University of South Carolina Libraries
11 IHHnHHHnnH jl< ^^^^^^ nHHHBHnKsu&inMGni ^m^S^BSBSssbB '"MHn^HHI lias XHHHn the w? who )>?d R HB^BQRHHBHH hi*my T11 PtVn^.Sr., pile who Fort served throu^l^^BH^H^MHHH Mr. Ledbeitt'r^HB^^^^RBHH years h^H|^H^HHBH| A. IT Mr. A T; Tgnnas, h well known I farmer of the pteele Creek section of Meek leu bm 't (^- C.)eouuty, is; dangerously i'-l as his home as a result of n pan,*Mic stroke by which he was seized on hist Wednesday morning. Mr* Thomas arose early Wednesday ahd was about his usu- i a I duties wli^o without warning lie was strielfej* totally helpless. It was feared' for a lime that his ents j |v)(|v was paralyz d. but it; developed that only one aide was affected, arid that b* still had the li ?e of his right arm and leg. Mr. j Thomas has many friends here | who hope that may soon recover. I (( stored t3 Pension List. Mr. L?. M. DinkinR, of this town- j ship who served in the Confederate I arm* hug later on the Union side, > tins Bust received notice from the I pen" on department at Washing* ton that his name lias hecu re- ; stored tc the pension lists. Mr. ! Dinkuis1 pension was cut otf during Cleveland's administration, and, ahuough numerous efforts have bee.i made to have it restored, nothing was accomplished until a few days ago when Senator B. II. Tillman became interested in Mr. Dinkins' behalf and sAceeded in putLing tlie petition through. Be J sides a b?.ck pension of about $"00, | Mr. Dir.kins|.will receive $10 00 per moulli for the remainder of ' Ilia life. Scarcity of Mill Help. The following taken from the report of a mill president goes to j show how keen is,the demand for lab r throughout th? country: "Just to illustrate how keen the j competition for help is we heard 1 that one mill in Hock dill was stopping a part of its work last week and we sent a man there. He rail <>p against other agents from Hock Hill, two from Fort Mill,one fi om A nderson, one from Charlotte, I and 1 think one or two more places which 1 do not ruw recall. York- J ville New Era. While it is a fact that nt present the mills here are short of la> is Haiti tlo.t this c.nndition is doe to the starting op of the new addition of the Milfnrt mill, which has just been com pie ted. ? The best pri -H paid for cotton on the local market. yesterday was 0.00 cvuta, fat inoi^oi C.. died Wednesilny, atttM- an illnes of several week's. Mr-Lnnu was about forty years of a^e and is survived Ijv a wife unci sevral children. ? - - People Who Come and Go. Dr. Tlios. B. Kelt, of Fort Lawn, spent 1 huraday in Fort Mill. Mi r-s Bessie Patterson who is just up from a protracted illness, is spending a few days with relatives in Chester. County Treasurer H. A. D. Neely spent Friday and Saturday in Fort Mill collecting State and Coun y taxes. Mr. W. W. Howard, who for several days visited his son, Mr. \V. If. Howard, in this phve, leturned to his home in Chester Thursday niglit. nr.. * 1 /I ^? 1 . . ivir. ?ioim vjruiigan, or unarione at one lime supeientendent of the Fort Mill Manufacturing Company was a visitor here Friday. Mr. F. G. Whitlock on Sunday went to Abbeville, where he is again to appear ns a witness in the ease of Kngineer Wilson vs. the Southetn Railway. This eastwas tried several months a^o anu resulted in a mistrial. As stated in these columns at that time, Wilson is seeking damages for injur ie? received in a wreck which occured about 18 months ago a point 2 miles north ??f Fort Mill. st4?i < uiie-n iuitimi Arnrcy ih spending a few days with Miss Janie Mas sey of Rock Hill. Mr. D. G. Kimbrell spent yeeterin Rock Hill. Misses Helen Boyd, of Pineville, and Mamie Robinson, of Providence, spent Sunday an;l Monday with Miss Mary Boyd. xMr. Alex. JNivens, who for several yenrs has superintended the big plantation of Mr. B. D. Srings, in lower Fort Mill township, will in a few days move to another of Mr. Spiin^a' plantatioua 2 miles west of Yorkville. At a convention of delegates of the tith K. of P. district of the State, held in Rock Hill on the night of the 19th, the following Fort Mill Knights were present: Dr. J. H. Thornwell, Dr. J. L. Spratt, and Messrs. ?T. H. McMarray and J. M. Spra't. Dr. Thornwell delivered an interesting talk upon the purposes of the ronveti tiou, the growth of the order and the good it wu*- accomplishing. " i I01 cl ZE^elietTole | m a. TJL-u KJf | SHOES! SHOES! , We] handle, ' besides many other brands, the \ , celebrated W. L. DOUG LAS S H O E S I for Men, the C. cv E. SIIOES for ladies and children The $1.50 C. & t. shoe \ for ladies we believe to be the best on earth for < i the money. ? As we are closing out | Furniture and Stoves, we will save you money v Iin mis line. - - Yours for business, ? T. BeSk. I ft?Mr?!H? IIMIIHI 11II I I IH ?J Old delist Tole Handsome We appreciate your tier to show our appree absolutely free a hands rm * commencing Thursday tion to our 8300.00 Pi given away Dee. t?3rd, for every dollar you sp drawing will take plae day for the previous i presents consist of elo rugs, ehina, ehairs, she and may he seen in ou New styles in ladies' just arrived. Ladies' (lo; lire at lowest prices. See X-,. vX- 1 ?0?????@?0?e? | 11 AT BAJ aa l o niiv liuly wl.o Iimsm I iton 3^ you lo rail on us. You know ? ' ' ? ' I . * ? ? * 11 " I > *' V?p yeais ami itcvi r earned ov> r :i Tin' time lins now arrived I r it ^iics: Any hat a hio bar 2% Street llats at i\Sc. All $ ?. $ jtyi b o discount. <i? Window ft?) A beautiful line in whit an I g!5\ hoc. The r?0o shade is a real g H\ibbei For men, women, hoys, mi.? Siloes for : 'O' The frieator-t Shoe Imsim s l^p have up to ti. s tine s..hl in a !t W l"sf winter. \\ e have \yhat y ftlg dy siloed all by the In stomal g GrUieL 1 yV \\ ith < ur name att iched ii thin?: that >s not just as we iv it its a hi miners and a in lj> to 55 it. ami wilt .-atisly you or left 8 Meffsr.lia mr | ?@?8??0??<3?0 ( | Overcoats Is our talk to |? Cold weatlie g coats. * A\ e have thei j 5q stylos for moi $ IVioos?SO.OO, | S Can't boat 1 i & 1 roat. | fVScEiliarae] Work Well Done. , Have )ou TableCloths,Counterj paines, Doilies, Window Curtains, | Blankets, etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C. Prices for laundering the above i i at tides cheerfuliv furnished. " ( . Suits |>i"t ssed our; Knits dryj cleaned mid pressed, 50c; suits washed and pressed, 75c; coat or panls pres-od, 15c; cleaned and pressed, 25c; ski its pressed, 25c; j cleaned and pressed, 50c. Our shipments are made Thursday mornings and returned Saturdays. McElhaney^Parks Co, The Clothing atJ Shar Mvb, ? >> Presents ? t EES ZEIS patronage and in or iation, wo will give omo present each day , Oct. '27tlx. In addiano, which an ill be wo give you a ticket end in our store. The at b:-H) o'clock .oach day's business. The cks, watches, lamps, >es, dress goods, etc., r windows, and child reus* Jackets it S uits made to measour styles and samples. VSSE"Y" C>S<3?8&???&?G BGAIN8. | nht her tint v> t, it will p?iy our motto <)!i hats is to uev- A hi'en ' ? llino huts for six 1 ^ ^ i 11 i/.t-ii 111 me wnoie lime. ns to start tl..s sail*, so ?.?f& Qj -ain. All Si .2~> and $1.50 k*) i), ?7.50 and ?10.00 I lata at a ^I'xei.clos. ? all colors at 25c, lUo and 75" one. r Siioes ? si s and children. ' fin ?Twoirloociy v5 ? we lmvc ever done. We Cy e shoes than the whole of M mi want and we Hell no shodintact ni'eis in the country. /Sx ??L"n.teiO. g is this: 11' we sell you any- %R) present it to he. we will take our 1 >asiness^t<> let us know <X iikI your money. JK i O Eppsa 1 j ? r tliis week. & v demands Over- B n in all the latest $ ?*> ?. g ?10.00 and SI 1.00 ^ liese prices for a jS f- Parks Go | ' - - -U AN ORDINANCE. Fixing tho I evy niul Providing for tho Collection of Property Taxes in tho Town of Fort Mill, S. C. P,e it orilainod by tho intendant and wardens of the town of Fort Mill, S. C., and by authority of same: Sol. That twomillson the dollar is hereby levied on all taxable property within the corporate limits of tho town of Fort Mill, S. C., on Junuary 1, ltRM, be and the sanie is hereby mado lot ordinary purposes. See 2. That said taxes shall bo and become duo and paynbloon the loth day of October, 1901. at the oflioe of Jno. M. | Spratt, secretary and treasurer, and tho | secretary's books shall bo onon on thnt. I date for the collection of Ha id tuxes, and i the Mime may be paid up to and including the 1st dayiof November, 1004,after j which date said taxes may fcopaid with ; 15 per cent penalty added until tlio 15th day of November, 1004, Sr-'ec. That on and after November . 15th, 1904, executions will be issnod for | all delinquents for tho full amount of ' taxes due together with the 15 per cent | penalty and all costs, including one dollar cost for every execution issued by I the treasurer. Done and ratified in oc-nnoil assembled this 3rd day of October, 1904. T. S. KIKKPATRICK. Attest: latemlant. I JNO. M. SPRATT, Sec. and 'ircas. i r. , ' * V '