University of South Carolina Libraries
* ' vm> . ?,? Four Miu/riM i;s DEMOCRATIC FUBMS^I^ MVKKV \VKUNI'SpAY B. W. BRADFORD. Tf! I* -i 111 Sill:- r j|il inn . I ?t i .... . $1.00 . x inont hs ." > ' "In in 'lith , ,'i'i ' Ml 1 in li.! I.I nil I III i III > ntijfi t^ Is>! 'hi* iiii . > pi i,;,it,(ill y i? 118tnnr"*1 r-M- ilif \t<*\\s nf t -|i?iii<U*nts. \ mniyiiiimis i nil ii.' will mil li" published in Hi.- I'litmiiiis < ?ii ; t>! 11<-:i "mii i i tli/ publisher, ndi i tIslnvs r. ?r .tii inadc known to tlm Inl'-ii ?t ?l ' "nit "till "t'lmiii (with iniit: ditdnneo in i 11. ns i Nil. L'l!. O. TOBKR ft. I!?.> ?. No Biennial Sessions of Legisiatsre It... i \ 11 -i: i - r i i \ mi, i i< Miir ;i j jH'ii, I'liiiur t?i 111Manninu Times, and formerly >i member t)f tile Stale Hi' MM 11', llMK this tn any in ri'unnl In llio proposed elllUI^C fl"iu M M 11II )l I III I) 1'iitii i{ sessions of tin* South (\u<> i ma 1 enislat lit e: I'll? (|iiebtinii i'f biennial ses pii'iig ot )In* u.aneraI assembly will 1 considered by llu* voteis at tin1 i iuiiirtir election. This mailer Iimh uiveii politicians a bikini* arum inent to present Id ill'' people iiikI mi liirtt lihisli il does appear in tinllllelCSt ? i* economy til ll < HWIIN with annual hib-:oii>. miuI only havo tin-* h! ' meet unci cv- 1 ci \ I wo yo irs. lien a member, of the senate wo cast our vote , twice in favor of biennial hcssioiih. and (lid so, as we then limuubt. mi the u'onnd of economy, bill since then we have studied the maimer more carefully, and oh seived the workiiius of biennial i essiotis in oi.lier Slates, and il has convinced iih. tlm plea of economy will not hold jjood. A session ol tiie leoi-.liit tire, it. is said, costs! lib out SoO 000. and under con hi i1111 ion it is limited to forty days, but this limit refers only to iv^u1 ir sessions, and should special sessions be called they would he j unlimited, and there is no telling! where the eo-t would k>o Our ohservat ion is. in Slates where tliey have biennial sessions, the cost of special sessions is more than the regular sessions, and instead of saving money to the people they add an additional expense. We therefore do not think it wise t i eh tinge, especially now, that we are beginning to make progressive strides. To change onr constitution would entail a complete revoJulion in our tiuancial sys'em and disrupt our entire government 1 body. and in our opinion we are in no com] it ion to tamper with the Hovernmental miiehinei v. There seems to h* an idea tint if the people adopt the biennial session amendment in the com inn election the matter uoi h into effect ,iie|il away, and those who are elected in this election hold tor four years, those offices wlpeli are < ruuilly two. |)ut tins is a mistake. The general assembly which siih milted the amedmeut has made no provision for th<* terms, mid e\en < if toe nmeiulmeiit is adopted it will 1 ke a 11iiin 1 it*i of years, h fore th?* maehiin ry can he built to put it into otTei-t. In our opinion the wln.?le seheino i- ii hi.mlmn and will never amount to anything; and we heln vrtllio scheme was only in leuded to furnish catchy material for votes. "V Progress of the South. The developincut of the South is treated in an interesting way hv it writer in tin* Ni'\v York Sim, ays the Anderson Intelliiooieer. h is p lint I'll <mt iiy this writer that, the South hub a ten million hale cotton erop, a twenty live iniiiioii lull ronl output, ii o.OOO.OOt) toll pig iron production, aside from juuiher, fruit, tuhaero and other products, Manufacturing enter prises have taken the place of the old time phmtatioiiH and have estahlis ir'd new channels of employment for t lie people. After descrihino i conditions I lie Snil writer mi vs: The results of all this are mani) si not alone in the cities, lint in almost every, town, village and h mile'. New liniidiiiLTs app it verywhere. Sewor systems, water Works, electric plants for liuhtin^; and for trolley lines are fast Ivcomioo as i,nurh of a nencssii v as in i ie North and West, and the South Mil-, the money In pay for litem J Miltlii iplll bond IK-Oiee llMVP IP It'll- i ? '! ?i I tiLT" a^^roj/ali' ami have, in p 'tieral, found ready Halt? at |?ood ! prices, of'en in the immediate local market. Southern porta have tlone a i enoiuioualy increased IniHiiiet-H, mid southern railways have been hard pressed to handle their tratlie. | The establishment of these to w eonditioiiM upon a foundation ot un(]ii?Hliouuhle lit npiesb opens n inoad The South haH no | vet tieen an objective p ?int for the ii .me seeker, to whom it leally of- | |'ep? .-v? inuoli that is attractive. It ; is to Ije hoped that the day wi 1 l-o.>ii come when ith many advantnuoa for setllers will cominand Viidor uUmyliou and draw to it a 4 i td virf 4. .1. , V fe >v millions of those whose industry wmiIt] contribute still further to southern deveh pement and pi i ?i;i ess Palent Medicines as a leverage. The following from the 1 uiou Progress will be of interest to h tfruat iunity: Tin re whs quito h deal of inter eat taken ill tile Motion of I lilted States Marshal Drake, of ('oluiulii i, when on Saturday In made the roundu of the dim; stores, pro liibilitio them from srlliun L>eruiia iei aeeonnt ot the lar^e per oeiit of ah-nhol it contained. Hereafter this 'tonic' ean be had only <?n the pr- sei ipt ion of a physician, ai:d us physicians do not prescribe patent medicines. iVruua is practical ly* oil the marl>ot here. It is a fact that many persons have been in tin* habit of uettiiiLT drunk on it. While (lie I'royress says 'I nited utiles Marshal Draake,' it should not lie inferred that the federal tiovei nnjent js prohibiting the use of these patent medicines as beve?a es. The man referred to is not a irovenuiient olHeer but a State detective in the employment of the dispensary. j111 I lit* is acting 1111 dtr tlif following order issiu-c! some tlis a^o by Chief Cotistahlo I laiiiiuet I : "To division chiefs: At my request the Stall chemist has anal \ I t lie f??111 > \v* i 11 tx articles, which I am informed are liein^ sold in the State, and his finding is oiven licit ?\v: I lostetter's Stomach Hitlers, K2.00 per cent alcohol. I >eWitt 8 Stnuiach Hitters, <?."? 20 per cent alcohol. Peruna, r?2 percent alcolcd. Cuban CJin^erie, til.10 per cent of alcohol, "Please be advised that the sale as a I leverage of the articles named will not lie permitted and Huh will be your authority to seize and ship in to the commissioner all of wliit*li mav be found heme handled as above i in lieu ted. ( Signed I U. If, tiammclt." The eliemiht's proof is obtained by volume and by multiplying by two the spirit proof is obtained As will be seen, Peru mi is not the only patent medicine that is prohibited unless a physician recommends its use. There has been many seizures ot patent medicines that contain alcohol. The warehouse at the dispensary is full of this kind of slock. This action is taken under Sectioii of the dispensary ln\v, \viii; !i reads as follows: "The manufacture, sale, barter. or exchange, receipt or acceptance for unlawful use, delivery, storing ami keeping in possession witliiu the Stale of any spirituous malt, \ items fermented, brewed, ( whether latter or rice beei I or other iiquors, any coiiipuuiul or mixture i hereof, by whutcwi name called or known, which contains alcohol ami is used as a beverage, except as is herealter provided, is hereby prohibited under a penalty < f not hss than three nor more than twelve months at Imril labor in the State penitentiary, or pay a line of not less than SldOnor more than or both tine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court, for each offense. The 1 Honorable'" Poss. The prettiest stoiy may turn out a fake. Now here is the interesing yam that thy Hon. Poss i'bomp* son. who use to be porter at the t.rlouceslei and now drives a hotel bus 111 Charjolte, has been telling The .Journal, the 'Tmilotte Obaer-. ver ami other papers, about the tilings he did when he was a member of the reconstruction legislation of South Carolina in T?(>, "?i7 and (W, as a representative from Lancaster county. Posh told Ins story with much accuracy of detail and such s ilciunity that anybody would have believed it, yet here comes tlie Lancaster Ledger and says that "Poss was never a ineiiiber of tho legislature from tlr.s county, but was always ati accomplished liar." Munroo .lourual. ['The "Tlon." Poss T hompson, if we are not mistaken, was at one lime p irter for the Palnieito hold at this pi ace. Kd. Tinus. J LKTTKH TO H, IIKNHV MASSKY, FORT MILL, S. C. Dour Mr: The rheapest tiling in the way (?f sending uny l Iniitf over the world is a postage stamp; anil the c lieai test wav to shed water is paint. Not whitewash; uaint. Doyou happen to know?it don't belong to your iiusin?vss to know nlwrnt paint, you know? iIn you happen to know that most of the makers of (mints? ntl' it out with lime and day and sand and water ami a in* They do stuff it outdHt the can, hut not ou the Ivmser The>\inake more (gallons to s?dl or to buy; t^oro money to pay for (mint, more motley to (?ay for putting it on; a gixsl dmll more money to pay for putting it OT>; \but no more beauty; more rout; decay; disnp(H>intlueilt.; loss. Dovoe is your paint, bqrnuse it's all paint, no sham, and fulbmeasure. Yours truly 17 F W JJkvok & Co P. S. W. B. Ardrwy & CX?. sell our paint *s ' / V / "riifrrtfiaiiiiiittw ? w, t^nw.11 >.* < ? V>? Lancaster County Lynching. Tolli) Morrison, a white man of ( Lancaster county w ho on Saturday siiot to death a vountf man named ' Will Floyd, waa taken from the i tjnard house at Kershaw Saturday ' cyeiiinu by a mob of unknown , parties and lynched a short din- . tance from tho town. i'he killing i>f Floyd took place j on the main street of Kershaw at 'I o'clock, and in Ic-h than four 1 hours the murderer paid the penalty for his crime. Floyd was the fourth man to die at the hands ofl M < irrison. According to the story sent by! The State's K? r-haw correspondent, jMoi i ison. who was tried at | the spring term of Kershaw oouti ty court at ('amdeu for killing n-j negro, met Floyd and asked for the loan of 10 cents. Floyd toldhim lie did not have any change, whereupon Morrison shot twice, one hall taking effect in the* right side of Floyd's hack and the other striking the luck part of his arm and breaking the bone. The first shot caused death. It is said that Morrison had told dim Robinson j that he intended to kill Floyd, and this is corroborated by a statement which Morrison made later. The affair occurred in the central part of the town and on the hueitie&e street. Tho citizens were at once aroused and fiom the start there | was talk of lynching. Morrison andoHvored to escape but was ar-' rested, and. it is said by The I Slate's correspondent, that the' town council and policeman did all in their Dower to nroteet him It whs impossible to get any deI.iiIh from the scene last night. *s ivs Sunday's State, but it is evi- j dent that the mob <1 id not waste J very miieh time. 'The killing of Kloyd was reported hexfi^oontin^j uea The Stnte, at 7.4=Vp,m- and1 the ai'couiit of the Iyuctmn*?w as r e , ceived at 10 o'clock. It was simply stated the "grim determined citizens of tlie surrounding nountry were so thoroughly satisfied i that that the tnnrd-rar deserved! the severest punishment they t quietly and determinedly overpowered the police and spirited i Morrison away and the supposition is that th*y have hunt; him,'' Later! anotner dispateh was received say- , iug: ' Morrison said l*efore being | hung that he did not want or need the 10 cents, but asked for it from an enemy to raise a fuss and that 1 | lit' had intended for three or four , J years to kill Floyd on an old j i grudge.*' Slieritf Hunter of Lancaster county was iiifonn-d of ftlie ->|Arir.: I I del* of Floyd and tin* probable j I lynching and endeavored to reach the town of Koisliaw'to protect the , I prisoner He had t he sonthboftNiilw freight chartered and 'Started in?-i mediately but, according to Tee. State's dispatch, he was a few rain, ules loo late to secure Morrison. The Kershaw (.?wards of Camden j were hurried to the spot on a special tiain. The town of Kershaw is 'J'J miles from Canuleu and the same distance from Lancaster, and is in Lancaster county, although just on the line of Kershaw county. Floyd was Morrison's fourth victim Morrison was regarded as a desperate man man. Floyd was the Hon of Mr. Kobert S. Floyd'."'? Willis antial citizen living near Ker* shaw. The young man was married and was a farmer and was said to ho an exceptionally line fellow, highly thought of. Morrison was > , also a married man. Additional details of the lynch- J ingof Morrison, are given in the | following special of Sunday night ( to the News Miid Cornier from j Kim^nlee, S. C.: Lumediutcly after the killing of' Floyd nr.d the afreet of Morrison ' feeling became intense. There was little said, hut it soon became known that the sheritf of Lancaster county was on his way to assist in protecting the prisoner. An electric liirht had been placed he- ' fore the utiard house door uud a1 policeman was on rruard. At ai*ow< S o'clock the li^ht went out ami n i crowd poured into the alley, over- ! powered the policeman and! hroinrht Morrison out. He was ' taken just outride the town liiti- 1 its and handed to a ti'ee with a i pair of biiu'tfy lines. Two shots were tired into Morrison's back as he swiiiio. Sheriff Hunter, of' Lancaster, with deputies, arrived at Kershaw oil a special train a few minutes after the onwiil honw^ was furred, and probably heard the piHtol shots. He began searchir.g for tlio lynching party a;id found tlu> laxly about midnight. , Tlfe troops from Camden arrived : httor, An inquest was held and I lie usfiTrt verdict rendered. No I. arrests have been made. 1 -j i jl_- . Jn ' Wanted?Fifty good men to ! work on new railroad, 3 miles south of ThumaFvilte, N. C. i E. L. propnt ?V* Co. Wanted-^ A copy of Tlw 'tttrtM !dat.*d .July 13. iP04. Will iwty 10 ceutif for uurne. The Times. feKttfe' V*' & / V f; , Snap Shots {5eyeral colleges ar- eompbi ining of h shortage of fast runners foi ; tliotr foot-h ill team*. We recommend one Kurop*ikin. r# somersHulters hnye hut ? few days in which to s-lect then- band wagons. p P It is truly n toifhiug sight to behold our strenuous politicaus tumbling over each other in their zeal to save the country. * * * 1 I Texas now has more railrond mileage tha any State in the Union. This is indeed something to he proud of. We will soon have to speak of her as Imperial Texas. I A certain prophet is predicting that the wosld will come to an end rsoveiijoer 1st. This is certainly ; wrong, for the election does not occur until November 8tl?. f t # Religous fraternities say t lie world is becoming more humane, i As booh hh Japan exterminates Kussin there will not be many barbarians left for a fact. 9 It is reported that Chairman Tuggart has $1 to Cortelyou's one. j Maybe the latter can uiake a dollar go further than the Democratic manager. * * , Cornelius \ underbill has declined Republican nomination for Congress in New York. Yander biit has never expressed a desire . to die poor. I The President is going to call ! another peace conference at the ; riague. It is thought that lie will ( also need one in Wisconsin and jNew York too before the campaign j] is over. . ... ) A number of Democrats seem to ( be dasperilely afraid of what Hill ( Bryan is K(>ing 1? say and what David B. Hill is going t.o do. Liquor Problem in the South. What ever one's view may be ! I as to the best solution of the liquor | j problem, the fact is prohibition i has made wonderful strides in the < South during the past few years, I and the statistics will prove of inteiekl to all students of this ever 1 present question- We get the following facts from the New York Sun: , Alabama. 20counties prohibition; i 11 dispensary; ?hr> license. Arkansas, 14 counties prohibition;^license and two divided. r (xetorwjin, lUl counties prohibi- ] tioii;32 license; one dispensary. I Florida, 32 counties prohibition; I 13 partly prohibition. 4trutucky, 17 counties prohibition; 35-hnve one licensed place of ( sale; 1*?- have two licensed places; I, 18 straight license. Louisiana. 2<? counties prohibition ; 3!) licensed. Maryland. 15 counties prohibition; nine license. Mississippi, <15 counties prohibition; 10 license. Texas, 141 counties prohibition; j 57 partial prohibition, and 18 license, i South Carolina has dispensary ,1 system throughout the State, and i us for North Carolina a recent local option law permits of prolii- j bition, dispensary or license. We have not the stniisties ms to tlint {State, but the prohibition sentiia growing in that State. Richmond Virginia, and other Iwrge cities, have license. The rest 11 of the State is according to law,; Mdry." ... ... West Virginia, 10 prohibition!, counties and 14 license. It appears that generally those counties, with a-large rural population and having no large town within their borders vote Against the saloon. In those ironiilies in which there are large cities and the large population is more cosmopolitan the contrary, ; as a rulo, is true.?Columbia Record. AN ORDINANCE. Fixing tho Levy and Providing for the Collection of Property Tuxes in the Town of Fort Mill, 8. C. He it ordained l>y the intondant and wardeus of the town of Fort Mill, S. C., und by authority of siuuu; See. 1. That two mills on the dollar is hereby levied on nil taxable property within the corporate limits of the town of Fort Mili, 8. C., on January 1. HUM, ho and the same is hereby made for ordinary purposes Sec 2. That said taxes shall bo and become due and payable on the loth day j of October, l!?U4. at the other Of Jno. M. j Spratt, secretary aud treasurer, and tho | secretary's books shall be open on ilmt date for the collection of said taxes, and the same may be paid np toand includ- > iii|< the 1st day of November, 1904, after which date said taxes may be paid with lft per cent penalty added until the 15th day of November, 1904. Soc^ 3. That ou and after November 15th, 1904, executions will be issued for i all delinquents for the full amount of I taxes due together with the 15 per cent penalty and all costs, including one dol- , lar cost for every execut ion issued by the treasurer. I)oue and ratified in council assembled this Jird day of October, 1904, T. S. K1RKPATUICK. Attest: Inteudant. JNO. M. SPRAfT^ Sec. ivud Ureas, " _ 60 D "Writing' Tablets. 20 Dozen Station'ry A XX Styos, Direct from tbe factory at X-Q less tlian yon onglat to pay. W. 8. Ardrey & Co. fP A . 1 1 \ ? ? nui vouts named i/awnv lihve been arrested in Richland coiinty for voting at two precincts in the recent primary election. ? ?? Saves Two From Heath. "Our little daughter had uii almost fatal attack of whooping cough and branch it is," writes Mrs. W. K llav land, of Armonk, N. V., "hut, when ill other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Discoverx . C>ur niece who had consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonderful medicine and to da\ she is perfectly well." Desperate throat and lnug dis uses yield to Dr. King's New Discov very as to no other medicine on earth Infallible for coughs and colds r?0c and Si.On bottles guaranteed by all drug gists. Trial bottles free. Fifforts are being made to have I lie governor commute the sentetice of Hoyt Hayes, the Oconee wite murderet, who in to ,be bunged on the 14th of this month Counter petitions arc being circu imeci, me one asking Unit lie he ^iven life imprisonment bearing more than !'UU names, while the an asking the governor not to interfere lias over f?00 signatures. Testimory cf a Minister. Rev. J no. fch Cox, of Wake, Ark , writes, "For 12 years I suffered from Vellow Jauiuliee. L consulted a number >f physicians and tried alt sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then 1 la ,'in the use of Kleetrie Hitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had lue in its grasp f ir 1 v years." It >?>u want :? reliable medicine I'oi l.iv< r a d Kidney trouble, stomach disorder ?ngeneral debility. g?M Fleet rie Hitters, it's guaranteed by all druggists. On1 *- *.i t?i l J OOO. All ovor the State fanners are complaining over the Bcaieity <>f cotton pickers. In Greenville a Sunday-school elites went out and picked all tiny and will give the money they receive to missions. A Love Letter Would not interest yon if your'e looking for a guaranteed f-alve for, Hums or I'ili'S. Ot t > DmlU_nf Pointer M.I writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for si year, but si box of Llnuklen's Ars?i i*>si Salve eured me. Ii's tlie best Ssiue DU esirth. 2.?c sit sill drug stores. The town <?f Wnlhalla is pnving its Muiit street. The town pays one hajf the expense and the pioperty owners the other. Broke Into His House. S. Le Quinu, of Cavendish. Vfc., was robhoil of his customary health by invusion of Chronic. Constipation. When Dr. King's Now l.ife Pills broke into his liotise.. his trouble was strrested and now ho's entirely cured. Thoy'rs guarantoed to cure. idc sit all drug stores. ^ ivi rei i.p:! v obtain l'. M. one! i< ir. ^ raca-l modal, sketch or til oto of invention led \ !r. ? tv jn?rt oil patentability, tor Ir u book, r < DacatHafliir?TRAOE-MARKS N\n,c > > ^^ JWASHINGTON D. > J. U. Tray wick & Co., DEALERS IN FINE EIQtJOlIS AND WINES, No. 4U East Trade St. CfTARLOTTK. - - - NO. FOR GOOD WHISKIES WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL OS OK WRITS. TQ \V. IK HOOVER, CHARLOTTE, N C. m Cast kit ; t A now season is now at hand ? only a short time wlmn an oh season must irive way f ?r a ne season; when all that is new briirl . stylish and attractive must tai the place of that which has hee here. We will have II, hest iroodt that theie is for a n -w fall season's trade. It is oijrnmo ion to have Ht the CASH STOUl. the- urand est showing of e1 o's ever displayed here for the : , ?ney. This much we promise, and the many who have looked 1o as for their, supplies it) all eh: .-; s of jfnndg, may rest assured tlii't I here w II be ii<) dissappointim 1 t when tliev come to see 111 ir stock of minds f>.r themselves. \\ e shall promise no more than we are able to l'uiliill. Watch ns and set- .f we are not able to cope with every expoctaney Here Hie some of the prices on these tfootls: Best Wool Pants, $1.00. 1.30 1.63, 2.25, 2.55. Waterproof Coats, $1 15. Cants to mali h, Si 30. Fine lot of Sin,, s. Si ?8 to 2.01. B. st uriule of Hats, ~ >e to $1.47. Half H< se, oe tip. Spool Cotton. 2e sp 1. Telesetipes. HOc tij>. Trunks, $2.03 to 3.1 I' nir piece Table St t ' ">et Nice Class Ihteiier, 1 oe. Snspniders, lb; to Is . J .ani| s complete, 20 to 3 lo. Shirts, 2~?e up. Flee e lined work shirts, 19 to t)8e Overalls. 11 and I'.'e. Host made Sweaters I9e. I udersh irts, to 'Vtc, Klflptic b?'hiu 1 )ia\v?"s. 1 11'. Hast m ade 1'.irii i mi' >i h, lioo. Shawls, V.k- t . HojcIb, 2??o and i2 > . Handkerchiefs. to t<> 0<\ Wo 8?dl everything else pn.poratoly as cheap, F. C llct l'rop rictor. Tlios. F. McDow. E. Earle Thornwell. W. W. Lewia, Mi'DOW, LEWIS it THORNWELL, Attorneys at Law, Yorkville, S. C. Practice in thu St?t?* nnfl U. S. court s 'nil' Mr. E. 10. Thornwell will bo in oui <>11i e in i\?rt Mill on Fnturduy of ? ;i 11 Wei k touttoml to any lm.sif.ow>, i(> trustttt to us. 5??u S5-IV33 "STSS ~ A TRIAL OKDEll and get the 11 EST M il SSKl KS. \V I N E S, lUtAXDIE*. Etc., *1 ilit* mast reasonable prices J. D. Rtss & Co Props., Till: GOliltl>SAJLOO> CHARLOTTE, N. C. N??. >9 W Trade . Noth nitre. ? i i' .. i\iork Well Done, Have you Table (. L>;Lb, C ount.-rpaities, Doilies, Win;' w Cut n nblankets, etc.', Inimdried b the Model Steam Laurdry, of Charlotte, N. C. Prices for lauudedng the above article'", cheerfully furnished. Suit.-' pressed 55e; sui's dry-, eleauetl and pvefHed oOc; KtHir washed ami pressed,* 75c; c : f o pants pressor!, 15c; ch an 'fi : f pressed. 2'5e; shirts pressed, 25c; cleaned and pressed. V.)o. i (>ur shipments are made Thurs 1 day mornings and returned Saturdays. McElhaneyvParks Co, Th? Clothing Shop-Mt*. ipumuMBWBnHnu; unnMMMi Notliing has eVcr equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it. Rr. King's New Discovery L' ? fl05rBVMpr!ON Pri,. * or Ljttte'" U, J aAToo i \ Perfect For AH Throat ami | Cure: Lung Troubles.