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:TfrifMKR*' I 3HR xv'; i: ' | Items ttl LooaJ Niwt. ' merry Christmas to ?II. iwH Mhs Kiuythe speu t Mouday . isVtock Hi t. Our streets ?r** daily throhged with Christinas shoppers. ar- \v \t- : i_ m I . ^WLrixui ?pi lit | ul his homo near the Millfort mill. , Prof. J. A. lit.yd, of Piueville, ' ?pent Wednesday with Imb dau^lu tee, Mos. S. L. 5teackuiu, of is place. A special Christmas service will be held in the Presbyterian church ; next Simony morning nt 11 o'clock The pastor, l)r. Thorn well, iutrUe* nil to be present. * Art stated last week, there will be no IS .111' lit' TI.A Tilliud imi't mill/ i - - ? ) Th?' next issue will appear oh Jan- ; uury 4, 1905. All of lite merchant? have been very mucu "on the go! during the paat ten days, supplying the holi- I ony wants of the ^people. it is understood that the two mills here will su?i>end operations Ft id iy "evening and reinaiu idle 1 until Monday, January 2. allowing j the employees a ten day^ holiday, j The Misses Lemons, of Win-J tlirop college, spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Rev. J. C. Chandler, in this place. The less money one spend* for liquor during the holiday* the i more he will have to for; something better, and the happier I ItA f11111 It iu funiiKt ?b?ZII ?v ???C7 mmiiy "HI l/T? Major J. W. Wilson and daugh- ! ter, M bh Hfulrth Wilson, of Ma>r-; gauton, will arrive tomorrow from ; a visit. in Fort Mill, S. C.. and will j spend the winter with Dr. mid Airs. 11. Ii. Gibbon.?-Charlotte j Observer. 20th. Mr. James \V. Su icier, who. sine" ' the establishment of the Vorkvitle i dispensary in 1902. has tilled the' position of dispenser, was fouud j clmi <i; hod at his home in York Ville last Wednesday morning. The comptroller general ? few days n^o sent to the various conn- | ty boa ids a total of *75,000, the last installment for the year of the j dispensary school!money. Of this, amount York county received *2.070.90. M is* Eulali Rur^Ii, from near i Rock H. 11. Hi:d Mr. \V. P. Brown,! ol Neely's Gr?ek, were married at the home of the bride's parents, AWdnesdwy evening, Dec. 7th, by Dr Jag. 11. Thoruwell.?Chester Lantern. On acconnt of Christmas day; falling on {Sunday thin year, the J post masters and other government; employees Will observe Monday as 1 ^ a legal holiday. The postotfice will, accordingly, be open ou Monday otdy as on Sundays heretofore. Patrons of the odiee should beari this in mind. The Christmas tree to be given bv Miss Nan Thoruwell to her cCass will take place Friday morn ipg at 10 o'clock in the graded school building. The pupils huve been rehearsing for some slays and the exercises attendant upon the occasion give promise of beitig highly interesting and entertaining. Wedding bells will ring in Steel Creek this eveiling, when Miss Cora Walker, the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Walker, Hiid Mr. Lt?ter Martin will he united in the bonds of inatiiinony. The marriage will be solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, the Rev. S. J. Pat torson officiating. The Times extends best wishes. Nfxt Tuesday evening there will be an interesting Christinas enter tainment and tree at the Methodist church for the mem be re of the Sunday echool and the children of the church. There will be a distribution of fruits aud other good things to please the little folks and, altogether, uu enjoyable evening is anticipated. Leonard Harvard, the 13 months old tfiiu of Air. and Al?*s. L. H. Sistar, died at its parents home in Fort Mill Thuioday morning of membranous croup. The remains were brought to this city yesterday ui.d aftsr services beitm conducted at the grave by Krv. W. L. Lingle, the little one whs interred in Laurel wood cemetery.?Kuck. Hiil Jieiald. Ji v. M. W. Gordon officiated at tvso marriages during the past week The tirst was that ou Friday at 7:d0 p. ni. of Mr. JU L. .Jordrti and M<hh Ida Jordon, of Hock rii 12, which took place at the Jiaptiav paraouage. The other marriage took place Friday uight at ll:SO o'clock lit the Palmetto Hotel the contracting parties beiupr Mr. William Barber, of Barber, N. C., and Miu BaU-llo Llurriatoii, of Cleveland, N. C. What cotton there is in the bands of tbe farmers all over the South will stay there for awhile at least. Very few p'anter* will he f irre<l to pe-li, and tl'iio >.> no ilk liliood A much of it tfoiuK .on the market while tbe p ice remains so low. Tlu) farmers have %<A the speculator* by the ear this year, for a* a rule they ure prosperous aud can afford to hold their cotton. It seems to l?e the geueral ? pinion that the price will ^o higher after the first of January. 1/ho Will O&Tthe Plaw? The above Question, which is perplexing many people, will be decided next Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock nt the store of Mr. L I. Massey, who will make one of his uiany customers u Christmas preaeut of a handsome piano., During; the past several in nlhs Mr. Mcssey lias been issuing ticketa to each customer who purchased goods to the ntnount of $1.00. and it is estimated that not lesH than 8,000 tickets have been deposited. Next Friday the tickets will be placed in a large box, and after having been thoroughly < mixed, a small child, blind-folded, , will draw from the box the ticket 1 which is to determine the owner] of the piano. The instrument is a j handsome Wheeler upright grand, I being valued at $300.00, and is a very beautiful and valuable present to tlie person who is fortunate euough to win it. ? I Hock Hill 01 strict Appolntmaijts. The grat.ifyiug iifWM came yesterday ttint the Methodist Conference, which has been in session at Darlington, has reappointed Kev. .1. O. Chandler pastor of the Fort Mill Methodist church. Other appointments for the Rock, iiill j District are as follows: W. P. Meadors. presiding elder. 1 Blackshurg, C. O. Derrick; Black- j atock, .1. H. Noland; Chester, Bethel, M. L. Bunks; Grace and New Bethel, to be supplied;CheetercMrcuit.J. M. Fridy; Enat Chester, C. P. Carter; East Lancaster, P. B. Ingrahntu; Hickory Grove, \V. H. Arisl; Heath Springs, 1>. Hacks; v. / * ? I - urinunw, u. 'lOHCiilli; IjHIHVUSj ler circuit, J. 0. Counts; North i Rock Hill, \V. C. Winn; Richburg, j W. A. Fnirey; Rock Hill, St. I .John's, W. II. Duncan; E. A. Holler, supernumerary; Laurel Street and Manchester,C. K. Poole; Rock Hill circuit, K. A. WiIkes; Van Wyck. R. E. Sharp; Yorkville, .J. L. Stokes. S A. Weber, supernuI nierHry; York Mills and Tirzah, C. M Peeler; York circuit, U. A. Rouse. ? Caleb Powers, former secretary of the State of Kent m y, has been granted a new trial by the Kentucky appelate court. Powers was charged with complicity in the assassination of Governor Gocbel. On the lirst trial he was convicted and given a life sentence. The second trial resulted iti a conviction t?d sentence of death. The principal grounds assigned in tho main opinion granting a new trial were: D * - ? DWRU8H or in* improper remarks made hy :he late attorney for the comoionwealth; because sentence was passed within two days after the jury rendered its verdict, and because the court refused to grant further time to the defendant's attorneys to file reasons for a new trial, ? Stronp: efforts are being made to turn the tide of foreign wnmigra. tion southward, and seemingly without much regard us to what class comes, says the Columbia bia Record. .Unless care is exercised we will have a class similar to those iu Northern mines and factories. The South Carolina law on the subject ought to be adopted by all of the States of the South and then there would be little danger. The fear is expressed thai there will not ho enough of the class we are obiaining. That mty or may not be true, but that SUDdIv should first o*lioiio?n/l I before experiments are made with ! others. There is at present a considerable demand for Italian loborers in various sections of the south. Those that have tried them express sslisfuotion with the results, but th6re is a class of that nationality which would be anything but desirttble. Unless there are i suoh restrictions as we have in ! this State as to whom we will induce to come amongst us, there is danger of overdoing the thing. I 1 1 ' , 7, LOST tiluek aillf ?m. brella, h?nd-oarved ebony handle. Reward if returned to Times otfiee. \VANTKD-Copy of The Times of Dec 7tb, 1904. Will pay 10 cts i for copy. The Times. JOIN THE W. O. W. i For 50 days from date, White Oak 1 Camp No. 41, W. O. W.. will conduct j a ''Log-Rolling." which, in reality, t mean* a cut-rate entrance fee, enabling those who are unable to pay the regular rate, to Join the order at a reduced ! prise. For terms application blanks an4 other iu for mat inn, apply to ; 8. W PARKS. A. L. Stxin. 1 ?a. 100 Thousand just in. A, JL, Bradford, Jr. . i ,? 1- .VA*,. I i A GRAND SHOWING of Holiday Goods. i i i ... j 1 . I in making a list of thi Christmas purchases | you should bear in mind tlhat many beautiful and useful things are on display at our two stores.! In our grocery department will be found inji great adundancc all the delicacies of the : season that will regale ttie inner man, besides a large and well selected stock of Dolls, Toys, j Games, Fireworks, Candies, Fruits, Nuts and I numerous other articles that will serve to gladden the hearts of the littl e ones Christmas'morn-; ing. This line is complete in every respect. j In our furniture depart ment will be found hun- i Idrcds of things that will Iheautify, brighten and! add joy and comfort to ttye home. A few of these i are Brass and Enamel Bejds, Mahogany and Wick^ er.Rockers, Parlor Chains, Pictures, Lamps, Fancy Clocks, Rugs, Toilet^Sets and noauy other beautiful and useful things that the holiday shoppers should include in their purchases. Let us show you through our immense stock. MILLS & YOUNG. I? i ? ( THE OLD RE ill ABLE STORE *] ' \ ' ' DECEMBER 1 : BARGAINS. | ??????????? ?? The recent drop in cotton is severe, but our drop in prices during the balance of this month will be severe also, especially in Shoes Dry Goodsand Clothing. We have the goods and mean to sell theni. Furniture, to close out, ' ' ' at on 1 v 1 fl npr rpnt nrnf. ^ J |/? V/l ' it. Don't fail to get a nice rocker before sold out. ?a^ggg=aa??MrgBH!--- - -?. i '-JK-.I - M ; Yours for business. ; ! , ! I T. B. Belk. THE OLD RELIABLE STORE | Last Call fox* Piano Tickets. <*et them in the box by December 23rd. A. ticket will be given for every dollar paid on ac*Oillltv 1 a- ? * ' rmi' n vii an wanu nuiC!) lip l() UDOVC QUtC. Santa Glaus Is here with a complete stock of presents for all. Prices were neverjower. Our Glearance Sale Is in full blast. Stock must be reduced before inventory time, so we are selling a lot of things at your own price. Compare our prices and SAVE MONEY. H.. CT. MASSET" 1 i . i ... ..I . i , m,j? HELP TO MAS SHOPPERS. From the following list you can make a selection suitable "for Jyour wife, hushnud, lady or goutleman friends, bojs, girls and children: Cut glass. et., intl $5 00 Kid gloves guaranteed, 1 OO Cut nappies $1.75 and 2 00 Bed room slippers 05c and 1 25 Cut glass spoon holders 1 25 All-wool drugots $ > .50 to 10 00 Cut glass syrup stands $1.25 and 1.50 Hugs, assorted $1 25 to 8 75 Sot of 1847 lingers Bros. Knives and Kainy Day coats 7 50 Forks 5 50 Gold safety watch fobs 4 00 Set tea spoons 1 25 Broaches 25c, 60c, 75c and 1 00 bet table spoons.. 200 Scarf nius 25c to 125 Cold meat forks I 00 Dink buttons 26c to 2 60 Gravy ladle 160 Smoking sets $160 to 2 60 Fruit bowls I 75 Shaving sets $1 00 to 2 50 Chocolate sets >, 8 60 CufT aud Collar boxes $1 00 to 1 60 China cake plates aud saucers Puff and 4-iu-haud tie* assorted 50o Writing desks $125 and I 50 Silk muflters $1.00 to 1 75 bilk umbrcllus $1 25 to 2 60 bilk handkerchiefs 50o Linen handkerchiefs 10c. to 26c Manicure sots (1 50 to 2 50 Embroidered handkerchiefs...10o to 50c Toilet sets $1 25 to 2 50 Linen towels 25c to 75c Jewelry stands Si 25 and 1 50 Table Linen 50c to 75c Glove boxes 50c to 1 20 Napkins to match $1 00 to '2 50 pr. Hand bags 50c to 1 60 White Quilts Si .00 to 2 50 Pictures 5o to 200 Linen sheets (00 x 00) $5.00 pr Toys of all kind* from le up. So let ns remember onr friends and lovod ones by a token of friendship and esteem, that we may "let the sunshine in whilo *.!??. a-? ??? * " .?U vi??n am (UJUy Uy, ' Wutbiug all u happy Xmaa w? arc Very rospeotf ally, ]V1 eacham ? h:pps. 94&VX XttX XWX SXSMV&i&X. XXGC+' IT..,, ,ni I Tvrnas rresents. | Uk W> have honglii for the Christmas trade n nice a lot of Neckties, in browus, blues, blacks aud) fan- gk 0 ciee, put up one in a box?just the tiling to'uiail? a price. 50 cents. V ^ We also have a nice lot of Watch Fobs, Scarf Pius, (|| g| Cuff Buttons, etc., that would make an ^acceptable 0 0 If you want a nice Suit of Clothes, Overcoat, Hat W jA or pair of Shoes, we will make the price low, fnrjjwe must Ut I ^ sell a big portion of our stock by 'January 1 ,*11105. p I McElhaney-Parks Go | 2:***** WK SCttX mvx JLMAS TIMES. . . Wlwn our friends couie to fee us we want everything to be as nice as we can possibly make it. Dan ValleyPlour Is very essential to your wants. People who'use it say that it is superior to any Flour on this market. We will make you a special price if ordered before We sell Joues' Water Ground Meal. Jones' meal costs more but it i* worth a great deal more. Another car load of oeea Hulls And Meal to arrive this week. We will sell cheaper from car. Call ua up, we want yam busiueaa. | Xj. -A-. HARRIS