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FORT M I l i liTTMKSt DEMOCRATIC FTBLItSHKP KVliUV \VK> >N"K3DA"Y B. W. BRADFORD. Terms <>t; Subscription: C>ne year $1.00 j Fix nemilts 50 Three tit* m nil.-. -5 OtnT.-sj.ij ?i current subject** is . Invited, but Hit rest onslbllity Is ns- j Sunifil <mv the views i)f correspondents. 1 Aliouymous 'ctjnnnitnb iitlons will hot tie published Im these ralumns. < in npplictu i?>n to the publisher, ad- ; ? vertlslhK j-ntes ore made ki.own to ; ,those Interested. Fort Mill 'Phone (with loiiK distance ' romnniinns) No. 2'!. AUGUST 24, 1004. - ? - . ... | Take Your Choice. Following in 11?*-* lint of onndi- ! * (loir*, together with the to) which';y iiHpire, troniporiing t!.<*; county"iicket to he voted in the, primary election next Tuesday; t ^ /i t\ 1^' i rn r>?r r <>iiur?'Ss-T- 1?. iv ruuoy, x. i Y. Williams. Fur Sviiu-itor. Oth Circuit-^ J. K.! " Henry. For State Senator?.1 S. Brine. For Representatives ?J. W. Ar(hcy, .!. K Ht'Hiiurunnl. .1. K Massey. Sr., JTrank 1'. McCain, Joseph JI Say?.' For Sheriff lln^h (I. Bro'wn, B. F. Caldwell, (ieo. A., J-V \ ( 1i ii vufi itrl 1 fell it I* (iiii'fl/iii Roht. IV Lowry, S. S. IMexico,, Jpsrph M.Siuih, J. H. Sulton. F<?r Clerk of Court?John R. j I.npnii, -I. A. Tate, J. 0. Wilborn, "\V. Brown Wylie. For County Supervisor?Tlios. "NV. Boyd, S. N. Johnston, It. M. 1 "NVhit For Coroner- 1?\ E. Clinton, L. W. Eouthian. For Snpt. of Education ? John , E. Carroll, John A. Slim ley. For Treasurer?J. R. Haile, II. A.'I). Neel'ey, A. K. Smith. For Auditor?N.J. N Bo wen,' .John .1. tinnier, 1>. legrani, H. T. Williams, \V. 1j. VVilliams, ?Ir. For County Commissioners Joe W. Fivj?uho!i, #1. A. Campbell Love, Ladd J. Loin pun , John L. llainey. Russia's Day of Disaster Till* day of disaster is upon the i Russians, wiyH the Charlotte Olnouii-le. Their aoa power in goiie' aiid the same fate may reasonably he expected to overtake their ( land forces in succession. The ! daps are now pounding I'ort Ar- j tlntr for the final victory. That 1 ' il6ne, big re enfoivinents will be made available to march on the 'Russians. The .Taps are both strategists and tight* rs. Events prove that they have studied out every uiove and made it in a masterlv wliv. As a recoil of llioooei - ' V j ' ? " ** * I'' nitons of tin' past few days, there | ie tlow neither a Russian Port Ar ' tliur, nor a Yaldivostoek floet. One of the crack crosiers has been sunk in an open and fair tight. All the other ships of the J ;v.V squadrons have been dispersed, j some back to theiroriuinal harbors, others to their nearest haven t?f safety, and all of them more or lees damne d. It amounts to this: that the Russian has been practically ! 'destroyed. The big Czarovitch j Had three eruziers, wlticji took ref- I 'ugent Ohee Poo. have been dismantled and will know nothing inure of the war. The naval ling j 'of Russia has been hauled down | in absolute defeat. The Japs con- > tml the seas and they are soon to control the land. i ??- - - I To Recelva Final Hearing. One of the most important cases that will o.ome before the United' States supreme court for decision in October is the South Ohio linn dispensary case, which has . been before the courts for several years, and which involves large , sources of revenue to the general ' government. Since the establish- ' inent of the dispensary system in I 'Palmetto Stale the revenue olticals of the government have held that the dispeiiseis are actually liquor _ I - I ? ? ? tiemtTH mill come under 111levcn- ] no laws of the I'nitad Slates, by! wliit-li a tax of $100 per annum )uiH been impolled upon the State commissioner of dispensaries and $25 p< r annum up< n each of tlie hinneh dispensaries. ' Two' or three years n^o a protest ' was innde by the State of South I (Carolina against the payment <>f' this tax and a suit was entered against the general mivernmpnt for tlie recovery of such sums of m m- ' Vy as has been paid in on this no , coilut. The suit, which wan tiled H.f. ..r -I-:? I JII IIIU I.IMII I *JI 1IMIUIM, WMS UIHmhsed and appeal mrh .taken l?y the State of South Carolina to the ; Supreme Court of thp United j plates. Should tjie cov< rnineot )(we this cace it would probably sot Ii precpdant by which la rye sums of money for.internal revenue would }ie lost to the yeneial ^oyerment, Iih it in realized that other states could start the dispensary system and' thus do riwny with paying the Internal revenue tor conducting }}je IhjuoV huriiues. it. i.j<, i . Sabbath Breaking. From the mountains to the seashore tl?ere is Sabbath breaking by all classes and .conditions of people. Sumo, doubtless, have a rea>onnble excuse. c?wiu<^ to tlieir teaching. associations, examples and surtpundiuus, while others Iihvq ultsolntely no excuse; hut are in a measure respon-ible for the conduct of those who form that class here iirst spoken of as havinu a possible excuse. The statute laws of South Carolina, which are made in accordance with the laws of (iod as laid down in the commandments, aie amply sufficient, if enforced, to Secure a strict observance of this day in accordance with all of tho provisions and requirements there in laid clown in plain, unmistakable lei ms. In I lie mountains there art1 sports, such as fishing, hunting, dancing, gambling, rambling through the woods; any amusement that can be indulged in by that people inhabiting these rural districts. In tin1 cities, especially Charleston, there are excursions by boat, by railroad train and trolley car. Saturday's city newspapers advertise all the various amusements planned for the next clay. Isle of Palms, at which there will be a concert, a buseball game; at some other island, a (lance, races, etc., beer guldens and all other attractions to induce one to participate; so the people have every accomodation offered, and go flying by the open doors of churches bent upon a day's sport of every coii. i.: i . i. .. it . i CCIVIIIMC IIIIIU, OII1CI I.Z1H1I WOlSllip of ilim who made t lii-Mii ami the (lay tliey desecrate. We ask is it any wonder that crime is rife in the land when those in authority, corporations, intelligent and iniluentiul individuals offer inducements and afford opportunities for the violation of the laws, human and divine, which provide a strict observance of the Jjord's day? It iH true and is so thought, that the commission of one sin leads to the commission of another and never of a lesser degree; but always of a greater ai d more heinous character; just as one's conscience becomes more elastic until it becomes seared by the commission of one sin after another, going from had to worse 11 id l I tlie hrniiil ?if tin* millmv worn upon the brow of the once innocent child.? Union Times. ? ? Snakes In Cabbage. In Truesdalonnd other counties in Tennessee the eabbaijes have been discovered to contain a snake in the very center of the bud which is in tile center the head. The snake is described as beino almost white and about the size of small wrapping cord, and about 12 or 14 inches longr A woman can cut up a cabbage and not see it, because t ! 11? V* <oiili)iit < ? Hti i? j ... "I' " smaller pieces than four pints, this leaves the snake in the center of the hiul frequently Many people1 have been made sick from eating the cabbage and some deaths have occurred in that part of Tennesse where this cabbage snake is found. A child was made sick by the drink inn of the water in which the cahl>ii|40 had been boiled, and the cook was Recused of putting poison in pot while boiltig the cabbage. To prove her innocence of the charge she drank of the same water and died. Cabbage in that part of the State cannot be sold at all, and the crop ij being fed to the hogs. JI would be well for people who eat eabbage to examine the the heads of all the cabbage they cut. cut into small pieces before cooking. ? Willie Hearst is, it seems, destined to drain the cup of disappointment to the dretrs. savs the Charleston Feat Or pt'rhnps we should say that he has lost the substance in reaching for the shadow. At any rate, to drop a metntnaphor and come down to cold facts, it is stated that Tammany has decided that Hearst shall not he renominated from the Eleventh district, which lie has represented in the House for one term. It is the plan of Leader Mnrphy to let Representative Francis Hnrton Harrison, a very excellent and able young Democrat, who now represents the Thirteenth district because the Eleventh is certainly Democratic and the Thirteenth is normally Republican and was carried by Harrison only with great effort and because of his popularity. an achievement which Tnmnm. nv properly thinks should receive recognition hy assigning him to iui easier position. Air. Hearst will now see what he gained hy his liopeless chase for the presidency and his some time cooperation with Tammany in an effort to prevent the nomination of Judge I'arker. Incidentally, it might he said, that if Tammany drops the young yellow man it will not reduce the strength of Democratic representation in Congress a - < p The Spratt-White Reunion. " ; The annual reunion of the Spratt i and White families was held last , Thursday at Mt. Mollv, N. C. at ; , the home of 3Jr. and Mrs. Wade j Rankin. The families of Mr. Jus. Polk Spratt. of Livingston, Ala., A. S. White, Fred Nims, J.M. Spratt, tJ. W. Spratt. Ji. M. Spratt, of ' Chester. W. It. Hoke, J..L .Spratt mul Mrs. W. E. Spratt, amounting to 17...left Fort Mill by private conveyance Wednesday morning and. after a picnic dinner at Steel j Creek church, reached Mt. Holly j about dark. Wt d need ay night 50 people cat ; .1 n:..: i i * I ?? it MI r?u 11 [ M i in i i ir w 411 111 L; I * * * 1111 ami to ! host' wlio have visited at j this delightful country home it is unnecessary to stute that the large crowd was waited upon and enter j taiued during the -two days and ! j two nights of their stay as easily hh if it were an every day occur- i rcnce for three score pooplo to ! drop in for dinner or supper. The younger people spent the , days in various forma of amusement, while the older ones sat ! around and talked of tl.o good old days gone by; of what happened | at the .Battle of the Wilderness | ami what Aunt Smartt wore when ' sin* danced with I'ncle Jinitny MeKec at the old log school house I in *59. Thursday evening a business meeting was lieid and it was de! eidcd to hold the reunion next August at tin home of Mrs. W. K. Spratt. which is the old Spratt homestead. i l i lufiy morning uuer a very reluctant farewell, tlit* Fort Mill par j ty started for home, and, after an; other picnic dinner at Kannlcehnri_', reached home about dark, tired but happy. * The News of Pleasant ValleyMis. O. P. Heath, of Monroe, is visiting in Pleasant Valley. Mr.and Mrs. Duncan Wolf, of Fort Mill, visited here last week. The Pleasant Valley high school opened upon the Kith ilist, with Mrs. C. LI. lines as principal. Dr. H. M. Potts visited a "speI cim" friend in the mountains of [ North Carolina last week. A protractd meeting will begin at Pleasant Valley Baptist chart I) next Sunday. The pastor will be assisted by Rev. Mr. .Bennett, of ' Union county, N. C. Two games of baseball, which j niigh be termed hh veritable "inerry go grounds," were played on the Pleasant Valley diamond last week, i The tirst game was between Plensj ant Valley and Bull Run and resulted in a score of 22 to 1 in favor of the P. V. boys. The other was between New Hope and Pleasant! Valley, and the hope of the "new ; hope" was all in vain, as the score ( was IS to 1 in favor P. V. The county campaign meeting for Lancaster county met at Belair on the Kith inst. Neariy all the | voters of Indian Land township ! were present. The legislative can- , didates made very interesting j and instructive speeches. They | held different opinions as to the various issues of immigration, biennial sessions etc;. They uniformly advocated the Brice bill. Quite a number of our people i attended tne Brown Shop picnic last Friday and report a very enjoyuble lime. S. 10. B. Candidates Visit Fort Mill. The people of Fort Mill and vicinity were given an opportunity i during the past week of hearing j both the congressional and county ! candidates express themselves upj oil the iinpoitnnt issues. The congressional candidates, Messrs. Finlcy and Williams, were here Wednesday, and, despite the fact that their coining was not announced until Tuesday, a crowd of about 150 voters were out to hear them. The speeches of these gentlemen, upon such issues as the 1 tariff, trusts, good roads, etc., were ; ' full of interest and both speakers were liberally applauded at the ! close of their addresses. On Thursday the regularly appointed county campaign meeting was held here, beginning at 101 o'clock a. m. and continuing until , about 4:30 in the afternoon. All i the candidates, with a possible ex- ' ception of two or three, were ores- ; out. The crowd in attendance was estimated at 5J50 people. The first speakers were the candidates for the legislature, each being allowed 15 minutes time. The subjects touched upon were, mainly, the biennial session question, good roads and education, aud while j the speeches were delivered hurriedly, they were nevertheless interesting, and the applause was1 quite frequent. These were followed by the csndidates for clerk of court, sheriff, etc., each of whom touched upon the duties of the of- j I tice to which he aspired aud asked for the supp ut of the voters of the township. Tne meeting was1 closed by the speech of Senator , a * ' N M , \ ? 4 * Seed. All popular varieties. WB.Mrey&Co. J. S. Brice. who in a very interesting manner gave a lengthy talk upon the more important issues of the clay. The best of order prevailed throughout the day. With the exception of a few the candidates remained over night and attended tin? picnic Friday at Brown's Shop, where it was said about 1,001) people were present. The Eeath Fcnalty. A little thing son\etinies results in death- Thus a mere scratch, insignificant cuts or puny boils have paid tiedeath penalty. It is wise to have ituclclen's Aruica J-'aPe ever handy. It's tiebest Salvo on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns. Sores, II leers and Piles threaten. Quly 35c at all drugstores. The New York Sun, which dur illj.' almost the whole of KoosevhIi'h term has been bitterly liontile to him ami which whb expected to support the Democratic candidates for piesi.leiit anil vice-president. has come out for llotsevelt and Fairbanks. ? Suiciic Frevented. The startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discovered will interest, many. A run down system, or despondency invariably precede suicide and something lias been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely. At the first thought of self dt struct ion take Electric Hitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strength* 111 tie nerves ami build up the system. It's also a great Stomach and Kidney regulator. Only abc. Satisfaction guaranteed by all druggists. Put an 2nd to it All. A grievous wail oftimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from over uai'ii ur^uiK. inucKiM'ii, iaver complaint and constipation. Hut thanks to Dr. Kind's New Life Pills they put an end to it all. They are gentle but thorough. Try them. Only 20c. Guaranteed by all druggists. ? John Matthews, a native of Ebenezer, this county, met death in Memphis, Tenn., last Friday. He was on hoard a street ear that collided with a shifting engine, and in the disaster that resulted he was killed. Notice of Primary Election. Rooms Democratic Executive Committee ok York County. Yorkville, S. C., August 1(5, 11)04. Notice is hereby given to the Democratic electors of York county, that a Primnrv K!i?< fini- will 1m Imld ??f tho various precincts in the county on Tuesday, August 30th. 19t>4, for the purpose of? 1st. Assisting in nominating a Governor and other State officers. 2nd. Iu assisting in nominating a Congressman from the 5th District, a Solicitor of tlth Circuit, and in nominating the following county officers: A State Senator, 4 members House of Representatives, a Sheriff, a Clerk of Court, a County Supervisor, a Coroner, a County Superintendent of Education, a Treasurer, an Auditor ind 2 County Commissioners. 3rd. A Magistiate will also be liominated iu each township, by the electors of that particular township. The polls will open at H o'clock a. m, and close at 4 o'clock p. in. At each precinct there will bo three boxes and three sets ot tickets?a State box for the State ticket, a County box for County ticket and a Magistrate's box for Magistrate's ticket. j ne quaiincatioiis for voting in this election arc as follows: The voter must boa white man and a Democrat, 21 years of age or become so before the Nth of November next ami ho must have been a resident of the State one year and of York county for sixty days and his name must be on the club roll where he offers to vote by Wednesday, August 24th. 100-1. The managers must administer to each voter an oaf U to t ho effect that he is qualified to vote in thi^ election according to the rules of the Democratic party and that he has not voted before in this eleotion. The managers will further swear each elector vot tig in the Magistrate's box that he is a resident of the township in which he offers to vote for Magistrate. 4 J. S. RRICE, County Chairman. T. H. RAYE. t Secretary. aWOTTtrn c: i: ait >* r s. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. 1 Hereby annouuee my.self a candidate for the. oftiee. of Treasurer of York ' comity, snbj'-rt to tile action of the j Democratic voters 111 the August pri- 1 inary. J. R. 11AILK. ' | "iVi- urc utliori/.? ii t<> announce II. A. * D. NenJy as a candidate for ie-aj. ! point menr to the ottice of county tresisi urcr, subject to tin will of the people in the Demociatie primary. \\Th' the l')? moi-ratii voteisot (\ iti s ** Tavern preciuot, r? cognizing Mr. A. 1\. SMiTlL'Sal>ilit> i:d high v. orl h, do witi, pleasure pre. eiit his 11:11m to . tiie voters for Treasurer*, f York County, subject to the action of the Democratic. I" FOR CLERK OF THE COURT. mho Tini' ? is autbori/.ed to announce * \V. Brown Wyli?? as a candidate for n election to the office of Clerk of t Court for York county, subject to the action of t tic Democratic primary. * \\r arc ant lion/.ad to announce Mr. J. ** 0 \Y 11.1 ;< )RN of Koclt Hill, as a [ candidate lor t'LKRK UK TUB COU RT ; for York county, subject to t he action of the Donmcratio party in t he nominating primary next summer. f|MlETimes is authori/.cd to announce * .lohn K. 1 u, of Vorkvil'-. as a candidate lor the oilice of Clerk f the Court for York County, subject to the rules of the Democratic party in the approaching primary. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the otliee of Clerk of Court of York County, subject to t heact ion of the Democratic primary. J. A TATE, FOR COUNTY AUDITOR r|"WIK Times is authorized to announce i j * II. T. Williams, of Clover, as a candidate for recommendation of appointment to Auditor of York county, sutijeet to the ? !?>?!? ?? of the Democratic voters in the primary election. We the undersigned endorse If. T. Williams as a suitable man for Auditor. W. 11. S i mim A Hao. Wit J.I AM I). LKSL1K. I W. K. Adams. W. Mki k Favi.kvek. I hereby announce myself as a caudi* date for recomiuondation f-r the appointment as Auditor of York r.ount.y, at the approaching Democratic primary, subjeet the rules of the san e. J NO. J. HUNT lilt. flHlE Times is a at horhvd to anmiunee -* ,1. P>. Pepratn. of Yorltville. as a candidate fur the < illioe of A I." 1 )IT< )K of York county, subjeet to the action of i the Democratic primary elect,ion. tpilE Times is to announce ; * W. It. Williams, Jr. as a candidate for election to the office of Auditor of j York Bounty, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. FUR SHfc R'FF. I Hereby announce myself as a candi* date for Sheriff of York county, subject to th* action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. Respect fullv. It. F. CALDWELL. I 1 hereby announce myself as a mlidate for the office of Sheriff ot f ork county, subject to the choice of the) Democratic voters as the same may be expressed in the coming primary elcc- I j tion. HUtill ti. HKo'WN. F|"MIE Times is aut hori/.ed to announce j * S. S. Plexico. of Hock Hill, as a ' candidate for theoUicoof Sheriff'of York (kniiitv, subject to the uclrou of the ! Democratic primary. 1 lierehv announce myself a candidate ' for fheriff' of Y.?rk Bounty; subject to the rules of the Democrat i<r Primary. .1. 11. SUTTON. \\Tearo authorized to announce Mr/. ! ** JOHN F. (iOKDON as a camlidatii for the office of SllKHIi''Fof Yorkcouiaty, subject to the choice of the Denyo era tic voters as the same may be expressed in the primary election of August aO. I HF Times is authori/.od to announce j liobert B. Lowry. of Yorkville, s.s i a candidate for the office of Sheriff >f | York comity, subject to the approval of i the Denoeratie voters at the approavh- I | ing primary election. FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR \\TH are authorized to announce T. " W. lioyd as a candidaro for re- ; elect ion to the ntlice of County Sujtorvisor, subject to the action of the J emt ocratic parry in approaching prii.iary ! election. \\re are authorized to announce .S. N. | ** Johnson, of Rethol township as a candidate for the office of Supervisor of York county subject to theaction of the primary e.ection. \\TE are authorized to Mr. K M. \V 11ITESIDES, o! Broad River township, as a candidate for the office of SU1'KRYlSOltof York Jonntv, subject to the rules of the Den< ratio I party. FOR CONGRESS. 1am a candidate for Congress, from the Fifth t ongrr ssionul District. subject to the result of tho Dtmocratio i primary election. T. Y. WIG JAMS. FOR STATE SENATORI Hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as State Senator from York county, subject to the action of tho Democratic primary election. ' J. & BR ICE. FOR REPRFRF MTativ/C I hereby announce niysolf as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives from York County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. B. BBAMGUARD. \V^? are authorized to announce Mr. J. W. Ardrey, of Fort Mill, as a i candidate for the House of Represent aj tives from York county, subject to the action of the Democratic party ar tho primary election. rphe Times is authorized to annrunco 1 Dr. J E- Massey, Sr., **? a candidate for the House of Representatives from York county, subject, to the action of the Democratic voters in the August i primary, t 1 I i I F? *<<-. 'y SNXO VN c E'Sf b N fs. i? ;? FOE CORONER I Hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of. Coroner .of York county. subject to the n? 'ion of tjie D? nuK ratio voters in th? approaohiug primary election. V. E. CLINTON.. FOR COUNTY SUPT. OF EDUCATION1nerci.iv resjieet fully announce myself - us n candidate for re-election to the office of county Supt. of Education snbje M to tli?> actum of the Domografio . voters in tlie appr> aching prinuuv, John C. Caxroll. t|ri:e Tiuu s is authorized tc announce *- J A. 8mul y a < .uuiiriato for the .llicc .f County Superintendent of Education, subject tc. the rules of the Democratic party hi tl.i \u;. list \ riuiarv, : !?=:?^ j_' . FOR MAGISTRATE1 Hereby announce myselt a candidate * for re election to of Magistrate of Fort Mill township, subject to tie result of the Democratic primary election. John W. McBlhaney.' m n n i sai i tub m m .* * *1 1 piece Table Set of Glassware, only 25 els. Lamp Chimneys, i and 5c. Lamp Chimneys. 5 and 8c. Small Pearl Buttons, 4c dozen. Nice Finishing Braid, 5c. Spool Cotton, 2o spool. Turkey lied Cotton, 2c ball. Shoe Soles, Oc. pair. Fancy Pen Stall's, 4c. Knives and Forks, oS to 7bc. Moukey Wrtuckes, l>c. Butcher Knives, 17c. Smoking Tobncco, lc plug. Best Lead Pencils, 2 for 6c. Nice Parasols, <>5c and up. Boys' Pocket Knives, 4c. Half Gallon Glass Pitoher6, Pint Tin Cups, 2o. Hoys' Fancy Caps, 23c. Nice Gents' Caps, 2Qc. Nice Trunks, $2,03 and up. Good Pants, all wool, 82c, $1.00 1.30, 1.50, 1.03, etc. The b"St bargain in pants ever off.'red. We haye clothing samples of StrniKS Bros. They are among the! best tailors in the world. Your meisure accurately taken and fit guaranteed. W&r Will receive a fresh lpt of nee shirts this week. IF. G littt, Proprietor, . ..Hit- - 1 --- lYlVHi us A TRIAL ORDER and ?et the BEST WHISKIES, W IN E S, BRANDIES, Etc., \t (he most reasonable prices. I n Dnct Si fn Dm? THE GOURD SALOON, CHARLOTTE, N. C. No. 29 W Trade . . ho\h 'inores Work Well Done. Have you Table Cloths, Counterpaines, Doilies, Window Curtains, Blankets, etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N, C, Prices for laundering the above articles cheerfully furnished. Suits pressed 35c; suits dry cleaned arid pressed, 50c; suits washed and pressed, 75c; coat or pants pressed, 15c; cleaned and pressed, 25c; ekifts pressed, 25c; cleaned and pressed, 50o. Our shipments are made Thursday mornings and returned Saturdays. McElhaneyvParks Co# The Clothing and Shoe Mta 4... ? . .