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Items of Local Interest The Temperance Sori.ety of Foil Mill will !(? ? 1 in the Presbyterian elmreh next Sunday afternoon at ~> o'clock. AM members are reIqu este<I to be present and u cordial invitation is exlaptbd to the public at large to attend the jpe,eting. ' Magistrate MeKllmney olljeiated Sunday evening at the marriage nf Mi-s M. 1>. Ki in lire 11 and Mr. \V. ] >. Ingram. The eerenn ny took plaee at tbe home of Mr. Mr Elhan.ey. on Confederate street. Miss Bessie Furis.' daughter of Mr. B. M. Fariy, of fiohi Hilt, is! Li. l VI . . M d I <lt ? 1 \ It ( loll* III *???o ?* illi |r?*i *? 111 n ? y mi uv ih i iivjuir v? j i i j malarial fever. M iss i Paris, who lias l.ii'i ii at t? tiding Wfythrop, w s brought In una from Unci H ill Sunday availing. () a iiii_j to tIj indisposition of Dr. d. 11. Thorn well, K-v. -I C. Chandler I) I lad the J >111 pi t of the Prtsbyteriu church Sunday eveni Information comes from Char lotto that upon the closing of the bar-rooms on -Iannary 1st. an effort will l).> made by certain prop erty owners of tl?e c\ty to have die suburb of Ihlworth incorporated and establish a number of bars I t here. \\ het her t here is any t rut h in the rumor, wo are unable to say. Mr. K. hi. I'arktj has Accepted a position with the Hoek llill Drun Company, of Knelt Hill. Mr. J. M . MeLlhanev tins decider! to add a hearse to his 11very stable equipment and has placed nn order for same with Messrs. You UK and 11 artsell, of this place Mr. and Mrs. (1. S. Thompson, of (irahain. N. ( '.. are on, nts of the hitter's parents at the Palmetto hotel. Miss Lou I'ono. an ?md lady who for several months has r> > sided at the home of her brother* . in-law. Mr. L. N . t'ulp. on Confi derate street, lias been dangerously ill for some days. Mr. Henry Miisscv and daughter, Miss Lillian. of Ivoek II ill. visited relatives ln ii* dm big the past w? ok. Mr. >1. T M< (? I'LCor is 'ii'linif H few days at t'levelaii i Springs Mr. and Mrs. -I. ('. ("Vlien. of NcWflls. N. . and Mis. I>. F. Powell, of Chariotto, visited tueir brother, Mr. T. I). Faulkner, in this place the past weak. Mr. (' IV Blaukensuip went to Yotkville Saturday on business connected with his duties as a; member of the board of State and county election cniutuissiouets for York'county. Mrs. T. 11. Culp and son. < >s. ar, spent yesterday in Hock Hill. Managua of elections should hi ar in mind that the- Inwdislinotly prohibits tlie mutilation of registration hooks. These books are valuable as records, and the law says they must not be mutilated in any manner. Managers should re* . member this, as violations are subject to s -vere puiiishni -nt. The jrovermiient eo ton crop report for (tetober "ives 75.S, as against <?5 for October of last year. They estimate that that indicates, a crop of about 11,500,000 bales, j The following Fort. Mill people went over to Yorkviile yesterday to attend a meeting of tin- York Baptist Association: lb v M. \Y. Oordon and wife, Men rs. S. A. Kppsnnd D A. Lee,-and Mi sdatues > T. II. and S. Ij. Meacham, 1 Thf bant price paid for cotton on the local market yesterday was 10 cents. Mrs. Sallie Hammond, of Fort Mill, who lias been visit inrr relatives in the city, returned home Saturday morning Little Misses Mabel and Isabel Phillips went to Fort Mill Sa urday and remained with ralatiives till yesterday.?Rock Iiill I^cord. Lancaster will soon have both a water works and an electric light plant. Loth will be established by home enterprise. (.'oh Leroy Springs and T. Y. Wiliiains, Esq., laving submitted proposals that he town autboriiies are disposed .? regard as highly favorable,? 1tocord. Mrs, ('has. Miller, of Rock Hill, nt yesterday vyth relatives in t Mill. .' statement which ^"ill interest J1 iriiu tli nt in n< I?? 11 \t I )i- .1 II C! 11 \v i 11 Sunday jo the effect uring tli?' past 22 yeain tIn- | l i s ollections of the ^resbyter <: Sunday hcIiooI amounts to more u $1,000. . ! uy of our citizens arc very it .us to learn when the electric j . f wi.l be turned on the busi- \ :? housed and residences of the The only information <?be along this line is t/iat the nisi ''iner which was bu/ned out v ' i 've?*ks ago wa* io/ni' diate11 I d to tlie fhclory at > N ,1.. and will be returni -I s soon as repaired. Then ' wtU jaye ligh'.S. I =F]$EE! ('oninioTicinsj; Sop et*. Kv(?ry |>urehaso ~ i TKI Fifty Tickets eiiti T\vonty-t|ve ticko Fifteen tickets on Ton t ickets out it! Fivo tickets out it % Wo h iivo a conip! Bedsteads, Washstan Kitolion Cabinets, Si1 Chairs, Sideboards, Novelties of all kinds. DRY GOC ()nr stock of Dn Pants is heavier t li prices lower. Look ov< GS-IRC Our (Grocery do pi food products obtain livered at vour home j " * MILLS & The Times is informed that a 1 movement has hem started nt ' l'iiieville to establish a hatik. The institution, it is said will have A capital block of $*.'0,000. a majority | of which has been subscribed. 1 Mrs. II. H. White and infant daughter ariivcd Thursday even I injjf from Martinsville, Vn? and * will in the future reside at the home of Mr. White's sister. Mi-sl Alice W hite, near Fort Mill. Mr. | W'nitc will remain in tin* govern-! inent service at Martinsville. I Wanted Fifty uood men to] work on new railroad, d miles south of Thomas vide, N. ('. E. L I'ropst W Co. ; For Sale My lot and resi ienee in Sprattville. I douse has six rooms Well of pood water in yard; poodj' orchard on premises. Apply tok Geo. Butler. K. Buti.ek. ^ B^^^B i ^^B^BB; BBaH? ???. - , Teachers1 I1 xarui nation. The regular fall exam inntiod of tench *:rs will be held in the court house in Yorkville on Friday, October 21st. This examination will be based on j Hughes' Mistakes in Teaching. Peter man's Civil Government, Silas Mamer | Enoch Arden. and Current History in addition to the usual subjects. Applicants will provide themselves ( with pencils ami legal cap caper and be ' on hand prompt Iv at 9 o'clock, a. 111. JOHN E. CARROLL. | iit Cq Su^>t. Edt^cat\o^ . * f'V'. 1 ? I in . I I I FREE! FREE!? tember 1st, 11)01, we will issue trade tiekof 30 cents entitles von to one ticket. %! F PPF^FWTC' i. a ui 1U_.. * t 1 1 SS it itles you to a Handsome Framed Picture. Is entities you to a smaller picture, titles you to a nice, large1 plate, es you to a nice dinner plate, les you to a nice piece1 of (ilassware. ot?> linu ofup-to-date Suits, Odd Dressurs, ds, Hull Racks, Schiftdiiiors, W a rd rones, wing Machines, Safes, Clipboards, Tables, Springs, Mattresses, l\ugs, Pictures and 3DS, NOTIONS, ETC. - On,,.1 n,.i~ /ft ? -AtM iUll>, 11 il I IS, V ;i j)S, ^nocs <Ul(i lis season than ever before, and the er our line; wo will save von money. )CSRIES. irtmeut is always tilled witii the choicest able. All orders promptly tilled and beat the very lowest price. : : : Yours tor business, ; YOUNG, ???Uo \ QOLD, GOLD, ?1,500 worth of Furniture and Stoves to go RE6ARDLESS of COST. Think a minute! A $2.50 Folding Spring it $1.75, or a nice Chair at from 40c up. We arc going out of till; Furniture and Stove; business, hence these low prices. ANOTHER FACT. . Have just received from New York a big ine of Clothing, bought at bargain prices, I or men, boys and cliildren and it will be jJOI/1) in your pocket to buy from us. Will lose out a lot of Men's Pants at and below ost. t We always have big bargains in shoes for all. Wear a Jefferson Hat and be 11 style. ------%/ HOT STUFF! Pig Buck Tobacco, l)5c a pound. Two Pounds Levering's Coffee, 25c. One Gallon of Good Molasses 20 cts. nri xd "ep "T* JL a* JLaa-3 Hi aJZH^ 1 I 1 ft mm KING QUALI1 lor men, MA13KISBDR lor ladies and Make a strong team, beat. They are made t( foo<. Wear ooe pair, an more b<> our customer to our word tor h, but try i i ? -> * (ion i prove Jo no i Ite : u wore, you uoi yo:.;r n.oi s.*'oo(ls just arrho;!. Doi iX'A a Piano TirkeV with T , T IV/r A o>1 -iy 4<y<ci-'.. 'H^v w> Qj 1EMBROIDEI @ 0 On Friday. I he I 'll a, 1 sale o,000 yards of Ij.i ?$ :*5c, '*h;c, '2rk\ 20c,- i5c, t 1 a- * = * < 1-j.v, v > v. iiiiet re . We will divide it into Lot No. 1. All Sc. 7 *!>? ? pieces will be sold at ? Lot No. 2. \11 05c. 0 ? and 12 i - 2 c pieces will Noi o\ er i % ai'ds ot .. 5j) >o!d to a customer 0 1 hese are no seen i ? good.., but are genuine < tiC sa!. v? ill e?'inmc ? 10 o'clock and the iirst ? big bargains. So be on V.;' |8j IM' ea.o li st ni ?@??0?2)?i3?!S<3 ?? | Please Bear lis #5 That wo want you buying your Pall ani 55 Our prices cant bo 5 Stylo, quality anil motto in soiling clo y- Do you want a Sho ^ your foot dry? If i5^ without a doubt, b worn on at ; ri cos th ran soli you a go 6 Droedinoro Shoo at I Mcili :*? SOU, RAILWAY EFFL? JTIVK AUi.r.V SOUTHEOU Train No. 2."> Lv Churlotto 0.25 p. Ar For 27 ? .. 0.05 a. ? ,, ? 20 ,, ,, 10.05 p. ,, ? it i, 33 ,, ,, D.II5 a. ,, ,, NORTIIBOU Train No. 20 Lv Chostor 10.00 a. Ar Fori ,, ,, 2S Cola. 3,10 p. ,, ? ,, 0.10 a. ,, ? i, < '1 >? >, 18 p. t, tt Nuto?Fori Mill is a vogulur stopping poi Nos. 20. 3.1 ancl 31, which stop on t!ug. No; ^CT~ZcToodT"V? n f ^ ('l)exici ,?-4'Koi Mr f-arh, ot Its prion, in a? ?< For sal? oy x \1 <3il LJC. | we will place on ? nbroidery, worth i2 l-2c, IOc, 8c, ^ two lots. X 1.2c, tic and He SI S>o CO 0c. <>5c, 20c, 15c, ? :*t - l.Oo @ ;j vVidest will he X v r damaged q ha trains. cp :iee promptly at ? in will ipjt the ? hand. ? <& .-npp3. x wa: .. ssaeaej MM ? to see us before J winter clothing, jr. heat. low price is our ?5 thini;. & e that will keep ^ io, we have them, * >r both men ar.J m at please. ? inline, fill (-stock ^ $l.(iO t i?e pair. & w.Pam Pn I uj i. us. iku uu, s. r 2STH, 1U01. NI). t Mill 7.20 p. Ar Chester 8.30 p ? 6.10 u. ? Cola. 10.15 a ? 10.35 p. ,, ? 1.3ft p, ,, 10,07 u. ,, ,, 12.45 p ND. Mill 2.18 p. Ar Charlotte 3.20 p ,, 0.35 p. ,, 7.10 p ,, 0.13 a, ., 0.50 ft H < .*10 p. |, ,, 8.03-p at for all the above trains, excep i. 2't and )li't do not run Sundays. # presses*>oc5 ob can l>? mado. . B BSLK. t iV SHOES and G SHOES children 0110 that can't ho > woar and fit the id you will forcMorr shoos. Don't take i pair and if they .x:-i shoes vou oec % lev hack. Lots oi i t forget that you ?/ every Si purchase. '-o.. ~?? *? ? 7- Z~ ? Jr2_i jl ;i..i5oec?e???g y\r cur ?