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mi " ~ l | J.- a i. VJtV w* t . T Items of Local interest ?-.v. - * *? The coon! y etur.p tinn clo.eee Fridky wiili lUt- in* otuijr ?t YorUville f |V Born, KnmlHy morinnir to Mr. aftcl Mrs. F'red" K inibrell, a hiogh i ter." ' ' Mrs. L. L. Wnrrela nut? ur.cst, | Mrs. B. B Warmer, spent Friday t_r : 1 : i ft.u ivt i- mil. Mowlames fi. JrT'isecy nnd ft. Id. Mil.a spent "'rielny mi .1-ocI; Rill. I. \V. Pnker and children-1 returned Tli-urvHay from a visit to. relatives in HlieHiy, N. C-\ Mr. and Mrs. Clark oik! ck>;ldren and Mrs. Ailey Gulp, of Clou-inn-, were vif.itors during the past week at the-liotnc oj; Mr. D. M. A'ulp, of this pln<-e. Prof. .1 K. Roach, the newly elected principal of the Fort Mill graded school, was up from JflocU Hill 'Friday. A force of hands have been en ! g; igob Monday in building J a chert platform around the hew ItOCCiuooie d 11 .?? 1* ...... ...A I /iicin* nm i 01 n 'II li IP* ' | MTl Tvl that the buildinu will he nponed to the public within u f< w days l)r. ? Daniel and a< lopied daughter, Miss tiertrude Ander | son, of Jacksonville, Fin., have been guests of the Palun tto hotel for the past ten days. Miss. i\ ite (\.lp i.. visiting he? eiAtec, ilrs. G. S. Tho*.npsoa, of <irah: ai. N. (' Messrs. John S Harris and K. Parks returned Monday irglit from a short stay at Cleveland Springs, N. C. Miss Ktv.nin MoFIhnney is serious'y ill of typhoid fever at the i home of her c?Ubin. Mr. A. H McKlliuney. on Forest Biioet. Wr. W. M. Phillips was up from Rock Rill yo?t? iday. iiisr Wrenn Haiti* and T'rien<l, Miss Heath of Monroe, returned] to Fort Mill yesterd ly. after a] visit to relatives in Yurkville. Misses Kitlie and Mabel Kirk-! pntrick arul Louise McMumy J'*' turned yesterday from a \isit to friends Kt Hluckstock. M ise JSllie Parks letuined Sun-' dny frotu a visit to relatives at Rankin, N. C. A force of hands are busily engaged in making repairs aiid other wise putting in shape the graded school building, prepuiatory to the opening of the next session on {Septewilier >. Mr. and Mih. J, E. Hruce and children, of Wintisboio. are visitors at the home nf Mr A V Youiitf, <?f tnis place. Tlu* Times is pleased to i?<111? that the condition of Mis. Win. -Dritrin. who has for the p int ten days heen dangerously id with ty plioid fever, his improved very much during the week. M is. Lee Armstrong and children. of Spencer. N. hiv \ is .oi .-, id tli>o home of Mrs. Armstronu father, Mr. J. il. Sutioii, in upjKMFort Mill. Mr. White Consult, of Pleasant Valley, has accepted a clerkship in the druii store of Dr. T. li. M each am, of this phiee. The Times is informed that Prof. *J. A . Moyil. who was engaged dur iu^; the last school term as pritiei pal of the liiylt school at Pineville, lias accepted a similar position with a scIki l in High Point, N, C The Looks <?f tho Foil Mill Democratic dub will he closed this p. m. Does your name up pear on the list? If not, you should see Mr. W. Me. Culp, w ho has charge of the hooks, and quai ity iu vuit- in me primary election next Tuesday. The apple crop being adundant hereabouts, some of I lie fanneis lire oileritii; for sate quantities of fresh eider which they make an I bring to town to lie disposed of. The young people composing tin1 ho ?k eluhs of the Sharon (N.C.) township came down last Thursday and spent the day pie tiicing on Catawba river, near the dam. A big di'nuer was served, and a general good time enjoyed. The annual brown's Shop pi<"nil* was held lam h'riday according to arrangement. A majority of the candidates were present and delivered addresses. The crowd was estimated at from 1001) to 1500. All report the occasion a very enjoyable one. Be.v. Lid. S. Iv< t'Vt's, of Mufreesborn, Tumi., who. with hi-* family, is visiting at tin* home of Dr. T. li. Meaeham, preached an eloquent and instructive sermon from the pulpit of the Baptist church Sunday morning. The Baptism of several candidates took place iminediatly after the serinon. Despite the abundance of rain during the past few weeks it is generally conceded that the average rendition (if all crops in this section is higher at this time tfinu j?t any coi responding date in .to or 20 years I :r, xx a; ? ?. * We have .just receive Squares, wjhieh we offer ; IHev are piefeecl over. r ' / ok-*" *-? a \Yc have some nicedi needing a Carpet, it will arrives. We will ha* e it $ We have jusl recei\ e< you need a Stove we can ' FURN1T Our stock of Fur 11 itu now. We ha\c iust reeei J - ? ? ? . Drcvscrs. WushstiHKis. II robes, Rockers, < lhai rs, T /'oclvets, Ocsks and Novo kcp\ in an up-to-date l:ur ills Killed By Train Jackson Crocket, a colored man about .'i'i years of ai;o, was struck and almost instantly killed by passenger train No 2> Friday afti riKMii at ij:H0 o'clock. Crockett was up to a few duysatro employed as a railroad trackman mii/IaIi* Ss.ii?l i/?i? I<\ oniiini ? M ummvi *.p\ \ i wi B I WIVIIKIII >1 Ml K'll, Iwt at tin* tinsi1 ?>r his death was employed at tin1 plant of tlie(1luir lotto Itriek Company. - miles youth of Fort Mill. Friday afternoon after liniahino hisday's work at the l?rit-k yard, Crockett, with several o !.? r negroes, was cnmiii*; aloiiu the tracks of the rail road to hihomo is: this place. When h point opposite th Mil! fort Mill had been reached it seems that Crockett had none ahead of iiis menus a snort distance un<l. ; owing to the fact that a freight i train was shifting cars nearby. He nii't] to pay no attention to tin passo .ger train approaching from tlit* mar. CYo? kett continued his walk between the main line and the side track, upon which a seclion of a freight train stood, until the passenger train was within a few few feet of liiiu. Just at this lime his friends railed to liiiu to get out of the way. Mid it is evident that Crockett thought that his friends were warning him of danger from the freight train, for he mounted the main line directly in front of the passenger train. The negro was carried several feet upon the pilot aiid.his body rolled off between the tracks. The wheels of the train did not pass over him but the force of the blow was so great as to break his neck, both legs and an arm, producing death almost instantly. The coroner was noliti d of the accident, and held an inquest Saturday, the jury rendering a verdict in accordance with the above facts. The negro's remains were taken to Smiths Turnout Saturday fot i. ? ? -?? Mr. S. L M'-acliiun, win* lias beet: lemployedto superintend tin* civc lion of the lines and 1 h <in.stn lint ion of the incandescent lumps in illl)usi11ess houses hikI residcnses ol the town, is now enquired in erecting poles along the several streets. 'I'lie wires, lights and other equipment which was In,light seveini weeks ago is expected to arrive daily, and, upon its arrival, the j work will he pushed to completion us lapidly as possible. ? Sid of a Bitter Fight"Two physicians ha<l a long and stubborn tight with an abscess on my right mag,' writes P. J. Hughes of DuPont. (in., "'and gave me up. Everybody thought my lime had come. As a last resort 1 tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. 'I he benefit I received was striking and I was oil my in a ft w days- Now I've entirely regained my health," II conquers all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. (Guaranteed by all druggists. Price 5oc .iiid Trial bottles free. NOTICE. The or? di tors of Mrs. Eliza Fullwood, deceased, are requested to present fchei: a -couiits to ine for settlement within 150 days. L. A. HARRIS. K?. rt Mill. S. C.. .Tuly U. 1904. % - v^ v. u'^", i "!?' &. -T^. % id a large lot of Mill En :it very low prices. Call i jets at id IVfattii :si;4ns in vdiina and Japan ' pay you U. wait until our ti in all gr&dcs and prices an toves, Stoves. \ a large shipment of Sto save you money. URE, FURINI re was never fuller or 11 ived several car loads of ..11 !>.. .3. - rr cm *\aeus, vainminers, >an ahlcs. Kitchen Cabinets. I" Ities of all kinds, in fact, liiture House. Yours foi business, cSo "ST o O aA 1 ft (M Bella I C3-E3 |REA ? Get ready to cut P and grass. ^ Buy a p McCcrmick 05 I assd R; jg Binder twine and re] 1 Now ts the time to s P iuriiip ? and we can furnisl ? kinds. | f 118 Old Rein q|! T. B? BELX, ?90?0?000???SS SOIX. RAILWAY EFFECTIVE MAY SOUTH BO I Train No. 2.7 Lv Charlotte 0.25 p. Ar Fo ? 27 ? i, B. 10 a. ,, , ? 29 ? ,, 10.05 p. ? ?? ti 33 ti ?t 9..1.7 a. tt i NOUTHBOl Train No. 20 Lv Chester 10.00 a. Ar Foi ,t ,, 28 Cola. 3,10 p. ,, ,, ?0 ., 0.10 a. ? .. 31 ?', 5.15 p Note?Forf Mill is a regular ? topping {*> Nos. 29. 38 aud 34. which sup cu itag. N< * ?. - - ; -* 1. m[m*i u ?? * ?*1 "T"?"* ""* * J G- 3. <Ls in Rugs and Art tnd see them before\ rig. flattings, if you are nil stock of Carpeting /J will suit you. ves and Utencils. If TURE, lore up-to-date than handsome Suits. Odd js, 1 Clipboards, Wardasels, Pictures, Wall we have everyth ing ung. 3?@0?0????S? lis Store | H I i g 1 3D Y! ? your pea vines x Mower 1 A ake? j| pairs in stock, Jg ?w ? Seed 1 i you with all thin Cinnn ? 1IJ1G DIUIO.S o PROP. >??0???0 ?0 & SCHEDULE. 2MTII, 1001. JND. rt Mill 7.20 p. Ar Chi--tor * 20 p , ,,! a. Cola. 10 1"/ a 10.25 p. ,, ,, 1.2.1 ]) ,, 10.07 ?. ,, ,, 12.15 j> JND. t Mill 2.IS p. Ar Charlotte 2.20 p ,, 0.25 p. |i 7.It) p ? U.rJ u. D.ftOa ,, 7.MO p. ,, ,, 8.o:> p int for all the above trains, except ?s. 2f. and JO <lo not run Sundays \ ?! v."";1 " uf-?"-7TT~"" &f>? '. I FUKNitUlU hi Q VWl I \rn VI gi Olill 111^ JU ^ New .stuvk jost arrived. (m you will winder how we can kji Sb \Y*e don't ask you a big pr ^ v.e are not -lews. We have ev rock bottom prices at the Blurt jj FRXJIT Half (ialloii size, S Quart size, (>0c pc Jellv Tumblers, ^ Ice Cream Freezers AT < Don't forget the $.'100 Piai ^ you. A ticket for every dollar ^ in ore tickets you have the belt this n.ngniliceiit Piano. Col | I,l TVf ft FaU^tyie Ilavo just roceivod in soil ;!'id slifr goods Run the "Longley" j tho host, or tlie "Elk" $11.00. We have been for 12 years. A Our buyers will lea1 markets in a short tim special order you woul tend to, we would be g you. Respect full MEAGHAM RDSS!A AT are at I hit Japan is in the le; MePI hanev-Parks ( ami uors are sennit; Allocs, t loin puny ol'lcr the best from 100 to 200 per cen rate are bound to reach t Shoes. Keep your eyes open the Shoes this fall, if prit See us for a pair. McElhanej I ( ; f f Nr .JjaT'-v. ,. TIIE u ^ a-vjjf the li jl t;if li ch the SUMW pajJTHERN "? Mill! W.A.T_ ^ p- ?'-.s8. Traffic Mgr. V Washington. r>.?:# ' " .Jt'.1 it ?Tr-~l*nrr.T!-7^: :?:.. .. ^ 5, M'OVLS, ? A CHINES. | Compare our prioes and ^ ive you so much money. M ice hikI then *'jew down," Spfc erythin^ marked down to ^ L (iive uh your order for ^ jaus. g 7nc per dozen. ^ ;r dozen. 5 r>c. Jar Rubbers 3c S ?'? that we are going to give ^ you spend with us. The ^ er your chances of winning in pure our prices. s s ? y, | is of Hats. our Fall Hats, both in all the new shapes. at 83.00, if vou want * at 82.00, 82.50 and selling these goods vo for the Northern e and if you have a %/ d like for us to at;lad to do our best for v yours, \ O _ <D JAPAN nai". id by a big majority, pany and their competbut McElhaney-Parks Shoes on the market t. cheaper, and at this lie lead line in selling T for we are going to sell ;es will sell them. ?3i .. '-Parks Co. NE FOR BUSINESS, NE FOR PLEASURE, MK fOR 1MB BEST fER RESORTS jlete Summer Resort Folder d to Any Address. M. HAKnwicie, W. H.Tatlo*. , Cf n'l ;\?s. Aecr.t, Asst. Csn'l Pass. AftVM^H.'HOlON. B.C. ATLANTA, OA. ? !) 'mi??NNWP|P?yHPfW h 5 * .? .-A..