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| w m Upon request, Th#> JimeB takeH jdeasure in suggesting the following ticket for the inuuucipal election on next Monday. For Mayor. W. B. Meacham. For Wardens, A. A. Bradford, Sr. W. P. Crayton. S. W. Parks. J. T. Young. (lent of Local Hows. Write it 1905. ?1 1 1 n i tiHvo you uroKcu mai isevv Tear resolu'ion? Miss Estelle Maseey is at home from school at lied Springs, N. C. Messrs. Win. Orr and Rerkie Patrick, of Rock Hill, spent Friday with relatives in tliis* place. Mr. J. L. Watson, of Grant, 1. T. j is here on a visit to his mother. M rs. M. M. Watson. Miss Florence Boyd, of Spartanr?\' burg, who hns been visiting her t ^.?rents at Pineville, spent Monday with relatives in this place. Mr. Lin Massey has resigned his position with the flock Hill Drug ' Co., and returned to liiajhomeMin this township. Mr. H. E. White, of Marlinsvilla, Va.,spent several days of the past week with relatives in this township. Miss Beulah Kinihrrll returned to college at Red Springs, N. Monday, after spending the holidays at her home in Gold Hill, Dr. Louis Friedbeim, of Rock. Hill, spent a few hours in Fort Mill Friday night. Dr. J. E. Massey and sister, Mrs. ?J. S. Starr, of Rock Hill, spent Friday with relatives in this place. Mr. nod Mj*s. W. S. Stacy, of Charlotte, spent the holidays with the letter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Car others, of thL place. Mr. J. A. Withers, of Worthville, N. C., visited his home in ?!.?,. .. 1_ J : 11. -I i: 1 t.iiss [;iaic uui iu<; lilt* IKMHlliyS. Miss Wren a Hun is spent Monday in Charlotte. Miss Louise McMurray who has been teaching school at Mayesville, spent the holidays at her liome in this place. Miss Mary Young, of Savannah, Ga., spent the holidays ut her home in this place. The time for paying State and county tax without pedalty expired last Saturday. There is now a one per cent penalty. Dr W. S. McMutray returned to Baltimore yesterday after spending several days at iiis home in tins place. We are pleased to note that the doctor has a^out recovered froiujhis recent illness. As usual, the local prophet is matting " predictions about the weather for the next two months. He says there will be an abundance of raiu in this section during the months of January and February. Mra A R n?i * ? ? .-..a. >. v>lll|l, nuu 1UI BI'VfrttI years Limb held the position of milliner nt the store ofMeacham & Eppa in this place, haw resigned to accept a similar position with a leading dry goods establishment in Columbia. The Southern Railway has announced that the Southern Palm Limited will he put on Monday, January 9. The other roads will put on their flyers at the same time. A marriage which took place during the holidays was that of Mr. Walter E. Hull, of the Van Wyck section, and Miss Odn Spinks, of W'lJh&Tlii^ The marriage was performed by the bride's father, Rev. J. J. Spink?, at his home at W*lballa. The annual supper of the local Masonic loflge wnh held >'i the town hall hn Tuesday ( Veiling. December 2i |>f H large tin mber of the member# enjoying'Jh ? feast. A delightful supper "was served and the occA^ou Was pror lounced one of .the e*tn,B of the ho liduys. Judge WatV has reduced from S55,000 to| f 0.000 t h e kd millHges rocei tly aw#t|ed Mrs. 1 Dorothy i Brickman by < York jury for the killing of her\,m)hand in tl e Fishinn Creek ? -A#. - -i im(JC ? WUT"V" ouu"' month* ago. 1 Many of ckrak'li/ge girls ned boys came bonJldr the holidays, thus making the hbme circle complete in hnipine^s, arid lidding gaiety and (blight to the suciul oiiole of Jtheit friends who were glad to ace tlpm and extend to each a happy Christmas greeting.. The Times i* informed that Mr. ,T. W. Davidso^ of Pleasant Yal ley, will in the early spring begin the erection of a handsome twoetory be si set* house on Main street in this fclace. Mr. Davidson's lot is ob;.(,Bite the public well and a niet. building thereon would add mud to the appearance of Main street. A recent order issued by th#i b'jiitkcJu Railway is to the effect j w that section foremen must here- ; after occupy the houses provided! for them by tho company. In ac- j cordanco with this rule, Keetion Foreman Anderson on Monday moved into ihe section house 1101th of the depot. Miss Mason Harris has returned j 10 uer nonie in tiiih place after n I stay of several weeks in Hock ! Hill. j Prnyer services, !ii?*li began ; last Monday, are being held each I afternoon at the Masonic hall and will continno through the week, i The services nre held at. It: 15 each j afternoon and the public is coidi- I ally invited to attend. The young people of the town 1 enjoyed a delightful dance in tho | town hall Monday night. Quite j a number of visiting young ladies and men were present, and all spent a very pleasant eveniup. Mr. T. A. Anderson, a young man who is employed at the Cm- j tawba bridge, and Miss Minnie; Maxwell, a young lady of ihis ] place were lnt| pi Iy married Mon- ! day evening by 'Squire ?T. W. Me- I I Elhnuey. The marriage took place | at the 'Squire's homo on Cuiifedj erate street. An exchange speaks of n man ' who it is said always paid for his! ! paper a year in advance. As a ro- j | suit he has never been sick a day : in his life, never had corns on his j ! toes nor toothache, his potatoes1 j never rot, his babies never cry at j i night, his wife never scolds and he | | succeeded in serving thiee years j i oil tlie sellout hoard w:thoiit being [ | cursed. The ringing of the bell at tin1 J ; eraded schools yesterday morning j ; did not have a musical tone to the scores of children who for the past j ten days have been frolicking around in their innocent glee, free from care and not dreaming of what the sound of the bio boll would bring to pass. They are now wondering why they should be made to go to that awful school and face that cruel teacher, leaving their darling dolls and miniature | tiaius nil by themselves. Never] theless, the schools opened yesterday with a good attend nice. An accident which came near resulting in the fatal injury <d , j M essrs. It. ?f. Lit own and .J. It. ! Kay occurred at the Viillforl mill on the afternoon of December 112. The men with seveial others were engaged in removing some machinery and in doing so were passing back and forth by one of the hire towers at the si?le of the mil!. Suddenly, and wit!, ul winning, | a portion of the t. iwer been me loosened and with a rrash the mnss | of brick and mortar descended lipI on the workmen beneath. Fortunately, all had passed beyond I the danger point exc< pt Messrs. Brown and Kay. who were can. '> by the falling wall and were i " fully injured, each receivin ; r oral cilia on the head and should, j ere. Physicians attended the ! wounded men and each has now recovered sufficiently to be out again. SPOILED HER BEAUTY. Harriet Howard, of 209 W. 34th st., ! New York, at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble. Hie writes: j "I had Salt Rheum or Ec/ema for years i but nothing would cuie it, until I used i Bucklen's Arnica Salve." A quick and I sure healer for cuts, burns and sores. 25c at all drug stores. The tax returns for this year [sept out to the county auditors I contain the word "automobiles" in the personal property list. This is given in the addition to bicycles, which was put in a few years ago by the Comptroller General. The number of machines in the I LJl-i ' i . 1 cuaie is constant!y increasing and the auditors have heretofore hud to write it out in ink. GREATLY IN DEMAND. Nothing is more in demand than a medicine which meets modor.i require- i j meats for a blood and system cleanser, I 1 Hitch as Dr. King's New life I'ills. They ! are just what vou need to cufti Htomacli and liver troubles. Try them. At all I I drugstores. Reduced Rates Via Southern Ry. | On account of Centennial ('ele- [ bration South Carolina College, Columbia, S, C., January Hth-lOth. I'M)."), Southern Railway announces 1 the very low rate of One F oe |>1iih 25 cents for the round trip (minimum rate 50 centa.) Tickets to be sold January 7th, 8th and 9th, with final return lim- ' it January 11th, 1905. For information as to schedules, etc., communicate with any Agent of the Southern Railway or address It. W. Hunt, D. 1*. A., | Charleston, S. C. WANTED?All parties holding keys I to the MONEY BOX to bring them in at ouce. L. A. Hakkis Oo. FOR SALE OR TRADE?One mnle, one buggy and one set of tangle harness. I Will sell clnuwfor rash, or will ?*>11 j L. A. HUJBIS & CO, 1 New Tear Greeting. ! i ? To one and all avIio liavo favovod us during 1904 with patronage, jc we1 extend our grateful acknowl- |: ' ! 1 odgment. We have striven to j* serve you faithfully. Our purpos- t es have been and will be for loftier I* ideals in business life. W e crave ji 110 success that can not be at- 1 tained by strictest integrity. We stand on our own merit, and never decry the virtues of our eonipetitors. Wo havi1 enjoyed success since we started in business, but ibis by 110 means makes us haughty, so the humblest and the poorest has the same consideration as the highest and the wealthy. We wish for each customer and those who a re not, such joys, and successes th at a benign Providouce is disposed to bestow. I MILLS & YOUNG. I T1IE OLD RELIABLE STORE { __ ; | WE | j WISH ! ! EVERY- I i * I ONE I a ; HAPPY and ' PROS- I! I PEROUS i! NEW I YEAR. : Yours for business, T. B. BfiSfcta | I Till: OLD UK I, I PRICE S_A.I_.E_ Ladies' and Children's Hats and Jackets all jo at HALF PKKJK Its "cleaning out time" low and all Winter Coods must go. Special bargains in Furniture, Stoves and Heaters. All Sew* ng Machines at 1IALF PRICE. 500 pair Mens, 1 >adics and Childrcns Shoes at 50c to 75c on the ^ lollar. tuill and hear the Talk-o-Phone the best tailing machine on the market. It is not in the trust ;o the price Is the lowest. If your eves give you rouble remember 1 have a complete outfit for esting your eyes and JO years experience and itudy. N'o.chargc for testing eyes and glasses it very low prices. Many thanks for your liber- ^ il patronage "the^past year. A happy and prosperous New Year to all. r_u O". MASSEY ? . j | To One and All 1 ' S Who liave helped us to make the & ^ year 100-t our banner year in busin i i c c nTi"? n'?i f f f b 1- v ** * * ' 1 HT nv.n.1, 11 V. 41111. IU I 11*1 MTV VUII, (UiU V & hope you ".will continue to patronize ^ us, help us to do still greater tilings g $ in 1905. Our aim points that way. g %~ $ We shall never be satisfied with the Jo $? same business each year, but^up we ifi $ must go--on up. There is no top in $ ** 5 the mercantile business. fR 6 Wishing'you one and all a happy (R $ and prosperous New Year, we are $3 g Very respectfully, B I Meacham & Epps. | X&& &X<3& WXX -i ?n r5>rm=: i ; ; We wish you one and all a happy and prosperous New Year and^thank you for your liberal patronage during the^year just closed. During the year 1905 a SWELL SHOE we,v. ill oiler you the rrsade in cl! best line of shoes for leathers and \ man boy or child that oiyieo. j&oj in the past, our shoe " U 0 * ""J stock will always be complete in all styles JmSBtiFllttz and leathers, with the '\ prices as low as the low est. pricz:3 50 Give usa chance to do some business"with you. We please others, w hy cant we please'you? $ RfcEilianey-Parks Co. SOU. RAILWAY SCHEDULE^ SOUTHBOUND. Traia No. 25 T.v Charlotte fl.OU p. Ar Fort Mil) 0.50 p. Ar Chester 8 .'10 t? 27 " !} [*' a* ?? ?? ? ?U<? a. ? Cola. 10.15 a " " ?? " " J'*? p. ? ? 1.15 t> " ,$'5 ? " 8'4i> " 0.12 a. ? ? 12.45 t> NORTHBOUND. Train No. 26 Lv Cluster 10.00 a. Ar Fort, Mill 2.18 p. Ar (Jharlotto 3.20 p ? 2H Coin. 3.10 p. ,t ? ? tt.28 p. ? 7.03 p .. 30 ,, ,, 0.10 a. ,, ? ? 9.13 a. 9.50 a ?. ' .: ,, 3-1 ,, 6.03 p. ,, ? ,, 9.06 p. ,, ? 9.45 p Note- Fort Mill i* a regular stopping j>oint for all the above trains, excep ' t Nos. 29, 33 .iikI 34, whioh stop ou flag. Noh. 20 and 26 do not run Sundays. ?? ' 1 - . 1 i |?^YlNCMESTER^: : Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells. I 'SjjflJ * "Leader" and "Repeater" loaded with Smokeless * m J powder and "New Rival" loaded with Black powder. | J UNIFORniTY, RELIABILITY AND | fl | v.. STRONG SHOOTING QUALITIES. ? $ Winchester , i^Alls are for sale by all dealers. Insist upon w.' * having themJjkJ n you buy and you will get the best. -