University of South Carolina Libraries
ANOTHER LIFE SAV^O. 1 Mrs. G. \V Foot*, of Salisbury. Md., |*rife of G. W. Foots, Sheriff of Wiro: > ternl with tld^?r|> < r/zr ^ |?| ihi ureu ana ^fc'lort eating, and my iBtnb* were badly swollen. One doctor ttold me it would finally turn to Height's disease. 1 was laid up at one tluie for [three weeks. I had not taken L>onu's tt&idncy Pills more than three days fiwhen the distressing aching across uiy 4>a<;k disappeared, and 1 was soon en- j tlrely cured." ^ i For sale by all dealers. Price 50 ?euts. Foster MilbnrnCo., Buffalo,N. Y. i I < * Kruger's View of Australians. | ( A vtory told in sporting circles ol Che late President Kruger (luring the esarly days of the South African sax alnins the simplicity of the old Boer ieader, at cording to the New Haven {Palladium. When the first Australian contingent arrived at Cape Town Mr. Kruger is vaid to have naked SJnneral Joubert if he knew anySting about these Australians. "I only know that 11 of them ones * ? All ?' "Good Heavens!" cried th* President. "w? arc lo3t! Thirteen thou Mnd of th<?m have just lauded." Grave of Pocahontas. In eonrmem oration of the Indian ^rincoe* Pocahontas, who died at fliaweeiul, England, when about, to SaM home to Virginia with her hus|mio In 101C, St. George's Church, in iWetpping. is to huvo a pulpit made { nam wruod brought from Virginia* SroraJionta is buried in the cbauceJ ?rf St. George' Fi 1*8permanent 1 venrw.l. No fltsomervon*neeaafter find day's use ot I>r. KltnuV tirea XerveUi-storur.V Jtrlnl Lxntlnand treatise free Dr. ft. h. Kline.Ltd., 931 Arch St.. l'hllii.. i'u. The highest railroad bridge in tlie world is in Peru. ItlatiLo C<iftf>f> Win* Kvfrvt liIiie* Ft. Louis, Nov. 14. World's Fair gives C7. F. Itluukc Tea and Co floe Co. highest aivuril. mnd uriw ?n?l ? ?.!?! ~ i ? , " > VVJI- _ fee, aim) five additional highest award* on ' tlrant ('.thin Tea, (Junker Ceylon Ton. I China Tea. Hiidzuokakt n Japan and Cot t mio-im Tew, making greatest innnher grand prizci ever aw.tided one firm. ? There air 41,00* hotels in the United 1 States. 1 do not bolicve I'iso's Cure for Consump- \ lion has uitui(ual for eoiigliH nut! ctililt. -John ? F.liovt.u,'Trinity Spring*, Iod., Feb. 15,1900. The only eountry in Europe without any r railway is Montenegro. k v ^ht/eQuic^Entail To t*iMi mlvrrtme the South'* ImiJIni,' lluiiliii'tii College, four scholarships urc offered yoong persons ?f this county at less than h ost WRITH TODAY Bi-ALi BUSINESS COLLEGE, Macon, Ga. ? - r, | WET WEATHER COMFORT I "I have used your FISH BRAND Slicker lor five year* and can truthfully say that I never have had anything give me so much com- j fort and satisfaction. Enclosed Li find my order for another one." >4- 'You ceut defy the hardest storm With ! Tomer's Waterproof Oiled , Clothing and Hats ^ i OUR GUARANTEE IS DACK OF THIS SION OF THE FISH A. J. TOWER CO. ettfWERj bos lor. U. 8. A. iQ^y ? FOIVfff CANADIAN CO. Toaonro, CANADA ?9 hi mm ro pa rimrLts j **1 tried all kind* of blond which far. ad (i % to mc any f<""I bat I b?*a fo'n.d tha right thing si fact, kly tmc" wu full uf pioiplea ami blackMali. After taking f'aararatt they all laft i aai aaUualiig ttia uaa of tbam and ra<-omiaanUliif Sham t.i my frtnnda. ! feel fine wb*n I rlta n tha I morning. Hopu to Lava a rhanen to roruima*o4 , Dwacarata " _ 1 Prod C. Wittcn, M Kim lit., Newark, N. J. | The Bowels ^ I kmcamti CAMDY CATHARTIC Plaoaant. Palatable. Potent Tn*t? Good Po flood, ' awr Hli-kra, Weaken or <>rir>?. We. ittc. tuc. Never f, Bold la bulk. The reutilne tablet atatnpcu C O C. eawanlnal to euro or your money back. \ Sterling Remedy Co., Chl.ago or N.Y. 595 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES " n So. -17. A Rncrksa" Training Bchool, (JaMrv College in a l!u*in< and Shorthand 1 BelKMit unit mm e- n tnerlalli o: lralnlr.a lia atmi.-ne fofUDJINFSSBl'rt Ev* " l?0rnMI *' ?lth two tiriim. Htmli at* from (ia<>r- 1 irl? !< Ni-w lurk H rifr /Or ra to toy nr. Address: jj waUrjf College, Uol liOU. \V llniliitfloti, Dal. ^ HERE IT IS! Want to Icnrn nil !>l>out Jtk A Itorno? How to Pick jjHk Out a Uond One? Know /yL Vmnmi Imperfections and ?o W V. Gumnl ugainst Kraud? \ 1 1 Gatert Inseanft and Kf- ""^Tl feet a Cure when mmn f \ I \ ' la possible? Tell the w \ it, Axe by tho Teeth? IVhtt to rah the Otf- j farent Part* of the Animal? llnw to c Khoe a Horse Properly? All thin and other Valuable Information can be oh- ? talned by rending our 100-PAGE II.I.U8- , TRATKD HORUK BOOK, which wo will 1 forward, postpaid, on reoaipt of oily 2S I cent* in nlnnipa. ; . _ BOOK ValL HOU9B. M Laooar* ?i, W. X. City. | t ' KlIROKI IS Tai; ? JRC lapanese General Ends His Life { The Field of Carnage <*1 tL-MORS AT LAST ARE CONFIRM^ I..U >ne of th? Three Chief Japanese Co roe manders in Manchuria was Struck the Breast by a Splinter of a She^y and Died at Liao Yang Oct. 4.?Tl.d ( Bcdy Sent to Japan?Fortification of Both Armies Near Mukden No"10 /en co Strong As To Defy Attack. ^ Ij " noi Moscow,! By Cable.? Nemiroclr| I kmchcnko. the well-known Russlcllu var correspondent of the Associatpap 'ress. telegraphing from Mukden til ii ier Sunday's (late, says the rcpo*nn ?f the death of General Kuroki 3 wo onfirmed. Aeordlng to his versiSep he splinter of a shell struck Genctie 1 <uroki. tearing out a portion of the icart. He died October 4 at l^trdi i'ang. and his body was sent to Pa tan. A rumor persistently ciroulaned hut a kinsman of the Mikado. Sit Mr mai, literally, '"Third l.ittle I'riu4 to las been :nmoi?iti-<l to Ktinnee?l t luilf ral Kuroki, but the actual commiUSPt ?f the army has been entrustecxpeo leneral Nodzu. who is reviewing! ' 'rations. ho In "For the last five weeks." rson Janchenko, "we have practically! nfle idvanced at any point on the wverec southwestern front even a few viiss SI 'urther than we stood on Octob^'t f )n the contrary, we at several pl'from iave been obliged to retire sec11'1"1* irersts, but the present lines ofh's l enso must be considered perman 11P n view of the strong fortiflcat0H 'lf instructed. The Japanese posit it several points are only S00 pi'1 Wf iihtant from ours and must be ?*?1' 1 iidered to be definitely occupied v',el he enemy. pear "The latter's fortifications are 1 hc?11 nowledged by all competent pen/11"' o be skillfully constructed. T 1,11,1 renches in many places are so f1"1"11 ully concealed as not to be noiii'tPU /iv u suori instance away, the a WH emoved helnjf carefully 'hrowii|lou, ront ?>f the trenches. The gejjy 1 losltion causes n great tension e >oth sides. ^ttr^4* "Alarming news has been reccrtlioil roni fort Arthur, hut the ahsenc0 tl1; eports during the last few <! |*? nakes it evident that the moven a" one of the other Russian tin'* rill he dependent upon the cours?tl to ivents there. they "On November 11. scouts on ight flank attempted to pierce.;, ino of the Japanese fortifications* 'p'1 rere met with a stubborn .esistfch e, | ml finding the enemy st ongly re-en- | orcod. retired." * Worse Than McCue Case Auburn, Cal., Special. Adolf \\vber as been placed under arrest, charged cith the murder or his parent^ sister nd young brother last Thursday night nd with having set the family resience on tire afterwards to conceal lie crime, Wetter look the arrest coolv. The arrest took place immediately ifter he left the witness stand, and af cr lie h:ul reluctantly answered the luestions asked him by Coroner Shepird. the district attorney and seiernl f the jurymen. The latest theory in the Wober inurier < -use is that tlie murderer shot the ather first; then, us the sister appeard in tho hull, he shot her; and tneti he mother seeing what had l?een done, icreamed atul started for him. when ie shot her. She continued on across he room, and raising her left hand, ook down the telephone receiver lo all for help, at which time she received the second shot, which penetrated ho body just under the loft arm. The< hlld being the onlv one left, the rourlerer struck him over the head and oiled him.# The operator at the conrnl telephone office says thut the line it tlie Weber residence showed "busy" it about half hour before the fire was Uncovered. Adolphus Weber, in jail, had milling to say beyond that he had a .qjood light's rest. No effort has 1?? en made o get the young man out on a writ >v his attorneys. Weber's description is said lo tally Vl t ll f hp flOMt'flntinn ...... ? ?' ??' Wl M?? ' >ei? who robbed the bank here. Six Held For Murder. Wrightsville, (la.. Special. The corrrr's inquest over the body of Clayon L. Williams, a young merchant if Spann, Johnson county, who was ound dead in the road a few days ago. as concluded here. The jury recomu? nded that four white men and two rhite women be held for the minder. The defendants are Rufus Price, l.ofIn Cut low. Arthur Mormau, Walter Vulker. Mrs. Lizzie Edge and Mrs. ielle Williams. Some of the defendants re related to some of the best famlles of Caurens and Johnson counties, nd a great crowd assembled to hear he evidence at the inquest. $30,000 Fire at Savannah. Savannah. *Ja., Nov. hflxfagdylxd Savannah, (Ja.. Special. Kirl In the evolving warehouse of the Seaboard Mr l.ine Railroad did about $30,000 lamage. The entire Are department >f the cltv was called outj and In idilltlon two tugs assisted in fighting ho fiamos. Two firemen Were hurt, I either seriously, however. The stores Mimed consisted chiefly of grain and tenirml nercbMiU'.se. j Hmmr : BHii! hmSil r ILARY AND LARCENY. j SQUIRE Wll Mlas J. A. Drew, Await i 0?*- Heywa Upon* a toast Sarious Port Mil (iovernoi ish, alias J. A. Drew, j d;iy sent c ed white man wlio was < >nl >mnn re on the charge of tar.V ??f fStn d luiceny, was arrested ?Imt on tlii ta of Charlotte Thnrs- t ^ i I laid O. ? at 11 o'eloek, The for the St/ here were immediate- 'H duly r j[ the arrest and Con- K?nie upon K. Mills went up and ')' d Parish to Foit Mill Thus it ing train. rnonial Inn iminary trial was set for past.. ' " " 4 1 -- mission of mug ?i o:n miii, wiicii before Magistrate J no. ! ward tuac uiey, Pariah waivvd tlie n*ont: "I y and was committed to "b'mt a v? ti default of a $200 bond dton sent te with which Parish is nuking tin is committed on Sunday vok?-d. A tember 2(ith, last. At I presented .^arish was employed in ' thought colton miila here and Hie pe ng at the In me of Mr. H lions tterson. On the night ">e mise < Parish, with the mem- (hmbt shu . Patterson's family, had cfr? hut preaching and had gone him at Hi* way to church, when mutter wa 1 himself, saying that ho |her pioo ting important mail and '"1? f >r 1 >y the postolKce. This "dvisalile st seen of Parish. Mr. "i'estei and family returned tomensi r the service and there which M 1 that a trunk helongit g Kcneraly. onie Patterson had been h*ive abs< pen and $18.75 takon K?"d of s . A search of the house literatim and it was found tlmt a,,(' "hen ooni was also in a t'uin- "M,aiy pi condition and that the j ,1,Sil*'wn*id evidently made away with the 1 of the man's clothing, j "s exeich ih not suspected of the f'1"8 vv'1' several hours afterward, ''' i finally lie failed to put which at ance. it dawned upon Mr. remove i i that ho (Pariah) was h y one, and that during ' stat? d. 11 ily's absence had taken ?ee to so lin^ and the money and Mr. Patterson at once ONE riHnt issued for Parish, Take ing was heard of him un- I' l""' " lesday evening when a million r on the evening tiain rience, a Otfieer Hall, of this dijuaits at ho had that afternoon siderath sh on the streets of Ohar- I Set 111 'lie Charlotte ollicers were ! sweeten look out for the man, and j ^ ' did, arresting liiui the ! '<'l,l,lrl ; morning w "[ y:'"V arrested Parish stronuly ?* , >ar o. "cotton in his possession join in these county or lo-at meetings, and agitate the importance of this ntep anion;.; iiis neighbors, to the end that success in i he near future will be a?* sured. \\Y have held our own well so far, but we can do much better and easily advance the price from 2 to 3 cents by persistently refusing to sell end lightening up present receipts " Danger of a Lynching. A onnnin 1 t'rom /^/xliivn ld<> C?m>ln 1 r%. hwui v/unuiiuta niiiuia; night says: According to telegram? received by Governor Hayward there lr danger of a lynching :n Saluda, but at present communication is cut off at place or. account of wire trouble. The following telegram wac received Sunday: "Saluda. Nov. 13. "To Gov. D. C. Hayward; "Wire sheriff at once to carry John Perry, charged witn the murder of Joe Dennis Weils, to penitentiary. Un:iafe hA-jo. Danger of lynching. Eull particXlirs by first mall. (Signed) "E. S. B LEASE." Mr. Please j the :;<nator-olect. an 1 on receipt of the telegram the following was sent: "To Sheriff W L. Khoden, Saluda, S. C.: "Mr. Blease wires danger of lynchlDg Perry nnd asks he be brought to penitentiary. You must decide. Swear lc deputies necessary and protect prisoner. 8ee no lynching occurs. Communicate with me at any time, (feigned) "D. C. HAYWARD," The following was also sent: "To E. S. Blease. Saluda. S. "Telegram received. Have wired sheriff. Confer with him. (Signed) "D. C. HAY WARD." It is impossible for the Governor to retoCh Saluda on account of the Newberry and Johnston offices being closed and the telephone line having trouble. Secretary Hay's Brother Dead. Washington, Special.?Secretary of State Hay has received a dispatch an nnunrlng the death of his brother. MaJot Leonard Hay, V. S. A., retired, in the seventieth year of his age. He died at the Hay homestead in Warsaw, III. The late Major Hay was the head of the family in this country. A prominent official said that he was an offieler of great intelligence and efficiency. and since his rctirenwnt had been one of the most public-spirited citizens of Illinois. Secretary Hay will leave to attend the funeral immediately Died of Appoplexy. Baltimore. Special. While seated at his desk in tho banking house of Alexander Brown & Sons. W. Graham Bowdoin. a member of the firm, was suddenly attacked with what is believed to have been apoplexy, and died without regaining conelousncss. His health had I always been excellout. and be hail not complained of fooling ill. The physi- j cinns who were called In say that a blood clot on the brain was the cause of the attack. .LARD D BAILES OUSTED \ l rd Breaks Up the Noted rauw?y wi-r I Matrimonial Brreau. making hnu r Hevwnrd on Thurs- ! IhroatTaml , . i P h <i- the ml vent c nit the following oth- t,rv for JjeOII inicntion to 11??? fiocre- even tho*\vo te: 4*Please take notice hopeless i^psi h day the coinmitibion of SU1THaiti's, n ii 'turv public ^,v^'by"S ite ??f South' (.Carolina, This great r ovoked and enter the Throat and your records accordiny- 1 rice is that the noted matri- Stati S lean becomes u tiling of ra'icm Ms In revoking tlio com- IVnhrdv f Bailee Governor Hoy f-r Wintl It? tlio following state tii menls t will be recalled that li-'s' ?.f t ar ?i"o there was a pe fund, whii iii from York county to Nowui it Ins commission be ret c >uliter petition whs Ss that no action be taken. "1 was tr lit that time that in view trouble. It titions and counter pe- noneofw1h ... . . 1 e saw an ad. 1 other circuinstances ot determined [hat the benefit of the few doses 1 illhl be given to the ofii- after was e in declining to remove S,'VM " . 7 i .i . . mine have it tunc I stated that the Neuralgia. s still open to such fur- , and Gonori f as tlie parties petition- 1" I ass, e :is removal might deem (>:!,y u to adduce. day there was presented The firs {ovornor certain liteiature law was 1 r. liuiles is circulating j on the St which literature 1 be- fur the d ilutdy detrimental to the ; to 1. It ociety. A perusal of the a (Vw da shows a most redicnlous Senator rd view ol the duties of a 1 and iniuh iblic in reference to the tent ion t cerejiioiiy. An officer people i concept ion of the duties; voted foi < <.1 l)y this officer clearly tin the purview of section e code of laws of 1902, Termini ithorizes the governor to leg of J. 1 it his i U nsure a notary dev l<u ,r the reason, as already ' ? I.1 mt such conduct is a men- Uun-d. li cial organization.'' Scalds, SI j at all drw OF BAILliS' CI ItCU LA US. I 14 ounces of dislike, 1 Mrs I f resolution, i grains of p|a xv|, sense. 4 ounces of expe- tivc-s in large sprig of time, and f,? s<)m, of cooling water of eon- tawlm .1 "i. a few dr e?e over the tire of love, He\ with miliar of forgetful- Bhicksh ;itn it with the spoon of assist tl mly, put it in the bottom t? r, in n heart, nork it with the cork preshyt conscience, let it remain, Iveen in ta: v\ir tteet? VN, grant Is beautifully engro sed on parchment and is well preserved and perfectly legible. The place was named Mark Alexander's llange ia honor of Mark Alexander. Lord Baltimore's agent at that time. It is situated on the old Bluo Ball road, a short distance east of Pokorny's Four ! mile bouse, on the B?lair road. Minister Barrett states there are three propositions tor tli settlement Pf que.'lions now pending with l'an? una. TILL noon; Th? Siuipla Dikli l'lint Kerpi One Vljor. oil* mixI Writ foil. When the iloetor takes ltis own mod- i |-lclue ami the grocer on is the food lie | recommends some eontldencc eoiues to the observer. ; A grocer, of <> <ian. Tud.. had a praeI tical experience with food worth any- i one's attention. He says: "Six years ago I became so weak front stomach and bowel | trouble that I was dually compelled to give up all work in my store, and. in fact, all sorts of work for about four years. The last year I was eondned ! to the bed nearly all of the time, and much of the time unable to retain food ! d\t anv floet An ???? M ? ? . ~ ? u. _..J .. .... ..... U. ..... ....... els were badly constipated continually, and I lost in weight fro:u 105 pounds down to 88 pounds. "When at the oottoni of the ladder I bunged treatment entirely and siarre-.l in on Grape-Nuts nnd cream for nourishment. I used absolutely nothing but this for about three months, r slowly improved until I got out of bed and began to move about. "I have been improving regularly | and now in the past two years liuve been working about fifteen hours u day in the store and never felt better in iny life. "Ituring these two years I have never missed a breakfast of (Jrape-Nuts ami cream. and often have it two meals a duy, but the entire breakfast is always made of Grape-Nuts and cream alone. "Since commencing tlie use of Grape-| Nnts I have never used anything to stimulate the actfbn >f the bowels, n thing f had to do for years, but this! food keeps me regular and in fine shape, and I am growing stronger and heavier every day. "My customers, naturally, ltave been Interested and I am compelled to anRwer n great many questions about Grape-Nuts. "Some people would think that a simple dish of Grape Nuts and ereain would not carry one through to the noonday meal, but it will and In shemost vigorous fashion.'' Name given by I'osttim Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Ix>ok in each pkg. for the famous little book, "The Road to Wellvllla," isastrous Wrecks. IF uis is responsible for many a " * ck and the same causes nn> _ ian wrecks from sufferers of U-< 1 C Dung troubles. But since I -* >f Dr. Kind's New Discov- I A.. T> ion. Coughsaml Colds ' nliss 1 ottl TRt cases can be oared, and Grip ?.>f II< ignation is no longer noces- Uate'ltler t Lois Cragg, of Dorchester. -?i H.r 9 of many whose life was (r. King's New Discovery. ' tomedy is guarantee 1 for-ill Com-ernin lXnng diseases bv all drug- Hearts Cm Trial bottles froe. Dm-otliv N jTlie'Cnvul uperinteridnnt of Edfl- Warvviek < rtin 1ms received from for und U chock for !?"J,0')0 Tht? i i irop e<illei?e. This in j The One 1 r chct k roeeyt d on tin1 i The Choii* lie physcnl year of the The Henri h 1 una from N> vetnber (\ilumet' !'* Thf (Van infill very siek with kidney i 1 ? 1 l* riod all sorts of medicines. fetich relieved n>e. One day 1 ji ? ( f your Electric Viitters and i . I to try that. After takinu a | thinji wilt [ t(dt relieved, and soon t here- ceptable. ntirely cured, and have not ulur ?1 f> : day since. Neighbor- of . f.. V * been cured of Rheumatism, . . I.iver and Kidney tfonbles ? ' >u had i' Debility." This i.swlint i'. Xmns at I >f Kreeinout, N. C. writes, j t all drug stores. . j I _ t election nnder tl)P*'lh ice ... . iel'1 iti Cherokee county j ti and resulted inn defeat j l;> iY k. ispmisnry by a vote of G j Harris, 1 will be remembered that \ s prior to iiir f i wi ion rx \ Tillman visit**?l Ciaffney i ,i .. All per? n si).-.;.;h urging ti e te- tr08Hp.fM s f tin* dispensary but the thn lauds* rejected his advice and will J>o rif Its removal disregard A Bucaway Eicrclo. nt? ?! with an ugly cat on I ho 1. Orner, Franklin drove, 111. Hid a stubborn ulcer nuyiolil>o.tors and remedies for tour lion Bucklen's Arnica Salvo | r's just as good for Burns, tin I- ruptions, and Biles. tfuc, i gs t ores. j ? ? - Thos.F. M If. A. Miller, of Kissemeo | . o lins boon visiting relal MvDOM, Fort Mill and Rock Hd. Attornc 4 time past, went to Cir ' raetic unction Thursday to spend Our Mr ,i \i o . \iour olnuo iys with Mrs. Sen Mus>e\. NVet. ; .1. IT. Thornwoll went to truatcdh >urg*Tliuisday afternoon to ie pastor. J lev, W . R. Potprotracted meeting nt the j y-j erian church winch Inis tj U? session all this week. Dr. i e-r!Tiumro *? ^'iciree.Spar- , ' night. ' Mv V!?y ^ preach y\ \,T your medicine, i now n ul " "I feel very grateful to you and ham's Vcptablo Compound to all I had the last spell of nervous pr< eight pounds at that tune ; now I we "1 consider your Vegetable Co rhanking you many times for the hoi I remain. Yours t ruiv. Mm. J II Fa>.-> Reinoinlirr Mrs. Pinkham'x a are foolish if tliey do not sink for experience, anil has helped miiltil A r ft ft fl FORFEIT >' *' cannot forthwlt \nl IIIII a',oT" to?iinioin?U, winch will yro\ Qaolt's Planters and Distributors WE GUARANTEE THEM. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Write fur 1'rlrea anil CbIhIosii?. OANTT flFO. CO., Hacon, Qa. So. 47. I . f' Remove* all swelling in 8 loaa / days ; effects a permanent curt >V in jo to 60 days. Trialtreattnent given free, f.'othingcan be faire* xwettklStS^jP Write Or. H. H. Organ's Son*. -2t!_Lj2*l specialists. Box Atlanta. M. Thompson's Eye Water r^HICKEJSfS E you cannot spend years iind dot buy the knowledge required by cents. You want them to puy t them as a diversion. In order to handle tnlng about them. To meet this want we of si practical poultry raiser for (Only 2f? n msin who put all hts mind, and time, a ? n raising?not as a pastime, but as a bus ty-flve years' work, you can save many C I earn dollars for you. The point Is, that l'oultry Yard as soon es It appears, and k leuch you. It tells how to detect and cur fattening; which Fowls to save for bree I you should know on this subject to make ( Ave cents in s craps. BOOK PUB*?JfUIN IIRTHDAY i coats ?nor if the S or.:: inn LT Polly 11 raucous oraou ier ? vv?v % i't ceuta each. niuti Woman 1 n visible t of Kotiv K*' jnoror lie 1 la 50 c*i nts, orry tl)inkin|r of somem a, book is5 always no Some of tliea-. hre re^0 editions, others aro ipar paper and binding, better p ole some out for Jfe thefce prices. - ^ zy s Drugstore, I m >?At durcet ma'.d teacher for Valley HJrh School. Apply fl Mall, (fcscola, S- * ' > or J M- JW V; -4- . -T 1 ESS PASS KOTICE.; mm are h iroby warnod not to<"p u any niniuier whatever uiioa nf the nntlorsiuruccL Tho lr.v^HH ?idly enforcei a^aiust all tills notice. iih 'J. S. KIUKPATKICK. , f. J. W. Alton ky, ^' r J. D. Withers, Mrs. L. 13. WnriEli^^H1''*.1. II. COI.TiIA.lU'. line. O. Bakbkh. ^^^Heed T. II.Barker. Mrs. T. 13. 1 i.\ui'BR, Mi^.v'i'iiBvu^W, cDow, 1?. Er.rlQ ifiringt W.W.Lewis. < tr< r j? LEWIS t?fc TllOPj^^Vn'iiiiinilj at, Ynrhvilij^^^Y N; s. e in the Stuto nnd ' ;1' ^ u,ls p p Th'?! trv('11 shot". liear in ,>11 Mill |:.l'ini k to attend lo dh reir.edk * nF m ri^^H female troubles, nprvous pros1p t i i \? whole da\ and -1 ^ 1 but, thanks tc !it A \.i 1 Mill ffr^ E. l*inkJt lias now b^W^i'our years situ? nstration. I only v i^lu'it ninetyigli one hundred u^id tv,eut v-three. impound the finest remedy n ado. letit I lvieived froi<i your medo inc i kii, 230l? Elliott Avt^ St. Louis, Mo. ilvicc is froe and <i]i siek women it. She speaks fw>m the widest tildes of m onicn. 5> produce the orleitifcl l?lt?re ami v ,;a*t\u?1 o* < t.oir Hbsnlr.t. ?ontdn?no,. ? I.yd In K. rinkimm Moil. C;0.. ,,d. V WE CURE DISEASES Of MEN t\Va j<n irnnt*-?? n<|ulok. and la?ulnii ulre in nil i'BMH Of HPiriPlO BLOOP PC 1SON, STRICTURE,FA UK50PELE. WEAK. BACK, PROSTATIC TROU- . fli.K AND ALJ. PISEASES PECULIAR TO MEN. ALSO ALL, NERVOPS, KIDNEY. BLADDER AMP RBCTAL PIHE Aft S Al?*? Imnnriinf Prh. .% Itenlley lilljjuriani ure (ha only *p?olaiint* la Atlanta who treat lueir caa?s '.h >uv?*Ir?a. WritP you cannot eftii acul ritvcrfba " I llw your trouble and .* oWTe by r?turn mail, free of chargo. our dir rnoala blank. BEST HOME TREATMENT. ConxaBfttIon Free. Everything confl' antial. Drs. Leathermaa i Bentley, Cor. Marietta a ad for,yth SU., ATI SB AIT A A ? I LNI1IM, UM. Iloure: H a. in. to 10 p. u. - " Kuifrlay: 10 to 1. Af:? MILLSTONES 0ORN If innood *f Corn Mill or MillH V||P I tj ?<nn?a yo? will find It to your m niLLo intMwtf % correspond with v / CAROLINA MILLSTONE CO.. of CtnMftik. N. C. Maitufactorrrsof CORN MILLS from th] famous Moore Counts' Grit. AR.N MONEY" w you *tre them help. unless yotf tirwJer^SS .<tS?iot 5?. how to cAt^r h? tii thofr, and know lars leanih* by eir^riI^Ulrw~ents' and others IV? oX.,.^Krlance. so you must ^rown?y^. f'" ?? you for only. 2 Fowls Judiciously 2J,' "?er?'y kW are selllnw ? bi&fc'fJiiSiJ1?, know "inoC.> twonty-nvs Tair? 2?P.'.r,*A?* nd nonny ?n m?wi wtis written by inraa-anS ? SS^RM of Chickhicks Itfiiislfl? r JlT?.nt by h,s twenyou wi'nAnfiT Z"w. rr your Fowis now hour to rsinsdt TlUs"b'o< k? 11 ri!.?L*' ^ -'or eKR* und ulso for J ? w>?