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J ' ' ' ^ TORT MILE TI M ES DEMOCRATIC PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY - ; ' B.' W. BRADFORD. Ti-rins of Subscription: ! dne yertr 51.00-j Six. months <50 1 Three months.. 2ft I Correspondence on current subjects is Invited. Yuit no responsibility is assumed for the views of coi n spoj.Ui-iitu. ( Anonymous communications Avlll not be published in these e< minus. , On ajipltcR.tion to publisher. advertising rates aie made kiioivn to those interested. Fort Mill 'I'lione (with Ions du-tance connections), No. 26. AUGUST 10, 1004. ; Seleot the Best Candidates Tlt#? Columbia cot rcnpondtMit of of tlie> NofttR'find Courier, in tziv inp rue iiuniner ami names or nindi dates for the legislatnre from . various counties; so far as an< noil need iu t lie papers, sr.ys: "It ii"W Hwrns lo be generally recognized t.het one of the*!inest s -bonis for political preferment is the general.a.-Reu;bly. It is uowndnys one of the raiest things in the world for h member of the State board of control or liquor commissioner to he elected from any other than the 1 Bo ' members of the portend assembly. Judges are most fre . queutly selected from amo ; the .members, and so it isithut tlie lawnmkers-who-show tbeir capaci ty and are congenial pet the best thing.* that are distributed by the general assembly." In commenting 011 the above, the Columbia Record says: "This has- been a fact apparent to all who have .lw^l il.? ..e. ifinwiji u mr null wuir \ ?i* mini I V r elections" for aevernl 'years past, i?-so it behooves the . people, to semi only their bo.-A citi-zens hh representatives. ' At the same time > the legislature ought , not to he the 'hnest school for1 po. Jitical preferment4.' It seems to the looked, upon that, way, and this itnny account for, in a way, especi* (Ally during primary years, why zlhero are ho many, mistakes made in enacting laws defeating the object which they were intended to Accomplish.'' Plant far Army Manaauvras. Recent despatches from Washington say that preparations for the army manoeuvres to be held in Sejjtemteer at Manassas, Va., are proctifcelly completed. The .Held of operations embraces fifty vquare miles in Prince William county, extending from the village of Thoroughfare eastward to Bull Run. The grounds' chosen for camps and for field exercises are well adapted tp such purposes and have been carefully < marked and n provided with ample water supply, jjraiu4g<t, and other-needful facilities. ?The men will be required to live in camp under all .the i conditions audi: regulations that would obtain- to a state of real war. < The troops wilt constitute one corgja. which will be divided into two divisional In addition to the troops of the regular armyk nearly all tha States in.' the Military Di? vision of the. Atlantic will aend details (com the National Guard AoopMffMt'-to reports received at Qauf> Cor bin's headquarters, there . -?? will b?' nearly 2B.0OO iikmi in ti" : two CMIIIp* tliat Will !) > foillji'd. The first, division will oeefi py Camp No. 1, winch will be located near Manassas, and will be under counnand cf (ien. Fred (Irani. The second division will be under command -of Gen. .f. Franklin Hell with headquarters iiearThor-i otighfare. Corps headquarters will , ho established at Gainesville. An interesting feature in <*??ii nertimi with the armv manoeuvres will b - the transportation of tlic 2b,Ct.O troops sent to the camps. Twenty mil< s of railroad track mostly in the f >nu of spurs, lias been laid, and more than LOO passenger trains will carry the troops to t lie train pi no m add it ion to many freight trains for the transfer of baggage. Figlitv trains will (lis charge 17. MX) militia on t he field on September 2 and The baggage and freight cars will be left ton sidings during the inanocnvres. so that tlicy will be accessible to the 100 wagons of the quartermaster's depai tinent. ? -? *- ? The Pabst Malt Case. In the ningistrate's court last Tuesday, says the Yorkville F.nquirer. a jury found a verdict for $25 damages against Mr. A. Kose in favor of Dr. .1. B. I' oven, on account of the seizure of a quantity of I'abst malt from the latter by the former on duly IS last, and directed the return of the gopds seized, or the value thereof, to wit. $8.2.3. Tins ciwh yrnw out f>F tlw1 raid of Constables ?I. )r. Drake am! A. i Hose (in Dr. Boweu's drug store, the facts as to which wote published at. tlie time. Constable 1 Drake went into the store and induced a fourteen year old clerk to sell liim two glasses of malt, one for himself and the other for a [companion, as a beverage. Having I drunk the malt the constable went out und returning with Mr. Hose, seized and carried away all the iiihIi in stock, shipping the same to Columbia. Mr. Rose, the defendant, of course, will take the case nn to the | circuit court. The Ogden Picnic. From all reports, the l>iu annual picnic at Ogden on last Wednes(1 hy was a success in every partic ular. It is n custom with the people of the Ouden section to liohl a picnic, yearly, about the tiret of A ujunt, and, on campaign years, to invite the various candidates to be present. This year, as usual, the ottino-seekers wore out in full force and many interesting speeches were listened to by the large crowd of "d'*nr people" present. The l imes would ho pleased to give an outline of each of the sp. eclies, but for lack of space we are unable to do so. However, in order to acquaint the people of this section with the views on several important subjects of Cant. .I. W. Ardrey, the legislative can didate fr- in Fort Mill township, we publish below an outline of his speech, as reported by the Yorkville Kuqnirer: Capt. Ardrey was glad to meet the people and complimented them 011 their Sine country ami crop*. He was a farmer himself by profession. He was brought out by i the people and did not know what | he eould accomplish at Columbia; ii ijui would endeavor to serve the j people to tlit? host of his ability. Ah to the dispensary question, it line) always been his policy to vote against whiskoy under any circuinstances aml'that lie favored amend ilig the law so as to give the people the privilege of voting for the removal of a dispensary from any town or city. And, futhermore, as a dispensary is not a local institution, the people of tlm entire county should he allowed to vote on es tablishing h dispensary at a county seat town, and that, township election should he held on the question of establishing a dispensary in any other than comity seat towns, lie ;? i . . t in ill IHVOI <>j su ppon I n<r limit schools, but thought mere ntteu tion should be paid t<? the common schools, and would like to see them more liberally supported, lie was in favor of better roads and doinu I away with the slate farm and putting the state prisoners on tho public highways. A cow belonging to Mr. R. Cayce, of Cayoe, in Lexington, trave birth to twin calves' Friday j ni^ht. One was white and the other black, and, accordinu to the fitness of things in naming the 1 little'bovines, the white one was called "Parker" and the black one "Roosevelt,"?Columbia Record. Pat in End to it AllA grievous wail oftimes comes as n result of unbearable pain from over taxed organs. Dizziness, Backach, LivI (complaint and consti pat ion. But thanks to Dr. Kind's New Life Pills j thoy put an end to it all, Tlioy are gen| tie but thorough. Try them. Only 35c. [ Pharauteed by all droggis s. BIDCNG US ADIEU. Farewell Add-css of Dr. Samuel A Kel , of Fort Mill Tho followintr lii os, writbn by I lie lute l>r. Samuel A Ivell who1 prior t?? his removal whs oil" of Fort Mill's most prominent eiti /i-tis. will be read with interest by ' ttie people >f this st etion: ' This en d is addressed to the j tjobd people of Fort Mill nit 1 surrounding: country. May I venture to ask that those with whom t have been so loiijr and so immediately associated will spare a few moments : > perns- then w- rds whieh, triithful and sine, re, l! >w spoiitaneo isly fioin the heart of one. who. wherever his future lot ' may he east, will always hold tliein | in grateful reineuib -ianee. ' I'weut y-t iiree years e.<yo I came , among you a perfect stranger, uti known to all exeept a f.-wold iirmv fiiends .1. M. Armstrong. Bow nian Menitt. Unlit. (iralunn. ('apt. B. I.. Warren, (who was the first man to call into requisition my medical servires) ami their br.ive r, tho luuu-nh el Col. ?)olin M White, be win* held in my 11?-nrt a place second only to a lirotlier, and whose sacred ashes now repose in our cemetery, while his pure soul rests with (Jod tin ^iver. ".I list here, although it may seem out of place, hear wit!, ine while I say a word in eiilo_y of one of the noblest nu n who ever walked tiods, t'ol. John White, lie it was. win . when his loyed country was in d uujer. him self raised a company in his native town, and for lour Ioiilj years led them through many a Weil l iti^iit i battle, enduring side by side with them dampers, p riis and privations, nml returned home to remain still to these old comrades and all others with whom he was throvxti, a wise eon usei lor, a yeneri ?r.s t l ien 1 and a most liberal helper win re\er he saw heip was neciled. L'tace to his ashes. I . . . "All l iniw, in three short weeks, I tiiUKt Hay to these kind friends to whom I have uiven the l?est years 1 of my life, that sail word, 'goodbye' Allow mi! to offer you my heartfelt thanks for the liberal patroi.atte that has been extended to me and tin1 many kind nets I have received at your hands. 1 I have honestly endeavored to serve j you with the best, medical skill that lay in my power, to treat yon j with all the eonsidc. at ion your , ' generous support deserved. If at any time I may have failed, 1 be" that you will consider it an error {of the head and not of the heart, i for, at all times, I honestly tried to o i \ i? you the best timt lay in nu*. 1 look around and see man\ youno people, sotne of them now | tfrown and themselves the heads of families, upon whose infant forms my eyes were the first, to rest. Since those days in which I Helped to wilt eh over llieir helpless infancy, I have served them ami their parents in the honored character of their medical adviser, lining with them in joy. in sick ness, and in sorrow. How can t now feci otherwise than sorelx grieved to part with those with whom I have heen so long ami so j closely associated ? j "II is true that many are still indebted to me Some have fully remunerated my medical services, others have done so Imt in part, while ot liei s si ill are en I it eiy in my deht. Hut what matters that now? 1 feel assured that each and all will I offer ne before our final p it t ing ; the last cent they can possibly raise and this is all I can ask or expect. "But this I do ask, that you will ; all, everyone, give me a fii-tally patting hand. In all probably we will never meet on earth again. Then let your good wishes, I beg you, follow me to my new and distant home. If you feel unable to settle in full your medical debt, give me the pleasant, ass in mice that your prayers and pleasant t houghts , will follow tu?? and tny dear ones and will bring a blessing upon us in our st range and far-off dwelling place a blessing that can come only from the giver of ay good gifts. This is all 1 ask. "And now. again earnestly thanking each and everyone for all the i 1.1 i i ? i ? ?i MiuiiK'hs hiiown \\\r miki ill ilit', ami praying I lie; richest blessing ?> f Ali mighty God upon you. your homes, your families, and tins my lovud iiHtive land, and hoping and trusting to see eauli kind, familiar fact? 1 around the 'Great While Throne," I hid you, one and all a sad farwell. "Sam Kell, M. I). "Fort Mill, S. C., Feb. 27, ISS'.l."' ' : End of a Bitter Fight. "Tw( physicians had a long and stubborn tiylit with an abscess ou my right iung," writes K. J. Hughes of Dul'out, Ga., ''and gave me up. Everybody thought my time liad oomo. As a last I resort 1 tried Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. The henetit I received I was striking and I.was on mv feet in a ifew days* Now I've entirely rcg-.uned my hea th." It conquers all Coughs, Colds and Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed by all dr.ugg.sts. Price f?Oc and $1.00. Trial bottles tree. I. . ? / M Ttriij ! M. All popular varieties. IBJiiMCe. J A Republican Newspaper's Estimate. Tin1 Kpnn._'fwM(l t Muss.) i'liion. it staunch llepubliean Journal, thinks lltiDSfVt It will win hands down in tin' November election, in fact The I nion lias nlreiuiy ele? Iftl Kdusi vol I bygivitm I'm km' on iy 'In* solid South niitl ('olorndo. liialio and Nevada, ll"?2 volts, and 11 use volt ll ?I votes, or (ho electoI ill vnlfs of iol llif oil.or .Stales ex r pi iJi law ii<'. Now York. .Mary land, I tali and Most Nii'oinia, whoso <?d votes it places in the doubtful column. Cliainnnii ( .ortelyou's first forecast ot I lie election result.-, in No vonibor lias be. n made public, lie r;i\es iioosevelt *J?>7 Votes sure, or twenty eisMit mote than necessary t elect ami this without counting New \<>rk. Cuiciclo Prevented. Thn startling iiiuiomiff mcnt that a jiii i<mix hi Miiuuir II.I UI'CU tllKUOVer???l will interest many. A run down svstem, or ilcsjwiiuli in-y invariably pre< 1 do suicide 21 in I sonict hint* has been tontul that will preveat that condition which makes suicide likely. At thi* first thought of sclf dostruction tako Kleelrie Hit tors. I? being a great tonic and norvinc will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It's also a great Stomach and Kidney regulator. Unlv .">0o. Satisfaction guaranteed by till druggists. Prepare (or Winter. Now is the time to prepare for winter unci see Hint nil houses, yards and scratching sheds are in perfect order. It more room is needed and more houses to be built there is no tittle for delay. llegin now and go carefully over ail tue buildings. Close up aW ? racks in the walls and repair till leaks in the roof. Hank up the walks, and, whenever possible make cinder paths everywhere that yon will be forced to walk during the winter. In tut hour or two now you can accomplish much wo: k that you will appreciate during the dreary mouths when tain and snow are falling. Delays are always dangerous, especially in the poultry yard, and since the work must la* done there is no excuse tor wailing. Home ;"td !\irm. Tho Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes rcsn'fs in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignitiVilli I 11 t w. .11' t. ?I?V hollo h,. . ....I, I .1 ....I.-. > ?><' | Ml III I III" 1 death iMMiiiltv. It is wise to have llueklen's Arnica calve ever handy. It's the host Salve 011 earth and will prevent fu tality, when Burns, Sores, I "leers and Piles threaten. Only "Jac at all drugstores. I, i NOTICE. The creditorsof Mrs. Eliza Fulhvood, ' deceased, are requested to present their | accounts to mo for settlement within (it) days. I,. A. HARRIS. Fort Mill, S. C.. July HUM. ???????????????? FOR GOOD WHISKIES | WIN EST k * \ w m -i ** * UliAA IH K!S, ETC., CALL OS on WRIT!; To AV. II. IIOOVEB, UIUUIM'K. N. rinn^coucH" mo CURE the LUNGS with Dr. King's New Discovery I /CONSUMPTION Price 8 ' Jn I OUGHS and 50c&$1.00 %^OLOS Free Trial. Surest arid Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUBLES, or MONEY BACK. ANNOT NCKM liXTS.' FOR COUNTY TREASURER. T Heretic uiinounco mystdt s candidate -* for t be ctli. > of Treasurer -.1' York comity, snbje-t fo the uct-ion ot the Democratic \ oUu.- iu t ki? Almost primary. .1. R. 11 AlLU. \\'oare authorized II. A. ' " D. A'? ely as a candidate lor le ?pl>ointinent U> tho olflee of county tnastiror, sobj -at to the v.ill of tin people in ilie Democratic primary . \VTD. tic Dcinocnitie voters >1 Ccates ' Tavern precinct, rerojjiii/.illJJ Mr. A. K. SMITI I'Sahility and ibid v. .>rth, do w it h pleasure present his name to tin1 voters for Treasurerol ^ <?rk v'onaty. subject to tie ictiou ot the Democratic pi imury FOR CLEhKOF THE COURT. T'r Tunes is authorized to unuoum W Drown Wyiie as a caudal to I lor re election to the office ot i leri; of Court 1<? York county, subject to the action of the Democratic j?viin:trv. ? \\~ lire :mt hori/.eil to announce Mr .T. ? C WILHOKN of Hock Hill, us u candid; tc 1'orUl.KHK OL'TIIKCOVHT for York county, subject to tin action <?f tlu? Democratic party in : h liomiin.t ' inji primary next suinnu r. rlMl KTimes is authorized to announce ' John K. Lojiuti, of Yorkvillv as u candidate for the oliico of i h rk of tltc Court for York County, -uhj ct n tltc rule- of the Democratic party in t lie approaching primary. 8h?-r. lty aiitinuuco mys' If a candidate for t lie ollire of Clerk of Court of York County, subject to t heaet ion of the Dcmoeratic primary. .1. A. TATK. FOR COUNTY AUDITOR. 'jPlIK Times is authorized to atitiouu * 11. T. Williams, of t Mover, as a candidate for reeotniuetulalion of appointment to V inhtor of York county, subject to lb choice of tli > Detnocrtifie voters in the primary ele -ti ni. We the ulTtlersijilted eildols 1 If. T. Willitinis tis ;i >uitahle titan for Auditor. W. H. ? t iJOt r A tyl.o. Wit.t.iAM I). ! W. 10. Adams. W. Miii. I'm t.\Kit. 1 herehy announce niysc M is a candi*' date for rccuimncndation for the appointment its Auditor of York county, at the approaching L)eiuo< rat i primary, subject the rules of the same .1 .M > .1. II NTK1!, Ml K Times is ant hori/.ed in ;iinii>uiiri< .1. II. IVgram, ??t Yorkvillo, as a CandidaIe fur i lie oili I v I' I>IT< >K of York county, subject to the action of tli * Democratic primary ? ! tiou. fJillZ Times is aut hori/. 'd to announce W. 1?. Williams, .lr. asa candidate for election to the ofiice of Auditor < f York County, subject to the action of tin Dcniocrat ie primary. FOH SHcR FF. I Hereby announce mvs If as a eaudi* ilale for tdieritV of York count y. subject to the action of the Democratic party in l he approaching primary election. Respectfully, 11. \\ t ALDW'Kbli. | hereby tiutiouuce myself as a candi * date for tin* ollice of Sheritf of York 'county, subject to the choice of the Democratic voters as the same may lie expressed in tho coming primary elect tion. HUGH (i. HRt t'WN. r|MIK Times i> authorized to announce ! * S. S. IMexico, of Ko<*k Hill, as a ! candidate for theoluceof SherilV of York County, subject l<> I ho arlroii of t he I Vuioerat it* primary. Thereby announce myself a eandidate for HieritT of Y tick County: subjeet to the rah s of tho I )onio:-ratie I'riiuarv. .1. tl SCTTON.' W*e ale authorized to aiinomire Mr. ** ,lt)IIN 1?\ (it )K1)( >N as a enndilaie for t he oil ire of SI 1 Kit i l'T' of York eoiiuty, subjeet to the rhoiee of the Deinoeratie voters as the same may he expressed in t ho primary elect ion of August !tt?. t|Mll-l Times is authorized to announce * Hotter) !?. Isiwrv. of Yorkvilie, as a candidate for the ollice of Sherilf of York i-mniiy, subject to the approval of the Deiioeratic voters at the approaching primary e.leetion. FOR COUNTY SUPfcRVlSOR\\rE are authorized to announce T. ** \V. lioyd as a candidate for re1 election to the ollice of County Supervisor. subject, to the action of the Democratic party in approaching primary elect ion. We are authorized to announce S. N. Johnson, of llcthel township, as a candidate for the other of Superv isor of York county subject totheaction of the primary o.ection. WE are authorized to announce Mr. K M. WIIITKS1 T)ES, ..I 1 Insul River towushiu. as a candidate for the oilice of PKH V ISO It of York ?'onnfy. subject to the rules of the Democratic ! parry. F OR CONGRESS. 1 am a candidate for Congress, from *- the Fifth ( ongr ssional District, suhjcct to the result of the Democratic primary elect ion. T. Y. WI DDI.\MS. FOR STATE SENATORI Hereby announce myself si camlitlate * for re election as State Senator from York county, subject to the action of the Demo, ratic prnnarv election. ' J. S. PRICE. FOR REPRESENTATIVE i I hereby aunonuce myself as a cattdiI * date for reelection to the House of Represenlat ives from York County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. E. I1K.\M(?UARD We are authorized to announce Mr. ,T. W. Ardrcy, of Fort Mill, as a csindidate for the House of Representa> fives from York county, subject to the action of the Democratic party at the prinmry olcction. 'pile Times is authorized to announce j 1 Dr. J E. Massey, J-T., a> a camlidato for the House, of Representative* from York county, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the August primary. ANNOUNCEMENT S. FOE CORONER 1 Hereby announce myself a cumlhlate *- for the office of' Coroner of York county, subject to the action of the Democratic voters in the approaching prim try election. F. K. CLIN ION. FOR COUNTY SLIPT. OF EDUCATION j hereby respectfully announce myself as a cainlhlute for re election to the offic e of county Supt. of I'Mncut i<... snhje i to the action of the Democratic voters in the uppmuc hin^ primary. .folin (t arr >11. 'IMie Times is uut tioriz <i to ante unco I I A <1 1 i: i - > l'hui H i <i <"iiiiiiitiiiii' ior i no oliico of (Vmntv Superintendent- <>f bldu?-at i?u?, suhjerl 11) t ho rult>s of i ho Domooiatio party ir tiit; August j rii.i rv. FO-t MAGISTRATE. j{ Iloi'oby iinuour.vo myself a candidate " ftji i -t lootmmi t< thooliioo of M;iftistnili. <n l">r; Miil-tow nship, uhj. -l to thorosuli < !' i!,- Demeeraiic prlfmivy elect ion. .loifv \V. M inky. Tlie M Store. There is i >ixi<*tliiml* d iui^ down there. Triot'S art' away limit r any one else, Come ami sou for yourself. and let us show yon what ha renins we have to offer. "Say dare Hast us. what make you look so lo.v down in do inouf? Am you done la-en Me-din' sumli ti V" "No, niuruer. I aint stole luilfin, I jes liei n liuyni* s niie things 1??\v11 dare at do ('ASM STOKL, and dey sell so ehea|> dat it makes llie feel like 1 heen stenlitl . S| tot il Cot ton, lie. T'auiks. from Nice Ilaudkoieliiefs, Jle and fie. (ieuuine Linen MandkVhiefs,ho Nice, laree I) shpaiie. 1.5 and "he N iee assortment of Jewelry. (iood watoh. S'Je. I'rdty W Chains, II).-. I'd*, loo. rsi j v.-r \\ .11?-1 > Chains, !! ')?, (iitotl ( tveralls, b>c. N ice Tt ;]i t p ij? ?r, 2c |mil. I'm ! i ad Feneils. 2 f ?r fu\ Nice line (if ) 1 ntand Cups. Calf Skin Slides. SI <12. I First class enamel Shoe, $2 0-4. A In mini] in Thimbles, 4c. Needles, per paper, Ic. I biy 1 v it in. Ac. Check Hands, 0c. i Shoe S<>les. '.>? pnir. Fancy Hoys' Caps, 2.2c. Mummers. lOr. Hatchets, tOc, Nice Lamp, complete, 20c. Hair I'ins. per box, 2e. Lamp Hunters, 5 and Sc. Nice I arteritis, Nr yard. i>i.i.. i - ? iniiiuii, .? iitj . c yard. AiuS a iiuinl)?'i' of otlwr things s -.Id pro|i<ulioiiatt'ly as riio iji. P. E Wild, Proprietor. GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER and &et the R EST WHISKIES, W I N K S. EUAXD1 ES. Etc., It I he must reasonable prices. J. 0. Ross & Co. Props., I in: CiOl Kl) SALOON, CILAKIA )'! I K, N ( . No. 20 W Trade . . /.oik 'i anres Work Veil Done. 1111 vp you Tul?le C'lo". hs, Conn torpid nes, Doilies, Window Curtains, lllanket^ etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, of Charlotte, N. C. Prices for launderi 104 tlie above ' . , , ai tides cheerfully furnished. Suits pressed Jl5r; suits drycleaned and pressed, .*?0c; suits wash ?d and pressed, Toe; cont or pants pressed, lor; cleaned and pressed, 25c; skirts pressed, 25c; cleaned and pressed, ~>0c. Our shipments are made Thursday mornings and returned Katur days. McE/haneyvParks Co, The Clothing and Shor M?n .ii* i