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-p\ .VOL. XIII. KIAO TUNG TAKEN. Japanese Win Another Victory With Desperate Valor HEAVY LOSSES ON BOTH SIDES The .Russians. Had .Fortified the Place and Defended it Stoutly, Losing 1,000 Men and Inflicting a Loss of 424. i Tokio, lly Cable.?General Kuroki, after a s vere light, occupied Kiao Tung on .Inly 19. The place had been fortified b> (he Russians, who defended it stoutly. In the fighting General Kurnki's troops drove the Russians from their strongly fortified position on the chi river, which is northwest of Motion Pass, and east of Anping, inflicting upon the enemy more serious losss than they sustained themselves. The tight began on the ixth and ended on the 19th. The Japanese lost 1-4 men in killed and wounded. The Russians losess, are estimated at 1,000. General Kuroki began his advance early in the morning of the ISth. He uncovered and followed the enemy along the chi river. The Russians seemed to lie retiring to the northward, when suddenly two battalions with eight guns turned and attacked the Japanese advance guard vigorously. At this point the Japanese suffered severely before relief cmne one niiiinnnv losinsr all its nflhors. At a late hour in I ho afternoon the Russians' pnsitinn was developed. They occupied an eniflieiw- ?<n tli?* hanks of tin' t'lii. The r(\# . their left Hank and hi?h pre onl v thr? con i nes< mm rep T mid val son inn ntt tnc 11a I* . ha fo da a< Tr 1)1 fo Jr> tli th tt> 11 t i <1 v t! < t p r l i 1 l t < i roi| ..uving a capitalization of $".,000,000 preferred and $15,000,000 (omman wore filed here recently. The 1 ar value of the preferred is $100 a share, but the par value of the common, which will he taken largely in the South, will he only $L'0 a share. Japs Seize Mecthant Vessel. Shanghai, Bv Cahlel?The British steamer Man Clu ng^whirh arrived here from Wei Ilai wVel, reports that she v. as signaled by the steamer Pie-Pieng I owned by the Chinese Engineering and Mining Oompnny. of Shanghai) whose i nmmander, asked the jl.ien Shing to advise the'owner of pie Wei Pieng that the ship and catfgo had 'iron captured %y the Japanese cruiser Hong Kong] Mid the vessel was proceeding to Japan with a prize crew on hoard. The news pf the rapture of the Pel Pieng was i nmrnunlcated to the British admiral whose squadron is anchored in Yung Ching Bay. F PACKING STRIKE AGAIN IN FORCE Alleged that Discrimination was Made in Rehiring. All the Active Union Men Being Rejected?Applicants for Re ir.statemcnt Left in a Body. Chicago, Special.?The stockyards strike, which was renewed Friday morning in Chicago and all the other points where the hig packing companies have branches, because the strikers were dissatisfied with the manner in whi h the employers proposed to reinj state their former employes pending a J settlement by arbitration, will continue i for another day at least. A joint con1 feretii t> I .Iwc n rnnrnunnlntlvps nf linth sides to the controversy and represen| tatives of the allio 1 trades, in an attempt to bring about a peaceable adI jnstinent of this second strike, was nn! successful and tiie meeting was adI jonrned at s::t?? o'clock, with the un' derstuuding that another conference would lie held. At Friday's conference, which lasted live bouts, a committee of ten. consisting of tive representatives of the packers and tive representatives of the nu at butchers' union, went over tiie ground thoroughlv. Whether the diflivulty can if satisfactorily settled is problematical, as both the packers and the strikers maintain that they are living up to Wednesday's agreement fur a settlement by arbitration, and that it is the other side that is respon- j Bible for the renewal of hostilities. After adjournment, a committee appointed for the purpose merely announced that tin peace negotiations had failed, hut that there was still hope that an agreement could be reached in the near future. No written statement of what ' : transpired in tlie meeting was given j | out. as has been customary at former j | conferences, and the committee decllni ed to give any further information ex! ropt that another meeting would he held Saturday, t'nless a settlement is reached the general belief is that a sympathetic strike of the allied trades in llie packing industry, which was j threatened last week to enforce the <lc- J ds of th* i's. will he railed, i e unions ii.tvesigniiiod their will- ' ess to stand by the butchers if they j called on to assist in the struggle , i the packers for supremacy, ihe following statement. given out :iv night l>y Mr. Donnelly, presi- ! of the Hutchers' Union, tho ivawhy tho strikers refused to return vork is given: I'he pnekers signed an agreement there would be no discrimination he re-hiring of the men. This was pte-i in good faith. On the return men this morning, they were d tip like cattle. I'he foremen, superintendents and r?. walking through the line, would i ; out a man and say: 'You come | The next man would lie pushed of line and told that he could not i ttscd. and it was always the good, j vo union men whom they could not | . Superintendent Pension, of the Ar- j ur canning department, addressed ' employes in the following lanige: 'You went away like cattle, | 1 we will take you back like cattle.' " | Xecording to estimates, 8,550 men , re directly affected in Chicago alone | Friday's strike. Fully that number ' strikers were on hand at ?i o'clock | pecting immediate employment. lit later. The cattle hutehers left in ?ody. an.l Mr. Donnelly's general orr declaring another strike followed, was sent to all employes of various eking houses in the different oities erted l?y the previous strike, and id: 'Order out all the departments iiii. Companies violated agree- j< nt." Bad Wreck on Southern. Near Franklin Junction. Va.. Friday tcrnoftn. local passenger train No. 9 lining between Washington and niville. was wrecked at 4:l)r> o'clock, ii*' door from a box car on a freight nin passing L'O minutes before had Hen across the track and the train inning nt a rate of ;io miles an hour, ncountered the obstruction, derailing ie engine and three cars. The train as in charge of Conductor Burgess ml Fngineer C. E. Hall. The latter ,as killed, as was his fireman, W. (>. Jilloway. white, and Ed. McClannahan. vliite. a flagman, George Burke, white, laggagemaster, and a newsbixiy, were lightly Injured. No passengers were J?ilei| or injured. News by Wire. Itrit;tin protested to Russia against he Red sea seizures. """ The freedom of the eity of London was presented to Lord Curzon. A great drouth is injuring German crops. Mrs. Florence Mayhrick. the noted life convict, was freed from English on ticket of leave and left f'.r Frame. A Heated Discussion London. By Cable The proposals of the budget bill have kept the House of Commons in continuous session all night, and Thursday morning a heated debate still continues. The discussion developed itself into a test of strength between ministet iaiists and their oponerts. Two Killed in Wreck. Olean. N. Y.. Special. Two men were killed and a third seriously injured In the wreek of a pa .- enger train on the Pennsylvania Railroad at Hhippen. F\u, Sunday. The d ad Fireman Kroeseter and Sullivan. l>c?t"-i of Buffalo; Geo. A. Henson, of Buffalo, baggage employe, was seriously hurt. ' MI] OUT MILL, S. WLI 4,000 ARE BLOWN UP . ^ Report of Mine Explosion That Was Carefully Planned THE LATEST PORT ARTHUR STORY it Was Taken to Chcfoo by Chinese, Who Made the Trip on a Junk? They Assert That The Japanese Captuied One of the Eastern Forts Near Pert Arthur and Placed 4,000 Men Therein, and That the Latter Were Cut Off and Blown Up by Mines?Merchant Ship Reported Sunk. Cliee Foo, By Cable.?A junk with eight Russians arul HO Chinese on board, arrived here Tuesday afternoon, five days from Port Arthur. The Bosnians refused to talk, but the Chinese nay that on July 11 and 11' the Japanese raptured and occupied with 4,000 men ene of the eastern forts near Port Arthur. Before re-enforcements arrived the Russians cut off the 4,000 troops in the fort and exploded mines, winch resulted in the killing of every Japanese soldier there. The Chinese report also that the night before they left Port Arthur a Russian torpedo In ,.t .sank a nmrcliant 6hip near l'ort Arthur, mistaking li?r for a Japanese transport. Many Cli> ncso on board the merchantman wei ) drowned, but the white crew of tli(> steamer and a number of her Chines* | sensors were rescued by t!te Russians. If this story is true, the steamer in que. tion probably is tin llipsang, belonging to the Indo-Chiaa Navigation Company, which y< < rday was 4S hotirs overdue front Ne.v Chwattg, and which was reported to have struck a mine. The local agents of the Hipsuug say they believe the steamer to have been lost. Lose Over 3,000. * ?A special to The loss in last night's engagement was 2,100, and the Japanese loss 1.2UU. Tho Japanese also have been in active -outset with the Russians east of Hint-hong. where there have b< en many minor actions. All along KuropatUirt'a front and flank tho Japanese are mov lng into position, but tho general attaek is being postponed until supplies and reinforcements come to the front. Progress along the muddy roads and mountain passes is slow." St. Petersburg, Ry Cable.?The news thnt the Russian volunteer steamships Smolensk and St. Petersburg now eiuising .n the lied Sea are stopping ships of neutral nations and searching them for contraband of war, is causing the liveliest interest in all circles. Russia has evidently weighed the question. believing herself to be within her rights and neither fears or anticipates international complications. Indeed, some of tho powers may have been t Minded by Russia on the subject. ' Nevertheless foreign opinoon is await- I ed eagerly, and more or less criticism is expected. Members of tho diplomatic corps are keenly anxious to ascertain the views their governments will take of the passage through the Dardanelles of these vessels of tho volunteer licet as merchantmen and their subsequent conversion into men of war. Another Illir. rovlllh lillX-ll 15 WIlCllHT coal is contraband of war and can be supplied or not to Russian men-of-war. Greensboro Votes Dry. Greensboro, Special.?The official \oto in the prohibition election lure officially announced, shows 315 votes for saloons and 741 against saloons, tuns insuring prohibition in Greensboro lor two years after next January. Bryan and Parker Invited. Chicago. Special.?"It is true that we j are to have a meeting in Cnirago on i August 20." said Mayor Harrison after reading the Associated Press dispatches from Esopus relative to t lie opening of the Democratic campaign. "We intend to invite Judge Parker to be one of the speakers. The celebration was originally set for last Satnr lay. July 16th. hut we changed tlie date when we found it would occur before Judge Parker and Mr. Davis had received their oiilcial notifications. We have already invited Mr. llryan, exSenator Towne and Champ Clarke. They have practically accepted and we are counting upon Judge Parker." Gautnrr.alnn Ants Doing Well. Washington, Special - o. F. Cook, the i expert in charge of the colony of Gua- I tamnlnn ants, brought into this country to light the cotton boll weevil, Tuesday wired the Department of Agriculture from Texas as follows: "Ants burrow well in Texas soil. Nest 14 inches deep in one week. Plowing no 1 obstacle." -J- I . y Ji y .1 JNESDAY, ,117!A 27, 1! NEWS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY Paragraphs of Minor Importance Gathered From Many Sources. Through the South. The rlty of Greensboro, X. C., voted cn Tuesday to ?"jsc the saloons after Jan. 1st. It is thought that Senator Gorman, of Maryland, will he chairman of the Democratic National Committee. It is believed that the Atlantic and North Carolina railroad will be leased at an early date. There has been placed in the ?tato Library, at Richmond, plate armor taken from the body of a Federal soldlv.r on the Seven Fines field. It is claimed that this sustains the charge that Northern soldiers wore armor, row est apes. * Wshingtcn Happenings. It isi likely that if American battleships go to Turkish waters they will not sail before August 1. Representative .1. \V. llabcock, chairman of the Republican Congressional campaign committee, speaks hopefully of the outlook. Baltimore is third in a list of four cities which lead in negro population, Washington being first. Extensive plans for the erection of a war college building and other im provetnents at Washington barra< ks arc being pushed. Tito Cannilian (lovernnicnt, it is understood, may prol< st against what is styled the kiduipping of a Louisiana alleged defaulting postmaster in Montreal. Reports received in Washington indicate thut the retry memorial fund is I swelling rapidly. | Major Theodore A. Uinghnm was retired as it brigadier-general. The War Department :lit a! r<- 1! ing $11,000,000 short-term Ki ppint bonds falling due Septeru , r 1 m-xt In the North. Vari; ' th * he would have to eh se restai ant because of tin- high price hoef, .K mi J. Mahouey iomn ttel oide in N w York. "Al" and "Hen" Wade were < ) t -octtled at the Ohio Penitentiary annex, in Columbus, for the murder of Kate Sullivan, at Toledo, April 14. Kent. Two negroes Frank Ousley and John Johnston?were hanged together nt I'liisDurg for tho murder of James Donnelly, a grocer. Difficulty is being encountered in placing tho blame for the wreck of a picnic train near Chicago, in which "I lives were lost. Antl-railroad-merger Republicans of i Minnesota, are talking of nominating an independent State ticket. The State Hoard of Health of Illi- 1 nois has issued an interesting < irciilnr ( < :\ "The Cause and Prevention of Con- \ sumption." A eonimittec of Pennsylvania labor- ! ing men. who called at Oyster ltiy to j present, a petition to the President i about the Colorado situation were nil- | able to ret an interview with him. The hundredth anniversary of Alex- j under Hamilton's dnith was. observed | in New York eity. A trainload of Italians and Vas trians. recently arriving at Victor, c 1.. ' . ..... III.. ...1 ..... I I . J I'M. The Mnllory Lino Steamship San Jacinto was damaged to the oxtont of $40,000 at Roach's Shipyard, Chester, l'a. Foreign Affairs. Oom Paul Kruger. former President cf tho Transavaal Republic, (tie i in Switzerland. The weto reported to have oecupir J Yin Kow. po:t <>f Niuohwang, withotit repistanee. President Castro, of Venezuela, has sued the New York and Bermudez Asphalt Co. to recover about $10,000,000 damages. A tremendous ovation \vn- given Joteph Chamberlain, who delivered a speech in Albert Hall. Lon Ion. under t'i" auspices of the Liberal-t'ni >n!st Council. The rumor of 30.000 Japs being killed was not confirmed. William Waldorf Astor's newspaper, the I':111 Mall Gazette, nanounce;- tiio (nrragonient o Mr. Astor's daughter Pauline to Cnpt. It. H. Spender-Clay, formerly of the Life Guords. It was rumored in St. Petersburg that the Japanese were repulsed ai. Port Arthur, with Immense loss, estimated at 30.000. Bulgarian insurgents dynamited a train between Saloniea and Constantinople, causing injury to 20 persons. The arbitrate n treaty between Great Britain and Germany was signed in London. I ^ M) 1. The ;?rini?-:s of (Jonera! Count Keller and C.etu ral Kur >\i wore reported faring h other ;ui"^s the River Liank, ready for si hat tie. 2S utiles east of l.ino Van sr. j | Miscellaneous Uclngs. sit s. C?" k'an. August Printout anil MeCarren ha I a lonferenre with Judge Parker at Ksopns. Tu lflnrt, 2!VttTo.2:t:t persons were engaged In gainful occupations in contl- ^ ner.tal Cnited States. \ general strike. \vh \ began at thn W< stern stockyards. is expected to brow i people out of employment and raise tin prims of meat. No checks will lie cashied by 110 Ohio hotels after September I. utiles presented with a hotel credit letter issued bv Oie National Hotel Keepers' l'ro'.e live Association. Kdpar \. Wulze. president of the assoeiation. said at l'le\elaml. O.. that wholesale houses do not seem to understand that hotel 1 ashlers cannot distinguish a fraudulent signature from the genuine. I Georgia Allowed Brigade. Washington. Special. Senator Ha< on of Georgia. has made arrangements with Major General Cochin, command ing the \tlantie division, whereby the m:i;<? m no represented liy [, a full brigade of its National C.uanl at ' . the mauneuvres at Manassas. \'a . next September. on condition that presence of th<' tit>0 men in i'mtss of the State's ? tpiota sh uh| entail n > expense to the ] I'nitfd St at?'s In* j on it the amount originally allotted to (jeorgin. Czar Dislikes Complication. St. Petersburg. It> fable. The As sociatt .1 Press has just been informed that Ktnperor Nicholas in an inter view with Count bamsdorff. the For eign Minister. * :.i : -m-I his disph as tire at (lie turn < eats l:ad taken and at the possibility of < <>mpli alious with ('.rent Itritain arising out of the deten i tion of P itish ship; by the Russian volunteer tject st? auiers in the Red Sea. This paeitie attitmle. If the report b?? correct, w ill doubtless lead to an Inuuediate and amicable adjustment of ' the dilU allies. i drpnncra Pc-I nforcements. I.siiilim. It" (' .! ; T' Pri'ly Chronicle this ttu ".dny pries a ilispat h i fr? it; Yin h'o . i- >rr. M-tnl nt under let of .lit!'. Pa. . ving 'bat the re < a ] to at- ;'i i" I a h ' tieral Oku has I" n wait are .v. lei up; dls<*u b "j;. e ! M ' r he ; r t tion of seven .lapa t n i> i . \ ii lauding of troop tie i : "t h says. is heing effevle. to tli. ' ; h of 1' r? Artlisir ami .in p rto.? :11h ma".' he iooked for litis : t ' t Strikers in Control. ( S' Paul, Minn., Special. With the creep' i'lu of the repudiation liv th? , Put hers' I'nion ntliciats <>f nominal i (on'rol of the; blockade at the Swift ' parkins; plant there has heen litth : change in the situation at South St Paul Ttfs lay. The women stenograph 1 ers an I several of tIn* leading 1 of tiie s.vifl Company's lirnnclt wen tin 11persons allowed to pass tin ' I?i? J;? *. line . ami all ? iY rts to in. pm: tli" f?.rce of men who have heen in tie plant 1 i several days were apparently successfully resisted. Wants Mosquito Wire. Washington. Special.- General Davis, ; coventor general of the Panama Canal | strip, has advised the Panama Canal i Commission that he wants inn,Odd j yards of wire gauze to prove; t mos- , quitos' invasion of the zone, (ienernl ( Davis says that this will he perhaps the large t order for mosquito netting < ver ' given. For the hospitals, 20,000 yardi will he needed, while for screening the houses along the zone, Tn.OuO i yards will he required. Two thousand I yards lire Ii. he used to protect the He i !,< sset.s houses at Cristobal. t Russian Forces Retreating. ril. Petersburg, I'.y t*til?1? . T!>?' C;.:ir ! has received Hip following dispatch from (Jcneral Kuropatkin. datPd July 1H- "There has been no special change in the situation since July 17. At "? in the aftern on of July is. Japanese advance forces of considerable strength were observed in the direction of Sikos* an on the l.iao Yang-Sianmtsza road, moving against .1 detachment of our , troops. After two days' lighting, the latter force i- r : ating towards the village of Jloutsintze, east of Anping." On Eastern Coast of Japan. Tokio. 11% Cable. A fisherman r* ports that 'he Vbsdivostoek !.<nuidnn was i ff Miyako Thursday, going in a ; southeasterly direction at a speed <f 10 knots If thb course and speed I is inaintaitied, the squadron will he off Yokohama today. Tho eastern coast of Japan is shrouded in fog. Shipping lists b a suspended, awaiting the lot alien of the Itu dan He t. The report of Joseph Chamberlain's tariff commission recommends a genera! tariff for (>ic.o llrltain. If wife or nuy her .tags, dorbtloss she is tired. (J.ten tin- most unselfish and most affectionate of women fall into this habit. s. NO. ly. ENGLAND IS EXCITED Russian Hear Now Ip Against Truly Serious Proposition TUP STAIPES1 PAPERS STIRRED IP \ Storm of Indignation Among All Classes at What is Regarded as Russia's Dire Insult to the British Flag. I.indon. My Cable. The A-sociateil ':? s interviewed many prominent M ts< as nniiM-t i' t ami in < touch ivilli tin- government relative to the eizure i f Itritish volunteer fleet in he Ueil Sen As a resalt i f these inquiries there a shown to be a remarkably hostile leling against litis: ia. of a strength m l a hit term s almost without pro. etloni sin the fr-mean war. liven tie tne i I'osei'vai ive who ha?< in en n the serviee of tin gov iiunent for many yt ars aid who openly dep'ore Lin- haste with whieh they thniight Ureal lit itain had plunged inei the i'tan-iviial war. frankly di > la re I'm* a joliey of r -prisal against what is re;urdede here as Russia": violati> n of teatie ; and h<r piratical attack on Uritish" i untitle! e. The warlike tone of sta k papers as Tin rimes. The Standard. The Morting 1'ost and The Daily Telegraph tvhicii, in national erise. hither! >. al Had it? inevitable effect. There Las In < n stirred up a storm of Indiana.ion annum ; 11 clns . in i?, raited l.i::' 't m and < f a i. ' h villi which ! 1 v? lament it:* i '.in scarcoly ipsa: . w I >> deplored tin* outbreak of tin- war l> iv.Ti a .lap;t ', I'.usaia no 1 in- : il pt;'!i?!y and piivutely tiw.i ltrit. in. erii i< I liti in ialh after I.I'!" .!i! !l Afi'ii a !l < P ' i' K ! Ill t not. at all e->*-ts. In- ?i!": 11 inio 11: * fir l"-..."ii :?ru;:le ar e>w niiioio* the n >- outspoken champions ?>!' a physla' : ?ri'* that will previ ?t the : p?'ii' n "i of tin* Alalia < i inci.l- lit ill the lt??' t' -a. "i.tiil 'an low no." la* I'aily 1V!e;;raph. voi? tij; ;h< view ot the \' i iim> at, "It. f:n*? ?i tin* ' a "h *i t i hv ilie abm-o of tin* t of ?arc h iti the- only munnrr wo.,.;* of i Itrilisli minisic r *omp< Hod to r .-ml lie* int.'ro !< of Itritish < imnen ami lu* honor of the ilia, and act in- with mho; itatina tiimnoss and proinpitu.Io ivhich recall the strongest days of tin Witic.l'.al nolle v til- lei in.lilti.'i .In, i list of the country. While in.; one *: h word should he .aid which wmiM 1 .v?. the < ff?'< t of increasing the tension of anxiuiu and dmgerous i:ii? rtrnl. it would he futile to djsgui the harnetor or to minimize tlio risks of Ike situation which has nrisen. We liope and helieve that a solution of the litiiculty may still lie found in the withdrawal .1 the ltiiahin gov. anient rrom its fa.!:-,- position." Packcrr' Ctrikc Settled. < 'hi. at o. Spci inl The st l ike of parking !mm,so employ* s. begun n:ae days tiro and which lias demoralized the pa> kink industry throughout t e uunLray. was set 1ml here We.lne-lay night it a ' o:ifere:ire het ween repre utn;;v?s ;?f the pai U? i s, the officials of the ire it utteis' union and representatives of ! 11 t!i" ail ed trades employed it the Mockyards. The whole runt onrsy will he submitted to a hoard of arbitration li I'i silte. ,'ii'n i nir lit li .In I>> whatc\er (!? 'isi:.:) I'? - !n.?rd nitty ioa< :?. I'ciuii.i' the iIim: inn ni ilii- ;?r!>i11;>I:<.li l.o.M ! t i an ii ? ili ' i back In work as rapidly as possible iiy Hi** packers, ami it is agr< el liy the |,ai'!.ns ail the nliI employes are in he reinstall d within la day.-wMun tiio date work is resumed. Randolph's Wheat Crop. Asneliori , Special. An unprer" lentil) e.op <>f v. has heen gathered tie farms in Ramloloh nnnty this year. One of our roller mills bought fio'n wagons on Satin day last more than 1 OCu Is shols. paying ?! Iter h -he! i ; h or .1. The high pre laid .i : ; year'? rrap of cotton 'ms in' i ! a n i:her of our far-aers r i c:> ; -. ith it . ids year. V. 1. ?j i : ' i planie 1 v.-i ' ' i. { >< i ; i rate I in its of the town i 'is; i- i an.! in c .ting t > ! '? < :i . vclty in tlr . v -in y ' \ ; y ,'ow of our bore folk3 i v > r -aw i: prowinc he fare. The Malacca E.ircui". Suez. T?y Cah>. > !'. :iuau!'i and Oriental stt ;:ncr Mnlae-a, captured by the Russian volunteer fleet itM'ii'T St. Retort but g n the Ueri Sea, while hound front Antwerp to Japan entered the ranal on bo;- way to LibftU, on the Haiti.-. The ( ,:.ipany's agent niterapt0:1 to hoard the vessel, but the Russian commander refused hitn admission.