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i OiU' MILL TIMES DEMOCRATIC f>USU?&KD EVERY WEDNESDAY ! R. W\ BRADFORD. Terms <.T Subscription: t- Ont; yoar 51.00 Six months -">0 Thre'v months -T> i Cot respondent**' <>;t ? m i> nl subjects is invited. no responsibility Is nsputtied for the views of correspondents. Anonymous opmmunicationM will not j published in lliese columns. On application to tin* publisher, advertising ';1 * nr? made known to ?'*V - fhose interested. ' Fort Mill 'Rhone (with Ioiir dirt si nee ! pnrnci tiensi No. OCTOBER 1-'. l'JOl. A Season for Sober Thought. C)n?* <?f tin* most ? nponrip.'ihtr piyns for the triumph <>( no??d gov- i (if reform mid a return to const i I utional methods, in the present camps im. is the fact that, although !lie election is less than a ni(<t|tii off nowhere in ti e eount' V in there manifested are ?.f the hurrah and excitement u im y attendant upon a president ml canvass. 1 In* spel I - hi nder seems to lind his vocation this year a piotitleas one, and "licry appeals" and Vinipas-ioned eloquence" are eonbpicti'itis by their absence. As said, this is an encouraging f-ign, for it is an evidence that the people arc doing a i?re'd deal of ? aim. quiet thinking on their own account. And it is h noted fact, that whenever the American people do this. whenever they seriously turn their attention 1<> public affairs ai d consider them without regard to the blow and bluster of j professional campaigners, in the Vernacular "there will he some j thing doing." The pcqple. as a whole, can-be always relied upon ! whenever they brim; sober, calm judgment to bear upon a question. ]n the In at nqd passion of excite inent mistaken can be and are east - j ly made, bill cool, quiet investiga- : lion of public,tpieslions invariably I results iu,..well considered audi proper action. The indications now are most pining (hat this sort of quiet invesW 1 illation ami thiol,oil; i-< going on ! B all oyer the country, and despite the most stern >ns efforts of the advocates of "tho big stick." the masses decline to ' riithqse" over; 1fll? 11 I I t 1 I?fi ll?r Victniic . lvui?uoe..l t ... ?* * ?'* i ?nr ? > 4 t inili. They aye evidently tliinkinp mikI thiukiijp deeply. " Vou call fool ail 1 liOipuople part of the time iilid part, of the .people ail t lie time, I)lit yon rnirM'fnol all tin' people' all IIim time,'' and it now looks very much us tliouph the fooling process had reached the limit. The people are evidently eonsid erinp the sitnutiop to which the "stand pat'" policy on the lariiT , has brought tliein, with tiie trusts, plowing inortt and more pipantie and iheir hardens and impositions more and more oppressive. 'I hey an- evidently eonsiderin ; that the \ price of every!Iiinp they have to j hnv has pone hipher while the , rate of wapi h has remained station nry. They are evidently considerinp that the treasury surplus has been wiped out and a deficit has taken its place. They are evidently considering that imperial Hooseve|tism has in ii few years doubled and trebled the. cost of a i a1 my i and navy to the plory of the apostle of bluster and heap, and at tlie| people's expense. They aie evidently cpusidi-rinp t!ie fact that tin' "full dinner pail" has become an empty one and is laid up >11 the ' shelf, and that strikes and lockouts i have taken the plaee of the hum of ! industry and the forward uuucli of prosp-rity. The Hipns indeed indicate that the people are quietly and most so- >. riou-ly considering these thinps. tliiups which are not too true, and > that thoy are placitip the responsiI>11i \ upon the proper shoulders, i In New York, iq Juduma. in other disputed and si mailed double States 1 | the sipus point, to an intention on Ii Uie part of the voters t?? adminia- I ter a moat stinpinjr rebuke at the j i approaching election to liooseveltism and all that the svord implies, and Pi uive such a maj ?rity to that safe mid sound champion of eon- I etitulional rights and government ?f economy, reform,'ami honeaty. < ?Imice Parker as will ensure a. I pr iper administration of national ( affairs for t lie cominu four yeara, < in so far as li?*s within the power I of tne national executive. When j' the people iret asiiJusly to think- o inir tln-re is always tlaunev for tin* * political Ifiaiut and hunkoisl. Se- ' I lee ted. ' j <1 -** *?? ? I t As will he seen by notice else, j where the town treasurer's books j will he opened*.on the 15th instant | 1 for the collection of taxes on all 1 i the property within the incorpo- j I T*te hunts. The fax is two mills J I oil the dollar and may be paid up i to nhd including November 1 I t From that time until the 15th of j I Novoinlier tlie usual 15 per cent i penalty will be added, ml after ' j the 15th executions will b.* issued I ^bintft all dohuqueule, ' 1 N'-xl to the edi.otials t'ultizer in llit* Woilil and the rcnuu luihlo ! letter of Carl ISchurz, who was a i meatier of ? Republican president's ' cabinet when Theodore Kooaev?.* was a child, the speech of S**iiat.or Knynor of Maryland is attracting ureal attention for its startlim* frankness Ilesays: "The l'resi- I dent promised to uive Admiral j Schley a fair hearing. IIo broke iiis promise and was uuilly of duplicity. Schley was deprived of his constitutional rij^ht to con- ; front or cross-examine a single ! witness, and upon the ex parte; statement of his niiliuuant enemies, the President who was a mere tyro mid appi opt ire in the art of military waifaiv.und iijs sec etarv | Mr. Ronu, who was a litetiiplij si- ; cian. and wdiose yrent naval battles had been foinrlit with lead pencil and strips of indiu rubber and wads of blot t i nu jiaper. pronounced a sentence a??ainsl this soldier of the seas, which lias decorat. d their heads with a crown of inimortal in fumy." For caustic seventy this will probably not be surpassed in the campaign. All the nation's flues were at lmif maid Thursday. \Y hatever lllllV ho unid of tin. I'rigftin.^l.'i. (iciieral. tin- Paynes have been the 111ust active socially of any of the cabinet family, entertaining even oftener tha i Secretary llay. Almost every distinguished man or woman within the administration circle lias been at the Paynes table either at luncheon, diuner or ten. and they have entertained many dignitaries from abroad. The dentil of the postmaster up neral is widely laLneutod 1 h rough the country. Russian losses 93.000 To Date. A disj tch of Monday f'vmi St Petersbum tsays tii t the Uussinu casual hi ca in the campaign solar are e^iimated at ninety-three I thousand killed, wounded and taken prisoners. At Port Arthur | and liiao Turn* peninsula, the; dispatch says, t Itv losses have been | fifteen thousand (Wainst the liist Japanese army losing of ten tlmus- j and at Kai Ping, TVsrhikao and 1 llai l.'heng; six thousand at liiao j \ ang; I went y t honsand in add it ion ! to which two llionsmid sartors have been drowned and forty thousand | sailors and .^oldier/S taken prisoners. 11 is also stated tlial Port. Arthur' is in far better condition than late , reports indicated. There are <lt I Port, says the dispatch, ample, stores to keep the garrison, which | now comprises 23 0U0 s ddiers and ! lit,Out) sailors for twelve mouths. | ?? ?-? ?- ? The S. C. Conference. The Methodists of the city arc already licjijintiinu to look forward to tlic meeting of the annual conference, wl.ich will be held this year in I >ai lin^ton, says the (Jolumbia lb-cord. The conference will convene on tin4 lllli day of December and will last about hix days. Bishop Wilson, of Baltimore, and one of tliel lending Melhodists of tho South-1 em branch of tie- oliurch, will pre. side over the dtdi beta lions of that body at their meeting in Darling ton. Those who ai*M well posted say that many uiattcrHof unusual importance will come liNforc the ? onference for consideration and decision, but that the proceedings will be largely of a routine nature. ; + + Fooling The Ex-Slaves.' 1 nlormation was received liore 1 yesterday that the l uited Slates government officials have arrested in Spartanburg a neirro named -John Dopnin, chaffed wit It personating a tfovernnieiit officer. The uepro iH now held in Spartanburg jail for trial nt the Ureonville term of the Ihiitrd t^tates niiii t on < )< tober IMtli. 1 Ifis alleged that Domini claimed to. bo a special fiuent i*ent by the government to tfive pensions to ex-slaves. The former i slaves wore tomrt provisions, lumber, money or anything else tlioy wanted in any ipiantity, if they , paid the freight charges. These | freight clmi^-i were to be paid to i D i^aii in ac|vanee, whether the bjeet of desire was money or Inin- | her or household gooda. Five \ lobars and njnety-eiiiht rents was , soilected froiii one old nej/ro and , Jl.:r> from another - all he had. l'lie latter was to pay the remainler the next day, when he received JSOO. Anothei neutro paid $2.40 for $t(X> in money and Inmber with wliieli lo build a house.?News and LVmrier. ?? ? ffoyt 11 ayes, a young white man i1 who was sometime ago convicted j in Oconee county of murdering liis wife and sentenced to hang on |i ho l.r>ih of tins month, has been ' granted a two weeks reprieve by I lie governor. This action was j J taken in order that the governor night have more time to investigate n petition sent in by Haye's ' friends asking for a commutation; to life imprisonment. ' ; i' : Killed Three Freight Conductor Wise of the Southern mil way, whose hpine was aid |o ho in Smtjinnuh, and Jack God )i hit I Vitehmun, nd Walter Zeitfler w? f? U i; : outskirts of Charlvtto about lu o'clock Wednesday niirht. The train, which whs southbound No. I'.i. on the Charlotte. Columbia nnd Auuusla division of the Southern, wns beim; pushed by a switch engine when suddehly ail the brakes became set and the etiidurei uslieu into the rear end of the caboose. conductor w ise was ui tlie rear of tho caboose ami ll?e other men between the calx us3 ami engine. New Postmaster General. The president oil Monday np p >i ted Hubert ?J. Wynne postmaster general to sue ed the late Mr. Hayne. Mr. Wynne has been acting in tha\capacity siner Mr. Payne's deat h. and Monday's np pointinent mnkeii him a member of the cabinet, yfho new postmaster general is a veteran newspaper man having been the Wash, ington correspondent '.of the New York Press for a number of years pri<?r t ? his appointment as first assistant postmaster general two i years ago. Rates to the Fair. As usual the railroads will this year olfer reduced rates to tInState fair which will be held in Columbia October 2~)th to 23th. The rate for individuals is one first-cluss fate pins 2"> rents for the round 1 rip. For military eotupnnies and b inds in uniform ihe ifiu* lor it iit1111111 titil c)i ztl on mi'' ti? k ?t is oik* cent a mile iti each direction. This is u little hit cheaper than the rate for individuals. The ticket for individuals will include a ticket of admission to the fair trrounds coatin?j ">0 cents addit ional. The dates of sale will be L'l to 'J7 inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive there b< fore noon of the 2Sth. Ill' tiual limit is Oct oOth. Ironclad form ? f tickets will be used. ? ? Offering for Epwotfh Orphanage. Wr?? have planned to have a "Work Day" olToriiiij in favor of the Epworth Orphanage, on Oct., iust. We desire to have as many people as will to donate their earnings of th t day to the suj port of the Orphanage. There are tlimsands of men and .v......... n i -I . ?? > ..wiiii u' 'j ^ mm nwas, who couid well alVord t<> j?ivo tin* earnings of out* day ti) tin* support of a canst* so worthy anil deserving as that of providing fori lie more than one h u nil red fatherless little oin h placed under the car? of the Methodist cliurrh in South Carolina, for sup|i?rt and training It will he a small matter to the individual to tnakV this contribution, I in t t ho oil'ts of t In* many will a<jjjrcjrate a helpfyl a im for the care of the orphans. \ ljet some one be appointed in every community to take charge of the offerings and remit to us, but it preferable the individual may semi his own otTeritiLT. We hop* the children throimhont the Statu will be eneonraired to take an active part in this matter, and that all friends of the orphans will co-(\pera*e with us in mauiim the day a success. \V. IS. \V II AUTO*, Supt (!ai.i'\ntn S P. -~*m *- ?rNow that picking i.s fairly under wny we hoar the complaint that ".My crop is not as good us J thought it was." Every day that passes the crop is steadily deteriorating. Tnetfp are many causes for this. But the chief causes is that the long continued rains had produced an excessive leaf development. The whole plant was full of water. It showed for more than it really was. jjow that the hot September sun and a drouth have come together thy plant is showing its true condition. The oron will he short ef all estiifpites. We are not talking at random. We have traveled some, and examined the cotton fields, by walking through them and counting the bolls. We have reliable reports from sections ^ we have not visited. We advise 1 our friends to sell slowly. Cotton should he bringing twelve cents. Can any one give a good reason I why it is noty?Southern Cultiva- | tor. * ? LETTEH TO SHERIFF I.OOAN. YOItlvVlLLK, S. I'. Pear Sir: Ilore'a a bully one. Mr Dnoloy (not of Chicago), painter, | Lancaster, N H, got the job of ]Miiuting the KpiseojMil par so., age. Ho was used to a {mint, as pare as Oovoo, but weak ' nut short-measure?he clidu't know it was weak or short-measure. Dooloy surveyed the job, and said it would take 20 gallons. Mr L F Moore, our agent, offered to ! [five 10 gallons Devon. Aeeepted of course. Eleven gallons did it; the 10 plus one. Mr Mooro isn't painting parsonages jii slpires this voar. Yours truly 19 F W Drvof. ?fc Co P. S. W. B. Ardrcy & Co. sell our palut &ftc?? wi'.Uli * . * I ' Ron. Henry \V atter-ou u< so ; ' ! busy savini* tlie country just now that he is letting tin* (*8miu't set"' t :< 4 'iin Mars Henry id not a very ?^ood ehapfttou. / * ' A New Jersey won 11 . i I in h lawsuit neatly knocked a mute witness down who was testifying against her. This in what we call strenuous Jersey justice. m * Oai I Sehurz is again loosing] sleep lest his adopted country refuses to accept his advice, It ??! r. Hohuiz could assure the country | how long he will remain witti the same political company we might take him seriously. . ft ' The manufacturers of life pro^ . I t. l 4 - - S# I VOIS UHVC oetjll CUUglll Jill 11 I IIIX ( iron inside tli?? cork in order to make up the required weight of (lie cork. We should lmvc some place like Siberia to which such vidians could be went for life. ? We discover* <1 u new canipn'g" slogan floating around (hi* other day, ''elect Roosevelt and pet nior* Hay." * 44 Pr ?phet" tlrosvenor is^ rather | slow in giving out his figures tlpK j time. Is it possible that he has j I been caught in a tangle? I < Candidate Swallow seems to Ion e found out that running for office,) is a target to shoot ut and sometimes to laugh at. M is* Helen Gould is doing : splendid work in a ding . 3d. V.and other hrneovolrnt inetitu- ' linns. Miss Gould is settim; a j shining example which other rich < \v mien would do well to follow. * . - ' I "Do tlw people want a man lih" ; l'oosevelt," asks the Indianapolis t Sentinel. There is mi man like ; him. * It is said whatever i;nes npmnstt, comedown. Hut we all hope tlmt . this wiij not he true (>f Dr. Dowie | when he takes his Hi11 in the air , ship. ? The country expects n few more telegrams from J mitre Darker be. fore the campaign is over. 19 9 The hospitals have put mi fresh supplies in ant iei pat ion "f a busy ] I , ? it. . e a i ii i n<.-ur<ijii 11(mii iiit- i?? i. itit11 piayers. 1 > > Don't shoot the poor spellbinder. I te is doing the heat he etui. j ' 1 North Gold Kill. Editor Times; Will you admit i ! another reader to your columns i* from (Jold Hilly If so, here's to t you We old nesters are drugging out 1 the fleecy lint these days. "Turnouts' are good. Mr, S, ('. E. reports * 1 he had a bale weighing .">80 pounds, ^ ; ginned from 1,1th pounds of seed i , cotton. t Sweet potatoes are got t i rig right ' i now us well as peas and "turnip! greens," and the old negro is be 1 ing heard every night fur and near j t ruin pet i ng to t he sound of his dog. .1 which is chasing his masters favor- ' I ite game? the 'possum. Itro. Splinter, in last week's ' ' paper, made his item short ?>n S. 1 ! Gold Hill. I presume lie is hold- 1 ' ! ing himself hark until he hears of someone who has gotten foundered on oysters. Well, Liro, Splin1 ter, 1 presume you will soon 1 : lengthen your item for oysters anil | It) cent eotton go hand in hand. I 1 think Messrs. 0. P. Hhmkenship, ' i S. C. Farris and W. II. \\ indie ' I keep th. ir apititessharpened for a ! "br.M.k ' Mrs. \V. E. Smith who has been i down with typhoid f,-ver for sonic j two or threo weeks, is Said to he ! improvinu some. 1 Bin requested to announce that Mr. G. O. Epps has turned out his "noatees" ami also Mr. E, Ij Unites. Our Western Flyers, who have! flown back, report a decree of discnurnuement in the West, except Crook Karris, who is favorably impressed with the "Wild and Wooly West," says ft man who j lives in Texas for more than on* year will not live any where ehe and will not be satisfied in Texas." 1 Reports the boll weevil as not do- I iiiK serious damage, that the esti mated Texas cotton crop is over , four million bales, and that the, corn crop is from oO to 7"> bushels I per acre. llro. Splinter, his state- i iiieut seems t*? ooutrfidict yours in \ ^ regard to G. 11. beiuj^ the Garden . Sp ?t. i> ?_ r i*. < ' n<l>oiiH ?>i iii** farmers in our section soem to leave the nnpiessitui that thore will lv? considerably ( more wheat sowed/this year than usual. The enrollment of Gold Hill i . Hi^h School wag so greatly re- . duced a week a?o on account of the rapid opening of cotton, that Miss Gorrine Fair a (the assistant)* wad dismissed uut 1 later in auhiui. j Jake. ' Shredded .% CUlt OrapC Nuts Force Postum Cereal The rncst popular foods for Dyspeptics, Invalids and chil iron. i All Fresh, I Ardrey s Drugstore, |i Mrs. I lei t (irttrory, of Union,; i i bride of a month. who, it is a! I, was | h us an <1 by her litis i)nn<l ra(.*(>ti 11 v. is dead. (?ro;fory is bt-ititr hold, Ti i* stomach of I he dencl woman will 11? sent t<> Jharlostuii for examination. ? - -? ? Saves Trro Fr::r. Eeath. "Our little daughter had an almost ratai attack of win> >pin>r coujxh and iroiiehitis." writes Mrs. \V. K. Havimd. of Armonk. N. V.. "but, when ill otherremedies failed, wo saved la-r ifo villi Dr. lviu^'s Now 1 >iseovery. Inr niece who had consumption in an elvaiie i '.lire, also used this ivni.ilm - ,'ul iu<'dit:itio and to day sin sjietleetly .veil." 1>' s;i rale threat ami Iuuk 'lis uses yii l i to Dr. Kiif.r's New l)i<roviis to no other midiciuo on earth. infallible f ?r roughs a i i voids. Site and 1.00 bottles g .ariinti id by all (lru;{ ?>sts. Trial b titles i'r? ? . No. 1 1. tlu? m< rninu' train from \sin*vir. I ? Spai tuMbui o rail a\va\ l mi Saluda mountain Sunday timmno ulxuil 15 and was niily saved 11 >111 a t< - rriltle wrevk by the opt-i n tun of one nt thi' ant fly switehi.H. Testimony cf a Minister. Rev. .Inn. S. l'o\, of Wn'iic, Ark , .vrilt , "l?\?r 1*? years 1 suffered from 1 "allow .Tatin<li''o. 1 1 onsaltid ? number if pbysicians ami ivii I ail sorut of uiedvines, but ?t u?i relief. Thou I bejraii 1h? lis" of Kieetrie Pit tei sand feel that am ia>\\ eared of a disease thai bid ne 111 iis ^rasp for 1- years." If you .vaut a reliable ineilieitte for i\er anil vidtiey trouble, stouiaeh dis .l.ler or general debility, jjret l.leelric Killers. It's Kuarauleed by all ilrujfjjists. On V .-VH'. Air. \Y. '.I Si ileis came up from j Manning Sunday i vouin- ami ipeti1 Monday with liia family in , his place. A Love Letter Would not interctf you if your'e lordctiK for a ^itarantt i il Salvo for Soros, '.urns or i 'i Irs. Ot I?> I > >. 1 I,of l\uid? r, ?*1 >. ,v rites: "I sutleri d with on nj;h sue 'or a \oar. but a box of Huck'.oii s Ami a Salvo cared mo. It's tho host Salve >n oarth. C.'c at all tlrue stores. A report comes from ('hesler and Rich hurt; 1 hat .1 as. II. Ti llmaii has joined th?* Mi>tlioiIi>t Kpineojml ' Minreh. South. ami will bi.ome a ninister of tlie (.hispid. W o ]>ul> ish the report lor what it is wortli leiiu; unable to v -rlify it today.Rock 1 i ill K eo'.tl. _ , l , Bro-e Into Hie Ecuae.. S. T.e Quinn, of Cavendish, Vt., was obbod of his customary health by invasion of t hronie Constipation. When >r. King's New T.ife l'ills broke inn") lis house, liis trouble was arrested ami iow he's outirely cured. Thcy'rs guarintecil to (aire, lee at all drug stores, w, |.r.iitu . :> . .11 '> . s. :i!i ? I ' w.ii ? r tin 'Hi -.u '.?l. tm ?>r 1'lioto c.l irvi-ntkiii loi f o % * " t 'i iinl ity. lit fice U uk, \ ? vt.,TO j-nr; ft "??/c? ?riu < I ^ 'J. S. Patent. Office \ WAS H! N GTO N O.jC^ J. U. TrayvAe/c & Co, TAEAEEIIS IN fine eiq; <>i;s AND AVI NFS, No. 42 E:vnt Trade St. "KARLOTTF./ - - - NO. 1 ' 1 ? " " FOR GOOD WHISKIES, j WINES, BllANDI.ES, ETC., CALL ON OK AY KITE TO AV. II. IIOOV El!, CUAX'..(?m. N c. i j iidS ire. A mow at hand? ;dy a ' ' vLen n '"'l O88ou mast way for n / I n?(t'\ \vl :> nil tied is nt".v '?r, stylish an i r e i 1 the piaco of that which has bn u hore. We will have the hegt coot's that there is for a new fall season'r| trade. It is our ambition to huvo nt the CASH STOttK the crand est (showing of coods ever t\isplayetl lieie for 111 o tnoncy. 'Phis mueli we promise, aud the many who have looked jk? us for their supplies i'tl nil cflr Hi'8 of goods* amy rest assured that there will he MO < 1 il-SM I M II li M 1 llle ?11 nlil'li tli.m ------ -t ; ? ui'if to see this Mod. of o?>u<ls for Lhi'iiiiv'lvi-fi. \v nhail promise no :.ioi than wave able t< lulliill. Watch us ami see if \yo are not able to rope villi eve**y expoctanry Hire are some of tin. juices on tlm.SO U'o< ill.CS t W. . i !> nts- $1.00, 1.50 I .(>:>, 2.LM. 2.55. \\ alei jii'ool < ilitis, ;!]>. I'ants to mat !). si :i(). Kiue lot of Shoes, Sl.L!"* to H.'.'f. Hist orndoof 11ats, 25o to $1.17. 1 lalf 1 lose, 5c *?p. SS pool t' . >u "-'t spool. Toll s op s. 50c tip. Trunks, I ? 5.1 I. 1: i w: , i a' 'l<' Si I 2 >e. iv'"* (> la-.- I'.tliiM'. I ho. Susp> t. r . '. to i.s . I>*i 1111 < 20 Lo Me. SIiiris, up. I\ 'o. ciiiM'tl work shirts, t(.t to ItSc (), 1'iiiih. ' 1 mid ih . Host uli Sweaters I'.'i*, I 'udtM'8 lirls, 2>>cr to Elastic si mi i Draweis, t \ L'lalh I' Hb'M tIMllilS, 2f>c. Sim wis. t'.h- t > $1.27. Mo > 1 ?. 2?> ami 2 >r, i i h ;i is. lo to '.to. \Vi? fi'll t-v?T\ tiling eiso prrporiiti !\ as aheap. I? P, VJliitlnpV is U i 1 H11AUU11 j i'roprictoi. Ihod. Y. McDow. K. E.irlo Thornwoll. W. W. Lewis. Mi'DOW, LEWIS X THOK.WVKLL, Ali?>''ii v ..I I aw, Yorkvillo, S. I'. I'?.. litre S i ..i-il U. S. cih.ris <' i M K 1!. Ti..?r iwell will 1>" in duv ol i in J'"<>11 Mill on Saturlay of arh w- elt t Htti-.iul to any business intru:.t? (I to vs. ilia V TIi?\L OUL)EH ;?;Ut uct the BEST VS fl J SKIES, \\ I S MS. BBANiWES, Etc., M lh*k lii'tsl rt'iiM.vutlth' prices, J. D. Ross &. Co. Preps-t 1 ill!. ? i" 't it i) h A s.\)l )A, C'llAil LO'LTE, N C. No. 2*J \V I rade . hoiH ' nW'S Work Well Done, Haw jt u VhUU- l.'lo! lis, Counterpaiuos. Doilies, Window Curtains, Blankets, etc , laundered i,y 'he Model Steam Laundry, cf Charlotte, N. C. Prices for laundering the al>ove ii-tie! . cKeerfnl'y furiii.^lied. Sui; |>r. f-etl d.v, suits dry. idi iis h! :nl pressed, 50c; suits washed and pressed. 75r; coat or [mats pivR-oil, lor; cleaned and [) ( -;!, (!. 2;~?o; nkirtri pre^Bt'd, 25c; chain :I ami i>ivss??ii, 50c. Our . rpiiuMt art* made Thurs,!ay iijurniimri and returned Saturdays. McElhane yvParks Co. T>e Liothln; aaj Shof Mon. Nothing can ever surpass it. f; Dr. King's New Discovery A Perfect, For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fails. ?r'al Ooltles free. I J