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THTS permanent ly mr? |. No fits ornerroae?aaa after first clay's use of Dr. Kline'a Great eryeltnstorer.l'jfaria) hottloaud treelike free J>r. H. H., 9t)l Aroh St.. Pftllu.. Pa. lews whote language ie Spanish abound in the Kant a ?v av/iirwiur uuii^iiil()iiuu n .'111 imaiUDIO anadlcino for coiiKtis and colds.?N. W. Nami-hi., Ucaan Orove, N. J., Fob. 17, 1900. Icebergs are the product of flreendaud glaciers and are formed by the ^thousand in tho far northern fiords. HAa the glaciers sweep into the sea they "calve" or Ihrow off mighty blocks, mi these are what we know as ice4?er~s. flow's This? ^Ta offer On* Hundred Dollar* Reward for acy casa of Catarrh that cannot b? curad by Aiau"i catarrh our*. P. J. Cikvit A Co., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known F.J. CAieoey for the Inst 15 years, and belle** him perfectly honorable In all business trausaclions ami financially ablo to carry out any WlK atious made by their firm. Wan A Thuax, Wholesale Druggists, Teledu, O, WauiiNo. Kinnak A Mastis, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly u|K>u the blood and muooussuriaoaauf the system. Testimonials sent free. JPrtoe, 75c. r>er bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Tiro carcass of au elephant la the djkrnt Zoological (Jurd^ns, which bad feeeti killed, was bouirht br a lnonl nnrt atelier. who transformed It Into frankfurter sausages. He was able Ao manufacture no fewer than 11800 pounds of sausages, which sold like lot cakes. WEPlja v*^538ilBB TOM 1 lf!Mi iHH mJ\ I ? Lrwi 'III '^h^e^UicABl? Bareaiii To h?tfr the Mouth'* Lodlnc Bw'neaa Collftf, four KhtUrthlpi are ottered your.* jv?-aom of this county at lere than aert W RITS TODAY GJWI.A P.nMmnni.TWlP. MQnnn Oa uuwui oow UUUUUM JJj iUUUUlJ. UUa i 44 All Signs Fall In a Dry Tim?** TIIK H I O X OF TOE FlrfO MtVElt FAILS IN A WET TIME Tn ortJertns Tower's Slickers, A customer writes: "I knvtr <Aey trill kr all riffki if Ikry ker? |A? 4 fith ' or* fArtn." | This coofldenrt Is the outgrowth of sixty nine years of careful manufacturing. A. J. TOWER OO.^Wpofthfia lloaton, V. S. A. Tower Canadian Co. Limited " . C Toronto, Canada 'Zjfl BRAS** Uaktrt of Warranttd H'#f Wiathir CtothinQ ?? BAD BREATH "Per most'..# 1 had yreat tmnble with bit etotnarh 4 utnd all kind* of inrdirlnca. Mr toiifun ha* kMi actually aa |?in aa (raaa. m7 breath having bad odor. Two wreke a?< a friend rciotumended Caacarele and after ualne thein I can willingly ana Cheerfully aay thai they have entirely cured me. I therefore let you know that I ehall rrcomuiegg bbaaa to any ana aaffertng from each tmnblra." Che* H. u-lyan, 19* Klvlngtou 8t.,MfW Vvrk, NT, Bowel# ^ uvdctfidft Cam err CATrwmc Hltiaal. Palatable. Potent. Taata flood. T>o flead. Waver btaken. Weaken or Orlpe. Ita. Be, Mr. Nev2 eld la bnlk. The genntna tablet etampad COOL Oaarauteed to oura or yoar mouoy back. 8tcrling Remedy Co., Chicago or N Y. jgl ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES ISo. 49. H To grow a large crop o( good potatoes, the Hj aoil roust contain plenty of Potash. "a S Tonuioc mrlons, cablvtgr, turnip*, lettuce ?in fart, all vegetable* rrmovr larue quatiU- I 1 tie* o( Potash (rom the toil. Supply I I Potash ? fTtserally by the on- of fertilizer* containing: H mrt ,'ett 10 p< r cent, actual Potash. H llettcr aacl tnore profitable yields are sure to B U Our pamphlets are not advertising: circulars fl B booming special tcrtill rrs, but contain Valu- Lf . B able information to fanners, bent tree tor the Rf a ORRMaN kali works I New York?'9J Nassau Street, or Ifl Atlanta, t'.a.- --r.Vi South llroad St. g K Pi The Beautiful By Henry about those women whc Heye? Do they belong to t j; seem to think they do not kamBMi like men. They n^ake a g the beautiful sex^ though t |^tgS|T|i to the eye. Just as som are physically weak, "becoi often dwelt in a weak man's hodvi so i by cultivating spiritual beauty excel t of fascinating men. Spiritual beauty follows the aame sums It up in four lines when he makes Why are our bodies soft o Unapt to toil and trouble But that our soft conditio! Should well agree with ou In pose women's minds, like their b never angular, hard, robust, sturdy, like i from mental beauty is much more alb Some of the most fascinating women kn< beauty. Given two women, ono of who sympathetic, soft-voiced, patient, sweet, clous, in a word winsome, the other r mental beauties Just named, and very fe vating as the first. There is deep phll some is that I,.rP NVill he n<> I It Is of tbh. prudent ? that they were pr? ; ,. . 1 beaut 11 In trials of j/Ser.nte tut t > they art should remr uuinntion ?>t Strength is But mrt.0ioml, us cuhsense of be and vulne. . { ^|0 ,K<a enslave. Ti charms, plij. . ...J, above all strength at the . ' jty.?Woman j nit" Cost of Being i Tlic Antoniahing Bum Bcpi on Weurinu % oy ixene I HE sums squandered on cloi ^ I ^ It 1b true that even the J comes to a pretty penny, i mmmm own attire, but In the cos has an opportunity to open O&KB cost of women's raiment h highest fashion can hardly of less than $20,000 a year. If her hush; without feai t he is encouraging her In order1 :u be comfortable a woman frocks a yeas Five of those should be ta should be fit tuD evening powns, ten din they are ct , of soft wools and sille should be a d fifteen summer dresses < and embrol >, and half a dozen tnl weather, e'' , The sttcfet suits cost from SI25 to ) and that is why they aro so expensive. The finest tailoring is done on the simple the linen suits, above mentioned, come dressmaker will charge from $150 to $7 to 51.?0 for the little dresses, and with their dainty frills and furbelows. Of "tea gowns," In which my lady 1 on occasions, she will have three or foi with fur, perhaps), and these will be : wrappers, of soft silks and batistes (fash expensive, and trimmed with Valeneienn & How We Hear Om R.v Or. L. Laloy. a person records on a phr ??Srl T by himself together with ? I ^ machine to reproduce thes< 11 ii^ orally happens that he ens not his own. On the other perfectly. This singular f own voice differently from t .. t.. e/.m.irbrul Kv PinfnOBlir PYTlor nr> in l<mamvi . of tone. It inuBt be remembered that on< the air as do his auditors, but across tli pans of speech and those of hearing. Tl timbre from that conducted to the car by Wo may show this as follows: Take teeth and pronounce a vowel continuous taken between the teeth and released by stops his ears. The latter will find tha teeth the sound becomes stronger than alone, and has a different qualify. The < a wooden rod to the larynx of the persor to time, to the bserver's own larynx, found that Its passage through a solid sound and modifies its quality.? La Natu Patriotism of | J&Pi By William Dinwit all social barriers dowi I ^ A TI the millions o! Ji?pan are vv crushing defeat of Russia J i ^ j toy. The practical, every-da> sihle lino-spun theories, is l an(j women are working v relief and aid societies. The oldest nnd best known of thos founded in 1887 by the government, nnd r Prince Komatsu, until his death n year a perial highness. Prince KAnin. The orgr tions of the members, who number betv the present time, a large reserve fund o lars gold. The Red Cross society has a branch t unteer Nursing association, which was society. An interesting fact Is that qill the i among its members nnd practically all tt Nabeshima is the president and manager in Tokyo alone who are both contributing association has branches all over the cmp What the Noise Waa. The runninar of tha trains in thf? subway can bo heard distinctly in | some of the basements of the build- ' lngs along Elm street. , 1 There is a basemen:, barber shop at Elm and Franklin streets. "Big Tom" Fob y was dozing in one of the cihairs y.'.sterday morning when .1 train 'ruml>! <1 beneath. Ftolej jumped up in a uurry. "What's lliat, Henry?" ho asked the barber. "Nuttings,", replied the German barber, "dot is dor elevaucd trajtn in der givuud, dot'e all. > Sex T. Finck. > do not happen to be beautiful to the he beautiful sex? Too many of them , and in despair try to become strong, reat mistake. They can still belong to heir faces and figures be not beautiful e men, for the very reason that they me the stronger mentally (genius has women who lack physical charms may, heir more favored sisters in the art lines as bodily beauty. Shakespeare a woman say: ind weak and smooth, in the world, is and our hearts, ir external parts? odles, should be soft, smooth, delicate, those of men. The charm which comes tring and lasting than a pretty face. )wn to history hao little or no physical hi is piain-icaiurea, nui genuc, lenaer, kind, modest, cheerful, devoted, vivadeasing to the eyes, but without tho w men would find the second as captiosophy in Goldsmith's maxim, "Handwomen should understand clearly that Till sex, .and not to compete with men weighted unfairly by Nature. They ; not the highest criterion of nobility." auty, and it Is there that he Is weak [once, wise women will cultivate their tilings, and avoid work tlial develops 's Home Companion. In Fashion lunderctl by Kicli Women [ A | >j >iire 1 Haelie. tlies by the very rieh are astonishing, multi-millionaire, though his upparel s obliged to be severely simple in his turning of his wife am' daughters lie wide his overflowing purse, For tlio as practically no limit, and a lady of lie comfortable on a dress allowance :ind is liberal lie may give her $2a,000 to indulge an undue extravagance, of fashion ought to have at least sixty ilor-made suits for str < . woar. There ner gowns and six "littl drosses." 3, for informal afternoons. To these if fine French muslins, v.'kh much lace lor-niade linen suits, ;.!mi for warm t2"'0 apiece. Thev are severely plain, the glovelike lit being ail important, st gowns, and it is for this reason that to *75 to Slot) each. A fashionable ho for the evening and dinner gowns. $l'J0 to s;:tm lor tin; summer musnns, liny receive lior very intimate friends i?- (costing from $50 to $.loo, adorned nippleniented by an equal number of ionablc known as negligees"), equally cs.? Saturday Evening Pos?* r Own Voices*, mograph a few sentences pronounced 1 ithers by his friends, and causes the > at the end of a brief period, it genily recognizes his friends' voices, but hand, the friends recognize his voice act proves that every one hears his i others. . the difference must lie in the quality e hears his own voice not only through iC solid parts situated between the oric sound thus produced has a different the air alone. the end of a wooden rod between tho ily. lx>t the other end be alternately another person, who at the same time ,t every time he seizes the rod in his when it reaches his ear through air 'xperiment may be varied by applying 1 observed, and touching it. from time As in the preceding case, it will be body augments the intensity of the re of Paris. 4* mese Women lclie. i, hand In hand and heart to neart, working for one common end?tha ind the glory of their country in vlc* side of the situation, divested of poaLhat the wealthy and aristocratic men vith the humbler classes to organize e is the national Red Cross society, tresitfed over by his Imperial highness, igo. The present president is his iminization is supported by the subscripireen one and two millions; it has, at if between three and four million dolor auxiliary known as the ladies' Volestablished shortly after the parent mlnrcssos of royal blood are enlisted ie ladies of the nobility. Marchioness of the society. There are 400 women members and actual workers, and th? ire, including the island of Formosa. The available farm land in Indian Territory is estimated at fifteen million acres. These figures are taken from the records of the Dawes commission. Of this 15 per cent, was in cultivation last year. There are almost two million ncrts of land where pine is found in commercial quantities. and there Is an abundance of hard woods of all kinds. The latest statistics obtainable give the value of farm animals at $55.000,uOO. The per cent, of the population engaged in agriculture Is exceeded In only three States?Mississippi, Oklahoma and Arkansas. I" * * and admiration of her husband should be a woman's constant study. Airs. Brown and "TV T T ? . 11 - 1 ' * ** * * ~ ivirs. rotrs ten tneir stories lor the beneht of all wives and mothers. " Dear Mr*. Pinxitau :?Lyditi K. Pinklutm's Vegetable Compound will make every mother well, strong, healthy and happy. I dragged through nine yearn of miserable existence, worn out with pain and weariness. I then noticed a statement of a womR.11 troubled rr I wts, and the wonderful results she had hud from your Vegetable Compound, and deeided to try what j it would do for ire, and used it for three months. At the end of that time I was a different, woman, the neighbors remarked it, and rny husband fell in lore with me all over again. It seemed like a new existence. I had been suffering with inflammation and falling of the womb, but your medicine cured that un?l built up my entire system, till 1 was indeed lileo a new woman.? Sincerely yours. Mrs. Ciias. F. Hhow.v, ai Cedar Terrace, Hot Springs, Ark., j Vice President Mothers* Club." Suffering tonien should not fall to profit 1>> i>Ir:?. Brown's experiences; jusl as surely as she was cured of the troubles enumerated iu Iter letter, just so surely will Lydia 10. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound euro other women who suffer from womb troubles, l! inflaiiiiuntion of the ovuricg, kidney troubles, nervous excitability, and nervous prostration. Keud the story ol' Mrs. Putts to all ' mothers s ? j imtrf?ri^ " Ck Alt MlUt. Pinktiam : ? During the early ' part of nay married life I wan very delicate j j in health. 1 had tv.o miscarriages, and both : my husband nnd 1 felt, very ! idly as we were j < anxious to have children. A neighbor who [J had b<vcn using l.ytehv I!. PinkhmrvS i i ' ff, Vegetable Compound advised mo to try ,< it, and 1 decided to do to. 1 toon felt that mv appetite was increasing, t lis her doches H HMBrl'1 5' . irrodliallv deer.-: ICil : l'i: MV(li?*nrii?? i1 ^ . nnd ray por.criil !'.cr!(!i ;n\proved. \ felt as wOwS&VvraA ^ now blood conned through my veins, tho V sluggish tired f<-:iii::g <li: appeared, and I bet44 Within u year after I became the mother ' ';/*?. ? ^gf of a strong healthy child. the joyof our home. ' <>7/VW VvW Yon certainly have n splendid remedy, and I ^BrarTr // ivjJ /-' . yfis wish every nioth-r know of it. ? Sincerely ?hP\?^'/ y?ur8' ^^na* A"NA I'oTTa, MO Pork Ave., llot "\ $3fcv,4V' If you feel that, there is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your case, or ^l&L f if you wjsh confidential advice of tho most experienced, write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and you will l>e advised free of charge. Eydia E. Pink h.nit's Vegetable Compound lias cured and is curing thousands of coses ol female troubles ? curing them inexpensively and absolutely. Remember this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting LycJm ?. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* j H for a present with WY^ 3 COOD LUCK 11 S Baking; Powder l|3 qH Buy Good I.uck Baking Powder. In so doing you get VV the most of ttie purest Waking powder at the smallest cost. )b| Furthermore, if vou will save th#> < ?????? ?i?? ?-? > ?> yuu will I find plaiuly printed on the label of each can. you can get tlie beautiful premiums we are now offering. Cut out these coupons. They arc valuable. It takes but a few of them to obtain some of the numerous useful gifts on the premium liat. ? A little book inside of every can explains all abont the V premiums. It shows a picture of each gift and tells just how many coupons are required to get thein. Don't fail to save the coufMins. Take a delight iu your baking and secure some of the churtuing premiums. GOOD LUC* Baking Powder IFi1^ ' ' ^ established in i8o?- The sale# have to Increaser y.,t:are shipping Good Luck Baking I'owder in carload 1< Et- L - country. The cause of this enormous popularity i KuQD LlfriS housekeepers j;et not only a positively pure baking i r^/vPl force, hut nt a price a little less than they have be< some other kind that was not as satisfactory in resul When buying Good Luck think of its purity and t Mill f\ IIlL&n obtained from its use. Remember every Good Lv faK'afa present. If your grocer doesn't keep Good Luck, a P ' Q I y^?iE| will see that you are supplied. H IPlmomd/Y^ THE SOUTHERN MANUFACT Bj vCl* -s / . fSV Richmond, Va. ^saraKssssBEOBraBBi P U TNAM FADELE Color raor* (rood* brighter nn<1 color* fhun ?nv otlar J>?< Ona lor ptakara color- >dlk. wool and cott< auita. Auk dealer or wo will ?cud poat paid ot K< ? par kayo. Writ* for frco Pooklet- How to I>r?, Bi?a?b and | Florodora Cotton. THELKAUINU VARIETY OKEAUTU. Early, most prolific. fibre Ion? and strong,' roronun Jlng:: torteper pound over cumuioa motion; not sen island. tliercforv dollntod saw R'.n ; grows anywhere. Mr. T. B. Hardicau.r* Manaileid. Ua., in wo days from planting,'grew rrom seed bought of mi*, stalks averaging 1WOe-juares und bolls, stalks being fe>it,- 5 inche# high, Ik ftpi i inches through and a? feet around. Price of seed irlveii on application L. A. STONE Y, Allendale, SC. Reference:?Chas. B. Farmer, Banker, Alleriilalo, S. C. ; C. Y. Calhoun, President liank oT Barnwell. Bam .veil, B. C. S^ AND MILLSTONES /TORN If in ni*d of Corn Mill ?? Milt W11 | o tlonu you will find H lo TOW ? nlLLd intareat to aorraapoud wttfc X. / CAROLINA MILLSTONE CO, S ol Cimiron, N. C. Nimdtr' lurm of CONN MILLS from th* limtM Moore Coxinl$r Grit. Gaott's Planters and Distribntors WE GUARANTEE THEM BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Writ# for l'rlrr? anil Catitl<i;n*. ANTT nHO. CO.. riacon. (la. lohn "-?WATERMELON WHY THE BEST? ()nmhinr< uy successive cmasTorttltvittioQ the merits of lending varieties; llnu rtnd. the best shipper; glossy appearance, the tn>M% seller. commanding pior.tium !< > per crut over nil other varieties ; great productiveness Write for priee of seed, ami how to grow over slept thousand !?o to tu-piiuml lureious melons of title variety oil pint of land 'J10 feet square (on? acre), land t.<-iiiRof medium fertility, I.. A. NTONKY, Allendale. H tl. Reference:?Cnnv B. Farmer, Ranker, Allendale. S. C.; O. K. Calhoun, I'rtaideut Ilank vd Iiaruwell, Burttwull, 6. C. HERE IT !S ! Want to learn nil about' Jf? i Home? How to 1'leU yj Out it Hood On"? ^MaaMIH Imperfections and X' la [itiard against Kraud? \ Detect Disease and Kf-' f\ feet U Cure Wllell SUtUe S \ I \ Is possible? Toil til" * V / t Km- by tlte Teeth? What to call th" (>.fferoni l'art'. of the Animal? How to Shoe a llors" I'roperl/: All this and it her Valuable Information can t?- obtain* d by r? adln;-T our lixi-PAGK Il.l.HH iii.M i.k uvivni'i i wn, xvni'-n \v>> will forward. postpaid, on reuoipt of only 3D :untn Pi stamps. BOOK run. MOUSE. 134 U'Otiard St.. N. V. City. T' Removes all swelling 'a 8tow 'V"'/ ?'.u\s; clTccls a pcrinat tot cut* i: ? A ;.. ?? .? *... a given free. Nothing in lie fane* "ffljgwfj Write Ur. H. H. O'oanS Son*. ' s&pr.iali?ts. Box B Attantn. 6? R-ioalari <f wn (t| CURLS WMtkE ALL LLSK FAILS. L_j M lJoet L'ouixh Kyrap. t'onn Jooil. U?>> ^6 IVI In time. Solfl by ilrtiKBi-t*. rf USXSHS^L If afflicted with wt-ak eyas. o*? Thompson's Eye Water So. 4t\ I to (late, that to-day we 6B :ita to everv section of the s plain. In Good Luck, Bf powder of great leavening jflB rn accustomed to pny for 38 ts. ffl? consider the pood results ick coupon counts for a gKRj end U9 his name and we URINC CO., K SS DYES ID ?'quully v?U and I* inir. ranted! to jMto jx<r!e?'t r?.Mi* Color* MONROE DKUOCO, I'liion vllle, M*j