCustaohlan Tube. When this tube Is lnfljfned you have a rumbling sound or lmper- 1 foot hearing, and when It Is entirely closed < .Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflam* < motion can be takeo out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will ' be destroyed forever. Nine coses out of tea I arecaused by catarrh, whloh is nothlngbutan , Inflamed condition of the muoous surfaces. We will give Ono Hundred Dollars for any ' case of Deafness (caused by cstnrrh)thAt can- ? not be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cum. Send for j circularsfrao. 1'. J. CnxxEt A Co.,Tolodo, O . Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constioation. < 15 YEARS OF TORTURE 1 Itching and Painful Korea Cor?we<l IT end and ltody?Cured In Week by Cutieura. | ' "Kor tiftccn years my scalp and lore- i 1 head was one mass of scabs, and iny body | ' was covered with sores. Words cannot cx- i press how I suffered frost the itching and i pain. 1 had given up hope tvhen a friend t told me to get Cutieura. After bathing , with Cutieura Scap and applying Cutieura , Ointment for three days, my head was us clear a-s ever, ami to my surprise and joy, . one ealic of soap and one box of ointment made a complete cure in one week. (Signed) 11. 11. Franklin, 717 Washington St., Allegheny, l'a." Taylor's Chrrokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullen is* Nature's great remedy?Cures Coughs. Colds. Croitp and Consumption,and all throat and lung troubles. At druggisl9, 25e.. OQe. and il.09 nor bottle. IT. T. Gukkn's Sorts, of Atlanta. (la., >ir > the only successful l'ropsy Specialists iu t'ao world. Soe their llbcrnl offer in udvortise- j 11.cut In anothor column of this paper. . Fifty-two biliion dollars passed through ' the London Clearing House last year i Mrs. Winslo w's Soothing Syrup for children ' teething, softon the gums, reduces inllamma- 1 t ion, ul lu ys pain, cures wind colic, 25c. a bottle I Single eyeglasses are prohibited ia the German Army. To Cure n Colli in One l)?y 1 like Laxative liroiuo (Quinine Tablets. All \ druggists refund money it it iails to cure. ! , L. \\ . Grove's signature l* on box. ti5e. j A PL-LI K L GIANTS OF AFRICA. i Jtranjo Race Met on Southern Shore of Great Lake. v Mr. Edward Grogau?who traven?c.l Africa along its whole length, from ] the Ca|>e to Cairo?met with a itxange race on the southern shores of Albert Edward Nyanza. Those fearsome, ape-like creatures, hiding be- i hind banana palms, aro tall men, 1 \ljth long arms and pendant paunches. jSuch is the stamp of the brute on 'em that they may be placed lower the Rcale than any other African native hitherto seen. Their face, body and limbs are covered with wiry hair, while the hang of the long. powerful arms, the slight stoop of the trunk, and the hunieu, vacant, expression of the face make them appear more like apes than human beings. Northwards, near Lado. the same party came across the Dinkas, a race of giants, standing six feet six Inches j to seven feet iu height, and magnlfl- i cently developed: and In the adjoining Toroland which swarmed with ele- ! phants of gigantic size, the natives were simply stark-naked savages of Inexpressible degradation of charac- | ter. Births and Deaths Decrease. Fewer persons died and a smaller number woro Lcrn throughout Kng- | land and Wales last year than in 1902 ; while in London itself both birth and i deaths woro the fewest recorded for ; many years. A FELLOJV FEELING. Why Slia Kelt I.nnlnut Toward# the Drunkard. A great deal depends on the point of view. A good temperance woman was i led. in a very peculiar way, to revise i her somewhat harsh judgment of the ; poor devil who cannot resist bis cups, j and she is now t lie more charitable. She writes: "For many years I was a great sufferer from asthma. Finally my health ! got so poor that I found I could not lie ! down, but walked the tloor whilst oth- ! ers slept. I got so nervous I could not rest anywhere. "Specialists told me I must give up the use of coffee?the maifi thing that I always thought gave me some relief. I consulted our family physician, and ' ho. being ? coffee fiend himself. told mo to pay no attention to thoir advice. Coffee liad such a oharm for mo that in passing a restaurant and getting a 1 whiff of the fragrance I eould not resist a eup. I felt very lenient toward the drunkard who eould not pass the i saloon. Friends often urged me to to- j Postnm, but I turned a deaf ear. say- , lug 'That tnny do for people to wh?m coffee is harmful, hut not for me?oof- , fee ami I will never part.' "At last, however. I bonght a package of Postuno. although I was sure I ' conld not drink it. I prepared it as directed. and served it for breakfast, j Well, bitter as 1 was against it. I must say that never before had I tasted a more delicious cup of coffee! From that day to this (more than 2 years) I have never had a desire for the old coffee. My health soon returned; the ! . asthma disappeared, I began to sleep well, and in a short time I gained 'JO I pounds in weight. "One day I handed my physician the tablets he had prescribed for me. | telling him I had no use for them, lie stayed for dinner. When 1 passed him his coffee eup he remarked. 'I am glad to see you were sensible enough not to let yourself be persuaded that coffee was harmful. This is the best cup of coffee 1 ever drank.' he continued; 'tlie trouble is so few people know how to make good coffee.' When be got his second cup I told him he was drinking Postum. lie was incredulous. but I convinced him, and now he uses nothing but Postum In his home, and has greatly Improved in health." j Name given by Po.stuin Co.. Ilattle j Creek, Mich. Ix>ok. in each package for the famous ! | little book, "The ltor.d to WelKlUe." , vuu, nltuuui UIBlUrilllll x leather of their headgear. If tw< men had tried to got their heads thai :lose together for any purpose, wear nig such a rig, there would have beer straw and profanity scattered all th< way from here to me corner. Bu with the girls there was a premoni tory exclamation of Joy at meeting x sudden rush, a convulsive embrace i sidewise peck at each other's fli*r i gissle and a squeal, and out of tin mix-up emerged the two maidens a: trim as you please. How they dudk id under those brims is more than ?an tell. It was done too quick foi me to nee. It rojninded me some o kissing a girl in the days when the: used to wear those old fashioned sun bonnets." "How was that?-' asked the news paper man, expecting a story. "Young man." said the philosopher with much dignity, "it was all right.' ?Springfield (111.) News. Novel Action to Insure Marriage. In the harbor of the little village o Ploumanac'h. In the Cote-du-Nord. is an islet of rock which can be reachei at low tide. It is surmounted by i shrine of St. Gulrec, who Is -aid t< have landed here from Britain In th< sixth century. There are two rudt statues of the saint, one of which i> of wood. To this statue on St. Catherine'! ilay, come the young women of th< neighborhood, who. following an ol< tradition, stick pins into the statue In order that they may be married be Tore the end of the year.?Londot Graphic. What is in a man is more potent thai .'hat is about him. bo,5. PITS permanently mired. No fits or norvons QMS after first dav's use of Dr. KUne'fc Groa nerr*iIvroioror,-22triftl bottloand treatise fre< Dr. B. H Kline. Ltd.. '.>31 Ar dist.. Phi In.. Pc lamaurePiso's ' ir? forCois't-notion save I ay life three yean ago.?Mrs. Thomas IIob311. Mania St \'nnvl?li K v p?i> o ???? I blood, wind on the stomach, bloated oowel I pains after eating, liver trouble, aallow akir I regularly you are aick. Constipation kills i I starts chronic ailments and lone years of m I CASCARETS today, for you will never get I right, Take our advice, start with Cascai I money refunded. The genuine tablet Stan I booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co Thoro^ are COS miles of railway ia th Conzo Free State. A WOMAN'S MISERY. Mrs. J0L11 I.aRue, of 115 FatevsC Avenue, I'alcrson, N. J? says: "1 wa troubled for about nine years, an <cr> what I sn! ferod no on whi'iV alone i the liouse the backache lias been si bad that it brought tears to my eyes The pair, at times was so Intense that was compelled to give up my houselioh duties and lie down. There were head ache?, dizziness and blood rushing b my head 10 cause bleeding nt the nose The tirst box of Doan's Kidney 1'ill: benefited me so much that i continue* the treatment. The stinging pain h the small of my back, the rushes o blood to the head and other symptom; disappeared." Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by al dealers. fiO cents per box. Foster Milburn Co., ltutrnlo, N. Y. Unrrio lms received more than 912."0,00 from his plays. A CuurHiiteeil Cure for 1'iles. Itching, blind, bleeding or J'rotrodin Piles. Druggists will refund money it Fj* Ointment tails to cure in 0 to 11 flays. 5tk 10,000 rinnta for Hie. Tics is a remarkable offer the John A Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., makes I san Salzer Seeds have a national reputation as the earln-st, finest, choicest the eartl produces. Tliey will send you their bi plant and need catalog, together will enough seed to grow J .000 line, solid Cabbages, 2,000 rich, juicy Turnips, 2,000 blanching, nutty Celery, 2.000 rich, buttery lettuce, 1,000 splendid Onions. 1,000 rare, luscious Radishes, 1,000 gloriously brilliant Flower*. This great offer is made in order to it duce you to try their warranted seedsfor when vou once plant them yoa wil grow no others, and A I.I, FOB HUT 16c POST A HE, providing you will return this notice, nn if you will send them 26e in postage, the will add to the above a big package of th earliest Sweet Corn on earth --Salter' Fourth of duly?fully 10 days earlier tha Cory. Peep o' Day. etc., etc. [A. C. L.l COMMODORE NICHOLSON HECOMMEMQ8 PEBU-RA. riOMMODORE Sornervillc Xioholfon. ?f / t )u< 1 Initivl V ?ri> .. Ui*A_ from 1837 R Street, Northwest, Washington. D. C., says: '1'our I'erun-a. hat been ami is riottr f used 6j/ many of my friends anil acquaintances as a *uie cure for 1 catarrh thai I am convinced of It* ] curative qualities ami 1 unhestlatI t inyly recommend It to all person* j ' suffering from that complaint." , Our army and our navy are the natural protection of our country. 9 Peruna is the natural protection of the 3 army and navy in the vicissitudes of climate and exposure. We have on file thousands of teetirnon3 ial? from prominent people in the army ? and navy. i We can give oor renders only a alight glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited cn dornements Dr. Hartman is constantly receiving for his widely known and efficient i remedy, Peruna. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. 8. B. Hartman. Pres9 ideal of The Hartman Sanitarium, (lolumboa, Onio, and he will be pleased to give tou his valuable advice. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wooitord'n > Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. Sold by alt druggists, 81. Mail orders promptly tilled by Dr. E. Dctchon, Crawfordsville, Ind. Onlv one man in 700 pays an income tut in India. oiea. appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad a, foal month, headache, indigestion, pimples, l and dlssiness. When your bowetb don't move nor* people than all other diseases together. It iffering. Mo matter what aila you, start taking well and stay well until you get your bowels ~ets today under absolute guarantee to cure or nped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Sample and mpany, Chicago or New York. 50a A Tobacco Grower's Profit j is dependent upon a properly bal- I 1 spoiled ns tobacco.The r fertilizer must t ! Qj1uL^~ - ^e" *? mt,si ' ' %'! contain at least t I jap/ , ] ?o% nctttad L/, "| " Potash 0 ' I Tert lt: ono pnti h with fertillror }. With l lonty of 1'otur.h. another with Indoor no i.oia. h, unil noto .Im ii miliv >!??rv tcl>?'ra 1 grower rhoiiM hnvo our lit do book, "Tobacco . Culture"?it will ho one free? write ' -: 1 SEJtmNKAU WOKKS..W Nation St...N.Y., or '* Atlanta, (la.?U2S ttnuth Krowl St. r> r a??riii,?r.^vi? hi mmmmt n?aai? 1 ; You Want the Best J COTTON GIN , | MACHINERY Ask Any Experienced Ginim Aboat PRATT MUNGER EAGLE ; I WINSHIP SMITH Wo would liko to show you What Thousands of Life Long P?t (\4AtVt A??#\ Cfttf UUAlUUICld JQJ. i j Write for catalogue and testi~ monial booklet. e Continental Gin Co. Charlotte, N. CM Atlanta, (la., Birmingham, Ala., Memphis, Tenn., Dallas, Texaa. MON EY lowd ?T?rvlwlr,*ttn wh*?si?v? ft tn >ii'III) . A I ir ?u\plo!>*. Kit. I-Of.. QOMMKRi IAI. OITAU.V.VltK CJ, Kuhmoud. Vu. 5 i oh