University of South Carolina Libraries
'I Items of Locai Interest Dr. T. B. Mea<-hum spent Thursday afternoon in Chnrlotte. Miss Carrie Parks went l<> M a roe Sunday evening to iis.?m)i ti e duties of nurse in a ho.-pi In 1 at that place. Mr. and Mrs. YY, A. Watson, of Charlotte, spent Sunday at the home of Capt. ?1. \V. Ardrey, in this place. The slveet force, under the supervision <if < tfficer Hall, is doin?_r some much needed work on Main street. j Messrs. F. I''. Clinton ?od U. 1$. Riddle, two prominent citizens of Clover. wore vi.situits to Fort Mill yesteiday. Messrs. AV. li. Ardrey and C. S. Link left Saturday night for a sojourn of n few day at Churie.don and the I -de of l'ulius. Mr. ami M>s \V. K. 'I'mylor, of Lancaster, visited during the past week at ihe Inane of the hotel's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. A I'rad ford, Si., in this place. Dr. J. L. Spratt returned Saturday from White Stone Springs, where lie had been in attendance upon a meeting of ih * South Carolina J)entul Association. Fort Mill's new passenger station will iiA u-ady for occupancy within ten days. The carpciiteis finished their work during the past week and the painters are now putting t he tiui-luiig louehes on the building. Mrs. liurruge. an aged Judy, was the victim of a very pt< nt'ul acci dent early Sunday morning. In crossing a ditch near her home in the mill village, Mrs. Hun age jost her footing and fell, breaking her left arm just above the wrist. The big Tirzali onennpuient takes place at Koek Hill today and tomorrow. The railroads are offering round trip tickets at iterate of one .strug : ! f ile, plus 2" cents, for the occasion. Mr. Calvin 1 Ionuei berger and Miss IIrlergey. both of Salisbury. N.C.. were married M m il?y afternoon by 'Sipiire d. N\ . McKllmucy ut tin* l:n I * r home on Confederate street. The Fort Mill Lii?ht Infantry, ('apt. Spin: 1 coininandiii'_r. left on Friday for Columbia t<> :rbud the (Uiniial i-neanipiiient. The !."? mem bets of t lie local e.tinp my now in Columbia are expected to return next Ft id iy. In our column* this issue aj pears the advertisetuent of the "Cash Store." This is a new store which has jnst been opened by Mr. F. (?. M hit lock in on.' of tin* rodilis of t lie denes l>uildiii'_r on Main street, the stock culisist i m; principally of not ions. The annual picnic of the farm era of lower Fort Mi.I township will le held oil next Tu? sday in tho i rove adjoining the home of 3VIr. 1'. Xinis. two miles south of town All of the farmers of the flection are expected to ho present nnd the occasion ?jives promise of beim.? one of much en ?vmen t Tti 1 ho court of general sessions nt Vorkviile during the p ast woo!;. | John Williams, colored, was convicted of assault \vi;h intent to ravish a small col red L'irl in Fort Mill some weeks ago and was sentenced It) the chaingang for a period of t\v ? years. The case of the {State vs. Mr. Sidney, of this place, was continued. A protracted meeting, !he initial oeiinon of which was pr>-aehcd bv Dr. J. II. Thornwell Sunday evening, is 011 at the i'aptiat church and will continue through tinweek. The pnst< r. ii v. Mr. (!ordon, is be'ng assisted in the meeting by the Rev. John 15. Slie'ton. of Chester. Services are held morning and evening. As will be seen by their advertisement elsewhere, the firm of !Mills A Vaime on lasi Wednesday awarded to Mr. L. W. Mtaeham. an employ? of the Milifoit Mill, the handsome j7osnit of furniture offen tl to the eiistomer L'uessino lien rest the number of beans , which It'td been plaeed in h tjbiss jar. Mr. Mcnelium"* j^ness r>I 7,99."j won the prize. Mil* count <!? vel? ?|/i ii _f the f net t hot liis {'liens w?h nearest the exncl. there hertiy 7,994 heniiH iii the jar. Uaxter Stewait, n e. lore! hoy was oil yefitenlnv * ? liV. t < 1 iiefoi'e Magistrate MeKlhnm y "I" larcenv and sentenced to the r ,;,ds for .'?0 days. Stewart's miast w s made at the request of ollictT< of Mnti" lenhiiio eoiintv, where he wanted on ho vera I chaises of hr^ cell v. \\ lien aeni?>h niz his priaonV er, Constable Mills wuh somewhat^ Kill prised to tiiel i.i li ? iieirro'* pocket a small nl inn elo k. This ' was lati r ideniith d as ! h * prop -rty of Mills iv Vountr. After inir his 30 day term for stealing the clock, Stewart will he turned , ovei to the Not til t'a: o:ilia author- , lties. V--p-M /? >? _ _ >< 3 4t,S f ?y #** >< * g 9 55 ,, V C As aiiiuni #>* J? contest for 55 closed on ti g L. \Y. 3Hmh The exael i i\ 7,994. Mr. ?? Tlumkim teivst s! i v> \\ 4 J to ivniain, I MIL] \v"v vrv 4> v <-\ ?s.*wn <r\, 4J* The fiews cl Pleasard.yatley M sacs 11 ! u I {i 11ii. iif MtMir<? . and Florin Strange, of \Ynx!iiu..j visited fiiends mid relatives licit" lust week. j Miss lilunelie Sinitii. of li'sliop , ville, visitt d m IMeasunl \ ?illt\\ last we-'k. Mr. \ unci' ll. (Vane of (' aieor I spen' Sunday Willi relatives in tliis place. Misae* l?enluli Kim , Inell and Oiiii V* indie -d (ioldi ! I ill visited In re la I wiwk Mr. K. W . I busier and dauphin ] Miss Mamie visited re! dives i.i j Clover last week. A delightful ice cream sjciil] was enjoyed Friday r.i-_r111 at the home <>f Mr. -I. 1 \ i 'aiies. A | >r< >t i ae 1 merlins will bey in at Pleasant I i ill church next Friday ni^ht ami rontinn" into next week, The pt.-dor will in? assisted hy ]{ev. W. II. I lodges, of Lai . aster. Our tanners are through work now and have nothing to do In I consume an nlnmdant crop of watei melons and watch for candidates. s. JJ. li. 3rutiay Tcrtured. A case canto to liirlit that for pcrsic eat and unmerciful torture has ]>erhai * never been equaled. .Toe Goholil;. ? t Colusa, Calif, writes, "For la years 1 endured insufferable pain from Rheumatism and n ?' hiir^ relieved mo 1 hou^'i 1 tried everything known. I came across | Clectric Fitters ami it s l ii greatest no dieine on earth for that trouble. A t w bottles of it e euplot. lv iv io e.l anl cured mo." .liot as ff<>od f >r Fiver and Kidney troubles and treinral debilitv. Only .V.Jo. Salisl'uotion {juaranteou by all -< Tin* State sa\s union:; 1 lit* earliest on Horn up >n W. .1. Bryan on iris arrival in St. Louis wore Win Taylor. Lnnitujs Taylor an 1 Br? an Taylor, triplets eii?ht inoutli^ old, who were brought by tl.eii parents to pay tboir ro.-poi-ts to I)ojnooracy s former loader. When (piestionnd upon their uhoiee fo. tne iioinination, they expressed a uiianitnous ^o.? m>o in favor of Undistinguished 17 c lity Shovra. "For years fate was after n?o contiim uou^ly,.' writes F. A (lulledjfc, Verba 11a, Ala. ' I ha t a terrible ease of Files eaii-^o.r -1 tumors. When all failed , Bneklen's Arnica Salve ouiv I me. IVjual lv uooii for i eras and all aches <uu pains. >fa: ut all drugstores. WANTED ? I'urelai e.-s for several t'n >usand No. I and 'J Shingles. A. A. HHADFORD, JR. FOR SA1.3 A lot <>1 niee.drv I.nnit>er P^mje 11, Wa . i .i\. N C- W. B. War ShcnrW's Kxecul ion Sale & Thk Uokton M ANVK VI II KJN(? Co., Plaintiff. VS. TilK ('HAlsr.OTTF, IJttK'K (' >MP \N\\, Uo.f olidailt By virtuiv of an Ofoontion t<? 1:10 !i root nil in til al) ?\o mi ntiouoil rauso, ' jovicil <m and will >"-11 at public nuni i', in Koi1 Mill, S. C., nuar Dopof inTuosday, August laid, a. D. 1001, between tlio hours of II and 2:ti;i, the following personal projiorty lo. it'll ii|Miaastho property of tlv Hot* tun Ma unfact tiring v oiiipauy: lot ?! Iron Rails for tracks, )<>, of oars, and lot of racks for drying brick, otc. Tortus of sale, rasli. JOHN R. I-OCAN, fcbunU \ orl; co. 1 r\*'?.r'Vi?AVX\.XVx%NWV\.f*V*''ViP *?.!*%*> VrXF SfS V^Nr^V^^NVAWXN^XNV'IV iV'?JXrV'J\v?\4V'?X'?X<i'> ?w?* The Kxact Nunibor. IM ' ft/ *s The winning Numh'r *> J BP ~ ^ k' mood in thisspaeo last wook, thr jj ....... the bountiful suit of of furniture 10 "iOtli w ith tho result Hint Mr. ham, of Fort Mill, won tho prize. I.Kkllw.l. ?<' 1 *- - 1 iitiuuv: tii iH'ilits 111 I UO HI!* WUS // . Mom-ham's mioss was 7,1)9."). ?4 i' von lor past favors and tho in* 11 bv ali in tho oonlost, wo bou ? * ? Yours to pioasc% a ' ?./ LS & MR I 'WVP^WVAN'^SW^N ? r-9-V L-&P-P & ? 9 ^\-tfV<\4?'?.V?N\\VVVS\,N <3v/ !">??i-r f G??G?@?S?S2i???@? ??SO moos? ? ? | Tlie Old Belialile Steve | ^ ? ?~?? ~? ? ? ^ s 1 & nDT" A fnoT A Tin TT k j ? urujiii DJbAUUril=s | _TER SALE! | p Hammocks, | 1 I flam mocks | "Wo bought a sample lot <>i* Ham- 2 1 6? ^ ?? mocks at a bit; discount and oiler ^ them at wholesale cost. l\\w a nice $ V v 'r v ? ? g Hammock ami keep coo! during the j& | J?. hot summer months ^ | @ Ail Summer Clothing at greatIv H ? ? 0 reduced prices q Vcy ^ ^ vV ^ Special ( dosing* out Sale of Ladies ? and Children's Sandals. *? ? jO>_ IB IBIMBII111 BB ittrraar BJ.? MIM .11! ?. UWRI T?jr ?Mag? ! I flip nifi Upliahlo ^tflpo I g i ii u u i u u u 11 u. u i u o L u lb,? I g T. B. BELK, PROP. g ?3?3?38^ee?e?6@c??s<3e?s?l> t ? S3 3JJ. RAILWAY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE MAY 20TII. loot. I X ' :-(>XJTI11 J< )UN I). Train Nr. 2? I.v Chariot to r. 2". p. Ar Fori Mill 7.ho p. Ar I'li.sier s ,, 27 ? O.ltS a. ,, ,, ,, 0.4l> a. Vol a. Ml. ! ? ? 3D ,, ,, l().0*> p io.:w p. ,, i . >.-? i ,, ? 33 ,, .. ?.HS a. ,, ,, ,, 10.07 a. ,, 12. I*> NORTHrOT'Nn. | Tri m No. 2*'? l.v Chester 10.00 a. Ar IVr' Mill VMS p. Ar Charlotte-5. : ,, 2S ,, Cola. 3.10 p. ,, ,, ,, p. ,, 7. in ., 30 ,, 0.10 a 0.1.J a. .. 0..V> ,, n 34 .. 11 5.1a p. 1. ,, 7.150 p. ,, ,, S.O.J Note?Fort Mill is a stopping point for all the abo\e trains, oxcej Not. 20. 33 and 3-1, which SvOp 011 tla^. Nog. 2". au<l 20 do not ran Holidays. : .M " ! i Our "Good | Summer G u ('otnmenelng Thursday, -I nI i Suuiun r Hoods line (roes at or ^ f i an exn 11y what \\t any and ^ t call and see our ^ It contains many ltohI tliii a. White Hoods, etc.. that are woi g yard All Summer Shoes at (\>st, M See our new Drop Head Five-1 .t 1 2 r.O. 'rinse never sold befo Ol A ear load of the Famous I. ^ just arrived We savo 121-2 5 '?,S' Mr l ompare our prices. *> ty Jy W A $ ir&XX-t negTTGEI For Men a LjTy^OIl I I- one of ilie best Shi bu\. In neat stripes and seil them lor iiimpi V e have a complete 1 si/os, 111 neat patterns, brag shirt at Princ shirt 011 tno marki Von v. ill have to see the then,, it's our world be a Boys' ? si/es I'J !-*.2 to it. dot?All the above goods a MEACHAM A Question \\ tint i- lli" laiurrtt Shoo uollCt'l Answ i T! ? llainilt ?n-1 ?ro\vn W h\ ? i! i iiim' 1 l>t v yivo Wo llllYO :l Hc\V .-it?i jlist ill. IVTon's ? Ainori*.*;?*i I ;il h in nil It'll f1 >1111*rv <'! i ? I I i;; il i.l'.tl ( I i i Seen; . I \ Toadies ( >'.VI) Mllkc I'i'-tiir Witlclt'.l I il He I i i :i>? Mo r i n- r.?r Sim 11' wi will n<>t Ii: i*t;i yi.ii, (I 1 Hie Inbit ?.r (ratling w itli ? McEIlmney Work Weil Done, I'mvi' y hi Tallie ('lotlis, Counter- i pair !>.;!!< . Window Curtains, j llhinkets, < !< .. laundered by the' Model Steam Laundry, of ( l;.irIottef N. C. I'li'-es for IiuitideriiiLC the above "" miti< :< s rh I .I;\ t'uriii>lied. Suits jin e-.-d !!.'? : suits dryrleaued run! pressed, f?Oe; suits | wash (1 and piessed, 7 .">< ; coat or nan s c I. 1V; el aned and v > pi d. id iil.s pre.,si il, 2~>e; I, (dl lllieil lllld |MM S8h1, r>0o. < >i?r shipments are made Thurs! day nioi uiiiL. i miuI ivturnod Suturp , <l:i\ a a McEihonev>Parks Co, ?f 4 The Ulothinj at'J Shot oods Sale | y 14th, everything in the 5 below wholesale cost. We ^ will stick to it. Don't fail ounter. # igs in Lawns, Ginghams, ^ rth from 10 to 15 cents per and some at Half Price* W Drawer Sewing Machine at 9 re fur less than $1S to $'15. leader Stoves and linages ^ per cent by buying in cur ^ S $ ? Y, | C SHIRTS nd Hoys. 3ra.xici its for $1.00 you can dots, sizes 14- to IS, we OSo 31-or. ine of these shirts, all This we consider our 73c ^eiy. jt will compare with it. se goods to appreciate iter for 30c 33airts. ; and stripes gOc re in fast colors. I 8 EPP8. ~TT~? n in the world? Shoe Co , of Saint Louis, Mo. values. 3Iioes lliers 8350 B OO 2.50 2.00 Shoes. $2.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 v 1 cant do yon anv jjood, we will '; p -Parks Oo. i I . ?! S I . flTVT! TTC "W> A m Afl W mJ? V Till A L ORDER and get the BEST WHISKIES, W11\ E S, BRANDIES, Etc., W I he most reasonable prices. J. D. Ross & Co. Props., I lit GOURD SALOON, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Vo. 2Q W,Trade . . Mrth 'mores KILL the COUGH I AND CURIE THE J.UNC6 1 w,TH Br. King's | New Discovery! /TONSUMPriON Price I ^ FOR R OUCHSand 60c?t$1.00| $ >Jk ^OLCS Free Trial. | ^ Surest and Quickest Cure for all 1 THROAT and LUNG TROUB- I , f m H