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Items of Local Interest - 4-- - Mr. A, R. Kiitihi oil, of Rock nill. was-a visitor to Forr Mill Sunday. ' The opening meeting of the county campaign wna held at For est Hill yijSteiday. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. ^1. Kirnbrell, of t Columbia. visited relatives in thia township during the past week. Mrs. .T. E.. Patterson went to Lancaster yesterday -for a visit to relatives. Miss Helen Heath. of Monroe, is the guest of Miss Aileen Harris, ori Booth s-reet.' Services will he held at the ! Presbyterian church next Sunday morning at the usual hour. ) . i -i \ v 1 .induing by the weather, the dogtlay prophet' is for once about to hit it right. The nnnu d Brown's shop picnic will beheld on F. lay, the lUth inslant. .The pubic, ia invited to . be present. In consequence of the heavy rainfall ^ Sunday and Monday the et-earns of this section have been great1 ly swollen during the week. Mr.-W F\ FT)?rri?5 will in n fowl days begin the erection of a neat 5-roonr cottage on 'lite vacant lot at joining that of "his homo or) East Booth street. Me^ra .T. M. .Sims and Win. Barron, of Yo/kville. spent Friday in Fort Mill. ^Mr. Sims is a candidate for the office of sher iff. Col. Leroy Springs whs up from Lancaster Saturday on business. Mr. Springs says that there has been much rain in his section the1 I)hht few days, hut does not think the -Top-; have thus far been dam. aged thereby Miss Aitti.e Link, no.-, in|)?itiieu 1 tiy her brother. Mr. C. S. Link, re- . turm-d Saturday evening to her home at Hickory, N. (5. Mr. Link returned to Fort Mill Monday. In order to change some of its present machinery, connect shaft | itig, etc.. preparatory to starting , cp the new addition, tire Millfort , Mill suspended operations Satur- < day for a period of ten days. i rri,fl ........I., ..e it... m:..~..i. ......?; l uu jiruun ui in*- i .1 /.mi niv uwii of the county art* arruitrrino for a liii; picnic upon tile occasion of the county cauipaion meeting to be held there on Tui-r.dny, the lOlli instant. Mr. and Mrs. Jus. (livens have moved fioin this city to Fort Mill, where they will resale in the fu 111 .? Rock 11 iII lveeord. Mr Willis Whitlock, who for sevt <ti months past has assisted '?is brother, Mr. F. CI. W hitlock at the Southern depot here, is now eii^ao. d as tj.-iil for the Sou tin ru a' Trenton, S. ( !. Constables Drake and Jenkins c one over from Hock Ilili Friday ill search of the blind timers here but were poorly rewarded for their trip. Several plac were raided, but so far a-cou'd no learned, no arrests or seizures were made. The Rev. .T. 0. Chandler an' noarieed from his pulpit Sunday that the third quarterly conforeiuy of his eiiureh wdl beheld with the Pleasant Hill Chureh on the IT in-jt. Mr. Chandler also staled a protracted meeting will be held in 11n* Fort Mill Methodist church in the near future Miss Autre Link delightly uutertMined a tiumher of our young people of a piiantoin pirty givm *it the homo of In-r brother Mr. O. S. Link, \\ ednet-day evening Delightful games w? re indulged in till a late hour and everyone pies ent seemed to thoroughly enjoy the occasion. A huge number of farmers were in town Monde", and there was much discussioi niong them as to the state of the crop-,especially with regard as to whether or not j tie y have been damaged by the re- [, cent excessive rainfall. It was the general opinion that there has been , to much rain and that crops in the j lowlands, particularly, have had an over dos-* of wetness. Mr. Fliil Mcrritt, of Gold Hill, reports an exciting 'hase hikI ti^ht , between his pack of hounds and a number of otters on Thursday , _ MM... ...? Or. I |TU>rimiU Mf nm'iii in number Mr. Merrtit says. had come up from Steel ('reek and were j prow line near Ins '.v>m#? when "struck" hy tin* d# s. The dogp soon ovhitook m nmniicr of tin- in trudciv and a battle royal, which lusted for several minutes. ensued. ; Rv the timely arrival of Mr. M# rviti tlie houndscame out victorious and returned home with tlieii master. rewarded for their work with 1 wo ve- v fine specimens of the ot lor j family 0! t *r hh-? armn ed for a g < d nr. Is iallv to lie held 011 August ">. Senator A. O. fiMtimer, Mr. K. ?]. Watson, ' rnnmivsi'mer of immigration. Mr. F. 11 Hyatt. presid-M t of the Statp (4ood Roads Assoeiu- 'i tion, and Mr. M. V. Richards, unit indnstiird agent of the S n-j 1 hern railway, have accepted invi-| tations to be present. ||L ... \-tf S^'v .<- * s* if }( X X a II _????. X I T3a // yy // // ./ // I MILI 5% *1* v ? (Si* ?. *7 mmmizsm X *,y /t *v v*-?. >\r \ C-ipt. f. S. Clarion Dead After mii illiii f-H of iibout I w iveeks. f'niit P. S. ('Imi Ivhom, a \\. II cnnwii Son tin* rn niilwtiv i* nnlufiui lie I TuokiIhv moi'iiinir ?t 1:1 > >V|ooW at 11in Iioiik* in ('h n lotto . a. i i- ? ' 1 1 ^ ij i. v-lurKsou w is ip v ton lo11*s?t?'ii Au^27, IN*!. \i tin ?f IS ypars 119 ? n'ered the niiiron 1 service, and hy tie* .illifui (1 s hiilya* of liis duties was soon pro moled 1o 1!t position hs I t i-iu'lit conductor on lip* old A. A A. I. railroad. lait* r lie was condu-toi hi jhis-pmh>t trains, which posit ioi, \ lie lu Id conliiiioiislv until hi.- t death. Capt Clarkson lias loi i many year - run as ioiiduct< r hp j I Ween ( Mini lot tp am! Savauua'i, am ' was wpII known and liked hy scores of people idolio this line Up was the oldest conductor in point of scr\ice on what is now known as the S uithern railroad. Tin funeral was held y? st? rda v nflernooii at .*? o'clock at St. l'otei Episcopal church, ('Init io to Chester Company Disbanded. Our Bister town, Chester, hai ham ttivfii liii* black e\e by tlit* j disband inept of it; military on? pany. The company wiumi .\J. day ordered by Adj?. (ion. Frosi to disband on account of its 11u\ inir failed to fittftnl llio rt'ct'i t Slate en -nmpment t Columhi i. The c mi pany was a member of il . First. regiment ami was the only company it? the State ai/aiii-l wiiit-Ii sue!? nn order was issti i. Following is a copy of the order: "Company I, First regiment ol the infant ry. ('hester, Son I li ('.no iuia, hav 114 faihtl to (iiinplv wi li Seel ion 1^ of the act of liHto, s hereby disbanded, and the e m maiulino otlieer will collect I lie I property foiiueilv in the hands <>1 1 this company .ami inaao 101 iav.n 1 tory of s one ami ivpoi to this t li *e ami a disposition i f tin pr p erly will lie ordered." Paul Diners was formally <1> char(?ed .ly II.cord r Sh 11111 11 house this inor in j f< r 11"* !.??.? ,.r t 11 p. Mr. T. (\ (iulltne, T. ntt u nr\ , for tlio (Icfi'iidi ill. iimdi a in >' i in | Hint tin* exainiilution mill tin* tin I in?_'S of tin* coroner's jury In* :ulu,>i ; I'd and that f?i<_r ik Ic disrliar^r i. ' although orniitiiiu' tint tin' : < ; Br had jnriadiiclion to : i <k< hither investigation of liic ea.-e ii , In* thons/ht it iifoo.s-ary. ( Inr I">t?r ('Iii >ni( ! . 1 ri !ay. County Campaign Meettings. H?om?s Dkmocratic Exkcthvk ?'<>m M1TTF.K OF Ki: col \ : \ Yorkvillo. S. O., Aujr. -till idol. ( Comity campaign noc:in^< will h ' held at the dates ami places mean 'inn below. to wit: Forest Hill, Tuesday. August !? Clover. Wednesday, Aug. 1 <> i Piedmont Springs. Thursday, Aug. t! l Hiekoryjurove, Piidny, Aug. Iv , Tirzah. Tnesdav A uir. tdi Rook Hill, Wcln 's?iay, ug. 1 Fort Mill Thursday, A isj Hlnirsville Tuesday, Vug v ' 1 MeConnellsville, Wednesday, Sea. 'J Yorkvillo l'ridnv Aug .'i ) The respective chairmen are request t?d to make all necessary urraiiguicnl for the meetings. I'.y order Co Executive C"itmiit too. J. S. P.KIOI , J, H. SAYE, Co. Chairman. Secretary. .V- r ^ : . I i X^X**.. "if>V?Vrv.?\r>> .TViV^Wv'ASW'i, i\\V>.sn '.<rX< *wy?X^XxJ\ ?X r\*?x< AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS *< AS orexmerjiit; iKB\7ycKX?r/*nMiic ct.n va-a n ic.'jr.: -*.vi. * yi n. u no /, <* AS AS AS AS AS Is Space I ?? ? SS ss ss ss SS Is Koservpu for S/ ss ,S & YOUNG. I AS AS A S AS <>? * AS u <* ' KTrT-^n:.itr_si^v.- r-zzan-err. srr.T^rv-rjt;~rr. r* : _=xti C S AS a r AS *? s us 4 * AS c S A * f S AS A S A S ? ? -? .*> ?r<> <?. r.--T .." m - . * ?. ? ?... .? - - - - . . . - ? > i.-; t vtf' *' ??"?? 1 >7 ? $??????????@?0? ?CO? ??S??<?? iThe Old Reliable Store 1 CO g ^ JXJL ? & 3t w ? ft R T! A T ST. A TTH.IT-1 W O X\.'XJ J.J- -i- fjj LJ_ O Oi JL.L C-i* & ? ? qrnp q A T "U f ? ? ljDi.b L>1"1 Ll .U. ? ? ? ? Sftarmnocks, p 8 I Hammocks i ? H 5? V v W e bought a sample io( of Ham- ? Co ( I A . , ^ joj mocks at a big discount and other g K b ? them ?;1 wholesale cost. SJuv a. nice j$j a"5 Hammock aiui keep cool hurbig the ^ v j) i v'O jg hot summer in oat is ^ AH Summer Clothing at irrent I v if?! ? ' *> 1 ' ">1 -? V ' \i reduced prices *$. ? ? C$ Special Closing out Sale of Ladies ^ U <$ ? and ('hildreii's Sandals. ? >4 k (,'5 W ^wxz. msavmai-rt-rai ts? iwotti' u-v.*e_ -ra?. r .1 assnasrr : | M if!!?, oil RellaMe Store. 1 &> ; CO |p T. Q. S?IX, PSCP. ???Q@i9?s?G?e?ee??0e-0e??0i > O ?J . I?, ii IX. W A f" ?? C! H 3S D U X. F. Ll'TKt "liV! : MAY II f, . ^OUTIIiiOI'Nl). 'rain Ts'o. L'"' l.v Charlotte '< p. Ar Mill 7.*'? v \r * :n> ]> ,, .. *> I i a. f9 ,, ,, < I'! a. ( '. i. 10 !' :i ,. ,, ,, 1 MI.*. )> ,, ,, p ,, ,, I.- p ,, ., > '< ,, m n .. !0.0? a. ,, PJ. 1* j> -\0!!T!!I,()1"\IV ."rain No. '!' > ' v ('hc-'tfr !"? ? a. \i j Yrt M.U ?- p Ar Chai ! : t". .V2n p ,, ,, 2H <<>!?>. :;.lo j). ,, ,, i', ;.*? j.. .. 7.In p ? ,, :K) ? .. H.lo a. ? ? S?. 1 :i a. ., *.?.*>'a ,, ? ?? .. p 7. so p. ? s.o;5 p Nots I'or* 7-liii m a nvnlai sa pping point lor all the above tiain . ex<? i?t o. an-l whi-b h.?>p on liuit. No. ami _ '??.3' > not run Siitiflnys 0 , ? &&& xxx x*we<t ' f% | Last Call For Summer Goods. | 1 > w 25e lo sV 00 Straw Hats, now 10c. . ^ Ltuiio*' ^-'.00 and S'kOO ffuto, uovr 90c. ^ o? >1 25 Hammocks, now 7*>c. ^ $1 00 Hath Tubs, now $2.5U. ^ Infant Hath tui?s Smc, ^R Mosquito Canopies, Si.50. j0 .Japanese Lanterns. 5 to Sc. m ^ f-io Carts from $5.50 to $12 >0. ^5 ^ Nov. Sew iu<? Mar It i ties from $12 50 up. ^ (?(j<xl Ki-mtul Hand Sewing Muchitics $>;00 to $0.50. ^ u All Summer tioods at or below cost. Now lot Lender ^ Stoves, t. rockery, Musical instruments, etc., ju-t arrived, t . mi pa re our prices oil Furniture, Stoves, Sewing Mn- ^ tjjflj chin's, t .-.. and see how much you can save by buying jR |)?:l ji $ :. 00 or ? :?) '0 to be iilted up with Spectacles ^ R win-it \\. etui tit you inst as v. ? II f. ?t one-gixti: the money. ^ 1 v.". . t \ , ears expei iettco i t j . tting glasses and studying (,-pii >. W * have a complete t of iiistruments for testing ^ | i, j, ivr A s s ? y, I X>X<X&&& GZW WW Tailor-Made Clothing llave your Clothing uku'c to measure. It is o trouble lo soil a man Merchant Tailoring f;Uv)v.N il he it: ever worn them. If you never .lave, t rv t hem The Globe Tailoring Co., of 1 aucinnati, wi21 have an agent here oil August i."Ui with a full line of samples, who will take > our measure for Suils, Overcoats, Pants ;;:ui ! \ ests made anyway that Clothing is made. Prices ranee from $l'2.r?0 to $4-0.00. You c ui h oc your suit shipped any time you want, lather call or have the agent to call on you. M EACHAM G EPP8. P P n UOMKTO ()! !l Oil AND UI>KNING Of FALL and WINTER WOOLENS" the world's choicest werves^ constitute my many hundred patterns of smart fabrics from the ore at tailoring house* of SCHLOSS BROS, 8: CO,, e BALTIMORE, whose c::p cutter, Mr, W, F, Abell, mr, i L/> !^r-. ?/? , < .-v ^ Will j.1^1 t l ^ Z. UllU ^ J I LI IdliC ^ # your measure and advise you as to what cloth and cut is most becoming to you. Suits shipped any time desired, MoBlhaney-Parks Co. !: V v V. f? : II fill.. %,; . !j THE '..INE FOR BUSINESS, 1 w-f?* THE LINE FOR PLEASURE, I'j Villi UN .ft FOR ALL THE BEST ; S\ TMMER RESORTS 2II ?"L'.?:-iT 1 I i' Complete Summer Resort Foldct P* ' ^ Milled Free to Any Address. ? j - M ?r i i! jj | W.A.Timk. S. H Harpwick, W.h.tAYI.or, ' ^ "-.i >'~r. Cm'! V-r.'.. A ?nt. A/.31. Onn'l Pass. Act. ^ v j| V/A^li.K .10;- ATJ.ANTA, ' A.