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1 It | THE WEAK SPOT. 'A wonk. achlnfi hack tells of slek klr|m\vs. It aches when you work. It actios when you try to rest. It throbs In changeable * weather. Urinary troubles ailil to t/$?r your misery. No jJ** uT>*hk rest, no cdiufort, .y!x until the kidneys ^ ,,rt' well. Uure ^ them with Doau's Kidney i'ills. I \\ Mrs. W. M. lv\ Dauscher. of 125 lift Water St.. IiradJl\ ford. Pa., says: "I I au u'luost con/ I' I' tinuous pain in tlie i sihall of the back. My ankles, feet, hands and almost my whole hodv were hlo-itiwl I u'na hin ?nld and the kidney secretions were profuse. Physicians told me I lind diabetes In Its worst form, and I feared I would never recover. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me in and 1 Lave been well ever since." A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine which cured Mrs. Dauselier will be mailed to any part of the United States. Address Foster* Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. V. Sold by all dealers, price f>0 cents per box. To African Fnll*. A company has been fen.' ! to exploit Victoria Falls, in the Zambpsl, j and will built a hydro-el". :ric ; nerat- i lug station, with the expects ti >n of supplying power to the Waukle coal fields, Buluwayo, the < weio. Sehas* klve and Hartley gold lb-Ms. all of which are within "0<> miles. *s:no lt?war>l. sico. The readers of this paper wit! ho pleased to learn that 1 hero Ls at least on<? dr adod disease thnt solonoe lias boon able to euro in all ftsstngce, aud that is Catarrh. Halt's Catarrh fur" is th" only positive cure now kr.ovrn to tie* medical fr:it wiiity. Catarrh Imlng a con titutlonal disease, requires a <-cnsiitutioaal ....... I I I . > 1 1 > ...? . ... >i"?Luir.n. hum ? < |> i ill I in K I " IS III li I'll I UlOrnnl/y, uettnsrdlr > 11 y upon thoblood and muoou* surfaces of tlio system, thereby il"str >yinijth? foundation or tho disease, und glviujj tho patlout stroiiRth by building up t ho cunntltutlon and as-isilng nature lu d dtur its work. Tho proprietors have :uu<'h Faith l:i lUi curative powers that they offer Ono Hundred Dollars foruny ease that il tails to euro. Send tor list of testimonials. Address P. J. Cuz* .V t'o., To' vlo, O. Hold by Orustcists, 75'. Tako Hall's I'hmIIv IMIIs for >: - i pat ion. From California is reported Hie death of Dorsoy. trlnl 'Jet) 1-i. brotlior of tho double-waited California geld- ? Ing Ot tin -r? r. KITS permanent ly our'* 1. \o ;> .line* vousjiohs ftftor f.r day's u:.e oM?r. Kline's tlr-nt Nerve 1 t on'r.vkt rlnl liott loand tfat ise froo Dr. 11. II. ki.i.nk. Iit.d., aroh St.. ivula., l'.i. There is no earthly power tor than a woman's smile. Your Healer Kor Alien'* t'.int-Knse, A powder. It rests tho foot. Cur s i'orris, lti nlons. Swollen, Sore,tlot, > il !'> :?, V?*hi.n : Swi'Htu vt h'i'*>t und Ingrowing Ni its. ai .?' A >ot-The. > uitikos new ortiwht soo -s <vi y. A wll Druggist* and Shoe stor-M,'.IS cent.-. A"* <*ent no substitute. Sample uiulied I kkk, Add. '"1, Alien s. Olmsted, f.el'.oy. N. 1. roil Arthur niul Cincinnati are in '.he ' same latitude. >1 rs.Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup forehl'iron j t?<ethlng,soften the gums, reduces Uiflamination, allay* pain,cures wind coiie, <*>.*.n ' > >ttlo J The Korean capital has a Japanese quarter known as the Shiugorai. I'ivo's I"uro is t lie host medicine wo ever usM lor all HltoeLinns ol throat and .uii ;h. Wm. O. Bhmlu, Vonlmron, End., Fab. 1", 190J. London limine is crossed every day by 220,000 people Anions the handsome window displays com pot I us 'or (Irs t honors at the recent Confederate !I?-Un!'<n at Nashville, Tenn.,was tluit of the National Casket Co.. in way of a handsome Confederate (in v Casket, draped with Ssilk Confederale liallie Flag with the figure of a Young Soldier, "A Son of the Old Veteran" standing guard. tvpefying the idea t) iat the "Sons of Confederate Veterans" I would faithfully guard his memory. The many visit.>rs were very much impressed with the sentiment of the uispluy tnado by the National Casket Co. \ bra ? e man is never airuid to back down if he is in the wrong. I R:T.3dy I / >\ PitrPC SCfJOFULA. / a >v \ Olireb uuctHS. P<li/Syi ', *y^\) SAi:.T. HHELri' ,EC;5 I \ malignant bK'.Nt ID I D^Pul tnUfT!ON. betides Vv2' L V Isf J being rffcicioiii in V ri > I ft / / <on'nfl up Ihc system \ M fl 1 jyj / and restoring the ocnstitution, wlien impaired 1 11 from any cause. It is n fino.Tonie, and its almost supernatural heating properties Justify us in guaranteeing a cuo of #11 blood diseases, if directions are followed. 1 Price, 81 per Mottle, or 1 Mottles for 6?. run hai.k. iiy urn miifT ?CM? rDCr n" '? ? Won in it, t*i, (TRYS. Dt.tvl rrfCC tesr.h,t .el, THUS' I- In- mnion. 35-ood balm co., atlanta, ga. , ? Y~ -?r&ryrj*?. . | r _V use ? r L> OMS ' * 2 /' .?m\ rreckle cu-?e /* \i<: ? ? ..V .-ofuMtANTftxiron rRtc*a> if g Y'- ' - 1 "H--H'SN N01M P.MTlfS~" CI!*.K V* K ' V- rJ 50 - A BOX TRIAL 25 ?v ? v<\) R.W1LS 0? 17X CO-Mn >s ft SW?'J- ? ? X CMARLISTON. S. C. / ? ? A lU.'JM \ tOB SALE. At .Ml. DRUft TK.PtS/ At TL , ? so. :*o. CHILLS AND FEVER. * w.l aII . formtof Mnlaiiit nr?? a per lllv curi'1 bv VMXIi: IIAItr.K. K-.rnlf Ut all tlriiK^iorrt IOr. s? ? >((.** I'r. pjrtMi |>y Kl.<M /K\V/tlil AGO., Wa.hlnjfon, 9. C. HERE IT ISb iVnnt to learn all about ja a Horse? How to Pick JLMa Out n Good One? Knew rjs * . Imperfections and to*^ V <9uatrd against Fraud? \ 1, DotiN't Disease und Ef- > / ' 11 Ji feet h Cure when same ? \ / \ i* possible? Tell the w \. #1 Ago by the Teeth? What to call the Different Parts of the Animal? How to 8hoo a Horse Properly? All this and other Valuable Information can be obtained by reading our 100-PAGE ILLUSTRATED IIOKSH BOOK, whteh we will forward, postpaid, on receipt of only 25 centa in HtampH. HOOK PUB. IIOU8K. 134 Leonard St.. N. Y. City. *? ft 's ' % NEWS OF THE l'AIt EAST. Cholera threatens to put a check on ; military operations in Manchuria. Japan's second issue of exchequer i bonds was more than three times over- ! subscribed. The Japanese again captured Motion Pass, repulsing the Russians after three assaults. The news that the Port Arthur fleet was badly crippled was suppressed in St. Petersburg. tieneral Stukelberg barely escaped being drowned in his tent at Tateliekiao by a flood. There were rumors in Tokio and M'oui iiiui iui" ? iiiiiivusiiiu sipiauion lintl n^nln loft port. Prince rchtoinsky superseded ltoarAdmirul Witlioft in command of the Port Arthur squadron. Three ships <>t' the Russian volunteer fleet hound for Vladivostok passed through the Bosphorus. One thousand Japanese were killed or wounded near Lautyansan. having been surprised hy General Ka-shtallnsky. 'J'he gunboat Kaiinon of Togo's fleet struek a mine outside of Talienwan Bay and sank, C'omtuandev Takaliaslii and twenty-one others perished. The British steamer Allauion. oaptured by the Vladivostok squadron, has been roiuleiuned by a prize court. The vessel and cargo have l?eeu eoullscated. General Kuroki's army has moved rapidly west ami northwest on i.iaoyang and Ilai-Cheng. Mao Tien Pass | is reported held by the Japanese, who turned the Itussinn right. The Vladivostok squadron, consisting of the cruisers Itossia. lturik and tironiobol and nine torpedo bouts, | shelled Wonsnu, on tlie east coast of ; Korea. Torpedo- boats entered tlie harbor and sank two vessels. NEWSY (J LEA NINCS. Servian railroads are being extended. Boston newsboys are petitioning for more free public baths. A statue to .lolins Hopkins !: been projected at Baltimore. ...? .?*? w iv iiiiiimii^ ? t juun ? iim i i\/ stamp out yellow lever. The Czar has sanctioned a re luc- 1 (ion in the excessive nut ' it of lioll- j days observed in Russia. Herman nurse butchers are about to | open a restaurant in Ucrlin to educate | the upper class in the u ? of horsellesli. One of the results of tic fee. nt Anglo-French agreement is a renewal of llie scheme for tunneling the channel between France anil England. The will of Ellshn S. Converse, of Maiden, Mass.. a rubber shoe manufacturer. direct that "().<'no be riven to the Mahlen Public Hospital in trust. | They are talking at Chic.pun of mis- | big the price of iee-ereani soda from i c .its to ill. as most of the ic -cream . In l i-in 1 at the cheaper rate is frozen eornsta rcli. Yi War Department reee. tl.\ placed j i cftier with a boat company of Pay- | me. X. J., for I2C lame wooden I launch;1-- which are to be lis I for lay in;; mines. .'.n anonymous donor has m nt sr...on t.? P. 'sident ltntler. of Co'.umljia I iii\ >u sity. New York, to be use.! in assisti:c,' di iving and needy students in vi king the St. bonis Fair. The automobile is hurting the business of fashionable tailors in Europe. It is found tliat people do not care what they wear under their loose overtill when they go motoring. A Supreme Court decision at Coil- ' cord. X". 11., it was believed, estab- 1 llslicd the legality of pool-rooms op- j crated solely for receiving money to be wagered outside of the State. Ships Shell Position. Che Foo, Ry Cable. It is reported j that five Russian cruisers and several' torpedo boats left Port Arthur at S j o'clock on Saturday morning last and I shelled the enemy's positions on ttuij east coast, returning undamaged at 6 I o'clock in the evening. It is believed ! they encountered Admiral Togo's ships and wore forced to rotura. X junk j whirl) arrived here Tues la> i ?rmit-?.* reports hearing two terrific exi loaions i at Port Arthur yesterday. Killed Whole Family. lhiffnlo, X. Y., Special.?One of the most shocking tragedies that over occvrod in this city came to light Friday when the dead bodies of Ihigar T. Washburn, a member of the grain firm of Heathfield & Washburn, on the hoard of trade. Washburn's wife and liia young daughter, Gladys, 15 years old. ..ore found in n bed room of their ho:. - i : Putnam street, this city. Mr. \\ as n rn held and Shot and killed his wife a d ('..".ughter. and then turned the weapon upon his head and killed hiiuk self. Has Heir? Office Long. Speaking of lor r records as a town selectman, C. M. Wnshhurn of Greene, Me., has a pretty rood one. He was -nnortlr oJnotod Trir his 25th year. Over -a?BWHWi fB0.000 jr % ONE CM t ceola ciH i ^ H C?$fi??#3 |SH fir 11 YEAR OLD pcrtr?:ion, I g? ?* H?oe DY Moncst^ Cm lk. I5PJ?T^*'?? WOT?]?Btfbr* MrtnlUI*K the ?b?T? wh ..?*2*ZZ&?fi,2g, & *Wrft11' ,n4?m tb ? ritOM IX EXT PEOPLE. The Sultan of Morocco stain mors fearfully, it is said. Senator Fairbanks is in that'long line of Americans who have worW?.?i their own way through college. Governor niul Mrs. Odd I returned to Albany, New York, from St. I.ouls, where they have been visting the Fair. Jane Addams. of Hull House fame, has been selected by the Cniversity of Wisconsin for the honorary degree of l.L. I>. The Iiev. I>r. Edward Everett Hale is now nn l.L. 1>. of Williams College, front which hrs father graduated just lt)0 years ago. Prince Eitel Frederick, the Emperor William's second son. has accomplished the feat of swimming across the Rhine jnst above Itonu. Secretary t'ortelyou is already seeking advice on the and methods of the Thirteenth Census of the I'tiited States, to be taken in l'.U'i. The Prince of Wales, tiirougli tlie death of the Duke of Cambridge, comes into possession of many leases belonging to the Duchy of Cornwall. President Roosevelt received lift.vsix boys, members of the Young Crusaders, of Akron. ?>hio.. who have gone into eanip at Washington, D. C. Arthur Wing Pinere, the dramatist, p.;- 1 iiis fo: ty-nint.. birthday last month. He keep- himself in piayv liting form by means of outdoor sports. Dr. .Mary Pi ; on lMdv. of Reyroot, Syria, win i- n \ in Washington. D. C., is the only woman ever licensed to practice medicine in tlie Turkish dominions. Colonel John S. Mosby. of ('unfedcrate guerrilla fame, who was recently appoint d an Assisaint Attorney in the Department of Justice, at Washington. is scvrlllv Ii:in cuius "1.1 Northern Scourit ec 1-1 It. Trenton. N. Special. Judge Bradford Friday grant s! a pivlintinaiy injunction in the suit t r. ught by Ed- j ward ii. Harrinuin. Window S. Pierce and others to restrain the propose! pro-rata distribution of the assets of tie Northern Seruvlt ie; t' nipany. This is a defeat for the Hill interests. The opinion is fifty typewritten pages in lengt h. William F. Shoehnn has declined t'..e Ptuo rath- ehairntansnip. and Ft: purr lion is still open. Taken Back to Pennsylvania. Norfolk. Vn.. John O'Brier and Jose pit Pay. two white men. idea-; tiliftd as tiie allegt 1 murderers of Samtie'. Ressler. tut ngetl tollgate keeper :t Lancaster Pa., were taken to Pennsylvania by Sheriff Zeigier and his deputies. Tho prisoners have repeatedly denied the charges preferred against them. The Pennsylvania officers claim that tkey hav sufficient evidence in hand to hang O'Brien and Pay, for the murder of Messier. Mitt. CECELIA STOWE, | fert Ora'.or. Kntro Nous I lob. s.i H 170 Warren Avenue, t B* Chicaoo, 1 i i.., Oct. 22,1002. K 1:1 For nearly four years I suffered r :1 from ovarian troubles. The doc- k B tor insisted on an operation as the ft 9 only way to pet well. 1, however. B H strongly ohjeeted to an operation. fl My husband felt disheartened as t: 33 well as 1, for home with a sick if woman is a disconsolate place at Rj best. A friendly druggist advised R jj him to get a "bottle of Wine of 8L g Cardui for ine to try, and lie did so. J I began to improve in a few davs and r? I my recovery was very rapid. With- & [J in eighteen weeks 1 was another Bj fl ^ p f Mrs. Rtowe'g letter shows every m St woman how a home is saddened by Pi ] kj female weaknes ami how completely h af Wino of t ardni cures that sick- ra j$ noss and brings health and hanpi- xjj Hj negg again. I'o not po on suffer- kw. inp. lio to your druggist today M and secure a $1.00 bottle of Wine t i IS&cffiW|i| FULL SJKSTTT? {KEY FREE t Cuo meaning of word* and will do as we say. Wa let lie low <?|. priced WbUkcy House and the Sail Order Whlnki'j Concern lu the Soul h. All the rollnn \i w o eel! Ih rood?there's no bad. e w.inldn'trdultrratr If they knew how? chry arc too .i' . ?.i :.i tiou .l lor ial-:ng,blending ulid Wo w II mere genuine old whiskey and lose water than i compel.tor. "Cwprr'n II Year Old" \V tiUkcy In 07! 1IV made by honest (conic In the mountain* of ilina. in eld-style copper ttllls, jusl or It waanuide by all: r Kurt-rate w bisk. y Is rol l at db.00to#8.l>0 hut 11 s not any better than "Casper's il Year Okl." It eor we will buy It back. We hn 1 o a capital of 8500,000, opii'i" N'atlenul iiank and the Ihedmont Pavings Hank oil 11? II you our word I* mad. To Introduco (hie old, l?kev, we offer four Full Quarts of "Caapcr'a 11 "?two simple liottlre. one IS, one 18 year old- a corka drinking glass?all for btl.Db. If tb.OO le cent wa > the above and nut In frea fine Full Quart Kitra. rvrr.o of this whiakoy only 7 years old. and will eend flrefer 110 or will furnl-h twenty full quart bottle* on reI and give free corkscrews, drinking glasses and samlg thla whisker cost leas than K20 per gallon delivered. I plain l>oxee with no marks to Indicate content*, a ad II Rxpreaa. Huyera West of Texas, Kansas, Nebraska r must add 10 cents per qur.rt extra. ??.JHE c^gmRRi.'J'y) Hmmuumaumv Iskey adrrrtiseinent to appear .n oareclutaas, we investigated em, and friends 10 need of pare whiskies for medical nee need ^HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS DEVILLED CIIICKKW Chop very lino colli rooked chicken; put one level tablespoonful of hut lor in a frying pan; when it has melted add one tablespoonful of bread crumbs, three-fourths of a cupful of cream and one cupful of minced chieken; add salt and cayenne pepper to season; stir until boilitiu; add one hard boilod ejrtr chopped line; till individual dishes with this; spread over tlieni buttered crumbs and brown in a quick oven or serve on toast and season Highly, as jiny devilled mixture should be hot with pepinr. BAKED ASPAHACJrS. A most delicious dish is baked asparagus. Cut the tender ends of tlie stalks into inch-long pieces and en U them about llfteen minutes. 1 train tlieiu and save the wabr in wliieli they cooked for the soap kettle. Arrange the asparagus in alterue.e layers in a buttered baking dish with line bread crumbs. 1 ?it- of buitet. salt and pepper and dice-shaped piee - of hard boiled eggs. Sprinkle the top <>f the dish xvilh buttered crumbs and bake twenty-live minus . S -ml a? tiiei table in the linking liisii. Individual ramekins may be used in pad oi a | largo disli. OXTAIL (TKT.Y. Cut two oxtails at ih > join!: wash 11: in: put in a stew pan with one quart of waier, a bay ;eaf. a sprig of parsley. piece of ham or ba< on and carrot, cover the kcllh . mi let miuiuer four 1 ours; strain the brush n!o a Li wl. eut two appl - and on . nioti in sn ill pieces; pin one lea so > m of lnilti ; in a frying pan: wli n it is hot add the apple and onion ami si.a until brown: then add one tablespo nful of l oin', one teaspoon of curry | tvder an l one and one-half eupsiiis oi water in which iin> tails were lioi'ed: sir unci thicken* d: let boil live tnituu s; |mt In tiie oxtails, then the juiee of half a 1<'iiioa: serve willi boiled rieo. fiiozkx <tstai:i>. Scald four quarts ?f fr -h milk ami pour ii over till1 wall batten yolks of si\ egas. Sweeleil Willi four Clips of I* .11 which you have rr.Mo .1 two t;' ' i 1 - of * or11 starch. II turn it l > i ?.<i I : i cook thoroughly. Ii is : ways l>. <! to rook milk in a : iioni'1 ' boiler. I have no double hoilci so 1 srl tlir bucket iu a pan of water anil it dors just as well. at the whiles very light and pour the boiling hot mill, over tiiem ami put it into tit ? freezer. Season wi ll vanilla or lemon ami freeze. When it is : hanl the dasher will not i awe tie the dasher out and put the top buck and enntimio to turn it for ten minutes more, then pack and lot it set for tin hour or two to ripen. A handful of salt will set blue. Oxgall will keep the color in gray or brown. A lump of alum used in the rinsing i water will prevent green from fading. | If when making bread sauce the stilt i is omitted till tinished, it will not turn yellow. Mirrors with plain round white en- i nme'.ed frames are much used in the modern bathroom. In washing summer xgooils it is best to know just what to use to prevent different colors front fading. Holding the h:iover the smoke of the lire, after washing then), removes nil s.e."ll of kerosene. linn kerosene o 1 through :t sowing ; machine that runs stillly; then wipe J thoroughly ami oil in tlm ordinary ' way. The whiles of potted eggs can he whisked to as still" a froth as now- 1 laid ones by ading a pinch of salt to the whites. Old fashioned corniees are tlie proper ; tiling these days front wliieh to suspend the overhanging usually made with a valance for the windows of colonial bedrooms. If wax candles, such as are used for children's birthday cakes, for table lights, etc., are put ( n ice overnight tlie.v will not sputter, bend and melt quickly, us they nr. apt to do if tlie wax is lite slightest bit soft. When washing saucepans use very hot waPT and a little soda. Hinse w ith <(>ld water and rub dry. Then turn upside down on a slielf with a lit lb edge overlapping, so that the air can get in. This will ke. p the pans clean Piiver in daily use may be kept v ry bright if allowed to soak in strong borax water for four or live hours occasionally. The water must he perfectly boiling when i( is poured over the plate. This simple hint may save ranch elbow grease. Singapore lattice is an ususual off >ct among the new hangings. Iridescent taffeta is also very good. The latter is two-toned, the undcr-thread usually being the lighter, giving an iridescent effect. Small figures to match tlio lower, lighter thread may appear upon many. Slieflleld manufacturers note a great falling off in the demand for shoemakers' knives. They attribute this to the saving in shoe leather made by public use oi the " cars." Cardinal Satolll Is visiting ArchJlshnp Ireland at St. Paul. Dr. Sjnjers' Huckleterry Cordial The Great Southern Remedy, cures alt vtorgnch and bowel troubles. children teaching Made from The Llttla Huckleberry that grows alongside our hills and incurtalus, cotii-ilns an active principle that has a hapoy elTict on the stomach and bowels. It enters largely In Dr. niggers' Hucktebern Cordial. the great stomach and bowel re. .edy for Dysentery. Diarrhoea und oodjr Flux. Sokl by nil druggists. 26 and 60c bot- ; tie. , AN EX-CHIEF JUSTICE'S OPINION. Judge O- E. Lochrane, of Georgia, In a letter to Dr. Diggers, states that ho never ruffcrs hlmrclf to be without a bot- I tie of Dr. Diggers' Huckleberry Cordial during the summer time, fcr the relief | of all ctorr.ich and bowel troubles, Dys- | entery, Diarrhoea. Ffux, etc. Sold by all drugglcto, 25 and 50c bottles. | HALTIWANGER-TAYLCR DRUG CO., Proprietors. Atlanta, Gi._ I Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet j Gum and Mullein will cure Coughs. Croup | and Consumption. I'rloe ?caudjl abottle. Cotton Gin Mac hiner * ' -p'-> -t \ * K ' V A . . * 'V t - ' - . - ;v v PRATT. MUNGER. WINSHIP. EAGLE. S1MTH. We make the most complete lino ot any -.oncem >n the world. We aleo make ENGINES and BOILERS, LINTERS ior OIL MILLS. v?i tell everything tended about a cotton Gin Write for Illustrated Catalogue. Continental Gin Co., Birminfdiam, Ala. free to'woME n A Large Trrs? Coy and book of iu? structlous absolute!y Free and Postpaid, enough to prove the value of PaxtineToilet Antiseptic ? '2b Paxtlr.e Is In powder ' form to dissolve In ' >vnter? rirm-poiso noit. ' IkV-AA or: '' rr >. r.. rtnllgu:., i w VJtV^V- " ' ',">i ' " . ""taiidiic / . -yt .rf > nl 'oliol w.ikh irrituU* , <,; ty' -\Vi\L \ ' ' r.icd nnrfnees, anil ^ tf: l : ii? i .'tunslni; prop? '. "y 9. W? 4 crtie*. "Ihc contents Yv * ti. 'jt '.'{S 01 vvcry box makes V A ^ - jr':-- mr.-o Anlireptic Solute / tlon ?lai-ts longer ? ? -i '"v tr<H-s further? has more \ , i"-c> In the family and di e cnorejjooilthunnny V tiiiti'.ept'c preparation " you can buy. Tlx formula of a r oied Boston physician, ar.d used with J?rcat success as a Vaeinal Wash, for Lcucorrhcea, Pelvic Catarrh, Nasal Catarrh, Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Cuts, and all sorenrit nf muruc memknn. In local treatment of female ills I'axtinols Invaluable. UfimI us n Vaginal W a-.l? wo i-halb neo the world to produce its equal for thorougnness. Itisar< vo!ation in cleansing and healing power; it kills all gi rius which cause intlaintnation and discharges. All Icndingdiujrifists keep l'axtino; price,"Oe. a box; If voiirsduos not, 8<-nd to ut> t >r it. 1>. a't take a sub-tit mo ? tin re is no tiling like I'axtluo. tVrltefortho Kroe I5ox of I'axtine to-<lav. K. PA1.T0N CO., 7 Pope Eldff., BosUc. I*"?i3. IS A it ftst^rfii t HC lter.t Cousa Syrup. t astes Je sl. Uao r*Q K o M o rs B11 n d K o r s e g ' ; ' ' Noro l yes, Untrjt Co., Iowa Cliy. la., have a hUro cure foi atuimai i. awt ai^aStsadi i ' n GUARANTEED CURE for all bowel triul n blood. wind on tho stomnch, bloated bowels B pains r.fier eating, liver trouble, sallow Jlkin regularly you ere sick. Conutipntion klllo tr, H sterta chronic ailments and Ion.; yearn of sul M CAfiC^KETS today, for you will never pe* 3 Take our advice, start with Cascnr> Q money refunded. Tnr genuine tablet r.tarn ^bo^^^^fr^e^ Address Sterling Remedy Con &k\ LIMITED M CANS OR EDI ALL OUR 6,000 GRACUA ;:. n. kaiti-i r.A 11? a!i; ? a,t, < * a . - a l a . i P mm In fur JO Yrom, Positive Ci i IF REE TONER'S DYi S i: I. I I.A.11 fiOo SI/1*. >Vri urwxx'.uacKai uu.. jiim-x a?? -_.*v n.-vtSOUTHERN DEftT If yon are Interested In obtn for free catalogue of full In^i Aoo??*? DR 8. W FOSTER. Dean. 100 NC I f+HICK&WS1 you cannot sj end years nn<l il( buy the knowledge required i cents. You want them to pay them as a diversion. In order to hanuli tnmK about them. To meet this want \\ of a practical poultry raiser for (Only ! u man who put all his mind, and time, en raising?not as a pastime, but as a be ty-ttvo years' work, you can save many earn dollars for you. The point Is, tha Poultry Yard as soon as It uppears. and teach you. It tells how to detect and CI] fattening. Which Fowls to save for br? i'ou should know on this subject to mak vt cents In stamps. BOOK PUB.*-'SHI I - Kll VB Vk> a U V W m The Sanative, Antiseptic, Cleansing, Purifying, and Beautifying Properties of ^ -' I r^. m i: <1Iv . A ^ fi hi F &? Ly t.-< M\ j# V-] bp' I I 1 uUAr* Assisted by CUT! CUR A Ointment, the great Skin Cure, are of PricelessValue. For preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes and chafings, in the form of baths :cr annoying irritations, ulcerations,and inflammations of women, and many sanative, antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as ior all purposes of the toilet, ba'.h, and nursery, CUTICURA Soap and CUTICURA Ointment arc priceless. pot.1 tliroof fcout tl>. woiM. Cittt. rt S.isp > i t. p-.rnt, Wk-., iWitiDI. (in I tin . f '.it. > t"> Pill?. 3. r prr vUl nf I ?J> * 1 ilon. 27 fhn. .rhwM *>1. Pari*.C Rat .lr !? r?li. D< aton, 1*7 Oolumbn* A'-'*" Pi trr lltu* It Thir Pirp , - P r Iipr Jt't.. r? CD" iuili fox ' lluc to Fretcrv*. Purify, >nJ IWmullfy." BVi CURED it:5sillrilCA" "8 Relief. r Removes nil swelling in fitoao I d;tvA; ctYccia it permanent enre A in\oto il.ivs. Trinltrentment /!W^? jff&k given free. Nothinpean Iwfaire* CK-'IgC-wyft f.ltJ ' Witt.- Or. 11. H. iirjcn*!! Sons, I Sport:.lifts. Our. It Atlanta. Gt MEDICAL DEPARTMENT TULANE UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA lt? advantages for practical Instruction, both In ample laboratories anil nl>un<lant hospital nu\. t?*i'lu)? an* unequalled. Fri ac ? Is pivrn tq the prcat Chat Ity Hospital with In Is anj ~>.UOO patl.nls annually Special Institution it Klvcn dally at the bedside of the si k The ticxl session !>. ulns October 20, 19ol k.m catnlnk'U* find Informatloo. n.ldrcsH IYof. S K C1IAII.L.? Al.D.. Dean. IV o. Drawer 261. N w Orleans, Dai so. :?<> JTKE BOWELS ^ Ift GANDY jg CATHARTIO >los, appendicitis, biliousness, ba 1 breath, bad , f->ul mouth, hrndache, indigestion, pimples, nnd dirtiness. When your bowel a don't move i-jre people than all other diseases together. It Toting. No matter whet ails you, start taking well and stay well until you get your boweij ta tod.?y under absolute gunrnutee to cure or ped C C C. Nev.-r sn'.d in bulk. Sample and tpany. Chicago or New Y'-ik. 50J B aJAUU)dan1 'rjumar? *?*?<" wjjre^aitiw&s .?I BY A $5,000 crtrtii/rcct """" JCATION NO HINDRANCE. )E3 AT WORK. WKITB T<?|?AY TO tUS. COLLEGE, Macon Ga. 1 m 1 ire for ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. 3 >PEPSIA REMEDY foweu. I tf np votir Crtup. 1?. I\ttx 1:*S, Atlanta, (ia, I r a.V/(U9QB. VKM LWv.vm- ?**? a AL COLLEGE, GEORGIA.' I; 1:1?n h dental education, write .ruction. IRTH BUTLER STREET, ATLANTA CEORGIA. KARN MONEY ,f you K,vc thcm h,,P"rtivn 1 iwiin ^ ou cannot do this unless you understand them and knowhow to cater to their requirements, and rilars learning by experience, bo you must >y others. We offer this to you for only 25 their own way even If you merely keep ? Fowls Judiciously, you must know somee are selling a book giving the experlenco 25". 1 twenty-live years. It wus written by and money to making u success of Chickisiness?and if you will profit by his twenChleks annually, and mako your Fowls t you must be sure to detect trouble In the know how to remedy It. This book will ire disease; to feed for eggs and also for -edlng purposes; and everything, indeed. :? It profitable. Sent postpaid for twentyNO HOUSE), 134 Leonard St., NewYorkClty /