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1 items of Local Interest l | See notice of 4 S .? r 'Vs Fxrcu ,tiun S'i le" in m not1! i ? tin in ii Dr. J K. Mii,B v. Sr . of Rook ! Hill, w<18 a visitut h r< Sunday. Miss Bessie Raiiiii'j, of Mt. H oily, N t1., is visiting relativeiu this place. Ma. Huh Sullivan of Shelby, .. Ts. C.. speii; ;tie pant week at the home of Mr. D. M. Culp, in Sprat! ville. Mr. Karle M. (dousa-i has ac cepteil a position wtiti an elcciu,cal supply ho'.ise oft nurloUe. Mrs. J. A. Boyd and daughter. Miss Florence, of P-neville, visit- d ; 11 to past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. \j. Moat* ham, in jjjluoe. Mr. II. H. White, of Martin ,ville, Va., spent Sunday at the homo of his sister. Miss Alice I -White, near Fort Mill. Miss Mary Ardrey returned home Wednesday after a visit to l?vr sislor Mis. \V. A. Watson, in Charlotte. Miss Dell:; Mills returned Thnrs,day evening from the snnunor school at VYinthrop. Mr. W. 13. \\ arwick, of Waxhnw. was a visitor to Fort Mill yester (lay and paid The Times a pleas ant call. Mis. T. O. Flowers and children ,or Hock li ill. spent yesterday at the home of Mrs. Alice Harris, ii this place. Mr. das. T. McGregor is spend , a U? day's vacation at his old ] home in Wadoshoio, N. C. The f irfin rs are laying by thoir crops, a id will take a short rest, j after which they wll. lay hy the! candidate crop, Mrs. A. It. Culp and lit tic dau^h rs. Marchy and Charlotte, re tamed Monday evening from a r.liurt visit to relatives in Koek &ill. Mis. Alex. Mack and children ret til tied to H:\wkinsvi lie. (ill., Monday, after a visit to relatives in this place. The Fort Mill friends of Mr. 11vvmrii a n ... . .vin i... . (vd to learn tiiiit he litis aerepb d i ho editorship of tin* Morning tin '/etto, a loading pnpe* of \ oik. Pa. j Tlu? stock of notion^ for tin* store of .Mr. F. (r. Whitlock is arriving; daily ami within a few days he ox peels to la* ready to open his doors ! to the public. In the case of the State vs. Dr. ! T. li. Meachani, charged with the sue of mult, as a beverage, the jrruuti jury on Monday failed to lind a true bill and tho ease was thrown out. A number of Fort Mill people took advantage on Thursday of1 the cheap rate oliercd by the Sjirinu^teiu baud exc.nrsit.ti and sp-nt Friday and Saturday on tin* beach near Charleston. The exelusion, we understand, was run for the b *netit of the Sprin^stein baud, of ('heater. A small barn at tho home >f Di D. C. Thompson. on Confederal tstreet, was dhatioyi-d bv lire Ft i day afternoon at i o'clock. At the time of the lire there was onl> a .small amount of li.iv in the i building and this was also tieHtroyed. It is thought that the lire originated from a pan <>f liot ashes which w .? placed near the building that morning. I i\lr. K. S. Parks, ??f this p!ac \ establishing quite a reputation /or go?ul ball playing. Hardly a weak J?n-?&3 that he is not engaged by tenuis of other places, and as proof of Ins excellent work it - tiny be sail! that he has not figured on the losing side in a game this season. A game of baseball which furnished nmusemeiit for a* large crowd of citizens was played on the local diamond Friday between the colored teams of this place and Pineville. The visitors were too much for the home Pauii and ihe game resulted inn victory tor Pineville by a scoie of 3.1 to 1). There was a considerable wreck of entities and freight, cars near 1 he station at. 1 * i: i v i 11? Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. It Beoms that two through freight trains had orders to meet at l'ineville, but when the northbound train attempted to stop to take the aiding the brakes failed to work, and the two trains collided headon. Besides the damage to flie engines, several box ears were de- , railed and it was several hours before the main line was cleared. Keports yesterday afternoon from Yotkville concerning the case of the State vs. \V. K. Beaton, charged with murder. were that the case wonld be calh'd for trial t his morning at !In>0 o'clock. Deputy Sheriff Smith was over from Yorkville yesterday summoning I witnesses, and it ih said that at j least fifty of our citizens will be called upon for testimony bearing pn the c.tse. ^f1 ' ,> * jf- * - n'- r *?- ?? * ,- . v < , yv ' ' !5 $%, f '9 t'j t \ ; *fer? & ?*& \ t ' ' "..V. \ ??, !iiBUtiStU?'*>C^UI ,v, ;V U The ->inh ' '* -j) thr ./ v; S /; i s *jv & 4J? r'.* ^ "5 r*M. ^ - <?v * iHiSiP n;ir ~ to make wil date vr for? v'> some suit. > *? lxi Yon K > "" P T, ?T T T H n id 1 jj i A..* C* " .w?S * ?* ?-'< ><VV\ %-S\>l\t vVJ ni>OT>i-?>.Jll - ?. Tlit* Fort Mi ! f?i; hi nfantry,! oomprisinir a part of 'In* fi: * S. > ivoimont. will Itmvo -ti l-; ' '? in;* for tin* annual u va io ... nt at foliiuilna. Cupl. Sprat! i \:> x-Sk| to taku nljout liny men. Tii coin p y will iciLutin in i amp f. i tii von j uaya. The '1 is informed that th eleoi r*c. i u{ pl;an- s !<-r I!.?? lijr'it ?? tiio btisinee houses and | residences with eieetne p< ; from tlin dam have boon ordinal and to a < >*() -rted d.'tiiy. Tin' pYoinolors of tin* li<rlitiiijr scheme expod to be attic 1?? furnish lights within n few weeks, til most. The question of water supply in b 'eoinin r a serious problem with the people >f this secti n, <nvi'i?,r to the eontinued dry weai i er. K>i t porta f:< m nil seel; itt.-. are tint1 the wells arc failing and in mi ny j eases tit - water is so low i to m- \ fit for m-v. The Southern K tilway is experiencing much trie.hie in obtaining water for its I it: tank ! ere, titid sev -al 1 ime r> ceutly has been almost wi'hout wuter. lirick \york is proj^r- nu: ' ivi ably <m the 10 tool. exiei>si< n t the s. i ii'o r> tin <h' Mce-lnou r llpps. liesid s the I).til Iii;o , - , tin- new part, I r m is r ? 1> j .i ;i. t ; i ... i ? x. iwi't . ... . ; * 11 :114 i did^i'i^ by the plaus, wli ?i t!<? ; work is completi?!, 11?iwilJ i of I I:,' luillUHOllil'St fit i . es i.l I;; : HtVM loll. Tin- Times leu"lis. njiofiicia!' . j :lia? liif Southern 11. lvvuy v. ' j in tip' near tilluif If.- i" away it-, water tanks at i'Vrl .Mil! and tit'ii a ti< I insi - ill ft t : t I !< [! 1 a liiivxi' tank m ar lit i:i; > ? i j ill tlio tiiitiit lint' anil tin- oi.l ( rail road. Ihei l)y f .rui-hiii ; 1' t j roads with wilier from our tr.i.K. 1 The Son?hern has always Irid trouble in netting water for its funk hern and that the ehniiire in >iii actual necesMty there is little douht. The contest for a handsome salt of furniture, which has horn ori for several months i l the fit ro of Mills c\r Yonnir, will come to ;? close tomorrow afternoon, stated in these columns ?:no ti'ue a??o, a htroe glass jar had n tilled wil.ii ortlinary white beamand each ?n.00 purchase entitled Ihe customer to a rno;fl a! th"| number of tieans the jar contain . The party guessing the' ex. t.j or nearest the exnot nuinbei .. ; be irivi-n a suit of furniture vain. . ' ai 87"). The t.Kkinfr up of u closed Inst. ni^lit and Jim co in; 011 . of the beans by tiiveodisinti r< ! d;' men. Messrs. \V. iJ. M? neh u;. < S. Liiil; and Nile Camtlier. , \. lil lieeiri early this morning. The people of the town enj jy-Hl a ploasant social ias* ev n?no at the home of Mr, and .Mrs.! Alex Ralber. WANTED ? Pnvehiiser reveal thorn >ii?l No. 1 nti'l " 1 i 11 {_r 1 =. A. A. 'iRADVOKi , J It VoU SALE?One ."i-ro a t ?i nail lot, eontraiiy locnte;l in th t .wn <<[ ; Furl Mill, (.ioo'l well of water in yard. Apply to E. H. PkilUpa, Rook u f * 1. C* f W FOR SALE?A lot of nirc ilrv LunL Phone 11, WaxUux, N. C- W. L. \\ .,rwiok. ' J'-*'1 '?*?*?*?* V V* \* ?.*. ** ^ r- > ? ?> t-x " ? ?'t ?.?"-?' V? .< . , *. ? ? .% 1 .. v. v ? >? <-. '<> ? Vtf'S C", it tti*. * ' T; tr* a 8 E y 8 ? ' V v i i ?i',} ? ? " J'i.>' *,S V~r?> fc5l73 <\S5W C3 f.:' VOti'-iVKCB tti.'i'N . -a?V.-w. .. w *-.iT"U*A.. 'I.-.:S*TW-;4I r / ( f J i} Iy Vr i 11 ciid 1;5 o c< iif c A i\)v \< \ ?,*c 1 ?.s **> <l.<* *. * * J ,** IT* * t i i i ; jfY'T ?-? * < * * tn >"c'*y;o' > %' 9 V 51 ? c M !' - ?. i\ . i r" * <t J-- \J J. ]L V - .... v *- V * it v;t S> '' >) nir tickets to ret loom or t;i;o* 1 * 4t .+ j have to uot thoiu In 1 v that * < it their chances ot this hnml- $< < . <W So art in yonr guesses nl once. f"; bo ihc lucky one. f> A n t> * v r n. i t n ^ .. . , yr V 5 \ ;> < 1 s t; J W;J . ii- -t. * 'v-.1; ;i ? '' I> > * ' * i k \S*? ** A-V4 \\V * * % ^ TO -r.yw- S> J*f *<* >!>$>' > 0 .* ***" ?) \ \ * V * ?' * s ?...?. - A ' . - il . .<?? v . o- w J 4 Xi W J ? ^yV: ' O ? J' u-1>'o > J o o *w ^t / ? c J ? .ty, -3 ? -I . J -t fj . t' ' ? TO f-i- ? ^nsp VTfiPn $ 5 lliu liili I iidtilu OlUlu 1 6 C) C& * 'j i ~ ~ " ? ? M ? fi/RT! 4 T RT, A TTfiP. U $ < L; i-itlixfLx Oajj? U <U i.x" o ? 03 ? ? ? rrr^T> m *. T TM Q , , ? ' ' >*v Ci C r~ ? f . W *: 4 if h. fe <S rt ? g r K t H 'j *<!?* ? ? v,?. t J TJ' J5 tj ^ ^ *A ? " p <v ^ C,l~T Oi "vv^ <"%><?"* * ? C ) j.','j Ei filCafe a ?;. Li AV>J/SL i-.C p ( , ? ? ? Tv_T; ? ' -> ?V*? y-T> A- .. r 4T? c3 & .- u -. .: ; I'.Ku jaSkS ? t.j a ? y f C>) ? Wo hopfrhi n Viiv it y i-r & - 1 4 \ k v /;. A - v . * W ? > l s. 1 V y v > ' - k - < . : 'J :" *. v* ^ j mocks at a big discount and offer @ ? j.1 ( j i < : ? ' ' ( -j hk :ii ;u v, n; ; : < < m. a\\ a r. re . ^ l'A f| ("j) FIamiam,:v :i;k' cool daring 1 c?< : % 0 , , , ,T ' 0 t ) iioi. saunter . f " as ; C- D Cj (? All Surnasc r Ciathhig a.! greatly 0 ' ' c} tv rediu e(! prices v 0 0 0 Special Closing oul Sale of Ladies V vjJ * /') 0 and Children's Sandals. ?j| ? & ? ?5 j f bc rs-r*. ran i mwmt navcxzizzm' *w*urr? nacMaemar Mwir- vr^'.^"j;Tt'-SF?M?Trs (. ) n 1 ,<rft "i i r* T hi j-y ? t<? '' il p f f| P 5J 'j ; 1 { 0 ' , 1 ?. P p M fVi a Mil r> i t m I ' - i . f * l ; p ? . \ s t i i a? ^ ? ;? : a ;.i u u i. u JU v iK U M 3. i# U LU1 U; ^ V J ' O i i T j? rTS 'i X l-.J nt .io A..-.* i iSul a { > (& V- 'v.' 0'vij>v- - o ''jlivxlVoWV.'' ^' 6'; ? . .w ' ?. o H*- "w' -- . .i . .'i *-?/ ' ?,* . i >. ?'.?/ ! A Ik/ ._.X A*.,*. i;i : m tf r, may 20T11, not. OUT tl301 MiV rmia No. 2.". I.v Charloilc p ,\r I\>rt Mill I.'.*) p. Ar ( li < s | ,. ti 2i ,, ,, 11. li? ii. ,, ? ,, li.! i n, ,, Cola. 10 ! ,, .' ? ? ,, 10.0 . p. ,, ,, ,, I ., i p 1 i, ,i >" ,, ,i ''. ) !), ,, ,, i, 10,1 i .1. ,, ,, 1 j,i | -N IBO'JND. lraiti No. 20 Ta* Ch stor IV') a. Ar JY.rt .Oil' i p. Ar Clm !<,tv :: j ,, 28 ? Cola. 11,10 p. ,, ,, ,, o. > ,i. ",.l | ,, ,, 111) ? 0.10 n. ' a. .. ., y >; ,, m >i ,, fi. 1 "? p. ,, ,, 7.k> p. ,. ,, 8.0: | "Not*?Fori Mill la a ropnlar stopping point foi <\> th- ;il?o?-e train j, nxcnfn S*0fc 20, .Io '? V llich Htop "?*<{. I'>cs. ion. . i :iot . i . i v!.iyc. XXX XXX XXX \ | Our "Good Bye" 1 ' Summer Goods Sale jjj OoMHiifncinK fliar-day, duly ] tth, everything in the Ok Snninn'i* (i?>"iU lino jjto 's at < r below wholesale cost. We ^5 fr* ni< an exactly what wo bay and will stir!; to it L)ou't fail va p$ to call and see our flV S Cent Counter. % It (.'nninins many Lr<>-x 1 tilings in I.nuns, < J inn'tuuns, kit Ok V. dto Cords, to., that are worth from 10 to 15 cents per Ok * y I' d ^ All Summer Shoes at Cost, and some at llnlf I'rice. ' S i? rnr new M-op 11. id i"iv? Drawer Sewing Machine at flr '. Th<?t-:o lii'V 'i' sold ' fur fur less than $1S to $85. Vfc \ < ir 1 >f t!io l inn ns 1 eador Stoves and liangea Ok Ar just an iv.'il. Wo suvo ' > 'J per cent by buying in car ^ *? lot . jr. Compare our prices. (P | l, J, MA S $?Y, I : *> Special Silk Sale! S.venJ v-kvo yards of Silk Foulards, 7 'Ik 115 cents. to clean aj> the lot we will r 11 it at 15 cents per yard. Canvass Oxfords !/i . \vt :o vf.PO, nnv: , ,85c i ! \v< iv now SI tft> vi-Tv vc V, ii >\v , (J5c ( uMivus ix. s. < lo 10 1-2, ".'en; (?.V, now 50c Ciiil !veils' si/.rs. 5 ti? S 1 2. were 50c, now* 4Qc 'IEACKAN 8 EPP8, * Brand Bros. Trousers. .* now Stock of llic celebrated Brand Bros.' :: d e pa n i s j a si in. V , , , . ? . A A 1 - -A I a i x <.1 i.xt ti;in wncii you nuy a - ( i Mraiu' Jiros.' pants you gel all the style that goes. pants are cut by a cutter who knows how > ?.. it .\Ai , a?it: luis fact assures a perfect lit. A new sioc v of ZA?y's (Aoihing, ranging in :*'.:e from ?1.2r> o .>."?.G0 the suit. V.'e have recently enlarged our storeroom u'.i-i \ it>* > >u to give us a call. Get the Iluhit. McElhaney-Parks Oo. t J~7> |j TV.! LINE FCR ALL THJ3 BEST ;jj 11 - J* :v^OR^ i | '; > > j! CoSjmmcr Resort Folder V '.,'V l| Milled Free to Any Aciirrss. ? W. A. Turk. S. H. Harowick, W.H.TAYLOK, I % s* I P *. *. r. r "it- Ai jr.:, Cfltn'l PafiA. Aft. J; ^ ATLANTA, GA.