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Miss A^es I^iller to young- women ab Menstrual Period ? h< suffering and remove * < T-l T-*< < 1 ? T Lyctia rinicham's > "To Yottng Womih:?I suffer lliea (painful periods), so much so t kn i>w it meant three or four days c tills was due to an inflamed conditio! by repeated and neglected colds. "If young girls only realized he this critical time, much suffering wo for Lydla E. Plnkliam's Vcgetabl medicine which holped me any. Wi take it, I noticed a marked improvci the time of my next monthly period ably. I kept up the treatment, and w another jtorson since. I am in perfect L added 12 pounds to my weight, my happy." ? Miss Agnes Millek, 25 t Tlio monthly sickness reflects health. Anything unusual at t and proper attention. Fifty tli?>ii that Lydia. E. Pink ham's Vepretw truatlon and makes those perkx REAI> WHAT MISS jBBL Jfa paiu during rr it 6th St re< FRE, UslliEm \ InvitodTto (Hmlull) JdN 1 is any thin 1 >j not undcrNtan Jjynn, Mass., her advice is free ni in?f woman who asks for it. lie more thai: one hundred thousan it, my siclc sisters? $zrim rorFFiT if we cannot forthwtt .ojilmotilalj, \rhlcli wl'l pr<o?< llrr Opinion. "f have been very much interested in these experiments with tetralu Viral kites." said the mail with the sold Classes. Yes," answered Mrs. Cumrnx. complacently, "luit I have about concluded that the surest " ay to set rid of all 1 such things is to boil the drinking .water."?Washington star. FITSpermanenllyrnrod. N<> fUsornTvo<is? nes?. *ttor Hr?t day's us'> <?f Dr. Kline's Great I Horve Restorer,t'itrialhint leand treatise free | I>r R. II. Ki.iNr.,btd., 981 Arch St., l'liilu.. l'a. j 'i'he average. finally in the Vnitcd States 1i?h four and seven-tenths person*. l'lno's Cure is tliebest medicine we overused , lor all atToctlous of throat and lanye.?\\'v% U ItaosLKV, Ynuhiiren. Ind., Feb. 10, 1 JO). j In seven year* 950 nnpi's in German ; schools committed suicide. FRIENDLY ADVICE. Horns?You've road my latest story as far as It has been published. Would you advise me to turn It into tragedy or mnke It end happily? Naggua?Make it end happily. Blow the principal eliarncters up in a dynamite explosion.?Chicago TrlVine. Dropsy fi f Remove# atl swelling in Stoao / days; elTeets a permanent cure A. invito 60 days. Trioltreatinent i jffitJjj. given free. Nothingcst! bo faire* j Write Or. M. II. Oreon's Song, ?SoocUlistt. Box U Atlanta. Qi jf ^ AND MILLSTONES & ORIM If in need of Corn Mill or Mill R { 5\ stones you will find it to your j CAROLINA MILLSTONE CO . of Cimtron, N. C. NtnuLclurrrt of CORN MILLS from th- famous Moore County Grit. A "Sucro^R** Training Srhool. Cloldey College Is A Business and Hhnrtt And fleliool tiiAt iiinko* n sts-elnltv of training its Atndents for "BUfclNZSB SUCc-Bsd." 1*0 irrsd nntM urlth tiro firms. Stuuents from (ieorr?? to Nat* York. Write for catalogue. Address: ?oldey College, Box UuOu, Wilmington, Bel .. sneaks out dangers of the ow to avoid pain and , the cause by using J /egetable Compound, r>d for six years with dysmenorhat I dreaded every month, as I : if intense pain. The doctor said i of the uterine appeuduges caused i >w dangerous it is to tako cold at uld be spared them. Thank God ( e Compound, that was the only thin three weeks after I started to ment in my general health, and at the pain had diminished consideras cured a month later. I ant like 1 tea 1th, my eyes are brighter. I have color is good, and 1 feel light and 'otomao Ave., Chicago, 111. i the condition of a woman's hat time should have prompt sand letters from women prove d?le Compound regulates mends painless. LINDBGCK SAYS i rs. Pinkham: ? T.ydin E. Pinlcible Compound has greatly bencvill tell you how I suffered. My iinful menstruation. 1 felt as each y that I was getting worse. I hud ;-down pains in my back and abdoad vised me to try Mrs. Pinkham's lid so and am now free from all ty periods." ? Jessie C. Lindbeck, jt, Rockford, 111. E ADVICE TO "WOMEN, mber, every woiann Is cordially write to Mrs. 1*1 iilvl:i?txi if tliere iff about her symptoms she does id. Mrs. Pink ham's address is id cheerfully jjiven to every nilkr advice lias restored to health id women. Why don't you try . i h prodtir* the original lott??r? and 8>V attires of !* thoir nbudluto jrormiii??nri?s. II. 1'iukliam M utile I tin Co., Lvim, Muio. Our FocIhI HintilU tidlis "Ttut." said the foreigner. **.v?01 linv* not hint; here to orliihil your social ?i istinctions. You all herd t >gether everywhere. Your upper . ml lower classes are on the name fooling."' You're mistaken. \V-> liavo sanitariums ami lunatic atylums."- Chi* | or go lieeonl-Herahl llovr's Tlil?? We offer On? IIumlretl Dollars Reward fir say oaso of Catarrh that cannot be cured by llail'a Catutrh Cure. F. J. Chknky .V Co., Toledo, O. \V e, the undersigned, have known F. .T. Cheney for the inst lft years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and llnareiully able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West .t Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, o. Waldino. Rinnan .t Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, astIng directly upon tlie tdo > 1 and mu.:uussur? laces of the system. Testimonials sent free, l'rlee, 75o. ner bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hull's Family Fills fur coastipatioa. Odds and Ends. lie who drifts anywhere hits no one. A dude preacher generally produces dead sermons. So. 45, MArrT WUVifcN. li''t hi s ecre t lons, which were exceeding!/ varialdo, sometimes excessive and at other times scanty. The eolor was high, and passages were accompanied with n scalding sensation. Doau's Kidney Pills soon regulated the kidney secretions, malting their color norma! and banished the inflammation which caused the scalding sensation. I can rest well, my back is strong and sound and I feel much better In every way." For sale by all dealers, price 50 cents per box. Fostcr-Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y. . W AR. 1! far I no-, ends ilie intercut i>: iJitssi i ? U >n li. It's tin- mm wlui can't raise whiskers, ;*-iiii^t the men who cue.. ?Puck. lin i:v vks words. Kinks "Pour thousand .hips wore iilli-il In th<- e:.n!rM<?n of a Russian ua^a/.iiic they had. taken." Jinks "Well, they ou;;lit to have mown lietlor tin ? to try to read a Itiis1:111 inaira/.ine." <' nciiinati I'unimcrial-Tribune. TIIKN 111: J. KPT. '"Yes." said Mr. ltorom. "Pin ilisf., lointeil in these slides. It's fur.nv now tdays how one's things wear out boom one knows it." "Yes." replied Miss Weary, with a lUwn, "espeeialiy one's welcome."? i'hitudclphia Ledger. XL-: XT. Stranger tin Moosnp)- "Are you the oral judge?" j Judge .Mossy "1 reckon f nin!" Stranger "Well, 1 am the advance igent for Percy Van Hocks and his iut<>. 1 settle his lilies in advance so is to save delay!" Puck. >1 PST iti-i n.rcvKi:. Passerby "l thought that you were >11 ml?" Mendicant "Well. hr?>s, times is so uird and competition is so groat that veil a blind man has to keep his eyes pen nowadays if h?? wants to do any msiness at all."- t'hieago loiirnal, srui: si<;.\. "You say he lias a visionary and Ican-act ica I nature?" "Yes." answered the girl who is emdoyed in tlie postotlice. "lie is one if these people who write 'ttusli' on'an -nvelope instead of putting on a spotlit 1 delivery stamp." Washington Star. tjl'lCK t 't IMPUKHENSUIN. Mr. Itmviy "Don't ymi think .1 great nany uninteresting people come t;? this daceV" Mrs. Ketchup oil. I'm < nniparalivcy a stranger. yon know. l)o you entile lore everv vcar':" Chicago Daily Sews. | BltlOUTKMNC Till-: VAVFAX. I Hangs Wonder what there was in ; lie paper to-day about Masterson?" j Crimes "Didn't know there was any- ! Ihing." ISnngs "Oh. there must have been, i lie was saying to nte that to-day's is- j me was unusually interesting."?I'.os- j ton Transeripl. STINO Y. "Why did you quit the ltiehlrys, JaneV" "It was tlio stinginess of "em. muni. I was a-lookin' out me kitehen window , ?ne day, when the mistress comes in ind says that she'd give a penny for i me thoughts and them millionaires, J in srxiMKi:, too. "Where is Itoxniu?" "lie's acting as clerk in a stunner hotel." "How docs ho like It?" "Not at all." "Why not*'" "Says it's too hot work.** "Hot work?" "Yes: lio has to stand over the register all day."?Cleveland l'lain Dealer. VANITY uhpkovf.p. Centlemnu (to burglar) "I say. what ; are you doing in my house?" Ifurglur (coolly)?"Your house! Is it 1 vour house? 1 thought you only rented it." (tPUtlcnian (quite taken r.hack)? "Why. yes, hut. *r>>11 my word, of ail? Kurglnr "Well, don't you he so 'igli titd mighty, talkiu* about your house, ndecd. CJood niglit.'' -- London Titilits. A LICJUT 15 E A SOX. "Wliy are ycu so happy, ol<l man? . Pay raised?" "Xope." "Wife away?"* "Xope." "On your vacation?"* "Nope." "Then why so joyful?' "I just fcot my ?as bill anil It's only ^ ; alf what I expected." Cleveland i I 'Main-Dealer. i ' Y Admiral Scl j / \ NK of the treat e-t naval battles in I / Fight Off Santiago. Never Mine the Spanish i ? has there I A GREAT NAVAL BATT inure op- 1 nit vietory in the onward march of eivili notable event of .Inly 211. 181)8. in which iniral Sidney, took a leading part. II was a great naval battle. Without : it began. Quick decision, undaunted eour plilie, resolute self-confidence these coml Schley to produce that dash and daring the American soldier. A man must think quickly in these day: for slow action. New enterprises arise in pass awnv in a moment. A multitude of great themes clamor f must take sides tor or against by intuition deduct ion. One day this fighting admiral. Schley, comp.uiv | eis who I ADMIRAL'S OPINION OF PF.talking I ous topics of popular interest. The' stibj putnam t'olor more brighter hiuI fn<t?*r rnl?>rw rtinv? nn ultra. Ask dealer or w* will send p??*i paid at IPp a p: C"hills" j* AND FEVER AnU all oth?-r fornix of Mal.irtu arc nl||v curtst bjr KLIXIIt HAHI'.K. torfciln ul ull ilrUKRlorea. IOC. a bottle. l'rc|>*r<vt by KI.?H ZKWNIal .1 CO.. Wnah|n|l.iii. C, The Birthright of Twins. A curious case as to which of two twins was born first, came before Lord Pearson in the lOdlnburgh Court of Sessions. Tin* twins wore John .vlcJurrow, nn engineer of Virvan, and Charles McJarrow, a grocer. of Glasgow. Tlielr father had died intestate while John was in South Africa, leaving CI.500 worth of property. Charles had taken possession of this, claiming to be the elder son. John, in giving his evidence, said that he w:.s horn on Aug. 24. 18?>7, a*. 1 o'clock in the morning and that his brother was born half an hour afterward. The births were registered es such. Charles, on th?' other hand, averred that the entries in the register were erroneous, and that his father recognized himself as his eldest son. Lord Pearson gave judgment for John, without costs. Rodents Froze to Death. It. W. Adams of i'lainfleld. N. II. was throwing out hay from the ba recently, when lie came across a nest that contained seventy-four rats and mice, which had evidently been frozen to c.eatli. Oil is accomplishing wonders for no eormori ot railway travellers and ol' those who live almiR the steel highways; It lays the dust on the roadbed and annihilates the mosquitoes of its neishbor'ro-.d at the same time. BY PROXY. AYImt Dm* Ne^tlctl# 1 suffered from nervousness and headache until one day about a year a so it suddenly oeeurred to tue what a ;;reat coffee drinker 1 was. and I thought maybe this might have something to do with my trouble, so I shifted to tea for awhile, but was not bettor, if any tiling, worse. "At that time 1 bad a baby four months old that we had to feed on the bottle, until an old lady friend told me to ivy I'ostnm I'ood Coffee. Three .months ago I commenced using I'ostnm, leaving off the tea and coffee, and not only have m> headaches ami nor vous troubles I'litir i\ ttisanpeuiv i. nut since thru I have been givin- plenty of nurse for my baby anil have a large. healthy child now. "I have no desire to drink anything but Poslum and know it has benefited my children. niul I hope all who have children will try Postuni and llnu out for themselves what a really wonderful food drink it is." Name given by Tostum Co., Rattle Creek, Mich. Roth tea and coffee contain quantities of a poisonous drug called Caffeine that directly affects the heart, kidneys, stomach and nerves. Postuni is made from cereals only, scientifically blended to get the coffee flavor. Ten days' trial of Post urn in place of tea or coffee will show a health secret worth more than a gold mine. There's a reason. (let the book, "The Road to Wellvlllc," in eavh pfcg. i ' ___ tiley Uses Pe-ru-na ^ i* s->? r ? ? ** t : \ *J| . ,... r'v^S : . ^ )olumbusv Ohio. [ i / in cheerrnlly state that v -JF ken tiago, Where Admiral Schley Made the world was the raised?its poputarit\ disprison of the tanee, its extensive in A r m ada One asked his op in I.E. I h e e i? a said: can cheerfull; noli mak- and 1 believe with k> izatiun than in the Like the battle of the great hero. Ad- him without any wan > im anil decision as hi i moment's warning ill-fated Viscaya. age, excellent disei- His words concerni hined in Admiral to be repeated by u tl so characteristic of them. Like the news of I: ?. There i? no time corn i iig | an hour. < ?l?t ones will ho I AEMIRA1 l? y t h e 1 or notice. A man and passed from ntou . rather than logical nents. Kxeept for an inh happened to he in free speech, these wo Iwithoth- oflieer in such a noti w c r e Kxeept for a wnrh on \uri- l'eruna enjoys, no re eet of lVruna was spoken public endor nTADELE iy otbfrdye. Ont* lib* imrkajri* color* fills. wool am I ?*i?tt K'kHVf Write for fr?*o Inioklfl liow to IK**. Jlt?*m*h *ii? MEN. WATCH 1 A New Revels Wo offer something different, better than in this city. There Is no patchwork about our treatn j We do not treat all diseases; but we cure tf eure cure in all ensee accepted for treatment Write If you cannot call and describe ym | ef okarg'-, our diagnosis blank. Consultatio Doctors Leathei Hours s h. in. to K p. m. P-. {J2rj Sundays 10 u. m. to 1 p. m. liUli If 1P11 ZffF r '^V SIM I wenins | "I write to let yon know how 1 appreciate your I Oairareta. I commenced taking them laal NovrrnI her and took two ten cent ooiea and passed a tapoi worm 14 ft long. 'I hcn 1 commenced taking them again and Wednesday. April 4lU. 1 passed another | tape worm '?* ft. long anil over a thousand small i wornn. Previous to iny taking i'war'ti 1 didn't know I had a tapr-worra. 1 always had a aiualt | appetite." Win. r. Brown. 1S1 Franklin St.. Brooklyn, N. Y. &X ^owelft a* |swcmm* CANDY CATrUimC Pi*a?iint, Palatable. Pot^nt.Tait^Oood.DoOood, So??r Slckon, Weaken or Orlpe, 10o. &>vS0c. Never ! |old in bu-.k The nonnine tablet temped CCO. | Uuarurteeti to oure or your money beck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. *94 I ANNUALSALEaT^iLLfOH BOXES : AJmicaioswifvoxui*. *"*-* ! waawAimnmi <^r^-ri^~?:-?-?. ^JjUffWUMWWWBWIt ,1 ^lr~_7^~j~*,~ ^ as ? catarrh remedy, its imporiion. Without a moment's hesitation he y say that Mrs. Schley has taken iVrun* oil effect." Santiago, the thought was sprung upon ling, and lie disposed of it with the same _ did with the Spanish licet led hy the ing IVruna have gone out into the world tousand tongues, because he has said lis victory over Cervera, his words conL'S WCRD ; CARRY WEIGHT.j caught 'up th to mouth, across oceans and eontiurn manly independence, in a country of rds never would have been uttered by an tide position as that of Admiral Schley. 1 wide notoriety and popularity, such as inody could ever have received such outseinent by such a man. S S D YES a. ' nially well ud t? KUirantwil fn porta t f?I MlxiV.tors. MON HOP liHCU (HI, tiiiloiivilk. Mo. T l\ 7TT\ Tim I Y mil I (UUn HKALM! ition for Men. any other specialists or medical Instltu tlon tent. Th? cure i? perfect niul permanent, lose wo trent. A prompt, permanent and . Nothing but curable eases aooopnxi. ir troubles and receive by nituru mail,, (ram u free. rman & Bentley, etta and Forsyth Sis,, ATLANTA, Gk PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TO WR T O TH E WORLD'S FAIR, JWo*Ocmhcr 10, 1904. SEABOARD AIRLINE RAILWAY The Seaboard Air Line Ry. announces their last personally conducted tour to the World's Fair on Thursday, November 10th, leaving Raleigh at. 4 p. m.. Wilmington at 3.-0 p. m., Charlotte at 7.2:1 p. m. Connection will bo made from all other points In the- State. Through service will he arranged from Wilmington, Charlotte and Raleigh. This is tho la.Jt special train of the season to the World's Fair, ami special low rates will apply from all points on the Seaboard and its connections. This party will be in charge of a leprosontativo of the Seaboard, who will look after the comfort and pleasure of the party and arrange for them to get. located at hotels, or boarding houses, whero tho party may de3lro to stop In St. I^oiiIk. The route selected Is one of tho prettiest In tho South, i. e., via Atlanta, Chattanooga, Na*;hvllle and Cairo, 111. For circulars and pamplets, apply to C. H. GATTI3, T. P. A. RALEIGH, N. C. So. 4.1. Thompson's Eyi Watsr