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/ __ FITS permanently ei. red. ,-o >lt?.orno:vou?? Hess after first il.iv'? use 01 Or. Kline's Great NervoItcKton-r.fiiri i! i>ettle and treatise freo Dr. 15.11. Kline. Ltd., :?:J1 Arch8t., Phlla..Pa. The number (if cattle in Argentina is estimated at 25,000.001. line Allen"* Vool-ITnuo. It Is tho only euro for Swollen, Smarting, Tired, Aching, llot. Sweating Feet,Coras ana bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Euse, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 26c. Don't ueeopt any substitute. Sample sent Free. Address,Allen S. Olmstod, LeRov, N.Y The daily mileage of the trains of ibis country is 2,7?O.W. Plflo'aCurocann t bo too highly spoken ot aa a cough oure. -J. W. O'Ebien", 822 Third Avenue, N., Miauoapolls, Minn., Jan. 6,1'J03. In some of the cities of Spain the streeta arc cleaned three times a day. Iilsinc'a Statesmen. It is many years since Ma trio Lns changed Its Representatives i.i Congress, except when Speaker -Reed resigned or dentil lias intervened. All four of the present delegation have Just been nominated for re-election by the Republicans of Uiei;- districts. State or Ohio. <'i rv or Toledo, i Lucas County. \ Frank .1. Cheney -.uke oakt that lie Is senior partner or tho llrm of ! '. J. Cheney ? Co., doing luiMm-.M In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, uud that said 11 rin will pay t.." sum of one iicxduei) millauh for 'if 11 and every case of catarrh that ennuot bo cured by the uso of Hall's Catarrh Cure. Frank .!. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my t ?'? i privence, this (5th dav of Decemj heal, t bcr. A. !>.. is St?. A.W .'Gleakon, " ' Notary J'tihlir. Hall's Cata'-rii? nrc is taken lut<irnalLy,and acta directly on the blood and mucous stir faces of the cy- i ? n. s> nd for testimonial", free. F. ,T. i'm:SKY <*e Co., Toledo, O. Sold by nil Dr.irgi ' =. 70\ Tftko Hall':! Family 1*11 is for constipation. flood Advice. An advertiser proposed to reveal for 25 cents an easy way for any young lady to keep li?r hands idee and soft. A budding damsel in Sturgeon. Mo., sent the cash, and received this advice: "Soak your hands in dishwater three times a day, while mother rests." Aliss Alice 'A. Smith, of Min-^ ncapolis, Minn., tells how woman's monthly suffering may be permanently relieved by Lydia E.Pinkham'sVcgclahicCompound " Dkak Mi?. Pinkiiam:?1 have never before given my endorsement for any medicine, but Lytliu K. IMnkltani's Vegetable Compound has a<ldcd so much to my life and happiness that I feel like making' an exception in this case. For two years every month i would have two days of severe pain, and could find no relief, but one dav when visiting a friend I ran across iLvdia K. IMnkhnm's Vegetable Compound, ? she had used it with the beat results and advised me to try it. I found that it worked wonders with me ; I now experience no pain, and only had to use a few bottles to bring about this wonderful change. 1 use it occasionally now i ? ?: *?---? ..... u v>t^i iMi ' i>m'iinnv urea or worj out." >1lHH Ai.Ick M. ft Si rr ii, 304 Third Ave., South Minneapolis, Minn., Chairman Executive Committee, Minneapolis Study Club. $$00Q forfeit if original of about letter proving genuineness mnnot be produced. Liyrila K. Plnklinm*s Vegetable Compound curries women safely through tlie various natural crises and is the safe-guard of woman's health. Tlio truth about tlsis great medicine is told in the letters from women being published iu this paper constantly. Finish of Years of Toll. Dr. Carl Schmidt of Heidelberg has succeeded after seven years of hard work in pioclng together 2,000 small fragments of papyrus and translating int) contents irom the Coptic. He says that ho has thus been enabled to Rive to the world the first accurate and complete account of the acts of Paul. The papyrus was inscribed in 180 A. D. ;; nnn botanic |> D.D.D.BLOOD BALM J; 11 The GreatTeited Remedy for the speedy it i > and permanent curt of Scrofula. kheuma 4) titm, Catarrh, Ulceit, Kciema, Sore*, Krupi t tiont, Weaknett, Nervousnctr, and all < I *; BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. < , It it by far the bctt building up Tonic ar.ri . . , > Rlood Purifier ever offered to the world. It . , ( t makci new, rich blood, impart* renewed vi . . , > talite, and potsctis* nlraott miraculous , , , , healing properties Writ* for Book ot Won<, dtrful Curat, tent fret on application. . , , If not kept by your local druggist, tend ( , , ! $1.00 for a large bottle, or $j oo for tlx bottle*, , > and medicine will be tent, freight paid, by X i i BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. Qa. i i jlf-'&irnccKft cuwc v/v \K; s - ^ lal V GuajtAwrtao run i RTCAUA WIH S wi??zsww*eiMflfinpwi?wuui?s y ' g : Sv^iO^ABOX TRIAL 25?^* , s * AJLRWIUSaV ? CO^a;> tLfwyX | ,. * \ CHARLESTON S. C. / * ? ? |st-fo?c \ rw sale AT ALL DWX. *. x^iy attvi ? So. lit. |5l CB?I$ WMI*I AU IIM MIL*.,CM LJ Beat (Vmgn Syrup. Tnatea Jo?d. lie M r>l In time. Sold by drugguta. W | . V rr-^ I II YPAR OLD JBl?erration 31 tr?bl WLA> Klinm.i iiicm Hst? B \\ArliU?litfiliiritSsfc/? tsjandtuoiv set Made Dy Honesty I Cwi f EDITOR'S NOTE] -llrfor. pcrmittlac the ftbovr wh lh? Arm through their lUnktTi. Wu cheerfully eudortc Lh mot k<MiUte to order satui>le lot. NEWSY GLEANINGS. There is an unprecedented demand for life preservers. The Japanese bamboo is being introduced in California. Dale palms from Sahara are being planted in California. llail caused Sri,000,000 worth of damage in Itavaria last year. Drunkenness is said to be cured by psychology at an Atlanta institution. A trolley line will soon be built into | the Yoscmite Park. It will start from i Merced. ! A class in real estate will be mbi. i to the curriculum of liio Now York Y. M. C. A. The whcrt farmers of ensiorn Washington expect 1<> harvest a of V, 000,000 bushels this season. A statement issued by a Nov.* Orleans statk t'riau said that the world's supply of wan less than laet year. Nine hits in nine shots is a sheetint record, rays a sp"chil eahle dispatch, made by the Itritish battleship Ytutrable. Monsieur Peildcr. the French executioner. is collecting material for the history of the death punishment in Eurcpe. Praetieal tosls were made under the direction of Fire ?'lii f Crolier, < f New j-ork City*. i:i w< ritirg two engines at one hydrant to save water pressure at tires. N. \Y. Mel.; od, of ft. Louis, was a temporary receiver for the Kirliy Lumber Company, Texas, for forty days, and ho values his services at $25,0: H). The master in enancery is considering 1 the matter. Somebody has stolen from the Itoyal ! Library of lteliriuin the nritrinnl ninn. uscript of the "Brabaneo: ic," the national air of Belgium, which was eomposctl In lSSO by Jcneval ami Van Cauinenbont. ritOMi ne.vf pi-:o pi.e. Atislria's Emperor shot his "JotiOth chamois thi' other day. The rclibishop of Wt stiiiinster has become a total abstainer. Edgar Coyplrss. now Mayor of Honolulu, was formerly one of the leading lawyers of Deliver. Ernest Thompson-Scion is a prominent niein >er of a society .or the preservation of Indian folk songs. King Edward, a special cable dispatch states, has added a new traveling automobile to his collection. - rsiwkftior l'latl purelinsed a country home oil Sunset Like, twelve miles from Newburj!, X. Y. Beelit, the oldest former member of the Herman Army, died a few weeks ago at l>elkculicim on the Itliine, aged 101 years. The income of the late Mourns Jokai, the Hungarian novelist, from the sale of his hooks and other sources ' was about $80(10 u year. I When traveling abroad. Mr. Adee, } Assistant Secretary of State, carries | two watches, one keeping Washington I time, the other Huropean. ' Theophile in b asse, the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, was a peasant's son. lie began as a journalist and worked his way into diplomacy. ltear Admiral (loodrieli, the new commander of the Fueitic siiuadron, has made a specialty of torpedo and fortification work, lie was horn in Pennsylvania. Clifford Pinchot. the chief of the National Bureau of Forestry, was graduated at Yale in INSSl, and studied forestry in France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. John W. Gates made his first money by husking corn. At the end of two or three seasons he had saved enough to buy one-third Interest in a threshing machine outfit, from whieli he saved $50 a year for three years. After commenting npon the number of modern Portias who flourish in large cities. The Housekeeper asks the question: "How long will it be before we have women jurors?" The modern juror. It goes on to say, is not a person of giant intellect or legal learning, nor is he accustomed to grappling with weighty judicial mntters. All that is required is a modicum of intelligence and common sense, and how often is this modest demand not realized! There is no apparent reason, it goes on to say, why women could not render as intelligent a verdict as men, especially in casos concerning their own sex, and it quotes an English judge as admitting that it would bo much more satisfactory to litigants and save a deal of valuable time if juries of women were employed in such cases as disputes Involving dressmakers' claims, and actions brought by maids against their mistresses, ff women are capable of making successful lawyers, there seeins to be no reason why they cannot make effective Jurors^ Pardon comes to those who fear the power of sin more than its punishment. 'IBlfflfffl ? 1 full'^quart ' of"1-1"* SKEY FREE . the meaning of words and will do a* wo any. Wa be* the lowest-priced Whlikcy llouac and the llull Order Whiskey Concern lu tho South. All tho roilnu Whiskey we n-ll la cuod-thcrc'* 10 bad. o wouldn't aUulu ruio If they know how?they arc too lie: t whiskey jkIici * are noted for mining, blending oad Wort'll sort1 ^cnuiiiK old whiskey and less w ater than 1 competitor, "i ufcpcr'ii 11 \ car Old" \V hlakey la [or! lt'emodoby lionet*t peopl? in tho mountains of omia. in old-stylo couprr stills, lutd aa It was made by r a thorn. Ft rat-rat" whiskey L< sold at Ob.OO t-??>?*? O0 , but it's not any t?etter than "Casper's 11 Year Old.** It re or wo will buy it l ark. Wohavo a capital of 1600,000, oplaa' National Ilunk and the 1 ted in on t Havings ltunk r w iiI tell you our word ?s good. To intrtxiuce this old, if.key, we offer four Full Quorta tf "C??pcr*a 11 M?tv.o sample bottles, one I*?.? no 18 year old a corku drinking all for M is gent wo ?the above and put in free Ouo Full Quart Kxtra. omu of this w 'ilskey only 7 years old, and will send five; for 810or wlil furnish twenty full quart ln?ttles on roI and give free corkscrews, drinking glasses and aamur this whiskey ro-1 lessthau ?1.10 per gallon delivered, t plain boxes with no marks t > Indicate contents, and II Kxpreaa. Buyers West of Tesas, Kansas, .N?. bra-Jta * must add 'JOceuta per quart extra. THE CASPER CO. (Inc.) tf isksy advertisement to appear in ourrolumns. invefdiysted em, and friends in need of pure whiskies fur medical use need 9k m if SF.a n rej *** r"I find Thodford's NlncV-PrauKht Nfcn a good medicine for liver disouse. It enroll my mid nftor l<o fmil spoilt B 1100 with doctor*'. It is nil the mod- g irlnn | take." Mllrf. < A > ol.INE {TJ MARTIN, I'arkcrsburg, W. Va. If your liver does not net rep- B uhirly p<> to your IrtiireH and 9 secure a package of Thedford's B Blaek-1traught and take a dose H tonight. This great family B medicine frees the constipated H bowels, ttirs up the torpid liver Q and causes u healthy secretion B of bile. ? Tliedford's Hlaek - Draught u will ? leanso the bowels ol impurities anil strengthen the kid- B nevs. A torpid liver invites B colds, biliousness, chills and B fever and nil manner of sickness and contagion. Weak kid- B neys result in llripht's disease which claims as many v ictims fl I as consumption. A 'Jo-cent nackage of Thodford's Hlaek- P | Draught should always be kept I I in the house. "I used Thodford's IllBrklirniiyht for liver anil kidney coin- B pluii.'i and found nothing to cxcol Sf it "?WILLIAM COl I'M AN, Mar- K ' blehead, 111. k I THEDFORD'3 I BLACK- I j LA BOH WOULD. Commie. Mosaic ami Eneaustie 'Pile Layers' anil Helpers' Union held its! convention at St. Louis. Mo. The l.iinois Central Iloib makers, at Vieksburg. Miss., have settled their strike and returned to work. The iron mines of Michigan give employment to 1 l.taf, persons, and their i products amount to s_'?;.r,st;o. The cost of the various strikes in j Colorado during the past sixteen mouths is estimated at S'j:*..o.'H'.,(HM>. The International Itrotlierhood of Electrical Engineers has increased from .soon to members in two years. The dailway Carmen's Union, at SL Paul. ..Iimi., is now tlie largest in the United States. The total enrollment is tiOO. A resolution providing for the registration of union labels has been intro- j dueed in the Canadian Parliament at i Ottawa. Most of tlio cotton mills nt Fall ltivcr, Mass., resumed after long periods of idleness, wages being eul about ten per eon . A dispute is pending in tlie tinplate Industry at 1'ontardawe. Wales, ntTeotitiVC o(K? men. It is now under arbitration proceedings. London (England) undertakers are I establishing a master undertakers' union "for the promotion of the interests of the trade." The Employers' Association, of Chicago, 111., lias set May 1. IStU-i, as the date for a general contest with the Teamsters' Union. The Chicago till.) Electric Fixture Hangers' Union has raised its dues to ten cents a day, the highest paid by a Chicago labor union. I There is a movement on foot to try 1 In plm i* ?rn t !?'? I -1 1 mi- iii-iKniuiiricrs or the j Shoot .Metal Workers from Kansas City, Mo., to C hicago. 111. Tricks to Avoid Service. "The life of a Russian soldier," said the Sago, "is desperately hard, and owing to the compulsory service laws there are all sorts of attempts maae by the simple minded peasant to avoid the quicker witted recruiting ofTUvr. At a station in Hastern Russja. for instance, a conscript recently pleaded deafness and so wouldn't answer any of the questions put to him. "'You can go home," said the surgeon at last, in a very low tone. "The fellow jumped for the door and so was caught. "N >ar Moscow a Hercules said that the Index and middle lingers of his right hand were joined together and could not be separated. They didn't look it, but the surgeon's strength ' was not great enough to separate them, and at last the examiner said: "'How were your lingers before you had this accident?' "'They were this way,' said Hercules. and to the surprise of every one he illustrated by opening his fingers as easily as anybody else."?Phiiadeluhla Press. ^HOUSEHOLD A NEW USE FOR STARCH. Wlion there is only a mirror or two or a pane of irlass to be waslieil, mix a thick cold stareh, apply with a eleati rag to your mirror or pane, and then lull day with chamois or any cloth that does not lint. It is so easy to do, yet produces line results. FOR FANCY PINS. Quaint little pincushions. siurnpsting the times of La Pompadour, are in the shape of hearts, mounted upon a ^ilt heart-shaped frame, having three little nilt lens, resembling those of the bureau boxes of the same period. The cushion portion is formed of shadow silk of a hit of old brocade. SHRVINC, ORANCE ? LLP. Granite pulp served in glasses may be used to introduce either the breakfast or luncheon, says the New York Sun. For the invalid's tray the fruit served in this way is especially appropriate. Cut the fruit in half crosswise and scoop out the pulp, reject inn ail tinseeds and white libre. A sharp knife may In- made to aid in the process, so that the indicate .ulohulcs may be broken as little as possible. Sprinkle with su.uar and stand lie.1 ^la.-scs uti ice for ten iniuuies. mi:uk:s and rnrrr. The wife of a wealthy fruit grower surprised her friends by serving wntrr. melons, musk melons. plums and grapes us fre-h as when tliey were gathered. Asked to tell the secret, she replied: "It is the simplest tiling in the world: anyone can preserve fresh fruits in the same way. The melons I first dip in a wax preparation and the stems with sealing wax. After this I coat them with a thick coat of shellac and bury them in a box of sawdust to keep them front rubbing together and from freezing. The grapes are coated with the wax only, but tlie plums and other fruits are coated with the wax and then with the shellac. All are carefully packed in sawdust."'?What to Mat. < IIIT.DItK.vs I t)OT\VMAU. I'iiient leather is l?.\ all im>:ins tlie prettiest for low shoos for boys or girls. It will not do for play or rough wi'iir. how over. .\ now leather o:illotl Klin luolal is said to ho vory durable, li is a lino, soft oalf. of light weight, ami polishes instoail ol* requiring blacking. The Newport tie is reeomniondod for children's wear. This is a low tie made on an easy last, and has throe very large eyelc; holes to allow for tin' wiilo "hhoti ties. 1 tare loot saudais are offered in an improved stylo. They are made with toe-caps, slashed for coolness. The single strap in front was thought to have a tendency to spread the toes. It was not always comfortable, either, and in miming wa> apt to hurt the feet. An authority on children's clothes gives this very sensible advice about stockings: "Nothing gives such a slovenly, dowdy appearance as wrinkled ill-titling hosiery; nor is any detail of the child's dress more important from the standpoint of comfort. A wrinkle in the foot of the stocking results frequently in permanent injury to the cuticle or formation of the loot. I l' - 1 " > I I iintmiv ill 1ISI lie COllSlllerOd, better buy fewer hose ami have thou laundered more frequently." &^ov?ehot^ ' -- - if' Creamed Eggs?Iteinove the shell* from six hard boiled eggs and cut them in tvo lengthwise. Make one eupful of seasoned cream sauee, pour it hi a small baking dish, arrange the eggs in this, eut side lip, sprinkle over theni j one saltspoonful of salt, and bake in a | moderate oven eight to ten minutes. j Spinaeh Soup Add one tablespoonl'ul ^ of chopped l ooked line s]iinaeh to onethird eupful of v lite stock, heat to the boiling point and rub through a sieve. Thicken with one-half tablespoonful of butter and three-quarters' of n tablespoonl'ul of Hour cooked to m uni, una >iii' mini etipitil or milk, a ' fow grains of salt ami popper; reheat, ' strain anil serve. Potatoes Pinnegan- Make white satire by melting two tablespoons of butter ami adding one of corn starch. When smooth add one pint of rich milk and season with salt and pepper I and a bit of onion juice if liked. Koil live minutes, then add a quarto? pared baked potato"s and a cupful of young i cooked carrots, all cur into dice. Mix j and heat thoroughly and sprinkle lightly with minced parsley. Rhubarb Pudding?Peel and wash the stalks front a bundle of rhubarb. | cut them up into inch pieces and put them into a stewpan with the thin rind of a lemon, a small bit of cinnamon, two cloves and moist sugar to i taste; put the rhubarb, etc., over the lire, and when the rhubarb is soft add to it a little grated nutmeg, two ounces r>f fresh butter and the yolks of three eggs and one white. Well beat the mixture. Line a pie dish with good pud' paste, pour in the rhubarb mixture and bake the pudding for about three-quarters of an hour, after which beat up the whites of Jhe two eggs with castor sugar and lay the froth on the rhubarb pudding. Return the latter to the oven for u few minute* longer. VKaaMaHWWMHHnHMHHaMakMJMHMMBBHBaMHMlMB AiJ I ?&. */ Tffcn nfa^Tii3pg .^Sffigsp I \ x \ M i f'X . V' l?| 'ft I s| ||. J - v.;.-" 'I'll tut sit nils ?f wtiinrn. sit//?. ? ft'n tw'rcoitstirssaiililiu'l l.nnrit. If if tak(n;t Itr. Hurt m:m's IVruiiri. It a ti mi ami nil ffintr tuyn us icift /?" fcslo as It irlll hit ut ml I a I rl ft allcriti ft* i tout' SOUTHED DEftST/ If von art- Interested In ohtnlnl fur free cntHlucui' of full ln>lru Aoooivs DR S W FOfTER, DEAN. 100 NOR" ? ?? ? rnnwui? vtnwtmnmma I ~ In t'nc SO Yoara. Polltlvo Cure J l- n r |T Tv NHR'S DVSP | I k- L- 1 AIC .-.?? NI/K. Write I wm/wmoiMsait&r v iimataa SOIIF SfOH13Cll *'I iikpi] Onycarety and f"el Ilk? anrwm&n. 1 hnvn b?on u nufTcr?r from d> and M?ur utomach for the lust two I have been tukinc n?icine nml other drug*.. hut could tln?l ii?? relief mijy fur n ?h?rt time. J will r* ommeiid Cio.carets to my friends n the only thing t??r indigestion fttld out Htomnch and t?? k?t*i> the bowels in good condition. They ai ?- very nice to eat." Hurry Stuckley, Mauch Chunk, Pa, Best For ff ti Jp The Bowels ^ /CttYa Plemant, ralnliblp. Potent. Tnwto Good Do Hood, Never Siokftii. Weaken or Oripe. 10c. 25r.f?0c. Never old In hulk. The genuine labiet RtaiRpcd C C C. I Uuaranleed to euro ?.r your money buck. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.V. 599 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES /ggSTfr^ [7% CURED i . v?*V- jr Removes nil swelling in S to 20 N** / days; effect* a {lennnncnt cure .^IT' /V_ in 30to 6.?days. Triallicatinent f '-lx.' __<%&:>. given free. Not hinge..n lie faire* '? Write Ltr. M. H. freisn'a Sons -J."..- ' I'***- SooeUliHs. Bj* R Atlanta. GC j Academy, For boys i -!* KocK&ille. Md. ; IDEAL TRAININf. SfHnni HOME LIFE. INDIVIDUAL CARE AND N6TRUCTION: FITS FOR UNIVERSITY OR LIFE. ADDRESS. W. P. MASON. U. S. N. A.. PR1N. y (INCORPORATED) V, 4 A I'lTAI. rrtM'K Stl0.04M?.4>4?. Bmlnrat-Mliiin you think <>r K'U'tt oiT to school, write for ColleRs Jotn nnl ami special ? fT? r <>.' the j ridlnt DutltirM and Shorthand ?ehonls. AtMrtu : UIN4CM IIVMM is I VI.I.Chi:, Knlruth. I V. or Cbnrlette, V. C. (We also teach book- | treplnx. Shorthand. Kir.. by malL) % A MEDICAL DEPARTMENT TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA Its advantages f,,t practical Instruction. both I In ample laboratories and abundant hospital ma- ' terlula ure iiDctiuulltsI Fret* acres* Is Riven U \ the great Charity Hospital with 900 beds and jo.oon patlents annually Special Inrtrurtlon la Riven dully at the bedside of the alrk The n. xl I """'on neRlriH Oct p..,.| | ,r .-auiloRua : * And Information, nddr. . Prof s K t'llAII.l.u U.D.. L>ean, P. o. Printer HI, Ni w Otli-uns, ;.,a." 1 1 CHILLS |! AND FEVER. i md all other form? of Mularla are speedily eure ! by 1 >1.1 VI R It VIIF.K. For Bale at al1 ilru^-t>'r< s 0<-. a bottle Prepared by . .I.IM/IUVNKl.t lO., Wmhlngton, 1. C. BTPAXB TABULH are the beet dye- ' ^JwiEtTV |? I>*f. inedlv ne I *cr III .vie A loini^T* ft cfMfiffl dr. <1 millions of them bn-.-o t>> <oM 't AV\ HfyJJaur- J tna sieeleyrr-X. t I.v.rti" -AV * ?/ bitro, alrk h-avlarlu . c fairies.-. 'ml breath, eore tin oat ami ev rv i ? artsinr lorn u disorder, d . J nBb?>2^ are relieved or cured be U'pan? T nb*^ ules. One will iteaeraUy Rive relief . rrllhlntwwntv mlnuti Th live eent |sirkr i - i 1 for an ordinary ovciuiuu. All UruRRtols, kU them. so. :n. i i tvt-uk eyea, uao Thompson's Eya Water ' A Beautiful Yotins: Society ! Woman's Letter. St. Paul. Minn. > ! 521 \Vnlnu)hi) St. < Dr. Hart man, Columbus, O. Dear Sir; "J took Fernnalast summer trhen I tens all run , (linen .a ml had ahcadachc (trid backache, arid no am- i bit ion foe anything. I note I feci as reel/ as I ever did ; in all my life, and all thanks is due to your c.v- , ! eel lent I 'era n a/less F. ; j Ileal y. \ The symptoms of summer ca ; tarrh are quite unlike in different I eases, hut the most common ones | are gencrul lassitude, played-out. tired-out, used-up, run-down feel- | ings, combined with more or lcs^ henvy. stupid, listless, mental Li condition. Relish for food and 5 the ability to digest food seeins (j to In" lost. i' Skin eruptions, sallow complex ; | ion, biliousness, coated tongue, i j fitful, irregular sleep, help to i j complete the picture which is so j j common at this season. l'oruna so exactly meets all these conditions that the demand ; j is so great for this remedy at this j seasou of the year that it is near- ; ly impossible to supply it. Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcrtics. f One reason why Pertina has | found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no narcotics of any kind. Peruna is perfect lj harmless. It can be used , t any length of t>mc without ae- I Ua it-..' tic dt Ug habit. j uii pelvic catarrh. anil catarrhal tit feci fanned nut, ben in "I once ill relieve i/ntic catarrhal ajjllerrl tit heal tit. Ihj a buttle to-ila-t, en sr. kL COLLEGE, ZIWJS: uc u (U'litnl 1'iliioaiIon, write eiton. r H BUTLER STREET. ATLANTA GEORGIA. f?r ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. I ?KPSIA REMEDY I ii? yniir riin1. I'. Itox l.tH. Atlanta. ?i.i. I for Shin Tortured h\\m an/I Rod I/U1/KJ U2IVI IILJ1 for Tired Mothers in Warm Baths with IMP And gentle anointings with CUTICUR A Ointment, the great Skin Cure, and purest and sweetest of emollients. It means instant relief and refreshing sleep for tortured, disfigured, itching, md burning babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, when all else < [ails. Bold throughout the world. Cnticura Soap, 23c., OfaW nent,*hc.t Ite?olv*iit, AOc. (lu form of Chocolate Coated Mila, 25c. r?rr via) of <*.?). Depot*: l.on<ion, 77 Charter* icnt* hq , rant, Hue <le la Phi* ; notion, 137 Col-tubM Lra. l'otter Drug * Chum. Corp., hole I'roprietora. ftT3M<l for M llow U> Curt Baby Uuiuera"