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-MM T/anted?A Pin. It was Mabel's first appearance at church and she was rather fidgety. First she waited one thing, then another. Finally she decided that she must have a pin. so she asked foi one from her father. He had none. Then she tried her mother; hut her mother, too, had none. Mabel's lr.nglng had been increased with her ill success, so she climbed upon the pew and shouted at the top of her sinal' oice: "Has anyone in dis trowd dot a pin?"?Idppincott's. FITS permanently cured. No fltsor after lirst day's uso of Dr. Kiltie's Great Nervo!!e.storer,$2t rial bottle and treatlsefroe l>r. H.SJ. Kumk, Ltd., S31 Area St.. Phila-.Pa. English cotton workers are rushing to Canada. 1'lso's Cure cannot bo too htghly spoken of as a cough cure.?J. W. O'Diukn, 322 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jau. 0. l'JOO, The penguin's wings arc useful only under water. * Wild Excitement in a Mountain City. Last Monday at a very early hour ? our attention was called by hearing the cry of monkey! monkey! Looking out on the streets we saw a strange looking object grinding out music, we all rushed to the spot men, women and children and its reported that tlie editor and typesetter were among the crowd that saw the monkey ? street performencc. Two monkeys and three Italians composed the hole out fit. but we laughed to ou,r satia'K.' faction ?Hyden Thousai.dstickR. COULDN'T LIFT TEN POUNDS. X>oim'? Kliina; VllU Rrouchl NtrroKth Oekllb to the SuflTpror, Miklug Him Ke?<l T\reiity-FI?.< Td?r? Tonrgi?r :> J. It. Corton, farmer and lum/-Ji -"vC* boruian.of Dcp1.4/VflS^m ,U>1 N i/'/fll /"< &. JB "I r... believe I could j. b. contoh. have raised len pounds of weight from the ground, the pain was so severe. This was my condition when 1 began using Dunn's Kidney I'ills. They quickly relieved me. and now I am never troubled as 1 was. Mf hack is strong and 1 can walk or tide a long distance and feel just as strong as I did twenty-live years ago. 1 think so much of Dunn's Kidney Pills that 1 have given a supply of the remedy to some of my neighbors, and they have also found good results. If you can sift anything from this rambling note that will be of any service to you. or to any one suffering from kidney trouble you are liberty to do so." A Till A I. Pit KK?Address FosterMilburn t'o., Buffalo, N. Y. l*'or sale by all dealers. Price DO cts. Mama Wouldn't t_ike It. Worn out by a long series of appalling French exercises, wherein tho blunders were ns the sands of the sec, a hapless high-school mistress declared her Intention of writing '.o Flor mother Florence looked her teacher In tho fnee. "Ma would he awfully angry," quoth Floreuce. j "1 am nlVuid she will, but It Is my *ty to write to her. Florence." "I don't know," said Florence, doubt- j luily. "You see, mother always does my French for me." The tejieher is wondering whether 6ho will write.? Stray Stories. ?-^rar?rrrr---iSrTt l*V. S A Household Retrsdy] ft / \ Piirne scrofula. i / \ bures ulcers. ml/salt rheum, ecS '/r . ^ P V ZEMA. every form at B/_y_ _ _ malignant SKIN | m t nnni eruption. b?iid??( yO kV W VJ I being rttieaciout in i \ .. | > J toning up the lyitam i \ ? A I hfU restoring the conC ^ w Jr dilution. when impaired V from any caute. It it a I Rne Tonio. and He almost aupernatural healing I preiartiee justify at in guaranteeing a core of at' llMd (liaaaaea. If directiona are fo' owed. I .'/Ice, SI per Bottle. or tl Itottlea for &. (H run sai.h by niiriiuiftTH. K niyr CDPC OI-' wo*i?R?PtTi. rrnnH. tV'.fa I I n tt ?uh valuaM* lifrrma'lon. ^ 3|LOOO BALM CO., ATLANTA. GA. ?fck aaabank deposit ViJvJ?VrvFVr Railroad Fare Paid. 800 y Kit EE Courses Offered. nfflMBB Biard at Co.-.t. Write Oul_>: AEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COLLEflE,Macon.Ga. .CURED Dropsy jes Removes all swelling in 8 to so <las a ; elTeeta a permanent cure in ,v?to 60 days. Trial treatment given free. Nothingcan be faire* Write Or. H. H. Grasn'a Sons, SDaelalltta. Box Atlanta. 81 So. 3fl. lEfaEBBzmziaaaarih M tlill WHl*( Alt tU( VAILS. Pjr M Boat Cough rtyrup. I mIm Juul, Lk q| l' lo time. Soli by .1niggl?u I3t HERE IT IS! Want to learn all about' A A Horse? How to Pick Out a Good One? Know/^c \fln i i o > Imperfections and so^^j/ V Ouurd against Ptjnud? t 1 Detect Disease and Kfi f\ I ( feet a Cure when sarrrf' y \ I \ la possible* Tell the 0 / l Age by the Teeth? What to can the Olf ferent Parts of the Animal? How to 8hoe a Horse Properly? All this and other Valuable Information can be obtained by reading- our 100-PACIE IL.I.U8THATED HOUSE BOOK, which wo will forward, postpaid, on receipt of only cents In stamps. BOOK PUB. HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. N. T. City. % SS k Customers [f.-J 111 | B U tig BOH H|3 SSKi &? ySCT W nil ??t?contcat^|jp^y|^jl^ Wo Lnow *y|k".;?n DHkJ 11 YEAR OLD per gallon, I jgj rpnL1 tMIV ULU Hinuat jile.iso 1 ^MiesSEy Jini ^^11 ?xh*k Dy honesty North Carolina People - ^ cmw ? MHH i EDITOR'S NOTE1?!Mbr?jxTtniUinn th< ?bo?c whli na thn>mh th?ir lUnkrra. Wo oh(*."i?il)y cuJorae tU?i ?o? kMltta to order (ample lot. LABOR WORLD. Sir William Mulock has announced that the Government will introduce a bill to project Cunadi: n labor against aliens. Reports have arrived from the North that the strike among the fishermen on the Skeena River, in Rritish Colnmbia, is over. Rival unions of window glass workers are expected to amalgamate at a meeting planned to be held in t'leve- | land, O. Unskilled workers who were organ- ; ized have secured the nine hour day and twenty cents an hour minimum wage scale at Marseilles til On Juno 2S, nt London, Mimlnnd. an International convention <?f tlio Anialrumated Carpenters and Joiners was hold. Boss hncknien at Beatrice, Neh., have ceased to operate because c?f dissatisfaction over tlie schedule of charges lixed by the City Council. The Chicago Kiiinlover*' threatens to secure injunctions against the woodworkers who arc out ol' work through the strike aud lockout. The coal mines of West Virginia give employment to eighty per cent, of tlte 1 wage earners, and their products form j fifty per cent, of the total value of all i mineral products. The strike of the boilermakers in New York City against the open shop, i whieli went into effect on May 1, lias ; begun to collapse, as many )f the men j are returning to work. International President Frank Ilello, of Chicago, lias expressed himself in , favor of tlie Piano and Organ Workers' International Union i pointing a ' piano and organ factory. Lake Charles (La.) saw mills have ! announced a return to the eleven-hour ....J iiinirim in icii. t ni? nun owners I declare that the men must accept this j or agree to a cut in wages. Takes a Fresh Start. Albany, N. Y.. Special. -W. E. Woodend & Co.. of New York city, was incorporated with a capital of $400,000 to deal in stock, bonds, securities and ( other commodities. The directors a:e: Noah Spingarm and Wni. E. Woodend. of New York city, and Francis .T. Wa- 1 tors, of lJrooklyn. W. E. Woodend was the senior partner of tlie firm of W. , E. Woodend & Co., of New York, which suspended several months ago. , ( Mob's Fatal Recklessness. j Cedartown, C.a.. Special. John Sexton, ? young farm laborer, who was | shot during the lynching of the ivgro. Jim Glover, here last Monday night, , died at his home in Kas{ View. The i shooting of Saxton occurred during the j lecvless firing of the mob. Whether j Sexton was taking part in the lynching J wa. 1 ot kr own. It is thought, however, tin: ho wis standing neir the negro an.I < r.o o: the pistol bullets int< ndeJ ; fe: the e. mo struck Pexton in the ! ' n;>:er part of the abdomen. Excited Market in Liverpool. Liverpool, lly Cable. A large luisi t ness was done in cotton futures Tucs- , 1 day. The strength of the New York market sent prices up sharply amid 1 much excitement. January and Fcjra- > ary were especially strong, touching ' 5.59, or lfi points over the 12:15 p. m. 1 value. August and September touched | G.00, hut reacted a little under realising ^ The close was very exciting. 1 Wife-Slayer Arrested. 1 Augusta, Ga., Special.?A special to j The Chronicle from Columbia. S. C., y says: Governor Heyward today wired the sheriff of Hampton county to arrest J. A. Bennett, who accidentally 8 killed his wife at Brunson's Sunday c night, and turn him over to the penitentiary authorities. Bennett killed a man in 1895 and was sentenced for life,. but was paroled last year on condition t that he leave the State. He cannot therefore, be tried for the wife killing but will have to serve out the former sentence. . A New Bridge About Ready. A Washington. Special?Tho Southern tniiwnv announces that on August 2d Jin now double track steel brldgo o arro (the Potomac river at Washingten. II (' u-'ll K-. - v - . i iiinpiviea, ane j cn ami after that date, nil trains to I and fiom Washington via tho Southern Hallway will be operated over K this bridge. This will greatly faeili- \\ tate trathe to*and from Washington and eliminate the delays heretofore experienced between Washington and McxittvAua, Va.. which have been oe* A CAsionflKftiy the crowded condition of A tho olo^higlo track bridge. Japanese workmen are obliged to wear on their caps and hacks an in- A scrlption stating their business and B their employera' name. 8r v t (KEY FREE tbe moaning of words and will do ae wo say. Wo bo Cbi lowest - priced Whiskey Hons* and tbe sill Order Whiskey Concern III thfl South. All the olinst \\ hl-U? v wo sell Is c?xhI there's no bad. t wouldn'tadulterate it UlOJ knew how?they aro too Dec whiskey nollera are noted tor mixing, blending and We 0*11 more genuine old wtllekOJ and less water than ComDOtUOT. Casper's 11 Year Old" \V hlskey la IV ? ll'* SiiAfln hv hnnowt '?"I" ' * - '? ~ J -- , f>v lu vuu luuuuiaius Ol lina.iu old-stylo copper stills, lusl as It wag made hy itl . i?. Klrst-rato whiskey Is sold at f&.VO to *(>.00 ml its n"t uny better than "Casper's II Year Old.'* It or wo will buy It back. Wo have a capital of HOO.OOO, pl< *' National Hank and ttm l'lolmont Kavlnipi Hank will tell you our word In <r<x>d. To introduce this old, Ik.-T, wc Offer four Full Quart* of "t'uaper'a 11 ?two sample bottles, one 15, nno IB year old a corki drinking Rlaaa?all for( If 0&.90 Is sent wro the uIkito and but In free One Fall Quart F.xtra. moot this whiskey only 7 years old. and will send tlver?r #10or will furnish twenty full -luart l>ottIcs on reand (rlre free corkscrews, drinking glasses and sain; this whiskey cost lees than tJ 70 per gallon dellrered. ilaln boxes with no marks to Indicate contents, a ad I Rxpreas. Buyers West of Texas, Kansas, Nebraska I must add f0 cents per quart extra. THE CASPER CO. (Inc.) ir Hid*. WINHTON-RAI.FM. N. C. S^HESBBBHHHBnQBHSORi pkey sdTrrlisetr.ent to at pear in ourcolamas. we inTestiysls m, xa<l Irieads in need of purs whiskies for mrdtcsl use ass p FEMALE 1 I WEAKNESS | 1-2 Congress St. ^ poittland, Mainh. Oct. 17, 1902. N S; I consul.-r Wine of fardui superior H ?- to any doctor*! medicine lever used, I and 1 know ?h(.nx,f i ^ Itered fur nine months with suppressed ?s menstruation which completely pros- H trated inc. I'ains would shoot through I my back a-id sides and X would have n blinding hr.sdnches. Mv limbs would n swell up and I would feel so weak I I could not stand up. I naturally felt I discounted for I seemed to be beyond H tlio help of physicians, but Wino of Da C.irdui came as a Clod-send to me. I R3 felt iv change for the better within a MB week. After nineteen days treatment B I menstrual -d without suffering the H agonies 1 usually did and soon became ON regular and without pain. Wine of H Cardui is simply wonderful and i wish H that all suffering women knew of its H good qualities. its. < ? Treasurer, Portland Economic Loagu* jj Periodical headaches loll of fo- K male weakness. Wine of Cardtti euros permanently nineteen out of B every twenty cases of irregular B menses, hearing down pains or K any female weakness. If you are J? discouraged and doctors have W H failed, that is the host reason in ju the world you should try Wine of ffrj el Cardui now. Reraeniber that 51 headaches mean female weakness. frl Secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine of m Cardui today. Kj [WINE" 1 [CANDUli KEWSX GLEAXINCiS. T.owis Nixon, of Now York City, onntrilOtOll tl? llll'lll Sf>V.?V;|l I.. i ? ili-stroyors fur Kussia. Thomas J. Watson 1ms boon ) iiKionoil bv a l'.ostun slit of vnih-'n 1 i-ompnny which lie served Uii'.ly-iivo vonrs^ A granite ninimniont. ton f ! li' '.i, Iiar been erectot". iu Evorgroon ? tielory. Portland. Mo., ovr the .1 of l?x-Sponl;er i l.o.a >s Itr.n'reii l: 1. In odor! to "improvo" t"; : rsonnl :i| p aianoo s 11:0 of tb s> Rot in London. Em-land. nro iisi\:;i;' limplos flit in til : .*lio-"ks niul -/ millers. Aim. -I ; 1 ry vir lia* m* >\vn v.vlioulnr otipli inisn: lifimral kumpnikin tins (lone 11 service t<> nil generals in M'oiiblt b\ naivirg Ills roar liis front." Itov. 1?. M. Harris bad to s?io liio CUirist'pin tlounniMtalion 01 Clianmo. 1 Kan., for the iialnuco of his no. are salary ' unl ho will lin-n ? sell til-.' ohltr. h lo lolloet Ills judgment. Medieal I'Mi'ivici's for life insurance moieties li:i\o'added 11)<? term "eolToo mart" In their r unhiv classitioatinu of lio fuiK tional derangements of that irgan. Its olfeei is in shortening 'ho ong bent of tho hoart. Mr. I'arsons, at tho mooting of tho British Association for tlio tdvanoonont of Soiotioo. suggested sinking a ihaft in tho oarth to tho depth of wolvo mill's, at a oost of $,J."i,(KXi.OOOf o tako eighty-live yoars, in order to ?xploro tho lowor depths. In tho Atlantic rate war a ruf in itoernge ratos from Liverpool, Kngand. to Huston, Mass., was announooil >y tho International Moron utile Maine Company, anil a fortnightly sordoo by tho ITambnrg-Amorionn line >otween Liverpool and Finnic and rih?sto. The Rosary of Years. ome reckon their age by years. 8ome reckon their life by art? lut some tell their days by trie Mow of their tears. And their life by the moans of their heart. he dials of earth may show i ur n-ngui. noi ir.e depth. of years; ew or many they come?few or many they ri>? Hut our time Is best measured by tears h! not by the silver gray That creeps through tne sunny hair, ltd not by the scenes that We pass on our way? And not by the furrows the tliiKer of care n the forehead and face have made. Not so do we count our yenrs; ot by the sun of the earth?but the shade Of our souls, and the fait of our tears. or the young are sometimes old. Though their brow be bright and fair; 'bile their blood beats warm, their heart lies cold? O'er them the springtime?but winter Is there. nd the eld are oftt mes young. When theli hair Is fhln and white; nd they sing in ng) as in youth they sung. And thev huiah for ihoir light. " thousand of Joys may foam ' On.the hillows of all the years; , ( ut never the foam brings the brave bark ) home; j It reaches the haven through tears. ' ?Father Ryan. I . i. ' is Scall?|wJ Swrrl Potatoes. T'.oil six potutoes in suited water till tender. Skin and slice thin. Put a | layer of them in a buttered baking dish, and sprinkle with brown sugar; 4 put on more potatoes and more sugar * till the dish is full. Bake LliTuw ?piurtcrs of an hour. Bert*. Wash the beets but do noT pare them. Boil gently for three-quarters of an hour, or till they ran be easily pierced with a straw. Skin them and slice in a hot dish, dusting each layer with a little pepper, salt and melted butter. Those which are left over may have a little vinegar poured over them, and then they can appear as pickles at luncheon i?'e next day.' - ,?'V ' *' 4 _ ' **< StufftMl llfpU. Six medium-sized beets, one can French peas. Hoil the beets and skin | them, .but leave them whole. Turn j the water ofT the peas and wash thcin; heat with salt and pepper. Cut off the stem end of each beet so that it v\ill stand evenly, and scoop out the centre. Tut in eaeli one a tiny bit of butter and a little salt and pepper, and then till high with the peas. Serve very hot. Strwt'd Tomutocff. Six large tomatoes, one f.%er?AAM unit, one teaspoon sugar. one pinch M>.! i. a little popper, butter as large as an English walnut. Peel and out up tlie tomatoes small, saving the Juice; put together in a siuieepati, with the seasoning, mixing the soda in a teaspoon of water before adding that. Cook slowly twenty minutes, stirring until it is smooth. Last, put in a cup of bread crumbs, or a cup of toast cut in small bits. Serve in a hot covered dish. Apricot Kail*. Spread warm boiled rice half an inch ! thick on a floured moulding board, j Have in readiness a dozen apricots, | peeled, halved and stoned. Put two | halves together and cut the rice in | pieces large enougu to wrap around j them. Press Into shape with the hands, roll in tlour and wrap each ball In a little pudding cloth, which nas been buttered and floured. Tie into Shape ami plunge into a kettle of boiling water. The kettle should have a j perforated tin laid on the bottom to prevent the balls sticking. Keep the I .wnier Dolling constnntly and rook half I an hour. Take up. remove the cloth : carefully so as not to break the balls j and serve with any hot sauce. CoilflNli Chowder. Soak salt codfish in cold water over I night, or a little longer, to freshen it. ; Put on to boil in coltl water. Let ! come slowly to boil, and eook from two i to live minutes according to thickj ness of fish. Pour off the water and mash the fish tine; and to every cup of fish add two enps of mashed potato ! and a little milk, pepper and butter. Mash and nit* all thoroughly together. Put on in a spider half a cup of fine chopped, fat, salt pork, fry out the fat slightly and add one small. fine mopped onion. ltrown slightly and then add the prepared lisli and potato, stirring well to mix in the onion and pork. When well mixed and heated through and nieel.v hrowned, turn onto a heated platter and serve. '(HOUSEHOLD I h i:v.i ) HIntsTT) Don't hntlie the face while it is very warm or very cold. Don't wash the face when traveling, unless it is with a l'ttle alcohol and water, or a little cold cream. Young infants should not he given Indian meal. For children over one year it is a fattening and safe food. Coarsely-ground maize boiled in milk will work wonders with a puny, illnourished child. Small scented sachets come for perfuming the hair. They are made to place under the coils of hair or in the pompadour, and give a fait perfume. They come in both dark and light silk, to suit the. shade of hair. Doilies and small centre pieces, especially with quantities of open work, can be laundered with very little trouble at home. Castile or any white soap is the best cleaning medium. After washing and rinsing in slightly blued water, stretch them upon a window, taking care that every scallop and petal Is well smoothed, and lot them dry. They will require no ironing and look like new. For sweetbread croquettes, cook, cool and mince a sweetbread. Add enough chopped chicken to make a thll pint. .Molt one-quarter cupful of nutter, one cupful of rich, well-seasoned chicken stock and one-third cup- , /ul of cream. Season with salt and pepper, add a beaten epi; and the minced sweetbreads. When cool, shape, roll in tine bread or cracker crumbs, then In beaten oro; and airuin in the crumbs. I ry In deep fat, dials and serve with mushroom sauce. $ . W L v V ^ ' r Y${* Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late General Roger Hanson, C.S.A., wants every woman to know of the wonders accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. . " Dkak Mrs. Pinkiiam :?I cannot tell von with pen and ink what good l.ydiu K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound did for me. suffering from the ills peculiar to the sex extreme lassitude and that all gone feeling. I would rise from my bed in the morning feeling more tired than when I went to bed. but before I used two l>ottlcs of I.ytlia E. I'inklinm's Vegetable Compound, i begau to feel the buoyancy of my younger days returning, became regular, could do more work and not feel tired than 1 had ever been able to do l?efore, so I continued to use it until 1 was restored toperfeet health. It is indeed r boon to siek women and I heartily reoommend it. Yours very | truly. Mrs. Uosa Amon sin i-??i. - *"' ' Louisville, Ivy."- sspoo forfeit if original of ftore trtter prvolnq </< /;? 'fw r i not ftf producoj. FllEK MKD1CAL ADVICE TO WOM RX. Don't licsitnto to write to Mrs. Pinklinin. She will understand your ease perfectly, and will treat you with Kindness. Her advice is free, and the address is Lynn. I Mass. No woman ever rcjrretted I having- written her, and she has helped A "Sncccus" Training School. C.oldey Coll?>i;? Is a Business And Shorthand I School that iiuiUai n specialty of training t?,i 1 student- for "HI'SINESS SUCCESS." ISO grad | nates with two tlriua. Student* front Ue>riria to New Voi U. Write for catalogue. Addrevt: j (lolilry t'olleRO, Box .'itHi, Wilmington, Pel Atlanta I nllpnronf Pliarmifi . . . wuiiv^v vi 1IU. IllUt T Greater demand for our irrailiialf tlinn wo can -Ujijily. Aitiiro--.. I?K. CEO. F. I'At.NG, Dauti. 43 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Gu 1 KSTF8R I GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel trouble n blood. Win J on the stomach, bloated bowels, fi paio3 alter earing, liver trouble, sallow skin an I r<-gulaily you ar.- sick. Constipation kills mor H starts chronic ailments and long years of Buffer fl CASCARETS today, for you will never get we | right Take our advice, stsrt with Cancarrts J money refunded. The genuine tablet stampe f) l-OOkiet free. Address Sterling Remedy Compi Cmm iM!MaBwi?M""?r*3iT*.-?~.?x.iiwaii?n?Iiaiai?f \ union c\r? ^MAUt Z) a *\ 52.5 MbS| J^LiL^our'^nt nJf C^ffJSStU: Intend to return t< -V IVM. GHJilT . %. yT/2'''*''S3Er7\ Brockton Loads t/io fcv?T ffl,T**l'*,UB ] i J W. * I'onelaK u<.rs Corona \ui\^ 7 hl? IW.&O'hne*. Corona Col _!?lo hr Ihr lines! Patent Le GFNTI.FMFN oub spegialty Wrlto or .call. AH DR8. LEATHERM Oar. Marietta and Foray $20.00 TO $40. IteinK Made eelllng "500 1* A|f book of legal an.l business for Compendium of ptain ami ort I AfK\ Calculator and FVraer'i Roe* M A complete art of futereete, meats of C19TKStl*rK. Tlmheoae volume. Over 472 pageI ^HB It la a complete business el I 8'?PI.R, FTCArnCAL. ami "*~i KTEr~rT and glrle ran *>-11 a-, well a"" k'$^Bn One agent ln the country a> Enr?SyB week. Agent* hare oaavaaf (RH^gisKflV Celling price SI .50 I.lberal d lafactlon guaranteed (or mon ?Circular* free. H f^HICKEJVS Ef you cannot spend years and dollf buy the knowledge required by < cents. You want them to pay th them as a diversion. In order to handle F thing about them. To meet this want we i of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 25c. a man who put ull his mind, and time, an en raising?not ns a pastime, but as a buslr ly-flvc years' work, you can save many Ch arn dollars for you. The point Is, that yt 1'oultry Yard as soon as It appeurs. and kni t?Oh you. It tells how to dVtSOC and cure fattening; which Fowls to s:\ve for breedl you should know on this subject to make l live cents la turnips. DOCK I'UB* T8111NG Roanoke college ** j* for. young WOMEN, DANVILLE. VIRGINIA. A Select end Limited Collect for the Higher CducKlion ol Women. 24 1 <-eeSjrt end Officers ALL SPEllALlS'iS Utt ymr the most successful in histery of institution 'deel heme surroundings. Heirs low for rudvsnts>e?offered. Send for I \tkloi guc. X H R. E. HATTON. A. M.. PH. D.. Prssid ?t. Jk CA DEMy. For BOY S I ^ Jb* Hoch^Oitte. 1*1 d. IDEAL TRAINING SCHOOL. HOMELIFE, INDIVIDUAL CARE AND INSTRUCTION: FITS FOR UNIVERSITY OR LIFE. ADDHESS. W. F. MASON. U. S. N. A.. PRIN. Money for the Farmer Who Uses a j Woodruff Hay Press, . Kitlier Mourned or Unmounted. I'ull Circle !>' uMe Stroke, Steel-lined box. A stron if durable press for ii medium price. See your dealer and buy ii press, if he handles the WOODRUFF | PR IS"1. It not, write direct to factory and | get prices. WOODRUFF" HARDWARE CO. WINDER, GA. J FREE SAMPLE Of "TITK STOUT OF MT LIFK AND WOItK," By Booker T* Washington. Send tis your namo and i\ asUlroaa. We want you ffir i<have a copy of this yjn autobiography of tha W ^ graatest living Negro Jm f^r*.' I JgSrg' for the purpoae of InfRv*vH troduclng it in your jhk - ^ community. It la a I'JJSL pr.ifll; ai,-rntB aro :nakvAjjk ?i In* from $4 to SIO p?r day. WIU you Intco!? due. It by aelllns or f. yk?fretting u. an a<?niT y '') "%?> -. i?4f> yrJffijjM If ?o, a.nd *t one* ft* ^//|^( J. I" NICIIOLS A CO.. ~tl/klid "/< Atlanta. Qa. Hotline Price 91 .OO. 01.1 AuatcUBuiltUs*. SSK1S | CURES MALARIA/ ELIXIR CHILLS and FEVER. BABEK "ItAHRK" l? the nldeat, auraat i . ? - ?"<t?>e?r remedy In America for melflf1* mil** of malarial nature. It* a noil live euro for MAl.ARIA. CHILL* j IkfctlA tnd FKVIR. only Mr. frnttro KLOCZEWSKI <H CO.. Waahinjion. D. C UT" Writ, for testimonial*. So. 80, HaMoraBUndKorsatKS^f'o'SS Bore Eyo?. Harry Co.. Iowa City. a aura car* CAKOT J* ^ CATJJAF.TI3 ^ a. appendicitis, blllouinrts, bad breath, had oul mouth, hridiche, indirection, pimple*, d dirzineaa. When your bowels don't lr.ovo e people than nil other together. It * ley. No mntter what aili yeu, start taking ill and stay well until you cet your bowel* today undrr abrnluts guarantee to cure or <1 C C C. Never sold In bulk. Sample nod any. Chicago or New Yot'c. 50J Hi 1??f lamai r nnna?w <sriuaja?a?^ ed L. DOUGLAS ,5G & S3 SHOES nd $4.00 Custom Bench Work in au. the High Craoe Leathers. 0 Police, Three Soles. $2.50 and 00 WORkingmen's, best in the world. 2.50, $2.00 and $1.75 Bcys. for Dress and School Wear. '. I.. DoiirI.-Ix makes ami sella more men'* ;|..M) unil ftdt.oo NlioeH tliiiii any other mnmtK'turer in tlie wurt<l. Tlie reatun tliey are le iiroatest seller* in. they are mmlc of the" host at Iters, liolil t heir shape, lit better, wear longer, nd h:u . more value than any other shoes. T \V. I,. Ibtugl&s guarantees their value hv stampH his name and price on tin* bottom. look for ? take no substitute. S?dd by shoo denier* iry where. 1'att Color V.yrltt* used exclusive!y. 'AS CQfin A?t ?t nn cuoce > ^ * ?w v ?^(l v uo* reiofore I have been wearing S7.00 / purchased a pair of IV. L. Douglas iocs, uihich I have tvorn every day for hs. They are so satisfactory I do not > the more expensive shoes." . . KNOIVLES, Asst. City Solicitor, Phlla. Men's Shorn Famhtonm of the World. ; ('oilskin iii I Sun,I for Catalog giving full In-' I in roncedeil Ktrurtloni how to ordrr by mall. , alhrr made. I W. L. Douglac, Brockton, Mass I, WE CAN CURE YiiU? ui'CPRNlnl practice is u pretty l>r?n't yon tliink? \ IS CURING "TO STAt CURED" . ? Peculiar to Men. Ion uinl (examination Kree. correspondence treated confidential. AN &. BENTLEY, 'til Sta., Atlanta, ( ?. nn dcd wcci/ WW hi V VT bCV\ 'Moos In Bualneaa." It is a complete hsnl m>. A o-implcte Legal Advl*>r?a complete lamentai I'enmaaehlp; a complete Lightning * toner. Grain, Lumber aad Cotton Tthlm. measure, Lumber. !./>*? end Ulna of Grain, etc., la , 250 Illustrations. lucator; brought home to ererr purchaser. I PLAIN; 500 agenti wanted at once. ISojrs men and women. Id 46 copier in one dar. Another 210 In oa* <1 aii day and eoM a oopy at every home. Iscounts to afrente. Send 25c for outfit, aafiy refunded). KRTFL, JKNKIN8 A CO., ATLANTA. OA IR.N MONEY U you Blv,i thom 1,, lp You cannot do this ulcus you understand them und know ow to cater to their requirements, and ith learning by experience, so you must >thers. Wo offer this far only 25 etr own way even if you merely keep 'owls Judiciously, you must know someire selling a book giving the experienc* ) twenty-five years. It v/as written by il money to making a success of Chlckless?and If you will profit by his twen Icks annually, and make your Fowls ou must be sure to detect trouble in the ow how to remedy It. This book will 1 1 disease; to feed for eggs and also for Ing purposes; and everything. Indeed. 2f t profitable. 8ent postpaid for twenty- . w Iior SB, 134 Leonard 'St., NewTorkCity