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i __ Lightning Freak. I Steady and unimaginative Swlat vouch for the following story: At I I.e Pont, in the canton of Vaud ; tv.enty-five persons while at a rifle match were struck nnd knocked over l y lightning, which played along an electric bell wire. No one was killed, i t several men wore badly injured f:>'!ir.g senseless, and being revived with difficulty. On the bodies of nil :wenty-fivo persons were afterwards found photographs of fir trees. The lightning had imprinted on the skin i those it struck views of the wood behind the shooting-range. TITSperinHnoollycnred. No IU?ornervon?? aftor first day's u-->< of Dr. Kline's < I rout N-rndb- toror.f-fi I :! )t t In and treatise f roe Lr. 1*. II. Ltd., 'J31 Arch St.. t'nlla., Pa. The daily mileage 01 lire trains o? this country is 2,750,000. Csro of I lio llilir. I !t is now roin-rally agreed that many of the sliuinpoos in ujo arc injurious to the hair. The best treatment it; frequent brunhitig and absolute clcaniin.Wash tho hair in a lather of Ivory Soap and rinse thoroughly. I.rl the last water be coo!, as it t- lose* tiie pores <>f the skin and prevents colds.?Ki. ran on R. Pa uk k it. There is one doctor to every SCO inhabitants in Germany. ] amsurelMso'sCuro forConsumplion saved n.v life three years ago.?Mh.h.Tuomas Hobi ins, Maple .St.. Norwich, N. V.. Fob. 17,1900 I'rjissia has 203.'! associations of stenographers, with 51,291 members. neapolis, tells how any young woman may be permanently cured of monthly pains by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Yorso Women: ? I had frequent headaches of a severe nature, dark ' spots before my eyes, and at my menstrual periods I suffered untold agony. A member of the lodge advised me to try Lyriiu E. Pinkknm's Wgctal>lo Compound, but 1 only scorned good advice and felt that my ense was hopeless, but she kept at me until I bought a bottle and started taking it. I soon had the best reason in the ; world to change my opinion of the medicine, as each day uiy health im- ; proved, and finally 1 was entirely with- i out pain at my menstruation periods. I am most grateful."?Nv.ttir Bi<ick- , Mokk, 2H Central Ave.. iWinneanolis. ! Minn. ? &C\000 if orloinnl of about htttr 1 proving genuinent'as cannot bo produced. M there is anything about your case ubout which you would j like special advice, write freely to Mrs. I*inlcha;n. She will hold j your letter in strict confidence.! Sh" can surely help you, for 110 j Su-rsdn in America can speak | rom a wider experience in treatin female ills. She has helped j hundreds of thousands <i women i buck la health, iter address is hynn, Mass.: . jM free, j So. 3?. Hitherto cadets tit West Point. hav? la-en allows! to choose their linos ol rvlee on graduation, tlso highest ranking students selecting the engi neering corp.-,; those next the cavalry, and the lowest, the Infantry. Secretary Tuft has reformed all this and will make ifHeb.l assignments of graduates as letet mined by the needs of the service and the qualifications of the men AN OLD MAN'S TRIBUTE. An Ohio Fruit Knlii-r, 7H Wur, Old, Cared lit a Ti-rrll?l?- Cn*o Alter Ten Year* of SuflVrin?r. Sidney Justus, fruit dealer, of Mentor. Ohio mini- "I " , ... . mini i?j 1'Ull II ? Kidney Tills of a severe case of kidney trouble, of eight or len years' standing. V j^SwSSsT * suffered the ', Sp? most severe backache and * ifW other pains in 11 <'H> reS'?? of the '? 'Xb^Mw k"""'Js\ i 1' wori' *?Pcclally | iV^f | severe when stooping to iift sidney'jcstits. anything, and often 1 could hardly straighten my hack. The aching was bud in the daytime, but just as bad at night, and I was always lame in the morning. 1 was bothered with rheumatic pains and dropsical swelling of the feet. The urinary passages were painful, and the secretions were discolored and so free that often I had to rise at night. I felt tired all day. Half a bo\ served to relieve me, and three boxes effected a permanent cure." A TUIAL FKKR Address FosterMiihurn <"o.. HufTalo, N Y. For sale by all dealers. Price, 50 cts. wha tk.u pi1j ** 7 "'? "What do yon do when von outgrow your clothes?" Representative John Sharp Williams asked two of Representative Champ Clark's children, to whom he was trying to explain why crabs and lobsters shed their shells, and snakes their skins. " out the tucks," answered one of the youthful Clarks.?Denver Republican. Heaven's hpuse of lords Is tho houso of the lowly. 1 f -s ST. LOUIS NEW YOH :j FAIR I Addison Steele. After a at Many Feature: a* R. A&DISON STEELE, a v# well-known newspaper and q "1C71" g magazine writer, of Now it iVI v York, recently spent a week ^ at the World's Fair. Re MOtf turning borne, he wrote the following appreciative account of his impressions for Brooklyn Life, which should convince any reader that it is worth his while to see this greatest of expositions: In the expressive language of the dav. j St. Louis "lias t lie goods." i liud exnectod . much of the Louisiann Purchase I'.xposition, tor I had kept in touch with the making of it from its very inception, five years ago; but after nearly a week of journeying through this new wonderland I must confess that in every essential particular it is far hevond my expectations. The biggest and best it was meant to lie and the biggest and best it is. The exposition, rumors notwithstanding, is quite finished. Those who imagine that the Colum'biin Exposition remains the last word in the way of a world's fair should remember ' r ? -Vf V fj;i M 1 ,r,-S 1 J || ^ jl PA I that eleven years have rolled hy since Chicago invited all the nations of tJ?? earth to come within Iter gates. I'licse having been years of remarkable progress the mere fact that it is up t<> date would place tiie | Louisiana Purchase Kxpositiou ahead ot not only the Columbian Kxpositiou of ISPH but the Paris I niversa 1 Kxpositiou of ISfnO ?the only other world's fiir of the period mentioned. The great development of hoiscletjtt vehicles, certain wonderful advances in the field of electricity, the wire less telegraph, the submarine and the practicable flying machine- all of which are special features at St. laitu? are, or instance, matters of the period since the Chicago event. To my mind, how?\er, the one distinctive feature which places it ahead of all other world's fairs is the comprehensive Philippine exhibit. Ahead a'so of any previous showing are the individual ouiiditigs ol eight of the foreign nations and, taking everything into consideration, the architectural and landscape gardening achievements are greater as they ought to i be with the world older. . One of the greatest, and certainly one of the most agret ihle, of my many surprises was the supreme beauty of the main group ol buildings. For the simple reason that the eamcra does not exist which could take in the vast picture as tin* eye sees it. the early views of the group a bit here and a bit there gave a scant idea of tinscheme as a whole. Nor did the earlv views of the ten individual buildings winch make up its component parts do justice to their nobility of architecture and general grandeur. Then again in the ground plans and bird's-eye sketches the only possible manner of showing it the fan shaped arrangement of this group looked -nil and unsatisfying. Far from that it is quite as remarkable in its way as the famous Court of Honor of the Columbian Exposition, in one respect it is even more notable, for instead of two grand vistas it offers a dozen. The main vista is, of course, the one looking up iLc Plaza of St. Louis ? whose COLDEN CHANS. M. Max Itegls Wore Uoliti'ii II itti<!cuf1'a Km Years. It will be yenn-inhered, says tinNY est minster (iazettf . that some years ago M. Max lh-gis was presented by :t group of lady admirers with a pair of golden handcuffs, in commemoration of his arrest and imprisonment in the great cause of Nationalism. Tlie Anti-Semite swore that he would wear the manacles as souvenir bracelets for the remainder of ids life. For some time he kept his promise, and then it was observed that in- had abandoned ills decorative fetters. Why? Was it infidelity to the cause, or what? People wondered, and could get no satis factory answer, until a few days ago there was a public sale of unredeemed pledges from the Mont do I'iete. The golden handcuffs (weighing forty-live grammes) were Included in the catalogue. M. Regis having deposited them with "ma tante" to relieve a temporary Indigence, and having neglected to recover them. To complete the Irony of the situation, they were purchased hy a Hebrew, who now wears them in the streets of Algiers and exhibits them to all his friends. I)r. II it to an IX.I>. Dr. Edward Everotto Hale is now an LL. D. of Williams College, from vhich his father graduated Just lOti years ago. The doctor read an extract from his parent's graduating address, which dwelt with the question "lias There Been a Progressive Improvement in Society In the Cast Fifty Years?" l)r. Hale Jocosely remarked that a century ago the hoys appeared to be wrestling with the saiue problems as are now discussed. I > "HAS THE K WRITER FINOS BEYOND EXPECT A Week at the Exposition, 5?St. Louis Cool and Pi crowning feature is the great Louisiana I' Monument? ami across the CI rand Basin to the Cascade Gardens. On the right are the Varied Industries and Electricity buildings and on the left the Manufactures and Education, these - with Transportation and Machinery still further to the right ami Liberal Arts and Mines beyond at the left?making up the body of the f;t?. For its handle the fan has the Cascade Gardens rising in a grand terrace to a hciidit ot sixtv-tive fee) above the llnor level of the building* mentioned and crowned by the great Festival Hall, the Terrace ot States and the Fast and West Pavilions and the Fine Arts building directly behind. In the architecture of the group there is no uniformity of style. The very liberal use of great columns gives the four buildings fronting on the Plaza and ltasin a certain architectural kinship, but the Mines building, with its two huge obelisks ami somewhat Egyptian aspect; the mucht.urreted and beliried Machinery building; the highly ornate Transportation building, with its gigantic arches and pylons, and , / .AC K OF MINKS AN1? M KTA l.l.L'K the Koniaiiesipte Liberal Arts building | have pronounced nullvulualit y. Vol m the general picture all tliiw I mi Id inns blend tinely. Nor is there any dashing in the . ease of the French lonie style of the buildin of t'aseade (hardens. Twelve handsome bridges across the waterways, which form a Iipure oipht by runninp from the Orand lhisin around the Kleetrieity and Kdueation buildings. further contribute to the architectural splendor of the scene. Rows of tine large maples set off the ' buildings in the main \ista. adding im j measurcably to the beauty of the picture I and furnishing one of tin* many dcinonstra- | i iuf.o of the superiority of this exposition in the matter of landscape gardening. There are also many trees to s,-i ,,IV the other buildings of the group, shiubhery and small trees have been Used in profusion around the entrances and the bridges and there arc handsome sunken gardens in two places. The lutul.-enpe treat incut of Cascade 11:11 is similarly line The Philippine seetion rovers no less : than forty -tven aeres, lias inn buildings , and some To.tliKI catalogued exhibits, and ! represents an outlay of over a million dol 'sis. A \Vi<k i mid casilv be spent there to advantage. Kniraiu-e to the section ifree, hut twenty-five rents is charged to go into eaeli of the four native villages, which are intensely interesting. The villages run along Arrowhead bake, and the inh.tbi- . tants all have some way of entertaining i their visitors. The Igorottes. who wear as little clothing as the law of even savago lands allow; Routers, Tingaiincs and Suyocs are in one village; the lake-dwelling i Moros and Hogobos in another: the hlack ' Negritos in the third and the i ivili/c.l Viscavans, who have a Catholic Church and a theatre, in tjie fourth. A - a matter ol education this great encaniiuiient of the "lit tle?bro\vn nu n" i? one thing dial no American can afford to nn*s. Kijht of the numerous buildings of for ONE. hUNDKED FOR AN tCC. j An IikIIiiii (iiunii fowl TIihi i* Very Yal iiuhlo* ! Not of loll docs tlio price of it single egg climb to JfltHI, but this is what was offered for each of the eggs of a certain Indian game hen. which was brought to England some time ago. For centuries the Indian game, or A/.eel fowls, have been the very apex of the game breed, for the pureness of blood and pedigree have been most carefully preserved for so long that the date of tin* origin of the race lias been lost in the past. It is almost impossible to procure specimens of the purest blood, for they are treasured by the Indian sportsman at the highest value. \s game fowl they are great lighters. Those who have seen them in in- | dia for the tincst birds never reach I our cnhloi climates tell of their prowr>s and ungovi rouble ei.acity in battle. With tnem it is always victory or death. In America, however, the game fowls are seldom raised for lighting purposes. 1 ut for show, and as pets and hobbies of poultry fanciers. Country i l.ife iii America. A Mcilt-nt Knirllntiinnn. Like the traditional Englishman, Ar' thur Stanley. I>ean of Westminster, j wore home from ids tirst visit to | America an expression of amazement which only time could efface lie was , at once besot by interviewers, who asked the usual questions. "What was the thing which most Impressed you in America?" was one of these. Without a moment's hesitation Dean Stanley replied: "My own ignorance." ?Argonaut. ? - : ? 111 : J -.v' GOODS/* u WORLD'S LTIONS :: Expresses Amazement rices Reasonable. eign nations would alone form an exnositioo worth the journey from New York to St. Louis. Germany's building, lias Deutsche linns, is a reproduction of Charlottenburg Schloss. 4.">0 feet long and finely located on an eminence overlooking Cascade Hardens. The interior as well as the exterior is a faithful reproduction of the palace; Gobelin tapestries, the old Chariottenburg furniture and the Kaiser's wedding silver having been brought over for the superb apart incut-. Nearly a mile to the westward France has reproduced, at a cost of half a million dollars, the Grand Trianon, the building and great garden covering fifteen acres. Great Britain has a copy of the banuueting hall of Kensington I'alace; .la pan. the Shishinden I 'ill ace, one of several buildings in a characteristic nark, and China, the country scat of Prince l'u lain. Italy has a superb Gracco-Koman temple. Austria an architectural glorification of Moilcrne Knn-t. and Belgium a magnificent structure from an original design. l.e--or reproduction of note .ire the tomb of F.tmad-Dowlah. by Fast India, and the new ltangkok temple, by Siani. w ir w - i . ' ";> ^ ^ ^^ ^'''^ ^ ^ 11 PI J / v! f ? . - (WWW,/ , '?* ,.??'"* '+> * i&ife. "5-*-" t;v. Tin* I'iko lias in tin* Tyrolean Alps the finest eoneession th.u 1 have ever seen. I'here is a urea' square with many quaint hutidiugs, a little village street, and above the siloiv ela.l mountanis which look very real as the evening falls. The best scenic railroad yet devised ti thirds several tine glitniises of the Alps, and there is a very graphic exposition ot the Obcranuucrgau passion play in the little church. The < lit!" Dwellers' conecssion also looks very realistic at nightfall. It is elaborate in arlaiigeineiit, end the courting, snake and other liv I lie S. nil ll Ivesl eve make it another of the Pike shown which should Ik- taken in by .ill. In Seville there is an amusing marionette theatre and some genuine Spanish dancing. For the rest the I 'ike oilers mlinite variety, and as a rule the full money's worth is given. The enormous Jerusalem ami Itoer War concessions are not on the I 'ike. It is a case id' dine at the (lerinan Pavilion ami die at the Kxposition. In a hcautitul Moderne Kunst building adjoining Das Deutsche ltaus the hest food and the highest prices on the grounds are to he found, the table d'hote luiieli and dinner costing :j>2 and $3. respect ivelv. There is also a la carte service. Kvcrything considered the prices are not excessive, and at least one meal should he taken there for the experience. Another should he taken at the Tyr dean Alps, either outdoors or in the gorgeous < 1 iit111jg room in the mountainside The best hrench restaurant is at Paris, on the Pike. Lower in nriees and ill I'lcrv way admirable an- the two restate la us eonihii'teil l?y Mrs. Knrcr in the pavilions of Cascade aniens. The cast one lias waitresses and no i>eer and the west one waiteis and heer. For a bit of lunch Seiniany, France and Knglatid all offer tie| lieioiis pastry ill the Aurieultnval building, i lie.-e are not free ails., but time-saving tips for the traveler. There are no end of restaurants to ti: all purses on the grounds. THE SILENCE OF BUTTERFLIES. Tills Insect ltepresenls m Truly Silent World. After nil. the chief el arm of this race of winged Mowers does not lie in their varied and brilliant beauty, not yet in their wonderful -Ties of trausforinaj tions, in their long and sordid caterpllI lar life, their long slumber in the 1 chrysalis, or the very brief period j which comprises their beauty, their i love making, their parentage and their deutli. Nor does it lie in the fact that | we do not yet certainly know whether ! they have in the caterpillar shape the faculty of sight or not. ami do not even know the precise use of their most I conspicuous organ in maturity, the antennae. Nor does it consist in this? that they of all created things have furnished man witli the symbol of his j own immortality, it rather lies in the fact that, with all their varied life and activity, tlie.v represent an absolutely silent world. * * * All tlie vast array of modem knowledge has found no butterfly which murmurs with ar audilde voiee and only a few species which can even audibly dick or rustle with their wings. T. \\\ lligglnj son. in Atlantic. Tli? Kittywrit-ht'N Complaint. A popular author, who has lately turned to play writing, has not succeeded in impressing managers with the availability of his productions. Not long ago, thinking to get some useful pointers from the current drama. lie made an observation tour of | tiie theatres. I "Well," iie remarked to a* friend at the end of the evening, "I seem to he the only man alive who can't get a poor play put on."- Harper's Weekly. * } The Tide River. Plcnr and cool, clear and cool. By laughing. shallow and dreaming pool; Cool and clear, cool and clear. By shining shingle and (naming wear; Under the crug where the ouzel sings. And the ivied wall where the church-bell rings. T'ndetlled for the undeflled; Play bv me. bathe In me. mother and ' child. Dank nnd foul, dank and foul. By the smnkv town in Its murky cowl; Koul and dank, foul and dank. By wharf and sewer and slimy bank; Darker and darker the further I go. Baser and baser the richer I grow; Who dare sport with the sin-detllcd? Shrink from mo, turn from me. mother and child. Strong and free, strong and free. The flood-gates are open away to the sea; Kree and strong, free and strong. Cleansing my streams as 1 hurry along To the golden sntuls and the leaping bar. And the taintless tide that awaits me ) afar. As 1 lose myself In the Infinite main. I.Ike a soul that has sinned and Is pardoned again. Dndefiled for tlie undeflled. Play by me. bathe in in-*, mother and child. ?Charles Kingslev. Odd Insurance. An educated chimpnn/.oo that died In England recently was Injured tor $ 12"..too. Other notable entertainers are heavily Insured also. Mnu\ Patti ' was one of the originators of this kind of insurance. Her voice?the most Intanpib'o of subjects?Is in sured for ?5.0flo, at a premium of'fllln for each performance. Paderewsjci's hands are underwritten for $50,000 and for each of his concerts a temporary policy of $7,500 is taken out. Josef Hoftnann poos oven farther and sots a price of $500 on each finger of both hands. As a precaution against acei-' | dont preventing his performance. Kit* i beiik's ripht hand is insured for $10,! OOP for each concert and for $50,000 against total disablement. Wculd "top in the Way. t once had a dog (but \v is good to track rabbits. i Fnt tu eritch -them he always would fall. For whenever the rabbit was st tried, you SCO. ? lie would stop to play with tils tall. UIs stripping would Milder the other canines. Kor he always would stop In the way; He scented to think more ot his t.-iil than of meat. I And was never too hungry to play. ; t kr.ow of some men In high stations today. 1 Who bulk every good resolution i I'hal i,: started In Congress. for thev go* In the way. | Ami play wit! their tall. Constitution. ' this playing might do. If the time was their own. Itttt the people do ttot think it neat: : l'hev would rather the playing was | j atoppi d. 1 am sure. They do not want harking, hut meat. ?Jake II. Harrison, <n Dallas News. i ifp'o D BOTANIC if | UiDiSi BLOOD BALM]? 4 > The Great Tested Remedy for the speedy 9* < and permanent nut of Scrofula! Kb uroa- ;'o I tistn, Catarrh, Ulcers, K. zema. Sores, ).rupII ftotis, Weakness, Nervousness, and all A 1 BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. * ( , It is by far the best building up Tonic X Blood Purifier ever offered to the wnrld. It X ^ ^ makes new, rich blood, mparts renewed vi A . lalitv, and possesses almost miraculous X Jj healing propei ties. Write for Book ot Wen- ^ XI derful Cures, sent free on application. X .1 If nq? kept by your final diugKist, send X ( j! 00 for a large bottle, or 5s.00for si* hollies, X , J and medicine will he sent, freight paid, by BX < J BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Ga. t> "I hi%d tronblo with my bowxla w'.tioh> my bktod imptvrv. Mv face wn* cot?pm! with pimple* which noxrwriwU r<?in**<ly could rrmofe 1 lrt**U your an<1 rr^at wa* my Joy wh~ti ihi fimplrK tiivMt-nr it month * tu-iuly uwr. haTfi r??ooiiiii??*nclfd thfm 1-0 nil my ?rloinU und CQttc a f*w .vKtT? f<>?ud reliof." C. J. 9*1 I'ark Avo.. New York Cltf. >1. Y. Pleasant. Palatnh)*. pottrt TwtfO.vx!. Do Good. VoTor Dickon. Wrakon or Grip*. J0c. 'J.?e. ??c. Never nold in birik. The ccnu)?r t?h)e4 ?tain pod O CO. Chiorantood to tnro or ynrir nv?ney bark Sterling Rennrdy Co., Chicago or ff.Y. 600 AHMMLSM.E, Teg R1LU0H B2KES I )( ft/.-S/& V y (iNCOflPORATEp) V y?^ * Al'ITAI. HTOt'K ?*:'.?>.OIKCi.O. Bn?lnria**V hen yon t*;'.r<K of g<lnc <?*f toachool, write for CollrK' Jnurnnt un?i sj. ; !.?j ? JTrr <>' the leading I)u*fln*ft* nn?l Shorthand M-honl*. A(Mn*M Kl\(;'ft KTHIM'^ nMJ.KI.i:, ll*lelUli, N. C., ??r C'hi?rloii? , % . V. (u * n!??? t-ncu h -ok keeping. Bhorihantl. I* 10.. I?y f.?aiL] $20.00 TO $40 IW-lnj; Made soiling "500 1 flV /.?k of legal and but-lnes* f cjk Compendium of plain and o ^ Ciok-uUlor and Pamvcr'i lie A complete set of Inieresti I It U a oompli to buatnrao <*aa *"'11 "" writ !?WTe? "r"> ??"" in the country i P&,..' ->t.\vZ^~Jcui * . <!k Agents have canvas IBtilSBulwaSi 4trilli?(r price SI 50 I*! Iiern I '1?-npfrfc* lafactU.n guaranteed <or moi SOUTHERN DEMT If you are Interested In obtal for free ontnloitus of full tnsn Aoentaa OR S. W FOSTER. DEAN. 100 NOI "wnatwiwwwwif-^' *. ?.wim>iiwrvi I p In Ui?* 'JO V?hh. 1'oftltlvo Cu t B C !? TVNER'S DYS f ^HICXjEJVSE you c annot spend years and do buy the knowledge requlnd b; cents. You want them to |?:t> them ns a diversion. In order to hnnilbthing about tb< in. To meet this want \v of a practical poultry raiser for (Only 2 u man who put all his mind, and time, t en raising?not ns a pastime, hut as a bui ty-five years' work, you can save many ? earn dollurs for you. The point is. that Poultry Yard as soon us It appears, and I teach you. It tells how to detect and cu fattening; which Fowls to save for bre< you should know on this subject to mak dvo cents In s'oitups. BOOK PUB.'-'SHIJ ' A UNITED STATES SENATOR Used Pe-ru-na ForD/spopsia With Great Benefit. 11 Slj ^ l\l At 1 \\ OsM'dl 11 :pp i tare* WfeaGmm \ 1 <i ^ WVv^\.XW\W . ." . V V . .. } ? i HO:i. P/l. C. BUTLER, * * * * Kx-l t>t<?-<! States S"imtor I' Simlh t Cnrolt#i. * l ^ X I'. S. Senator M. Butler, from ' J South ('.tro'.ina. w.i Senator front that State for two terms. lti n it rent tetter from W.t hington, 1). 'lie say"i r:t?? rev mi nu'ii t I'eni n.u ; or .'i/.sl it ml sfniari(.'/l trni'ilr t htto bff'ii usfiif/ i/olie m tllvin joi'ii s tort period int! ' /? / iH'r j ;ii ilea ret i n etl. , It l< ill icit it iro'iitrr it.' mr.irino b sltl' s "t a ><i ! ton ic "'--it. Itutl-'r. IVruna t.<> v a roiiie lv I : -h\s? pc|s.ia. IVruna is a catarrh renteily. I'eruna cure. tlyspt p .ia because it i. ;onernllv ilopont'.. ni upo.i eatarrli of the -torn* it'll. If t!t> nit thrive prompt ami satis- fa.-'.ory r? a!: .it i the u-e of IVruna write at mice to Dr. linrtmuM, Riving a II. II -l.l 'Till-Ill, III YIIIII .in-. ,11111 III- Will lip. .. I?Um.-| ?I tu nive y/J bis valuable advice ' jrrat is. Addr.\-s Dr. Jlartman, President ,)i The lariiaaii Sanitarium, Coiumbus. I). FSA^FLS or "t:m: stoky ov my i.tfi: and WORK," Uy Hooker T. Yi'axhinifton. ^ Ki'-a- v 11v 1*nif 'Sr'gro r"J Ik tor th" punxue of InY? tiwduc I Tiff it In your qi .VbW community. It is & 'vA 0a'$A **"y'^ remarkable seller, big UifiA j jirollt; ngente ar. m?k?%&9k,n* ^rom tr> Per Oay. "Will you Intro \ ^ Ouce It by selling or k*' tt i nif lis an agent T X. dBi 1.i. .^PtvRht'V 1 f S>?' ,f*T' ^ at cn, e for J * X" NlrnOLS & CO., Srlllug Price 31.00. 015 Austell ltullillnf. FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER ~7f ^ take iHl ) xi b babek. O y1 k< i??i\vii iiil (?v??r AtiuTlfA ant)i?k Mir* ?*r?f fMiri* for ail malurlnl (II*cam*i and 11 a ?? I'rrpurvil by K l.OC ADM bK I A < O., \Y.? ?h ln?t on, II. C. i ?* Write for ientimonial*. yfc CAVEMy, For BOYS ^ j* IZockjJillc. Md. IDEAL TRAINING SCHOOL. ? HOME LIFE. INDIVIDUAI rtRF AMrv INSTRUCTION: FITS FOR UNIVERSITY OR LIFE. ADDRESS. W. P. MASON. U. S. N. A.. PRIN. PI Dropsy II J Rftnovw nil swelling ia 8toio 1 v f cluy.i; efforts a permanent cur? yV in "30 to 60 days. Trial t r cat ment jff'lfc. rivet; free. NothinRcatt !?e faire* Write Ur. II. H. Orson's Sana, Specialists. box U Atlanta. 8S. 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