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V( >u XIII. FORT MILL.S. C., WEDNESDAY. AUGUST :il. ISHM. NO 2|. HOT FIGHTING Japanese Closing in on Every OEN. SAKAHROFF'S LOSS HEAVY After an All-Day Engagement Along Their Whole Front, the Russians Retired Slowly Toward Anshanshan?A Series of Fanatical Attacks by the Japanese, the Russians Retiring With Various Losses Except on the Right Flank. St. Petersburg. By Cable.?The general staff has received the following ^ telegram from General Sgkharoff, dat-1 or. August 27. "Advance guards and advance troops j 01. the southern front Saturday re-j tif't'il slnwlv tnwarrlc tho nriKi- I tition, at Anslianshan.' Rifle fire was general along the whole front. The Japanese artillery cannonaded our posit ions at different points. Our guns poured a heavy fire Into the columns of the Japanese as they advanced, and into their works and entrenchments and eventually compelled them to move their vast camp from Famiana to the village of fliassiaza. "At 6 o'clock in the evening there was a lull in the firing. The hottest fighting occurred on our left flank on the south front, where the Iosrcs amounted tV> 200. During the night our advance guards retired to the principal position. Five divisions of. the enemy took the offensive auainst I our south front. "Our troops repelled towards the southeast all attacks of the Japanese directed tgainst their front, while our tmops on1 the right flank, taking the offensive towards evening, drove the Japanese bark on Tounsinpu. Our losses on the southeast front were about 400. "Our detachment on the east yesterday had a desperate fight against considerable forces of the enemy. "On the right llank, our infantry, tl.OKt.J* 1? ...< !>? ? . n'M.sii uuou^iiui icu uy in tuit-ry, uiiu the Japanese were at all points superior numerically, firmly and courageously repulsed the attacks begun during llie night by the enemy on the advanced positions of Tsegow and Anping. This-affair culminated in sharp bavi net lighting and some of our regimental ofllcers received sword, bayonet and revolver wounds. After desperate lighting on the advanced positions in Tsegow and An ping, our troops retired on the main positions supported by artillery. "The Tnmboff Regiment, on the le't flank at Tsegow, defended an advance:! position from 1 o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock In the afternoon, repot ling all the enemy's attacks at the point of the bayonet. There were four counter attacks. The commander of the regiment. Colonel Klembosky, was \\ ounded. "A turning movement by the enemy against the left flank of the Tsegow position and the enfilading fire of their batteries on Kharouiou heights forced the TJamboufif Regiment to retire, and ihe r? treat was effected In good order. Six guns were abandoned, but they were broken and rendered useless. The Japanese attacked like fanatics, and their losses must have been very great. "A wounded Japanese officer, who was taken prisoner, escaped observation after bis wound had been dressed, and killed himself by dating his head against, the stones. "Our troops captured a considerable number of rifles, caps and other ar-1 Four KilleH hu - "7 Poisoning Case at Augusta, Qa. Augusta. Ga.. Special.?Mary Bello Devln is dead, and Joseph Manseo is* seriously ill. as the result of eating bread which had been poisoned with rough on rats mixed in the flour. Neal Williams, who is on: bond under the charge of larceny, is wanted by the police in connection with the crime. Manseo probably will recover. Jtfferies Wins Fight. San Francisco, Special.?Like the veriest amateur in the. prize ring. Jack Munroe. of Butte. Mont went down and out before Champion James Jeffries Friday night in the second round, mnnking an extremely sorry showing, in Mechanics' Pavilion, and jras roundly hooted by the large crowd gathered. The two giants had not been in the ring two minutes when it was foreseen that the aspirations of Manioc would be quickly dispersed. The mner was scared and awkward, and Jeffries, in the first round, had him twice on the cavas, taking the count. * Mt -Mb IS REPORTED | l i | Russian Stronghold on Side tides of equipment from the Japanese, j Our losses on this front have not been definitely ascertained, hut they exceed 1,500 killed or wounded. "Notwithstanding the long and desperate fighting and the consequent fa tlgue, the spirit of our troops was as alert as ever, and in the darkness of night, with rain falling heavily and transforming the ground into liquid mud, they executed the necessary movements, headed by their bands, in perfect order. "On August 27 the enemy had not assumed any definite offensive movement at any point along the whole front and our troops retired gradually , to new positions. At about 2 o'clock | in the afternoon it was discovered that j the Japanese were moving on Taom- , pine by way of Youdioukau." Getting Near Port Arthur. Chcfoo, By Cable. ? Information , which to a very great extent confirms ! previous reports of the condition at j Port Arthur was received here by junks which left there on August 24 and August 2G. The most Important statement agreeu f n hv n'lccnticrore /*?> l-? l? vw (ruuuvu^io uii im or jun:\n YY I1U J were interviewed uy tjje correspondent J of the Associated Press confirms the reports that the Russians have been \ driven from the fort immediately east j of the Dragoon Hills, along the sum- t mits of which the eastern defenses of { Port Arthur are built. When the Rus- ; sian forces retired from Fort Etseshan they entered Fort Number 15. to the north of Chacoclianko. During the nights of August 18 and 19. while it was raining, the Japanese attempted < to storm Fort Antszshan. which is a | strong position adjoining Etseshan to- ! ward the city, but they were repulsed , with heavy losses. Paring- the night of August 22 a he- , roic band of C>00 Japanese attempted to capture Fort Number r> in the midst of I a storm. Almost the entire detachment I was killed. The Chinese declare, how- j ever, that the Russians have evacuated > Fort Number r>, but whether by reason of this or the Japanese artillery fire Cannot he learned. The Japanese are unable to occupy Number 5. The fighting from August 17 to August 21 was severe, but since the latter date it has been comparatively light On August 20 t lie fort on Liaoti Mountain was fired on front six Japanese torpedo boats, but the result of the action has not been known. The Russian marines have left the ships in the harbor and are working at the land batteries. SVnpls from the Japanese fire cuniuiue to ia:i in rori Arthur ami the dock yards, , and the warships have scattered aboit.thc harbor In attempts to protect themselves from the enemy's projectiles. A Chinese who was employed on the docks at Port Arthur sayB that the battleships Retv'znn, Poltava and Sevastopol are badly damaged. The first mentioned ship rests low In the water by the stern. The batdeshlp Pobieda s In fighting condition. TJiere are four gunboats and several torpedo boat de-, | stroyevs jn the harbor. ; 8' ?.w!de at Si. Louis. St. Louis. Special.-a man supposed fNtm nATUtrp f.iim .1 In n lfift 1 171 n T I n H'UIIU ?i? .1 * uai *-?*- / ???? on tha bridge, to be Frank McCormick, of Winter Haven. Fla.. committed siiicide by leaping from tbe Earls bridge into tbe Mississippi river. A watchman saw the man climb to the railing, but not in time to prevent him jumping. Japanese Batteries Silenced. St. Petersburg, By Cable.?A dispatch from Chefoo. dated August 22. says that according to Chinese re1 ports the Japanese bombarded Port Arthur from 6 o'clock in the morning to 1 o'clock in the afternoon, pouring in a heavy fire, hut that tho Russians succeeded in silencing the Japanese batteries. Tim Japanese fleet v as not engaged, having put further I Stilt ? . I MUI, iu a^a. Briefs of a General Nature. Congressman Frank C. Waohther wna a visitor at Republican headquarters in New York. Congressman Littauer, of" "glove" fame, was a guest of President Roosevelt. Eddie Fay. alleged to \->e the most expert postoffice robber in the country, broke jail at Janesville, Wis. John C. Cutler, supported by Senator Smnnt wna nnminntprl hv P?nnKllpiini for Governor of Utah. Secretary W. H. Taft defended the administration in a speech at Montpelier, V.^rmont. 'i ' % j PORT ARTHUR CLISELV PRESSED ' reports Reach Chefto to the Effect That the Japanese are Hotly Press- [ ing the Russian Centre and Havs Penetrated to General StoeSsel's , d..: ncoiuonbc. Chefoo, By Cable.?According: to advices brought herd from Pitt Arthur ' by a junk, the Japanese tfrere hotly pressing the Russian centre along the | railway and the Russian right in the vicinity of Golden Hill, between the city and the forts on the] Russian right wing. The Japanese occupied Taipangtze and penetrated along the inilway to General StoesieTg residence on August 21. As this report would indicate- that Port Arthur had all but fallen, the 1 JapAne3e export attached to the local j consulate received the information | with great reserve. The information i Is accepted, however, as confirmation j of previous reports that the Russians I |jave been driven fiom ltzeslien and ! r r I f \ A i\:. is to ne operated inut |y ol" the other Southern railway systems. according to a statement made Tuesday by Thorns F. Ryan, who, , with Blah* & Co., and T. Jefferson J Coolidge, Jr., purchased the 140.00'J ( Bhares of Seaboard Air Line stock held by Messrs. Williams and Middenelorf. j Mr. Ryan said: "The Seaboard Air Line , will be operated independently of the , ullici railway systems in the Sooth. The suflfirost inn that lias liren variniiKlv expressed that the Atlantic Coast Line j or the Southern or any other railroad ( Interest is directly or indirectly interested in the purchase of the Seaboard, or that the managers or owners of such ' properties will in ony way in.luen<-e j the management of tho SeaboflM"" is without the slightest foundation." Schooner Burned at Sea. Brunswick, Special.?C^apt. C. M. Mc: Meckin, his two sons, and a crew of six of the schooner Adele Thackara. bound from New York to Savannah, arrived early Tuesday night aboard the schooner James B. Jordan. New York to Brunswick. Capt. McXIeokin's vessel caught fire and was totally destroyed Sunday morning after being out from New York 31 days. * Death of Col. H. C. Jones. Wilmington. N. C., Special.?Col. Hamilton C. Jones, of Charlotte, one of the foremost lawyers in the State, a gentleman of rare culture and refinement, died hero Tuesday afternoon as he was being taken up stairs on the elevator at the James Walker Memorial Hospital, on his way bark from Southport, where he had been for rest and reenneration aftor his ur duous work as counsel for the defendant In the recent Breeso trial at his home. Col. Jones was easily among the foremost lawyers of the South and was a prominent figure at the bar of his State for many* years past. He was 63 yeara of ago. *i 9 ^ \ i >> rRIAL OF LYNCHERS Examination Into the StatesbGro Case Begun :apt- hitch tries to explain FIrat Evidence In the Investigation) at Savannah of tV^ failure of the Military at Stateaboro. Savannah. Ga.t Special.?The flirt evidence! was Introduced today hoftv1 the court of inquiry j?ppointe<l Tiy Governor Terrell LO ?uveb.igate the conduct of the two companies of Georgin State troops at Stateshoro a few days ago, when t"*? negroes were burned. The Govo?nor'8 correspondence \va; road ' owing him to have dispatched a company from Savannah, under Captain Robert M Hitch to Stateshero to join the Statesbom Guards in the protection of the prisoners. Col. Grayson considered that Captain Hitch had the judgment and bravery that n-milil cn-iku M.1.. ?- i. .. wM?u VIII Utv xa * ill LU VJVJ IH' Willi the (lelicato situation Captain Hitch then took the stand, giving: evidence for seveial hours, lit* maintained that the plans cf the uioh had been so ccicfully laid that not ven a regiment of soldiers could ! avo successfully resisted thorn. rheae plans oven contemplated the lestruetion of the railroad leading to ttatciboro in order to prevent the iriva. of re-enforeements should hev have been ordered to the scene. | His own experience as a military \an. reaching over I t years and acaired It all grades up to that of npiain. was recited by Captain Hitch, ho told of having before parclpated it riot duty and of having bserved t*e moral effect upon a rowd that ho command "Load" cares. This command he had intended ivlng at th> proper time, but hist efore that time, in his opinion, was ?ached. lie was seized by a muscular eruty sheriff, who threw him down airs to the mob below, which omptly disarmed him. It was to lis seizure that Captain Hitch atibuted his failure to make a more \sperate effrot for the defense of the isoners. One statement, made by Captain 1 itch was thought strange, in that showed lack of information that w interested wore without. He said had had r.o intimation of the pftr se of tiie mob to seize and lynch e negroes as soon as they should convicted. Even in Savannah, GO ties from Statesboro, it was authen- t aliy reported that, iho mob con- j mpiated seizing and burning the ; groes just as soon as possible after ' eir conviction. Members of the court sought to irn why Captain Hitch had not orred up his reserves of 4(? or 50 men >m the jail. He was asked if ho I not recognize the need for them, which ii?' answered that he did, and | it he was praying for them to como. i 'Then why did you not ^ond for j ^m?" asked a member of t court. \ "Because I could not think of cverv- i ng at once." said Captain Hitch, ' o had, however, according to his timony. dispatched Lieut. A. A. irrison to the telegraph ofhee to re at that more troops be sent from \ annah. Skirmishing in Manchuria. St. Petersburg. By Cable.?Emperor Vic-bolus has received the following dls?atch. under date of August 25. from jeneral Kuropatkin: "On August 21 a . iapancse l>attalion delivered and attack i n the valley of Sundahkaya. from i'antziaputzy. The Japanese advance J was checked at 3 p. m. at I/)odintau by i Russian company. five men of which ! A'erc wounded. ' The same day two Kussian companies successfully resisio tHc advance of the enemy in superior force at Sunoyinapti, where the Japanese suspended operations when ?ur re-enforcements arrived. The RusdaBHlosses were one officer wounded anft 53 men killed or wounded. Cane Growers' Convention. Savannah, Ga., Special.?Capt. D. G. Purse, president of the Inter-State Supar Cane Growers* Assoeiation. has named the 23th, 26th and 27th of January, 1905, as dates for convening the third annual convention, at Montgomery, Ala., after consulting with Maj. W. \V Screws editor tf The Ariver tirer, of that city, to &void conflict of date3 with the National Editorial Association, many of wh-?se members in the South desire to attend the convention in Montgomery, aid of which body Major Screws is prealient. -7-? First Export of New C?tton. Galveston. Texas, Specia'.?Friday the first cotton of the new Cnp to be cleared for foreign ports irft on the steamer Torrehead, of the Hertl Line. Tbe cotton Is consigned to tn.?e dlrferept ports, all in Russia. Reval, Russia, will get 300 biles; Riga. Russia, 100 bales, and 100 bales are f>r St. Petersburg. Consignments will ft< via Belhuit. *41, : L& NEWS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY Paragraphs of Minor Importance Gathered From Many Sources. Through the South. The great sea wall at Galveston has been completed. It is understood the State Department Is now trying to secure concessions to American Jews in Russia, on tho assumption that the birth of an heir will lead the Cznr to be more generous. Former Secretary of the Treasury >ti> rJ. Carlisle had a long conference with Judge v^rker at Rosemont. It is not likely that Judge Parker will make i fin V onoonVino In tkU- S ??n upvwuvo *11 litis Ittlll 1 in I ^ I 1 . It Is announced that the Murphy- , MeCarren feud has been temporarily . shelved. David \V. Armstrong, in Richmond. : filed his answer to the suit of Mrs. ! MaybrlcU's mother. The Governor of West Virginia will appoint John Wliittier judge in the seventh eireuit. It is reported in Richmond that' Lewis Nixon is eontemplating the use of the Trig shipyards for building waxships for Russia. Washington Happenings. A party of f>or> members of the llritish House of Commons'will call on the President September 22..Aaalntnn* ~? T i - nnoisiaui ori n ull > 'Jl OCIllt) tortured at the Naval War College, Newport. R. I., on "Sortih Problems of the Caribbean Sea." fn the North. Wheat prices at Chicago fluctuated 4*4 cents. Non-union miners took possession of | Clippie Creek and deported 19 resi- 1 dents. Sixteen persons were killed and $1,? 000.000 in property by a gale that swept Minneapolis and St. Paul. J. Ed word Addick is said to have ; ehospn Conrad as the Union Republi- > can nominee for Governor of Delaware. It is understood by the Chicago ! packing-house strikers that President Roosevelt intends to keep out of that , muddle and leave the strikers to take j care of their own fieht An agreement was reached in New York by which the litigation against the shipbuilding t rust, and C. M. Schwab is ended. Mrs. Cordelia Ilotkin was found guilty for the third time of poisoning Mrs. John P. Dunning, of Dover, Del., by sending poisoned candy through the mail, and was sentenced to imprison- l ment for life. Foreign Affairs. The American authorities in Shanghai and Washington disavowed any intention 'o Interfere with the Japanese at Shanghai. The bombardment of Port Arthur whs continued fiercely. Thirty-five men were killed and 8a i ~ J 4^ 1 i I-**' * nv/uuucu Ilk U UUI^U-lU-IIUlll! Ililllll.' I?Ctween Uruguayan troops and revolutionists. Paraguayan revolutionists captured the garrison of Villa Reyes, consisting of 200 men. The Hrltlsh Association in session at Cambridge, England, discussed the cotton crisis, but seemed unable to find a remedy. The Russian Holy Synod has reduced from seven to two years the time in which divorced persons are allowed to remarry. The Russian cruiser Novik, after a fight with two Japan0*5** cruisers, was driven ashore on Sakhalin Island and partly sunk. American Consul Goodnow has ordered the monitor Monadncck and other American warships to be ready to protect the neutality of Shanghai, supposed to he threatened by the Japa rcso Novy. Miscellaneous Doings. President Castro, of Venezuela, prefers to continue the Asphalt receivership until the Supreme Court of that country gives its decision. M. T,. Turner, of Oklahoma, bought the entire issue of $3,000,000 Philippine certificates of Indebtedness at $101,410. Court, records jihow that a slave of Nicholas Roosevelt was burned to death r.y law in New York over a century ago. Among the callers on President Roosevelt ot O.vr.ter Ray was "Diamond Dick," a noted negro politician. One lone Jersoyninn called on Parker. The Paraguayan insurgents set up a if./ti.r ? t \ r I I 1 _ ,1^1 I t! I n ? ?v ftuvui imi; m iit v nivi ut'i riitii. \ The effort of Montagu Holbein to fcwim the English channel failed. J. D. McNeill, of Fayettvllle, N. C.t was elected president of the National Fireman's Association. The next meet* int.- -will be held at Kansas City. I ** ,-c - TO yjTLE STRIKE Chicago AuUfities Making Efforts to Comv)mise Matters aldermen MAKEvinoTHER effort Mayor Harrison Emnwered to Appoint Aldermen to ja*,t on Both Sides?Packers Grantj the injunction Prayed For to 'estraln the City From Interfering yjth Their Lodging Arrangemcnt9N,nd the Cltv Anneals. j -rri? Chicago. Spccinl.?The city ^tborities are to make a second attett^ to settle the stockyards strike t a meeting of the city council Thui>ay night a resolution was passed cmp<*. ering Mayor Harrison to appoint aldet m<n who are going to make it thelr^ k business to bring about a settlement. \ Invitations were at onco sent to the \ leaders of the strikers and to n-presen- V tatives of the employers, Inviting them \ to meet the members of the eoinmittee \ Friday morniug. President Donnelly, \ of the Butchers' Union, will be before t the committee at 10 o'clock, and in ' the Invitation sent to tho packers they were asked to appear one hour later. Judge Brentano issued an injunction restraining the city of Chicago* from interfering with tho lodging of non-union employes in the packing houses at the stockyard'-.. The cU? will appeal. Annie Clark, a forewoman for Nelson Morris & Co., was- attacked by girl pickets wh'le - iding* .X street car. A lively light followed in which hat pins wer? the weapons used. Miss Clark was severely injured and was removed to her homo by the police. She recognized several of her assailants and secured warrants for their arrest. The packers resumed the importation of strike breakers on a large scale A special train of seven car-loads arrived over the Erin Railroad. Two car-loads of strikebreakers were brought in under heavy police guard over the Monon road. Thos. Stoker, business agent f>f the I'ork Cellar Men's Union, announced Thursday that six non-union Greeks from the Armour plant had been initiated into the union after they returned to the stock yords enclosure, promising to load out 1,1100 other nonunion Greeks. The Greek clergy and Greek business interests are reported as making every effort to influence l.floo to leave because of the strikers' action in declaring boycotts against Greek business houses l>y wa> of reprisal. Fifty colored women strike-breakers left the stockyards, claiming that they had deserted the packers. Superintendent Farris. of Nelson Morris Co., iis.n i i?'ti mm uie worn ni uio women been unsatisfactory and that they had been discharged. Russian Heir Christened. St. Petersburg. By Cable. -A wave of rejoicing and festivity swept over Russia with the rising of the sun on the christening day of the heir to tlio Russian throne, culminating when the To Ileum, softly chanted in the beautiful little church of the Peterhof Palace, announced that the ceremony was , accomplished, and the news wat heralded to the world without by the crash of cannon and the chiming of innumerable < luireh hells, echoing from the Baltic to the Black Sea, and from t ho frnnl inru I)nl????/1 '* * ? ?-?n ... , imiiuu l?? int.' IMJI1 IlIU'M of the farthest East. Not withstanding the momentous events passing at the front, the whole population turneil gladly for the time being from nioro serious considerations to participating in the day of glittering ceremonial and pageantry at i'eterhof, where the tiny successor of the great White Czar received at the hands of the Church the name of Alexis Nieholaerftch, from which he is destined to pass in course of time to the dignity and responsibilir ty of Autocrat of all .he Russians. Vessels at Shanhai Disarmed. London. By Cable.?The correspondent of The Times at Shanghai, in a dispatch dated Aug. 24, I1..'lf> p. m., says fhat orders ftotn Emperor Nicholas have been conveyed to Captain Reltzstein, commanding him forthwfth to disarm the cruiser Askold and the tornedo boat destroyer (Iroi^. nvi.l n-wl <1 ' iiiii inv II?B? on noin vessels were lowered j\t 7 o'clock." Terrell Orders Inquiry. Atlanta. Special.?On his return from P?. 1-ouis. Governor Terrell held a conference with Sampson W. Harr'son. Adjutant General of Georgia, in regard to the lynching at Stateshoro, The conference terminated with the appointment of a court of Inquiry to investigate the conduct of the militia from which the mob took the prisoners. The court is composed of the following gentlemen: Colonel A. It. J^awton, Cetlred), of Savannah, presl^it; Col, ? i." W. E. Wooten, of Albany; L^utenatJt; Colonel W. W. Barker, <^??tlantg: Wr J or Wan en C. ' i' k lUsyDle. v ^ ^