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Items of Local Interest Mrs W. A. Wii^'nt. of (>. K , is 'Visiting "friends in tins place. M18. J. B. Syk?'H returned t<> Rock H iil Saturday litter u short 'Visit to relatives in tiiiis phn-e. Miss Sadie KemluVk, of Rock Jlill. vii>'ltMl r? kit i.Vi's in Steele (Creek^"riiujc t'l e pas' we> I;. Af JOT T> t-i coif. .. . I J . . \ i k f \ , U . ll . rSjtewnrt mid .1 i>. iV-ilIs f?-lurin <i Monday evening iCrm.i u ton-day trip tc? tlie St Louis Exposition. Mr. W. K. i't-tidL ?rtf was up trout lOoLtttthia yeatersday. Sir. I1. \! H ujyliop. ?r Ti*im*n?ter, was.?i visit to J'Yrt Mill yesterday. Mr. find Mm Lv. \V. Hamilton, .of L"moii. spent several days of tin past wet\K witii their .datitrhter. Mrs. Osmond Harder, of Birbeis v 11 It*. Mr. B F Mussey visited relatives at Kerslmw dnrini; tin* past we. K. Mr. W. F. iiw.ri Vot Kv ill whs h visitor Thursday at the home of his sister, .Mrs. F. Niuis, jietir Fort Kill. Miss Mirv At.water, of Bynuiu, N. C , is (!?' of .Mif, -I. Ij .?> pratt, Mrs. A. A. B'ailforil, Sr., return ed SHtmdny from a viait to her daughter, Mrs. \V. M. Taylor, of LHie'Mste**. Miss Km mil Mo.F llmney, whose illness of typhoid fevt r whs noted in lust verK's Timea, lias improved but little, if any, d u int; the p ast few days. Mis-i Klla Elliott, ?>f Charlotte, is the miest of Mrs. James Cirier, of this place. Mgski?. W\ S.and.I. \\ MeMurray are at home from Ni-vv YoiU for a few days. Miss Fmnces V>uil. <?i" Columbia, arrived Monday and will spend a few days with relat ives and ti iond-. here. Mr. S. A. Epps and milliner. Mrs. A. 15. tV.lp, left yesterday fm the Northern luiirKetc. wliere they will purehase the fall stoeK of 4;oofls for the ti.iu of Meaehain A Kpps. A notice posted in'' the mill < f the Foil Mill Mt-r. C nnpany Saturday announced that the mill would he closed flown until Monday, September i. The stop is necessary in order to change some machinery. The young people of the town grave a fiance in the town hull Monday night, complimentary to a number of venue lady visito s. A large crowd was pres'iit and all seemed to thoroughly enjoy them selves. The wovk of wiring the businef-s hoiiKcs tif the town tor the purpose of using electrie lights is steadily going forward, and it is expeeb d that the cu.reul will In* turned ? n in about ten days. As previously tated, the power routes from the plant on Catawba river. Wlli Go to Mnnass3s. The following members of the Fort Mill Liiiht Infantry will leave Fort Mill Saturd'iy at <5:dd l<>r Manassas, Vu., to take part in the army manoeuvres during the coming Week: Otiieers?T. B, Spratf. ('apt; S. W. Parks, 1st Lent; A. L. Parks, 2nd Lieut. Sergeants A. A. ] trad ford. 1st Ser^t; \V. F. Harris, (Quarter Mas"terSerijt. Serjeants J. .M. White, E. Af. Consort, *1. L>. Ful[j, F. A. Thorn well. Coiporals H. F. Ron not t, (i. (v. Epps, H, A. Patterson, Claud Howie, Eiliv. Rrooni. Privates?P? irtVr Bailee, Roy Bradford, I). \ . F|>is. Claude Faris, Price Fans, 1?. Lyn. JMassey, Lad son Massoy. Columbus Kim-' brell, W. E. Moss, R. 11. Moss, Will White. Sum While, Edw. ! White, W. \V. Warren, R. F. Johnfcton, i j! li. Owen. Loyd Smith, doe Smith, Arthur Joluistori, tiny Blankenship, T. M. Starnes, Knox Wludle, li. en net i i Nuns, J. II Thorn well, Jr., J K. Spratt, M. M. Colt harp, Springs Parks, Fred I Harris, Should n113r of the above mem bers decide not to tjo with tin* company, they are requested to notify Capt. Spraltnot laier than Fri day, so that other inembers may be selected to take their places. The company will remain at Manassas one week. Deaton Wtuiii Suicide. Yorkvilln Enquirer. -ii: Ah t<> i .1 ... i i .. .. I ... : i : i WIJt'lIMM Ol HOI lit' VVOUIU 11 SO II II lie had ii is altogether a matter of actual tost; but from circumstances that occurred dining Ia-t week it would appear th d tue only reason why VV. E, Denton is without means to go nonce by tin? poison route is because of tin' vigilance of Deputy Sheriff I ' in S. Sirul.f r. Experience h..s taught the ^in r Kilf (ind (It put. m that ii i-i a d idea to keep np wi.h nil ^ lioUo Lot - ill' pi la liLlh itttd V Ti " * I Jt^y U VJI Wc have .just recei Squares, which we olTe tliev ;iri' nirK-oH - I '-" "V v ' v' ' Gar We have some nice a Qirpet. it v- il arrives, We will ha\e ; We have just reeeiv you need a Stove we ca | FURNI Our stock of Furnil now. We have just rec 1) resse rs, Washsta n ds. robes. Rockers, Chairs, Pockets, Desks and A on kept in an ap-io.datc l i iv/r i i i c nti<*?Xa iMln wrtW "3Vii cc&rt ?* * , ill >it' lYioiuU <hit side. ntii tlmt e peeiul viLjil- >>, should lie \t ed Ml the eilse t?r c uivirts und' I lu'UVV Ml'lllvMUVS. i ill OXiTfise I I Ilii- \ i^il ttii'f 11it? t-nalilt tl I)? , uly Sainlili-;- In intercept a s null pi| er of while |ii)\vtli'i lli .t evident !y poison, ti11>'111 <i 1?> Denton in Ins list ox I ten ii lit**-, hi f ore l)?'inr taken to t In- pe i iteiit iiu y. ( tin* d iv last week 11i? r?? rami' a U'tt? r for Draton from his wife in Fort Mill and Deputy S audifei road it. over iMivfuliy. In il hr foil lid a reference ah. lit lik< 111 - ,4I am }*"ii|o to send it to yon; hut 1 would not, had yon not promised that you would not 'is.- i* until thou, and had I in t pn tui.ed y ) t. I don't want to send it. I ant afraid Now remember your promisr not to it until every tiling else fails, it will h- >t it <*!ird in ( tin- hoin of your j oits." Mrs. Do,ton came over to Yorkvilli Friday hiinoiii?r hei ehildtcn and a Iniiidh' lor hrr husband Deputy S!i i* If Ltavo In r to und r stand that tin- i umlle would have to on left outside until he r tild examine it. She j oti-s' -d t It a si i had sevi ral arlie' s th it pin- need ed fur her cliiiihI'M. and made ex. cuses intended t> Ni l |. the bundles in la i'hsuui until she e< u d see lii j h.ielvimi. Mi. SiirliU-i then toll! la r to 1 >; 1%. * * out such ii r licles us were intended ti r lief Iims band and ie ive them outside; that 1 li?- would attend to the delivery la ' ter. After Mrs. Deaton had had an interview with lit-r husband in tie presence of Mr. Sandifer, lie* d< p ' uty priH'eded to make a careful examination of ail the aitii les in the litnidl '. especially the pants, in the hem of which ho found a small package filled with a white p jwilci lie afterward showed the powder to several physicians; hut none of 1 hem are able to tell certainly what it is. .Mr. Sandifer, however, is very well satislr d that tie powdei is a deadlj p lison, an I that it watiie purpose of Denton to use it either before lie started for the poiiitentlary, or afier lie may h ive decided that death wii.i preferab to a longer contiuemeut in that i: - 8111 III toil. I'pon lenrnini; of 111?? eirernnstan cos outlined above, Alaj ?r .lames F. Hart, i:tt >rney .for I Van m. promptly notified the elerk ot . ?>nrt of the withdrawal of the up P>?hI ho lmd entered, and wild lie would have nothing more to do .n the The clerk i in tin diatly I? !? graphed for a penitentiary mi nd and Denton will he taken to the penitentiarv toyny ot tomorrow. | Deal on was taken to the penitentiary Wednesday, lvl. Times. | - Natl mill Clmi man Tamjnrt Inns made a roster < ! 1 democratic oraIoi'h, whom he li >p 's to mow into Maine ami Veiniont during die next two weeks. A monk' the number named is Senator iJ. R. Till man, of this State. ? The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results in death* Thus a mere sersitch. iiisigiiifieant.eats or puny hails liave paid the death penalty. It is wise to have j'.uek:? ii'j ,?r!iiea trnUe " er handy. It'sti,** est f i i l will pre.ent fa* * .. 1 . s. ires I" lee I'M and ! i'?s ;hretiteu. Only "Joe tit all drugstores* 0 T bu . rv i \ 7c.*' w r.i disss mvr t\;nrt?p vcd a lar^c lot ot Mill la rat \xry low prices. Cull 'pets and Mattii designs in China and Japan I pay you to wait until our 1 it in all grades and prices ai itoves, Stoves. ed a lariic shipment of Sto 11 sa\ e you money. TURE, FURNfi lire was never fuller or i eived several ear loads of Hall Kacks, i '.hif fopiers, Sal" Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, i cities of all kinds. In fact, iruiiiire House. Yours for business, s ?&, -sr? .? , ???8@?e D? 33@Q ^ Tin Old Belia <? <? I. .'"T "H' WAC 1 1 T1 ?,<!. !*? ? p -GOB] ^ uiuajlj i?. i @ ^ Get ready to cut : and grass, .? T=,r. _ il) Ll y ; | McConnick 1 and R; Binder twine and. re* 0 Now ts the time to s< 1 Turnip and we can furnisl Q kinds, : y i C?) I IT51 ?? ?.- MIErMJB "TT -"I ! iTlig Old Mis I X JL u ?J o 1 U it. U 1 J. u ? H !. S: BELK, ?? ?0? ?? 8? 3??Q3@?' 3 3U.T RAT*, Wit Ki'M-'l, Tl V K M Al souii!' or Train No. 2"> Lv Charlotte > ] Ar I "or I 27 ,, .. .!<? it. ,, ,, 3J? ,, ! H.0.1 p ? ? :;:i ,, ,, !.* > a. NOIITFIIJOU Train No. 2<> Lv Chester l(UM) a. Ar K?rt ,, 2* ? Cola. 10 i> ,, 30 . 0.10 a. || t? II If ?. I ?' |)> |? II Note?Fort Mill i.s a rugnlar st<11gf poi; Nos. 33 and 31, wUicl) s'ojj 011 llag'- No* ? % T Clr S ids in Ku&s and Art and see them he tore ng. Mattings, li you are iill stock of (Carpetine ul iii suit you. \ es and L'teneils. U TVME. nore up-to-date than handsome Suits, Odd es, ('.uphoard s Ward,u>els, Pictures, Wall >ve have every thini* h "2 ~1T\ ?"V UVM C^irnrV;, 19 2 -S3G? ??0?3&! 1 1 I Me Store | ? _____ ? >?r^raiM wr?r?mv a-.w^wa ? i i -L <k; ma&aurxUtd im I your pea vines *y C!> Mower I Cy .,1.. i iKC. I wait's in stock, Qp ft) & Seed cv 0 1 you with all CP 0 CO ?** i y> V_v' K" VUf -4. -v mw ^ ^ ililj Stnrn 1IJ1U U lUl Ul <y> PROP. & V f 0 >r>,v;?jO,ayuz>.#>,( >/ *o? - . SCHEBULTL m'Ji, I'.mi. NI). Mill . .o p. Ar (.'1 ester K J{!? p ,, K; a. ,, Cola. 10 la a In :51 |> ,, ,, 1.2"i p .. U.oT a l" i-"> >> NI>. r111 i " j?. /.r Charlotte ? * 1.-i."? p. ,, .. 7.K' ]> ,, i?. K> a. .. ! ..*?<? ii 7. ; ) p. i, 8.0. p ut for all tin abovo trains, except i. VJ.1 and 20 do not run Sundays, 9B 1 FURNITURE | SEWING M. N'.'w sto-k just arrived. joF you will wonder how we can sa\ ? Wi' don't ask you a bijj pri< OL wo are not Jews. We have e<,J ^ rock bottom prices at the start. jj FitUIT ?? Halt Gallon size, i Quart size, (>()c pei T4 111.. ^ ? rjL f c 11 v i u 1111) i e rs, Z n tmv r i ^ lee Cream Freezers AT CC rV IWl f..rm't the $300 Pium you. A tieket for every dollar ; ^ more tieki ts you have the bette this ii.annil'i.-ent Piano. Colli I i, h ivr a Fall Style usizui. a iUaonHi Ha\p just received < in ?ol'j jiik' st!ir?*oods ii iiuv \ up a 1 he best, or1 he "Elk" i S't.OO. We imve been for 1WJ veers. ')ur biivers wiil leav< markets in a short time sj>oeial ord-'T \ on would tend to, \\ e would be g\ you. Respect fully I^EACHA M RUSSIA AN &re 1 1 >:i* tape \ i in the lead # .YicJ-dhancy-i'arks (lonip; i 1 <i; as . selling Shoes, Company offer the best ! from 1?) to *i0 per cent, rate are bound to reach th Sln>es. Keep your c\ es open f< 1 lie SI- >es Ihi.s fall, if price See u- for a pair. M nTIl h p n a v. *?? }!?&? ?*k? rnii m \m. m&rnmMu \ '' " ' '/ -' %C-7" ' ' ' - 'T ^ r^r^ " >-* "- _. - . -V?VC*> / ~.. ? s If ;<- 3EH ;' I %\W THE LINI E , ^ _ ! T* TIT T TTnJT IT..J THE LINi CM Ti1u fipfHSTja " ' Comp'ct* 11 lilec I ?,A.T_ , >> flr. Tf 'He C wamiihg ;ch. ti.e. w H -f , MOVES, I A CHINES. | Compare our prfofre and ^ o you bo inueii money. 3e ami then "jew down," g| rytliiuy; marked down to & Give us your order for j^X^SL 5 r>c per dozeu. rt p dozen. ?c. Jar Rubbers 3c 5 that uf aie gouts? to give pou spend with us. The C r your chances of winning i pa re our prices. j# SSEY, I s of Hats' - >u r Fall Hats, both 11 all the new shapes, t S3.00, if you want ul $2.00, $2,50 and selling these goods e for the Northern and if you have a I like for us to at9 ad to do our best for yours, c nne wr tr ct D JAPAN war. r i by a big majority, my and their competb 111 Me E1 h a n ey -Pa rks Shoes on the market cheaper, and at this e lead line in selling >r we are going to sell s will sell them.v \ V, % V illiv Parks Go. ???y* \ 1 : FOR BUSINESS, : FOR PLEASURE, i FOR ALL THE BEST R RESORT5 ? S'jnmfr Resort Folder 'rec to Any Address. 5. H. F! \RDWicif, W. H.Taylob, .'I F Ail ant. Asst. Cen'l Pass. Att. V.-.HIHOruN, O.C. ATLANTA, OA. I i * ' 11 ' . - . iM