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CHItf" ut" PULICfc. bAVtD, K.-wIm r... S. C.?W. H. II' rris. Chief of Police of Newberry. rays: "I stiffor <1 for :i number of years with kidt y complaint. There was a dull a<*hiiig across ) lie small of my back tlistt was worse ai night ami made me feel miserable all the time. The kidney secretions were dark and fill I of sedi- j mem. and lack of control compelled | me to rise a number of times during j the night. I Jet ween this annoyance j and the backache it was impossible ] for me to get invcL sleep and my I health was being undermined. I tried a number of reme ties, btlt nothing lie I" I me until I got Dunn's Kidney J'ills. The use of this remedy according to directions promptly brought about a change for the better. After < usi: a two boxes the backache all left nte. the kidney secretions cleared up and the action of the kidneys became normal." A FIt 10K TRIAL of this great kidney j medicine which ^tired Ohlef Harris will he mailed on application'to any part of the I'nited States. Address Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y. ' Sold 1?3* nil dealers; price, ttfty cents ; per box. j ,la|>wn Ti. ltiMili. It Is well known tlint Japan la a j very small country us compared with i the Russian empire. Its area ?s 147,- I 000 spun re miles, while Russia lias in population the disparity is much less, but still very great?44,Ono.oOO for Japan against 129,000,000 j for ilie Russian Empire. Ilmar? of Olnlmxnti For Ontiirrh Tlint | Cmitalii N?ronr.f, as m?*reiirv will surely destroy the sen so of | snioli and completely derange the wliolosys- | tern when out or i tig it through the mucous surfti 'os. Such artl.-losshould never be usod except on prescriptions from reputable phy- | aidant,, its tlio damage they will do Is tea fold to the goo I you o.iu possibly derive frotn them. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by I'. J. t'lienoy .V Co., Toledo, O., contains o moroury, and is taken internally, acting < uvrtly upon the blood uud mucous surfaces t : tin-system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure ... ...I .J J.WII UIDKanUlllO. II IS IIIKI'U internally, ami made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney .t Co. Testimonials (roe. Hold by Druggists; price, 75". per bottle, 'l'nke 11 all's Family Tills for constipation. Oni Life Sittlni; Service. So effectivp is the life-saving service of the United States that from disasters to 240 doeuinemed vessels on til? roast during the year, having ."802 persons on board, only twenty lives v ere lost, and of the $54,000,000 worth of property put in jeopardy but a little more than $1,000,000 was lost. FITS pnrmunontlyeured. No fltsornervousness after llrst day's use of Or. Kline's Great Nerve Kestorwr,$2t rial bottle and treatise fro? Dr. 11. H. Ki.isk, Ltd., D31 ArchSt.. l'hila., Pa. Germany lias ten trade journals devoted to tobacco. I do not believe Plso's Cure for Consumption has unequal for coughs and oolds. -John F.Uovk.h,Trinity Springs, lud.. Fob. 15, l'JOO. Monaco is Kuropc's most densely populateil spot. a /^TRfe\AteSdltaiyj ? / p|lrpc SCROFULA. { BZ/fflDXl trUrfcb ULCERS. { I; (/o ^y\i salt rheum- tc-{ 1,,_ . _ r i y itmn. svery torm af ( '<<} ^ ^ t't malignant SKIM n I A A[*\ ERUPTION, bcttdas LW V/ \J I being efficaoious in L . / toning up the syslam \Q A [\n / n<l rsslorinp the tonXT ititulion. when impaired ^**~? from any cause. It is a fine Tonic, and its almost supernatural healing properties justify us in guaranteeing a euro of all blood diseases, if directions are followed. Price, SI per llottle. or ? Bottles (or flit, sun >.*I.I iiv nut Af uv rnpp in vk oi n'Dvv'nn f. ctrks*, Stfll rhtfc * ' s l- tiiT.rmstlo,,. 3 LOO D 3 A L iVI CO., NT A GA. DR. WOOLLEY'S OPIUM WHISKY ANTIDOTE TV11I cure permanently at your own hninn, I Mr T M. Ilrnwii, of Ilntjurvn, Ark., say*: i "Over seven ytnm ntro I was cured of the | opium habit by your medicine, mid have eon- I Otiitod in the very best of health ninee." Mr. W. M. runs-fall. of Loviut-'Hton. Vs.. #ay.*: "1 am u!ad to ney that I firmly believe I that I nm entirely mid permanently cured of Ihi Drink Halet.a* I have never even ho nnieh a- wanted a drink In any forui since I took your eradteutor. now IS month* ayo. It was the i*-*t money 1 ever Invented" Mr* V11 inia Tow intend, of dhrcveport. Ids., write*- "No more opium. I hnve taken no other than yonrst. and I make no ntiatake when I say that my henlth I* better now than It ever vva*in my life, and I owe It to you and) nr remedy. It ha* leen twelve year* I Hitter ! wri* cured by your treatment." I>t. \> oollev ha* thou* ... ... mvu irmrnon- I inN. with porntiaoion to use thorn. A trent- i ntent with so ninny rreotuniondntIons from | PliyelelaiiH Mini curml patients must le nood. 1 I?i . Wnnlley'e Antidote litis imitators, (its nil .i?l nrtiolp, hnvoi?perhnps yoti have trirtl some of thrill. Iiilt thorp is nothing like Wool ley's. It has stood the teat of thirty year*. Nt> ninn oi woinon who uses ointiiri or whiskey In nny form, or who has friends so aill toted, should hesitate to write to D*. B. M. WOOLLEY, lOil North I"rjrrtr Street, Atlanta, Oa., for lu~> hook on those discuses, which he will aond freo and confidential. ACADEMy. For BOYS 'HocK&ilte, l*ld. IDEAL TRAINING SCHOOL. HOME LIFE, INDIVIDUAL CARE AND INSTRUCTION: FITS FOR UNIVERSITY OR LIFE. ADDRESS. W. P. MASON. U. S. N. A.. PR1N. &K AAA BANK DEPOSIT aj ?\J Railroad Fare Paid. 500 y Kit EN Courses Offered. HH1?iKtlTt2KB^ri33 B'.;rd at Cott. Write Oulct GEOKulA-ALM;AMA P'JSINESSCOLLEGE.Macon.Ga. FOR MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER take LIXIRBABEK. Known a>lover Anierli a as the sur at cure for all malaria! <ll-ea*e? anil ?? a toovt-ntlvt against Typholt. Prepare I l?v ki.tlt /.r.WHKl At CO.. \Yiiahlnston. D. IJf Write for ir^t f. ho. ha. MMt KfHIAl Att tUl fAllt. Ihl JJ Beat Oonitn rtyrun. Taale* Jood. Lie Ffl Pa to time. ?old by druaglau. Hi iQBSSgEBKIinFCT^ t i Oyer *^| ^ ' >J i' TfMTi 250,coc jl H ONE Pleased jp g wc^tvmb sT/? Customers Sw zujr UfluV g J H S Hhlpmrnt* VHl MH B ^ ""^'"^-'n" iWra^]] U A raurku III InJi- ?" " 11 catc content*. Mj!u' ^9 ?. , X~?v w? know ^ *1?1? to _ ? . :>^i>cuv.i'" m I ^sRsr-r? ?..' II YEAR OLD HiOTk'allim, flfc- tr'V - ULU muetpkuiw | "" DY HON?DT?A 0 ^ Cu? [EDITOR'S NOTE]?Before permitting the ftbore vrhi to# Arm through their Banker*. Wt cheerfully cuuoric the ??4 keetut* to order temple lot. A BRUTAL HOLD UP Double Murder and Robbery on ? i Pennsylvania Highway $3,000 TAKEN FROM A PAYMASTER J Great Stir Caused in a Pennsylvania Mining Town by the Act of Robbers in Firing From the Roadside Upon Paymaster Patrick Campbell and His Driver, Charles Hayes. Johnstown, Pn., Special.?Charles Hayes, a driver employed by the Puritan Coal Company, is dead, and Patrick Campbell, the company's paymaster, lies perhaps fatally wounded at the I Altoona Hospital, as the result of a | brutal hold-up and murder on the i township road leading from Portage, 1 this county, to the mining town of j Puritan, at about 10:15 o'clock Satur- l ! day morning. The two men were in a | buggy, taking a satchel containing ! about $3,000, with which to pay the ! coal company's employes at Puritan, from the Adams Express office ut l'or- j j tage to the coal town, when, at a point 1 about three-quarters of a mile out oi Portnge, they were suddenly tired upon by three men armed with shot guns. I 1 > Hayes fell to the bottom of the buggy | pierced by 37 buckshot wounds in his i ' neck and breast, and died about half an hour later. Campbell was hit in : the shoulder and fell from the buggy. I The highwaymen came out from their j place of hiding in the woods to the j rirrlit of the road secured the satchel ; of money and escaped, j According to their usual custom near j the first of tin* month, Camphell and ' Hayes went to Portage al>out S o'clock ; in the morning and ate breakfast at the Portage House. At 9 o'clock the two , went to the office of the Adams Kx1 press Company, where they obtained about $::.000 in gold and bills, which they placed in a small leather satchel. ; Armed with 48-calibre revolvers as a protection against possible robbery, j they got into their buggy and drove out ; the township road. This was the last seen of them before the shooting took place. About ten minutes after their departure. Mr. Helsel, a farmer, who lives four miles from Portage, started for home in a spring wagon, ever the same road which the paymaster and his , driver had taken. Three-quarters of a mile from town, where tlie rrtad is flanked hv woods he snddenlv came upon the body of a man apparently writhing in the death agony, in the middle of the road. Getting down from his wagon. Helsel discovered tho | wounded man to he Campbell. The latter was di embed with blood, which was flowing from a wound in the right shoulder. Although in dreadful agony Campbell was still conscious and managed to whisper to Helsel that he and his driver had been ilrod upon by robbers; that he, dizzy from his wound, hail fallen j from the buggy, which had gone on. Helsel staunched the man's wounds e.s best he could with a handkerchief and a hit ef linen rinped from his coat, lifted him into the wagon and t:arted out on the road in search of the team ami the driver. He came upon the paymaster's buggy, standing at the side of the road, the horse, unharmed, nib-* bling at the long grass. Coming up opposite the vehicle, he found the form of the driver. Hayes, lying motionless and bloody across the bottom of the buggy. Investigation showed the man's body from the base of the abdomen to the neck a mass of gunshot wounds. showing red and ghastly through a great rent In the clothing, made by the heavy shot, lie seemed to he dead. Helsel tried to lift the prostrate form into his wagon with Campbell, hut could not. Hayes weighing about 190 pounds. As no help was at hand, and there was no house nearer than Portage. Helsel turned his team about and drove at a gallop back to this place, his now unoonscious patient laying in the bottom of the wagon. He drove directly to the otHce of Dr. .(. A. Schofleld. in whose charge Campbell was placed, secured assistance and went back for Hayes. The body of tho driver was taken to Portage, where physicians discovered that although Hayes was uncons-ious life was not quite extinct. He was wounded beyond recovery, and died FULLQUART^O? ^ {KEY FREE tho inaxninit of words and will do as wo say. We fl ho the lom il.prkcd >YhUkcj House and the I Lull t)r?l? r Whiskey Concern lu the Houtli. All tho H3 'ulina Whiskey wo sell If* isood ?there's no hud. H ? vouldn't udult.'i utc it they know how ? tin y arc too H <>st whiskey seller* tire noted lor mixing?, blendln*: and W e hell moregvnuloo clil whiskey and lees water than competitor. Cuapcr'a 11 YcurOld" Whlakcy f? B i?> 2 it's mrule hy honest people in tho mountuins of rM in old-stylo copper still*. Just as It w.m miulo by B ither.% First-rate whiskey is sold at ^ to #rt. <iO B but it's not any letter than *'C*ajpcr'8 11 Year Old.'* It B > or * will buy it! ock. Wekflto u capital of tr>00,000, B >ples' National Bank and tho rtedrnont Savlntrs Hank B will toll you our word is frotsl. To introduce this old, B Bkev, we ofTer lour Full Quarts of "i'nupcr'a 11 B 1?two sample bottles, one 15>, one lfl year old- a cork- B ta drinking ^loss?all for?'j.Ui>. If lfr??.90 is sent we B tho above and put in free line Full Quart Kxtra. B mo of this whiskey only 7 years old. and Will send tire- B for $10 or will furnish twenty full quart bottles on re- B and (fire free corkscrews, drinking glasses and sam- KJ 7 this whiskey cost loss than IJ.'-'O per gallon delivered. J2 plain boxes with no marks Y -> indicate contents, and U 1 Ft pre**. I.uyers Wert of Texas, liitnoas, NcbroaJut B must add 'JO cents per quart extra. THE CASPER CO. (Inc.) I rr Hide. WTNKTON.HAI.FW. N. C. ?kev advertisement to a|>j-car in ourrolnmnii. w. inrr.tiy.t^ in, and frwnda in nerd of jure whirkici for medical utc uood within 10 minute's after being brought | into the office. Meanwhile Pa> master Campbell, who was still in the office of th" doctor, had regained consciousness and was able to give a brief, whispered account of the hold-up to Dr. Schofield and Landlord Yeckloy. of the Portage I House, who was helping the physician. He said that nothing unusual or suspicious had occurred during the ride j front Portage to the place where the i i shooting took place. 800 Men in Pursuit. ! Portage, Pa.. Special.- Pursued by I 1(i<? men. the three men who murdered | Charles Hayes, driver, and perhaps fatally wounded Patrick P. Campbell. 1 paymaster for the Puritan Coal Com- i pany. about a mile south of this place Saturday morning, are biding in Cedar I Swamp about seven miles from Port- ' j age. on the Bedford county line. One I of the fugitives is injured, but not < enough to affect bis flight. , j- In parties of about 20. the pursuing i"tn arc scattered out over the entire 1 houmlcry of Laurel Thicket S.v: an. ' j which is 12 miles long and seven wide, t i.very minitio. . 'gn il shots are hoa' ; front different p.irts ?>f the swamp. A system of signals have been arranged ' .-o that nono of the searchers v ill get lost, ami to ennhio th >m to surround ^ the fugitives when tliey are foaml. j I .listho of til*' I'eare McCartney. of l'.eavbrdnie. a town about six miles to tl.e south of Portage, about 11 oYlork 1 notired three men running across tbe lawn toward the swamp. MeCarthey ( called upon about 20 followers to hurt>. They tired, and before reaching J th? swamp one of the fugitives fell. . .'.pother volley of shots rang out as the fallen man attempted to rise, and he stumbled again. His companions lifted 1 liim to his feet, and the three hurrial Into the swamp. When .lustieo McOarthey and his posse arrived they saw a trail of Mood lending from where the man had fallen into the swamp. They ! followed, hut whrr. about ">0 yards in iost the trail. The party then separated | ' one mati being 'etailed t<? Beaver late end the others scattering through the 1 t v.ampy paths and heating the swamp. ' Auxiliaries to West Point. t Washington. The War Do- j p' "tment announced the institutions 1 < 1 learning "whose students have ex- 1 hibitcd the great* st interest, applicn- t lion and proficiency in military train- i im* ami knowledge, anil are thereit o entitled to t ie appointment of an ^ b ci"V grai'.ii.1 of > .; h as second lieu- n tcnr.nt in the army, provided there [ t xiiiiu no sumeiont available vacancies. j They include South Carolina Military j Academy, at Charleston. S. C., and i Virginia Military Institute, al Lex- j inKton, Va. Ch'.nre io Gulf Stream. Seafarlr. jr. -:: . ay the puif stream ' !t-f i'c: e<! it? mood and incoming ' ire 'ovrn! hours ahead of ri.t. r' t; .sc. Those nound south a:-.- d. !r. ml. r : a ' " ' " 1; t'v 222 South Peoria St.. fi ' J? CllIt'AO(?,.l!.I.., t)ct. 7, ItHVJ. K K Eight months atro 1 was so ill H ( E that I waa compelled to lieor sit 5^ down nearly all the time. My fl stomach was so weak and upset H that 1 could keep nothing on it ' and I vomited frequently. 1 ^ Ej could not urinate without great p g pain and I couched so much that ^ 1 I anil sore. The doctors pro- 9 nounccd it Ttright's disease and u others said it was consumption. It mattered little to mo what H they called it and I had no do- I ty sire to live. A sister visited me U ^ from St. Louis and asked mo if N a ( had ever tried Wino of Cardui. I ? BE I told her I had not ami she H u bought a bottle. I believe that w '' it saved my life. 1 believe many H A women could save much suffer- s W ing if they but knew of its value. E|j ? b i j, I>on't you want fnsslom from s 9 pain? Take Wine of Cardui 9 l' H and make one supreme effort to B H ho well. You do not need to be 5?) ?9 a weak, helpless sufferer. You Lj Bfl can have a woman's health and 9 '< M doa woman's work in life. Why Bj P B not secure a bottle of Wine of 9 o Cardui from your druggist to- ^ |m^orduJ a END OF BREESE TRIAL ? Alleged Wrecker of Ashcville Bank Gets Seven-Year Sentence TRIAL WAS LONG AND TEDIOUS After Being Out for a Little More | Than Seven Hours, the Jury Returns a Verdict of Guilty of Abstraction and Misapplication of Funds, But Not Guilty of Embezzlement. Charlotte, N. C., Special.?The jury In the Breose case returned a verdict r>f guilty at 12.25 Saturday morning, and the former president of the First National Bank of Asheville was at once sentenced by United States District Judge B. F. Keller to serve a term of seven years in the penitentiary. The verdict was found on 42 counts out of the sixty-six. or those charging abstraction and wilful misapplication of the funds of the bank. Seven years ago to a day the First | National Bank of Asheville closed its doors. Such is the coincidence that the closing day of a trial lasting for 17 years should have ended seven years after prosecution and publicity began to beat like a fierce white light on the management of the affairs of the wrecked bank. In a little more than seven hours, the verdict was returned. At 11.15 the jury returned to their box. The defendant and his counsel being absent, they were immediately sent for, and soon. Major William E. Hreeso, tin* defendant, ac rompanied by Judge C. A. Moore and Mr. J. S. Adams, arrived in the Federal Court room. This was a few minutes past twelve o'clock. At 1LMP lhe jury was polled, and three minltts later, Col. 11. C. Cowles, clerk o! he court, asked in a solemn tone: "Gentlemen of the jury, have you greed upon your verdict?" "We have," responded J. K. Patterson, who had been selected to speak 'or thair.. "llow do you find the defendant. William E. Hreeso?" "Not guilty of embezzlement, but guilty of abstraction and wilful misapplication of funds." Major Hrecese sat perfectly still, iie looked a little t.agganl, but. be rond a biting of his lips, he showed 10 sign of emotion. The clerk asked counsel for the do ense if they wished tlio jury polled. Upon their reply in the affirmative, ]ol. Cowles called each juror to his "cot. asking each of them, "How say rou " and receiving the answer of ho verdict as first spoken. Judge Moore then made a motion for arrest >f judgment and for a new trial, both f which were overruled by Judge vol lor. District Attorney Holton praved the udgment. of the court at 12.2f? o'clock, lodge Keller asked counsel for doease if they wished to say anything or Maj. Hreese. They had nothing 0 say. Judge Keller then instructed he defendant to stand up. and adIrc r-sed him as follows: "Mr. Hreese, you have been conacted after what 1 am persuaded is 1 fair and impartial trial for alistra ion and wilful misapplication of the nonoys, funds and credits of the First national Ilank of Asheville. As a nan 1 feel sorry for you, but I have ny duty to perform. "It is ordered and adjudged by the ourt that you, William I?. Hreese, he defendant, he imprisoned for the erm of seven years, in the peniten- j iary, at Atlanta, (5a.. and that your | enience begin this, the 30th day of uly." Judge Moore applied for a writ of rror to the Circuit Court of Appeals t Richmond, V'a. <):i account of the ateness of the hour this matter was ft open until Saturday morning. Th linimum sentence would have been ive years, the maximum ten years, on ach count. Counsel for the defense will try to oeure a new trial on a writ of error o the Circuit Court of Appeals at tichmond, V'a. Should they fail in his they may apply to the Supreme !ourt of the United States for a writ f certiorari, which, if obtained, would lean that the lower court must re lew tlie ease anew. This wns the >11 rtli trial the defendant had boon ubjeeted to. In one ho was conictod, and thoro have been two misrials. As trial aftor trial has come p. tho mass of evidence has growr. s may bo inferred by the long torni f time required for its disposal hero, be most Intense interest has boon innifost throughout the trial, not on t because of the notoriety of the .shoville bank failure, but also on [ count of tho remarkable personality t Major Breese. lie has not flinched nder tho most rigorous assaults of no prosecution, and it. is agreed that Ir. iloiton and his assistants have pared neither energy nor brain nor ioney to secure conviction. Major Ireese is a veritable man of iron, of i plendid physique, distinguished inking, and with a big brain and an npertable nerve. Some of the jurors t ere heard to express tho deepest yinpathy for Major Breese, after hey had returned the verdict. Galveston's Sea Wall Complete. Galveston. Texas, Special.?This afirnoon the last skid of concrete war I ? laced In the mold, marking the com- j let ion of Galveston's sea wall. The all represents an expenditure of $t.- i 98.318 by the county, and has taken ne year, four months and fourteen ays to build. The first pile was drlvn on October 27, 1902, and the first , oncrete placed January 27. 1903. It '' j 17,593 feet long, 15 feet high and 5 ? eet wide on top. * woman of Jacksonville, Fla., daughter of Recorder of Deeds. West, who witn^ce^l y . i f J VI I VOvJWl her signature to the following letter, praises Lydia E* Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* " Peak Mr.s. Pinkham : ? There are but few wives and mothers who have not at time- endured agonies and such pain as only women know. I wish such women knew the value of Lydin E. Pinklmm's Vfffctabl? Compound. It is a remarkable medicine, different in action from any I ever knew ar.d thoroughly reliable. 441 h i\e ? n cases whore women doctored for years without permanent ben who were cured in less than three months after taking your Vegetable Compound, while others who were chronic and incurable came out < nvd, happy, and in perfect health after a thorough treatment witli this medicine. I have never used it myself without gaining great benelit. A few doses restores my strength and appetite, and tones up the entire system. Your medicine has been tried and found true,hence I fully endorse it." ? Mrs. K. A. Anderson, 225 Washington St., Jacksonville, Via. IVlrs. Reed, ~42."5 E. Cumberland St., Philadelphia, Pa., says: 44 Dear Mrs. Pinkham: ? I foel it my duty ail(l ,c^ y?" Ihe good 1 have received froni Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com? ) 441 have been a great sufferer with female til W trouble, trying different doctors and medicines UWg - * S3T with no bene tit. Two years ago I went under tj an o]N>ration, and it left mo in a very weak ^BbeHSHb i Y condition. I had stomach trouble, backache, T" A headache, palpitation of the heart, and was very nervous; in fact, I ached all over. I And yours is the only medicine that reaches f j|ft iyTi ?uh' such troubles, nnd would cheerfully rectiY* '4 U /' *? P oromend I.ydiii Fh Pinkham's Vegetable i * 1 Mi ' * ' Compound to all suffering womeu." When women are troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weakness. leueorrhrra, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that boarine-dnwn t i: - - - kciiuk, iniiiiramanon of the ovaries, backache, flatulence, general debility, indigestion, aud nervous prostration, they should semembcr there is one tried and true remedy. I.ydia K. lMnkliam'g Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. The experience mul testimony of some of the most noted women <?f Amerlcn p;o to prove, beyond a question, that Eydia E. Piukliam's Vegetable Compound will correct all such trouble at onro by removing the cause and restoring the organs to a healthy and normal condition. If in doubt, v rite Mrs. Pinkham at Cynn, Mass, as thousands do. Her advice is free and helpful. No other metliciu" for women in the world has received such widespread and lviuualilied endorsement. No other medicine has such a record of cures of trouhles. lie fuse to buy any substitute. p ftift FOflFFTY it wo cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signat ores of <11 ubovo tor tlmoniak. which will prove i heir absolute geiiuincrios*. VfVwutl l.ytllu E. l'luklitui Modiolno Co., Lyuu, Man. BEST FOB THE BOWELS j. CAMDY j/ \ " ii V"THAnT,? GUARANTEED CUKE for all bowel troubles, appendicitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated noweia, foul mouth, headache, indigestion, pimplea, puinu after eaem?. liver trouble, srllow ?kin and dizziness. When your bowels don't rnova r 4ularly you or-- uiek. Constipation kills more people than oil other diseases together. It starts chronic, ai. ments and long years of Buffering. No matter what ails you, start taking CASCARETS today, for you will r.evrr get well and stay weil until you get your bowels righk Take our advice, start with Cascarets today under absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Never sold in bulk. Sample and booklet frrr. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New Yo: k. JOS B XT' ^ ^ >? ? ^Ma^ Jgl? JjjPlla 'NEW RIVAL" BLACK POWDER SHELLS. I^nara ^t's the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load1*1 will'nR an<* use ?' only the best materials which make r ^'nchcs,er Factory Loaded "New Rival" Shells Rive betiWf M'fcffa ter Pattcrn> penetration and more uniform results generV 1 iA_r* a"v t'1an anV o'her shells. The special paper and the Win~ Chester patent corrugated head used in making "New mT i$i Rival" shells give them strength to withstand reloading. vjl be sure to get Winchester make of shells. SOUTHERN DENTAL COLLECE - georgTv" I f you nro interested in obtaining a <]?nt-nl tHlucut Ion, wrlto for frc? ciitalo(?ue of fntl Instruction. loonts* dr s w foster. Dean. ioo north bui ler street, atlanta. georgia. I In Ua? 20 Yearn. IN.altlvo Curo for ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. 8 rREE TVNER'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY *:;':Su I ~ KK(li;i.All flOc SI/.H. Wrllf in ynur Cnif. I'. Ilox 138, Atlanta. O*, I tXVaill JUKTlBHEHU'SrHHUAML UTMirBrtUIIBCMBtMW JS fSMSl /rfn^TBTT SfW.'g f.HBBfT- .BSSUMBUMMubamMMMBM loMoraBlindHorsesM?'?5SmmS T *52? so. 32 lore Kju*. Barry Co.. Iowa City. la..have a auro cura & Dropsy Es v (iNCORPOflATtO) ^ ?J] o-- rv> VUVj Belief. t .1TITAI. hTocK 110,000.00. Aa.. v' ooii ;n tttn-M ln>laeM"Ah?n rou think or going ofT to aohnol, - '.gSihr j RrmovM all swelling ?n 8 to 38 rrlte for College Journal nod special ( ffer of tha ] y ( daya; elTectn n permanent cure railing nurlncat and Shorthand >ehool?. Acldreaa I .fV in joto 60 daya. Trialtreatment il.Nfl S nr>il\raa COI.I.EOC, Ituletgh. given free. Nothingcan be fair#* I. ?,. or Charlotte, X. C. [ We alao teach Book- I Write Dr. H. H. Gfhan'a Song, raping. Shorthand. Etc.. by u.alL] J y>T?||y SMClallgtg. Bg;i Atlanta. U