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Ohlim'n MhiIIctI Srhool. Tl?? Dowager Empress of China has irtren a sum of money for the establishment of :i 11 insliIution for teaching medicine, the iuann;reincnl to be confided to the missionaries. Ilnw'o TliU? WoofTor On- Hundred Dollars Howard t >r *?y oasu o." Calami that cunnot be cured by Hall's Cut.air.i (Jure. J'. J. ? iik.nkv .V Co., Toledo, O. We, tlio u adorn: no. I, Imv - known V. S. Cliotioy lor tlio lust lf> bellev?.> iiln perfectly iionoruoli' in all business irunsn;ilonx und 'lnn >"i i Iibl?> to i-iirry out e iy ooii',' ninde I ;. I .i 11- ilrni. w *r ^ <'* 'I'ruax. IV lioinsul" DruHJfhts, Toledo, i >. Wn.iUNd, Kiss as .V. Twins, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, (>. Hud 's Cotarri Cure. - tuken Intcrnnllv, netlog iirc.nLly unoutiie blood und mucoussurfaces oft o systo-u. Testi'iioniuls sent fr>e. Price, 7do. ror bottl*. Sold by all liruir -i n, 'Jfukn nrul's Family Pills for const ipuliouIIU J out I'eserl*. A Clil(?i;;o railway ticket scalper tnuat serve eighteen months in the ll.ullln -.# f........... .. r _ ? .. . mm nir iruiumteiniy reproseiilin;* liiiii>'If to be a clergyii*un to obtain half-rate tickets. 0 * 'Tarlnc taken yonr wonderful "0asrar6taM for it* lutniluH and limna ?Miiiri;i^ rnii ?1 of h ?*..iurrh -noI ?l\? t?? i?.na. 1 H'tnk u >M?rd of y>iai?m it i\ ,eto"(Ja for thoir won<lorftil roiu|Hmlilon 1 ,.tvo r?"tH other *o-. nllo?l remedies It t tlliioui avail and I And thui CuseHt?*M relieve mro iri o day tliiui all the oUiot* 1 h?v? tukoO Would In a year." JauirM MnUuiie. KM Mercer St.. Jersey City, N. J, $ The Dowels u, candy cat hap tic Pleannnt Palatable Potent Taste Good. Po Oon<lt V. - '. !' < '? Mi, V- - - i. or lUc. 2ac . Stic. Ni vof old In bulk. Tito genuine tablet sTumped Ct'O. Quiiruut* uii to cure or your rummy buck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 591 VSKUALGALH.TZJi K1LLI0N BOXES YH& BEST ~ WATERPROOF CLOTHING IN THE WORLD /a // a /. /EARS T"i5. kDE IA y J >> met w #?.*?.<ofmmcw /7&sa\v/ .TAWHOS^TlTyUb /y^\l,V^WL^rJ ON SALE EVdR fVYHEtt ^ifKV% ttTAWCySSr-RK ?S^;;A SHOWING*FULL UNECP I^N?- / Hi ^ O/.HMtNTS AND IIATJ A. J. TOWER CO,, bObiOii. MASS., U.S..\, TCAttC* CANADIAN CO., 4.TO., TOHOKTO. CARA'JA. WECI;REliISEASES0.:O We i'u i u it< ? a ulok and I*'<-**i *> - Our<< In a .*as?* f SPECIF C m.ooi) poison. NTUKTUltK.VAmrO\ CELL. WEAK UAOK, I'liUTAl'Il' THOUli .1'. AND ALL I I sEASK I' E i U LI A K T" M|;N. ALSO AL,L >; . 5V NKISV ? S. I ONLY, ijKS-y ' -jS'tN HLADlX'.tt AND HEOfPh.V* 1 H ASE ? ASP fcitayileiA -> ?,.ta All Itn iUI.\i A l'I *>M. Imniirl inl 1 r- Lonthrrman A Bontloy I 111 IMF I lalll |lr? ollly S]> Mfl'l I!H 111 Atlanta who treat llielr i*ari?*s mtniuu-ives. IV1 It von fiminiL < ?n tin.i a.,^ ..1. ft till. y0Jr troubles ikini receive by retain nitui, Iroo of uhurgo, our <U.i(;uo?iM Idaak. Bit>T 1IOMR TREATMENT. Conaulta lion l'roe. Everything eonthluntial. firs. Leatherman & Bentley, Cor. Marietta und lorsyth St?., ATLANTA, GA. ' flour*. 0 n. in. to 10 p. rn. Kasulag: 10 to 1. ELIXIR BABEK Thi Quick and Sura Cura f -r MALARIA. CHILLS, FEVER ANO LA GRIPPE. It ia a power ul tonic and ipp-l'ur Will rura thai Urrd ficlm* Pallia In Hack, f.lmbo and lirad. la a a>tir ly >en> lili e Cuiiipn nil. ami a?ulain>. K* (fainter or A rsrnlr. 1'iepan-il I) KLOCKIlVVNIil Jb IMt.. WathlniiloD. D. C. So. 41. WBI5L i J rgfl Take - Down EM Don't spend from $1 I much less money y I Down Repeating Sh I outlast the highes I besides being as s; I dealer can show you < , FREEt Our ' > WINCHESTER REPEAT HERE IT IS! Vaat to l??rn all ubout. a HoraoT How to Pick A X Qui o AooO Ona? Know m i ?u Ir^aerfaotlor* and no V V OkMMl again ?t Fraud? \ 1< Dot oat Dlaoaae and ISf- XT'" ' V\ root a Car* when same / \ / t is yoaOUMot Toll tho. # V i ' Ago by the Toctn ? What to i-au the utfforeat Porta of tho Anlrual? How tc Raoo * Horao Properly? All thin aud othor Valuable Information can ho obtained by reading our lOO-P/OB IULUS THATBu Ht'RSH BOOK, which we wlb forward. postpaid. on racoipt pt only ? coato la VXJ A HOTJB^L 1M boonard W^p City . D'amonds Improved by Radium. Th? influence of raido-cmunatloa# on the constitution of matter is verf curiously illustrated In some recent experiments made by Sir William Crookes. According to the results, if radium comes to b ? a common commodity among us som. dismay may be caused to tnose who wear dlai monds on finding ihat the carbon ) crvstal und r the intliu nc?-of radium tlireaiens to return to its less attractive fcrni of graphite or crystalline black carbon. On the other hand, radium may turn out to ho a "diamond improver." It is well known that radium emanations possess the prop rty cf darkening transparent bodies upon which they impinge; and now Sir William Crookes lias shown that this also holds good in the case of diamonds. The emanations not only convert the surface into graphite but alter the f nlnr ' < ?!-- - - . w.t,. v,l II1U UUUJ L I UIC StPllC. it IS therefore sugg: sled that this observation may prove to be of commercial impnrtancc. F r txampi\ "if eff color stones can be lightened th ir value will Increase, while if the prolorg d aetion of radium is to communicate to th in a decided eoler they would be wcrtL much more as fancy stones." This may add considerably to the business of the jeweler who, for a consideration, might undertake to submit "off jewels" to burial in radium for a season.?The Laneet. We Are the Richest. The United States constitutes th? richest nation on the globe. Mulhall furnishes these figures: United States $81,750,000,000. Great Britain $59,030.000,000. France $47,950,000,000. G rmany $40,200,000,000, Russia $32,? 125.000.000. Austria $22,500,000,000, Italy $15.800.000,000, Spain $11,300,000.000. These computations are based upon values as shown by real estate records, buildings, merchandise and tailways, as well as the circulating medium in each nation. Caroline L. O. Ronsome, of Wash ington, is the first woman from whom the United States government purchased a painting for the walls of tin capitol. FTT^t rormrin-nMy enrol. y'o nts or nervousness after 0i da> > uk<iof in-. Kline's Gieat Nerve lies: >r r - rial I,oil le.tiul treatise 110 t l>r. It. It., DJ1 Areli St., l'uila., l a. 1 he i i who M-st made steel pen.-* got *1 api? ee for tlicm l'lso'sf tiroe innot I>o too hi -ntyspokonot n; acou'heur--. -j. \>. o,i.ii:n', Third Avenue, N., Until" .1 o.i-. t inn.. .1 ail. li, l'JJJ OlC-tCllill of the wor'.il w ati-1 iim?v p'.orcd. Dyeing is os easy n* washing whoa l'UTnam's Fahki.Kbs im i:s are a d. Tobacco exports nrc dcct i .isin^. THSUSHT S E WOULD DIE. Kra. H. W? Murine, i. ( <>!i?r?rt:? Ssrln ;!, Hftita to L"oi*r i!io W.i.Ji ? t->o-?u'l lilJucy 1M11? ssvd.l lioA Mrs Sarah Marine, of P.'S Ht Urn It street. Colorado Springs. Col.. President ol the Clcu liyrlo Cluli, writes: "1 KllltlTtli f?r *'usir" ji ^ o c t o r s told J u 0 r '' nl*etU'J ii medicines for /. y '"y y. i !l:" but I fotit.ii ' ;'h . a \\ n I . u I never tret well A friend advised me to try Dona's Kid ney IMIIs. \V it 111 ii a week after I began using theni I was bo much better that I decided to keep up the treatment, and when I had used a little over two boxes I was entirely well. I have now enjoyed the best of health for more than four months, and words can hut poorly express tny gratitude." For sale by nil dealers. Prlee f>i? 'ents. Foster-M 11 bum Co.. LtulTalo, N Y There is an anecdote concerning the | Archbishop of Canterbury, who is now rtiin iitus uisiinguisncu guest. toUl by Curtis Brown in Frank Leslie's Monthly: "No one ever called him good-looking. On one occasion, when he was Bishop of Rochester, a zealous, lnit somewhat maladroit cleric, intending to compliment him. remarked in the course of his speech: 'No j?ne can say that our Bishop is ornamental, t'or?' But a roar of laughter, in which Or. Davidson Joined, prevented him from J finishing the sentence." HESTER Repeating Shotguns >0 to $200 for a pun. when for sf> ou can buy a Winchester Takeotgun, which will outshoot and t-priced douhle-harreled gun, afe, reliable and handy. Your 3ne. They are sold every where. loC-Psge ItlustrAfed C*tul*jue. I ING ARMS CO. NEW HAVEN. CONN. | I The News of the Day. Nikola Tesla. the great student ofl j electricity, if forty-seven, but looks ten I years younger. - I | i An immense panoramic picture of ; I the battle of Waterloo is being painted i , in Paris by M. Joseph van Drlesten. . He has In the rough sketch of the bat-l | I tie 200,000 men, English annd French, and the figures of al) the groat commanders. THE HAUNTED^ HOUSE. With mown thick upon its roof. And gables old and gray, It stands among historic oaks? A haunted house, they say. A dashing British governor I'i'".-t reared its stately walls. And tilled with greats and gaiety Its wide and lofty halls. A hove the hill room mantel still llis port tail hangs; but Time lias limned it with a smoky hand And hidden it with grime, So nothing of his olden grace Nor handsome fa r is there, But | >:i t el it ot his seal let coat And g!< un- of powdered hair. Deep is the dust upon tlir floors, d he rust on lock and hinge; AY here shn ds of tattered curtains wave, 1 he moths have made a fringe; The sni<lrrs year by year have toiled. And cveiy vacant space Of ceiling, wall or window-ledge Is draped with filmy lace. But in the ro>es or the snow. When o'er the chimney's red, 1 he new moon in the < vi ning sky Dis| l i\ - a si'\ cr thread. The oriel pains between the oaks. Shine oat with candle ' lit And ins of te?<i \ m isie blend <> III! 10 I i .'.cs (II 111< lllgilt. l*'or then : troop of shadowy danrRefinc 1 U portra .t ill in T' "I all t1"' reels niul minuets Tlicy u-'(I to dance with him; The hroid'TC'l of their gowns Is sweet with faint perfume Ot l"OS( it a V( s '".it lie !* t! ill the (1 *W j In gardens fu'.l of bloom. lie ' tnves 'ti- tl<us the lerend poeThe tarnished frame once more To softiv sigh tin* 1 iikcti vows So lightly made of yore; lie bees a rose, and sic.lis a kiss. And breathes a promise low. As when he loved and rode away in summers long ago. Leave undisturbed the empty house To silence and to dreams. Wrapped in the glnnin of ancient boughs beneath its pale moonbeams. Strange stories of the midnight hour Its echoing rooms might tell, Hot veiled in ivy. darkly green, It keeps t'w secret well. ?Woman's lloine Companion. 0 O -T ?? C* , *>***4.4.* . * ** l.itfltri **!? ? T H E WHITE-f j 1 PLUM F.I) KNIGHT. 5 T ??- * $ BY WILLIAM L. COLBY. % I * CT > *?>?* f* >>*-;* s-? ** *o * M' C O ' TM ")LD, handsome uinl gewr " * * * oils was the youn^ Itejjiu* R * it bl l'e llrac.v. 1 "ossessed Jiy of every knightly ueioin*JuOkx<*.ik l?li-hnicnt. It \v.ts little \>on,.( i lie soon wo t the love cf tin; beautiful lthincho i.'iiii'?ni.?i.i..-. who was called the fairest lady lu all England, in those old feudal times. Only one man in Ihe land bore ill will toward Sir 11 gitinlil, and he was It chard I.angley, a dark, haughty and evilminded knight, who, once a suitor for the fair hand of Lady Itlnnche. was rejectcd for Sir ltcciunld I)e Brncy. Item I with the tiercest pangs of jealousy he | had vowed a I rrlble vengeance against j the favored suitor, and the forthcoming tournament seemed to afford a good chance for the fulfilment of his vow. At this tournament, which was to be belli in a few days, one of the events was to he a grand lilt between two parties of knights, each being twelve in number. The peculiar featurt of this was that each knight was to oreserve a strict Incognito till the end of the match, all coats-of-arms beiig rigorously exelinl -d. and the two parties to he distinguished from each other solely by the color of their plumes; those of one side being red anil the others white. And this arrangement suggest eil to the mind of Itioharcf Langtey a plan which, if successful, would rid hint forever of his hated rival, llegiuahl be LJrncy. The knights foreneh side had already been chosen, both himself and his rival belonging to the white plumed knights, and it had also come to his knowledge that a certain knight of the opposite side was held absent by sickness. And so it cnn.o to nnsa th?t .r?n i?.? mornintr of (lie tournament, word was spread that the mis-dug knight. Herbert De Vnux, had recovered and arrived at (lie grounds ready for the tight. A powerful looking man, his face concealed by his armor, stood in the doorway of Pe Vaux's tent, and was supposed by everybody to be that individual himself. Hut this man was in reality a burly rullian. a to of Langley's, with instructions to do bis utmost to put an end to the life of Lie Bracy in the light about to ensue. * He was in reality more skillful with j bis weapons than any of the knights j there assembled, but prevented by his I low rank from taking part in any knightly exercise. Ars'*tho time for the tournament ap: proa died the knights were assembled In a large inclosure within the lists. Pe Bracy being among them, little dreaming of the deep-lahl plot planned Artnlnot ? ?I ..... i .JglnAl uiuii oknuuiuK ? nine upari i from the company were the two plot ! tcrs. "Note closely the white plume worn by I)e Bracy.'* said I.angley, In a lowtone. "Seest thon not. Bertram, a small particle of red in the upper part? .Much risk have I run in placing it there, and remember, when the combat conies, fall not in striking to the death the ttrleht thus marked." "Ay, muster, trust me for that," Bcr tram replied, and the pair separated. Meanwhile Sir Reginald, unsuspicious of danger, was chatting guyly with his betrothed, wbo was leaning forward from the pavilion above. "Take good care of thyself, Reginald," she was saying; "for If you enI counter any danger, you may be as, sured that there will be at least one pale face among the spectatois." (Then she laughed gayly, but suddenly checked herself. Her keen eye had ( teen the red particle in her lover's ' ' n ?2 fc \ " plume, ami wlti?[ quick wit she at om-v. divined that it Avas placed there vn r distinguishing i/ark. Little suspecting the terrible misAion that tritlc was destined to fulfill, she readied down her 'shapely hand )and managed to detach it from the plume without being observed. Then a strange fancy came into iter mind?a wish to foil the design* of tlie unknown person who had tints marked her lover and bending over she fastened it tirmly to the plume of another knight standing just below it tinder the pretense of curling the stranger's jdunie more gracefully. Hut suddenly the trumpet sounded, and eaeh knight betook himsi If to Ids station, ready for the coining conflict. Then another trumpet blast burst forth, causing the hearts of all to heat fast with anticipation, and with slow and majestic tread the combatants uvived Into the lists, each at an opposite end. Splendidly mounted, clad in complete armor, and with a sea of waving plumes above their heads, they afforded a /truly magnificent spectacle, vtul then a third Idas.. A thundering of hoofs, a clashing of stool and the two plumed lines were merged in one. It was a glorious light, and tlie hearts of the spectators throbbed madly with excitement as they beheld, ltravely eacli gallant knight held his part, und the contest sceuied ilmost equal. In the thickest of the fight was the ' low-horn ruffian. Bertram, overwhelm- i lug flu' white plumed knights one af- | ter another wllli his prodigious blows, mill "II tl.n ?!...? - 1." -- o..ii. iinii^ ciigeriy Kir his prey?a knight with a red spot on his plume. At last he saw the one hearing this murk. ami. forcing liis way through the contestants, was soon by his side. One tdrrPlc blow of his battle axe and the dfooned knight, with a crushed skull, I/ay tdeeding on the sod. j With a thrill of exultation he felt /thai he had fnltilled his promise ami alone to death the noble young knight. Do Itrncy. l.ut hardly had lie delivered the blow when a white piumed i ki.ight swept up behind him. and with; a ponderous stroke of his sword felled ' him from his horse, where he lay stunned beside his victim. Throwing himself from his horse the conqueror placed his foot on Ifcrtram's leek, crying to him to yield. lint at that moment tue king, taking pity on the brave knights, many of whom were disabled, and on those of the while plume, who nnned to be ios ing the day, threw down his warder and the combat ended. Then, as was previously agreed o\ each knight, without changing Ins p is'tion. removed his helsu.*: and displayed his hi en lily to the anxious crowd. And he who had struck down ltertrani, removing his h Iniet. displaced the features of Reginald Do P.racy. The one who had plotted his death, too, had fallen a victim to his own vile plans, for on removing the helmet from the head of him whom KuMram had killed, the features of Sir Richard Langley were exposed. And Itertram, after recovering consciousness and being question al in regard to Ins disguise, was forced to confess the whole plot, and received the punishment he so richly merited, while Reginald lived to wed the lovely Pdanelie, win ?e simple action hud V1V...1 liill. f...... ,1., ?*!. V.,... ...... ...... i. uiu ui .iiii. .>v;u 1u1 a Weekly. Tin- MorM'pi Cot lost < Itv. Tito roltl -I city in the world is, ctistrnt Siberia, in the Kntpire of the Czar of the Itussians. It is the great consttu rein I emporium of ca t Siberia, and the capital of th Province of Yakut -k, which, in most of ii? area of 1,517,(?"> square utiles, is a hare tlescrt, the soil of which is frozen to a ' great depth. Yakutsk consists of about 400 houses of Kuropean structure, standing apart. The intervening spaces are occupied by winter yoorts. or lints of the northern nomads, with eastern roofs, doors covered with hairy hides, and windows of ice. Caravans with Chinese and Kuropean goods col-| lect the produce of the whole lino of ; coast on the Polar Sea between the ; parallels of seventy degrees and seven-1 ty-four degrees, front tlie month of the, Itivor I.ena to the furthest point inhale, ited by the Chookchees. Last year a ! colporteur of the British and Foreign! Bible Society made a tour of eleven' weeks down the Lena, a river 3fMK)j miles long, visiting Yakntsk und sell-', ing gospels in their own language to! the Yakuts in the villages along the I 1 i:l II k S ? ! . ?<! i ?**< Wool*} r iriiijcrrp Knlfrt ?t?tl Fork), I It is sometimes hard to decide what, one may and what one may not cat i from the fingers. Broad, first of nil. But it should not' be buttered in a broad flat slice and eaten bite by bite. A small piece ot bread, preferably not more than enough for a mouthful, should be broken front the bread or biscuit, buttered and transferred with the fingers to the mouth. Then crackers, celery, olives, pickles of the small varieties, radishes and bon-bons are eaten with tlie lingers. Many of the dried fruits should be eaten from tlie fingers. Cake is eaten with the fork or i* broken and eaten like bread. Corn on the cob may be eaten from the lingers. It Is wiVji corn as with oranges; one never feels tpiite at bl? best eating either, except in the pri | vary of his apartment. | Authorities are constantly warning ngainst eating chicken, game and like foods from the fingers. Chicken if eaten from the lingers, but it is inelegant. A tone Traveler. Dr. J. Furnlss Brice, ship's snrgeoi 1 fin the trans-Atlantic liner Cymric, if j now on his 819th voyage. So far in his | life he has traversed something like 2.(100,000 miles, equal to 100 tiuief \ around the glohet t ^ - V * ' * i I ' f ^..." letter follows, is anot Eosition who owes her ,ydia E. Pinkham's 1 uDea.k Mas. Pink ham: ? I stifle weakness and liearing-dnwu pains, ci tite was litful, and 1 would lie aw; until I seemed more weary in the rnc reading one of vour advertisements I E. Pinkham's Vegetable Conipoui can describe the good it did me. I besides building up mv general he a out of my body, and made 1110 feel Mrs. Pinkham's medicines aro cert a Mns. M. E. Huohson, .'$47 East Ohio Mrs. Pinkham Tolls Mow Ordinar; Apparently trifiinir iucidents in \\ displacements of the womb. A slip on t standing at a countor. running a sewir ordinary taslcs m \y result in displacemci The indi xtion of such trouble Don't let the con lition become chronic that you can overcome it by exercise or More than a mil'ion women have rr Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If the slightest trouble nppea write to Mrs. Piitkhain, at Lynn, timely words from her will show advice costs you nothing, hut it ma ^ ry v >: i ; ? v wtyiib trouble, i nev'ui" KOf VsS; | ttjf li? Compound < ; hv.'dtii to women v. i>? t!i tlie worst form > <-' female cninp! '.ins baek. Tallin ' and <1 '.placement.? i'i?* w ? a'.l troubles of the uterus or u<tr.K F uterus in the early tu>re <<f ?' V( ,,, humors, it subdues creilaK. tit v. . entire female ^ysteiii. Its record ot ei 6lioul'l be relied upon vrith eonfidenee. ff" ?' " f7 *" t T f w'i rnnnot ?" ' ( i ' RI * Tit'. " i. i .i '.?to, xrnich s i>r.n S* V O ^ < l.vulu 'jjj ? y . s - ycJ (<??&<?& '' (iNCO?:-?oaAru>) ?c ? U'IT.11. It'l'OCK Wt?0,?MM? ?h>. 'liMlnrii-i' h.-n to.. think of g.-lnic ofT .mPh?-i > >i 1 r I'uHrii' JmiidiI anil S|woIn, i IT? r . ! *' ? ..iln?r HttM > ** imi.1 Mi.inhnn.t clnw.:-. A.itr?** UMi'? (tl NtMKhH UM.LKtU' K?lric>.. % . ? -. or V ?\ ! w#> A'.*-. l?-?uh Ui.o. i-t (lilt* short t.j I..OILI Mo. 4(. weaw^V^Tuli Thompson's Eya Water f^H ICKEJWSE you < annot spend years and doll buy the knowledge requlr -d by ei nts. You want tl. m to pu\ t them as a diversion. In order to huu .1tiling about tlx m. To meet this v. nl v..of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 23 a man who put all his mind, and linn-, a on raising?not as a pastime, hat n a turn ty-flve years' work, you can wvc inauy < earn dollars for you. The point is. that Poultry Yard us soon as It appcurs. and k teach you. It tolls how to detect ?nd -:ur fattening; which Fowls to save for l>roe< you should know on this subject to make ' ? ?? *'? ir. s'atops ^OCMi Pl'TV-'Hill* t, 4 j I ^1 her woman in high honlfh fr> thr ikt of Vegetable Compound* rod for several years with general tused by womb trouble. ]My appeiko for hours, and could not sleepy rning than when I retired. After decided to try the merits of J/jdla id, and 1 am so glad I did. No one took three bottles faithfully, and lib, it drove all disease ami ]>oison as spry and active as a young girL inly all they are claimed to be. ? St., Chicago, 11!. y Tasks Produce Displacements. omen's daily life frequently produce he stairs. lifting during menstruation, g xuacbine. or attending to the moFt it. and a train of serious evils is started. i should he tlio signal / >r quick action. through neglect or r. in is I al; en ides leaving it al<me. gained health by tho tee. of f.ydia. E. rs which you do not understand .Mass., i'or her advice, nod u few von tiic ri * i. r > Tiiis v*!<I* > <'o!/i*kh in % Business M>'l HhnrtkAort. ?c!i line uhikn-4 !i speeiHltv fi training lt? mu' .-n'h rot HrsisKM.HStict b-s " isoic/imI miles with two llnim. Ntur.nts (rmii (itor ye. to N ? \. t nr.;. Writr/or raiulupue. AcUVre** Ciediley C railage, box Vcoo, \\ liuunglon, '* ItcnoM d nKtlini ta lion day.*; edicts a jiermanent cure in .to to bo da vs. Trial treatment given (ree. Nothing can be fmre* Write l?r. H. H. <>"een'? Sonb. Sii'C'ilIt!*. Box H AHar.ta. Oh. AttN MONEY ,f >'ou R,vr thP,TI '"' P Mtll llUUhl You ,.annol ,lo thf? nil. : . you under Hand them utttl Know linv, to rater to their requirements, unA i - 1< urning by ?xperlcnce, no you must others. We otter this to you for only it> lu-ir own way even If you merely keep Kowls judiciously, you must know sor/toarc Ri lling a book giving the experience .) twenty-ftvf years. It was written by n? money to making a success of Chickiih ss-and I? you will' j^roiit by his tw?nhieks annually, and make your Kowlr you must bo sure to detect trouble In the no how to famedy It. This book will i iltswiave; to feed for eggs and also for dint, purposes; aral everything, indeed it p-nlUable. S'/?t postpaid, for twenty flOl SE. 131 t.'.onara St . Now VorkCit) y moan litoor or both. StowelJ, Ml Wellington lesion, CntM writes: s. Pinki7a:i:;?Vou arc ird( ed a men, and if tin y all lcr.ow what r them, Du ii' would 1 > no need out mist rul lo lives in agony, l'or years v. ah 1 caving-dor. n pains, on lie.--:,rvd c i' u; ic< i< v lioadbottles ? f I.ydla iI'inldmtn'i :l>lo Compound nmle lin- look ! promising to me. ( ;>.m light and and 1 do not know what sickness T now enjoy the h>of health." ydia F.. i*inkl.a;u*s Vegetable iu at ways 1 r !i i uj a Id restore iub Buffer. It in so?en> . oao for I. l! I. ir li'W'.l ' ill!'/, \.?uk .'in'i, ii 1 mii. ;iti. a of ii i iu.s, find 0 .1V" and i 1 t'lTii. I'nmi the s i t. ; 11\ it n't. m , ?.? oancer1 rvou- prostrati si, and tonos rp the itt 'J.'j great xt in the world, and li j.roJnf.A tin irlji.v.l lattnrs iv-d mrd .ruo oZ fuel- ?>> Cut. i nuiii-?ii?-*? >li.l'iokham Midli'lun< o? I>/mit I. ?*. A "SiiCtre?.h" Train inir Si hmil