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Items of Local Interest j M iss Alice White spent Friday in Rock Hill. Miss Bessie Robinson,"of Char- ! ( lotfe. is a guest of Misses Culp' at ; ' "the Palmetto Hotel. Miss Lillian Flowers, of Rock . Hill, spent yesterday with Mies |Frunces Harfis of this place. Miss Carrie Kirr.brell returned Monday " evening frOuu a visit to relatives :n Rock Hill. Misses Mabel Kirkpatri.e-k and I.illie 'Masse y visited during the j past wet?k at the' home of Mr. H 1 ! Masey, of Rock Hill. Miss Mary Ardrey returned Sunday after a visit of several days to hef cousin'. Miss .lunie Massey, 1 f of Rock Hill. M iss Elizabeth and Lillian Paris, of Rock. Hill, are visiting relutivee | ' in Gdhl Hill. Mr. D. C. Barber is spendi?ng a week's vacat on' at his old home Btdir ipMil'inr Dr. D. G. Thompson has been confined to his home for several ' days by illness. The Times announcer this week Dr. .1. E. Massey, of Rock Kill a candidate for the Legislature. Misses flattie and Fannie Kil f?o, of Woodruff, are Kin-tots of Miss ' Bertha Massey, on Eatl Booth street. The Catawba Power Company lias recently increased "ts capital 'stock from $750,000 to $850,000. Mr. D. W. Wolfe spent Friday i n Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. V . J. lvunbrell | spent Sunday with relatives in Rock Hill. Our citizens are in^ *?hy work on the new depot hue ''l-ting 'tire." "For information write the construction ' department of the ' tSonthein Uailw.y. A team of bull players from the mills here went over to Piheville Saturday afternoon ar?.d defeated the Dover mill nine by u score of 14 to t;. A game of ball on the local dia- i inond Friday between the colored teams of this place and Pleasant Valley resulted in a victory for the houie team by a score of 11 to 10. j A force of hands are now en gaged in cleaning the lots and i walks and otherwise beautifying the town cemetery. Someone has suggested this an opportune time for fencing in the the new part of , tuis sacred spot of ground. Miss Floience L'iurbrell returned Friday, after a week's visit to relatives in Roek Hi lb She was ae- > conipauied home by Miss Lula Mutiu, who is spending a few days at the format's home in Gold Ilill. Hon. T. Yancey Williams, of Lancaster, candidate for Congress jfrom this district, was a visitor to 'Fort Mill Saturday. Mi. \\ illiams lias many friends in this section, all of whom are much pleased at the prospect of Ins election in the ' approaching primary. From an employe of the Catawba Power Co.. The Times learns that the compauy will in a short i i.: I : a H wime iii8iu11 in meir power House , ' two large generators capable of ( producing 22W0 horse-power of | electricity. The largest genera- ! tora at present produces only 1150 horse-power. During the past week a number .of good showers?seasonable rains .?have fallen in this section and the crops and other Vegetation is growing nicely. A fanner was lieard to remark a few days ago that "the ground is wetter at pres- i ent than it has beeu iu twelve j months.1' Thursday morning another one < of our shade trees, one of the old timers was shattered by an electric bolt. This is tlie tfiinl one of our ! town beautifiers that has met such 1 a fate, in ihe past few weeks. The | one that whs last struck was just in front of and ipiite near the home of Mr. J. \V. Erviu, on Cle- ' t bourne street. Never, in the recollection of the writer, has there been a protracted meeting which was more largely attended or in which more inter* I est was manifested, than that con- j ducted by the l?ev. {. H. Shelton, of Chester, at the baptist church during the pnst week. Four services, including a sunrise prayermeeting, were held daily and each was attended by large crowds from the town and surrounding country. Mr. H. M. Kimbrell, whose home is about two miles east of Fort Mill, i came to t wn Saturday afternoon ! .suffering from a number of deep gashes in his back iptiicted by a I'azor in the hands of Mr. "Doc." i ])avidson. Mr. Kimbrell, it seems | had for Some lime been feeding a number of hogs for Mr. Davidson and when a settlement was called * for:the men could not agree as to (he prices charged, and engaged in a tight. Mr. KimbrelTs wounds were not considered as serious, i. . . # mm&gBSBSm I if if if if A 1 % Tla ** , p 'Z Kf 23 1 MIL] X x X - X X X X X Miss Helen Aril rev returned to ner home Monday, after a week'H visit to the Misses Ardrey, of tins place. Miss Minnie (garrison, of Pineville, spent several days of the past week with friends in this place. Mr. 8. B.Glenn,of Austin, Ark., was a visitor during the past week at the home of Ins nephew, Dr. I). G. Thompson, in this place. Mr. Glenn will spend some time with relatives in the Point section before returning to his home in the West. All candidates should remember that the time for entering any race in the county campaign in 1 DO4 eloses Monday, the Sth, at noon. All candidates who have not by that hour paid their assessments to County Secretary J. H. Save, taken oath to follow out the rules and regulations made hy the county Democratic executive committo for the conduct of the campaign will be debarred from the race. Hundreds of watermelons nre being brought into the city every clay, and the merchants are having the usual rush during this season in supplying their customers with the fruit. The crop this season is up to the average, and the melons are well developed and of excellent flavor. The prices are Somewhat below the average, ranging from 5 cents to 20 cents and in some instances where the melon happens to be especially large and well developed, it may brii g more. The Fort Mill Light Infantry returned from the encampment at Columbia Friday afternoon. The company consisting of -IS represcn alive young men from the town and surrounding country appeared to be very much benefitted by the week in camp. The regiment will attend the manoeuvres at Mauasae the lirst week in September. Forty men from this company will go and these will be selected from f 11 f im?? vrltn nllnnd Pmicrl??* night and Saturday afternoon drills. Mrs. E. S. Herbert, of Ornngeburg, State organizer of Woman's Christian Temperance Workers, delivered a very interesting lecture Sunday afternoon in the Methodist church. The principal subjects were the evils of the whiskey and tobacco habits, and the lecture seemed to deeply impress the large crowd present. A local chapter of the association, with sixty-three members was organized, Miss Willie Hoke being elected president, and Mr. Manly Young treasurer. Mrs. Herbert expressed herself as highly pleased with the results of her work here and promised to pay the town another visit in the future. Mr. V. 15. Blankenship, of Gold Hill, justly deserves the honor of being the champion tomato grower of this section. Mr. Blankenship exhibited on the streets Saturday, and dually rounded up by presenting the same to The Times, a mammoth specimen of this delicious fruit which weighed exactly two pounds. To say the writer enjoyed the tomato would be to mildly express it. ~~~* " I " * i? I I : h % ~ ?'^ ? | .is Space I 1 i Is Kesfci^fi ,ior // _. I ! LS & YOUNG. | ^ r ? 1 f * 4/ 4/ 4/ 4/ _^__r_4/ 4/ 4> r> i? t? \4\4\4\VWWN\\W?wmm??w?w?>r?w4 ^\y>\<\4 WWNNWNSNS ?<M?<4t?44tf^4<<?4444??44??44 G????????@@???? ?GO? GG???? ? ** lie Old Relialilii Store i | GREAT SLAUGH-j 1 TER SALE! 1 g Hammocks, 1 ? I g Hammocks ? X We bought a sample lot of Ham- x ** mocks at a big discount and oiler ?? I & 1 & them at wholesale cost. Buy a nice g j g llaininock ami keep cool during the ? @ hot summer months @ All Summer Clothing at greatly $5 @ reduced prices ? ? Special (dosing out Sale of Ladies ? and Children's Sandals. ? I The Old Rslialile Store.! i jgj ' S3 | T. B. BELK, PROP. U > ? 090? 0? 0? 0???OS?SO? ?S??0? SOU. RAILWAY SCHEDULE. EFFECTIVE MAY 29TH, IWI. SOUTHBOUND.? Train No. '25 I v Charlotte 0.25 p. Ar Fort Mill 7.80 p. Ar Cluster S 8<: p ,, 27 , .. 6.10 a. ,, ,, ,, 6.40 a. ,, Cola. 10 15 a ,, ,, 29 ,, t. 10.05 p. ,, ,, ,, 10.65 p. ,, 1.25 p ,, ?W i, ) ' '."(? a. i. i, i. lo.oi a. ,, i. 12.45 p NORTH BOX T NX). Train No. '20 Lv Chester 10.00 u. Ar Fort Mill 2.IK p. Ar Charlotte 11.20 p ,, ,, 29 ,, Colli. 6.10 p. ,, ,, ,, 0.65 p. ,, 7.10 p ? 60 ? ., 0.10 a. ,, ? ? 9.16 n. ., ., 9.50 a ,, 64 ,, ,, 5.15 p. ,, ,, ,, 7.60 p. ,, ? 8.06 p Note Fort Vill is a regular stopping point for all the above trains, except Nos, 29. 88 and 84, y hick stop on tlatf. Nos. 25 aud 20 <lo not ruu Sundays. | Last Call For Si W 25c to $1 -00 Straw Hats, now l '0$ Ladies'$2i)0 and $5.00 Hats, u X .^1 25 Hammocks, now 75c. ^ $-4-00 Bath Tube, now $2.p0. Infant Bath tube ?,5c. flr Mosquito Canopies, U| Japanese Lanterns, 5 to.8c. ^ ..Go Carts, from $5/>0 to $12.50. V*. New Sewing Machines from $V Good Second Hand Sewing Mf Ok All Summer Goods at or beh ^ Stoves, Crockery, Musical instj ^ Compare our prices on Furtp 46 chines, etc.. and see how mud yb from us. S Dont pay $15.00 or $20.00 t o V> when we can tit you just as we JV Twenty years experience in ti ^ optics. We have u complete t> ? , ><o. I 1, 1, MA Tailor-Madi Have yourGlothing 11 110 trouble to *?ell a ma Goods if lie has.ever w^i have, trvitliem. * The Globe T; of Cincinnati, will h August 15th with a full lii take your measure for b and Fancy Vests made an made. Prices range fron can have your suit shippc I Fit her call or have the MEAGHAM A Question Whal i* the lav^est Shoe concer Answei The Haniilton-llrown ! WliyV hecause they nivo uond We have a new block just in. Men's ? American Iicntlemaji, in all leal Country Club Highland Calf Security Ladies ()wii Make Picnic Watchus lilut! Grass lie sure to see uk for ?.SIiqes. If \yt : will not harm you. Got the lmbit of trading with? McElhaney f ! - . Work Well Done* Huve you Table Cloths, Coupter jyvim p, IT um'M* V'UlltmiM, lilnnkets, etc., laundered by the Model Steam Laundry, ot Charlotte, N. C, Price# for laundering the above articles cljeeifully furnished. Suits pressed 35c; suits dryD cleaned and pressed, 50c; suits ^ washed and pressed, 75c; coat or pants pressed, 15c; cleaned and pressed, 25c; skirts pressed, 25c; cleaned and pressed, 50c. Our shipments are made Thursday mornings and returned Satur> days. McEllianeyvParks Co, The Clothing and Shoe Mm 1 ?-r: SI" S3 - i ummer Goods. 1 ow StOe. |gt (chines $'VQO to $0.50. ^ jw c,ost. New lot Leader ^ uments, ete., ]u-<t arrived. ^ tur.e, Stoves, Sewing Ma- ? !i you can save by buying W e,fitted up with Spectacles U II for one-sixth the money. C tting glasses and studying flP et of instruments for testiug ^ S S ? Y, I vaftv sew wx>+ 3 Clothing lade to measure it i* n Merchant Tailoring; *11 them. If you nevei liloring Co., ave an agent lie re 011 ne of samples, who wiU hi its. Overcoats, Pants lywav that Clothing is 1 $12.50 to $40.00. Yon m! any time you want, agent to call on you. & EPP8. ? ? ? I B n in the world? ^lio<# Co., of Saint Louis, Mo. values. Blioes :hers .* $3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 Siioes. p $'2.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 . .Ml,. I ...... ...... 1 ?MI . viu.i v4?-? j uu miv ^UUU, WC5 Will -Parks Go. i J WSm GIVE US \ TRIAL ORDER and get the BEST WHISKIES, WI Is1 E S, BRANDIES, Etc., It the most reasonable prices. J. 0. Ross & Co. Props., riJE GOURD SALOON, CHARLOTTE, N. C. So. 29 W Trade . . hoi* Tnoc? _ -i j-xr- - j ? n?jl-jj--'v-?- IT777V-. oo..r,u I AND *CUR ETrrLUNCS 1 WH Dr. King's New Discovery /Consumption Price FOR Surest and Quickest Oure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB- I L.E8, or MONEY BACK. T ?"BP*""""* -