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Potash in the soil. Fertilizers which are low in Potash will never produce , , satisfactory results. Every tanner should be familiar with the proper proportion* ot ingredients that (o to make the best fertiliiers for every kind oi crop. W'c have published a series of I rooks, containing the latest researches on this allImportant subject, which we will send free if you ask. Write now while you think of it tu the ( HERMAN KALI WORKS Ncrr Yorl-BC >a**au Street, or Atiuulu. Us.?' ?.'!> South Hmad Street. f CONCENTRATED Crab Orchard WATER ISios.^ A 81'KCIFIC KOIl Dyspepsia 3 Sick Headache 3 Constipation... TUo Three "Ilia" That Make I.If# a Hurden. Nature's Great Reraedy In Hi* for A'.inoxt n Century. SOLD BY ALL DKUGOIST8. CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO., LOll IS V I I.I.K, K Y. Cotton Gin Mac hinery vPRATT. MUNGER WINSHIP EAGLE. SMITH Wcmakc the mo6t complete line of any con oern in the world. We also make ENGINES and BOILERS LINTERS for OIL MILLS. We sell evervttainir nhnut * Hotton r.m Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Continental Gin Co., ' Birmingham, Ala. r t DropsyII Removes all swelling in 8 to* days; ellccts n permanent curi lujoto 6od lys. Trialtrratnien given free Notliingcan be futre Write Or. H. H. Grscn'a Sent. Soacialltls. Bos B Atlanta. 81 ? Florodora Cotton fin- farmers' xnlMttlon Comninn cotton fV Inrodorn He T O Sanders. HnRood, 8. C sells (or Mc T K llardninn. Manstlrld. Ou . ii 00 day* from planting, grows stalks averaglm IWKi lull In and square* ilnnv* anywhere, Kin ried on ulti. >( carlv innturtty Hlirhprleet lot rmiiM from pure aeed supplied only DT tin oriitlliatur. myself t'rice S_' |?er bushel, f. o. b. shipping point. cash to necumpany order. I.. A. STONIiY. Allendale. S. O \ f^ AND MILLSTONES * fORN If in need of Corn Kill or Mill V "*Mm _ VCIX I C I'ontt you will linil II to you a nlLLS interest to correspond will y CAROLINA MILLSTONE CO ^ of Cameron. N. C. Manufae torrra of CORN MILLS from the fsmou Moore CountGrit WJANTF.n -In eanh State, Salesman to sal " tars?> lin<- Tot>areo. permanent Poaltlor CENTKAL TOBACCO WORKS CO..Penicks.Vt So. 1. ?Cf CURES WHERE All USE IAIIS. r j Ad Beel t'ouah tfyrup. I'mim Jikn). L'to PN LxJ In tiiue. Hold by drugwi.u 1*1 qp iii.'i rii'i t""?S nwiNl 1 I "LEADER" AND "I BPPV PHvJ cause they shoot Llllril loaded " Leadei InCA jyiM I ^CS3 ^>owt^er Sh?i 1 [ Hal Good shots shoot I tcr results, shoot 1 WMiVWPl and are more re ' Cfefil ?!. ALWAYS SPECIFY 8hower Proof Hats. An Austrian genius has made the discovery that celluloid, prepared In a special way. provides a material out : of which hats and the most delicate flowers can be made. These hats are not only beautiful in themselves and cannot be told from those made of the usual material, but will stand the most severe shower and look even better after than before. They are used to some ertent In Germany, especially in Vienna. They would be exceedingly popular in London during the rainy seasons, for many a charming bonnet is ruined there by the persistent drizzle, from which no umbrella can protect a woman. CUTiCURA SOAP. T l> World'* Greatest Skin Soap. Ik* Siaudard of t'xrr Nation m< lh* Earth. Millions of the world's best people use Cuticura Soap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, the purest and sweetest of emoli bent skin cures, for preserving, purifying and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening and soothing red, rough and sore hands, for baby rashes, itching* and chatings, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women, especially mothers, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery. ECONOMY. "Now, Mabel," said the financially embarrassed banker, as he surveyed a bill for 31.0C0 for fall liats, "I don't wish to chide you. but we must really economize, my dear." "Why, Henry, f am economizing," replied his wife, {n a hurt tone. "I've given up all idea of going to Europe next summer."? Houston Chronicle. | FITS permanently cured. No fits or ncrvousncv after llrst day's use of I>r. Kline's Grent | Ner\ Ke?torer.$'itrial hotlIcnud (realise free ltr. it. II. Ki.ixk, I.til.. 931 Arch St., I'hilii.. l'a. There are nbnut 400,000 species of animals on land and sea. A (liisrniilKixl Cure For l'lles. Itching, Wind, Weeding or Protruding r Piles. Druggists wjll refund money if Pazo I Ointment fails to cure in 0 to 14 days. 50e. Ttnumania has ordered from Krupp 300 field guns. TMso's Cure for Consumption Is ati Infallible medicine for coughs and colds.?N. W. Samuel., Ocean Grove, N. .T.. Feb. 17, 1900. At one time King Peter of Scrvia was a Socialist. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces intlatniunf l ion, ullays pain,cures wind colic, 25c.a bottle I?ast year, in India, over 23,000 persons ! were killed by snake lutes. To Cure u Cold in line Put \ Take Kaxative llrotno Quinine Tablets. All ' druggists refund money if it fails to cure. ; k. w. Grove's signature is on box. 25c. I The Japanese are small eaters, and indii gcsliun in alnic^t unknown ?mim? them. * Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sanitary l.otion. Never fails. Sold by nil druggists, $1. Mnil orders promptly tilled by Dr. E. Detchou, Urawfordsville, Jnd. . There is nothing harder on ths j nerves or worse for the clothes than 1 , king w at or on In j, s h o u 1 d < r \ To bea successL^^^^^^ retain the love and admiration of her husband should be a ; i woman's constant study. If * she would be all that she may, I i she must guard well against the signs of ill health. Mrs. Brown tells her story for the benefit of all wives and mothers. ! " Mm. I'lvrciiam : ? T.ydifi E. Pinkliam'fl \>H:<'(ftl)li' Ocnipound J will make every mother well, btrong, healthy ami happy. I dragged through I nineyearsof miserable existence, worn , out with pain ami weariness. I then noticed a statement of a woman , troubled as 1 was: and the wonderful results she had had from vour Vege M. ? ---? j o-J *- - win|fi >ii;i(i, aim (U'CItlCU lO iry U vhat it would do for rr.o. nnil used it for i. hrce months. At the end of that . oime, I was a different woman, tlio neighbors remarked it. and my husband fell in love with me all over igsin. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suffering' with inflammation and falling of the womb, but your medicine cured that, and built up my I entire system, till I was indeed like a new woman. ? Sincerely yours, Mrs. C'hab. F. Brown. 21 Cedar terrace. Hot Springs. Ark., Vice President Mothers I CI ub $5000 forfait If original of at?H httor proving gonuinontst cannot bo produood. : fl ESTER REPEATER" SHOTGUN SHELLS e shell is its shooting. Beso well, Winchester Factory " and *' Repeater" Smoketgun Shells have won almost prize shot for in years. : them because they give betstronger and more uniformly d :liable than any other make COTTON GOES DOWN Takes Ihe Worst Tumble Recorded In Three Years SOUTHERN GROWERS GET UNEASY Prices Break Sharply on the Indication of the Census Bureau's Report That the Crop Would Exceed the Government's Estimate ? The Fig ures the Lowest in Three Years. New York, Special.?The cotton market broke 30 to 35 points on the Census Bureau's ginners' report indicating a crop in excess of tlio government's estimate. There was very heavy trading on tho decline. The bears contended that the ginners' report probably forecasted a crop of nearly 13,000,000 bales. Following the report prices, which had shown weakness since the opening, broke sharply, with January selling around 6.66, March 6.81 and May 6.96, or a net decline of 22 to 25 points, and a break of practically $6.00 a bale in two week's time. The market was very active during the afternoon with big short interests covering, while there was also heavy liquidation and on every little bulge tho bears seemed disposed to withdraw their buying orders and sell more cotton. The low figures reached in the slump are the lowest that cotton has reached in nearly three years. The Bureau Figures. Washington, Special.?The Census Bureau Wednesday issued a report giving the quantity of cotton ginned in 737 counties up to December 13th last, to have been 11.9SG.G14 running bales, which is the equivalent of 11,848,113 commercial bales. The commercial hales reported to the same period for 1903 amounted to 8,747,609. In arriving at the number of commercial bales, round bales are counted as half hales. The report to the same date last year covered S12 counties, as against 737 this year. The report for the present year covers the output of 29,657 ginneries, while 29.527 were included in -the report for 1903. The product of the different States for this year, in running bales, reported to December 13th, is as follows: Alabama, 1,290,915; Arkansas, 763,180; Florida. 75,283; Georgia. 1.795,797; Indian Territory, 433,755; Kentucky. 1.252; Louisiana, 870,518; Mississippi. 1,405.458; Missouri, 30,444; N. ! Carolina, 057.195; ukiahouiu, 294,041; South Carolina. 1,083.750; Tennessee, 271.235; Texas 2,982,819; Virginia 14,900. Burning Their Cotton. Macon, Ga? Special.?A special to The Telegraph from Fort Gaines. Cla., says the farmers and merchants of ; Clay county met Wednesday at Fort i Gaines and decided to burn their share | of two million bales of surplus cotton. ; A starter was made when a bon-fire i was made of cotton on the streets of j Fort Gaines. It. is not yet determined ! where it will stop. They have decided to set the pace and are moving determineiuy. A large crowd paraded with wild whoops and yells and much spectacular ceremony. The object is to nu\M* mat I III," lUl luei'B iiru 1 t'itliy KI sacrifice a few bales for the benefit of the masses. The fire is still horning and excitement is increasing. Cotton Buyer Suicides. Barnesville. Ga., Special.?J. R. Harrison. a prominent cotton buyer an J brother of J. M. Harrison, of Forsythe, fatally shot himself at 1 o'clock this afternoon in his room at the Magnolia Inn, the ball entering just above the right ear aad lodging in the brain. Heavy losses on cotton contracts led to the*act. His losses are estimated at about $25,000. He has been despondent for the past few days and this afternoon bought a pistol from a hardware store. Immediately thereafter, seeing the figures giving the close of the market for Wednesday he went to his room and shot himself. He was 45 years old and stood well among the people here. Besides the losses sustained he had considerable property and money left, amounting to $12,000 or $15,000. Archaeologists in Session. Boston, Special.?The Archaeological Institute of America opened its sixth annual convention here and will continue until Fri lay next. Several papers and addresses have been prepared. which are intended to appeal clrongly to nil persons interested in the archaeological side of art. Prof Charles Elliott Norton, founder and ex-president of the institute; ex-Mayor Seth Low, of New York; Prof. Wheeler, of the School in Rome, and distinguished visitors from Athens. .Jerusalem and other foreign art centres, are attending Hie convention. Two Killed by Failing Tree. Macon, Ga., Special.?A special to The Telegraph from Ellijay, Ga.. says that William Cantrell and Joe Chastlne were killed and a brother of Chastlne's seriously Injured near Burnt Mountain by a falling tree. The tree was blown by a high wind across a small frame bowse in which the men were sitting at ths time. New Orleans Excited. New Orleans, Special.?With the reading of the ginners' report on the cotton exchango Wedne day cotton slumped 47 to 55 points. Extraordinary excitement attended the break. The market was hammered with great energy. After the first excitement the mar ket grew quieter, though the doelint was not arrested. January cotton went to C.40, which Is a decline of about 4 cents during the last three months. j HjjUgSg \ Lift of the Heart. When we stand with the woods arotmd us And the great boughs overhead; "When the wind blows cool on our forehead; And the breath of the pines is shed; When the song of the thrush is ringing Wonderful. rich, npart? Between the sound and the silence Cornea a sudden lift of the heart. When we seek with the clearer vision Thut grief the revealer brings For the threads that are shot together Tn the closowrought web of things, And And that pain Is woven 1 Into love and Joy and art? I Between the search and the solace Comes a sudden lift of the heart. Ana wncn in*- -> miming- cnnai* Gutters and (lares and sinks; When the eye no longer wanders And the brain no longer thinks; When only the hand plucks Idly At the sheet till the spirit part? Does there come between living and dying A sudden lift of the heart? ?Atlantic. The Censor In Italy. A most amusing incident took place ; last week, which shows the absolute absurdity of the censorship in Italy. The great actor, Ermete Novelli, now in South America, has a son who lives in Florence, to whom was born a bouncing boy. The young Novelli, in haste to let his father know that lit had made him a grandfather, tele giaphed: "Ermeto Novelli, Buenos Ayrcs: Boy. Enrico." Several hours later he was called to the telegraph office, where the following conversation took place: "You know wo could not let your dispatch pass." "Not let it pass! But why, if you please?" "You know you said it was a boy?" "And if I did, what then? Is it not true?" "Well, that is what we do not knowyet." "What! Are yon crazy? I know it'" "Well, anyway, public order demands that it should not bo made ' public." "Made public! Am I making it public by telegraphing to my father? And, in any ease, what has the birth of my son got to do with public order? Excuse me, have you all taken leave of your senses?" "Your son?" gasped the other. "We thought you were telegraphing nbout the queen!" 9n*> of the war correspondents says j that he and his associates spent most of their time at headquarters reading novels. We suspect that their favorite book was "Portv Liars. and Other j Lies," says the Washington Post. P?ycl?o"o;y of the Setlins: lien. The lieu patiently "sots" only through 1 the overpowering pressure of a mysterious creative impulse that masters her restless impulses to be outside scratching and cackling, instead of working for posterity.?Loslon Herald. ?10(1 ItowiiH. !?100. The renders of this paper will he please d to ! learn that there is at least one dreaded dlsj ease that science has been al?le to euro in all I its.stagns, aud that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutionat disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCure is taken inter| nally, acting directly upon the blood and muj eoussurfaces of the system, thereby destroyingthe foundation of tlio disease, and giving : tho patient strength by building up thocanj Ititution and assisting nature in doing its I work. The proprietors lmveso mueh faith in ' its curative powers that they offer One HunI lred Dollars forany euso that it fails to cure, send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Ciikskv ?V Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75*. Take Hall's Family rills for constipation I.otty Statue. A lingo statue of lite Virgin has been successfully placed on the summit of the Dent till (Jennt. a mountain in Italy lit,ODD foot high, near Milan. Divine service was performed on the summit in celebration of the eveut by the vicar of Oourmayeur. * j' y^SBgHg^ many f,V%l som . " * V' ' " 'Hj^- *^" ' ' * <4 '.v. . L. * t. . * flL viSfS^u SISTERS ,vr , Uses Pe-ru-na for ( Gatarrh-A Con o ? o In every country of the civilized wo: Sisters of Charity are known. Mot only they minister to the spiritual and in) lcctual needs of the charges committed their care, but they ulso minister to tb bodily needs. With co many children to take care and to protect from climate nnd discn these wise and prudent Sisters have foil IVruna a never tailing safeguard. Or Hart man receives many Ictti from Catholic Sisters from all over t United States. A recommend recently oeived from a Catholic institution iu I troit, Mich., reads ?a follows: J>r. .S. ft. Hurt num. r?l '? Hear Sir: "The young girl ir/ioit* the I'erutta was suffering /rout la ytiffin* 11 nd loss of voire. The rem, of the treatment won mini satisfa lory. She fmintl {front relief, ai after further use of thr medicine t hope to lie able to nay she it* entire cured. " Sisters of Charily. The young girl was under thr care the Sisters of Charity and used Peru for cataarh of the throat with good suits as the above letter testifies. Send to The Peruna Medicine Co.. C hinibufl, Ohio, for a tree book written Dr. Ilartman. wind on the stomach. bloated bo\ ifter eating, liver trouble, aallow t r'./ you are sick. Constipation kit chronic ailments and long years ol ARETS today, for you will never | Take our advice, start with Caa ' refunded. The genuine tablet n 't free. Address Sterling Remedy Hybridised Eden Watermelon In cheeks 4 1 by 4. Produces two to four so to40-lb melon* hill, thousand* per aero Write for method si production Oblong, very iwHt; Arm rll liesl shipper, heel toller, commanding 25 cent premium Sale* proven l>y mv handlr it row c. ,ti I'liiladelphta. frnn 4 truckage by mini, postpaid, for $1 Price la lots on Iikjuiiy u A STONEY. Allendale.S NoMor?BllndHor80Buoon^in^oe^Aot ore Kyes. Harry Co., Iowa City. la., has* a sura c with four Baking Poi jood Lock Baking Powder and get the beat offering absolutely free. Good Luck is ir baking powder possible to manufacture. Bi white, wholesome and nutritious. It keeps baking powders and raises the batter quickest i k is only 10c a pound. By giving the best at iw being shipped in car load and train load 1< It is the idea of getting these beautiful presen lality and low price, that makes this a remir I LUC II Baking P ked in 6 or. and 1 lb. cans. The coupons n? useful gifts, are printed on the label of eai coupons. Save them. A few of them will e free premium. For details read the little b< ?very can. Don't foTget to ask for Good L ive worry, save money, and last but not least sns and get the beautiful gifts. If your groce t, send us his name and we will see that you a lisr ||Bh^cgwxggou^>, This is the coupon found on every ca E SOUTHERN MANUFACT1 RICHMOND, VA, ' ' :' t.* " OF CHARITY Soughs, Golds, Grip and gressman's Letter, ? # ? ? ?* * * -jt?**^?2 rid The following letter is from Congresedo man Mcekison. if Napoleon, Ohio: id- The l'eruna. Medicine Co., Columbus, O.: to - - - t Gentlemen: "I eir ^ 1 have U9efl ?^reral ' \ bottles of l'eruna Ek** J nn<' ^ec' Kr?"at type, J \ I benefited therend i v]jr ,x p.^ I by from my ?a^ r^Vi t tarrh of the bead, rs ' /ijSft and feel eueourh? ' jft&Ik' * aged to believe r,>- ' * t',at 'ts continue* > ^TT^jHh' ^ V I wed use will fully . t*j ^li ' ? eradicate a di?fo [ David McckJson. ? j e^, ''tf 4. ?-> - ?-- ? - ? . -4?David Mcekison. r~ Dr. Hartmnri, one of the best known physicians and surgeons in the United c~ States, was the first man to formulate lVrtina. it was through ^his genius and lJ*r perseverance that it was introduced to " the medical profession of this country. If you do not derive prompt and satieof factory results from the use of Perona, na write at once to Dr. llartraan, giving a re- full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad> vice gratis. by Address Dr. Hart man. President of The Hartraan Sanitarium. Columbus, O. OR THE ROWELS ^ CANDY \ CATHARTIC roubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad vela, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, Win and dimness. When /our bowels don't mow Is more people thnn all other diseases together. It T suffering. Mo matter wliat ails you, strfrt taking Ket well and stay well until you get your bowels carets today under absolute guarantee to cure or tamped C C C. Never sold In bulk. Sample and Company. Chicago or Mew York. 50a am 5% ?o.JU_ __ ltifal premiums ? "questionably thw ^ > read made with ^ longer and bett^ and very thoroug^i^. lowest cost Gjood ' free, in eddiU^Jft^