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IV ? How They Learn Spanish. Tourists In Nagasaki, Japan. are Often surprised to hear the sampanmen and the rickshaw men in the treet shout Spanish words to white passers-by; an. "hoy. amigo" (hey, friend), or "hombre," a common exclamation of attention, meaning "man." In the stores the salesmen also use similar terms, as "no sabe," meaning "don't know," etc. i nt; tjAjuaiiitiiwn is simple. i no japs themselves do not know that they aro using Spanish words; they believe them English slang. They have learned them from American soldiers homeward bound from the Philippines. The Yankee boys, used to employing 8panish phrases in speaking to Filipinos. instinctively do the same with the .laps, forgetting that their language is different. Points for Parents. "Study tho child and discover where his greatest interest lies," says Mrs. Theodore W. Blrney, Honorary President of the National Congress of Mothers, discussing the "Choice of Occupation," in the September Delineator. Mrs. Birney very warmly advocates a kind of natural selection which is indicated fit the trend of the child's play. It is suggested, and with reason, that a child's toys and favorite pursuits are a sure index to Its vocation. The plan is founded on child-study, and. as the author says. "If parents pave to the careful study of their children one-half the earnest thought, that they bestow upon matters of minor importance, wo should i< e far fewer 'round pegs in square holts," and vice versa." The Kingdom of Bavaria intends to issue a new puhlie loan of $11 .900,000, bearing interest at the rate of 3V4 per cent per annum. On August 31, 1901, the public debt of Bavaria amounted to $380.8",0.530.95. The largest part of the Bavarian debt is secured by the railreads, which are the property of the State. FITS permanently cured. >,'o fit? or nervouspes..', after tlrst day's use of Or. Kline's <ir*at N tv ,"Restorer,> tit bottle and treatise true Or. It. II. Kmnk. Ltd.. :?:U Arch St.. l'liiln., l\i. The most widely known Lngish writer in Japan is Carlyle. IMso'sCuro for Consumption is an infulllble medicine for coughs and colds.?N. \Y. b/'trri., Ocean ?I rove, X. Feb. 17. 1901), 1 cn.-c is paid ill Loudon oil 7000 autolii dii'.Cs. It Is net so much what you pay for, but what you got that needs oloeo attention when Inlying tuuerat supplies, and so sir .'iK1; impressed with tIds foot are those who know what they are doing that they insist on laying their friends away in "Katiomal" caskets. 1/-uvea's house of lords Is the house of ilie lowly. f r ' ? {' < j Vt r/5 Miss M. Cartledge gives some helpful advice to young girls. Her letter is hut one of thousands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period of womanhood as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dkak Mrs. PixsnAV. : ? I cannot f rnino I.ydia E. Pinkl:am*H VcgonWo Compound too highly, for it is tlia only medicine I ever tried which cured me. 1 suffered much from my first menstrual period, I felt so weak and dizzy nt times 1 could not pursue my studies with tho usual interest. My thoughts became sluggish. I hud headaches, backaches and sinking spells, also pains in the back and lower limbs. In fact, I was sick all over. " Finally, after many other remedies had been tried, we were advised to get Lydin K. Pinkbum's Vegetable Compound, and 1 am pleased to say that nftcr taking it only two weeks, a wonderful change for the better took place, and in a short time I was in fierfect health 1 felt buoyant, full of ife, and found all work a pastime I am indeed glad to tell my cxperienco with Lvdin fl. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound, for it made a different girl of me. Yours very truly, Miss M. CARii.r.noK, !S33 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Oa." - ssooo if crifinmi of Ubout letter provir- ?? ? ??< -rnnnot b? product J. Ho. 34. M1llb0r0' springs r*ii-rf- r? v?- ? ? w.av9v a UI a OUllg liivaies. I/irtlrd In the APrghan'c*. Klrfitlon, 3.SU0 (Ml, Pry. purr air, and a tarietjr of mlnritl wairri Untvrrrlty. r<*llegl?t? nnit preparatory courvia. Kpriial ailventage* In voter, plaan. eternities and art New Knglnnd Connor vonry nirthoila Term* nu iterate. s*??lon liegln* Sept. 77, IHM. Ailtlreaa, .1. UK A II AM 1? % V I liaOX, Hu*lnr*? Mgr.. Mllltvnio N|>rluv<, Uiitk t'uuaty Virginia, HERE IT IS! Want to learn all about' a? a Horse? How to Pick A Out a Good One? Knov. 11 ai? Imperfections and so V Guard against Fraud? Y t Detect Ptseaue and Ef- Alf 1 jf\ feet a Cure when same y \ / \ la possible? Tell the ? V I ' Ago by the Teeth? What to can the Different Tart* of the Animal? How to Shoe a lloriie Properly? All this and other Valuable Information can be obtain* <1 by reading our M0-PAOE ILLUSTRATED HORSE BOOK, which we will forward, postpaid on receipt of only 'A cent* In stumps. _ BOOK PUB. HOUSE. U4 Leonard St.. N. X. City. % flbh U ' . < ?7fl one ski wuh essts isf's n vlli MtCCOBteUtlJj " "nnv 3 iSffiSK IIYBMVR OLD |p(r??l1l"?. JiKp^SSgl isjS a < Made Dy honesty i North Carouna People - rui HMMHHHHHHHP BHHI .. [TDTTOR'S NOTE]?Bcfbre permitting the abo?c wh A ?hro0*h Ranker*. Wo chwrhjlly ouUurw U>, ?o? bMituto (o onlor wuuplo lot. JAPS SECURE GOOD POSITION Russians Retire to the Next Position Without Fighting. St. Petersburg, By Cable.?The following dispatch from Viceroy Alexieff, dated Apgust 7, has been received by the Czar: "General Stcessel reports as folI lows: At 5 iu the morning of July I 27, the enemy having advanced a I strong force, their artillery opened Are along their whole front, followed by a series of attacks, one of which, directed against Yupilaza Mountain, was especially vigorous. At about S In the evening the enemy were everywhere repulsed with enormous losses. I remained in the advanced poslj tions wo havo held for two dajs i atuiuoi, oji uriiiy very uiucii siruni'.e.r j than ours. At four in the morning of , July JO about flvo divisions of Japanese took tho offensive against our position 011 the Wolf llills. In view of the enornius superiority of the 011! emy's forces and tho weakness of tho position our troops were ordered to retire to tho next positions without lighting. Tho movement was effot ted in complote, order under tho proteei tion of artillery, which by accurate lire at short ranges completely stopped tho Japanese advance. Our losses have not yet been ascertained, but they wore not great. The losses of tho Japanese wore very considerable. In tho engagements of July 2Gth and S7ih, tho Japanese had about xu.uoo men and a rnnsi<lornhlr? iinmimi> ..r guns. The moralo of the Russian troops Is excellent and their health is good." General. Stoossel locates Yupilaza Mountain as situated ten miles north oast of Port Arthur and says that the , Japanese attack on that position was ! only a demonstration, the real assault of the Japanese being made on the Russian positions on tho Wolf Hills, which, ho points out, aro only six j miles northward, and nearer the railroad station. Tho general staff explains that this position consists of 1 a long crest of hills, offering a grout . advantago owing to their proximity I to tho fortress. The staff Is unuhh j to account for tho presence of five ! divisions on the Kwan-Tung Peninsula. All Unions With Strikers. Chicago, Special.?All the labor tin, ions in Chicago have endorsed the I stock yards strike. After listening to the strikers' sido of the controversy, which was prese nted to them by Michael J. Donnelly, president of the. i striking butchers' union, the Chicago Federation of Labor, which is composed of every labor organization in j Chicago and has a membership of ( nearly 1100,000, adopted resolutions ' j Sunday night pledging the moral and j financial support of the federated ; body as long as the s'rike continues, i Each member of the central body will | be assessed a small sum per week ; and the whole amount will he turned over to the striking unions to help in the support of the strikers and their families during the struggle with the packers. Tho exact amount inch member was to ho assessed was left in the hands of a committee with orders to report results Monday. Whilo tho officials of tho Federation of Labor were unable to give out an exact estimate of tho amount of money the strikers would secure from this source, It was stated that the total Sum WOllld ho wr?ll 111. irv #v. ?, - U|/ us iiiv niuua* ands each week. After a fight which has lasted for nearly four weeks, a settlement of the stock yards strike teems to be as remote as at any time since the struggle began. Neither side to the conflict, during all this time, has shown any sign of weakening. Looking for Trouble. Richmond, Vn.. Special.?An Afton, Va.. special says everybody in the vicinity of Greenfield, and within ten or fifteen miles of the scono of tho recent lynching of Andrew Dudley, the negro assailant of two white girls, Is In a stato of intense excitement, the whites momentarily expecting an outbreak of tho negroes. The latter are being closely watched, and every Indira'Ion points to a clash between tho two races. Military protection has not yot been asked for, but a prominent citizen said that it would be necessary If tho worst comes. FULL QUART OF 5KEY FREE r the* mean in* of words find will do as we uy. We bo tho low cut-priced Whiskey House end the 1 all Order \V hlskcy Ceeecrn in tho Houth. All tho rollnu lVhlnkry wo sell Is rood?there** no bed. 0 wouldn'tadultereto IT they knew how?they ere too lost whiskey sellers are noted for mixing, bleudliu? and We sell more i?enulno old whiskey endless water then 1 competitor. "Casper's It Year Old" \V hULcy Is oy! It's made by holiest people In tho mountains of Liline. lu old-stylo copper stills, lusl as It was vuedoby athem. Klrstrrate whiskey Is sold at Q5.00 t<> Q6.00 but it's not any better than *'Caspar's 11 Year Old.** It e or wo a 111 buy It back. We bare n capital or ibOO.OOO, oples9 National Hank and tho llodmont Savlrur* Hank will tell you our word is irood. To Introduce this old. Iskoy, we offer four Full Quart* of "Pa.nKr'n if '?two sample bottles, ono U>, one IS year old a cork- H drinking (tlnss?all for SV.H5. If 9&.90 1* sent ws > the above and rut in free Oae Fall Quart Kxtre. ?mo of this whiskey only 7 year* old. and will send Ore for ?I0 or will 'urnlsh twenty full ijuart bottles nn re I ami plve free corkscrews, drinking ulaars s and sam- H >tr this whiskey cost less than K to per irallon delivered. plain boxer with no marks to Indicate contents, 14 mi II Kxpresa. lluyers West of Trxae, Kansas, Ncbraaha t must add *0 cents per quart extra. i THE CASPER CO. (Inc.) I ier Illd*. M IXSTON'SAI.KW "r " a iskry advertisement to appear in cnreolsinns. wr lnrr*tiratsd ni, and Iriends in need t>f pure whiskies far tnedMal use neat ilTflranninn PlainJI Ujr i 1 UlllVig 2^'iri Keeley ft.. Ciiicaoo, Oct., 2. 1902. b I suffered with fallinp and con- B post ion of the womb, with severe 8 I>:ii11s throuph the prnins. I suf- W fered terribly at the time of men- u| struation. had hlinditip headaches b and rushinp of hlood to the hrain. B 1 What t<> try 1 knew not. tor it w* seemed that I had tried all and E9 ! failed, hut I had never tried Wine O of t'ardui. that blessed remedy for 9 sieU women. 1 found it jileasant I to take and soon knew that I had fl the ripht medicine. New hlood B seemed to course throuph my veins B and after usinp eleven bottles 1 B was a well woman. h "\w Cuua. Mrs. Hush is now in perfect m| health because she took Wiiu of Cardni for menstrual disorders, vfl bearinp down pains and hlindinp I headaches when all other remedies til failed to bring Iut r?*liff. Any S sufferer may secure health l>y tak- 9 | ing Wine of Cardui in lew home. 9 ; The first bottle convinces the pa- (9 tiont she is on the road to health. |H For advice in cases requiring M special directions, address, giving 9 i symptoms, "The Ladies' Advisory H I>epartment," The Chattanooga n Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. O WIN&GARDS1I | : j*. n! :\vsv ni.! :axixr.s. The increase ?.f music halls in Paris, France, is said to ho threatening the existence <>r many theatres. A completer who fount! SIotH) in his carat Coney Island. Island. was given twenty-live cents' hy an | oltl laily. .lose]ill Pike, ??,' New York City, fell from lite ilftli floor i<> Ihe pavement, I breaking every olofiios line and escap- j Ing the slightest injury. l.eatling citiz r.s nf Long Praneh. New .lerst.v are t ..dcavoring t<i revive the faded gior'as of tlial erstwhile 1 fashionable summer resort. The Antmnohi'.e Ciuh of America i> I preparing to oppose the order of the 1 ferry companies prohibiting the carry- i ing of machines with power on. The mint at S 11 I-'raneiseo. Pal., li :s. since .lannary !. roe ivetl 7T>.'* vn; j Japanese yen and rceoineil them into $|2.PH:? for ttse in li Philippines. The Servian t Jovcrnnn nt is having the Servian coin ivsiampel at the Vienna mini witii the head of King Peter instead of thai of King Alexander. The first electric railway in Peru, from Iamn eight miles to ilic Pacific Coast, and another contemplated from Lima ten miles to the seaport, Callao, will have American ears and dynamos. The (icrmnn Emperor lias determined to confer decorations on those who risked tin ir lives in saving passengers of the ill fated steamboat Ceneral Sloenm, recently burned in the river at Xew York. A rppnitf II'-Toimh...!,.i ih'hiwp on ino Mississippi just above No.v Orleans lias been pouring into tlio groat lies Aliomniuls Swamp. The result lias boon to multiply the so railed "floating 1.sin nils'' for which the swamp lias long boon noted, until .they constitute a menace to tlio inhabitants ami to the railroads. Many Escape Narrowly. Richmond, V'a., Special.? Ity the explosion of a stick of dynamite under a car of the Tazewell Electric Company, Tazewell, Va., Tuesday afternoon, a dozen or more people were placed In ji opardy of their lives. The dynamite was put into the flange of the track by unknown persons and when the explosion occurred the passengehs, numbering about half a dozen ladles and as r.any men. were panic-stricken, hut no cne was injured beyond being severely shocked. The car was so badly damaged that the passengers hod to be transfn red in hacks and taken hastily to the t>ain. The affair caused a good deal of excitement in the neighborhood. There is no clue to the perpetrators of the (rime. Ex-Senator Vest Dead. Sweet Springs. Mo., Special.?After a lingering Illness between life and death for weeks, former United States Sonntnr fl n Vnm w?-. 1 ? *-- * ? u> v?. t vol yasauu IICMWIGIiy away Tuesday without a struggle. Ho was conscious until about two o'clock Sunday morning, when he sank into a stnto of coma from which he never aroused. He lost the power of speech Saturday morning and during tbo last 36 hours of his life his breathing was barely perceptible. i NEWS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY Paragraphs of Minor Importance Gathered From Many Sources. Through the South. Andrew Dudley, a 14-year-old negro, was lynched in Nelson county, Va., for assaulting two little girls. Eight cottages at Ocean View, Va., were burned, the occupants escaping in their night clothes. At Harper's Ferry, T. S. Jones shot his son, whom he mistook for a burglar, wounding him fatally. Bernard M. Williams, a special delivery messenger of the Richmond postofbce, was beaten and robbed by negroes. Washington Happenings. Secretary of Commerce and Labor Metcalf is slightly indisposed. A small party of Filipinos called at the White House Tuesday and paid their respects to President Roosevelt. The State Department proposes to utilize the services of American diplomatic officers in the collection of information concerning foreign trade. Inspector Carroll, of the Department of Commerce and Labor, arrived in Chicago to investigate the butchers' strike for President Roosevelt. In the North. Miss Claia Duff, of Newport, Del., ci mmittcd suicide. The Cape May express was wrecked at Woodbury, near Camden, N. J. In a riot among non-union negroes at 1 Kansas City three blacks were wound Miss Sarah Bennett wa buried at ( Atlantic City at the time fixed for her j wedding. An exciting run was made on a sav- | in.'s hank at the edge of the stockyards district in Chicago. Senator Gorman arrived in New York for a consultation with Chairman Tuggart, of the Democratic national j committee. Operators in the Pennsylvania anthracite field proposed that Judge Co? rge Gray arbitrate the pending disputes with the miners. Km plovers in building trades in Now York have declared a lockout against all their nearly 40.000 workmen. It is estimated that the total loss caused by the butchers' strike in Chicago and the West has been $s,220.800 with no signs of an early agreement. Announcement was made In New I York that the notincation of Thomas K. Watson as the nominee of the People's nnrtv ,?......i.i i.uM- jon mo 1Mb as first stated, and that there was no truth In the report that Mr. Watson would decline. The strike stockyards strike at Chicago was freer front roting Tue.--.lay than and day since the men quit work, i.nlv one small disturbance occurring. As a rule, the retailers secured sufficient ice by the use of their own wagons and the boycott was not as effective ;is hi! <1 l\rw>n o\ m. 1 A San Francisco dispatch says the i final installments on the forfeit of $1",- I 000 have been posted for the JeffriesMonroe contest, the date of which is set for August 20 next. the total amount of forfeit Jeffries has paid $5,000; Slon- | roe, $5,000, and the same amount has | been deposited by the Yosemite Club, under whose auspices the battle will be fought. Foreign Affaira. Americans are being forced from official positions in Canadian railway service. The Sultan of Turkey lias failed to keep his promises to Minister Irishman. and an American naval demonstration may be ordered in Turkish waters. Minister Bowon has vigorously protested against the seizure of the New York and Bormudez asphalt mines, the concessions, it being understood, having been promised to interests that aided President Castro in the last revolution. Minister Dawson, at Santo Domingo, has asked for a warship, it being inferred another revolution is threatened The Japanese have renewed their attack all along the line in Manchu- j ria. I The exclusion of Jews from the ranks of barristers in Russia is becoming less vigorous. Most of the Rritish expedition which is advancing on Lhasa, Thibet, successfully crossed the Ilrahmapootra river. j Intense but fruiti>??? ntn?>?in? u|>|iv>iiluUU IU enforcing the educational net in Wales developed in the House of Commons. ! The Government Opium Committee nppointed at Manila drew up n plan to check the evil. Miscellaneous Doings. Two men were hurt near Laurel, Del., In a fight with an alligator that escaped three years ago from a circus at Salisbury, Md. Judge Alton R. Parker's resignation as Chief Judge of the New York Court o: Appeals was filed with the Secretary of State at Albany. i fC ' > ^ ACHED IN EVERY BONE. Chimin Society Woninn.Whn Who So Stck She Could Not Sleep or Hot, Cured by Dohu'm Kidney I'lllo. Marion Knight, of 153 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, Orator of the West Side Wednesday Club, says: "This winter when I started to use Doun's fjuss^X H \v bone and bad I ^ \\ intense pains jl ^ Ue^8 M^p| '- - U f ^ U ? a * B 'y- could barely change for the better within a week. The second week I began eating heartily. 1 begun to improve generally, und before seven weeks had passed 1 was well. 1 had spent hundreds of dollars for medicine that did not help me. but $ti worth of Lkmti's Kidney fills restored uie to perfect health." A Tit IA I. Fit FF.-Address FosterMilburu Co., ltuffalo, N. Y. For sale b> all dealers. I'rice, iiU cts. uaas ana tnds. British soldiers arc provided with hoilod water for drinkinu. The water is first clarified by a kind of rouylt filtiation charcoal eontaininy a certain amount of potassium permanganate and then "sterilized" either by filtration or by heat, afier whi< h it is distributed to the troops by means of water carts reset vo l for "safe" water only. The exception proves the rule, beause to be an exception it must stand orth in opposition to what is general. If an unselfish and disinterested man ie a rare man he proves that men are ml f-seek in;;. |S^^^xAHoScld ST S A Cures 9UL?PRSA' I S*1-1 BtiEtIM, ECVdY (O \ ZlMA. every form of ^ ^ V ' malignant SKIN Mill I O O ERUPTION be.idea i kv L \J being efficacious in i )ji \ r? ? a ji.i / toning up Iho syatnm / O" v f-j El J iViy' a"d restoring the conj^ji stitution. when impaired >a from any cause. It is a Li Rnc Tonic, and ita almoat luparna'.ural healing Q propcrtiee ju.lify us in guaranteeing a ere of ( a? all bto-d diseases. if directions are followed. ( j-/, I'rice, Dl per Pottle, or 6 Potties for 8."t. ) JFoIt SAI b MY MRtrmiI.HTM* iirMt rorr *?? or woNOKurrr. cruF.s. \ r. C 1 Set -?h.r tilth liluaLIf lu.'.irmttton. ( 3 LOO D BALM CO., ATLANTA. GA. , Si*? fiffefl bank deposit </ Railroad Faro Paid. 500 FHKB Course# Offered. ?.r*?acwvnr"-- -y.n Board at Cost. Wrtto Quick GEO^filA-ALAUAMA BUSINESSCOLLEGE.Macon.Ga. K o W o r i B! i n d H o r s s m o'? n1 ufilSft !. : * ! * ?.?SSS? lore 11} o?. Hair; Co., lowatlt), la..have a sure cure BEST FOR V4a.^ | OUARAWTI'.ED CURS for all bowel troubh a blood, wind on th? stomach, Montr d bowels, K after ratine, liver trouble, sallow (bin p.i B regularly you are sici. Constipation kills mo F .^urt t cbronic ail' -.; nts and Ictu; ycara of sufT J; cAl'CARKTS today, for yoa will never Ret w ' rVht Take our advice, start with Cascarrti 1 money r-funded. Tic r-enuine tablet stamp, ft booklet free. Add.rvj Sterling Remedy Cornr MEN, WATCH 1 A Mew Revetz Wii olTer something 'lifTorout, better thnn in this city. Them is no patchwork al>out our tr<'iilr. Wo iio not tri-iit all diseases; hut wo cum il euro < ;iro in nil i'ilk'.s accept.ul for trent'.ient Write if v.... .'..rill. ?t ....ii i < of clmrtft*. our diajfiu'sis hliuik. Co?.su!tuti Doctors Loathei Honrs H ?. in. to ? |? in. P.. M_rj Su inlays 10 a. in. to 1 |?. m. u'JIi 111 Oil $20.00 TO $40 IVMi.?r M.ulr ? .an* "500 I gSu book oi 1. 6*1 ant business f AT.Jk Compendium cf plain and o 1 Xna Calculator and Farmer's R? zV^CtiraB a >mpl r-( .r inl.vrrati men*.* of C1BTSRNS. Tlmh. x*^*'*ry5f?a unn volume. Over 472 pain I jf&Bj} it Is a completo bua.ness > I SIMPI.FJ, PltAfTTCAL at A flfij' Hp *n,l Kir!* ran *<-|| aa well i 'fp I I- rn One afcnl ln the country i . Ait' >1* , h ivc .-onvna MWBMBW| fiellltur pile 51 50 I.iheral L- faction Kiiurantt od (? r mot SOUTHERN DENT. If you ?r? tnlnreatod In ohtali for (true ontaloitun of full Inatr kaOTiM OR S W FOSTER. Dean. 100 NOf | ? In Can 3? Tnara. Posltlva Cur Free tier'S DYSI f+HICKEJVS g you cannot spend years and dol buy the knntuln/ls. ran i *.wi i?. cents. You wunt them to pay t them as a diversion. In order to handle tiunK about th? m. To meet this want we of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 23 a man tvho put all his mind, and time, a en raisins?not as a pastime, but as a bus ty-tlve years" work, you can save many C earn dollars for you. The point U, that Pohltry Yard as soon ns It appears, and k teach you. It tells how to detect and cur fattenlnK; which Fowls to save for brd?< you should know on this subject to make dv? cents In satraps. BOOK PUB.' '8HIN ' " 11 I ??^??????i? FREE SAMPLE Of "THE 8TORT OF MY LIFE AND | WOItK," By Booker T. Wn^iiinifton. Send on your rump and atWrena. V.'e want you ^ y'fL lor the purvoao of ln?&>mXS tnxluclnrr It In your ;^4 > ^r^5L' reniarkaldo seller, Ul* 'r<uk '*'d.pmllt; aaents are mak fs ln?t from $4 to SIO per " '^_^onMr <Viy. W1U you latroduc* H t)y eel line or 0?ttlnK u? an a?entT ' twF ^^PisBWSr *" "*n<l al ouca for J. L. NICHOLS ft CO., Bolltn* PHoaSt.OO. 01R Anatoli llulUUn*. Academy. For boys ->p HocK&itle, iyf d. IHFA1 TSAiNiNr. crunni HOME LIFE, INDIVIDUAL CARE ANO INSTRUCTION: FITS FOR UNIVERSITY OR LIFE. ADDRESS. W. P. MASON. U. S. N. A.. PRIN. ^? ^ "Scjj/JS-MsUJ.K. "S. y (iNC^PcRATtO) ' ? Al'ITAI. h i m K VKMMHVtrn. v- h?P tou fiiir.?c '?f l Ir.v off :? * h?H?i, ' i?for ' ,'oli 'K+ Journal hikI Stirptnl ? ff? r or u.o 'olinvr nn?1 Sh??r hand .vcbo?>N. aiMti h* v.I\wh nraiN? COIA.EOE, iinieiKh, 4?. ?r rticrinttr, \ . M ? blno tencti Book rt?- -W??nh??i'f I ?i\ tor malaria, chills and fever y ^ TAKE Knoivii ail nvrr Amort* :i n> I he i ^jfTirl fit enr* for all malarial !! ?ami ii- a preventive agnlnst lyphot i. Prepare 1 by liLOCZr.WHKI .V ( O.. W ;?%hlnii to II, l?. V. 2 if Write /or ir.?t imottitU.* ^>agLJ"V ^?*-<v V?jh? t H J CO M P L?X10 N e XCx E 2 os* tVlLWONS ? i FRECULL CURE --/X VA' ? ? ?> GuttRANTtCP "*< ' RtCIMAS TAN V g ' *." V V"? S/NWhV h*?TH PIHPltS ?? OVM*S < K |f ; l'V'^50^ ABOK TRIAL 257?\ TJ S I A.IR.W1USO.V?COJ*T&?pr?>> . 1 1 X ChAHlESTCN S. C. - C 1 ^ IbLionr \ ttvt >r AH. weft frosts/ nrit.-i y HIT* ANS TMUV.V.t .ire the be?t 1t?Jr ilL.A t' I r >ul. T linn**>E?rV A ''nil tnilli # rtof tli< r" t ax ? i>cmi ^ >|<ft urn tdnglc year. i ? ;?il t?, 1.- urtf burn, mcU I. :\dm i*\ ?.,/ 'r.e.v?. I l?r< nth, *ore thto * t ami ? y 1 lint fit tVj- fiTtMmr fr?-m a <lt?<ii-<lor. d ?t- tiiir*U \WMr urn relieved t I'limlltv I; - uis Tabnli i. on** vsd w;iier??ll\ t n li f wlthlnttvi -t y ml ntiTL 'Ox ? nt iwiokaV- . T.ough (or uti ordinary ociaaiou. All diUKtfhit? m M t'iciu. fiffiflq \l '. m ? * vr* SI S il 81L lJb>7 Uu:ck C fy vgJ'W'Jf belief. f Rfttiovfi nil fwellinn in Sto20 " / day.i; tlTtct? a ;>rtmaueiit cure <V in jolo <-o <lavri. I'rtHl li < ntmrnt / A'tx e>v<mi free. N thl?i .v ?u b fair-.** L Tuvii, v Write Or. H. H. ohm's .mhis1 SriirJallils, H>?>; HI Av . f 'j'* Atlanta College of Pharmacy. ( router <l<-rrnml fr.r >.ur orn<lu:it<>~ tlmn we rati -Up'.h \<lilrt?. III:. <IK(I. r. I'AYMi, ' Dean, tu Wliitehull Street, Atlanta. <ia. So. .'CI, jftnbeepnibilaaadhi 1 p l'jj ^ THE BOWELS ^ U m!^ srsf w C&MDV CATHARTtQ ', ' 13 _-J ' ?yiwr- - jrSSjfiZ-.'tfr.-. T^\T,v jiAVJL'Ji111,w-e?crat:er?r?iL.*k.nM;iL? ?? ? ?- - *| s. nppendlcitis, b-liousnr.n, bad breath, bad fi foil! mouth, headache, indigestion, pimples, B rd dix-iner.s. When your bcwelc don't mcvo B re people vlian nil other diseases together. It H ring. No matter what ail3 you, r.tcrt taking n ell and ntav well until you get your bowels I i today under absolute guarantee to euro cr g ru w v_. never r.oIJ in hulk. Sample anU 2 >tny, Chicago or N*w Yo- k. 50a u fODR HEALTH! *teon for ftfiien. nuy other specialists or medical institutions iont. The our? Is perfect nml pernuinent. iiihh tw treat. A prompt, permanent and Nothing Imt curable cases accepted, ir troubles uml receive by return mail,, free n free. *man & Bentley, etta and Foisyth Sis., ATLANTA, GA. .00 PER WEEK Ls.'Mions in Business." It Is a complete handornuu A complete Lsgral Adviser?a complete rnaniental Pemuanshlp; u complete I.iahtnln* OR' oer. i. Grain, lAunt>. r and Cotton Table*, mwisuretr. Lumber. Ix*sr* arvl Ilina of Grain, etc.. In ?s. 250 Illustrations. tducator; brausht home to every purchaser, irl PliAIN; 500 aftenta wanted at oner. Jtoyu ?i men tuid women I .Id 45 copies In one day. Another 210 In ona S'-d all day and sold a oopy at every iaena. discount* to agents. Send 25c for outfit: oat> y refunded*. nKRTKI-, JENKINS A CO., ATLANTA, OA AL COLLEGE, GEOnQWL* llnK a dental education, write action. ITH BUTLER STREET. ATLANTA GEORGIA. ? for ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. I PEPSI A REMEDY tfZ&l u? yotir f?ne. I?. Ilm UK, At!nntn. lin, I ARM MONFY If you o,vc them help. MIV.PI nvmEel you cannot do this unless you understand them and knew how to eater to their requirements, ana Inrs learnhiK hy experience, so you must ' others. We offer this to you for only 25 rwiy rvcii ii you merely koej> Fowls Judiciously, you must know sorae ure selling a book giving the cxperlenco 'p.I twenty-llvo yours, it was written by nd monoy to ranking n success of Chick* incus?and if you wlM profit by his twenhicks annually, and make your Fowls you must be sure to detect trouble in th* now how to remedy it. This book will e dtBeast; to feed for eggs and also for ding purposes, and everything, Indeed, it profitable. Sent postpaid for tjventy0 HOUSE), 134 Leonard St., NewVtorkClty