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*}?!?)* o! l3C2il Wo'vr. Mi\ and Mrs. hhanl; Erwin of Steel Creek, spet.t Saturday in U'"'k Hiil. Mrs. T. G. Gulp lias hf en eon-' fined to her home for .several days t>y sickness. Mies Helen Heath, of Monroe, is the guest of her cousins, the , M'KSv*ri Harris, <?f llllri |>1 ice. Tin* Times has a few ntori' of those nicely ptinted "post" ranis, which we would like to dispose of. A load of .wood seen oil the I streets I heae days creates some thinu: of a stir and causes a rush for tlie wapon. Messrs. .Allison Thotmwell and Ben 3da<sev came down from Charlotte Saturday f >r a short stay at their homes in this place. Farmers are er; hasy nt pvescut j?ettino their small grain sown;! a considerable nonage boitig put! in. Mr It M I .... nr. ;.-...) ~ f' <lay? ?u<) from Wei It 011, Ari:'.., ami is visiting his |>orents, Mr. and; Mis D. A. Leo, of lower Fu**t Mill.: Tltey keep on marryini* mid go ; ing t<? get married, and 1'10 Times j wishes thetu all a great <l?oti of j happiness. Mrs. Clamliu K >y and children ' and Mrs. (. . K I *.;.rtis. <-J ( -i.-s tor, spent Thanksgiving .Mrs. Alexander Utirber. An exchange otVers this whole-i soras advice to 1110 In i>>: "Teach your daughters to cook, an 1 if they don't t batik you, somebody's son; will thank you for her." Saturday was a busy time in all the stores in town; people of all classes and condition* fixing up for winter. Mr. Andrew Hill, who has been fanning ill tho noit'orn part of nf liie 1 nvciicli 11> 111/irAil u f?n?- #!.>?.<j I ? " " ""J" ; ago t<? the MeNi'-cli farm, near! al;tj Charlotte Uriel; Co.'s plant. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. ( 111p who has heeu ill for some time of typhoid fever, is reported to be much improved. A census of the tin hey inhabitants of the I ailed States last Thursday would have shown a hi*; reduction as compared with tho 1 r<. ceding twenty f ur hours. Mrs. J. S. Dent on and children i will during the week move from* this place to Chester, where Mr. l)eaton has for some time had ai position in tlie Springstein mill. i Other persons may he forgetful I but you may he consoled hv tliei furl that tin* honk hi II-col lector j is not mmollis the nuinher who will i forget to call. . 1 Miss Mason Harris, of Fori Mill,! lins accepted a position with the i Rock Hill Supply (%>? for the fall ' and winter seasons. The Record, j Mr. and Mrs. Titos. Branson, of Rock Hill, spent Sunday at the liotne of Mr. C. II. Branson, in tii is place. The fuel question is getting to hi- serious hereabouts. A ntajori- I ty of the employes of lite Millforti mill have had grates put in and! are heinu furnished coal by the ' mill company. xt tir i it* i i i flit iuih. >>. rt. \v rimii ana lime i son, Willie, who have been visit- j ing here, have gone to O. K., in Lancaster count}', where Mrs. Wright has charge of the Tabernacle School. Qnit(\ a number of Fort Mill young ladies, accompanied by sev- | oral visiting young ladies, came up i from Winthmp Saturday and re. mnined until yesterday at tlieir homes in this place. Mr. F. ft. Whitlock, proprietor j of the Cash Store, has decided to i close out th? business and is dis-| playing ft ' Soiling Out At Cost"1 sign ii front of his store. The Times is requested fo state Unit all those d siring tr? join the j local lodge of Woodmen and whose , applications for membership re- J reived up to Friday, will be issued | tickots to the banquet Friday evening. See no ice of cut rates else where. Mr. Ira G. Smythe and family, who for the past two years have been living on a farm two miles south of Fort Mill, have returned ! to town and are occupying the j "Boyd house, near the graded ! schools. Mr. Smythe and son, Mr. ! W. K. Smythe, will again engage iii the market business. Pursuant to announcement Miss Maud Thompson/ of this place/ and Mr. Frank Krwin/ of Steel Creek( were happily married Wednesday afternoon at 8 o'clock at i the home of the bride's brother, Dr. D. Ci. Thompson, on Confed- | erate street, Dr. J. II. T horn well otlieiati'?ur. The marriage was a quiet affair, bein^ witnessed only j by the immediate relatives of the ( contracting parties. On Thursday | a leception was tendered tho new- ! ly mairied couple at the home of the groom's mother in Steel Creek. The Times joins a host of friendH i jn wishing for Mr. and Mrs. Er- | viu uiuch happiness and success. HONOR ROLL | Of the Fort Mill Graded School tor .he Month of November. FIRST (i HA DC. Advim**eel-*?'Violet Gulp, Marchie Culp, Jessie Little. Nannie Giles. Floyd SUidmoie, John (/arris. A Glass-*!- Margaret Kuratt. Cor- ! lU'liii Harris, Ernest Patterson. B OlrtssTT-Alioe Harris, Nettie Uny, Zi'ims Grier, dames Young,! EIj Hnilca. C Class?Annie Kirnbrell. Floy Gordon, Jim Gaston, Alice Bradford. ^ SECOND GRADE. Polly Gams, Daisy Ktnrnee, Bessie Smith, .Too Belli, Olive j Harris, John Payne. THIRD GRADE. Mamie Jack Massey, Maggie , Skiduiore, Kirk Cousart, Willie j Gordon, Lulu Ilaile, Vushti Yar- j borough. FOURTH GRADE. Rosa Gulp, Mary Epps, Li la ' Hull, Koy Patterson, Burt Patter- j son, Willie Worrels, Carl White- J sell. FIFTH GRADE. Aline Barber Lucy Merritte, Mamie Carothers, Laua Parka, Jes- j sie Harris. SIXTH GRADE. Carrie Merritt, Sarger Kiinbrell,' Hobt. Grier, Alex Young, Carey Epps. sr.VENTII GRADE. Lueilo Barber, Mannie Culp, ! Sunie Elms, Wnnnetta Gordon, Leon Mussey, Earle Kimbrell. EIGHTH GRADE. Pnni ( iriiir I .mniua Pn rim Gtnr. no Gulp. NINTH GRADE. Mary Harris, Minnie Gordon, Trances Thornwell, .loo McMurray. The Times is informed Hint upon the completion of the railroad bridge across Catawba river, the Ph enix Bridge Company will begin the erection of bridges across the two creeks between this place ! and Pineville. Later an iron ! bridge will replace the overhead trestle where the public road crosses the railroad at tho old Springs station. There nre at present about 7o men at work on the river bridge, and with favorable conditions it is said that five months will be required to complete the work. The home of Dr. D. G. Thompson on Confederate street, is again to I e the scene of a happy marriage, when tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock his sister, Miss Nannie Thompson, will become the bride of Mr. L. B. Brown, of the Point section of this county. The ltev. Dr J. H. Thornwell will officiate. Immediately after the marriage a reception will he given by Dr. and Mra. Thompson, after which the newly.married couple will depart for their future home in Western York. If advertising stops, business stops, is as certain and true as an unwound watch can't run. Of course there are some concerns which have not started to advertise, neither have they started to get business. JOIN THE W. O. W. For 30 clays from date, White Oak Camp No. 41, W. O. W., will condnct a "Log-Rolling," which, in reality, means a cut-rate entrance feo, enabling those who are unable to pay the regular rate, to join the order at a reduced price. For terms, application blanks and other information, apply to S. W. PARKy. A. L. Fort Mill, S. C., Nov. 20, 1003. Sliiiigles. 100 Thousand just in. A. A. Bradford, Jr. Ivory Soap Fairy Soap Octagon Soap Qrandpa's Soap Calstile Soap Glycerine and Tar Soap And forty-nine different kinds of sweet-smelling and medicinal soaps. There is no need of doing without soap because you can't get your favorite kind. A niou Sapolio, Bon Ami and Putz Pomade cleaners. Ardrey's Drugstore, A FURNITEE TALK.I 1 During the past two years we have broken ; all former Fort Mill records in the sale of < Furniture. In fact, our sales in this line", have far exceeded what we expected. Our;' motto from the day of opening this stock p has been to buy only the best goods in as! large lots as it was possible to handle. By! doing this we are enabled to sell a first-class article at what the small dealer charges for the second-class, or inferior article. We| have had numbers of customers to toll usj, that our prices are from 10 to 20 per cent lower than those of the larger dealers of nearby towns. Our furniture department is stocked with a complete line of up-to-date Suits, Odd Dressers, Bedsteads, Washstands, Hall i Racks, Schiffoniers, Wardrobes, Kitchen Cabinets, Sewing Machines, Safes, Cupboards, Tables, Chairs, Sideboards, Springs, j Mattresses, Rugs, Pictures and Novelties! all kinds that we offer cheap for cash, or on j liberal installments. We believe we have what you want in this line, and can save lyou money on your next bill. We will take pleasure in showing vou through, whether you buy or not. MILLS & YOUNG. I , , , ? _ ( THE OLD RELIABLE STORK ] | ; ! i shoes; SHOES!! 1 | SHO E 8 S i I We^ handle,1 besides many other brands, the celebrated W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES for Men, the C. & E. SHOES for ladies and children I The CI cn G ft. I? ohe.e M. ? V VJ. IV JU?. I for ladies we believe to ;1 be the best on earth for the money. - . - - | As we are closing out Furniture and Stoves, v we will save you money in this line. - - - ; I 1--K-.-L ?i. i-. -LJJ 1^ -f Yours for business, T. B. Belk. I THE OLD RELIABLE STORE !| SPECIAL B Ladies* and children's Hat Winter Dress Goods AT ( i '-tOO pairs Shoes AT COST, Sewing Machines at HAL! Sheet Iron Heaters, $1.00 [lookini* Stoves no nn ?"'? k|> v.ww tljr. One sixty-live dollar Orgu All wool Art Square, 1) hv Brussels Art Squares, 9 b> A11 wool 60c carpet sample Ladies' Jackets, 7f>c to $7.! Ladies' Suits, $4.n() up. Fhree nice suits of Furniii Due New $25.00 Bicyle for dome sec the beautiful $j we arc to i?ive you ft on Dec. l2:ird. Vou j^et a t lar'r worth of goods whic on anotiier handsome pre One prize given away eve t i. cr i Not Evkkythi tint some lint's we are sellit 3? get it. Wo must have a li\in^; 25 be paid and we must have a pro 25 those necessities. There is <>nlj 25 in^: Work or steal. The form 25 hut do not love it. The latter u V and help lis to make an honest honest profit on most of our ^ ? More IF?. In a Jew days we will displ 25 need more room, ho com t > see Jfif cresting for you in several iiaes <gj Pi ainy-cla; D .7list in, a S10 1)1) coat for SQs) St.00. Misses Coats, $0 (X). ? J GLOfe Xp A few nice Jackets left in t ? 25 Hats ** Last Saturday. 1'iotty nor Qjr h??r wlutt wo Haiti: 4i\\"o nrve Cy Tlu?y must go. A <?oo<l stock o H Meacliam ?(8KSHS???????-? ? | Rubbers, F $ Rubbers have ; $ 30 per cent. stock of Kuhhc v. the obi price I # and arc prepa $ from 10 to fc2o( ? Get the habit ;g iwcfcitiarsey (LU. 7 Work Well Done. o Have you Table Cloths, Counterpaines, Doilies, Window Curtains, ' [Blankets, etc., laundered by tlie 1 Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C. < Prices for laundering the above nrticlea cheerfully furni.-died. ' < ! f? a _ i<?- . i < i nuns pressed o;>c; suns tiry cleaned and pressed, 50c; suits ' I 1 crashed and pressed, 7oc; coat or 1 pants pressed, 15c; cleaned and i # ' pressed, 25c; skirts pressed, 25c; gleaned and pressed, 50c. , I Our shipments are made Thurs- ' day mornings and returned Saturdays. 1 IMcElhaneyvParks Co. The Clethlig aid Shor Mvn. ARGAINS s AT COST. J ST. some less than cost. PRICE, to 2 SO. a n at $45.50. 12 feet. $7.50 * 12 feet, SIr> 00 is, SO. 50. ire AT COST. $15.00. Piano that ir a Christinas Present * icket with every dolx h is liood for a chance sent, besides the Piano, ry day at 0:30 a. 111. ^ r j -?? , 3 a?0??s ?&?&<?? t n ? NO AT Lost. Q * nr at cost and nre triad to mil* four salesmen must Jo! lit on something l.? meet jK I wo ways to make a liv- 5]h er we have always tried, 2? e will not do, so come on X living, hy ptying us an ids?at this time. 09 ooni, g ay our Xinas goods and us, we will mako it inter- jSL 57- Coats. ? A very g jod one at 09 ets. ? ans, 152, 3-4, 36 at a bargain. 09 3 Sold ? d for one day. lutt remetnr carry millinory over." 09 n hand yet. y9 . & Epps, g @??55??????@? 2 f libbers. | advanced at least ft o bought our $ ts last spring at ft or future delivery reel to save you & i on the pair. & of trading with ^ -Parks Go | AW ORDINANCK. Fixing the I evy and Providing for thn Collection of Property Taxes in tho Town of Fort Mill, S. C. Bo it ordained by tho intendant and wardens of the town ofjFort Mill, fcJ. C., ind by authority of same: Sec. 1. That twoniillson tho dollaris hereby levied 011 all taxable property within th.i corjxmite limits of the town >f Fort Mill, S. C., on .Tannary 1, 1904, he and the same is hereby made for ordinary purposes. Boo. 2. That said tuxes shall l>e and become due and payabloon the lr>th day ?f October, 1901. at the ofliee of J no. M. Spratt, secretary and treasurer, and tho ws-rotary's books. shaJt be open on that, late for tho collection of said taxes, and the same may l>e paid up toainl including the 1st day of November, 1904, after which date said taxes may tejmid with 15 per cent jxmalty added until tho 15th lay of November, 1 !>i) t. See. :i. That on and after November 15th, 190-1, executions will be issued for ill delinquents for tho full amount of' taxes duo together with the 15 per cent penalty and all costs, including .me dollar cost for every execution issued by the treasurer. Done and ratified in connnil assembled this Ilrd day of October, 1904. T. S. KIRK.PATHICK. Attest: lutendant. JNO. NL KPR ATT, Fee. and Tremst. dtiA