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Sharps and Flats. Emile Robin, the aged vice president of tho French Society for Saving the Shipwrecked, has not only done ? great deal for the association, but he also assists similar societies in other countries. At the recent meeting of the allied German society it was announced that M. Robin had again sent a hand, otr.e sum $7.000?the interest on "Which was to he divided among old mariners and widows and orphans. There never yet was an audience so small as to deserve a small sermon. Lipton's Gallantry. That Sir Thomas Lipton is much o? a Chesterfield needs no confirmation, though this story, which is added testimony. shows that he happily turned a well-worn Joke and gave comfort in defeat. Amone his eruests on the Erin one; day before the races were sailed \ ?s a fetching miss of seventern who wished him a sweeping success. "I'm confident I've the better boat," said he. "And yet one should not always be too sure." "Yes." she assented coyly. "There's many n slip between the cup and the Lip." "I would be amply compensated Tor defeat." he replied, with a bow, "if the slip were a slip of a girl like you." ?New York Herald. TORTURING PAIN. It?ir Tliiv Miiii'h SnfforliiK* Would Ituvn Killfil Mniiv h I'nrMon, Hut l><>>tu'? Cnrcil III in. A. C. Sprague, stock denier, of Normal. 111., writes: "For two whole years I was doing nothing but buying mediifrfa """h clues to cure ,n>' kidneys. I ;N do not think that any man A1 v I ever suffered as if ^ ' did and lived. The pain in my back was so ^ m"1 * cou'^ a. o. 81'Rahcr. not ride a horse, and sometimes was unable even to rkie in a car. My conditi >11 was critical when 1 sent for Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 used three boxes and they cured me. Now 1 can go anywhere and do ns much as anybody. 1 sloop woll anil fool no discomfort at all." A TRIAL Fit EE? Address FoflterMilhurn Co.. Kuffnlo, N. Y. For sulo by all dealers. Price, 50 eta. United States Battleships. Our oldest battleship, the Texas, has a length of 301 foot and a displacement of 6.315 tans. The now Maine lias a length of 388 feet and a displacement of 12.500 tons. Tho Georgia is to have a length of 135 feet and a displacement of lf>.ioo tons. The California, just launched at San Francisco. has a length of .503 feet and a displacement of 14,000 tons. The Texas lias a speed of sixteen knots an hour. The California is to have a spe il of tweruy-two knots, or is to be. in spite of her great size, a faster ship than the Ern?d;lyn or New York, and as fast a ship as that greyhound of the sea, the Columbia. Is it fair to expect to get gold out of a sermon when you only put copper into the service? wttlKi; WMASfcS OF MEN We >ni*iant e n<|uiok ?3BbX and Innt'iiK euro In hU ^ j^RICTIJItE.VAK? mB EASEsfPE CI)1 L 1 AR A_ NERVOUS, KIDNEY, . .Omjto BLADDER AND ItEth t mnnrt'tiit Leatherman A Bontley . !I,|MII luiil uro the only specialists in Atlanta who trout their oases thorn fives. Write " ^?'1 ''nnnot <0" ftnd describe rTlllv y,.ilr trouble* niul receive l>y return mail, free of chur^o, our oiaKuosis blank. BEST 1IOWE TREATMENT. f!nn? tlon Fr?o. Everything conthlentlal. Drs. Leatherman & Bentley, Cor. Marietta and torsyth Sts., ATLANTA, GA. fl'Mir*: 8 n. in. to 10 p. in. j hmuiuy: 10 to 1. FREE SAMPLE Of "THK STOUV or MY I.IF15 AND WOUIi," By Hooker 7. WmtliinQtou. Son.1 tie your nnme end ' \ u i.ln-ra. We went yiu tor 1,10 P?n>oao of Inw: ^'HS} troJucin* It tn your gSfk 'jo-ijA reniorkable acller. big In* from 54 to $10 rot duce It by eelllii#f or Wff/l/Agetting tie en agont? f ' "i v\"^b tf ao. ron.l at onv* for ^ ' if J* 1" NICn?T'S * C?" Helling Price 81 .OO. 015 Auatell P.till.llna. V / (iNCORPORAItO ) * a riTAi, ri'4)( K wno,?>.->o.o?. Rn>lnfM~W hi'n von thmii nf Koti.* ufT xn ol, ?? I !?< for College Joui HKl 0<1?1 Si.ioIhI JTrr o? the l.-a<llm: Du-loi'M and >h.?ri hand chfmla, A(! lr<*M KIX?'S nVHIXKXX ( VI.I.KUl:, llnl?t(k, fc. or < h>?rli?f?? t N. .'. I tVe nl?' %?? ?.l,o4* ^hor'h..n(l 1 IP 1 V n(\,l.) SO. 35. Dropsylf Hfmwi nil awelllng in Stott day a ; elTects a permanent cure in joto 6o dajra. Trial treatment given free. Nothingcan be fairee Write Or. H. H. Grtan'a Sona. SomUIUU. Box m Atlanta. U, 2X000 |?r * ON? Pleased & :|? M ^ Customers MfH If $KiS: Mif If If 1 % B?rk<ltol? l|. fKMt.sKl' A ?'? K 19 91 ~ Hi?, I ^11 YEAR ~ OLi) ipcrlflinm KiT i WWiri. W1,U TOinunt plcai 11 WflitKfiy fe&r?g ill I oTi'i't'Mw^r -?*>-> llarEtj %||a<'H*SE DY Honest^I Cut [EDITOR'S NOTE]?Bcfbrc iH-nrlttinr tho above wh * ? through their Banker*. Wo cheerfully cndorao th not kentato to order lot. BURNED irsiAKE Two Negroes Taken From the Jail and Incinerated AWFUL VENGEANCE OF GEORGIANS Paul Reed and Will Cato, Convicted of Complicity in the Murder of the Hodges Family, Near Statesboro. Taken From the Military Guard and Burned at the Stake. Savannah, Ga., Special?With clothing saturated with kerosene, writhing and. twisting in their agony, screaming to heaven for tlio mercy that the mob would not show, Paul Reed and Will Cato, negroes, two ol ! the principals in the dastardly murdes ' and burning of Henry Hodges and wife and three of their children, six I miles from Statesboro, three weeks ago, were burned at the stake Tuesday. This afternoon at 1.21 o'clock a determine^ mob charged upon tlio ; court house, overpowered the military guard, secured Cato nad Reed, who had been found guilty after a legal trial and sentenced to bo hanged, took them two miles from Statesboro and there eynctea the ........i? ? i Tho forenoon passed quietly, the trial of Paul Heed, tho ring-leader in tho murder, being concluded aud a verdict rendered. Sentence was imposed upon both him and Will Cato sentenced the day before, and September 'J was lixed as the date for the execution. Tho crowd assembled about the court bouse was not so large as Monday. Nor was It so threatening, though for that matter, there was nover much parade. There was a quiet about the crowd that augured the worst and tho object of tue countrymen who hail como in from miles around for tho trial was nover to ho doubted. Up to the noon hour there was no | intimation that so soon was to be enacted tlio terrible climax. In tho trial of Rcod little delay was caused, I and at Its conclusion, as before, the prisoners were hustled into the witness room, where a strong guard of military was mounted over them. In , tho corridors the agitation began. : Tho spectators left the court room and from the lawn outside many en- j 1 tered the hallways. Shortly before 1 | o'clock the crowd was addressed by a : | tall man, who seemod to inllame it greatly. He called on thoso about j him to follow him. Then Captain Hitch, of tlio Oglethorpe Light Infantry, who was In command of tho forces, realized that tho situation was desperate. He posted guards on each ' of tho stairways that led to tlio tloor above, where the prisoners were con- | i fined. i GUARDS HAD UNLOADED GUNS, i With fixed bayonets, but unloaded ; rifles, the guards stood. The mob surged toward them, but were re- | puised several times. The determln- ' j ed effort was yet to be made. At the ; rear stairway tho gravest danger threatened. Prominent men. among them Rev. Mr. Hodges, brother of the I murdered man. sprang to the front , to address tho crowd. They begged ; them to disperse. Sheriff Kendrlck was among these. Ho cautioned the crowd against violenco and pleaded ! with them to disperse. "I am your friend," he said. "1 beg you to do nothing that will reflect on us and on the community. Disperse and let tho law take its course. We need thcso men. There are others to be brought to justice and only from the information to be gained from Cato and Rood can we bring the right ones to Justice. I can almost promise that when the caso is finally sifted there will bo five parties who are equally guilty." "We know you are our friend, KenHrlot " ^ *" ? *vtk| ow?uo uhu mhuih'u, "DHL prom* lse ua that you will let these men stay In the Statesboro jail and not be taken back to Savannah. Then we will disperse, not until then." There was shouting and cheoring and Kendrlck could not reply. "Promise us that," they snouted. "You shall not tako them awav from Statesboro." The crowd surgod upon the jail and took the prisoners from the ofllcers. A confession was made by Reed, who acknowledged killing the father and mother and implicated three others. The cries of Cato woto pitiful, as he begged the mob to shoot him. i ne mob dispersed quietly after their terrible act. Freak Chicken Hatched. A chicken having three eyes and a double bill was hatched recently at Torrlngton. Conn. FULLQuSTorn SSCEY FREE ; tho ncanlu* of words and will do as wo cay. W? I br tb? l(?\n *|.prKT?l Whiskey llouufi and th? Hull Or(f??r Wlilnkcy Concern in the South. All the irollmi \Vhi?Vi y we sell U food-there's no bud. re wouldn't adulterate It they know how?they lire too H Most wills key orllcrs ure noted for niiiimr, blending laul H Wo .-ell tuoro frenuiue old whiskey and less water tluin H n competitor. 4*Ca?.per'? 11 Year Old** \V hlskcy In I |oy! ll'B mutlo by honest people in the mountains of H Mima, in ??' I I I nils, hint as it was made by H fath. iv. Kirst-rato whiskey is sold at i*5.00 to JtlS.OO H .but it's tint .my liettcr than"Casper's 11 Year Did.'* It m to or we ?ill buy it hark. W? have a capital of t^oo.ouo. H ?.. . .. ............. n.iu iiiit? uramoni ntlDi;^ Hank H r will tell you our word Is Rood. To Introduce thla old, H i?ker, we ofTrr four Full (iuorln of "Cn?pi r'n It H "?two sample bottles, 0110 IS, one IS rear old?a cork a (lrinklntf irlaaa?all for *14.115. II *r?.ttO is rent we 5 tlm abort* and nut in free fine Full Quart Kxtra. I otno of tlilj whiskey only 7 years old. anil will arnd lire : for tlOor will furnish twenty full-iuart bottles on re 1 ami irlro freo eorkeerrwa. ilrlnlnnk Klama and win- H UK tills whlakey cost leer than W.tO per imllnu delivered. H i plain boxen with no mark s to Indicate contents, and H ill Kxprcaa. iluyere Weit of Trxan, Kansas, Ncbraaks * mum udd HO cents per quart extra. _ iV THE CASPER CO. (Inc.) I yrr Bldg. \VIXHTON?KAM'AT v ^ M ipker advertisement to appear onrcolumns. wc investigated em, and friends in need of pure vrhiakic* for medical use n*a4 TSWGESflON I "I wan troubled with stom- Ujf ach trouble. Thedfortl's Black- R* Draught did mo more itood fcjij in one week than all the doctor's medicine I took in a CM I year.*'? MRS. 8 A It A II K. BR I SHIKFIELD, Elletttiville, lad. g4 1 Thptlfonl'sHlackDranpht ^ j _ ,iih i^Diiiuvs uio ac- |8B tion of the stomach and Kg cures even chronic cases of K9 indigestion. If yon will fcjj take a small dose of Thed- ? ford's Black Draught occa- RJj sionally you will ke< p yotir k'J stomach and liver in per- guj feet condition. B$ i THEDFORD'5 I BIM-DRAlKiHT ^ More sickness is caused by fcfl J constipation than- by any g3g other disease, 'l'hedfor 1's ra Black-Draught not only relieves constipation hut cures KB j ;; diarrhtea and dysentery and keeps the bowels regular. ? *' All druggists sell 26-conl packages. liy "Thed ford's D lack- |Tjj Draught is the best inedi- |lJ8 cine to regulate the ho v. Is Si ii.kc over uso<i. ]N'PA ! A. M. fiRANT, Suoads W| i erry, K. C. fjST ^ ' i ??. _ m:\\.-v c 1.1* \" i ncs. A school for cabmen is projected in | Austria. I'oo coo birds from Summon Islands ere l?nil?liii^t nests in ihe California rocks. Itnssian newspapers have "hown ir- ] ritation at America's action against j Turkey. The r.ritish lloyal f'oinn:'ssioii ilecitled that l'ro/.en or chilled meat does i not contribute in any way to increas- | injr the nuinher of cases of cancer in i the t'liitcd Kingdom. j ] John It Orel's, sculptor, who died the i t other day. caiue into sudden notice dur- : i ing the Civil War through the mod- i cling of groups illustrative of army i i and typical American life. Two actions involving about $tSO,UtH) ; liave been begun again>t the Stock, j < tirain and 1'rnvisiou Company by a j former correspondent, who alleges that \ < hi' was "sold out" without notice. l>r. K. 1 >. Craves, of Marietta, I'a., I while on a visit to Chesapeakle City. ! was severely burned about the hands and arms by the explosion of the acetylene light on hoard his steam launch. The Stradivarius of Coldwater. .Mich., was Willfnm Curcv who died ' rccentlv. need* n . I ... J ... v? 111.' was noted for the excellence of his violins. sonic of which have sold for JjtiOOO a piece. The first ascent of the Matterhorn this season was nutde by a French tourist named Cindraux and the guide Tiingwaider. Tliey left Zerinatt at 1 o'eln-k in tlie night. and reached the top in nine hours, the usual time be- i ing .en or el >ven hours. I 1 Arriving at New York City on dif- , ferent sliips at the same time were lite i bodies of tleorge S. Henry and Will- ; lain Henry, brothers, of Oxford, N. .i., who died accidentally in May within six days of each other, the former in l.tienos Ay res and the latter in l'unta Arenas, Chile. The Island Not Annexed. London, Hy Cable.?The admiralty formally denied today the report from | Kingston. Jamica. that a party from the British rvulser Tribune recently landed at Aves, or Bird Island, and .annexed it as a British possession. The report is believed to have grown ou. of the fact that the Tribune sent a landing party ashore for target practice The admiralty added that the Island Is of no value and that there is no intention of acquiring it. Four Killed in Collission. Chicago. Special.?Four people were killed, another fatally hurt and 23 so verely injured in a collision lato Wod- i nceday evoning between an express train on the Chicago and Great Western Railway and a train of three trolley cars. The dead and fatally Injured are: Mrs. Frances Rautmnn; William Irving, died in hospital after amputation of leg; Mrs. Jeremiah Shuckrow. of Danville. 111.; unidentified woman aboitt 30 years old, fatally injured; Michael Ryaji, motornian of trolley car, skull fractured. _ Flowers In the Arctlo. Dr. Sche'. the geologist?a member oi the last Sverdrup Arctic expedition ?recently delivered a lectvire before the Geographical Society of Christlania on the vegetable life of Ellesmereland. in 7S to 73 degrees of northern latitude and separated from Greenland by Smith Sound. During the summer tracts of the lowlands are covered with Arctic flowers. A mountain slope of one of the bays was completely covered with the violet-colored flower stalks of the species saxifrage opposltifolia. In the rocks remnants of nlants were disenvorod tho species of which to-day arc found in much warmer climes?for instance, in Australia. Dentistry by Phonograph. One of the leading dentists of Pari? is using the phonograph to lessen the pain of tooth-pulling. When a patient is seated in the chair, he places the phonograph tubes to the ears and and allows tho instrument to work foi a little while. Then he administers 1ho anaesthetic, and finds that the patient becomes unconscious much mere quickly and easily, and requires much less anaesthetic than was form erly the case. Not only that, but he can perform the dental operation without interruption, and *?hen the i patient recovers consciousness the j after-affeets are inconspicuous. A dispatch from Saratoga to the New York World gives a dolorous account cf the state of affairs at "The Springs." The suppression of gambling at the famous rnsnrl mmni' ............. 1 the slimmer depire to po there either tor purposes of health or recreation. Ae a consequence, where there used to he gay throngs in the hotels and upon the streets, there is now hut a crippled and decimated array of visitors. The snorts have hi< 1 themselves to safer j lay _rounds. FITS permanent lycured. No ntsornervomneas after Mrst day'snso of l?r. Kline's (tn-nt Ni'i veU<,stor<>r,'?-trtii! hot tie and treatise true Dr. U.II.Ki.inu, Ltd., Wl Arch St., l'.iilu., Pa. *l"ii-> International Seamen's L'niuu lias In,'MO aliiliutud members. I isn's Cure is the best medicine we ever used lor alt atTe.U ions of Ihrout and hums. \Y?r. O. v, Vauhuren. Itid., Feb. in, l'.KM. X< in !, i is said to he successfully treated in Italy 1>\ the use of blut li^lit. \ "SitiMcss" Training School, (lolitey < ollcue is It UtlMinr Hint SI1..1I hand Scic.-u lluit : ,.| - !> '< i II11 \ o MM i i c. IT i S . n: f.. I'I sI Nl ss sI' ( ( K-> a rail UIC.cs Willi Inn llruiH. Sluo. a's Irolillie rl t?? New i H'rifi JVr cataloytte. Add" <iol..'i ;, ( ottefji', Ito.v _'.A>o, \\ itm111 tlIoil. Lie. O . of the luf?.'st (in< 1 m is! noti en I'lisii s s.*rc- sei a anywhere is ih f a u; i< -ita I i ask t Co. im du (r ninium ! Ii new la lory at Nn*hviMe, Teim.. niude on a wire fraiv wui ii ii in i : in let < : ., si.\ feet high and ol e turn.I: i <; '. I whtcll cftl I r? t 'nm n t u . Is tree by dnv. u v. en -| >i I trio light*, eon b* i a . ven turll. r, This is the n j i. n;;;i is i-ailcil oil o rtirilish Casket? hills ii'* -1 prominent i-iplo evrywlien', including am<'iii; it- r nt erd-vs. Caskets I--:- hients \Villi;iin MeKlnlcy. llei>jnniin lliurisoii unit tin- lut" liinii'iit"<l (Jen. .lotin 1!. (iorilnn. ami yet whose goods ran be had through tlir smallest undertaker in every town. I'r< n tli f-i t t irt tliey are ralleil on to furnish < : k ; -?r the I.est citizens everywhere, there must l> sortie merit in their elaitn that 111- r go.ids are the best, Ullil tile S. U 1 should !" proud to llllVe 11 braneh of such a high class establishment I within her borders. A Villume of Statistics. Tito volume of statistics just issued by the London County Council contains some interesting figures bearing m the condition of London. The most remarkable fact brought under notice is the steady decline in the birth rate. In 1 StiT it reached u little over 3tl7s per ! LOGO, while in 1902 it fell to a little | iter 28 per 1,000. The death rate in 1902 was the lowest ever recorded except that of 1901. which was slightly less. Id 0 d botanic i? dididiblggd balm h The Great Tested Remedy for the speedy ( $ I and permanent cure of Scrofula, Rheurna- v tism, Catarrh, Ulcers, Eczema, Sores, Erup tions, Weakness, Nervousness, and all ^ BLOOD AltD SKIN DISEASES. It is by far the best building up Tonic ar.d a Blood Purifier ever olfercd to the world. 1( X make* new, rich blood, imparts renewed s-i a talitv, and possesses almost miraculous X a, healing properties Write fnr Book ol Won- ^ i > derful Cum, sent freo on application. ^ . y If not kept by your local druggets, scnil ^ $t oo for a large bottle, or 5s oo for six bottles, X 4 J and medicine will be sent, freight paid, by X BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Oa. f?. "I And Caacareta ao good that I would not bo without them. 1 wan troubled a (treat deal'with torpid liver and headache. Now ainee taking Onscarete Candy Cathartic 1 foel very much hctt'r 1 ahull certainly recommend them to my Irleiids aa the beat medicine 1 have evor Been." Anna Buiiuet. Oaboru Mill No. 2. Fall Klror, Matt. Best for zr bowels jt CANDY CATHARTIC Plonaant. Palatable. Potent Taate flood. I>o flood Neker talckon. Weaken or (<ripv. 10c. Rc.tDc. Never aold In bulk. The genuine tablet Btairped C U O. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. iiiis rrmtoy V.O., Chicago or N.V. 601 ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES HERE IT IS! Wnnt to learn nil about jr a Itorae? How to I'lck Out il Good One? K l)D\v Imperfections and so" V Guard against Frnud? \ J Detect Disease and Kf- A*""1 mJ t fect a Cure when same J \ f \ Is possible? Tell tho 0 V. / .' Age by the Teeth? What to can the Different Parts of tho Animal? How t< Shoe a Horse Properly? All this and other Valuable Information can he oh tallied by reading our 1BO-PAOK IhLUSTKATED HORSE HOOK, which we will forward, postpaid, on receipt of only - cents In stamps. BOOK PUB. HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. N. Y. City. : 1 ' / 1 . >5? i ' i-n"* / *V - ^ "'&^&>4ijl:Jt. i ><' : / M iss ii a p good te of Fallopian and Ov and escaped an awfi Lydia E* Pinkham's "Di:.\u Mus. Pinkiiam: ? I silf doctors ?.ill d Sulj in^i;is (inhnmma rilis, which arc most distressing an fuiriounding parts. nndermiiiing tin \ forces. It you haa seen me a year a Plnkhu;n's Vegetable Compound sallow complexion, and general ema< person villi mo as 1 am today, rob i wonder that i Icel thankful to v which i - (I me to new life and 1 from an awful operation."?Miss J Windsor, Out. Oviiritil nr intl:iminn(inn ~ ....wtuiuikiivu bite uva ovaries may result from suildeD sir.ppin j tion of tho womb, and many other cans with the ovaries, indicated bv dull thi by heat anil shootiui' pains, sr."<ld clai cura itself, and a hospital oper.\ .ion, wil neglect. " Puati Mas. Pixkiiam: ? I cm my life, S car.not express my " iieforo I wrc a; to you telling tva v Mir* steady and spoilt lots of n faiiwU. to o 1110 any good. j\lv mom 'I suite faint ii t~' :* S rv-- ' ifh -v lw.-iriii / r- y>V'- ?.-.? -X pearm , ^ it was A V * :i'.) r; Vi a 'n as din f v ' v Vjd of Ly< ? '' .r "\ *.? 'i'f puum | . ; ?... s#r bks lc w ^ r ^~\ UI will always recommend voui these few lilies may It :i< 1 others remedies." ? Mrs. T. C. \>se: Such nnqucstioiiaMe testimony pi ham's Vcnetuhle ronipound over Women should remember th JLLrs. A'iiiliham at Lynu, Mass., ab OANOKE COLLEGE FOR.Y ^ A Select ami Limited Collesro 2.4- Teachers and LAST TEAR THE MOST SUCCfiSSFl Ideal Home Surround iocs, ltal SEND FOR CA -R. E. HA TTOjW, . $20.00 TO $40 Reins Made soiling "300 1 ?S7 book of lt'Kal an<) business f Tjk Compendium of plain and o l Calculator ami Farmer's Re Wtd ^ complete net of interests p- -ixjft ments of CISTKRN8. Timb T-*-*TMH on* volum*. Over 472 patf J jfnfrjB It is a Complete business i ! Jj&wj fjlMI'I.E, PRACTICAL, ai ^-7 ."t "iTatxl K'fla c?n sell as well i ^ fS One a?<r>t ln the country ( R!p?l35flU week. Agents have canvas. Selling prleo $1.50 I.iberal s'*i y*?il' 1i lsfactlon guaranteed (or inoi V.Circulars free. ACA T)EMy. For BOYS | KocK&itU. Md. I IDEAL TRAINING SCHOOL. HOMELIFE, INDIVIDUAL CARE AND ! INSTRUCTION: FITS FOR UNIVER- | SITY OR LIFE. ADDRESS. W. P. MASON. U. S. N. A., PRIN. - '.vy ..a -WlLMOI<!S V-,\^ 2 x. FRECKLE CUFIE ?/V V\ 5 - -> nAaANTttnfca f RtcretV un *-v ^V. ? ? i SVK9WW MOTH fWUS?e? LHAPS y ' K *, . V /? ^ SO? A BOX TRIAL 2.6?^ 5 /\i RWILSOX'SCO^X5iifwJt _ | \ CHARLESTON. S. C. / * jj * I' : -"* \ f-** SAlL AT Au- 0WU<> yWW' ? I Atfania College of Pharmacy. Creator demand for <mr trraduatos than we can supply. Address, 1>K. GKO. F. 1'AYNJU, l>e:?n, l.'l Whitehall Htrcct, Atlaiita, tia. | weofT-V: l".i'e Thomnicn's Fun S~+HICK?JVS E you cannot spend years and do! buy the knnwli due required by cents. You want them to pay t them lis a diversion. In order to handle tninK about them. To meet this want we of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 25 a man who put nil his mind, and time. a en raislnR?not as a pastime, but as a bus ty-live years' work, you can save many C urn dollars for you. Tho point Is, that Poultry Yard as soon as It appears, and k teach you. It tells how to detect and cur fattening; which Fowls to save for bred you should know on thN suhjeet to make live cents In sirups. DOCK PUB.* 'tSUIf* . w y lis how she was cured arian Inflammation ? il operation l^y using1 \T-~-*.~uu n~L J d V-?^MipOUriCU fered for four yours with what the tionof the fullopiut: t ubes) and ovad painful ailments, affecting all tho ?. constitution, a:id sapping the life go, before I Ik?k;ui taKing I.ydiu C. I, and had nniio. 1 the sunken eyes, dated condition, and compared that ust, hearty and well, you would not ou and your wonderful medicine, lealth in live mont hs, and saved me lUKNb Hapoood, 1022 Sandwich SL, rics or fallopian tubes which adjoin the of the monthly flo?r, from intlnmwaes. The sliphtot indication of trouble obbing pain in the side, accompanied m your instant attention. It will not lb all its terrors, may easily result from t truly say that you haw saved, gratitude to you in words, how I felt, 1 had doctored for ov r lonoy in medicine ha. ides, hut it a it tes (lid not iimn-nc !? > *' 1 V ..rt?VW4 444 UiUi. IlIJlU', UilU rod muoli pain. I would daily have i? spolis, lu-adaehe, backache and tr down pain, and was so weak that hard for nu jh> do my work. [ used your medicine and treatment 'Clod, and after taklu.y; tiirco bottles lia E. I*inkham*s Yofsetabh Com!, menses o.opeared, my wontlt trouft me, and 1 have I con it ftnlar ever since. I u- <1 fourteen bottles of I.ydia E. K'inUlmnr.s Vegetable Com pound and ltlood Purifier together, and am now restored to perfect health. Had it not been for you, I would have la-en in my grave. wonuemu remedies, and hope that who suffer as I did to try your s", R. R. No. 1, Manning, Iowa. ovuh the pow< r of Lydia ! >. IMnlcdiseases ?<f women. at they are privileged to consult out their illness, cutirely tree. 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This book will I; ditftase; to feed for crrs nnd also for tllnw purposes; and ovorythlrifit, Indeed. It profitable. Sent postpaid for twenty3 IIOUSK, 131 Leonard St., NewYorkCltj